'Sconset Family Album

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Tfie A-c.fie5"n-We.5tfrr""k ra.f,>1,iti; TheArva3s

The Beck Family CZhe Be11chle11s the 8urgess-R.odts

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Greene-Haroldson-Seidel Th� H�ll�rt f«mil�

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TheArva!JS Afor a few!fears ofour dear fiends implorin.!J us f:o visit 'Sconset, Katli.!f and I relented and scheduled a lon.!}-weekend sta.!f, Our fiends Chuck andJulie were so persistent because tlity were convinced tliat tlie v,1la.!Je represented ahsolut.el.!J eve1:1tl1in.!J tliat we held near and dear in our lives as anti1ues collect.ors and researchers. We purchased our dream house on tlie ve':f next visit f:o 'Sconset. Livin.!J in tlie little hisf:oric whalin.!J cotta.!Je, The Corners, has provided tlie tlir,11 of discoverin.!J ifs rich hisl:o':f and tlie families who cared for it over tlie decades. E1uall.!J satis{.!fin.!J is tlie wonderful hisl:o':f of 'Sconset's citizens and institutions, such as tlie Nantucket Ra,1road, tlie Casino, Sankafy Li.!Jht, and tlie Chapel.

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Mor111i133 /ories at The Corners, Pump S1uare, 'Sconset

l<ath!f andJoe in front of The Corners

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Kath.!f andJoe with friends at the Wade Cotta3es 75th anniversary

party, dressed in 1930s costume. Kath.!f is wearin3 Sam Daniel's

nother's weddin33own and hat from that era.

We simp{tj cannot 1ina3ine a more fon place for folks interest:ed in historic coastal New En3land-tennis, fishin3, birdin3, preservation, and the seemin3{tj endless opportunities for socializin3 with follow 'Sconseters and Nantucketers. Livin3 in 'Sconset has made the most profound chan3e in our lives.

Kath.!f, Brooke,Joe, and Melissa

Joe and l<ath!f Arva!/

Peyton. 1111,� K.11-tie on. the porch swin.g 11-t N11n.n.y's Nook.

'Sconset was a home-away-from-(our Quidnet!)-home for our children during the summers of their youth. From morning tennis lessons at the Casino to afternoon play rehearsals for Sandy Whitehead's summer productions, every day was like a day at a jam-packed summer camp. Our daughter, Katie, found a friend in 'Sconset "native" Peyton Grubbs. Peyton and her parents, Betsy and Ray Grubbs, always welcomed Katie to their cottage, Nanny's Nook. 'Sconset summers for our children elicit memories of play rehearsals, decorated bicycles for the Fourth of July parade, scavenger hunts looking for rose hips, bunny counts along the bluff walk, balcony seats for Casino movies, and ice cream cones from the Market while slowly walking down Broadway watching television through cottage windows. Summering in 'Sconset gave our children the freedom, wholesome experiences, and friendships that no amount of money could ever buy.




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MaryJo an� �ary Beck




'Sconset Family Album If you ask 'Sconseters what their village is all about, many of them will answer simply: "family." As one longtime resident describes it," en my kids come back to 'Sconset, they say they are 'home."' The village has provided lasting memories for generations of families, new and old, offering a safe haven for all phases of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. We asked individual families to contribute photos from their own family albums to create this digital 'bition. The selection represents those individuals and families who volunteered to participate.

Producedfar the 2008 exhibition 'Sconset 02564, Nantucket Whaling Museum

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