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was only detrimental to those who eat them that would be one thing, but the production of meat and dairy across the world is an environmental catastrophe. I’m a firm believer in spending more for quality, food included. But eating well shouldn’t be prohibitively expensive. I guess it’s all in how one defines “eating well.� For me, that means little or no processed food and plenty of fresh produce in season. Food is of course a necessary expense, but there’s a lot of discretion on how to spend your food dollar. But the ironic thing about food when you buy fresh, unprocessed ingredients and cook for yourself rather than opening a can or box, eating well generally costs less. At least that’s my belief.


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An estimated 30 percent of the Earth’s ice-free land is involved in livestock production. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), livestock production generates nearly a fifth of the world’s greenhouse gases, more than transportation. Animal agriculture is the leading source of methane and nitrous oxide emissions, which--combined with carbon dioxide--are the primary causes of global warming. Livestock production accounts for more than 8 percent of global human water use, the FAO says. Evidence suggests that it is also the largest source of water pollution thanks to animal wastes, antibiotics, hormones, fertilizers and pesticides used for feed crops, and sediments from eroded pastures. An estimated 30 percent of the Earth’s ice-free land is involved in livestock production. Approximately 70 percent of previously forested land in the Amazon is used as pasture, and feed crops cover a large part of what’s left. Eating organically raised, grass-feed beef is a far better option than the factoryfarmed garbage that most of us eat. But organically raised or not, livestock still sucks up scarce natural resources and contributes to global warming. I’m not saying we should give up meat entirely. Just eat less of it. Given the severity of the climate crisis, reducing our consumption of meat is a painless step everyone can take. What if President Obama declared he was willing to go without meat a few days a week for the sake of the planet? I’m not holding my breath for that one, but more often than not I’m going to hold off on eating meat.

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