Enjoy Accra Magazine No91

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ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 1

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ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 3

C O N T E N T s F eat u r e S torie s

World Cup Highlights In Brazil 2014


Ci Gusta Year In Ghana

Julie A. Dacaud General Manager & Sales julie@enjoyaccra.com Karen Balchin Sr. Creative & Graphic Designer karen@enjoyaccra.com Juanito Mario de Medeiros Publication Manager juanito@enjoyaccra.com Clementina Ayirebi-Acquah Graphic Designer Hervé-Daniel Osnou Web Designer Priscilla Tia Marketing Executive Vicky Murray Copywriter Adele N. Memegnon Administrative & Accounts

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Enjoy Accra Magazine is published by Orion Advertising Company Ltd. Tel.: (+233) 030 278 70 25 / 0302 544 377 m a ilENJOY : m aNg@ o Jul-Aug 2014 91 e njoy a c c ra . c om www.enjoyaccra.com

Regina Agyare Ashesi Success


Summer Fashion



Keeping Fit On Holiday


Innebandy - Are you tough enough


Societe General - Power of 250


Hollywood Night with the GCHF


Summer/ Spring Men’s Fashion


Event Calender


Give Me The Mantle Book Launch


Beauty Tips : Top Benefits Of Waxing




Parent Corner


Recipe : Summer Salads & Cocktails


Star of The Month : Dede Ayew


Enjoy Index


Useful numbers


Printed by Type Company Limited

Editor’s Letter “Dogs do not actually prefer bones to meat; it is just that no one ever gives them meat” ! Dear Friends,

the time has come to take a break, spend a little more time with our respective families, purge stress and worries and recharge our batteries. You surely have plans for making your holidays as exhilarating as possible. Nevertheless, we take pleasure in making interesting suggestions for you to make the best of your break. We welcome the Black Stars home from their Brazilian adventure. As the great Confucius stated it, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in our ability to rise whenever we fall”. Our Stars will surely shine next time. For now, let’s relish photos from the tournament in Brazil and some exciting moments from the support they received in Accra. You will love reading about Miss Regina Agyare. She is most definitely a personality to reckon with in this computer age. Especially as our people are encouraged to take full advantage of technology thus making our country a better place to live in. Congratulations to the Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana and Ghana International Women’s Club: they can be proud of their fundraising efforts. Finally, to wish you all Happy Holidays and see you in September, since the Enjoy Team is taking a welldeserved break too.

Enjoy!!! Don’t forget you can also read the magazine online at: www.enjoyaccra.com


I guess we all deserve to shout “Thank God It’s July!” because

Dominique Paravicini Editor

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 5


far right : Amel, Wedad, Caline, Imad, Sa

Ci Gusta staff

ci gusta!

Celebrating One Year!!!

The Italian food experience


t was all smiles as management, staff, and customers joined in to celebrate ci gusta!’s first anniversary in Ghana. A gathering of true gelato and frozen yoghurt lovers, the atmosphere was vibrant and lively. Guests enjoyed the special cakes from Koala Supermarket and were treated to smoothies and yummy gelato from ci gusta!

A selection of treats were available for clients to enjoy

Located in Osu inside Koala supermarket and at Airport, close to the National Service Secretariat, ci gusta! is an ideal hang out for friends and family. Serving the best frozen yoghurt and gelato ice cream in Ghana, clients get to enjoy the best Italian food experience. The establishment is a popular one especially at the weekends when people need a break from the bustle of the busy city. Pick up your loyalty card from ci gusta! and make the most of their ‘Buy 5 get 1 free’ offer on frozen yoghurt. ci gusta! is well known all over the world, and the franchise is sure to grow and see many more happy years ahead. e

6 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

who’s who

ana & Ci Gusta staff

The children were definitely not left out of the celebration

Relishing his cupcake

“Pick up your loyalty card from ci gusta! and make the most of their ‘Buy 5 get 1 free’ offer on frozen yoghurt”.

Mr & Mrs Nassar enjoying a cappuccino

Mark & his friends from New Zealand ejoying a selection of desserts.

Octavie & Michelle treat themselves to cupcakes

Our warm and wonderful staff

Kenetha & Peprah say ‘ice cream’

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 7



Innebandy Are You Tough Enough?

Players of all nationalities, ages and levels meet at the National Stadium to play innebandy.

very Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon you will find a mixed bunch playing this game (developed in Sweden in the 1970’s) on the tennis courts at the National Stadium in Accra. It looks like a version of hockey but played with plastic sticks and a ball that looks a bit like a supersize practice golf ball. Fiercely competitive and fun to play, it requires little other than an ability to run and some degree of hand/eye co-ordination. There are few rules other than you must enjoy yourself and not hurt anyone (not always easy when you are pelting down the court intent on taking control of the ball). If you think it’s for you, come and have a look. e


8 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

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July in History .........July 14, 1789 The French Revolution began with the fall of Bastille, a strong fortress in Paris, which became a symbol of royal tyranny. It had been built as part of the fortifications on the east wall of the city of Paris, and played that role very well. But during the 17th and 18th centuries, the Bastille was used primarily for housing political prisoners, who were imprisoned indefinitely in the Bastille without accusation or trial. Bastille was stormed by a revolutionary crowd on 14th July 1789 in the French Revolution, becoming an important symbol for the French Republican movement, and was later demolished and replaced by the Place de la Bastille.

It Is the Month Origin:

July is Julius Caesar’s month of birth in the year 100 B. C. The original name was Quintilis, i.e. the fifth month in the early Roman calendar, since the Roman year began in March rather than January. In 46 B.C., two years to his assassination, and with the help of famous astronomer Sosigenes, Julius Caesar, famous Roman dictator, statesman and general, designed the ‘Julian’ calendar, a precursor to the Gregorian calendar in use today. He allocated 31 days to the month of his birth. Then the Roman Senate named the month Julius in his honor in 44 B.C., the year of his demise.

.........July 4, 1826 The United States Congress revised the Declaration for final approval on July 4, 1776. The only two signers of the Declaration of Independence who later served as President of the United States were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson (bitter rivals) died on the same day, July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration.

.........July 6, 1945 Nicaragua becomes 1st nation to formally accept the United Nations Charter. The Charter was signed on 26th June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on International Organization, to, among other purposes, “maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace”. It came into force on 24th October 1945.

.........July 9, 2011 South Sudan gains independence and secedes from Sudan, following a referendum that passed with 98.83% of all votes cast. The capital city is Juba. 10 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Honouring July with a Poem I can’t believe it’s already you, July. Half the year has now passed me by. A moment ago it was New Year’s Day With fresh resolutions to pave my way. My chagrin is rescued by wondrous July As gorgeous fireworks light up the sky. This freedom that I assume is owed Was purchased by many a bloody road. Though air is sultry and mosquitoes bold, I prefer you, July, to the winter’s cold. by Gregory Huyette

Did you know ?? Brazil covers 50% of the South American continent. Albert Einstein never knew how to drive a car The word ‘testify’ derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles. The Moon weighs 81 billion tons. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.

of July

Monthly facts

A Glass of Milk, Paid in Full

They once said...

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Albert Einstein

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk.


“When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity”.

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

“Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours”.

Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

“All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come”.

Rev. Desmond Tutu (1931)

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality”.

He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit. Years later, that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She began to read the following words: “Paid in full with a glass of milk. e Signed, Dr. Howard Kelly.” - Author unknown.

Reality Anagrams The Longman Dictionary defines the word anagram as a word or phrase that is made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. Popular anagrams: Listen/Silent; Bedroom/Boredom; Parliament/ Partial men; etc. Here are some funny reality anagrams: Dormitory/Dirty room; Presbyterian/Best in prayer; Astronomer/Moon-starer; Slot machines/ Cash lost in me; Mother-in-law/Woman Hitler. Your turn now! Challenge yourself, make funny reality anagrams out of: George Bush; Eleven plus two; Election results; A decimal point; Here come dots; A rope ends it. e Got some? Send to mag@enjoyaccra.com and ENJOY N 91see Jul-Augresults 2014 | 11in the September issue of your magazine. Also do join us on Facebook. o



Société Générale Ghana Hits The Streets Of Accra To

Celebrate The “Power of Gh¢250”.


n the 23rd of May 2014, Societe Generale Ghana launched its massive deposit and win promotion called “THE POWER OF GH¢250”. The first of it’s kind and scale by the bank. To get the whole town buzzing about this fantastic promotion, Societe Generale Ghana hit the streets of Accra with a funky FLASH MOB who performed to entertain large crowds in the middle of Makola, Okaishie, Kokomlemle and Tudu.

“The Power of 250” promotion, is one of the biggest in Ghana at the moment. It will be running between 27th May to 22nd August 2014 and is open to customers.”

The MOB, a dance group based in Accra, danced to some of the coolest tunes of the moment and encouraged market traders, drivers, commuters and other onlookers to join in and find out more about just how they could use GH¢250 to win big, thanks to Societe Generale Ghana’s “Power of 250” promotion. “The Power of 250” promotion, is one of the biggest in Ghana at the moment. It will be running between 27th May to 22nd August 2014 and is open to customers as well as anyone who opens an account with Societe Generale anddeposits GH¢ 250. The promotion includes three (3) raffle draws which will be held to reward customers. These include, two (2) mini-raffles to be held in two zones across the country and a grand draw in to be held in Accra. Customers who are lucky enough to take part in the mini draw could walk away with any one of the thirty amazing (30) prizes that will be up for grabs. They can win anything from Samsung Galaxy S5 handsets, LED TVs to tablets, smartphones, and more. 12 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

The “Power of Gh¢250” gets even better with the Grand draw which will be held in Accra on 29th August 2014. Customers get the chance to win wonderful cash prizes of GH¢12,500.00, GH¢25,000.00 and a whopping GH¢75,000.00! Everyone is welcome to participate in the promotion so don’t miss your chance to win. Start depositing now. e

To find out more, simply step into a Societe Generale branch near you, contact the call centre on 0302 214 314 or visit www.societegenerale.com.gh today!

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 13




he Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana, thrilled patrons and invited guests at the Oscar Night party they organized at the Labadi Beach Hotel on Saturday 7th June. As at any LA party, the jet set was in attendance, gorgeous looking ladies and handsomely groomed men walked the red carpet accompanied by hostesses who greeted them and escorted them to their tables in the dance hall. As in LA, ‘gold’ statuettes were awarded, in this case to deserving supporters of the Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana. As at any self respecting Hollywood event, stars graced the function, even on this occasion, if only in the form of cardboard cut-outs.

“The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana has been offering the “right help at the right time”

Mrs. Jacqui-Ahomka-Lindsey

Mrs. Grace Krobo-Edusei

Guests listened attentively to the President of the Foundation, Mrs Jacqui Ahomka-Lindsey, as she spoke about the work of the foundation. They

Mr. Robert Ahomak-Lindsey

applauded the catwalk section and they laughed at the stories and jokes of Ghana’s own funny man, the gifted Funny Face. They danced and partied their noble and generous hearts out.

14 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Gena West and husband

Diana Avaaram

who’s who

Mr & Mrs. Richard Nwaobi

Dr Judith Castor & Dr Juliette Thakli

Funny Face

The party aside, a notable feature of the evening was that no money meant for the children was spent on the function. Specific donors covered the costs of hosting the evening.

Billy & Yermine

Clementina & Juanito Enjoy Accra

Mrs.Nagua & General Kattah

Beautiful guest

Bernard Akoi-Jackson, Lenora Okine (Actress of Tinsel fame) , Richard Nwaobi, Mr. & Mrs Adjetey Annan (actor aka Pusher)

The Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana, has been offering the “right help at the right time” to save the lives of infants, toddlers, and teenagers. In 2013, they spent over GHC 210,000 to help save the lives of 22 children.

For all information and donations, please contact the Trustees of the Children’s Heart Foundation Ghana on +233505522488 and +233241059446.

Mrs.Jacqui-Ahomka-Lindsey,Mrs.Surama King, Mrs.Karen Hendrickson & Miss Folake Ojo

Sylvia, Adelaide & Sally

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 15


Spending Rewardin

16 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Summer Feature

ng Holidays

“The big question then is: what to do to beat boredom and avoid turning round at home like a fish in its bowl.”


he much-awaited holiday season is here with us. It is assumed generally that the ideal way to spend holidays is by travelling outside your country of residence.

But, what if you do not have the means to fly abroad or if you simply choose to stay put this year and experience new ‘domestic’ vacation treats? The big question then is: what to do to beat boredom and avoid turning round at home like a fish in its bowl? Here are some ideas. •

Enrol as a volunteer in a charitable association: you might help put a smile on the face of someone less privileged.

Get some exercise: you have plenty time to spend. Why the rush? Forget your car, or the family’s, and do the rounds on foot or by bicycle.

Learn something new and relaxing. What about swimming? Sewing? Cooking that special dish you tasted at your friend’s party? Menial tasks fixing plumbing, carpentry or painting your home?

Expand your linguistic ability. Why not enrol in an institution for holiday courses in that language you have always admired people for speaking? Refer to page 28-29.

Learn to play a musical instrument. Ever admired the dexterity of the guitar, drum or organ player in church or during a music show? Ever wished you could do same? Grab the opportunity now!

Get informed – don’t just stick to that one topic you have always liked to discuss. Read on other topics and broaden your horizons.

Don’t forget. The idea is to pass a cool, rewarding, fulfilling and nearto-blissful holiday period. Have fun! Enjoy! e

photos : www.gettyimages.com

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 17


Men’s Fashion by L.O.G

18 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Summer Mens Fashion

Invasion Collection Summer/Spring 2014 By Dekage

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 19


Section of the B

Dominique, HE Irene VIda Gala & Carole

Fifa World Cup At The Brazilian

Cheer up little one, your turn soon

Nathaniel Attoh & fan friend

Face painting in the Brazilian residency

Grace & Elizabeth enjoying the match

20 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

who’s who

Brazilian community in Ghana

p Opening Ceremony n Residency In Accra

Lovely ladies say ‘cheese’

Cheering for Brazil

Hon Kwesi Ahwoi & Ravi Amar

H.E Vida Gala & Nathaniel welcoming fans

Strong Brazilian team. Go Brazil! Go! ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 21


Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte

Brazil 2014 The Game : Exciting Moments

Sulley Muntari nearly disfigures Jermaine Jones

Neymar Man of the Match Brazil Cameroon

Samuel Eto’o consoles Nicolas N’Koulou (L) and Stephane Mbia

Carl Medjani (Algeria) tackles Moussa Dembele (Belgium)

Ben Halloran (Australia) controls ball against (Juan Mata) & Jordi Alba (Spain)

Algerian sad fans

22 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91


Iran vs Nigeria best moments

Kwadwo Asamoah & Vieirinha in action

Germany vs France

Dede Ayew & Kevin Prince Boateng celebrating Ghana’s lone goal against USA

Luis Suarez has just bitten his opponent

Didier Drogba (Côte d’Ivoire) controls ball against Konstantinos Manolas (Greece)

Dede Ayew takes on the mighty Germany

Switzerland acknowledge fans ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 23



24 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

who’s who


who’s who


Mr Herbert Acquaye, Dr Samuel Atta Mills, Hon Dzifa Gomashie, Mr Edem Kpodo & Mr Francis Deyegbe

Personalities at the book launch

“Determined to make it in the field He took the right courses and had the right exposure.”

Mr. Francis Alley Deyegbe


es we can! That was the exhorting phrase — now a famous one — that came to my mind while at Golden Tulip Hotel, Accra on 18th June 2014. I was listening to the various interventions by prominent speakers during the launch of the book, ‘Understanding Hotel Front Office Operations’. Yes we can because obviously, one of our own, Mr Francis Alley Deyegbe, who authored the book, believed he could and the result is out for us all to behold. Mr Deyegbe, presently deputy general manager of Golden Tulip Hotel, Accra, had to climb up the ladder step by step. He started in the industry as a restaurant cashier! Determined to make it in the field He took the right courses and had the right exposure. Whilst working in Kenya, Italy, Benin, Togo and Kumasi, he polished his skills and

gained invaluable experience. In Cotonou, Benin, in Lomé, Togo, and in Kumasi, Ghana, he polished his skills and improved upon his experience. Dr Samuel Atta Mills, Managing Director of the Ghana Tourism Development Company, who chaired the function, himself an expert in the hospitality industry, expressed gratitude to the author of the book, for making a muchneeded handbook available to industry players.

Hon Dzifa Gomashie, Deputy Minister

of Tourism & Creative Arts

Book Launch

They were all there, proudly Ghanaians, to witness the launch: Honourable Dzifa Gomashie, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Arts. e Karen, Enjoy Accra Magazine & a cute baby at his first book launch

Augustina, Priscilla, Jeanne

Mrs. Bertha Degraft Johnson, Golden Tulip Marketing Manager ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 25


Summer/Spring Collection 2014 By Christie Brown

26 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Summer Collection

Collection 2014 By House Of Cramer


Summer/Spring Collection 2014 By Pistis

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 27

EN J OY am-Before 6:00pm


08 French for kids and teens (till Sept. 13) Alliance Francaise Time- 8:30 AM

Lincoln Community

School Summer Camp 2014 (till July 18) Lincoln Community School @ 9AM




Fete de la Federation France Bastille Day French Polynesia Shisha Lounge Accra

Come relax and have fun with your friends. Selected flavours of Shisha. Venue Osu on Koala road @ 7pm


Relax Free Mondays

La Villa Boutique Hotel. Venue Osu Enjoy a drink in their classy pool bar. Time: 6 till whenever..

2nd West Africa Microfinance Conference

(WAMIC 2014) Accra International Conference Centre


Independence Day Peru Afternoon Tea

Vacation French Classes (till Aug. 15)

Alliance Francaise time- 7:00 PM

Aero Summer School 2014

Christ The King International School Time- 8:00 AM



Jazz bar with a good ambience and tasty menu. Venue: Nima Police Station

The Republic Bar & Grill

A new bar in town with so much buzz. You are sure to run into a good friend.


The Gingerbread House Summer School

The Gingerbread House Time : 8:00 AM

Millionaires Casino Golden Tulip Time : 9pm


Calabash Corner

Jam Jar and Cafe Dez Amis are celebrating with a cultural twist and bringing you ‘Calabash Corner’ @11pm.

Cafe Des Amis

Invite your friends for a drink & a chat. Venue: Kanda

Revolution Day Egypt Salsa Dance Nite

Happy Hour at Champs

Alliance Française d’Accra Liberation Link, 9am-5pm

Everyday from 5pm to 9pm 1/2 off draftand local beers, and daily cocktail


Residential Summer Club

Anomabo Beach Resort

Happy Hour at Cuzzy Bros

Venue: Osu old Ryan’s

Happy Hour TASTY

JERK Barbecue Joint Venue: Osu Down Chez Lien Annex Time: 5 pm

New York Style Near Bosphorous Time : 6

Meet your friends and taste luscious temptations Time : 7pm @ A&C square


Try the chef’s taster menu for a tasty Wednesday treat Venue Airport West Time: 6pm-11pm

Grab a drink and something nice from the extenisve menu Time: 6pm to 10pm

Bistro 22

Luscious Temptations




African Regent hotel Airport, West. Every afternoon for a tasty selection of cakes & desserts time : from12-5pm




Villa Monticello Hotel

Come and experience the new terrace and refreshed menu. Venue: Airport residential Time:6-10pm

Arlecchino Ice Cream Parlour Treat the kids to an ice cream, Venue : Osu Oxford

Venue : Coconut Groove Hotel. time : 7pm

Live in Accra Jazz Festival


La Paillote Takpekpe: Fashion Fuse


Independence Day Bahamas

Marcel Desailly Summer Camp (till Aug.)


Akwaba Burger

Venue Dzorwulu heading to the traffic light. Next to Finest Gifts. Enjoy the best burgers in town everyone is talking about.12am

Toro Tapas Bar


Gossip Ladies Night at Duplex Gossip Ladies Night

Concert: KUNDUM HIGHLIFE AKABLAY VERSUS ZOHZOH Alliance Française Accra Time- 8:00 PM


Tulip Mirror Ball

Venue: Golden Tulip Time 10pm-5pm

at Duplex Every Thursday With ladies only specials Venue Duplex, Osu

Bliss Yoga Studio

Mövenpick Hotel in Accra call : 0509546723

Happy Hour

Aphrodisiac Night Club

Twist Headlines Labone time: 7pm


Ladies night at Santoku

Ladies’s Nights at Santoku is held on the first Thursday of every month with special drinks promotions and a DJ

Carvery Night

Carvery Lovers will relish this nights. Venue Branch Time 6-10pm

Start your `right

Duplex Bar and Lounge Osu

Best ice cream in town Try it for yourself Venue: Old American Embassy Road 11th Ln, Osu

Frozen yoghurt with fresh fruit. Enjoy an italian food experience. Osu & Airport close to Villa Monticello

Share a bottle of rioja and some tapas with friends Venue : Afrikiko Compound Time : from 7pm

A special combination of fruit drinks on Oxford Street, Osu


Ci Gusta at Koala

Lizzy Sports Complex, next to A&C Mall -

Nourish Lab Smoothy’s

Independence Day Bolivia Independence Day Jamaica

Independence Day Mongolia

Beat the traffic and take a pitstop at Santoku between 5.30-7pm. Reduced prices on selected drinks.

Alliance Française Accra Time- 7:30 PM



Stop Over Hour at Santoku


07 Independence Day Côte d’Ivoire Bosphorous

True Turkish Delights Authentic & Delicious turkish food to satify your taste of the orient. No Alcohol Next Lebone Coffee shop Time : 7pm

All Day



This and every friday with good music. @ Dzorwulu. From 8pm


Founding of the Swiss Confederation Switzerland Chicks and Ribs



pm-After 6:00pm

For authentic American take away. Tasty fries and delicious bbq sauce on the ribs. Time: 6pm-11pm


Live Bingo Night Lapalm Casino Time : 11pm

Girls Table

5 people minimum, Welcome drinks, special cocktail menu African Regent Hotel

There are aNolot 28 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY 91 of activities lined up for you this month. Send your activities for the Events Calendar to events@enjoyaccra.com







Cuppa Cappuccino

Meet your friends for a tasty breakfast. Time 8am @ Airport residential

Walk for Health - a 4K walk Aviation Center time- 7:00 AM


Independence Day Kiribati German for kids Till Aug 2

Goethe-Institut Ghana Time- 9:00 AM Asian Night Flavours of the east come to Accra at Golden Tulip @ 6:30pm

E.L. - THE BAR CONCERT Alliance Franรงaise Accra TIme - 8:00 PM


National Day Montenegro Play Tennis At Accra Lawn Courts available Time 7am

3121 Sushi Bar

Twist Sisters of the East, Osu time: 7pm


Independence Day Colombia Barbecue Sundays at Santoku

Bask in the sun with DJ Fuidogg and DJ Tamzin on the wheels of steel whilst enjoying a cool draught beer and some succulent platters


26 Independence Day Liberia Independence Day Maldives Bella Roma

Come and have a nice drink with excellent music and lovely people. Venue : Osu Time : 7pm


Mรถvenpick Brunch

Sumptuous spread to tempt your taste buds. time: 10am

DInner at Bread & Wine

Enjoy our amazing dishes from 7pm

The Hang Out Pub & Grill 36 Olympics Road Kokomlemle Accra Ghana



Come & Enjoy A BBQ at the poolside at Golden Tulip with music Time : 6:30-10:30pm

Lunch Buffet

Take your running shoes out There is nothing like a

Fantastic movie experience with popcorn & a drink @ Accra mall time :6- 10pm

Labadi Beach Hotel from 11:30-3pm

Movie Friday

Mรถvenpick Hotel in Accra call : 050954672


Special Summer Promotion

Golden Tulip Hotel $200 per night for a standard room including American Breakfast Buffet. Promotion ends Aug 31st

Happy Hour Celsbridge

Pub Labone Time : @5pm



t s

events Calendar

Independence Day Ecuador Honey Suckle

Come and unwind at a hard days work with great company. @7pm, Osu

Mini Golf Course Bring the kids and enjoy an afternoon of golfing from 1pm-6pm.

See you when I see you !

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 29

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Author, Esi Yankah delivering her speech & on the high table Mrs. Nana Nyarkoaa Yankah, Mr Kojo Yankah, Prof Atutwei Okai & Ms Eva Lokko

Now Forget The Titles & Give Me The Mantle - Book Launch

KSM giving his support to the book

Interviewing Mr. Herman Chinery-Hesse, CEO of SoFTRIBE


t’s official, Now Forget The Titles & Give Me The Mantle, another intriguing book by Esi Yankah has been launched. The event took place on 27th June 2014 at the VAG house, Independence Avenue, Accra. The book was launched by Professor Atukwei Okai, distinguished poet, and the Secretary General of the Pan African Writers Association who expressed his support for the book and the impact it will make on both the young and old in the nation. He said “This is the challenge that Esi Yankah is throwing at the youth. It is about how they find their place in the scheme of things, as far as their lives trajectory is concerned. It is about taking time to find out who you are and above all what you are supposed to be doing here on earth.” The author, Esi Yankah in her speech inspired and urged us all to forget our titles and focus on getting work done in our various careers and fields of endeavor. The book focuses on helping you to discover your original purpose and assignment on earth and taking up mantles to make greater 32 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Eugene Arthur Sam, Radio Show host on Sunny FM expressing his warm thoughts about the book and its impact

who’s who

With niece and nephew, Renee and Adrian Yankah

Makeba Boateng, Eva Lokko and Nana Nyarkoa Yankah share warm laughter

impact in the world through service. She said “Now I knew how controversial it would be writing about FORGETTING TITLES and TAKING UP MANTLES, This is because the Ghanaian society loves titles. We eat and breathe them”. Esi Yankah added whether you see yourself as a leader or follower you are called to serve. Everyone has a purpose and assignment on earth and its important for everyone to discover theirs so they can walk in their original destinies and not one created for them. Every title comes with a mantle, and a title is useless if a person isn’t doing any work and offering their selfless service. Titles don’t define you, you define your title. Let’s not get caught up in titles and position but lets strive to make, impact and transform lives.

Prophet Hubert Ayi, Upper Room Revival Ministry

Makeba Boateng graced the event with her beautiful smile.

“Everyone has a purpose and assignment on earth and its important for everyone to discover theirs so they can walk in their original destinies and not one created for them.”

The event was chaired by Kojo Yankah, Founder of The African University College of Communications, Madam Eva Lokko, Kweku SIntim Misa (KSM), Makeba Boateng, Mr. Herman Chinery Hesse Among others. e Welcoming guest Rebecca Opuni to the event

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 33


Kids Story Time :

Princesses O

nce upon a time there were three beautiful princesses their names were Kimmy, Katie, and Kristen. Kimmy was 3, Katie was 5, and Kristen was 8. They all lived in a manor. With butlers, maids, cooks, and lots of people. But the princesses did not treat them like slaves they treated them with respect and kindness. Their mothers name was Krystal. She was very kind, and taught her three girls how to treat all people with respect and kindness. The mother had long flowing black hair. Their fathers name was Kevin. He taught his three girls to be ladylike. He was very nice man. They also had a tutor named Ken. He had light brown hair. He was very handsome. One sunny morning a messenger came with very sad news. The mother’s mother was very ill. The mother and father had to leave. They left the princesses with the uncle. The uncle was very mean to every one. His mood made everyone in the manor miserable except the princesses. One time he told the cook to make steak and spaghetti. The uncle changed his mind but didn’t tell the cook. The cook could not read minds so he still made what the uncle said to cook. When the uncle saw this he stormed off. The cook was not happy. But Kristen told him it was ok. So that made the cook feel better. Everyone else ate what he made and it tasted delicious. Another time the butler made the beds as usual, but when the uncle inspected them, he did not like what he saw and he blew up at the butler making him feel awful. Kristen saw this scene too. After the uncle left she told the butler it was fine. She made the butler feel better. He did this to maids and lots of other people to. One day after dinner 34 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

“ The princess’s mothers name was Krystal. She was very kind, and taught her three girls how to treat all people with respect and kindness.”

kids story

Kristen told her two little sisters about these scenes. The girls agreed to have a meeting and discuss how to make there uncle learn a lesson to be respectful and kind to others just as they had been taught. The girls made a plan to be very kind to there uncle hoping to teach him a valuable lesson. First, while eating their breakfast they said to the cook, “Thank for our breakfast, this is a very nice meal.” As their uncle watched his nieces polite behavior, he felt awkward that he has never said anything nice or polite to the cook. Later on that day, the girls offered to help their very special butler with his chores. Uncle sees this behavior and reaced angrily telling the girls to stay in their rooms for the rest of the day. He does not want the girls to do butlers job.

As the uncle was thinking about them, the girls were thinking about their uncle hoping that he had learned a lesson. After the uncle had time to think, he let the girls out of their rooms to have a talk with them. “I have been acting silly these past few weeks. I have been yelling at cooks, maids and butlers. I have not been respectful to anyone in the manor. Watching the three of you be kind and polite to everyone, has taught me to be kind and caring to others as well. Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson and I am very sorry I have not been so nice to you” The girls thank their uncle and are happy that they taught him the lesson of respect, kindness, and love. The next day a messenger came and reported that the mother and father would be arriving home within the next few days and that their grandmother was feeling much better. The uncle was on his best behaviour for the rest of his stay with the girls. The mother and father never found out about the uncle’s bad behavior. The girls kept this a secret. A secret they only told to their children, and their children’s children. And this lesson was passed down to many, many more. e

The End!

“Later on that day, the girls offered to help their very special butler with his chores.”

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 35


The angry uncle goes into the library to think about how he has behaved towards the butlers, the maids, the cooks and also his three sweet nieces who he made very sad.


Top Benefits Of Waxing Brought to you by Nouvelle Parfumerie Gandour

“This means your hair free, smooth skin lasts much longer and you can go for that holiday on the beach and bask in the glory of your enviably smooth and glowing skin.�


axing is a very convenient, cost-effective, longer-lasting and quick method of removing this unwanted and unsightly body hair. As it removes hair directly from the roots, one does not need to worry about hair growth till at least 3-6 weeks. Waxing can be used for removing hair from virtually any part of the body. It is most commonly used for removing hair on the arms, legs, underarms and bikini line. Other parts of body where waxing is frequently used for hair-removal are face, including upper lips, lower lips, eyebrows and chin, and the chest and back. The only areas where waxing should not be used are eyelashes and inside nose and ears. Waxing on the female and male genital organs and nipples should only be done by a qualified and trained professional as these areas are especially vulnerable.

Why Choose Waxing? The benefits of waxing are many: Smooth, Silky Skin that Lasts Waxing removes hair from the root, so it takes a longer time for hair to grow again- anywhere from 3-8 weeks, depending on the individual speed of hair growth. This means your hair free, smooth skin lasts much longer and you can go for that holiday on the beach and bask in the glory of your enviably smooth and glowing skin without having to worry about body hair showing up in the meantime.

36 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

beauty tips

No Skin Damage In contrast to other methods of hair removal like hair-removing creams and shaving, waxing does not cause cuts, pigmentation, or badly smelling skin. No harsh chemicals are present in wax, so, the skin is saved from their damaging effect.

Finer and Softer Body Hair

Double Function of Hair Removal and Exfoliation Waxing leaves the skin soft, smooth and rejuvenated because it also removes a layer of dead cells from the surface of the skin, and thus, indirectly serves the function of exfoliating the skin as well.

Care and Caution while Waxing

After repeated sessions of waxing, you will notice a much sparser hair growth, and hair growth may even stop eventually. In contrast, shaving stimulates hair growth, because it removes hair at the surface only, not at the root.

Do not expose yourself to direct sunlight in the 24 hours before waxing and especially in the 48 hours after it. Avoid wearing tight clothing. Also, avoid hot baths, use of fragrant creams and lotions, and especially body scrubs for the next 24 hours. Some people may get redness, bumps or skin irritation after waxing, but, it usually subsides within a few hours. If you are using Vitamin A creams or tablets like Differin, Retin A or Isoretinoin, it is strongly recommended that you do not wax, because these medications make the skin more prone to tearing when you peel off the wax. Do not wax on irritated, broken, chapped skin or on moles.

Removing body hair by waxing is becoming so popular that even men are getting their bodies waxed in increasing numbers.

How is Waxing Done? The good news is that waxing can be done at home as well as by a professional. You can master the technique by doing it yourself a few times. Just heat the wax until it is of a thick consistency and apply it thinly on the skin in the direction of hair growth. Place a cotton cloth, muslin or a paper strip over this area and press it. Finish by holding the skin taut and pulling the strip against the direction of hair growth by a swift movement of the hand. There, you have done it! The pain you feel will last only an instant and you will forget about it when you feel the pleasant sensation of your silky, smooth skin.

To drive the point home, if you want to enjoy the sensation, attention and admiration that a silky smooth, hairless and glowing skin inevitably attracts, waxing would be just the way to achieve it- easily, instantly and for longer. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, Happy Waxing! e

“Just heat the wax until it is of a thick consistency and apply it thinly on the skin in the direction of hair growth.�

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 37

www.removinghair.co.uk/benefitsofwaxing.html, www.gettyimages.com

The hair that grows after waxing is of a finer and softer variety, not rough and hard as after shaving. And the really good thing is - waxing does not cause an ugly stubble as seen in just a day after shaving.

Waxing Diminishes Hair Growth



Horoscope This Month Leo

Famous Leo : Wole Soyinka BORN: July 13, Abeokuta, Nigeria Soyinka was born into a Yoruba family in Abeokuta. After study in Nigeria and the UK, he worked with the Royal Court Theatre in London. He went on to write plays that were produced in both countries, in theatres and on radio. He took an active role in Nigeria’s political history and its struggle for independence from Great Britain. In 1965, he seized the Western Nigeria Broadcasting Service studio and broadcast a demand for the cancellation of the Western Nigeria Regional Elections. Much of his writing has been concerned with “the oppressive boot and the irrelevance of the colour of the foot that wears it”. During the regime of General Sani Abacha (1993–98), Soyinka escaped from Nigeria via the “Nadeco Route” on a motorcycle. Living abroad, mainly in the United States, he was a professor first at Cornell University and then at Emory University in Atlanta, where in 1996 he was appointed Robert W. Woodruff Professor of the Arts.

Famous Leo: Karen Balchin BORN: July 30 Ghana Karen Balchin is the Snr. Creative and a Graphic Designer at Orion Advertising Company, the producers of Enjoy Magazine. Karen’s artistic vision spearheads the design process behind Enjoy, bringing visual appeal and creative dynamism in each issue of the magazine. As a graphic designer, she is devoted to aesthetic; a devotion which translates into around the clock attention to our magazine, ensuring a standard to it’s presentation. To her creativity, consistency and coffee are essential. After working with high profile clients in the US and Canada, She returned home to raise the standards of the Ghanaian design industry.

Aries 21/3-20/04

The Fourth of July weekend doesn’t have to set off any fireworks in your family or love life. Be active, enjoy some sports, and have some laughs with strangers. Whatever you do, don’t take anything too seriously or too personally, because it isn’t. The Full Moon on July 12 shines on your career efforts and plans. Don’t be shy or hesitant about doing your best. Home life may be happier and it could be hard to get yourself to go out. The New Moon on July 26 looks to be a wild and crazy Saturday. Enjoy, but try to keep things under control.

38 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Taurus 21/4-21/05

Gemini 22/5-21/06

The July 12 Full Moon brings plenty of opportunities for fun and big-time celebrations. However, watch out for confusion or misunderstandings and the rash judgments and wrong assumptions that can follow. Not everyone will be thinking straight all the time. The weekend of July 19 is yours to enjoy in all the elegant, cozy ways that please you best. There’s no need to frugally stay home or book that cruise to Antarctica. You know what you like. The July 26 New Moon brightens everything at home. Make that change, start that next big, beautiful, domestic thing, throw that party.

Finances could take a lucky turn for you at the July 12 Full Moon. Concentrate on being responsible at home and don’t be tweaked by unreasonable demands or other people’s fears. July 21 and July 22 could get super busy, so save a little energy from the weekend to keep things going. Watch out for any extra unexpected expenses, too. Sometimes the absolute best is over the top. Your words are golden at the July 26 New Moon. Suggest only what you really want to do, because people will agree to anything. Enjoy something new, different, and glamorous.


Cancer 22/6-23/07

Libra 24/9-23/10

Capricorn 22/12-20/01

The July 12 Full Moon puts you in the spotlight. People (especially a nervous or insecure partner) may expect you to take care of everything. July 23 and July 24 have many sweet encounters, some sweet nothings, and perhaps delusions, but pleasant nonetheless. You’ll have no trouble separating fact from fiction. Enjoy good times before Friday night, July 25, when life may take a serious turn. Money prospects look good for the July 26 New Moon. If there isn’t a windfall or good news about income, it can still be a lucky time to make financial plans.

July 5 and July 6, the first weekend of the month, could be fractious and full of sensitive, frustrated people. If anyone you love insists on setting off sparks and starting a fire, take them aside and offer marshmallows. May no good spark go to waste. Any dissatisfaction or friction at home won’t tarnish the bright good luck you have at work at the July 12 Full Moon. Relax and be great in public. Lots of friends and fun come to you with the New Moon on July 26. Ration your energy, choose what (and whom) appeals most, and go have a blast.

The second week of July, starting July 7, may be uncomfortable when people around you are more stressed than normal for reasons that make no sense to you. Let it pass and don’t catch the nervousness. Love comes your way with the Full Moon on July 12. Open your eyes and heart, be willing to look close to home, and see past any temporary personal unhappiness. The New Moon on July 26 positions you to benefit from other people’s good intentions. Make sure you’ve paid it forward as much as you can, then graciously be ready to receive what you’ve already earned.

Leo 24/7-23/08

Scorpio 24/10-22/11

Aquarius 21/01-19/02

The Full Moon on July 12 could be privately very lucky, a great enlightenment moment rather than a winning lottery ticket. Relax, don’t fret, and know that all lost cats will find their way home. The July 26 New Moon is all you, so look and feel your best and project your best image. People will be seeing you everywhere they turn, so be ready. Things could turn very lucky for you, starting Tuesday, July 22, through to month’s end. Keep expectations low, work ethic and passions high. Let the Universe amaze you, and refuse to be jaded by the world.

Big things will be easy and small things not quite so much at the Full Moon on July 12. Don’t get overly ambitious, though. Let most of the small things take care of themselves. Thursday and Friday, July 24 and July 25, set you up for a high-powered weekend that starts light and lucky but can morph into very serious. Be patient with yourself and others, and don’t let anything set you off. The New Moon on July 26 impacts your career and public presence. A lot of people will be grateful and even like you if you give them half a chance.

The Full Moon on July 12 is edgy for you. Imaginary fears or low self-esteem could cost you a lot of happiness and good luck in your daily life. Don’t go there. Let it pass. Work at fine-tuning that daily routine, then go out and join the happy crowd. The weekend of July 19 has surprises, possibly big, but short-lived. Avoid confrontations. A shining new romance or ideal partner could flash across your horizon with the July 26 New Moon. If you’re looking for sexy excitement or some other great new partner, both of you can turn up the heat this month.

Virgo 24/8-23/09

Sagittarius 23/11-21/12

Pisces 20/02-20/03

Mental fog and confusion dissipate as the month begins, and it gets easier to think straight about even the most convoluted of things. You don’t have to tackle anything big unless you’d like that. Take your happiness and high spirits to the streets with the Full Moon on July 12. Radiate creativity and don’t let any dissenting voices slow you down. The New Moon on July 26 can bring you great good luck in ways that haven’t quite surfaced yet. Be patient and optimistic. The New Moon in Leo does things in a big way, but it might not be instantaneous.

July 8 and July 9 may prove challenging, but you can make them fun and lucky. Work your magic and reassure friends. It’s back to basics for the Full Moon on July 12. Find the answer to a big question, even if it’s someone else’s, and know that you’re doing fine no matter how it feels. July 24 offers opportunities that only you can see. Be modest but move quickly. The New Moon on July 26 could open your eyes to a whole huge new world if you turn down the psychodrama and don’t promise more than any one human can deliver.

Be creative, playful, and inspired by your family, or family of friends, at the July 12 Full Moon. Remember, what pleases you doesn’t have to please everybody else. The whole world may not be your audience. Don’t dream away the middle of the month and decide that you just don’t care. This may feel the strongest around July 14 and July 15. The July 26 New Moon highlights the countless perfect little things that only you really appreciate. People will notice and you may wake them up to more satisfaction in their lives. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s huge.

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 39


An Ashesi Success Regina Agyare

CEO/Founder of Soronko Solutions


egina is software developer and social entrepreneur with a passion for using technology for a social change. She graduated from Ashesi University College’s pioneer Class of 2005 in Ghana, as one of the best students, and the only woman, in her Computer Science Class. After working in the Banking Industry for over 5 years, she quit her job to start a social enterprise called Soronko Solutions that uses basic mass technology to drive human potential. The company also leverages on developing innovative technology solutions across different channels such as Web, Mobile, Point Of Sale systems and Teller Machines to solve problems. She is currently helping Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Ghana create visibility and grow their business with technology. She is also working on a program

40 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

that will develop the next generation of innovators and problem solvers from the rural communities in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics in Ghana and Sub Saharan Africa. With mobile phones, laptops, raspberry pi’s and tablets she is equipping rural Ghana children with the STEM and critical thinking skills to solve the problems they live with everyday and fight poverty. She is also working on how the disabled in Ghana can use technology to integrate better in their communities. Regina has been in the technology industry for 8 years and has worked in varying positions as Product Manager for Internet Applications at Rancard Solutions, Product Manager for Ebusiness Applications at Zenith Bank and Management and Information Systems Supervisor at Fidelity Bank. Regina represented Ghana on the Apprentice Africa program, was

interviewed by Microsoft in Seattle, and was featured in COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg‘s book about inspiring women – Lean In. She was featured in the Impatient Optimist by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is an Aspen Institute New Voices Fellow, GOOD Fellow and a Global Shaper of the Accra hub of the World Economic Forum, Regina is also a Change Leader with Tigo Reach For Change. She was selected earlier this year by the U.S Embassy to join President Obama’s Young African

“Regina is passionate about getting more women to find their voice and pursue their dreams and create technology.”

school news

Leaders Initiative Washington Fellowship and will be one of 15 Ghanaians meeting President Obama.

“She loves to mentor and has been invited to speak and mentor at TedXLabone, Havard University and is an online mentor with the Women’s Tech Connect Global Mentoring program.”

Regina is passionate about getting more women to find their voice and pursue their dreams and create technology. This is why she founded Tech Needs Girls Ghana - a movement to get girls to code and create technology - which was featured on CNN. She loves to mentor and has been invited to speak and mentor at TedXLabone, Havard University and is an online mentor with the Women’s Tech Connect Global Mentoring program. She has received a “Women of Courage Award for Technology” and “Tech Needs Girls” received an award in the Ghana CSR Diary and Awards. e

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 41


School News

Connecting Kids Education Foundation


ollowing our earlier article on this dynamic ngo, we can report great strides in the construction of the IT Lab and Library at the Anglican Primary A and B School in Anum, in the Eastern Region. The structure is at roof level, the computers have arrived and are being audited and prepared for use by engineers from Red Mango, an Accra based computer company, who are providing their services free of charge. Different options are being assessed for telephone and broadband connections, and with any luck, Anum will be online by the next school year. Volunteers from King’s School in Macclesfield in the UK have been carrying out gap year work over the last few months, assisting the hard working teachers with lessons for children. We look forward to following this story and learning more about the work of the Connecting Kids Education Foundation run by the tireless Ellen Blamires. More details of projects can be found on the facebook page or website - www.connectingkidsgh.com. e

Learning without exercise books. Student writing lesson on the desk

Pupils from the school, happily awaiting the completion of the IT/Library complex

Volunteers from King’s School, UK with teaching staff from Anum school, Eastern Region

“The structure is at roof level, the computers have arrived and are being audited and prepared for use by engineers from Red Mango.” IT instruction without computers. “And this is the mouse” 42 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Movie Guide


All the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas, but plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event.

Think Like A Man Too

Director: Tim Story Writers: Keith Merryman, David A. Newman, Steve Harvey Stars: Adam Brody, Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Regina Hall, Terrence Jenkins, Romany Malco, Gabrielle Union Genres: Comedy Release Date: 20 June 2014 (USA)

When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. Director:Dean DeBlois Writers: Dean DeBlois, Cressida Cowell Stars: Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Djimon Hounsou, Kristen Wiig Genres: Animation | Action | Adventure Release Date: 13 June 2014 (USA)

How to Train Your Dragon 2

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 43





While On



t’s summer! You have worked so hard all year round. Time now to plan a getaway, relax and have fun. But can you really stay in shape while having fun? How do you feature fitness in the equation? Simple! You need to reconnect with sport, which will allow your body to get some fresh air, and also release endorphins - known as molecules of happiness. You then feel good, and your worries evaporate. Indeed you really feel on holidays! Here are some general rules to follow: #1: Exercise. It is a challenge but don’t let time constraints prevent you from exercising. Just because you can’t access a gym doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. Sweating for at least an hour a day can be beneficial. Also remember to drink lots of water : it’s good for your body and keeps you hydraded. #3: Think about what you are eating and drinking. You will benefit by doing more than just sitting around and chatting with relatives. The holidays can be more than just eating while watching TV or chatting: move your body. #4: Stick to a fitness plan & exercise twice a week. Do not spoil yourself with holiday goodies. Set a limit for yourself. What you could do is to enquire whether there are gyms/ fitness centres around the hotel you are about to book. If you are really serious about this: check first for gym locations, and then book your hotel. Try to limit your calorie intake. Add salads and fruit to your daily diet. Keep away from fast food restaurants or look for the healthy alternatives within. Finally try and limit your alcohol consumption, even those innocent looking juices may be full of sugar so concentrate on upping your water to control your thirst and treat yourself to a drink in the evening maybe. At least, do not go binge-drinking; it is very harmful to the liver and also it will save you a huge amount of calories! Enjoy your holiday! e

44 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

“Also remember to drink lots of water: it’s good for your body it keeps you hydrated”.




Solutions for June 2014

Solutions for June 2014


The Sudoku rule : Complee the Sudoku puzzle so that each and every row, column and reion contains the number one through nine only once.


Solutions for June 2014




CROSS PUZZLES Play these special puzzles and find the Answers next time. Enjoy

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 45


Parent corner

Sexpectations: She Comes First “Life is not the amount of breaths you take; it’s the moments that take your breath away.” –Hitch”.


n this article we will explore the woman’s sexual persona to learn to improve her overall experience of eroticism. This will be examined by the “science of sex”, not the emotional or “art of sex”. While the route to achieving the peak sexual experience of orgasm is similar for men and woman, there are also some differences, particularly when it comes to timing. Understanding your spouse’s/ lover’s sexual responses and how she reaches orgasm will help you keep your relationship hot, fresh, and exciting on your journey to ultimate pleasure. The cycle of sexual response is made up of a sequence of physical and emotional changes that occur as she becomes sexually aroused. Understanding the cycle and being aware of differences can help you better relate to your spouse’s/ lover’s responses and give you both more frequent and satisfying orgasms. There are five stages, all of which are experienced differently from every woman; even the time in each phase is also different, so different likened to individual DNA or fingerprints. The cycle: 46 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Stage One DESIRE: a strong want or need for sexual intimacy, this first occurs in the mind, then the body! This stage can last from a few minutes to several hours. It is sparked by a sexy visual, an erotic text message, a sensual kiss, or even a romantic gesture. This is really important, be creative, open and spontaneous. Stage Two EXCITEMENT: Excitement is the body’s physical response to desire. Blood starts to flow and heart rate increases; this leads to swelling of the clitoris and labia as the vagina also widens and lengthens. This may take some time, on average, women need 20 minutes to reach arousal level. Stage Three PLATEAU: This is the highest moment of sexual excitement before orgasm and may be achieved, lost, and regained several times without orgasm actually happening. Higher heart rate and increased breathing. Stage Four ORGASM: This is the peak of sexual excitement, the moment when your muscles contract involuntarily, and warm sensations flood the body even the mind, God is good! Stage Five RESOLUTION: During this stage the heart rate returns to normal as the body returns to its pre-excitement

Jabari Akil, counsellor, educational consultant & leadership specialist

stage. For women, who are multiorgasmic, the resolution stage is fluid because women have the capability to move between plateau and orgasm for long periods of time. Exploring female orgasm During female orgasm, the muscles surrounding the clitoris contract, along with the vaginal and anal muscles, and sometimes the deep abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles. Women can have three different types of orgasm. The most well known is the clitoral orgasm, which is achieved by stimulating the clitoris or the “love button”. The vaginal orgasm occurs within the vagina, usually through the stimulation of the G-spot. The third type is a combination of the clitoral and vaginal orgasm, known as a “blended orgasm”. How you achieve these orgasm and what type of orgasm occurs differs from individual, it is key to know where and how she is stimulated. Women are able to experience multiple orgasms in one sexual intimacy. (I believe this is a gift for the pain that she is likely to encounter during child birth.) Be proactive and give more attention to foreplay and her erogenous zones, more kissing, touching, and caressing her. e Enjoy.



1 hr


Prep time

35 mins

Cook time


Mint Julep Directions



Mint Julep



Total time

Place 5 fresh mint leaves, 1 teaspoon sugar and a splash of water into a silver julep cup or a 12-ounce Tom Collins glass. Muddle the mint leaves, sugar, and water together with the tip of the handle of a wooden spoon. Fill the glass with shaved ice, add the 2 1/2 bourbon whiskey, and stir until combined. Garnish with a lemon or orange slice, a cherry, and a few sprigs of fresh mint.

Ingredients »


Pork Tenderloin With Melon Salad

» » » » » » » » » »

1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced

1 2 -inch piece ginger, peeled and finely grated 1/4 teaspoon sugar

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing Kosher salt 2 pork tenderloins (1 to 11/4 pounds each) Freshly ground pepper 1/2 honeydew melon, seeded and peeled

Juice of 1 lime 1/4 cup roughly chopped fresh mint or cilantro 1/4 cup roughly chopped salted roasted cashews or peanuts

Directions Preheat a grill to medium high. Soak the onion in a bowl of cold water. Whisk the ginger, sugar, olive oil and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a small bowl until the sugar is dissolved. Season the pork with salt and pepper and rub with 1 tablespoon of the ginger oil. Lightly brush the grill grates with olive oil. Grill the pork, turning as needed, until well marked and a thermometer inserted into the center registers 145 degrees F, 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board and let rest, 5 minutes. Meanwhile, thinly slice the melon, then cut into 2-inch pieces. Drain the onion and toss with the melon, 1 tablespoon of the ginger oil, the lime juice, mint, and salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Sprinkle with the cashews. Cut each pork tenderloin into 8 pieces and divide among plates. Drizzle with the remaining ginger oil and serve with the melon salad.

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 47

artist Kwame Osa, Cheers Time to share success and happy moments

For | more information about the artist, email: art@enjoyaccra.com 48

Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91


Star of the Month

Dede Ayew For God & Country!


he Ghana Black Stars were over and done with the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil in the blink of an eye: two losses and a draw! Obviously, something went wrong. Ghana deserves better, doesn’t it? Nonetheless, here at Enjoy Magazine, our Star of the Month is André Morgan Rami ‘Dede’ Ayew. We have decided to send the wing wizard of Team Ghana a deserved warm thumbs-up by way of saying: “Congrats, brother!”

“We loved his commitment to the team and to this great country of Ghana!”

This talented player indeed gave Ghanaians something to cheer about in Brazil. We loved his commitment to the team and to this great country of Ghana! We appreciated highly his endeavour on the soccer field! When it seemed that others had decided that all was lost, Dede kept running, pushing, kicking the ball with splendid conviction. Should we find one phrase to illustrate Dede’s overall posture and approach each time he is selected to defend the country’s honour on a football pitch since his first appearance on a Ghana national team in August 2007, only comes to mind: ‘For God and country’! Admirable! e

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 49


Samila Kanji and members of GIWC

Mrs Moolchandi (centre) and friends

Mrs Koko Nikai (Japanese Ambassadors wife)

Mrs Ola Selim, Egyptian High Commisioners wife

Mrs Helen Appah, Prudencia Igbokwe, Nigerian High Commission

Ghana International Women’s Club Send-off Luncheon in Accra


he atmosphere was that of a joyous party when the Ghana International Women’s Club hosted a lunch at Saffron Restaurant at Osu, Accra on June 11, 2014. The luncheon was held in honour of some of their members who have completed their duty tours in Ghana and are moving on or returning to their home countries. GIWC believes in organizing social events to foster cordial relationship among members and nonmembers. The luncheon at Saffron Restaurant offered an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and friendship of Ola, Prudencia (Nigeria), Koko (Japan) and Chris Clark Floulke (USA) who dedicated some of their time in Ghana to raising funds to help and assist some needy groups and communities in the country.

Mrs Kapoor, guest, Mrs Helen Appah, President of GIWC, Mrs Indu Karla, Assistant Project Rep, Mrs Okposuogo, Vice President of GIWC, Prudencia Igbokwe

To the out-going GIWC members, the group says: “Wo ni Nyame nko”! e

“ GIWC: Standing for Solidarity,Friendship and Hope for the Needy.” 50 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Pauline Onafowokan (Nigerian High Commissioners Wife) Koko, Nagwah Kattah, Ola Selim, Muna Illogu, Vivianne Mouganie.

who’s who

Mrs.Jacqui-Ahomka-Lindsey, Fitnant Adomako & Mrs Helen Appah

Fitnant Adomako GIWC and guests

Mrs Dipika Nanakani, Mrs Nagua Kattah

Carolyn Gralla, Mrs Nermine Hartcastle, Mrs Ola Selim

Rita Kapoor, Srilata Sagar (Indian HC Wife) and Algerian High Commissioners Wife

“GIWC believes in organizing social events to foster cordial relationship among members and non-members.” Jennifer, Priscilla and guests

Sheila Enuson and friend

Mrs Helen Appah & Sheila Enuson

Diana Avaaram

G.I.W.C members ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 51

52 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91


places to be

Places to be in Accra

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ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 53



Afrikiko African Regent Rest. Asanka Local Azmera Rest. Buka Bush Canteen Country Kitchen Ethiopian Rest. Home Touch Red Chilli Sankofa Rest. Tante Marie Tam Tam


(030) 222 9997 (030) 261 1000 (030) 278 6328 (054) 119 4119 (030) 278 2953 (024) 019 3523 (030) 222 9107 (024) 306 8165 (030) 277 7662 (024) 790 2809 (030) 261 1000 (030) 277 8914 (024) 461 3677


Au Grand Ecuyer Captain Hook Frankie’s Landing Rest. Monsoon Simret Rest. The Grill Zanzibar

(030) 276 8643 (030) 276 2228 (030) 277 3567 (030) 276 0775 (030) 278 2307 050 740 8938 (024) 966 6333 (024) 489 0990


Le Tandem La Chaumière Le Bouquet Le Magellan

(030) 276 2959 (030) 277 2408 (030) 277 2417 (030) 277 7629


Akroma Plaza Arlecchino Azmera Bali Hai Bamboo Bella Roma Bread & Wine Rest Chez Lien Chicken Republic Chix ‘n’ Ribs China House City Garden Rest. Chez Marie Lou Rest. Chase Lounge Crown Apartmento Dragon House Dynasty Escapade Foodies Fali’s Hot Pot Heritage IL Cavaliere Pazzo

Jade Garden

(031) 202 5513 (024) 541 0403 (030) 277 0606 (030) 277 1700 (030) 297 1272 (024) 747 4007 (057) 651 9799 (030) 277 5356 (024) 222 0011 (020) 785 4319 (030) 276 0284 (030) 222 1710 (030) 277 4891 (030) 277 8477 (030) 277 1713 (030) 276 2988 (030) 277 5496 (024) 340 1503 (030) 266 1858 (030) 225 8473 (030) 278 5252 (030) 282 3131 (024) 460 8281

54 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

KFC, Osu (030) 296 3086 Champs Bar & Rest. (024) 095 9406 Koyla Bon Appetit (027) 100 0002 Kohinoor (030) 277 1999 Le Must French Rest. (024) 466 1069 La Table de Cocoaline (030) 279 7207 La Galette (024) 675 2429 Le Bistro Rest. (030) 277 6738 Mango & Wheat (026) 777 0278 Michelangelo (024) 423 3533 Noble House (030) 278 5151 NourishLab Smoothy’s (024) 393 9855 Osekan Rest. (024) 535 2912 Pearl Chinese (024) 440 6748 Red Chilli (024) 790 2809 Rice ‘n’ Salads (027) 740 1009 Ristorante Sol Moi (030) 278 4015 Robi’s Dutch Pub (024) 220 1087 Smollenky’s Rest. (030) 277 5830 Sunshine Café (030) 278 0599 Sweet Rose Chinese (030) 281 6252 Star Bites (030) 293 6156 Stellar Catering (024) 477 3403 Santoku Rest. (030) 273 7027 Toros Tapas Bar (024) 288 0163 Trésence Café (026) 621 0321 The Venue (024) 332 3425 Taverna Tropicana (030) 222 9101 The Grill (024) 433 1000 Veda Indian Rest. (054) 530 0699 3121 Sushi Bar (026) 777 3121 COFFEE / TERRACE

Cuppa Cappuccino Cafe Dez Amis Koffee Lounge Fine Things Delifrance Sky Eli Cont.Rest Picasso Melting Moments

(024) 820 4441 (030) 782 9371 (030) 292 5067 (030) 223 6781 (030) 223 6781 (024) 331 0310 (030) 277 1712 (024) 466 1069


Eddy’s Pizza Mama Mia (delivery) Papa’s Pizza Pizza Town

(054) 413 3397 (024) 426 4151 (024) 115 0555 (024) 085 9444


La Palm Casino Piccadilly Casino Millionaires Accra Millionaires Kumasi

(030) 278 5420 (030) 276 3095 (030) 277 4339 (032) 204 9868


Bywell Bar Bus Stop Bella Roma Chester’s Bar Cuzzy Bro’s Duplex Devino Lounge Firefly Lounge Bar Hollywood Boulevard Jokers Center KQ Lunch Box Luscious Temptation Rhapsody’s Rockefellas Shaka Zulu Bar Shisha Lounge Spikes Bar & Grill The Honey Suckle The Republic Bar Traphic Twist The Republic Bar The Orange Crepes The Venue +233 Jazz Club Venus Pub Tilly’s Cocktail Yoko’s Pub

(030) 276 7793 (030) 222 0930 (024) 747 4007 (030) 276 2771 (026) 608 6003 (024) 599 9999 (024) 818 6604 (030) 277 7818 (030) 209 7958 (024) 437 0752 (020) 813 3122 (024) 923 6666 (030) 282 3148 (030) 277 6167 (020) 140 4164 (024) 849 5704 (027) 577 2058 (030) 278 0774 (024) 631 4044 (020) 992 5531 (030) 277 2179 (024) 631 4044 (030) 223 2988 (030) 278 2250 (030) 277 5830 (030) 278 2250 (024) 477 8479 (030) 223 7675


Bake Shop CakeOoo Cakes & Bakes DecoKraft Dream Desserts Fine Things La Galette Sweet Dreams Simply Desserts

(030) 277 3044 (027) 417 8376 (024) 459 5599 (024) 382 7724 (030) 278 1792 (030) 223 6781 (024) 675 2429 (028) 923 1283 (024) 431 2870


Accra Mall A&C Square Marina Mall

(030) 282 3040 (030) 251 7518 (030) 267 8121 Melcom Plus Kaneshie (030) 225 1789 Melcom Plus Tema (030) 321 6368 Palace (030) 281 5444 Koala (Osu) (030) 277 3455 Lara Mart (030) 276 6834 CULTURAL CENTRES

Alliance Française British Council Goethe Institute Nubuke Foundation

(030) 268 3068 (030) 268 3068 (030) 277 6764 (028) 910 2163

enjoy index




Beauty Square First Choice Salon Lady Pam Salon Holy Trinity Spa Lajen Unisex Salon Salon City Spa Tranquility Spa

(054) 272 7235 (024) 268 2997 (030) 277 6952 (036) 209 1334 (030) 277 7837 (030) 276 8751 (030) 278 2737


Atlas Rent -A-Car Cole Consult VRS

(024) 427 7871 (024) 403 5856 (030) 277 9387


Aphrodisiac Devino

(030) 276 6734 (024) 818 6604

Express Delivery Services

Aramex Express Ltd Fedex Ground Service UPS Sky Net TNT Express United Parcel

(030) 340 9090 (030) 266 6659 (030) 276 2510 (030) 223 0516 (030) 276 6518 (030) 276 2509


A & C Developments (030) 251 5055


Arabella Residency

(030) 222 1742

Beaufort Properties

(030) 256 4345

business@polygroupgh.com www.beaufortghana.com

Redrow Developmnts (024) 420 1884 info@redrowghana.com

Richierich Estate


(054) 899 0343

Express Property Ltd (030) 276 8886 info@expresspropertyghana.com

Westfields Estates

(020) 897 0080



(030) 270 2332


Afrikiko Al Saidy Big Base Black White Rest Brian’s Place Chakwa Chicken Licken Central Gill Cuppa Espcesso Fridays Bar


(030) 222 9997 (024) 550 0003 (030) 320 6918 (030) 320 6905 (030) 330 4177 (024) 464 9113 (030) 321 1092 (020) 105 6556 (002) 650 8994 (030) 340 1431 Imperial Pekin Chinese (030) 330 5573 Korean Rest (030) 330 6244 Mayflower Rest (030) 330 4970 Maria’s (020) 784 6337 Olympic Rest (024) 924 2726 Pastsone Tradi. Kitchen (024) 454 0556 Peterpan (028) 612 0003 Seoul Grill Rest (030) 330 6305 Southern Fried Chicken (030) 320 6905 The Page (030) 320 6068 Trafix Rest (030) 320 2357 Golden Bowl Chop (030) 320 6424 Vienna City (030) 330 4084 Winner’s (030) 340 4515

African Rainbow (031) 203 2149 Ahenfie (031) 202 1267 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 5513 Alrose (031) 202 4230 Ambassador (031) 202 7431 Bocadilos Rest. (031) 202 0356 Captain Hooks Rest. (031) 202 7084 Chinese Fast Food (031) 202 6565 Cool Spot Rest. (031) 202 1640 Crisking Rest. (031) 204 6813 Furama Chinese Rest. (031) 202 3556 Maame B’s Kitchen (031) 203 0540 Memories Rest. (031) 202 1679 Nsempa (031) 202 4230 Ocean Bar (031) 203 3693 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Palace Continental (031) 202 3463 Silver Pot Rest (020) 507 6166 You 84 Rest (031) 202 2945 Twin-City Chinese (031) 202 6888 Royal Park (032) 202 3388


Cape Café & Rest Casanova Spot Court Cateen Friends Gardens Hacienda Plaza Precious Canteen Seven Up Rest

Club Felisa (030) 330 3003 Osmosis Night Club (030) 330 4362 Subin Valley Night Club(030) 330 6477


4 Aces (032) 202 9855 Accadia Rest (024) 393 3399 Adhyeman Gardens (032) 202 6076 Babitex (032) 202 7476 Baboo (032) 202 5725 BigDaddy’s (024) 481 0822 Boss Burger (024) 437 3091 Black Berry MegaBite (032) 202 2543 Chinese Rest (032) 202 9893 Chopsticks Rest. (032) 202 3221 Couples (032) 202 2146 Flo-Tru (032) 202 5360 Hollywood Rest (032) 202 5792 Kentisn Kitchen (032) 202 2748 NIGHT CLUBS IN KUMASI

Aphrodisiac Nite (020) 095 5550 Plus 2 Pub & Kitchen (032) 229 9544 Ultimate Three Fun (054) 882 3745




(024) 488 0054 (033) 213 2425 (024) 428 2862 (033) 213 2956 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 4681 (033) 213 2505


Gihoc Distilleries Co (033) 213 2713 SUPER MARKET IN CAPE COAST

Melcom Stores (033) 213 4118 Sonturk Super market (033) 213 2207


Bafana Banyana Civil Sport Crest Rest Evesak Fast Food Executive Cuisine Gym 1000 Palace Jay and Jay Sunset Bar Swad Fast Food Sweet Garden Tisa Rest

(027) 759 1727 (037) 202 3324 (037) 202 4898 (037) 202 3505 (024) 447 8710 (037) 202 3239 (037) 202 4654 (024) 420 1643 (037) 202 5188 (037) 202 3539 (037) 202 4217

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 55




Alisa Hotel (030) 221 4244 Airport West Hotel (024) 435 8042 Airport View Hotel (027) 775 3305 Airside Hotel (030) 276 0480 Akwaaba Lodge (024) 427 7261 Alema Court (024) 432 1175 Angehill Hotel (030) 251 7515 African Regent Hotel (030) 276 5180 Aristocrat Hotel (024) 318 4447 Ascension Hotel (030) 251 7452 Bayous Court Hotel (030) 240 0806 Bellview Hotel (030) 266 7730 Brookvale Hotel (030) 285 3443 Byblos Hotel (030) 278 2250 Best Western Premier (030) 221 6570 Crystal Palm Hotel (030) 225 8164 Capital Court Hotel (030) 222 6199 Casanova Hotel (030) 267 9470 Crown Apartmento (030) 277 1712 Chez Lien (030) 277 5356 Central Hotel (030) 276 6606 Charlys Hotel (030) 250 5125 City Apartments (024) 480 7888 Coconut Grove Regency (030) 222 5155 Coconut Court Hotel (030) 222 6310 Cottage Hotel (030) 222 2736 Crystal Palm Hotel (024) 369 0014 Crystal Rose Hotel (024) 280 1622 Dutch Hotel (030) 271 1111 Dukes Palace Hotel (030) 251 0668 Earlbeam Hotel (030) 277 0523 Eastgate Hotel (030) 250 7441 Ebis Hotel (030) 277 8559 Ellking (024) 347 8814 Erata Hotel (054) 433 67454 Esther’s Hotel (030) 277 2368 Fiesta Royale (030) 461 3677 First Choice Hotel (028) 954 8271 Frankie’s Hotel (024) 277 3567 Ghasom Hotel (030) 223 4953 Golden Tulip (030) 221 3161 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Global Summer Hotel (030) 276 0199 Golden Spoon Hotel (030) 224 0295 Great Gardens Hotel (030) 230 6249 Green Oak (024) 811 0319 Gye Nyame Hotel (030) 222 3321 Hibiscus Hotel (024) 426 6522 Hotel Elegance (030) 224 0809 Holiday Hotel (030) 274 0811 Highgate Hotel (030) 223 3315 Holiday Inn Hotel (030) 274 0930 Hotel Western Sun (054) 433 5533 Just Sands (024) 218 3955 56 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91



Kensa (030) 276 8291 Kuku Hill Hotel (030) 278 2571 La Palm Royal Beach (030) 277 1700 Little Acra Hotel (026) 612 1945 La Villa Boutique Hotel (030) 273 0333 Labadi Beach Hotel (030) 277 2501 Luna Guest House (024) 401 6629 Luxury West Hotel (020) 813 4370 M Plaza Hotel (030) 276 3425 Mainland Hotel (030) 277 8243 Mariset Plaza (030) 277 4542 Miklin Hotel (030) 250 0708 MJ Grand Hotel (054) 775 3908 Mövenpick Ambassador (030) 261 1000 Mirage Royal Hotel (030) 252 0570 Monarch Hotel (030) 251 8653 Naks Hotel (030) 250 0435 Novotel Hotel (030) 263 3863 Nova Hotel (030) 277 5579 Niagara Plus Hotel (024) 477 1710 Oak Plaza East Airport (030) 281 6460 Ocean Sky Hotel (030) 278 2951 Otumfuo Hotel (030) 277 4827 Oriental Guest House (026) 513 3244 Pekan Hotel (024) 429 7520 Protea Hotel (030) 251 7454 Paloma Hotel (030) 222 8700 Riviera Beach Hotel (030) 266 2400 Royal Richester (030) 222 5155 Ramada Resort Coco (030) 271 7235 Roots Hotel Apartment (032) 278 0283 Robinhood Hotel (030) 281 6251 Sunsplash Hotel (024) 426 2086 Tenko Plaza Hotel (030) 251 9523 The Guest Hotel (030) 251 1370 The Rest Inn (024) 363 9174 The Volta Lodge (030) 277 8396 Tropical Concepts (027) 492 1774 Tropical Encalve (024) 480 9090 The Aknac Hotel (030) 282 4235 The Landsdown (026) 960 1541 The Royal Senchi (030) 340 9180 The Congress Hotel (030) 274 0750 Villa Monticello Hotel (030) 277 3477

Accadia Cafe & Rest Cedar Crescent Hotel Miklin Hotel Golden Gate Hotel Golden Tulip Royal Basin Resort Paparazzi Hotel


Applel Hotel Asia Hotel Commville Hotel Janus Hotel Oak Royal Hotel Sakumono Royal

(030) 320 4617 (030) 320 6121 (030) 320 6264 (030) 341 1163 (030) 320 6926 (030) 320 4911

(024) 393 3399 (032) 203 7238 (032) 203 9121 (032) 203 7073 (032) 208 3777 (032) 206 0144 (032) 209 2026


Abuesi Beach Resort (024) 435 9100 Akroma Plaza (031) 202 3745 Africa Beach Hotel (031) 202 5148 Alor Hotel (031) 202 2703 Alrose Hotel (031) 2024230 Amenla Hotel (031) 202 2543 Animens Hotel (031) 202 4676 Arvo Hotel (031) 701 0180 Atlantic Hotel (031) 202 2091 Beach Hotel & Resort (031) 202 1021 Beachway Hotel (031) 202 4734 Blue Water Hotel (031) 209 2116 Busua Beach Resort (031) 209 3307 Cane Basket Hotel (031) 202 7213 Cath’s Lodge (031) 202 6854 Devon Hotel (031) 202 2194 Embassy Hotel (031) 202 1611 Franfaus Hotel (024) 671 0349 Fred Mexico (031) 202 1611 Harbour View Hotel (031) 202 3576 Hillcrest Hotel (031) 202 2277 Hotel Animens (031) 202 4676 Hotel Applause (031) 202 3941 Hotel Be Ruco (031) 202 1248 Hotel Majestic (031) 204 6784 Melody Hotel (031) 202 4109 Nalex Hotel (031) 202 0669 Pacific Court Guest (031) 203 4259 Palm Lines Hotel (031) 204 6550 Palme Hotel (031) 202 4596 Planter’s Lodge (031) 202 2233 Railview Hotel (031) 242 0136 Raybow Int Hotel (031) 202 2072 Royal Palm Hotel (031) 204 4596 Sammar Lodge (031) 202 8363 Super Gardens (031) 202 8363 Takoradi Beach (031) 202 1021 Twin City Hotel (024) 457 3596 Valley Beach Hotels (031) 202 6900 Victoria Beach (031) 202 5693 Westline Hotel (031) 204 4679 Whin River Hotel (031) 202 4074 Zenith Hotel (031) 202 2359

enjoy index


Ankwanda Beach Biriwa Beach Hotel Cape Coast Hotel Elimina Bay Elmina Beach Fespa Hotel Hacienda Hotel Haizel Guest House Hans Cottage Heavens Lodge Jubilee Lodg Mighty Victory Hotel Mudek Hotel Prospect Lodge Rainforest Lodge Savoy Hotel Sisimbo Beach White Sands Beach

(033) 213 3797 (024) 442 6277 (033) 213 3457 (054) 161 4812 (033) 214 0010 (024) 232 3611 (024) 437 7815 (033) 213 3044 (024) 427 4340 (033) 213 4999 (033) 213 3424 (033) 213 0135 (024) 467 1137 (024) 687 3557 (033) 219 2498 (033) 213 2805 (054) 795 2844 (031) 202 2072



Gariba Lodge Andi Lodge Gariba Lodge Guest De Favzie King’s Guest House Klass-One Court Modern City Picorna Hotel

(037) 203 3371 (037) 202 2975 (037) 203 3371 (037) 202 4340 (037) 202 4316 (037) 202 7079 (037) 202 4473 (037) 202 207



Amadeus Ghana Melcom Travel Nomadafrica Global Village Travel Stellar Travel Travel Bureau

(030) 276 5590 (030) 225 2984 (030) 701 1234 (030) 276 9273 (030) 276 4557 (030) 282 3004


Cape Trading Ltd Say Cheers X O Wine Shop Bacchus Wine shop

(030) 277 6705 (030) 281 1407 (024) 664 3208 (024) 348 0047


The Gift Bag Sytris, Osu Finest Gifts Plus Obsession Gift Shop Placito Ltd.



(024) 322 3519 (027) 730 0800 (030) 277 7810 (030) 277 4682 (030) 222 0051

Silverbird Accra Mall (054) 431 0140 ACCRA KIDS BOOK, TOYS & MORE

Kidz Cottag Ltd A & C Kiddy Ground Marvels Mini Golf e-toys & More Lego Play & Learn Kiddie’s

(030) 276 5616 (030) 251 5055 (030) 291 5400 (030) 278 1076 (030) 222 3235 (030) 277 0837 Mom & Dad Befa Rock (030) 278 1076 Kids Planet (054) 550 0000 Aviation Social Center (020) 703 9797 RESORTS

Busua Beach Busua Inn Dutch Hotel Ramada Resort Hillburi Aburi Loo Moon Lodge New Coco Beach Jays Lodge

(020) 638 8029 (020) 737 3579 (030) 271 1111 (030) 271 7235 (024) 438 5008 (020) 824 1549 (030) 271 7235 (030) 297 5356


Coaching & Dev. Greet Gyawaa Kids Concept Orca Deco Office Furniture PPAK Motors Village Pet Shop

(024) 894 8242 (030) 277 2955 (024) 641 5459 (024) 095 4262 (030) 222 0732 (054) 433005/6 (030) 268 8780 (024) 406 2796



Accra Mall Pharmacy (028) 940 0400 Bedita Pharmacy (030) 277 8375 Equity Pharmacy (020) 253 2496/7 Ernest Chemist (030) 222 9293 East Legon Pharmacy (030) 250 2174 Korle-Bu Pharmacy (030) 263 7033 Jinlet Pharmacy, Tesano (030) 222 1225 Jinlet Pharmacy, Osu (030) 278 3361

Roman Ridge Pharmacy (030) 276 9166

Tica Pharmacy Wencol Chemist

(030) 281 7458 (030) 277 3858


The Diagnostic Center (030) 298 0243 MDS-Lancet (030) 261 0480 Medilab Diagnostic (030) 276 9680 Mediclinic (030) 297 4154 PEDIATRICS

Akai House Clinic Phillips Clinic North Ridge Hospital International SOS

(030) 268 2162 (030) 276 8681 (030) 222 7328 (030) 279 9978


The Chiropractic

(024) 636 3411


Vodafone (020) (050 Glo (023) MTN (024) (054 Airtel (formerly Zain) (026) Tigo (027) (057 Expresso (028) LANDLINE

Accra Ada Aflao/Denu Akosombo Axim Bawku Bekwai Bolgatanga Cape Coast Dunkwa Ho Keta/Akatsi Koforidua Konongo Kumasi Mampong/Ashanti Navrongo Nkawkaw Obuasi Sekondi/Takoradi Sunyani Swedru Tema Wa Winneba

(030) 2 (030 35 (036 25 (034 30 (031 21 (038 22 (032 24 (038 20 (033 21 (033 22 (036 20 (036 26 (034 20 032 21 032 20 003 222 038 21 034 31 032 25 031 20 035 20 033 20 030 3 039 20 033 23

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 57

Useful Numbers


Embassies Algeria Australia Austria Belgium Benin Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada China CÔte d’lvoire Denmark Ethiopia Egypt Finland France Gambia Germany Guinea Hungary India Iran Ireland Italy Korea Japan Lebanon Liberia Mali Morocco Netherlands Niger Nigeria Norway Philippines Poland Spain Russia Rwanda Czech Rep. Senegal Togo Congo Turkey U.K. U.S.A. Switzerland

(030)-277 6719 (030)-221 6400 (030)-278 3368 (030)-277 6561 (030)-277 4860 (030)-277 4908 (030)-277 2404 (030)-222 1988 (030)-277 3791 (030)-277 7073 (030)-277 2611 (030)-222 6972 (030)-276 5682

(030)-277 6854 (030)-277 7500 (030)-221 4550 (030)-231 5840 (030)-222 1311 (030)-277 7921 (030)-240 0770 (030)-277 5601 (030)-276 0521 (030)-251 8112 (030)-277 5621 (030)-277 7533 (030)-276 5060 (030)-277 6727 (030)-277 5641 (030)-266 3276 (030)-277 5669 (030)-221 4350 (030)-222 4962 (030)-277 6158 (030)-222 0101 (030)-251 6442 (030)-250 2829 (030)-277 4004 (030)-277 5611 (030)-225 1894 (030)-222 3540 (030)-277 0285 (030)-277 7950 (030)-224 5977 (030)-276 8567 (030)-222 1665 (030)-277 5347 (030)-222 8125

INT. DIALING CODES Angola 244 Australia 61 Austria 43 Belgium 32 Benin 229 Botswana 267 Brazil 55 Burkina Faso 226 58 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

Burundi 257 Cameroon 237 Canada 1 Cape Verde 238 Cntrl African Rep 236 Chad 235 Czech Republic 420 Denmark 45 Egypt 20 Equatorial Guinea 240 France 33 Gabon 241 Gambia 220 Guinea 224 Italy 39 Japan 81 North Korea 850 South Korea 82 Liberia 231 Libya 218 Mali 223 Mauritania 222 Mauritius 230 Morocco 212 Namibia 264 Rwanda 250 Senegal 221 Sierra Leone 232 South Africa 27 Togo 228 Uganda 256 U.S.A. 1 DRC 243 Zambia 260 Zimbabwe 263

AIRLINES kotoka Airport Aero Contractor Aerogem Aviation American Airlines Asky airline Air Ghana Air Ivoire Air Senegal Int. Antrack Air Alitalia Belview Airlines British Airlines Brussels Airlines Cathay Pacific City Link Air Ltd Delta Airlines Egypt Air Emirate Airlines Ghana Int.

(030)-277 6171 (030)-268 1978/9 (030)-276 9298 (030)-268 8804 (030)-224 0442/3 (030)-277 4007 (030)-224 2056 (030)-278 0567 (030)-276 5377 (030)-278 3319/21

(030)-223 0329 (030)-221 4996 (030)-224 3893 (208)-213 8270 (030)-277 0445 (030)-276 5262 (030)-277 7756 (030)-277 3537/8 (030)-223 0319 (030)-221 3555

Kenya Airways KLM Lufthansa Middle East North American Royal Air Maroc Royal Dutch Slock Air Int. South African Air Turkish Airlines UNMIL Virgin Nigeria

(030)-224 1560 (030)-221 4700 (030)-224 3893 (030)-223 0867 (030)-291 1087 (030)-276 6333 (030)-277 6509 (030)-276 6740 (030)-278 3676 (030)-273 4561 (030)-277 3890 (030)-291 1721

24 HR EMERGENCY CENTRE Trust Hospital Nyaho Clinic

(030)-277 6787 (030)-277 5341

BANKS Access Bank Agri. Dev.Bank Bank of Ghana Barclays Bank Cal Bank Ltd CDH Securities Ltd Credit References Databank Group Ecobank NIB Societe generale Gh

(030)-278 4143 (030)-266 2640 (030)-266 6902 (030)-278 4049 (030)-268 0061 (030)-266 7425 (030)-278 2581 (030)-266 9421 (030)-268 1147 (030)-266 1701 (030)-220 2020

FIRE SERVICE Headquarters Cantonments Central (Makola) Industrial Area Dansoman Madina Aviation Trade Fare

(030)-277 2446 (030)-266 6576 (030)-277 9635 (030)-222 3169 (030)-231 0903 (030)-250 1744 (030)-277 3285 (030)-277 3949

HOSPITALS Akai House Clinic Akai House (Osu) 37 Military Hospital Korle-Bu Lister hospital Nyaho Clinic Princess Marie Louise West African Rescue INTERNATIONAL SOS

(030)-278 4772 (030)-276 3821 (030)-277 6111 (030)-266 5401 (030)-281 2325/6 (030)-277 5341 (030)-266 4137 (030)-278 1258 (030)-279 9978

POLICE Emergency Regional Headquarters Mobile Force Accra Central Achimota Adabraka Airport

191 (030)-266 4611 (030)-276 0273 (030)-266 3625 (030)-240 1999 (030)-222 1368 (030)-277 7592

ENJOY No 91 Jul-Aug 2014 | 59

60 | Jul-Aug 2014 ENJOY No 91

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