Cueva Castañar de Ibor

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Cueva d e C a s t a ñ a r d e Ib o r (Cáceres, Spain) This is a karstic cave. It is s p e c tacul ar a n d has g r e a t scientific value. It is considered one o f t h e most interesting caves in Spain. It is in Ca s t a ñar d e Ibor, Cáceres, inside o f Geoparque Villuercas Ibores Jara.


The cave was discovered by a donkey in 1967. O n e p e a sa n t was plowed a n d t h e donkey p u t one o f its leg inside a n hole.


Now, only few people c a n visit t h e real cave, because they t o l d us t h a t one time a p e rso n threw u p inside o f t h e cave a n d it m o d if ica t e d a lo t o f materials.


We learn diff erent stuff a b o u t rocks, a n d what is t h e f o r m a t io n a n d t h e time t h a t it take t o grow.


Also, we watched a 3D film a b o u t t h e f o r m a t i o n o f t h e cave, very interesting.


The last p a r t was incredible. We worked like a paleontologist. We h a d t o f in d a jaw tooth. A n d t o f in d a g o l d nugget. We enjoy a learn a lot.

This is t h e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n center.

We know a lot of new worlds. Like: C o l a d a s : These are formations, generally of calcite, with thick layers that reach the ground in steps. Flags or curtains: They hang from the walls like veils and are basically of calcite. Ribs: Vertical formations with a tubular morphology that hang from the ceiling and have a central channel through which water drops. They are of aragonite or calcite. Stalactites: Similar to ribs but larger. They are of calcite or aragonite. Stalagmites: They grow from the ground where drops fall from a stalactite and have a calcitic a nd/ or aragonitic composition. Columns: These are formed by the coalescence of stalactites and stalagmites. Fibrous formations: These are the most characteristic speleothems of this cave; they are acicular crystals of aragonite. They develop from a central point to form very delicate fibrous-radial aggregates which are known as “aragonite flowers� (this is the logo of the Geopark). Moon-milk: A matt white globular deposit that may have a considerable content of intercrystalline water. The minerals from which it forms in this cave are essentially dolomite and magnesite.

We want t o say t h a n k you t o e-tweening c o o r d i n a t o r s a n d t eaching t eam t o p a r t i c i p a t e d in this project.

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