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Effective Thursday, July 1, 2010, the Golden Gate Bridge carpool toll will be $3 AND valid FasTrak required. VALID FASTRAK TAG REQUIRED; CASH PAYMENT OF CARPOOL DISCOUNT NOT ACCEPTED

• Mount the FasTrak tag per instructions • Stop in a staffed lane, toll collector will verify carpool and apply carpool discount • If you don’t have a valid FasTrak tag in your car AND stop in a staffed lane, you WILL NOT receive the carpool discount

The carpool toll will not be assessed in the following situations: If you do not have a FasTrak account, you will be assessed applicable cash toll ($6). If you have a valid FasTrak account but tag is not in car, you will not qualify for the carpool discount. You will be assessed the applicable FasTrak toll ($5). If the FasTrak tag in your vehicle does not read (e.g., dead battery), you will not qualify for carpool discount. If vehicle is registered on your account and is in good standing, you will be assessed applicable FasTrak toll ($5). If you pass through a dedicated FasTrak lane, you will be assessed the applicable FasTrak toll (for those with a valid FasTrak account). If vehicle is not registered with a valid FasTrak account, you will receive toll violation notice.

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CARPOOL HOURS: 5-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. Monday through Friday (except New Year’s, President’s, Memorial, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving and Christmas days). CARPOOL DEFINITION: Two-axle vehicles with 3+ passengers, motorcycles, buses, clean air vehicles (with white DMV Clean Air decal only). TO SIGN UP FOR FASTRAK, CALL 877-229-8655 OR VISIT www.bayareafastrak.org PURCHASE YOUR FASTRAK TAG TODAY AT SAFEWAY AND WALGREENS

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