Moore Monthly - November 2013

Page 60

As Special as Sports Ever Gets by Rob Morris


f you’re looking for pure joy in sports, you need look no further than the field of dreams where Moore’s Special Olympians gathered to play softball in October. The annual Special Olympics softball game at Moore High School brought out ballplayers from all three of the city’s high schools for an evening filled with laughter, smiles and unbridled enthusiasm. Moore High School sophomore Demi Dobbs was the lead organizer for this year’s event. Dobb’s admitted being nervous about the amount of work it took to pull off the game, but says the results outweigh all of the anxious preparations. “These kids look forward to this game so much,” said Dobbs. “So all of the stress that we go through is so worth it at the end when you get to see how much fun they’re having and how much they talk about it for weeks after the game is over.” The Special Olympians are paired up with high school students who assist them on and off the field during the game. While those special athletes love the attention they get from their comrades, it should come as no surprise to learn that the impact of Special Olympians on their high school partners is every bit as profound.


Moore High School senior football player Ryan Luhan is one of those students who volunteered to help out with the Special Olympics softball game. He and his friend, Jeremiah “J-Dog” Blair shared a lot of special moments. “It’s a great experience, man. I love being out here with these guys because they’re just so much fun to be around,” said Luhan. While most athletic contests define success by the final score, this one was measured in laughter and smiles. And by that standard it was easily on par with any championship game at any level. Two teams. One spirit. And that is as special as sports ever gets.

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