Drug addiction in Teens, Parents Alert!

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Drug Addiction in Teens, Parents Alert !

Drug treatment centers in California handle an exceptionally large number of drug and substance addicts, particularly in teens, claims many surveys. Drug and alcohol abuse is a serious and growing problem affecting a substantial percentage of American population year after year. While drug treatment centers in California play an inevitable role in treating addiction and relapse, the role of parents is indispensable in preventing, identifying, persuading and discussing to prevent relapse. Parents have a big involvement in helping their children come out of the problem. They need to learn to discuss with their children on drug or alcohol addiction.

Here are some effective and critical steps parents must ensure to prevent or reduce the likelihood of using drugs.

Set up lines of communication Talking to your children on the subject may be the single most challenging task you have faced. The requirement is to talk to your teen in a way that neither puts them in pressure nor alienates them in any way. Make them want to confide in you by establishing trust. Never pick up an accusatory or emotional tone with them. Talk calmly and help them initiate dialogues, questions or their feelings with you. Don’t make the discussion a big event. Keep it casual and the ambiance less tensed. Effective communication is the number one solution to treating problem. However, a wrong step can set you back largely.

Be a part of their lives Children tend to be more friendly and active in their discussions with their parent(s) only when the latter efficiently persuades them to do so. Make sure you develop the habit of discussing everyday activities with your children and also encourage them to do so. Know what your teen does and whom they are with. Teens who inform and interact are less likely to develop the habit of drug and substance addiction.

Establish concrete rules Regardless of the consequences, parents must clearly communicate a no-tolerance standpoint when it comes to drugs, alcohol or substance use. Talk to your children like a friendly counselor and help them understand why it is clearly a no-no when it comes to this problem.

Tell them the dangers Most of the time, the intensity or magnitude of the problem can be understood only when there is proper education on the subject. While there are a number of online forums or articles that can render necessary education, there is nothing simpler and more effective than talking to your children about it.

The first mistake to commit is not talking about drugs and







encourage them to ask questions



their nature. Parents need to be educated on the topic before they can impart their knowledge to their children.

Drug treatment centers in California(except some) are doing exceptional work in treating a large percentage of teens with drug and substance addiction. However, the first step must always focus on prevention and parents play a significant role in it.

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