North Pointe - Nov. 30, 2016

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ON CAMPUS PAGE 4 Students audition for the Spring musical, "The Addams Family".





WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 2016

SI NC E 1968

ELECTION RESULTS SPUR CONFLICT Results of the controversial presidential election evoke a renewed energy at North and college campuses, regardless of party identification By Trevor Mieczkowski ASSISTANT EDITOR


PROTESTING | Students at Michigan State University protest election results. “ I’m pretty sure everyone there was not happy with the decision that America made,” Class of 2016 alumna Olivia Hoover said. “There were student leaders speaking from many minority clubs. I know the LGBT Resource Center had someone speaking, the president of the Democratic clubs were speaking. They were all sharing anecdotes about—well some of them were talking about hate crimes that happened on campus and how we have to stick together in this time. We can’t fight fire with fire, we fight fire with love sort of thing.”

freshman at Michigan State University who There are also people who supported Trump participated in the protests at MSU along and believe the protests as out of line. Senior with 2,000 other students. However, the Tyler Clogg supports Trump because of his protest wasn’t specifically aimed towards the economical stances and doesn’t understand why President-Elect. It was also protesting against the protests are necessary. racism and sexism. “I'm not going to talk “I just feel so down on anyone who passionate about having believes that the protests peace in America at this are what they think is time,” Hoover said. “Just right,” Clogg said. “I to know that there is a just don’t see it as right community at MSU that's because no one else has looking out for everyone ever been like, ‘Oh, I during this time. It was don't like the fact that this really comforting.” president won the way BARRY MULSO Protesting the that every other president results of the election before him won, so I’m GOVERNMENT TEACHER won’t change them, but gonna protest it.’ So I just according to government don't understand it at all.” teacher Barry Mulso, it is a way for those who Clogg believes that instead of protesting the are frustrated to let off steam. results, we should unite as Americans and hope “It’s good to see people taking the First for the best. Amendment out for a walk. I can’t back up the “I wish we would just unite as a country, burning and stuff that has happened—there’s like Republicans and Democrats, to get been some violence at a few of the protests, through these four years and make them the damaging property, things like that. That’s never best four years possible,” Clogg said. “But we a good idea, but, we’ve seen protests on both can’t judge him now.” sides,” Mulso said. “That’s perfectly healthy.” Originally, protests broke out because


It’s good to see people taking the First Amendment out for a walk.

After the presidential election results disappointed her, senior Sienna Rogers decided to express her feelings by posting signs around North stating that Donald Trump is not her president. “It really saddened me that to know that people wanted Trump to be our leader,” Rogers said. “It just shows that they believe in all the things that he believes in, and it’s just not okay—to me at least.” Administrators asked Rogers to remove the posters because they were not approved, which school rules require. After taking them down, Rogers realized the way she approached her feelings wasn’t appropriate, so she is now working on an art piece that demonstrates her frustration with our President-elect. “It’ll show a lot of emotion. It will show people the struggle that a lot of people are now going through because of last week’s election,” Rogers said. “I feel like it will definitely be eyeopening for sure.” Rogers was not the only one who felt betrayed by the result of the election. Protests have broken out throughout America, and they have continued every day since Trump was voted into office. Class of 2016 alumna Olivia Hoover is a


It's all about being proud of what you do and playing the game that makes you happy. Sports have no gender boundaries. ELIZABETH MICHAELS



Calendar... 2 News.......... 3

On Campus... 4 Life.................... 5-6

Science teacher Elizabeth Michaels poses with Troy High School alumni and cross country coaches before running the Turkey Trot on Thursday, Nov. 24.

On Pointe... 7 Reviews.... 8

the rhetoric Trump used struck fear in many minorities. However, some protests now are focusing on President-elect Trump's decisions on his cabinet members, one of which is Steve Bannon who will serve as Trump’s Chief Strategist. That has increased fear in minorities. Bannon has been associated with Breitbart News Network, which has been known for pushing nationalist policy positions and has been criticized as being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic. For Clogg, Trump’s decisions aren’t something that scare her. “In the end, even though everyone thinks that the president has all the control, the power honestly goes back down to Congress. Paul Ryan, who is Speaker of the House, he has passed a bunch of things during Obama’s administration that have gone well,” she said. “Everything has to filterthrough the Congress anyway, so Trump can’t really mess up anything like they think that he can. And I just think that us trying to fig against each other isn’t going to help anything."

Contributing: Abbey Cadieux

FLEX - PAGE 10 “I’m sort of on the road to becoming vegetarian. It’s a huge lifestyle change” Editorial..... 9 In-Depth.... 10


2 – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – North Pointe


EpiPen price increase affects students By Katelynn Mulder & Montana Paton ASSISTANT EDITORS

In 2015, Mylan drastically began to increase the price of the EpiPen once it had to let in a generic competitor to settle a lawsuit. Ultimately, the price increased from $57 in 2007 to over $600 in recent months. This has made it difficult for many people and students to be able to keep their EpiPens well stocked. Freshman Aidan Gleoth has had a peanut allergy since he was 3-years-old and as a precaution needs to get a new EpiPen almost every year or else he risks having an untreatable deadly allergic reaction. Although his family buys one every year, if the prices keep increasing, he’s afraid of the possibility of not being able to receive one every year. “It (EpiPen costs increasing) puts us (people with allergies) in danger, but I get one every year just to be safe,” Gleoth said. According to NBC news, EpiPens are estimated to only cost $30 to make for the manufacturer. However, the company that creates the pens doesn’t get all of the profit. They only receive $274 of the $600. The next largest organization to make a profit is whatever insurance company the person who is purchasing the EpiPen is covered with. Insurers are estimated to earn $249. The rest of the money is divided up among pharmacists and the wholesalers.

Social studies teacher Daniel Gilleran believes this is an example of how the insurance companies in the United States need to be changed. “I think the idea is that it is such a stark illustration of the problems of escalating health cost when the same drugs, or in this case the EpiPen, costs $600 in the United States and you go to Britain and it’s $68 or to Canada and it’s even less than that,” Gilleran said. “So it just shows how the American health system really needs to be reformed. I just did some quick little research and it costs $35 to actually manufacture them yet they cost consumers $600. So you can see there’s a lot of people, middlemen, who are making a lot of money.” While all of the different companies in between are making money, the people buying the pens are losing it. As the price increases, people are starting to buy them less. If prices keep rising it will put people like Gleoth’s life at risk. Gilleran believes that the company can fix this problem by modeling its creation and distribution process after countries that sell EpiPens for a small cost. AL “Clearly some people can not afford $600, then what happens YS SA MC when they get stung by a bee and they don’t have it or they LA RT Y are using an old one? I mean you just don’t know and that’s unfortunate,” Gilleran said. “There are things that (the company) could do. You can’t continue like this because people should not have to choose between medicine and food.”

Hacking responsible for national crash By Giuseppe Parison STAFF REPORTER

Hacker groups Anonymous and New World Hackers claimed responsibility for a hacking attack of Domain Name Service provider Dyn on October 21st. Because of this, multiple internet platforms like Netflix and Amazon became unavailable in parts of the United State and Europe. The hacking was what is called a distributed denial-of-service attack, in which the goal is to flood a server with so much internet traffic that the server can no longer handle the strain and shuts down to reboot. The time in which the server is down can range depending on how much strain was put on the system. Assistant principal Tom Beach explained that there are systems in place to combat intrusions. He explained that when an attempted intrusion occurs, it is generally in the form of a link. Most often, whether it be a picture or a web link, it will be an executable program or .EXE file for short. If someone clicks on that link, it opens up a program that allows access to the system. However, the school system will generally detect the intrusion and send a pop-up window asking if the executable really should be opened. He brought up an instance in which he received a false email from the tech department on one occasion, the system detected this incursion and isolated itself before subsequently switching to a backup failsafe system. “We use Barracuda firewall for all our email,” he said. “Most of them will come in on emails.

Like McAfee and Norton, which are for websites and protecting your computer as a whole, Barracuda focusses on your email, and so once it knows if it’s a common attack or one that’s kind of going around trying to trap people in, it’s very well aware of those and so it searches for those and based on the executable files that are attached to it, it will scan those, and sometimes it will hold it.” Besides, DDos, hackers also use a technique called phishing, in which they replicate the link of a popular website and send it to someone. If the receiver clicks on the link, all information they put into the phony website is intercepted by the hacker. This is the type of hacking Beach was referring to. Not all hacking is used for nefarious means however, some hackers, called “white hat” hackers make livings hacking into government programs and companies with the intent of finding backdoors and loopholes. This is set opposed to “black hat” hackers that conduct crime such as identity fraud and infiltration of people’s bank accounts. “Grey hat” hackers make up the bulk of the hacking community, acting in an ethically murky area. They may not cause harm but what they do may not be legal either. There are also “red hat” hackers which are basically vigilantes, taking law into their own hands through illegal means, and “green hat” hackers which are novice to hacking. Freshman Brooklyn McWhorter finds ethical hacking to be a good idea. “If you don’t do anything illegal I think it’s fine, if you’re doing it for the government you can


prevent being cyber attacked by other countries.” Others, such as senior Malik Jones even go so far as to believe that all hacking, white, gray or black hat is good and may even bring to surface nefarious acts by the companies and governments themselves. “I don’t really have anything out of reason,” Malik said. “All of it is good in some ways, everything that’s hidden and illegal instantly comes out when

(the companies and governments) get hacked.” Beach explained that at the very most the effects of this attack on North and the Grosse Pointe Public School System were negligible. “I can tell you in all the years that I’ve worked here that I can’t remember a time I did not get access to my system because of any attack or any problem,” Beach said. “I’ve always been able to access it. The district system is sophisticated, pretty comprehensive.”

Social media platform stores user messages By Katelynn Mulder & Syeda Rizvi ASSITANT EDITOR AND INTERN

Snapchat is the third most popular social networking platform in the world, so it’s a wonder how so many users are confident in the protection of their photos. Almost everyone uses the app with the faith that once a photo is sent, it will disappear after the designated time (5-10 seconds) and will never be viewable again. However, recent studies by have shown that Snapchat’s photos may not be as temporary as they claim to be. Current studies indicate that privacy on most social media apps, especially Snapchat, may be more limited than most people believe. Sophomore Diana Rivera was shocked when she learned that Snapchat actually saves each photo taken by a user. “Well, now I can’t take embarrassing videos of me in front of the mirror singing ‘Closer.’ No, but seriously, it makes me not want to take videos since Snapchat can easily look me up and know my whole story,” Rivera said via email. “It’s kind of scary and creepy if someone else hacks Snapchat. Now they know you.” Since 2015, Snapchat has been able to store and share pictures. In an update, the company asked users to agree to new privacy settings, which many accepted without realizing the new rules and consequences. To make matters more concerning, the stored images have limited encryption or protections from hackers. A hacker is able to access people’s private photos and has the ability to share them with others or use them for commercial gain. Technologist Mark Trupkovitch knows how dangerous it can be if personal content is accessible without the protection of encryption. “If you don’t have any encryption, then you’re basically like a wide-open garage, so anybody can come walk by and steal material items,” Trupkovitch said. “The same principle as that, anybody could download the photos or whatever there is.” For many, learning about the dangers of Snapchat has been concerning because of the consequences given for social media misuse. In school, improper use of online social apps can result in extreme consequences. Aside from encryption dangers, Trumkovitch is also familiar with the troubles of social media. “If they (misusers) were just on Twitter, and it became a nuisance in the class, they might get a warning,” Trumkovitch said. “If it’s a second offense, they might get a detention. Third offense, if they did something really bad, they might get suspension.” Eventually, if minor misuse continues, a student can lose his or her Wi-Fi for a specific amount of time. This means suspension of browser use, which would generally make it difficult to participate in most classes. Even though students will be punished for social media misuse, the real dangers exist outside of school. Any information can be taken easily off of personal accounts for most social media apps and websites due to their lax or sometimes even absent encryptions. This should be more concerning to students as a securtity could have long lasting effects on their life. Anything students do online using a school computer can be monitored and traced back to their unique IP address. If administration were approached by the police, they would be required to provide them with all internet access data on a student. Students agree to these terms when they register for school, and many fail to realize that these terms are still legally binding contracts. Computer teacher Sean McCarroll says the district can track IP addresses but is unable to see what students actually do on a website.


“The school can’t technically ‘see’ anything that you’re doing as if they were watching it in real-time, but they can access internet usage history using your device’s IP address,” McCarroll said via email. “Everyone has a unique address, and our internet providers (all internet providers, really) keep track of which IP address accesses which sites at which days/ times. So, if there was an ever an issue and the school needed to verify online activity, we’d have the ability to do that.” According to McCarroll, students can be at a potentially high risk of exposing confidential information if they use apps that aren’t thoroughly protected, especially ones that collect personal information such as date of birth, full name, gender and location. “Think about the types of security questions that important sites like banks ask to verify it’s actually you,” McCarroll said. “If that information was taken by a hacker, they’d have significantly increased chances of hacking into accounts that really matter.” To stay safe from harm online, there is only so much that can be done: the rest is up to the administrators of the social media website. Nevertheless, it is important to fulfil your role as a user. Trupkovich stresses the importance of having a sophisticated password. Including numbers and a combination of capital and lowercase letters If strong enough, passwords can limit the access others have to a user’s account. “Always think twice,” Trupkovitch advises. “Use complex passwords and change them on a regular basis. That would be the highest advice I could give you.”

Annual powderpuff game rescheduled for spring While football is generally considered a boys sport, the annual powderpuff game gives girls a chance to play, too. The flag football contest is coached by varsity football players and consists of one junior team and one senior team. It is not an official school sport or activity but has been arranged outside school the past few years. Teams typically face off in the fall, but this school year, it will take place in the spring. According to senior Maggie McEnroe, the event was moved because varsity players had playoffs and didn’t have time to coach. College applications and other schedule conflicts added to the problem. “I think it’ll make it easier for everyone to be able to find time,” McEnroe said. “Everyone wanted to be apart of it but had a lot going on, so it was hard to do it then, so it’ll make it easier, I think.” Although the schedule change helps some players, junior Rebecca Alway said this change isn’t beneficial because of her busy schedule in the spring and that many other members have the same problem, which may keep them from participating. “I know a lot of people on our team were really upset with that decision because it’s going to be hard for them to know if they’re going to be able to do it (in the spring),” she said. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to do it, but I play on two softball teams in the spring, so there’s not going to be a lot of time for me.” Nonetheless, both Alway and McEnroe said powderpuff is a great way for girls to socialize and have fun. Alway said she hopes to take part in the activity again because of her positive experience. “I think it’s just a really good chance to meet a lot of different people. Maybe if you’re not even good at sports, you could still come. It’s a nice bonding experience you could have. You could even learn stuff about the game if you’re interested in it. Maybe you’ll learn to like football if you don’t, but I think everyone should give it a chance,” Alway said. “I think it’s a chance to show that girls can play football just like guys can. I mean, it’s normally considered a guy sport, but I mean I think girls can do it just as well.” By Michal Ruprecht


North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – 3

CALENDAR BARNES & NOBLE FUNDRAISER FOR BAND & ORCHESTRA Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at 8 a.m. JUKE IT OUT| Class of 2016 alumna Alexus Jimerson jukes her opponent in the game last fall.

Saturday, Dec. 3 at 8 a.m.

BAND & ORCHESTRA BOOSTER CLUB MEETING Tuesday, Dec. 6 in room C-101 from 7-8 p.m.


FIGHTING FOR VICTORY| Class of 2016 alumna Caroline Bock runs with the ball during last year’s game. This spring will be Senior Maggie McEnroe’s first year of powderpuff. “It seemed like the girls had fun last year, and it was kind of my last chance to do it so I figured why not do it before I graduate,” McEnroe said.

Drama Club’s Thespian Festival trip allows students to expand theatre experience

LEARNING NEW TECHNIQUES| Last’s year’s Thespian Festival group, which was made up of students from North and South High School, pose for a photo. The trip allows them to gain more knowledge on theatre surrounded by friends. “I want to learn new skills that will help me in my future productions,” sophomore Charlotte Nicholson said.

In December, the junior Student Council will be selling Mr. C’s Car Wash tickets outside the Student Union for $15-16. The funds will go to the Class of 2018. The tickets will allow students to go to Mr. C’s Car Wash and get their standard wash, including an exterior wash on any car. “They (Mr. C’s) sell (the tickets) to us at a discounted rate and then we sell them for normal price,” class advisor Sean McCarroll said. “It costs the same if you were to buy with them, but we make money because they donate.” The class currently holds $16,800 in raised funds and hopes to have between $25-30,000 by 2018. These funds will go towards the class’s prom as well as a legacy gift that is left behind by each graduating class. Although there have been other fundraising attempts in the past, including bread stick sales, spirit packs, bake sales and candy grams, the Student Council hopes that the sale will bring in the most money this year. If the council does not raise enough funds by the end of their senior year, they will face monetary setbacks. “We need a lot of money for stuff that students expect to be given during senior year and big events,” student council member Ellie Frame said. “It’s really hard for us to do stuff without money.” The council will be scheduling prom within the next few months and need to be working towards the amount of funds needed to be set aside to keep prom cheap and standards high for students. “At the end of the day, if we don’t have enough money to host prom then we are going to have to take prom somewhere where tickets are going to be a lot cheaper, which means that we are downgrading the quality of our prom experience or we have to raise ticket prices for everybody else,” McCarroll said.“If people are helping now, come prom time it’s not $100 a ticket. Hopefully people in our class would agree that we want to leave some sort of legacy gift for the school, so that’s really our chance to leave something positive.”

By Montana Paton

NO SCHOOL Wednesday, Dec. 7 HOLIDAY TEA Wednesday, Dec. 7 in the PAC at 1 p.m.


The Michigan Thespian Festival: where high school students and teachers from all over the state come together and share their love for drama and theatre. Fittingly, the Drama Club attends every year. “I’m most excited to be surrounded by people who are like me who enjoy the same things that I like,” sophomore Charlotte Nicholson said. The festival takes place at Saginaw Valley State University from Dec. 2-4. Activities occur in Curtiss Hall while performances happen in Downtown Saginaw at the Malcolm Theatre and Temple Theatre. The trip costs $250, which covers entrance to the festival, transportation, food and a hotel room. Students can also audition for college scholarships for an additional $25 fee. There are showcases in duet acting, solo dance, group acting, costume design, playwriting, group musical theatre and other events. Awards are given out individually to the participants. “It’s a great opportunity for our students to learn from theatre professionals and to be adjudicated in various areas of theatre,” adviser Sean Kifer said via email. Participating in the festival is a cherished tradition for Kifer, who directs the school play and musical, and club members. Kifer is the festival director, so his leadership duties extend beyond North students. “I am the workshop director,” Kifer said. “I’m responsible for booking and organizing over 100 workshops for the students. This is my favorite part of festival.” In addition to the Thespian Festival, there is a Junior Thespian Festival for middle school students. This is held at the Performing Arts Center in March. By Asia Simmons


Class of 2018 sells Mr. C’s Car Wash tickets to fund prom


Follow North Pointe on Twitter for updates on everything North @thenorthpointe

Saturday, Dec. 10 at 8 a.m.


Monday, Dec. 12 in the PAC at 7 p.m.

CHALLENGE DAY Wednesday, Dec. 14 at First English Lutheran Church from 8 a.m.3:05 p.m. PARENT CLUB MEETING Wednesday, Dec. 14 at The Hill Restaurant and fundraiser at 7 p.m.


Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at East Detroit High School


Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 4 p.m. at Dearborn Ice Skating Center

GIRLS VARSITY BASKETBALL Friday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at Chippewa Valley High School


Correction: In our Nov. 9 issue, we incorrectly attributed a quote to Quincy Washington instead of Quincy White in the On Campus on page 4. Addditionally, student December Robinson was not idetinfied in a photo.

Saturday, Dec. 10 at 9:30 a.m. at Cousino High School

ON CAMPUS Behind the scenes of “The Addams Family” auditions

4 – North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016

By Josie Bennett & Alyssa McLarty EDITOR & PHOTO EDITOR


COMING TO TERMS | Junior Jonas Gee jokes around with fellow tryout participant Andrew Hallan as they wait to be called. “I went through many panic attacks and eventually just came to terms that no matter how bad I’ll do I’ll still do it,” Gee said.

Senior Owen Galligan is fascinated with the spirit of adventure, hiking through mountains and discovering new ocean life. Galligan’s hobby of hiking started with Boy Scouts. After going camping a few times, he realized that he loved being in contact with nature. “I could enjoy (camping) and I like going outdoors and just seeing ... real nature out there,” Galligan said. Since then, he has continued hiking with the Boy Scouts. He has only hiked in Michigan, and feels that there’s more to experience outside of the state. “I mean Michigan’s fine but maybe there’s more adventure, more mountains, more scenery (elsewhere), I guess,” Galligan said. Rather than hiking, Galligan’s main interest is marine biology. That’s what he wants to study in college. He’s fascinated by the thought of discovering life that no one has seen before, and emulating explorers such as Magellan. “I’ve been really interested in sea animals and the undersea since I was like 7 or 8 and I just kind of liked dolphins and fish and really colorful sea animals. I would love to go into that, just working alongside these creatures and just scuba diving and exploring the deep dark oceans.”

Paul Gusmano

PREPARATION | Junior BJ Gerangaya practices her monologue and song as she waits for her time to try out. But also passes the time hanging out with friends. “My favorite part about auditioning is being with your friends and rehearsing with each other like quizzing each other on how well they know their lines. It’s really fun, I really enjoy it,” Gerangaya said.

GETTING READY | Senior Clarissa Kam practices her monologue for the looming audition for The Addams Family. “I practice all my songs and my monologue and try to memorize them and just do it to the best of my ability,” Kam said.

A TIGHT BOND | Sophomore Mikey Karney practices for his audition. “Getting together with friends and practicing, I think that’s a lot of fun,” Karney said. “Being in the plays and musicals it’s really cool because you get this bond with these people and they like the same things as you do so it’s really cool.” LAST MINUTE PREPARATION | Freshman Mackenzie Baughan paces around the choir hallway trying to memorize her song for her audition. “I thought we were going to be dancing today apparently not.” Baughan said. “So (that) got changed and everything but I don’t know. I hope I don’t mess up my song.”

Sophomore Paul Gusmano loves the idea of training his body and becoming stronger through the use of martial arts. For four years, Gusmano has been practicing Taekwondo at New Edge Martial Arts. He does martial arts because he enjoys it, and for the sake of improving his body. “I like the idea of being generally powerful,” Gusmano said. Although he loves martial arts, he doesn’t have much time for it anymore. With high school and extracurriculars, he’s found himself having less opportunities to parctice. However, Gusmano still believes that martial arts is a very practical use of his time. He said it would be good to use it for self-defense. “If someone ever came to beat me up, I would just give them a swift kick to the head,” Gusmano said.

Colleen Cole

Sophomore Colleen Cole created a game show called “Showdown” in order to decide on her own who wins the American League home run title. It started in 2013, when Miguel Cabrera was facing Chris Davis for the title. “I just started doing this competition between the two of them and it evolved into this thing which I do every year now during baseball season,” Cole said. She’s done it for four years now, and Cabrera has won her game show’s title three times while Davis has won once. She films it in her basement, where she does twoplayer games, such as Trouble, bowling or miniature golf, playing one turn as Cabrera and the other as Davis. Cole usually does it alone, but sometimes she brings in her sister or her friends to play with her. She hasn’t done anything with the videos yet, though it’s possible that she might upload them to Youtube. “I have all the videos, they’re right there,” Cole said. “I don’t know why I haven’t done anything with them.” and the robot will try and do those things.” By Tarun Sanikommu



Attendance Clerk Sally Colby By Jaqueline Squillace REPORTER


SPENDING TIME WITH FAMILY| Attendance clerk Sally Colby stands next to her husband Henry Colby at Lake Huron in Lexington, Michigan. “I grew up in Grosse Pointe Woods, I just grew up on Brys Drive here on the other side of eight-mile and I went to St. Joan of Arc, and then I went to this high school, Grosse Pointe North,” Colby said. “ I’m an alumni and after I graduated here I worked at Josef’s Pastry Shop. I was a cake decorator there for ten years, and also while I was doing that I was a cheerleading coach here for nine years.”

Lexington and Harsens Island are special places for attendance clerk Sally Colby. “We have a cottage up in Lexington, and we vacation up there,” Colby said. “I call it a cottage, but it’s technically a trailer. It’s a 30-foot trailer, and we keep it at the Lexington RV Resort.” Colby and her husband love spending time up there, and they travel very often. “They have concerts there on Friday nights, so we go every weekend from April till the end of October,” Colby said. Colby and her husband find the opportunity to stay as active as possible while they’re vacationing. “I’ve been riding my bike for years, and about five years ago, my husband bought me a Townie Bike for Christmas, and I was so excited because it’s a great cruiser,” Colby said. “We bring our bikes up to Lexington, and we live close to town, so we never drive or anything like that. We do all of our errands on our bikes.” Colby has three children, two stepchildren, and five

grandchildren. Her grandchildren range in ages from 12 weeks to 10-years-old. The family visits Colby and her husband while they’re up in Lexington. “Because it’s just a 30-foot camper, unfortunately we can’t really keep the kids, but they can day-trip,” Colby said. “Lexington is so close to Grosse Pointe, they can get there in about an hour and 15 minutes, so my children have come up with my grandchildren and spent the day and had dinner with us and whatnot.” Because Colby’s grandchildren can’t sleep in her camper, they frequently spend time in Harsens Island. “My daughter has a cottage on Harsens Island, so we bounce between Lexington and Harsens Island,” Colby said. Being able to spend time and play with her grandchildren is one of Colby’s favorite parts about visiting her daughter. “My daughter has a boat, so we go snorkeling in the bay,” Colby said. “We do a lot of grandchildren things and activities when we’re at the cottage. You can jump off a brick wall, there’s a dock you can jump off of, and we float in the back canal. We have a lot of fun during the season.”

Do you have any special hobbies? I love riding my bike, and I love to garden. Also I have grandchildren so I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren, we do crafts and stuff like that. What’s your favorite book? I love reading Martha Stewart Magazine and Country Living Magazine, because I love cooking and old, eclectic design. I have an Interior Design degree from Wayne State University. Spotify or Apple Music? I actually use Pandora, that’s the one I know how to work. On my phone when I go on my power walks that’s what I know, so I do Pandora. What’s your favorite movie? Why? “Overboard,” with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. I love Goldie Hawn, she’s just fabulous, I grew up watching all of her movies, and some of the lines in the movie I’m still using, like, “I don’t wanna go in the rain barrel!” It’s just a great movie.


Meet the newly elected School Board members A question-and-answer, edited only for length an AP style, with the Board of Education members elected Nov. 8

North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – 5

Kathleen M.M. Abke 10,965 votes Currently appointed to board Position: Trustee

Cindy Pangborn 10,436 votes Currently elected to board Position: Secretary

Judy Gafa 12,820 votes Currently elected to board Position: President

Chris Profeta 10,393 voted Not currently on board

What are your main goals for your upcoming term on the school board?

My main goals are to maintain excellence in our district and continue in a positive direction by supporting the district’s Strategic Plan. The mission of the Strategic Plan is to promote innovation, maximize potential and embrace community.

My main goals for this term is to have a line by line evaluation of all of our expenses, continued expansion of our curriculum and increase offerings to our pre-k residents.

I would like to see the district continue to implement the Strategic Plan. Increase technology and increase enrollment and retain highly qualified teachers.

I focused on three areas where I thought we needed to make some improvements: ... improving our technology, expanding our pre-k programs, and supporting our special education students.

What is your opinion on technology in the district?

Technology in our district is well behind the times and it is not equitably distributed. It’s more difficult for our old buildings to get updated than buildings in newer districts. Many of the walls in the oldest buildings are a foot thick cement which means running cable is difficult and installing wifi even more so.

I have been an activist to use technology in education since I was one of the many parents that raised money for computer labs in the ‘80s. We need to make sure that our infrastructure supports all that is needed to enhance our curriculum.

It needs to be upgraded. We lag behind our peer districts, which says a lot about our students and staff.

I believe we need to make sure that every student across the district has access to the same learning opportunities. Right now we don’t have that. Because we fund technology primarily through grants and fundraising, we have some classrooms where students have great opportunities, and others, sometimes right next door, where they have next to nothing as far as technology.

The Board is not doing all we can do to be fiscally responsible. We need a small committee of financial we all work hard to increase the professionals to volunteer to district’s fund equity (the district’s help us and we need a retreat of savings account) while also making the Board members to hash out sure buildings are repaired, kids our financial philosophies. and teachers have what they need to learn and that we stay on the cutting edge of curriculum.

Yes. We use many data points to make sure we are staying on budget. While some people find investing in the new classrooms or a greenhouse as wasteful, I find it an investment in engaging students.The greenhouse will benefit not only Trombly students, but Full Circle students and then the community. That’s not only investing in one school, that is investing in the community.

With regards to fiscal responsibility, I am a firm believer that we need a balanced budget, and I also believe that if that budget does not reflect student centered priorities, then even if the numbers add up, it is not balanced.

I am a volunteer coach in the Grosse Pointe Woods/Shores Little League, Intermediate League and Senior League. I really enjoy coaching baseball. (I played softball for 35 years, if you can believe that) I’ve also coached several years in the Grosse Pointe Farms/City summer league.

I am the director of nursing at Sunrise Senior Living in Grosse Pointe, I attend Chamber of Commerce events. I contribute to the Family Center.

I have served on the GPPSS library and computer curriculum development committees, the pre-k advisory committee, my wife and I are volunteers for the Disability Awareness Workshop, I participated in the focus groups for the last superintendent search, and I am the school board observer for the Ferry PTO.

By Lindsey Ramsdell & Alex Harring EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & EDITOR

I do think the board is fiscally

Do you believe the board responsible, yes. We sometimes have different thoughts on what is fiscally responsible? “fiscally responsible” means, but

Do you have any notable community involvement that you’d like to share?

I have spent the last 40 years being involved as a volunteer in GPPSS in every aspect at every level. Our children graduated from South in ‘88, ‘93, ‘95, and ‘05. Our grandchildren our now in our system as are most of my extended family of nieces and nephews.

THE GANG'S ALL HERE | Senior Constance Ferguson, Valarie Matula and Bianca Jason all stand in front of the Detroit skyline dressed as their favorite character from Undertale.

Students get into character for annual Cosplay event

HAVING FUN | Senior Anajah White and Valarie Matula pose in front of Cobo center ready to have some fun at Youmacon dressed as Toriel and Frisk from Undertale.

Japanese culture influences Detroit with Youmacon where anyone from young to old, including students dress to become their favorite characters

By Caitlynn Bush & Allison Lackner EDITORS

Detroit’s second cosplay convention, Youmacon, was held at Cobo Hall in Detroit Nov. 3-6. Cosplay is a performance art where people dress up in costumes and accessories to resemble their favorite characters. The conventions celebrate Japanese culture and feature numerous artists and speakers. According to senior Hannah Spindler, who attended the event, costume possibilities are endless. Cosplayers can dress up as their favorite characters from video games, anime, books and even movies making the experience available to everyone. Spindler has attended four cosplay events, and enjoys the fact that there is something for everyone to relate to. “There’s gotta be something there that you have some common ground on, it doesn’t have to be anime,” Spindler said. “There was a bunch of “Doctor Who” characters, and I saw a few Disney princesses.” Cosplay events began in 1984 and have stuck around because of the increasing interest in Japanese culture. Cosplayers agree that conventions are a perfect opportunity to meet people that share a common hobby. Senior Sarah Kolakowski attended Youmacon with Spindler, and both agree meeting people interested in similar topics is a gratifying experience. “I met a lot of cool new people, like there are a few people who are into that stuff here at North,” Kolakowski said. “Branching out and meeting more people (that) are weird like my friends and I was really cool.” Seniors Bianca Jason and A.J. White also attended the event with Spindler and


FEELING ARTSY | Senior Anajah White sits poised as Toriel from Undertale.

Kolakowski. They went as characters from the video game Undertale. Costume preparation takes a lot of work but proved to be a fun bonding experience. They came up with the idea over the summer but waited until October to complete the costumes. “Don’t procrastinate on it,” Jason said. “My sister procrastinated, and it wasn’t the best it could be, so get it done if you are going to do it. Plan it out in advance.” Costume and makeup planning can take months, so cosplayers begin preparation well in advance. “Getting ready for it before hand just took a few hours,” Kolakowski said. “I was doing most of my friends’ makeup, so it was pretty hectic in the morning.” This year at Youmacon there were over 30 anime special guests, including actors, producers, musicians and artists. During the event, cosplayers can attend different panels to ask questions and talk with the creators of shows and video games. This event also included a shopping center so attendees could purchase merchandise. “You can meet your favorite videogame creators and inf luential people who make shows and video games,” White said. Spindler loves that cosplay allows her the chance to experiment with different costumes. She feels more comfortable and accepted around cosplayers than people at school or at work. “It was pretty magical,” Spindler said. “I just love the whole, being able to dress up as a different characters, and it is kind of normal at a convention.” Spindler and other cosplayers are able to express themselves at these events and find comfort with people have similar interests to them there. “It’s great to know that so many people adore the same things and trends I do and that you can relate to so many people,” White said.

6 – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – North Pointe



Polls fail to predict correct result Eighty-five percent. Clinton had about a two percent chance of losing. She was the overwhelming favorite. And yet, Donald Trump won. As of now, about 123 million votes have been counted, a turnout of 55.4 percent. That number will rise once all votes are counted in December, and the U.S. Elections Project estimates a turnout of 135 million. If that projection is correct, it would mean a 58.1 percent turnout rate over all. Of those 123 million votes, about one million more went to Clinton than Trump. The New York Times projects Clinton to finish with a 1.2 percent advantage in the popular vote. The preelection national polling average forecasted her to come out with a 3.1 percent lead, making for a 1.9 percent difference between the forecast and the actual result. According to USA Today, pollsters were just as wrong with the 2012 election’s national polls. However, even though national results remained within the margin of error, state polls were another story. According to the New York Times, polling in the 10 tightest states ended up being 3.9 percent off the result. Not only is that the biggest difference since the 1988 elections, it is a 1.3 percent increase from the level of error in 2012. “There’s all sorts of trouble with polling: people who don’t answer questions, people who don’t answer the questions correctly, people who give answers to questions they think the person asking the question wants to hear,” government teacher Barry Mulso said. “People will answer questions they don’t know anything about because they don’t want to appear dumb. Polling has its problems. It’s not a perfect science. It never has been.” Experts have proposed several theories to explain the disparity between polls and election results: nonresponse bias, “shy Trumpers” and likely voter error are some explanations. Nonresponse bias is a phenomenon in which a specific type of person refuses to take part in polling surveys, forming a silent majority. Without that group’s opinion, pre-election polls become unreliable, especially if that group comes out to vote. According to Edison Research for the National Election Pool, which provides polling data to national media outlets like CNN, whites without a college degree supported Trump by a 39 percent margin. These voters are known to avoid polling participation, which strengthens the nonresponse bias theory. “Was there a group of people that was laying low and not talking to the pollsters? I firmly believe that,” Mulso said. “I do think that there were people that were just like, ‘I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut.’” Another proposition explains that “shy Trumpers” skewed the polls. The idea of this theory is that these supporters were not willing to admit they supported Trump because of his inflammatory comments. This led them to lie about which candidate they supported, which in turn would have created shocking results on Election Day. One final hypothesis proposes an error in pollsters’ likely voter models. The Pew Research Center recently explained that surveyors use these models to tell if the respondent can be expected to vote on Election Tuesday. If these models are even slightly wrong, they throw off the entire poll. After the election exposed the polls’ inaccuracy, pollsters are checking to see if their models are at the heart of the problem. After every election, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) constructs a task force of experts to summarize the polls for that election cycle. Given the notable error in this year’s polls, part of the group’s task will be to find the cause. According to AAPOR, the committee’s conclusions will come out around May of 2017.


Demographics shift in Trump’s favor


Social media plays defining role in election debate and campaigns In this election, social media played a much more prominent role than ever before. Part of social media’s purpose it to give everyday people a platform to share their opinions on. Over this past cycle, those people used social media’s role as platform to support their chosen candidate. For senior Demetri Stathis, Donald Trump was the obvious choice for president, an opinion he enjoyed sharing on Twitter. However, there were others who did not. And anyone who wanted to avoid the election altogether found it hard to do so as their Facebook feed filled up with political posts and heated partisan debates. “Most people just kinda wanted to avoid this election and nobody really wanted to talk about it or anything,” Stathis said. “They don’t want to think about it. That’s how I look at it. They just want to get it past themselves.” Politically passionate social media users thought they were helping their candidate’s cause, but their zealous comments often had the opposite effect. For people like junior and Clinton supporter Ruth McCuen, these posts cast an unfavorable view of the candidate’s supporters. “(Social media) certainly shaped my opinion, because a lot of the comments on Facebook are usually really nasty because of internet trolls,” McCuen said. “It made me look down upon the people that supported Trump.” Social media also aided in the spreading of candidate’s ideas.

Stathis believes that this is where Trump had the advantage over Clinton. Trump spent a substantially lower amount of campaign dollars on television ads than the Clinton campaign. Instead, he focused his attention on social media as a free advertising tool. Trump also received lots of free publicity from television news networks, so he didn’t have to generate as much campaign funding as Clinton. Stathis, like many supporters, obtained election information from social media, specifically from the political pundits such as Paul Joseph Watson and Lou Dobbs that he follows on Twitter. “They picked up basically where the mainstream media... couldn’t hit base with anybody,” Stathis said. “I just didn’t believe (mainstream media) and I decided to look at these guys and it just made sense.” More and more people are looking to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit as news sources. This new and widespread use of social media poses some problems, however, because it has been coupled with a rise in the spreading of ‘fake news.’ This is most prominent on Facebook, where news stories containing false information about the election were shared and reposted thousands of times. One of these phony stories stated that Harambe, the gorilla that was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo earlier this year, received thousands of write-in votes. Others were less innocent and may have had real influence on the way people voted.

Few predicted Trump would win the presidency. Here’s how he did. Trump’s victory resulted from two key factors: he fared better than 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, while Clinton underperformed compared to President Obama. This allowed Trump to swing multiple demographics his way on Election Day. According to Edison Research for the National Election Pool’s exit poll, Trump won the male vote by 12 percentage points, a five-point increase from 2012. And while Clinton won the female vote, she only increased Obama’s 2012 margin of victory by one point. Not only did Trump gain among men, he also improved the margin for every racial demographic compared to 2012. He performed better than Romney with African Americans and Hispanics, gaining two points from each, as well as Asians, gaining three. On the other hand, Clinton lost support among every racial demographic. This either let Trump increase Romney’s margin of victory or close his margin of defeat. He closed the 2012 gap for African American, Hispanic and Asian voters by seven, eight and 11 points, respectively. He also gained among the white and other race margins by one point each. However, Trump still lost all minority demographics by a huge margin. Clinton won the African American vote by 80 points. She took both the Hispanic and Asian votes by 36 points. Her smallest margin of victory was among the combination of all other races, which she still won by 19 points. As expected, Trump won big among white voters without college degrees. He took that demographic by a whopping 39 points. Trump also managed to win the vote of whites with college degrees by four points. However, Clinton won nonwhites both with and without college educations by a landslide. Nonwhites with a college degree favored her by 48 points, and those without by 55. Clinton fared better among age demographics. Despite losing ground with all groups under 65, she still managed to win among 18-29 year olds (by 18 points) and 30-44 year olds (by eight). Trump took 45-64 year olds by nine points, as well as voters 65 and up by eight. Another demographic Trump won consistently was that of voters who were against both candidates. He beat Clinton among voters that said the two were dishonest and unfavorable. Of the 14 percent of respondents that said neither candidate had the right temperament to be president, 71 percent voted for Trump and 12 percent voted for Clinton. Both candidates received about 90 percent of their party’s vote. Trump eked out a six-point win with independents. By the end of the election, Trump flipped five states (or six depending on Michigan, which isn’t required to go one way until Tuesday, Dec. 13. that Obama won in 2012. At the same time, he retained every state that went to Romney. Though some of these changes may not seem important, they were enough to propel Trump to triumph.

North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – 7



Top 10 things we're talking about this week By Caitlin Bush EDITOR


TV Show

GILMORE GIRLS The eighth season of “Gilmore Girls” was released Nov. 25 and is currently available to stream on Netflix. The four-episode reunion series features all the original actors, including Lauren Graham (Lorelai Gilmore) and Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore). The show picks up nine years from where it left off and follows the life of the Gilmore girls. GILMOREGIRLS FACEBOOK








John Legend’s fifth album “Darkness and Light” drops Dec. 2. The lead single, “Love Me Now,” debuted Oct. 7. The album is dedicated to his daughter, Luna, and features artists Chance The Rapper and Miguel. It will be available on iTunes for $10.99.

The Detroit Zoo is lighting up the holiday season with its annual 29-day event, Wild Lights. Five million LED lights will adorn trees, buildings and sculptures through the front half of the zoo. The event will be held Dec. 1-4, 8-11, 15-23 and 26-31 from 5:30-9 p.m. Tickets are $10 if purchased in advance or $13 at the door.








TV Show


Hip-Hop artist Mac Miller is coming to Royal Oak Music Theater Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. The concert will feature songs from his most current album, “The Divine Feminine,” which debuted Sept. 15. Tickets are $49-$434 depending on desired seat.


Season two of “Fuller House” will be available on Netflix Dec. 9. The new season is holiday themed, so it will feature Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve episodes. Original “Full House” characters Kathy Santoni and Nelson Burkhard, who weren’t in season one will return but will be played by new actors.


“Rudolph the Musical” is coming to the Fox Theater Dec. 3 and 4. The show is based on the popular movie “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Showtimes are Dec. 3 at 1, 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. and Dec. 4 at 2 and 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $45-$180 depending on desired seat.




Get into the Christmas spirit with “Office Christmas Party,” a new comedy which hits theaters Dec. 9. Two co-workers try to save their jobs by throwing an office Christmas party, but it quickly gets out of hand. The film features Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman and Kate Mckinnon and is not yet rated.










Come to the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House Dec. 2-17 to experience a real-life winter wonderland. Stroll the grounds and enjoy the scenery lit up by thousands of Christmas lights. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door, and children 2 and under are free. Cocoa and snacks will also be available. For more information on deals and times, go to WWW.FORDHOUSE.ORG

“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” comes to theaters Dec. 16. The movie features a group of unlikely heroes who join forces to steal the Death Star. It is a key event in the “Star Wars” timeline, so this movie will definitely appeal to fans. It is not yet rated.




“Hip Hop Nutcracker” comes to the Fox theater Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. In a twist on Tchaikovsky’s original show, which usually features ballet and pointe numbers, this is solely hip hop choreography. Tickets range from $88 to $194.


Uniting the States MY TURN KATIE THOMAS

George Washington never wanted political parties. In his farewell address in 1796, he left the blossoming nation with cautionary words on the dangers of creating such affiliations. Washington foresaw that they could tear the United States apart. Unfortunately, his warning would go unabided, and the Democrat vs. Republican rivalry rules our government today. More than 200 years later, the first president's view of politically-charged identifications is correct. Exactly what he warned against has separated the

country and led to the chaos since this election. On Nov. 8 a new leader was chosen for our nation, leaving the U.S. in a confused frenzy of either absolute devastation or complete triumph. This election has been unexpected in every way. But what really came to light in the race was one thing: our nation is divided. As Donald Trump’s title went from businessman to President-elect on Election Tuesday, the waning unity in America seemed to decrease even more. Some could argue that the U.S. has always been divided politically. There’s never been a point in time when everyone got along in perfect harmony. However, this presidential race has brought out the complete worst of both sides, splitting the nation even more. While some celebrated his win, others took to the streets to voice their outrage. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C., thousands of people have protested the results of the election and wonder exactly what spiral this country has fallen into.

Everyone has the right to protest, and these particular voices are justifiable given the situation. However, when it comes time for the new president to take office, citizens need to take their anger and put it toward working together for a common cause. As both draining and shocking as this election has been, the results are irreversible. Whether or not you think it’s ideal, we can’t give up on our country. The only thing to do is to make the most of the situation and unite to better our nation. America has issues. We always have, and those won’t be going away. Race relations, terrorism and economic troubles have threatened to tear the United States apart for years. The country can’t prevent every single obstacle we face, but we can certainly change the way we handle them. This presidential race has only added to the national tension, encouraging separation rather than fighting our problems as one. After all, everyone wants the same things in life— the disagreement is just in how to get them. Half the nation despises Donald Trump and

sees his victory as a nightmare. And maybe it will be as awful as some are expecting. But maybe it won’t. We’ll never know until we give him a chance to prove himself. Dislike of the President-elect may be completely valid. However, America still has yet to see and judge his success in the White House. This does not mean everyone needs to unconditionally support Donald Trump. He has left a negative impression on many people and doesn’t deserve respect from those he’s offended —until he earns it. But as our new president, he should receive that chance to earn our respect. The election has ripped the band-aid off a nationwide wound that hasn’t healed. After years of pent-up tension and disunity, we need to learn to work together and address our differences. Nothing is ever accomplished when forces work against each other. We’ve seen that method practiced in politics for years. So now, more than ever, is the time to come together and put the “United” back in the United States.


8 - Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – North Pointe

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will surpass any Harry Potter fan’s expectations, and its endearing characters and unique creatures are sure to hook newcomers on the wizarding world. It’s 1920s New York. Main character Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) has traveled to America with a suitcase full of magical creatures. When several of them escape, he has to team up with former Auror Porpentina Goldstein (Katherine Waterston), her sister Queenie (Alison Sudol) and a No-Maj (nonwizard) named Jack (Dan Fogler). These characters will keep viewers emotionally invested in the story. One thing director David Yates and author J.K. Rowling could have done better was the development of the culture and history of American wizards. Many fans of the series will be disappointed that Ilvermorny, the American wizarding school, got only a brief mention. Yates and Rowling also glossed over the creatures in America and their significance in American wizardry. This means that only those who were dedicated to this world would understand the importance of some of the creatures. However, this will not affect newcomers or casual fans all that much as the role of the beasts do not rely too heavily on the background story. Even though some hard-core fans may be frustrated over not getting to see Ilvermorny, Rowling more than makes up for this with several nods and allusions to the Harry Potter series. Newt once dated a girl named Leta Lestrange. This last name will have anyone who has read the books or seen the movies shocked and even disgusted. These moments may not play a big role in this movie, but they are still fun for longtime fans to catch and discuss. These allusions to Rowling’s previous movies are interesting, but "Fantastic Beasts" is something unique from any previous works. None of the characters seem to have a lot of power, in fact Jacob the No-Maj plays just as important a role in saving the day as the wizards. This seemingly dark and twisted tradition the American wizards have to hide themselves from the regular humans is also different from how the Harry Potter characters interacted with muggles. This underlying tension is present throughout the whole movie, keeping viewers on the edges of their seats.

Each creature is unique and unforgettable, from the adorable Niffler who couldn’t stop stealing shiny objects to the intimidating and majestic Thunderbird. All of them seemed natural, and none of their roles in the story seemed forced. The idea of having some of the saviors of the story be animals seemed like a hard thing to pull off for a movie that should be similar to Harry Potter, but Rowling did it flawlessly. The characters of the story were also a breath of fresh air in the genre of magic. They were believable and had personality flaws that allowed the viewers to relate to them and their struggles. For example, Newt Scamander is socially awkward and seems out of his element unless he is around his beasts. This makes him much more believable and likable, as he was not all-powerful in the magic department. This made him rely on the help of others, which often included his many creatures. There are expected to be a total of five movies in the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise. This may be surprising s i n c e ever y t h ing seems to be concluded at the end of this first film. The rea lization that there will b e four more movies will leave viewers wondering and debating what the sequel will be about. With endearing characters, intriguing villains, a fun story and many questions Rowling has left unanswered, this prequel to the Potter storyline will please loyal fans as it broadens the wizarding world to a wider audience.


“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” Warner Bros, 2016 PG-13; 133 minutes










Highly acclaimed acapella group, Pentatonix, released its second Christmas album, “A Pentatonix Christmas,” and it is just as jam packed with holiday spirit as DIGITALJOURNAL.COM the last one. Classic favorites such as “Up on the Housetop” and “I’ll be Home for Christmas” are featured, but with the group’s own modern twist. Likewise, Pentatonix breathes new life into traditional carols such as “Coventry Carol” and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” new life. With fresh harmonies and beats, these versions are more accessible to a younger generation. Every member of the quintette carries their weight throughout each piece. Mitch Grassi and Kirstin Maldonado help the music soar to new heights with melodic notes and floaty harmonies that take the listener into the fantasy of a snowy Christmas morning. Scott Hoying and Avi Kaplan carry the bottom end of each song and provide each piece with the power needed to convey its message. Their sometimes dark and brooding tones draw the listener into the story being sung. All while this is happening, Kevin Olusola beatboxes to make each piece modern and catchy. On their last holiday album, Pentatonix teamed up with singer Tori Kelly to create a rendition of “Winter Wonderland” The newest album fronts another famous acapella group, The Manhattan Transfer. On this album, Pentatonix and The Manhattan Transfer take caroling staple, “White Christmas” and give it a jazzy edge. By teaming up with other famous artists Pentatonix not only gains more publicity and fans, but opens up their music to a whole other fan base. In addition to the classics, the album also includes a number of original tracks. Songs like “Christmas Sing-Along” and “Good to Be Bad” give listeners more of a learning curve to remember new lyrics for singing along. This could pose as a problem for a Christmas album, since carols are meant to be sung along to. However, in the end, this is a trivial matter, as each original song is easy to remember. “A Pentatonix Christmas” is sure to delight any audience with its blend of new and old sounds which are perfect for the holiday season.

Instead of sending iMessages in the standard blue bubbles, iPhone users can now send texts that appear in pool tables and tictac-toe tables. The new iOS 10 update GAMEPIGEONAPP.COM has brought a wave of new customization options and gaming apps, such as the increasingly popular GamePigeon. Created by Vitalii Zlotskii, this app allows gamers to play the standard time-killer games via text message. This innovative way of incorporating gaming systems into texting has attracted many followers. Users can play games by sending their moves to their opponent through iMessage. Some of these games include Poker, Sea Battle, Connect Four, Checkers and an Anagram-type game. Although the app was released on Sept. 13, 2016, it has recently gained mass attention and popularity due to the new iOS 10 update. Easy accessibility to the app allows a wide range of people, from inexperienced technology users to experienced gamers, to play these games without any complications. This app also permits players to reconnect with old friends and family through an entertaining game of pool or poker. The graphics in all of the games are of HD quality, and give a 3D effect. The images are clear and colorful, drawing the user to the vivacity of the game. However, the clear display cannot overshadow some of the minor flaws that come with this app. As gamers get more attached to the game and delve deeper into their playing, the software may glitch, causing users to lose the progress of their games and start new ones. This may lead to a bit of frustration since the program tends to glitch frequently. The game also only offers a choice of standard games that users can find in other apps. A newly-created game would have attracted more followers. Besides the glitching and standardization, this app’s unique and innovative way of gaming has inspired many other companies to follow in its lead of incorporating their games within the phone’s functions. It has changed the face of the phone gaming and messaging world. This app is definitely worth the click to try.

comedic goal. It is a joke. Unfortunately, it isn’t the kind of “this is hilarious” laughter, but rather an “this is unbearable” laughter. Though the characters in the show are made to make viewers uncomfortable, they almost are too good at it. The show’s plotline is limited—enough so to make a viewer turn it off. Ballinger acts as her YouTube personality, Miranda Sings, a self-obsessed teenage girl trying to become famous as a singer, even though she and her Uncle Jim (Steve Little) are the only two people that don’t seem to notice that she’s tone deaf and lacks talent of any kind. Little portrays the creepy, uneducated uncle. And he excels. He definitely is creepy. The actors all fit their roles, but it is the plot and point of the show as a whole that is confusing. The show is based upon Miranda’s career that isn’t taken seriously. That’s the point of the show. It isn’t meant to be taken seriously, either. If a more mature viewer or a 12-year-old with a knack for crude humor run out of options and really need to waste some time, “Haters Back Off” is the best fit. “Miranda Sings” was popular on YouTube, so fans will know a lot about her character. New viewers will find the show does a very good job of introducing the plot and characters. Unfortunately, it’s rated TV14 for some seemingly unintentional crude humor hidden in the dialogue. From Miranda’s previous fanbase on Youtube and her odd voice, the show attracts a younger audience than some of the show’s creators, including Ballinger herself and her husband, Chris Ballinger Kristen, intended. And, while the show’s presentation, acting and function are very well done, the show itself has no purpose, so the directors may struggle to take the plot much further than Sings’ shenanigans.

“Main Course” is a science fiction text adventure set on a lonely freighter in the vastness of space. The player takes the role of a SoMorph, a 2-footQUANTUM-SHEEP.COM tall, purple-tentacled, single-eyed alien that has the ability to morph its mouth to devour any creature and absorb its knowledge. After waking up from a drug-induced slumber and locked in a crate as precious cargo, the player must guide the alien out and through the ship, exploring the vessel for clues on how to get home. Gameplay is in the vein of a text adventure. This means the game itself is basically an interactive novel. All actions are presented as text and have to be read by the player. The player then inputs commands to move the story along by typing in things such as “look left” or “ pick up that object.” The story itself is well written. The entirety of it is told through the perspective of an alien who does not have a complete grasp of English. This not only serves as comedic relief at some points, as the alien has trouble understanding language or human culture in general, but also serves gameplay, as elements are withheld until they can later be understood. Being a text adventure, one may not expect the game to have any sort of art style. However this is not the case. The backdrops to the text have different animations as the player progresses, generally centered on a static distortion effect. It actually serves to create a considerably eerie atmosphere when coupled with the ominous speech of an alien whose purpose is to get home only after devouring whatever human gets in its way. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the soundtrack, which generally consists of a generic electro sci-fi loop. “Main Course” is an intriguing game that is a great choice for anyone who enjoys reading. It’s an eclectic mix of humorous situations and suspenseful horror that isn’t found very often.

A Pentatonix; 2016, RCA Records; Available for $9.99 on Itune

“Game Pigeons”; 2016; Vitalli Zolliski; Available for Apple and Android

“Haters Back Off”; NETFLIX; 2016; TV-14

“Main Course: Director’s Cut”; QUANTUM SHEEP; 2016;

By Sarah Wietecha

By Gowri Yerramalli

By Bella Lawson

By Giuseppe Parison


Y o u T u b e sensation Miranda Sings (Colleen Ballinger) made her Netflix debut with her original series “Haters Back Off.” The show managed to accomplish its


North Pointe - Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 - 9


“Grosse Pointe Public School administrators and teachers are responsible for encouraging and ensuring freedom of expression and freedom of the press for all students, regardless of whether the ideas expressed may be considered unpopular, critical, controversial, tasteless or offensive.”

Not so small talk


Lindsey Ramsdell EDITOR-IN-CHIEF



Ritika Sannikommu EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Gowri Yerramalli BUSINESS MANGER

Caitlin Bush NEWS EDITOR

Abbey Cadieux IDEAS EDITOR




Our editorial represents the opinion of the North Pointe Editorial Board consisting of the editors above. Members who have a conflict of interest with an editorial topic do not partake in that meeting or vote. EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Lindsey Ramsdell, Ritika Sanikommu MANAGING EDITORS: Mora Downs, Billy Moin WEBSITE MANAGING EDITOR: Alex Harring SECTION EDITORS: Josie Bennett, Caitlin Bush, Abbey Cadieux, Anna Post DESIGN EDITOR: Emma Brock BUSINESS MANAGER: Gowri Yerramalli DIGITAL EDITORS: Erin Kaled, Sonny Mulpuri, Sarah Wietecha ASSISTANT EDITORS: Allison Lackner, Trevor Mieczkowski, Katelynn Mulder, Montana Paton, Michal Ruprecht, Billy Steigelman, Tommy Teftsis PHOTOGRAPHERS: Veronica Albo, Bella DeSandy, Nicole Fazekas, Marina Gabriel, Katie Link, Erinne Lubienski, Rachel Malinowski, Alyssa McLarty, Lauren Sexton, Nya Tatum, Kennedy Williams STAFF REPORTERS: Amber Braker, Dajai Chatman, Sofia Ketels, Lindsey Kluge, Bella Lawson, Nathan Lonczynski, Giuseppe Parison, Asia Simmons, Jacqueline Squillace, Katie Thomas, Addison Toutant INTERNS: Rory Angott, Elizabeth Ballinger, Zoe Graves, Mariah Loper, Syeda Rizvi, Tarun Sanikommu The North Pointe is edited and produced by Advanced Journalism students at Grosse Pointe North High School and is published every two weeks. It is in practice a designated public forum without prior review. Comments should be directed to the student editors, who make all final content decisions. The views expressed are solely those of the authors or the student editorial board and do not reflect the opinions of the Grosse Pointe Public School System. We are a member of the Michigan Scholastic Press Association, Columbia Scholastic Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association and Student Press Law Center. We subscribe to McClatchy-Tribune Information Services and One copy is available free to all community members. Additional copies may be purchased. Our editorial policy and advertising rates are available online at The North Pointe is printed on 100 percent recycled paper.


Refreshing the tech bond All elections usher in new ideas and opportunities for growth. As we welcome the new School Board members and look towards the future, we must reflect and focus on the changes that could be made to keep our school system excellent. In order to do so, the Editorial Board would like to propose the idea of a new technology bond for the district. In 2014, the proposed technology bond was shot down, and with good reason. The bond was great in theory, especially with the possibility of online standardized tests in the next few years. But, it lacked a solid direction and was considered fiscally irresponsible by some. It makes sense that about 70 percent of voters opposed the millage. Having learned from past mistakes, the Editorial Board supports a new technology bond. The former proposal included items that were unnecessary (like the purchase of armored doors) and hiked up prices, so having more time to revise it would have been beneficial for trustees and voters alike. However, after it didn’t pass, it was pushed aside because of its high disapproval rating. We hope that the new Board of Education will revisit the idea of a bond, even though the last one was unsuccessful. It has been two years since the last bond was voted on, and students are ready for a new one. The Editorial Board would like to see the new School Board draft a fair, purposeful bond: one that keeps us competitive with other districts but doesn’t involve undesired additions. Compared to like school systems, our technology is sorely lacking. Many districts are moving past Smart Boards and desktop computers towards portable devices and strong internet connections in every building (with a private connection for students and a public one for visitors). Grosse Pointe has class sets of Chromebooks, the renowned Innovation Lab and a district-wide private WiFi service that is often slow and difficult for students to use. We are moving in the right direction, but we aren’t there yet. With a new bond, our schools can stay current. That isn’t to say that all schools in our district are totally depleted of 21st century equipment. That would be absurd. Many schools have laptop and iPad carts, but those are usually funded through donations and all-school fundraisers. While those funding efforts are helpful, they aren’t necessarily fair.

If one student has a cart of devices at their disposal, but a student at different school doesn’t, that’s an unequal educational opportunity. A district-wide technology bond allows for equal access for all students. This isn’t the fault of any of the School Board’s actions, but it’s evident nonetheless, and should be addressed. Most schools in our system have adapted to utilizing the technology we have in classrooms, whether it’s computers or student-provided devices. But, when we rely on a bring-yourown-device policy, problems can arise. Students who don’t have the same devices as their peers may feel left out or embarrassed, and don’t have the same opportunities for participation. We would like to see a plan for an updated infrastructure, which would most likely fall within the parameters of the bond, just as it did in 2014. In parts of district buildings, and specifically in areas of North, the WiFi is slow and sometimes inaccessible. Having no signal for the devices students are relying on makes them useless. Also, desktop computers are slow and often freeze. If a computer lags or stops loading, all of the progress a student made on that computer is at risk of disappearing. If the new School Board looks at the old bond and learns from its flaws, we believe they can come up with a proposal that includes necessary upgrades, but doesn’t over-do it to the point where it is deemed un-passable. What does that mean exactly? Recognize that the notion of every student having a take-home device is impractical and focus on having sets of laptops or portable electronics for every computer-less room that relies on online programs. As for the rooms that do have computers, make sure they have updated software and run at a reasonable speed. Also, strive for a solid connection throughout every building so students can efficiently accomplish all they need to in each class. Grosse Pointe is known for its boundless educational opportunities, yet the lack of accessible technology puts a damper on students. If this is not aided, the district could potentially lose its competitive edge. A tech bond would help keep us current, preferably enacted within the next few years. Grosse Pointe is ready for a reasonable and considerate bond. Preparing one to be voted on should be a top priority for the new Board of Education.

CONTACT US 707 Vernier Road Grosse Pointe Woods MI, 48236 Phone: 313.432.3248 Email: Twitter: @thenorthpointe Website: FACULTY ADVISER: Shari Adwers, MJE “I don’t really care about it because I’m not really on social media.”

Nicholas Muccioli FRESHMAN

“I kind of dislike it because you know if I want something to be for me and for the people who follow me I don’t want the whole public to see it.”

“I don’t really post stuff, or my pictures. I don’t really care who sees it anyway. So it doesn’t really make a difference to me.”



Alexa Anderson

Terry Wedlow

YOUR TURN: How do you feel about your photos not being private on Snapchat? By Josie Bennett & Dajai Chatman

“It doesn’t really change much ... because every other platform saves (photos) in some form, so the fact that (it) does doesn’t really surprise me.”

Shannon Gabriel SENIOR

“I’ve looked at other people’s Snapchats but I don’t have my own. It would bother me, I’m big on photos, like who can use them and where they’re going to end up.”

Sakina Hill


“It’s not right. People shouldn’t be putting some of the things they put out there.”

Al Fox


As the holidays begin, small talk with relatives you haven’t seen in a while is an inevitable outcome. In my house, conversation topics range from college football to the stock market. But somehow, whenever my older relatives engage me in a conversation, it always seems to find its way to that one, unsolicited question: “So, what are your plans?” To my unaware uncle, I look like I’m around the age that question would be appropriate to ask. Those five words don’t sound like much other than a harmless conversation starter to him. But they carry a lot of weight, especially to a junior in high school standing on the brink of standardized tests and college applications. If break is like a nap in the middle of the day, hearing this is the wake-up call that brings you back to reality, dazed and confused. The pause that usually follows while I wrack my brain for an acceptable response, is a little longer than expected. I finally mutter something vague about a Michigan college and a career in medicine and try to inconspicuously slide out of that exchange shortly after. But then, this usually prompts follow-up questions. I’m interrogated on college majors, graduate school and career paths. Although I know my relatives mean no harm in asking, this is not the best way to bond with a high schooler. Expecting us to have any clue about what we want to do in the future is a stretch, and chances are we’ve already been asked this question several times that day and are none too eager to hear it again. Older people seem to have forgotten what it’s like to be at our age: where we’re not quite old enough to know what our future selves will want, but we’re still expected to guess. It’s stressful enough trying to find out what our own plans are for ourselves, let alone having to relay that information to a distant family member. After a few minutes if you haven’t completely disenchanted your interviewer, he or she will usually try to offer some insight. Not only do you have to bare your personal aspirations on the spot, but now you get to be judged on the quality of your response. “There’s no money in that,” he’ll say. “That’s a hard lifestyle, how will you have time for a family?” she might speculate. Followed by some cliché conclusion like, “But do whatever makes you happy.” Or, there’s my personal favorite: “Well, you’re still in high school. You have a lot of time to decide.” But doesn’t that directly contradict the basis of this conversation? By asking me what my plans are for the future, they’re assuming that I have some sort of plan. Or, they’re acknowledging the fact that I will have to make these decisions in the near future, so now is an appropriate time to ask me what I’m thinking. And truth be told, high schoolers really don’t have much time. By junior year, students are already asked to choose classes that will earn them college credits towards their potential majors. We are already touring college campuses and meeting with counselors to discuss applications and financial requirements. We are already taking online questionnaires to try to match us with the most fitting professional field. By now, we are well aware that we are going to have to make some big decisions regarding our futures very soon and have made some sort of plan for ourselves. So while we appreciate the effort at conversation, we don’t need another reminder. The holidays are meant to be for light-hearted fun and relaxation, not for dissecting my hopes and dreams, or lack thereof, around the dinner table. So please, coming from all high school nieces, nephews and grandchildren: let’s keep the small talk to the weather this year. Or even the stock market, Grandpa.

10 – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – North Pointe



Thanksgiving Traditions Students share their annual holiday activities By Mora Downs & Katie Thomas EDITOR & STAFF REPORTER

Warren Galloway

Tommy Mowen


PARADING AROUND | Sophomore Warren Galloway poses with his family and a fellow parade attendee at this year’s America’s Thanksgiving Parade in Downtown Detroit.

Surrounded by festive floats and thousands of people. That’s how sophomore Warren Galloway likes to spend his Thanksgiving. Galloway and his family have spent the holiday at the annual America’s Thanksgiving Parade every year. “We go to the Thanksgiving parade downtown,” Galloway said. “(Then we go to) my aunt’s house or we just have Thanksgiving at our house, and we just have a big thing.” Celebrating its 90th year, the America’s Thanksgiving parade is one of the oldest and largest in the country. It’s put on by The Parade Company which organizes the floats and organizations that walk down Woodward Avenue. The company also invites musical guests and feature bands to join the celebration. “They bring in Big Sean almost every year,” Galloway said. “So that’s probably the best part.” Participating in the festivities with his family makes the event all the more special for Galloway, who feels that it brings them all together. “When my family goes out, that’s when we bond the most,” Galloway said. “So it’s just a fun time to spend with my family.”

Shannon Gabriel


MUSICAL MARCH | Senior Tommy Mowen poses with his trumpet after marching in his final Santa Day Parade. The day after Thanksgiving has become as much a tradition for senior Tommy Mowen as the holiday itself. For the past three years, Mowen has been marching in the Grosse Pointe Santa Day Parade, playing trumpet for North’s pep band. He finds playing Christmas music in November ironic. “I think it’s funny,” Mowen said. “It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and it’s already time for Christmas.” The band sports Santa hats and walks

down Kercheval through the cold and snow to spread Christmas cheer. “We usually just play some Christmas songs like ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ or ‘Frosty the Snowman’ or something like that. We mix it up,” Mowen said. The local parade has become a tradition for Mowen’s family, too. They come to support him every year. Mowen said he will look back on this tradition with fond memories, as he completed his final parade performance last Friday.

Maggie Bowers The holiday season is a time to travel and visit family. Junior Maggie Bowers heads east to Pennsylvania every year to celebrate Thanksgiving. The break allows Bowers and her family to take a four-day trip to see her extended family and spend the holiday with them. “Me and my brother and my parents, we go to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,” Bowers said. “We have Thanksgiving with my aunt and her two sons and my grandparents.”

Spending time with family is Bowers’ favorite part of her Thanksgiving tradition. Along with seeing loved ones, they take time to go Black Friday shopping and attend hockey games while in the city. “I like to go because we don’t get to travel to Pennsylvania a lot, so it’s like a nice time to see them,” Bowers said. “It’s very rural where they are, so it’s fun to kind of get out of populated Grosse Pointe.”



FAMILY MATTERS |Juniors Maggie and Tim Bowers spend time with cousins in Pennsylvania.

ALTERNATIVE CUISINE| Senior Shannon Gabriel holds a plate of her leftover tofu turkey. Turkey is the iconic Thanksgiving food. However, senior Shannon Gabriel has turned to a more environmentally friendly alternative. After discovering tofu turkey on the Food Network and trying it at a music festival, Gabriel was inspired to make her own for her . “I’m sort of on the road to becoming vegetarian. It’s a huge lifestyle change,” Gabriel said. “This year we are going to have a normal turkey, but I’m going to have a small portion of tofu that will hopefully taste like turkey.” While a traditional turkey is typically regarded as the focal point of Thanksgiving, Gabriel doesn’t think her tofu version will alter her holiday experience. She doesn’t expect other Americans to make the same choice as she did this year, but hopes that more will in the future. “It’s healthier, better for the environment and more morally sound, and it’s not really a hard change,” Gabriel said. “But it’s the little change that can make the difference.”

SPORTS Gender is not a boundary ANNA POST SPORTS COLUMN

“You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam.” “You bob for apples in the toilet, and you like it.” “You play ball like a girl.” Behold, the biggest roast in movie history. In the movie classic “The Sandlot,” beloved catcher Ham Porter leaves a group of snobby ball players speechless with his witty comeback that has become one of the biggest insults to male athletes. Stereotypes influence people’s perceptions of gender roles in sports. We live in a world where men are the athletic superiors and female athletes are remembered for being scantily clad in the latest Sports Illustrated. Many have stated the obvious: men have a physical advantage over women in the sports world. However, just because someone is male or female doesn't mean both can’t excel in the same sport. Ashton Brooks is proof. Midland Dow High School’s football record is 8-1 overall and does not go unnoticed. The team credits their success in the Saginaw Valley League to Brooks, their senior placekicker. She is not only ranked as one of the top kickers in the league, but she also has received a partial scholarship to play soccer at Northwood University next year. Brooks has everything going for her in all aspects of her athletic career, and sadly has to face the harshest backlash because of her race and gender. A black female athlete participating in a predominately male sport? That's something to be proud of. Not ridiculed for. On Oct. 25, New York Daily News justice writer Shaun King tweeted a screenshot of an Instagram post that showed a white college student posing with a gorilla mascot. The gorilla in the photo was meant to represent Brooks and was captioned, “Got a pic with dows kicker ;).” It's hard to believe that a college student would be ill-mannered enough to harass a girl that has impacted so many individuals. Brooks’ athleticism and domination in a male sport is proof that female athletes can be powerful forces in any sport they play. Why must one person think it’s okay to humiliate someone who is proud of who she is and what she’s accomplished? There isn’t such thing as a “males-only sport,” nor is there such a thing as a sport just for women. Since 1999, females have had the opportunity to play professional tackle football under the Women’s Professional Football League or Independent Women’s Football League. Female athletes like Duke’s former kicker Heather Sue and Louisville’s former kicker Kathy Klope have been recognized for their success in the sport and show girls that it's okay to participate in any sport they choose. Looking back on my childhood, I wished I had dabbled in more sports that interested me. I remember being afraid to try different ones. I was nervous of what people would think of me if I decided to play a sport a typical elementary school student didn’t approve of. As I reflect on those experiences as an athlete, I have learned to accept that not everyone will support your decisions. It's all about being proud of what you do and playing the game that makes you happy. Sports have no gender bounderies. Just because Brooks suits up in pads ever Friday night doesn't mean she's any less of a woman or athlete. This negative publicity diminishes her performance, and the disrespectful Instagram post is an example of cruel behavior that should never be permitted. Brooks is a powerhouse. She puts Ham Porter's comeback to shame. People don't have to agree with what others enjoy doing, but that doesn't give them permission todiminish someone's achievement. Brooks is admirable because she doesn't "follow the norm." She sees obstacles and tackles them.

North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 - 11

Putting in work Student athletes hit the gym to gain a physical and mental edge during the offseason


WEIGHT ROOM GRIND | Students lifting during the weight/strength training and conditioning class. By Sonny Mulpuri & Billy Steigelman EDITOR & ASSISTANT EDITOR

There are plenty of ways student athletes can spend the downtime between seasons. For some, the choice is to take off time to rejuvenate. Others work to keep in shape and train for their next season. Cross country runner Calvin Riley recently received his 2,500-mile shirt representing the number of miles he has run outside of practice since the beginning of his freshman year. After a disappointing finish last year, the junior knew he had to do even more this year if he were to help his team reach its goal of making it to the state finals. “I definitely knew I wanted to work harder and was motivated because last year, we were supposed to make states,” Riley said. “But it didn’t all come together, so I just wanted to make sure I could help do my part in not letting that happen again.” Work ethic is key for athletes in the offseason. Competitive athletes strive to both maintain and improve their skills. Coaches will be pleased no matter how this is achieved. Boys and girls golf coach Pete Kingsley is aware of how important it is for his players to spend time improving, especially in a sport that isn’t commonly played in the offseason and is based on individual performance. “In golf, when you aren't playing all-year-round, it's hard as an individual to have someone to go play with all the time, like a team, to get a good workout,” Kingsley said. “The work you put into the offseason will make or break you when it comes to the actual season because it's really difficult to catch up with those who did.” However, sports such as golf may be hard to practice in the offseason because of winter weather. The golf teams generally practice at Jawors or at Lochmoor Country Club, but when those facilities are shut down, indoor facilities are limited. Kingsley needs his teams to hit the ground running at the beginning of every season. He is trying to get indoor facilities for

EYES ON THE PRIZE | Gallagher and junior Sammy Kawrowitz wait to tee off. "I like the rush you get when you are about to hit (the ball)," Gallagher said. "Or just like walking around the course and just learning new courses and I just love the sport."

his kids to practice at for not only the benefit of the individual, but also as a team as a whole. Despite that, he still expects them to improve physically and mentally. “Everybody has their workout centers to go to, even at North. That’s a good thing for individuals no matter if a trainer designed it or you go on your own,” Kingsley said. “Just work out, get stronger and more flexible. That's the most important thing to get some explosiveness.” Girls and boys swimming and diving head coach Dan Hafner has the same view as Kingsley, but also said the offseason is a place for repetition and getting as comfortable as possible in the pool. “The more they’re in the water, the better they will get because it's not really a natural motion or something they can do on their own. It’s buoyancy,” Hafner said. “It’s just different than anything else, so the more they are in the water, the better they get and the more they improve.” Coaches can’t organize or attend offseason training for athletes, and even though they want their teams to not miss a beat, there will be the handful of athletes that don’t put as much effort in their respective sports as their teammates do. Coaches are keen to pick that up. “Those who (swim) all year round are significantly faster, better aerobically, and it doesn’t take them as long to get in shape for the season,” Hafner said. Even though offseason training might improve a team or help an athlete accomplish personal goals, sometimes both the bigger and smaller pictures need to be looked at. Riley runs with his teammates as much as he can outside of the season. But he knows they must do more than just run if they want to be fully ready for their next season. “We’ve talked about doing the smaller things like just rolling out, stretching and core workouts,” he said. “Just doing all those small things that will help us improve for next year.”

SWEET GOLD | Gallagher recieving a tournament medal from her coach Pete Kingsley.

Sophomore golfer excels as top state competitor

By Lyndsay Kluge & Sofia Ketels STAFF REPORTERS

Meghan Gallagher was just 7 when her sister inspired her to play golf. Now, as a sophomore, she is breaking school records and turning the sport into a career. This past season was an improvement for Gallagher, who won medals at every match she played, lowering her score each time. She also beat two school records, which earned her a spot on the record boards in the gym. Gallagher’s 39.5 beat out the prior 9-hole average record of 39.6, and her score of 33 broke the old 9-hole record of 34. “That was one of my goals, actually at the beginning of the year, was to beat one of those,” she said. “My junior-year goal is for me to get all of them. So, to get those was really awesome.” Lauren Miller, a senior captain on the team, feels that the team wouldn’t be as accomplished without Gallagher. “She helped the team to be a lot better because she would carry off on a lot of matches,” Miller said. “So when we would all have high scores, and she would have the lowest, it would bring our score down as a team.” Gallagher’s grandparents got her started in the sport. “My grandpa would take me to a course that he belongs to, and we would always just go out there, and he would just teach me everything,” Gallagher said. “My other grandpa would take me out also. They would both just help me and inspired me to play.”

For Gallagher, nothing can quite compete with the feeling of simply being out on the golf course. The feeling when she’s about to hit the ball is what she says she enjoys most about the sport, along with finding new courses to explore and being a member of her team. According to freshman Bianca Clark, Gallagher is a great role model to herself and the team. Whether it is giving simple advice about the game or supporting the team, Clark notes that Gallagher has always been there for her and her fellow freshmen. “Meghan’s positive attitude and her really, really competitive skills pushed me. It made me want to be as competitive as her,” Clark said. “With her on the team, watching her try so hard and succeeding just made me want to do as good as her.” Senior year won’t be the end of golf for Gallagher. After graduation, she plans to pursue golf in college and maybe even beyond. “I think I can make it to that level, and I really like golf a lot,” she said. “I just want to keep playing.” Gallagher says that while golf is her true passion, she’s also interested in being an athletic trainer. She would like to pursue golf as a career, and fate is in the hands of the colleges to which she applies, but Gallagher says she’s ready for the challenge. “I think it’s a lot more intense (in college),” she said. “Like, in high school you’re just trying to go to states, and that’s it. But in college, you just keep working at it in fall, winter and summer, so it’s more work, and I’m willing to put that work in.”

North Pointe – Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016 – 12





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Motown Memories Students, faculty reflect on their experiences in the Turkey Trot, Detroit’s annual Thanksgiving run


FRIENDSHIP RUNS DEEP | Science teacher Elizabeth Michaels meets with her old cross country teammates to participate in the Turkey Trot. She recognizes how the race has evolved throughout the years. “When I first started doing it there was only a 10k and now they have the 5k and the mashed potato mile,” Michaels said. “ I appreciate that so many people are out and running.”


FAMILY TRADITIONS| Junior Sammy Kawrowitz has been participating in the Turkey Trot since 2012. Every year, her family and friends come together and celebrate at Karowitz’s house. “My family’s kind of active so we thought of the idea,” Kawrowitz said. “Tthen we started telling people about it and then they started telling other people so then more and more people came.”

By Ritika Sanikommu & Emma Brock EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & DESIGN EDITOR

For 34 years, the Turkey Trot has been an annual community tradition in downtown Detroit. Science teacher Elizabeth Michaels is no stranger to the race held on Thanksgiving day. She’s participated 13 times. It all started for Michaels when her high school cross country coach introduced the race to her. Now she looks forward each year to joining her former teammates for the run. “We started meeting up as a team. We would meet in my high school parking lot and then drive down together and run together,” Michaels said. “So now the reason that I keep doing it is it’s a reunion with my team every year.” Held at Cobo Center, the event ran from 6-9 a.m. Throughout the morning, there were various race-day events. Participants received custom shirts bearing the Turkey Trot logo and were able to view the parade that followed. Attendees chose to race in a 10K Turkey Trot Run, the 5K Stuffing Strut Run/Walk and the Mashed Potato Mile. There were also several recombination events that fused various distances together. Senior Adam Schade has run the 5k once. Injuries prevented him from participating last year, and he planned to attend this year but was not able to. “I was going to Saginaw for Thanksgiving because my dad’s side of the family lives there, so it was (a) schedule conflict,” he said. He attributes running in his free time to preparing him for the race post-cross-country season. Although Schade was not in his best condition, he was still thrilled to get involved.


TASTE OF VICTORY | Senior Adam Schade holding his medal after finishing the race in 2014. “It was just really cool running around the streets of Detroit, and a lot of people dress up for it and have costumes,” Schade said.


FESTIVE APPAREL | Turkey Trot participants recieve a shirt before the race. Senior Adam Schade participated in the Turkey Trot two years ago and enjoys the designs on the shirts each year. “I like them because they’re good to run in and they’re lightwight but warm and their kind of stylish,” Schade said.

“I guess it was relief because I always wanted to do it. I couldn’t do it my freshman year because I broke my leg, so it was just a nice feeling,” Schade said. “I think (the pace) was a little slower just because I wasn’t in top shape, but it was still a good time.” The Turkey Trot inspired junior Samantha Karwowicz’s family to create their own version of the Thanksgiving tradition. What started as a time filler turned into a major event that now hosts up to 50 people. They all congregate and complete a 5k around Grosse Pointe. “My parents freak out. They do the entire thing. They’re like cleaning the day before and all that. We kind of have a path we do. We do Morningside to Lakeshore, and then we’ll loop around back to my house. We put up signs and arrows so people know where they’re going,” Karwowicz said. “Then, after we get back, my dad will make food for everyone. We have “Hippie Hash” we make ... and people bring food, too, for a housewarming gift. So, then after we all eat together and talk.” The race exudes a relaxed and familial mood. Although it was not designed as a serious race, it allows athletes and amateurs alike to take part and has melded well with the day’s celebrations. Although Michaels continues to attend the race because of her friends, she sees it as a less than ideal way to start her Thanksgiving break. Despite this, she finds her silver lining within racing alongside her former teammates. “There were many Thanksgivings where it was not something that I looked forward to because, I mean, you have to wake up early. It’s the first day of break usually, so you have to wake up early, and then you get down there, and you have to figure out parking. It’s like a maze and a little bit frustrating. But, what I enjoy about it is being with those people. Often times it’s the only time I get to see those people all year.”

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