Issue 35

Page 22



Is A Lack Of A Social Media Strategy Costing You Time And Money? By Mike Sharp from Mike's Online Academy

I believe one reason that social media marketing isn’t always taken seriously by business is because social media isn’t seen as part of an overall strategy. I know strategy isn’t a sexy word but whatever we do should be part of a strategy and social media is no different. Let’s start with the definition of “Strategy”. According to the Concise English Dictionary the definition of Strategy is “A plan designed to achieve a particular long term aim.” So per the definition we need a long term aim or goal. So before embarking on a social media campaign you need to work out what the long term goal is. If you are posting without a long term strategy or goal you are wasting time and will not reap the economic rewards that a good strategy will give you. Your strategy could be driving traffic to a sales page on a website selling a product, It could be driving traffic to a opt-in form to collect names for your own database or mailing list. It could be driving traffic to a website that has advertising on it so you can make money from the commission. Or it could be getting people to come into your shop or visit your seminar. The Goal would have to be something that you can exchange with someone else for money eg an email address for a mailing list or a visit to your website. Having worked out your long term aim or goal then it should be easier to work out a strategy for yourself or your client. When using social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter what you write in your personal bio and what you put in your posts should contribute towards the long term goal. Page 22

Posting without a strategy will not get any great result on social media. Even if your post does not directly mention your product or newsletter it still has a purpose. The purpose of your post could just be to make people think well of you as a brand. This doesn’t mean promoting your website in every post or photo but it does mean that you should started building relationships with people first so they look forward to getting your posts. Your posts should be interesting such as a personal story, interesting news or an eye catching image. Your posts need to attract eyeballs, let’s face it you wouldn’t read a magazine if it was all wall to wall adverts unless it was Exchange And Mart! If you want to just put out ads then social media isn’t the place to do it. This is SOCIAL media after all! In life relationships and friendships are built steadily not all in one go. With social media it is the same. Do remember to have a Strategy with Social Media or you will just be “fiddling around on Facebook!” Next time you post something on Social Media ask yourself does it contribute to my overall goal or strategy?

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