3 ways to prevent kidney stones

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3 ways to prevent kidney stones

The bigger the kidney stone, the harder the pain. To prevent kidney stones from forming, you have to take care of your health. Fortunately, it isn’t too hard to prevent kidney stones from forming. All you have to do is monitor your diet and nutrition to avoid having kidney stones treatment in the future

3 ways to prevent kidney stones


Drink a lot of water The best way to prevent kidney stones is to drink the healthiest beverage on Earth—water. Staying hydrated is the easiest way to prevent kidney stones. Other options include lemonade and orange juice. You don’t have to drink at 8 glasses of water a day; this myth has been debunked time and time again! Just drink whenever you feel dehydrated. Don’t skip on dehydration or you’ll risk having kidney stones in the future.


3 ways to prevent kidney stones Avoid excess eating of salty foods Excess eating of salty foods is one of the leading causes of kidney stones. Too much salt in your urinal system prevents calcium from being reabsorbed to the blood, thus leading to kidney stones. Examples of high-sodium foods include canned goods, processed foods, and lunch meat.


3 ways to prevent kidney stones put more calcium in your body With sodium as the nemesis to calcium, it’s understandable to partake in more calcium-rich foods. Indulge in a calcium-rich diet that should include milk, cheese, and yoghurt.

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