Natural Awakenings Richmond, May/June 2022

Page 11

Sky High

Inconvenient Convenience


Plastic On its Way Out at National Parks A poll by Ipsos conducted for the ocean conservation group Oceana last November found that 82 percent of registered U.S. voters responding would like the National Park Service to stop selling and distributing single-use plastic items. The survey revealed broad appreciation for national parks, with around four in five respondents saying they had been to a park and 83 percent of previous park visitors looking forward to a return visit. Oceana Plastics Campaign Director Christy Leavitt says, “These polling results indicate that Americans, whether Republican or Democrat, want our parks to be unmarred by the pollution caused by single-use plastic.” The results show broad support for a campaign led by Oceana and more than 300 other environmental organizations which sent a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland asking the parks to end the sale and distribution of plastic beverage bottles, bags, foodware and cutlery, and plastic foam products. The proposed Reducing Waste in National Parks Act would see such a policy enacted if passed. “The National Park Service was created to preserve these natural and historic spaces, and in order to truly uphold that purpose, it needs to ban the sale and distribution of single-use plastic items, many of which will end up polluting our environment for centuries to come, despite being used for only a moment,” says Leavitt.

Wind Energy Goes Airborne Massive wind turbines to generate renewable energy are appearing all over the world, but they can be expensive or impossible to install in remote locations and deep waters. A growing complement is the use of huge, specialized kites at an altitude of up to a half-mile, where wind currents are the strongest. Proponents say the solution is ideal for isolated locations. In Mauritius, an island nation off the coast of Africa, a gigantic sail is programmed to make figure-eights overhead and create enough electricity to power up to 50 homes. The International Energy Association predicts wind energy to increase 11-fold by 2050, with wind and solar combined accounting for 70 percent of the Earth’s electricity demands. In some places, land for wind farms is scarce, and it takes roughly 71 acres to generate a megawatt compared to 12 acres for a fossil fuel plant. Cristina Archer, director of the Center for Research in Wind at the University of Delaware, notes, “The first farms are in the best spots, and the best spots are limited.” Airborne options range from soft wings to complex, rigid designs that carry turbines and generators on board and shuttle electricity down a tether. Wind farms hosting hundreds of kites could be tethered to barges in deep water far offshore. photo courtesy of Sky Sales Power

global briefs


photo courtesy of Goodyear

Airless Tires Increase Safety, Limit Waste Michelin’s new airless tires don’t puncture, so they should last longer, which means fewer tires will need to be produced, thus limiting waste. Their Unique Puncture Proof Tire System (UPTIS) is an important step on the road to sustainability. The company notes that millions of tires end up in landfills early because of puncture damage, along with all the tires that are old and worn out. Disposed tires can become fire hazards, releasing gases, heavy metals and oil into the environment. The U.S. alone produced more than 260 million scrapped tires in 2019. The new tires can also be made from recycled plastic waste, according to industry publication Interesting Engineering. UPTIS, in development for more than a decade, combines an aluminum wheel with a special “tire” around it comprised of a plastic matrix laced with and reinforced by glass fibers. This outer tire is designed to be flexible, yet strong enough to support the car. Michelin Technical and Scientific Communications Director Cyrille Roget says, “It was an exceptional experience for us, and our greatest satisfaction came at the end of the demonstration when our passengers ... said they felt no difference compared with conventional tires.” Goodyear has announced that the Jacksonville, Florida, Transportation Authority will be piloting the company’s own version of an airless tire on its fleet of autonomous vehicles. Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them in

| May/June 2022


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