Menorca Sun

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Council support bid to start brass band Page 9

FREE! TAKE ONE HOME Issue: 10 Friday 24 October 2008



Friday 24 October 2008


NITRATES IN WATER TEATRO DES BORN STILL A WORRY The high levels of nitrates in the water supply continue to be a worry for the residents in the south east of the island. The mayor of Es Castell, Juan Cabrera, recognises that , for the past year, the concentration of nitrates in some of the wells in the area have been way above an acceptable level. While national guidelines set a level of 50 milligrams per litre, there are results that show some levels as high as 400-500 milligrams per litre. Health officials consider this to be generally unsafe to the population. Es Castell is currently awaiting the installation of new machinery to correct this problem. The new system , funded equally by the Council and the Government, seems to have hit a delay in delivery from Sa Pobla in Mallorca, although it should be functioning next year.

According to Cabrera, the Government is at fault for the delay and is in urgent talks to demonstrate the urgency of the situation. He also explained that the high nitrate content is a general problem in Manorca and not just in Es Castell. In San Lluis, a new well was opened las year in an attemt to improve the quality of the supply. The mayor there, Remigio Lora, indicated that the high nitrate concentration could also be due in part to changes in farming methods. In Mahon a spokesman insisted that the water in the capital was acceptable and cautioned against creating any alarm. He also pointed out that the council in Mahon was currently working on a new plant at San Climent to improve the situation. The new works will cost 413.000 and should come into service early next year.

The town council in Ciutadella is urging the Balearic Government, and the Central Government in Madrid to ensure that the cost of remodelling and modernising the Teatro Es Born is included in their budgets for 2009. Spokesperson, Antonia Gener, said that the revamping of the beautiful old theatre is included in the ongoing projects to improve the image of the old part of the town.

TIT 4 TAT The National Commission of Competition (CNC) has instigated legal moves against the Association of Menorca Rent a Car (AEMACSC), accusing them of agreeing on a single price for all customers that booked online using the Association’s website. The inicial denuncia was made last July 21 by the Menorca Hotels Association (ASHOME) who pointed to a monopoly being created The CNC now have 18 months to complete their investigation and arrive at a verdict. The disagreement between the two organisations stem from The car rental firms making a denuncia against the hotels when they started to offer car rental via their hotels’ web sites. Spokesperson. Joana Capo, said “that’s a bit like us offering hotel rooms.”

CHARITY EVENT RAISES 1,100€ A Grand Charity Event was held at the Half Moon Bar, Son Parc on Tuesday 30th September. The intention was to raise as much money as possible for two particular charities. These charities were the Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough and ASPANAB (an association helping children with cancer in Menorca). Entertainment was provided free of charge by Harry’s Disco, Jimmy Magill (an Irish singer), and Mick (from M&S Services). The event was well attended and dancing continued until the early hours of the morning. The organisers, on behalf of the charities concerned, would like to thank all the people that attended and gave so generously.

They also offer their thanks to the people who donated the prizes that were raffled and auctioned. The auctions were for a day out for four persons on a yacht from Mahon, a weeks free car hire and a round of golf for two persons. The raffle was for a variety of prizes including meals, bottles, and hand made dolls. More thanks to all those who contributed, but in particular we would like to thank Menorca Cruising, Autos Victoria, Son Parc Golf Club, Hallisey’s Restaurant, Pinomar Restaurant, Tots Bar, Los Burritos, BJ’s Bar and John Smith. At the end of the night the event had raised a grand total of 1,100 Euros. A great result and it will go to two well deserving charities.

EU INVESTIGATES The European Commission has decided to initiate court proceedings against Spain for the discriminatory harbour dues laid down by Spanish legislation in breach of Community law. The Commission found that the harbour dues charged on vessels sailing to or from the Canary Islands, the Balearics or Ceuta and Melilla are low-

er than those levied on traffic between ports on the Spanish mainland and ports elsewhere in the Community. Furthermore, dues for vessels sailing between Spanish ports and non-EU ports are not subsidised under Spanish law and are therefore higher than those charged for traffic between Spain and other EU Member States.

Friday 24 October 2008


EDUCATING THE BRITISH CHILDREN Betty D´Cruz La Escuela Inglesa Reading with interest Jane Bryer´s and Martin Lister´s article on the Spanish Education system (19th Sept and 17th Oct), I sit on the fence. I agree that there should be more English resources for native-speaking children (not just British), however we cannot expect the Spanish state system to provide it. The state only has a responsibility to provide access to education for all children in Catalan and Castellano, and that English-speaking children in schools should achieve as much as their peers in those languages. This is true “integration” – what the schools can do for minority families is another issue. We are titillated by the fact that English is provided in primary schools, and expect more: if we were living in a country where no English was on the curriculum, we would not expect anything from the schools. So it falls on the parents to provide the English input, and clearly Jane is doing her bit. I have worked for 10 years in Spain, training English teachers to adopt teaching methods for English that cater for all ability levels, including, of course, native speakers, but this is a slow process. Nevertheless, schools on the island DO have Spanish teachers with good English, who are interested in meeting children´s needs, who would be glad of a parent´s input! Some of them even spend their spare time and cash taking extra English classes at advanced levels and going on training courses! The other issue is that over

the past year, and before, families have been offered Saturday English classes and English Summer School in Mahón, and in San Lluis, storytelling, through adverts in the Roqueta and the English Pages of the Menorca Diario, with little response. If there is no demand, it is difficult to keep providing these facilities. Currently, La Es-

“...schools on the island do have Spanish teachers with good English, who are interested in meeting children´s needs, and who would be glad of a parent´s input!” cuela Inglesa in Mahón offers these, but cannot open new classes because demand is so low. Maybe, while parents struggle to learn Castellano and Catalan, and earn a living, their children´s reading level in English may not be high on the list of things to do that week... This also holds true for adult classes in Castellano. An alternative would be to set up an international school on the island, which I am looking into, however, it is difficult to gauge demand – we need resident British families to let us know whether they would be interested in classes or a school for their children, and what their ages are! This may be more helpful than Martin´s “if parents don´t like the education that their children receive here, they can always go back to the UK”. We need parents to be proactive WHILE they are here! One problem is that many parents do not realise the pitfalls their children could fall

into: while they are young, with the remains of their British education lurking in the background, their reading, writing and vocabulary levels are adequate. As they grow older, their vocabulary, both written and read, may stagnate, and their spelling may be based in Spanish unless their parents actively intervene, by encouraging reading and writing as a leisure activity. Rather than Jane´s criticism of officials who don´t “rock the education boat”, it should be the parents rocking it: meeting their school´s English teacher, asking for higher level reading books for their children, asking the form tutor about their child´s achievement levels regularly, finding out about after-school English clubs, and English classes in language schools, finding out where to buy comics, books and magazines in English (“Comercial Papelería”), etc. Raise schools´awareness by pestering them (even in dodgy Spanish!) The schools can ask their C.E.P (local teachers´centre) to put on courses for them to address these issues. The result is that these children may end up at the end of secondary school (or before), hoping to continue studying in Britain, but with too low a level of written English and eventually no recognisable qualification in English that would get them into a British college, even though their spoken English seems fine. Every Spring, teenagers on the island need to be coached for Trinity College English exams specifically to avoid this. For more information about supporting Englishspeaking children in school, contact Betty D´Cruz at

Jane Bryer I think Mr. Lister misunderstood some of the points made, which means others may also have done: With regard to the English lessons in school, I think the schools here do a good job, UK students would not start a foreign language until much older and only then have one lesson a week, - the point was: English is our children’s ‘Native’ (first) language - two lessons a week will not keep them literacy fluent - and just for the parents to consider this. Some parents choose to send children back to the UK to finish their education (or to work using English later) and their written skills and understanding are far behind their peers. The library and storytimes are there to encourage and make materials available for those who wish to keep up the skills. It is great that Mr Lister had a positive response at St Luis school and feels he had the


support his family needed when they first arrived. It is sad that others have not been so lucky. The school has already recognised they have a problem by asking those parents whose children have settled well to assist those who are having problems - so parents now have hope. It may be due to costs but the additional help Mr Lister spoke of, now seems unavailable at many schools but there is hope here too -The Dario newspaper (Tuesday 14th October) stated that 5 million Euros is being made available to Barbara Galmes from the Education and Culture Ministry to provide training and materials to help the integration of ‘immigrant’ students aged 816. Of course parents and children need the extra help while they all learn the two new languages, (Castilian and Catalan) no matter what country they arrive from. All parents want their children to learn, make friends and enjoy their life here, the schools have asked for help - so if you can please give it.

The island’s schools; do they cater for the British students?



Friday 24 October 2008


Franco inquiry polarises Spain A top Spanish investigative judge has launched a criminal investigation into the fate of tens of thousands of people who vanished during the country’s civil war and General Francisco Franco’ dictatorship. Love him or hate him - and few Spaniards are indifferent - Mr Garzon is a genuine superstar. The 52-year-old investigating magistrate is rarely out of the news: in a glittering judicial career, he has pursued Eta, alQaeda, and alleged human rights abusers in South America - most famously, Chile’s late dictator Augusto Pinochet. Supporters see him as a fearless crusader; critics portray the judge as an egotist, who craves media attention. But now, this polarising figure has embarked on the most contentious crusade of all by, in effect, sitting in judgement on the regime of Gen Franco, who ruled Spain for almost four decades until his death in 1975. The principal allegation is that Gen Franco, together with 34 senior aides, oversaw a systematic campaign to eliminate their left-wing opponents. Mr Garzon characterises this as a “crime against humanity”. In an exhaustive 68-page edict, the judge refers to 114,000 alleged victims who “disappeared” over a 15-year period, following Gen Franco’s military uprising against the elected Second Republic government in July 1936. Many are said to have been summarily executed during the brutal civil war, which Franco’s Nationalist forces won in March 1939; others were murdered later, as the general consolidated his power. “The fight against this scar, this impunity will never cease,” Mr Garzon told me at a recent book launch - speaking in general terms about crimes against humanity. “And if we’re referring to the investigations in Spain about past eras, then justice must follow its course.” Many seasoned academics share Mr Garzon’s historical perspective, and some go even further in their choice of language. “It was virtually genocide,” says the Madrid-based historian Ian Gibson. “It came from the top, it was systematic, and they had planned it before the war began. Documents exist showing that, if the coup failed, they would set in motion this policy of extermination,” Mr Gibson says. The most immediate effect of

Robert Capa’s iconic image from the Civil War. The Republican soldier was shot dead as Capa took the photo

Mr Garzon’s dramatic intervention will be the opening of 19 mass graves, believed to contain the remains of missing victims. Such excavations are not new in Spain, but until now they have been organised on an ad hoc basis, by relatives of the dead and volunteer archaeologists. “For many people, the intervention of Garzon means an end to silence and fear,” explains Emilio Silva, who unearthed the remains of his grandfather eight years ago, and today runs the Association for the Recovery of Historic Memory. “Many families are now contacting us for the first time... some are sending information about killers who are still alive today. This is not a political question anymore - we’re talking about justice,” Mr Silva says. The prospect of elderly men - now well into their 90s and above - facing prosecution is, for the first time, conceivable. Spain’s interior ministry has said it will co-operate with a request from Mr Garzon to supply details of any surviving senior members of the Spanish Fascist Party (Falange) who are alleged to have carried out summary executions in Gen Franco’s name. Unsurprisingly, Mr Garzon’s actions have unleashed an almighty storm from opponents who accuse him of playing God. “He must be the only Spaniard who hasn’t heard that Franco is dead,” joked Senator Augustin Conde of the conservative opposition People’s Party (PP), lambasting the fact that Mr Garzon had requested documentary proof of the Gen Franco’s passing. Manuel Fraga, the PP’s 85year-old founder and a former minister under Gen Franco, called the ruling “nonsense, a very serious mistake”; while the right-leaning El Mundo newspaper fumed that Mr Garzon was “neither morally nor mentally capable of judging anyone”. Intriguingly, Spanish state pros-

ecutors are among the dissenters, and have appealed against Mr Garzon’s right to address the historical controversy. They argue that his intervention violates the 1977 Amnesty Law, which pardoned politically-motivated crimes by Gen Franco’s friends and foes alike. By guaranteeing that the past would not be raked over, the law underpinned Spain’s delicate transition from dictatorship to democracy. Others have more personal reasons for opposing the judge - notably the family of the Francoists’ most famous victim, the celebrated poet Federico Garcia Lorca, who was murdered in August 1936. Together with thousands of other victims, his remains are thought to be buried in the southern province of Granada, at a site which Mr Garzon has ordered excavated. “We don’t think finding the remains would add anything to his already well-known biography,” explains Laura Lorca, the poet’s niece. “We should not disturb the dead... and his fame should serve to protect that place,” she says. The Lorca family also has practical concerns about a potential exhumation of victims. “It would be very difficult to avoid it being turned into a media spectacle,” says Laura, “there are a lot of people who would be after the image of those remains.” But relatives of other victims disagree, arguing that Mr Garzon is simply displaying the same rigour towards domestic history which Spanish judges have shown in international human rights cases, under the principle of “universal justice”. “People should pay for their crimes,” says Mr Silva. “It’s the same whether it’s in Spain, Argentina, Chile or Serbia. Spain shouldn’t be different.” An estimated 500,000 people died in the civil war.

WHERE TO PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE MENORCA SUN ES CASTELL Brogans, Torre de Sol, Bonnin Sanso, Spar, La Caixa, Banca March, Bar Espana, Bar La Isla, San Mames, Hotel Agamenon, Hotel Rey Carlos, Chiringuito Peters, BB Tres, Camachos, Hotel Hamilton, Margarita Cafe, Club Nautica, Groucho, Chespir, 3Bs, El Chivito, Sa Cala, Port Antico, Dinkums, Nikkis, Teapot, Delfin, Internet Shop, Age Concern, Property Menorca, Scandals

CALA’N PORTER Fun House, Village Inn, Bombay Star, Salamandra, Champs, Galleon, Poolside Bar, Hostel Sancho Panza, 007 PUNTA PRIMA Blue Anchor, El Faro, Spar SON BOU Kit Kat, Bowling, Club San Jaime, Arena, Las Dunas, Josephs, Daltons, Bow Hai SAN CLIMENT Casino, Can Dulce, Newsagent, Coach & Horses, Nelsons, Spar CIUTADELLA Delaneys, Burger King

SON VILAR Defenses Animales, Proximo, Collingwood House AIRPORT Thomsons, Thomas Cook, Europcar, Tourist Info, Hertz, Café, Consell Insular MAHÓN HOSPITAL Newsagents, Café, Malbuger


LOS DELFINES Foxys, Bar 61, Mulligans, Burger King, Bar Yuca, Super 1, Coctails & Dreams, Agua Centre, Molly Kavanaghs CALA BLANCA Laurel & Hardy, C’an Vicent,, Danny’s, Nautilis, Blarney Stone CALA N BOSCH McCarthys, 2 Rocks, Big Apple, Don Carlos, Tom’s, Chaplins, Brittania, Legends

MAHÓN Palliser, Hiper Centro, Hotel Capri, Sa Plaza, Menocars, Joanne Beauty, Estetica Lynda, Fish n Chip shop, American Bar, Market, Market Café, Jimmy’s Bar, Café Ars, Caixa Central, Library, Restaurante San Jose, Taj, Sa Taverna, Burger King, Bar Andaluz, Bar Mirador, Adult Language School: Cap de Llevant

SON PARC Golf Club, Hallissy’s, M & S, BJ’s, Rex’s, Half Moon, Mamma Mia

PORT DE MAHÓN Breeze, Fairline, Jagaro, Gregal, El Chivito, Thai Country House, Pierro’s, Marivent, El Bosforo, No Lo Se!, Akelarre, Wepi, Latitude 40, Cycle Club, Club Maritim, Roma, Gran Murala, Elefant Bar, Minerva, Hotel Port Mahón, 222

ES MERCADAL Savoy, Las Vegas

TREBALUGER Trebaluger Spar, Menorca Clearance Centre SAN LLUIS Monet Tu, Avenida Paper Shop, Casino, Eroski, Menorca Storage, Menorca Home Care, Aerodrome, Hippodrome, El Picadero, Tennis Club,

ADDAIA & ARENAL El Castillo, Bar 51, Supermarket, Bar Pins, Wendy Hodgkinson, Corner Bar, Sa Gavina, Bar 51, Romani, Good Bridge, Japi, Outback, Smithys, Isla Paraiso, El Faro, Super Sa Morera

CALA GALDANA Black & White, Bar Mississipi, Phone Box, Bar Toboggan SANTA TOMAS Bar Halley, Hamilton Court Apartments, Beach Bar, Hotel Victoria ES MIGJORN GRAN Perry’s ________________________

If you’d like to stock the Menorca Sun then please let us know!

Friday 24 October 2008


BANGED TO RIGHTS A Scot who was caught in an operation against so-called “Costa del Criminals” has been jailed for 14 years at the High Court in Glasgow. John Barker fled to Tenerife nine years ago while on bail for cocaine and amphetamine trafficking charges. The 51-year-old, from Irvine, Ayrshire, was caught earlier this year after he appeared on a list of suspected British crimi-

nals thought to be in Spain. During his trial, he had denied any involvement with drugs. Barker was wanted by Strathclyde Police under two arrest warrants. They related to trafficking drugs, valued at more than £110,000, within Scotland in 1998 and 1999. He was extradited earlier this year after his details were posted on a Crimestoppers website targeting Spanish resorts.

The operation was co-ordinated by Britain’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) and the Spanish authorities. Bill Hughes, of Soca, said: “British crooks who thought they could enjoy a yachts and villas lifestyle in Spain have received a nasty shock. “Many of them are now experiencing a rather different lifestyle at Her Majesty’s pleasure.”

to what has been seen in the rest of the developed world. ____________________

of 10 billion €, which could be increased to 30 billion €, to allow the purchase of bank shares between now and the end of the year. He also announced the completion of the emergency fund at 50 billion would be included in the parliamentary procedure for the 2009 budget. ____________________


IN BRIEF 14 percent of Spaniards live in the threshold of poverty according to the latest date from the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The number comes in a new study into the differences in income and shows that social inequalities in Spain have reduced since the 80’s, although the level of poverty here is higher than the average 11%. Countries such as Denmark and Sweden have poverty levels down to 5.5%. Spain, France and Ireland are the only countries in the OECD where differences in income have reduced over the past 20 years, exceptions

Congress this week ratified the new laws which have been put forward by the Government as part of their financial rescue plan, if needed for the banks in Spain. The main opposition party, Partido Popular, supported the government although voicing concerns about a lack of control on the money, while the left-wingers IU voted against. During the debate the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zaptero, announced that the government is to approve an extraordinary credit

Judicial secretaries this week halted all activity in the courtrooms across the country for some three hours in support of judges who are claiming a lack of resources and also about what they see as government intervention in their activities.

The charges made against a judicial secretary in the Mari Luz Cortés case, of a two year suspension without pay for failing to ensure a man, Santiago del Valle, found guilty of abusing his daughter was actually sent to prison, has highlighted the overwork seen in the judiciary system in Spain. The man, who remained on the street, is the accused in the murder of five year old Huelva girl, Mari Luz Cortés. Legally the judicial secretaries cannot support the judge’s protest today, but they have called ‘working meetings’ to take place at the same time.


HIS & HIS WEDDING OFF Sevilla flamenco singer, Rafael Ojeda Rojas, better known as ‘Falete’, has cancelled his planned wedding to his 24 year old boyfriend, José Isaac Roffe Silva, which had been set for December 12. It comes after the boyfriend admitted to police that he had faked his own kidnapping. National police arrested the boyfriend on Monday, a week after he had claimed to have been taken at knifepoint and held in a car for a time. A police statement said that the victim made many contradictions in his statement and was obviously nervous. Once police assembled evidence to show the kidnap claim was false he was charged with faking the kidnapping. The singer said he was ‘surprised and could not understand the reason for what his boyfriend had done’, and said that he had never set up any scheme to promote any of his four albums. Falete said he would meet is obligations as his job was to sing, but he asked fans to understand ‘my state of mind’ given what had happened.


Friday 24 October 2008


Sirs, Poor Tracy Fell received a lot of criticism for her letter complaining about the cost of hiring loungers and umbrellas on the beach and the attitude of some of the people with whom she came in contact. Those of us who are lucky enough to live here appreciate the beauty of the island and the various sights and attractions that it has to offer but many of the tourists who visit are here for a week or two only and are here to escape the weather presently being experienced at home. After working for fifty weeks of the year to pay for their holiday they want nothing more for themselves and their children than to relax on the beach and soak up the sun. Who are we to criticise them? We all know that tourist figures to the island are falling and with the present exchange rate

it is becoming very expensive to visit other countries in Euroland but there are places in eastern Europe, and of course in the far east, where it is far cheaper to holiday and Menorca should be doing all it can to encourage visitors rather than drive them away. We certainly do not get enough visitors to pick and choose the type we want and we would do well to heed all complaints, however trivial, to improve our attraction. David Green, Cala’n Porter The Menorca Sun team Regarding a letter from Robert Owen, Issue 7, he would like to hear what other readers thought of the summer past as the island closes the doors to the tourist trade. We are newcomers to Menorca and as entertainers we have had a very good first year for the summer, we are a duo act

Send your letters to: The Menorca Sun, Carrer Santa Barbara 3/11, Es Castell, Menorca, 07720 or email them to us at Only letters sent with the writer`s full name and address will be considered for publication. The publishers reserve the right to edit letters as appropriate. The deadline for the receipt of letters is noon on Monday.


called ‘Amazed’ and we have been booked up for four months of the season. We have gone from entertaining in bars to entertaining at weddings and parties across the island. We have been made very welcome and made lots of new friends who have given us a lot of support. To all of those who know us, a BIG thank you. Julie & Tony Gaskell Dear Sirs May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your publication. An English newspaper has been a long time coming. One small quibble is that your coverage of the local cricket club is scant and of the rugby union club it’s non-existent. Both play a major part in the British community so I hope you can find your way to increasing the coverage of both. Dennis Jones, Es Castell

(We’d love to feature the cricket club and have, indeed, contacted them about it. However, we understand that they need to discuss, and agree, the matter at their AGM before they can

send us press releases/reports. So until then our coverage of the cricket club will be thin! In general, we’d like to hear from anyone who’s involved with a sporting or social club and who’d like to provide us with regular updates/reports. Just email us at hello@themenorcasun. com. If required, anonimity can be guaranteed!) Sirs At a recent LACE meeting Victoria Hodkinson gave a fantastic presentation on her new free newspaper, Menorca Sun. Victoria told us that she had been invited by Mike (Managing director) and Graeme (Editor) to join the team at Menorca Sun. And those who have met Victoria will know she’s always willing to take on a new challenge. Her role in the company is in advertising, reviews and covering events. She said it’s been interesting to say the least. She even got roped into playing darts lately. Similar newspapers are available in Mallorca and Ibiza already. So with help and sup-

port from the Diario newspaper who actually print the paper for them, Menorca sun was launched. They are now on the seventh issue and things are going well. They are distributing 5,000 copies a week, right across the island. Throughout the summer months, Thomson’s reps actually give the paper out in the welcome packs. It goes out every Friday right throughout the year. Perhaps with a short break at Christmas. The newspaper covers world news effecting the island, local news and events, what’s on, a puzzle page, and more. The team wants it to be a light, fun to read newspaper that gives local residents and holidaymakers an interesting and valuable insight to the island. The newspaper is still at a very early stage. Victoria is very keen for anyone with news of interest to get in touch. Also if you have an event/promotion coming up she’d welcome you getting in touch. A huge thank you to Victoria and we wish you great success with your new venture. LACE, by email

The transportation of Gil Pérez!


Gil Pérez was a Spanish soldier of the Filipino Guardia Civil who allegedly suddenly appeared in the Plaza Mayor of Mexico City on October 24, 1593. He was wearing the uniform of the guards of Palacio Del Gobernador in the Philippines, and claimed he had no idea how he had arrived in Mexico. Historians doubt the accuracy of the story, which does not appear in writing until a century after the supposed event. Perez claimed that moments before finding himself in Mexico he had been on sentry duty in Manila at the governor’s palace. He admitted that while he was aware that he was no longer in the Philippines, he had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there. He said the governor, Don Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas, had been assassinated. When it was explained to him that he was now in Mexico City, Perez refused to believe it saying that he had received his orders on the morning of October 23 in Manila and that it was therefore impossible for him to be in Mexico City on the evening of the 24th. The authorities placed Perez in jail as a deserter and for

1260: The spectacular Cathedral of Chartres is dedicated in the presence of King Louis IX of France; the cathedral is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 1360: The Treaty of Brétigny is ratified at Calais, marking the end of the first phase of the Hundred Years’ War. 1593: Alleged teleportation of Gil Perez (see left) 1857: Sheffield F.C., the world’s first football club, is founded in Sheffield, England. 1861: The First Transcontinental Telegraph line across the United States is completed, spelling the end for the 18-month-old Pony Express. 1901: Annie Edson Taylor becomes the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. 1911: Orville Wright remained in the air 9 minutes and 45 seconds in a glider at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina setting a new world record that stood for 10 years. 1917: The day of the October revolution, The Red Revolution. 1926: Harry Houdini’s last performance, which was at the Garrick Theatre in Detroit, Michigan.

the possibility that he may have been in the service of Satan. The Most Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition questioned the soldier, but all he could say in his defence was that he had travelled from Manila to Mexico “in less time than it takes a cock to crow”. Two months later, news from the Philippines arrived by Manila Galleon, confirming the fact of the literal axing on October 23 of Dasmariñas in a mutiny of Chinese rowers, as well as other points of the mysterious soldier’s fantastic story. Witnesses confirmed that Gil Perez had indeed been on duty in Manila just before arriving in Mexico. Furthermore, one of the passengers on the ship recognized Perez and swore that he had seen him in the Philippines on October 23. Gil Perez eventually returned to the Philippines and took up his former position as a palace guard, living thenceforth an apparently uneventful life. This account has received wide circulation, but historian Mike Dash notes that there are some problems with the story which call its accuracy into question. Perhaps most importantly, Dash notes that the earliest ex-

tant accounts of Perez’s mysterious disappearance date from more than a century after the supposed events. Though Perez was supposedly held for some time on suspicion of witchcraft, no records of his imprisonment or interrogation have been found.

24th October

1929: “Black Thursday” stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange. 1945: Founding of the United Nations 1946: A camera on board the V-2 No. 13 rocket takes the first photograph of earth from outer space. 1947: Walt Disney testifies to the House Un-American Activities Committee, naming Disney employees he believes to be communists. 1964: Northern Rhodesia gains independence from the United Kingdom and becomes the Republic of Zambia (Southern Rhodesia remained a colony) 1980: Government of Poland legalizes Solidarity trade union 1986: Nezar Hindawi is sentenced to 45 years in prison, the longest sentence handed down by a British court, for the attempted bombing on an El Al flight at Heathrow. After the verdict, the United Kingdom breaks diplomatic relations with Syria, claiming that Hindawi was helped by Syrian officials. 2003: Concorde makes its last commercial flight.

Friday 24 October 2008



THE FALLEN MADONNA WITH THE BIG... AHEM... WOTSITS Buxom waitresses, ham German accents with a bit of Franglais thrown in, knockwurst sausages and the Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies. The ingredients are all there for another great production by the Menorca Charity Players. In early December the troupe are staging the theatre version of ‘Allo ‘Allo, one of Britain’s best loved and enduring television comedies. Rehearsals are currently taking place at a secret location which even Herr Flick and his Gestapo minnions would struggle to find... okay, it’s a warehouse in the Es Castell industrial estate, but remember ‘loose talk costs lives’. The man tasked with making sense of the whole thing is Chris Coleman, a veteran (if he’ll forgive me that choice of phrase) of many MCP productions. When asked about progress thus far Chris responded with furrowed brow, “ Well (... long pause and another swig of beer), it’, coming along! No, seriously, things are developing nicely. It’s a real pleasure to work with the people we have. Everyone is pulling together to ensure that we put on a great show. What we’re doing is for a good cause and that has focused peoples minds. “We have a great team. Once again Tony Hatch is lending his expertise to the production, and the cast is a healthy mix of our regulars and one or two who are new to the theatre. Scenery and props man Mike Dixon is working like a Trojan on the set every day and it’s going to look fantastic. So far so good” The venue for the play is a real coup for the company; it’s being staged at Mahón’s Orfeon Theatre. This grand old theatre has a capacity of three hundred and recently underwent a 1,000,000€ refurbishment. According to Chris the theatre couldn’t have been more enthusiastic or helpful towards the Menorca Charity Players. The play is being staged on the 4th, 5th and 6th of December and the company are quietly confident of the tickets selling well. There are even people coming over from Britain to watch the play. One feature of this year’s

production is a matinee performance on the afternoon of the 4th (4.00pm), which, as Chris says, is to enable people who would otherwise be unable to attend an evening performance to come along and enjoy the play. Tickets should be on sale this coming week and they will be available at Scandals (Es Cas-

tell), Ca’n Dulce (Sant Climent) and Comercial Papeleria in Mahón. Alternatively, give Gerry Wright a call on 618 531 429. As ever, the production is in aid of charity and is well worth supporting. Don’t miss out, get your ticket NOW!

Director Chris Coleman


Friday 24 October 2008


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Menorca Home Care has been looking after properties of clients since 1988, and provides a complete range of services, which can be flexibly utilised by clients, depending on their personal needs and circumstances. Whether you have only recently purchased a second home on the beautiful island of Menorca , or have owned a property here for years, you will know it is vital that your investment - probably one of the biggest you will make - is cared for to the highest standards. You will want the reassurance that when you, your family, or your paying guests arrive here, your home has been professionally cleaned, serviced and is in pristine condition - allowing everyone to enjoy a relaxing and stress-free holiday. Menorca Home Care believe that the total property management solution, which many of today’s owners want, is much more than a pre-arrival clean, linen change and provision of an emergency call-out facility. They

want - and their goal is to deliver - a genuinely pro-active approach to property management. They can also take care of all the extras involved with a trip abroad and are willing to help organise arrival packs, a baby sitting service. car hire, etc Since February 2004 MHC has been installed at their new purpose-built facility on the Sant Lluís industrial estate. These modern premises provide the company with fantastic facilities and resources to place at the disposal of their clients, all sited under one roof with more than 500 square metres of floor space. If you are in the Sant Lluís area and are interested, anyone can feel free to call for an appointment. Ken and Carol would be delighted to discuss how they can design a service to meet your individual needs and to show you around the complex. Drop by and see for yourself the resources and facilities that can be called upon in the servicing of your second home here in Menorca .

Friday 24 October 2008



Darts or trumpet in hand, Dave Hutchinson is a familiar figure around the island! Dave and partner Debs run the popular ex-pat bar the Delfin in Es Castell and as any regular knows Dave likes a bit of brass. In his case the brass is the trumpet, an instrument he’s been playing the trumpet for the best part of fifty years having started at a very young age. Dave is a proud Geordie born in Durham - though you’ll struggle to hear him say ‘hinny’ or ‘haway’ as he spent most of his adult life working in the pits in Leicestershire and has acquired a midlands twang. The pair of them settled in Menorca a couple of years ago when they bought the Deli. Everyone who’s heard Dave

play the trumpet knows that he’s an accomplished player, he was twice national champion in the 80s and he’s played with all the top brass bands back in the UK, such as the Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band and the Black Dyke Band. He’s also played at all the major venues in England like the Royal Albert Hall in London so he has quite a pedigree. The ability to play a tune clearly runs in the family; his two sons both play the trumpet, the youngest of whom is Professor of Trumpet with the Royal Marines in Portsmouth. Dave has also been teaching music and conducting for over 40 years. Now Dave’s ambition is to start a brass band on the island and he’s already acquired the support of Es Cas-

tell’s town council. Part of the programme he wants to put in place is teaching music, brass variety, to children. The council could not be more supportive; they’ve promised to get the venture local press, Tv and radio coverage. Dave is already working on getting donations of instruments from his lifelong contacts in Britain but would welcome contributions from the ex-pat community on the island. He’d also like to hear from anyone in Menorca who wants to blow a tune in his newly formed brass band, and as Dave himself said, rustiness is no excuse, it’ll all come flooding back! The Menorca Sun wishes Dave well in his new project and he can be contacted on 663 459 245.



Friday 24 October 2008

BUS SERVICES The bus services on Menorca are brilliant! They are clean, punctual and cheap, and they pretty much cover the entire island. To give you an idea of the cost of travel, the most expensive journey is Mahon (Maó) to Ciutadella at 4.25e. Most tickets are under 1.50€. A few words of caution though… some of the services are fairly infrequent, so plan your journey carefully! As mentioned above, the buses are usually spotlessly clean, and they discourage the consumption of food and drink whilst travelling. Also, if you want to show off your tanned beerbelly, you can’t! Shirts must be worn. Only coins and 5€, 10€ and 20€ notes are accepted, so you’ll have to find somewhere else to exchange your hooky fifties! There’s access for the disabled only on Lines 01, 02 and 03. Finally, whilst every effort is made to ensure that these timetables are accurate and up to date, it’s always worth double-checking with the transport companies before travelling.

10 - MAHON-AIRPORT Monday to Sunday Mahon: 5.45, 6.15, 6.45, 7.15, 7.45, 8.15, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 10.15, 10.45, 11.15, 11.45, 12.15, 12.45, 13.15, 13.45, 14.15, 14.45, 15.15, 15.45, 16.15, 16.45, 17.15, 17.45, 18.15, 18.45, 19.15, 19.45, 20.15, 20.45, 21.15, 21.45, 22.15, 23.15, 00.15 Airport: 5.55, 6.25, 6.55, 7.25, 7.55, 8.25, 8.55, 9.25, 9.55, 10.25, 10.55, 11.25, 11.55, 12.25, 12.55, 13.25, 13.55, 14.25, 14.55, 15.25, 15.55, 16.25, 16.55, 17.25, 17.55, 18.25, 18.55, 19.25, 19.55, 20.25, 20.55, 21.25, 21.55, 22.25, 23.25, 00.25

01 MAHON-ALAIOR-ES MERCADAL-FERRERIES-CIUTADELLA Approximate journey time between stops: Mahon (10 mins) Alaior (15 mins) Mercadal (15 mins) Ferreries (15 mins) Ciutadella Monday to Friday Mahon: 6.45, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 13.15, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15, 17.15, 18.15, 19.15, 20.15, 21.15, 22.15 23.15, 00.15 Ciutadella: 6.40, 7.40, 8.40, 9.40, 10.40, 11.40, 12.40, 13.40, 14.40, 15.15, 15.40, 16.40, 17.40, 18.40, 19.40, 20.40, 21.40, 22.40, 23.40 Saturday Mahon: 8.00, 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 21.30 Ciutadella: 8.00, 10.00, 11.30, 14.30, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 21.30 Sunday and Public Holidays Mahon: 8.00, 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 16.30, 19.00 Ciutadella: 8.00, 10.00, 11.30, 14.30, 16.30, 19.00 02 MAHON-ES CASTELL Monday to Sunday (* not Sunday and Public Holidays) Mahon: 7.20*, 7.45*, 8.15*, 8.45*, 9.15, 9.45, 10.15, 10.45, 11.15, 11.45, 12.15, 12.45, 13.15, 13.45, 14.15*, 14.45*, 15.15*, 15.45, 16.15, 16.45, 17.45, 18.15, 18.45, 19.15, 19.45, 20.15, 20.45 Es Castell: 7.30*, 8.00*, 8.30*, 9.00*, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 13.30, 14.00, 14.30*, 15.00*, 15.30*, 16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 18.00, 18.30, 19.00, 19.30, 20.00, 20.30, 21.00 03 MAHON-SANT LLUIS Monday to Sunday (* not Sunday and Public Holidays) Mahon: 7.00*, 8.00*, 8.10*,

8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 13.30, 14.15*, 15.30, 16.00, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00, 18.30, 19.00, 19.30, 20.00*, 20.15, 21.00*, 22.00*, 23.00* Sant Lluis: 7.30*, 7.40*, 8.20, 8.40*, 9.10, 9.40, 10.10, 10.40, 11.10, 11.40, 12.40, 13.10, 13.40, 14.10, 14.20, 14.40*, 15.10 (Sun only), 15.40, 16.10, 16.40, 17.40, 18.10, 18.40, 19.10, 19.40, 20.00, 20.40*, 21.40*, 22.40*, 23.40 14 MAHON-CIUTADELLA EXPRESS BUS – direct Monday to Friday Mahon: 7.00, 8.00, 9.45, 12.45, 14.15, 15.15, 16.45, 17.45, 19.45, 22.15 Ciutadella: 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.15, 12.10, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15, 18.10, 19.10, 21.15 21 MAHON-SANT CLIMENT Monday to Saturday Mahon: 7.45, 8.45, 9.30, 10.30, 11.45, 12.45, 13.30, 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 19.40 Sant Climent: 8.00, 9.05, 10.10, 11.10, 12.25, 13.05, 14.05, 16.40, 17.20, 18.40, 19.20, 20.10 Sunday and Public Holidays Mahon: 9.15, 12.15, 15.15, 18.15 Sant Climent: 9.25, 12.25, 15.25, 18.25 21 MAHON-SANT CLIMENTCANUTELLS Monday to Saturday Mahon: 8.45, 12.45, 17.00, 19.00 Canutells: 9.00, 13.00, 17.15, 19.15 No service on Sunday or Public Holidays 31 MAHON-SANT CLIMENTCALA EN PORTER Monday to Saturday Mahon: 9.30, 10.30, 11.45, 13.30, 16.00, 18.00, 19.40 Cala en Porter: 10.00, 11.00, 12.15, 13.45 16.30, 18.30, 20.00 No service Sunday or Public Holidays 31 MAHON-ALAIOR-SON BOU (TORRESOLI & CLUB SAN JAIME) Monday to Saturday Mahon: 7.15, 8.30, 10.00, 11.00, 11.30, 12.30, 14.00, 15.30, 16.30, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 20.30, 22.00 Alaior: 7.25, 8.40, 10.10, 11.10, 11.40, 12.40, 14.10, 15.40, 16.40, 17.10, 18.10, 19.10, 20.40, 22.10 Torresoli: 7.40, 8.55, 10.25, 11.25, 11.55, 12.55, 14.25, 15.55, 16.55, 17.25, 18.25, 19.25, 20.55, 22.25 Club Sant Jaime: 7.45, 9.00, 10.30, 11.30, 12.00, 13.00, 14.30, 16.00, 17.00, 17.30, 18.30, 19.30, 21.00, 22.30 Son Bou: 8.00, 9.15, 10.45, 11.45, 12.15, 13.15, 14.45, 16.15, 17.15, 17.45, 18.45, 19.45, 21.15, 22.45 Alaior: 8.15, 9.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30, 13.30, 15.00, 16.30, 17.30, 18.00, 19.00, 20.00, 21.30, 23.00 Sunday and Public Holidays Mahon: 8.30, 10.00, 11.30, 13.00, 17.00, 18.30, 20.00 Alaior: 8.40, 10.10, 11.40, 13.10, 17.10, 18.40, 20.10 Torresoli: 8.55, 10.25, 11.55, 13.25, 17.25, 18.55, 20.25 Club Sant Jaime: 9.00, 10.30, 12.00, 13.30, 17.30, 19.00, 20.30 Son Bou: 9.15, 10.45, 12.15, 13.45, 17.45, 19.15, 20.45 Alaior: 9.30, 11.00, 12.30, 14.00, 18.00, 19.30, 21.00 51 MAHON-ALAIOR-ES MERCADAL-FERRERIES-CALA GALDANA Approximate journey time between stops: Mahon (10 mins) Alaior (15 mins) Mercadal (15 mins) Ferreries (15 mins) Cala Galdana Monday to Saturday Mahon: 9.30, 16.45


Cala Galdana: 10.20, 17.05 Sunday and Public Holidays Mahon: 10.30, 17.30 Cala Galdana: 9.20, 16.20 52 CIUTADELLA-CALA GALDANA Monday to Saturday Ciutadella: 10.40, 13.50, 16.50 Cala Galdana: 10.00, 13.20, 16.20 Sunday and Public Holidays Ciutadella: 9.50, 13.50, 16.45 Cala Galdana: 10.20, 13.20, 17.20 53 FERRERIES-CALA GALDANA Monday to Sunday (* not Sunday and Public Holidays) Ferreries: 7.05*, 8.05*, 9.05, 9.40*, 10.05, 11.05, 12.05, 13.05, 15.05*, 16.05, 16.50*, 17.05, 18.05, 19.05, 20.05, 21.05*, 22.05* Cala Galdana: 7.20*, 8.20*, 9.20, 10.20, 11.20, 12.20, 13.20, 14.20, 15.20*, 16.20, 17.05*, 17.20, 18.20, 19.20, 20.20, 21.20*, 22.20* 71 MAHON-ALAIOR-ES MIGJORN GRAN-CALA TOMAS Approximate journey time between stops: Mahon (10 mins) Alaior (15 mins) Es Migjorn Gran (10 mins) Cala Tomas Monday to Saturday Mahon: 8.00, 10.15, 12.30, 15.15, 17.30, 19.45 Cala Tomas: 9.00, 11.15, 13.15, 16.15, 18.30, 20.30 Sunday and Public Holidays Mahon: 8.15, 11.15, 14.15, 18.30 Cala Tomas: 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 19.15 71/72 ES MIGJORN GRAN-ES MERCADAL Monday to Saturday Es Migjorn Gran: 8.55, 11.10, 13.40, 16.10, 18.25, 20.55 Es Mercadal: 8.25, 10.40, 12.55, 15.40, 17.55, 20.10 Sunday and Public Holidays Es Migjorn Gran: 9.05, 12.35, 15.35, 19.25 Es Mercadal: 8.30, 12.00, 15.00, 18.50 71/72 ES MIGJORN GRANCALA TOMAS Monday to Saturday Es Migjorn Gran: 8.25, 8.45, 10.40, 11.00, 12.55, 13.15, 15.40, 16.00, 17.55, 18.15, 20.10, 20.30 Cala Tomas: 8.45, 9.00, 11.00, 11.15, 13.15, 13.30, 16.00, 16.15, 18.15, 18.30, 20.30, 20.45 Sunday and Public Holidays Es Migjorn Gran: 8.40, 11.40, 12.10, 14.40, 15.10, 19.00 Cala Tomas: 8.55, 9.00, 12.00, 12.25, 15.00, 15.25, 19.15 72 CIUTADELLA-FERRERIES-ES MERCADAL-ES MIGJORN GRANCALA TOMAS Monday to Saturday Ciutadella: 8.00, 10.15, 12.30, 15.15, 17.30, 19.45 Ferreries: 8.15, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 17.45, 20.00 Es Mercadal: 8.25, 10.40, 12.55, 15.40, 17.55, 20.10 Es Migjorn Gran: 8.45, 11.00, 13.15, 16.00, 18.15, 20.30 Cala Tomas: 8.45, 11.00, 13.30, 16.00, 18.15, 20.45 Sunday and Public Holidays Ciutadella: 8.10, 11.40, 14.40, 18.30 Ferreries: 8.25, 11.55, 14.55, 18.45 Es Mercadal: 8.30, 12.00, 15.00, 18.50 Es Migjorn Gran: 8.40, 12.10, 15.10, 19.00 Cala Tomas: 8.55, 12.25, 15.25, 19.15

91 MAHON-SANT LLUIS-ALCAUFAR-S’ALGAR (LAS PALMERAS) Monday to Sunday Mahon: 8.30, 9.30, 12.30, 13.30, 15.30, 18.30 Alcaufar: 8.45, 9.45, 12.45, 13.45, 15.45, 18.45 Las Palmeras: 8.55, 9.55, 12.55, 13.55, 15.55, 18.55 S’Algar: 9.00, 10.00, 13.00, 14.00, 16.00, 19.00 92 MAHON-PUNTA PRIMA (SUR MENORCA-INSOTEL-XALOC) Monday to Sunday (* not Sunday and Public Holidays) Mahon: 7.00*, 8.00*, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00*, 15.00*, 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00, 20.00*, 21.00*, 22.00*, 23.00* Sur Menorca: 7.15*, 8.15*, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 13.15, 14.15*, 15.15*, 16.15, 17.15, 18.15, 19.15, 20.15*, 21.15*, 22.15*, 23.15* Insotel: 7.20*, 8.20*, 9.20, 10.20, 11.20, 12.20, 13.20, 14.20*, 15.20*, 16.20, 17.20, 18.20, 19.20, 20.20*, 21.20*, 22.20*, 23.20* Xaloc: 7.25*, 8.25*, 9.25, 10.25, 11.25, 12.25, 13.25, 14.25*, 15.25*, 16.25, 17.25, 18.25, 19.25, 20.25*, 21.25*, 22.25*, 23.25* Punta Prima: 7.30*, 8.30*, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30*, 15.30*, 16.30, 17.30, 18.30, 19.30, 20.30*, 21.30*, 22.30*, 23.30* IMPORTANT! All the times given are DEPARTURE TIMES 93 MAHON-BINIBECA Monday to Sunday Mahon: 10.30, 14.00, 17.30 Binibeca 1: 10.15, 14.15, 17.50 Binibeca 2: 11.00, 14.15, 18.00 94 SANT LLUIS-BINIDALI Monday to Sunday (* not Sunday and Public Holidays) Sant Lluis: 8.45, 11.15, 13.15, 18.15, 20.45*, 23.15 Binidali: 9.30, 12.00, 14.00, 19.00, 21.30*, 00.00* BUS FORNELLS Monday to Saturday Fornells to: Arenal d’en Castell: 8.40, 12.15, 16.00 Cala Tirant: 8.40, 12.05, 16.00 Es Mercadal: 9.20, 13.35 (not Sat), 18.00 Mahon: 8.40, 12.05, 16.00 Son Parc: 8.40, 12.05, 16.00 Arenal d’en Castell to: Es Mercadal: 8.50, 19.20 Fornells: 8.50, 13.35, 19.20 Mahon: 9.00, 10.00, 12.00, 16.20, 17.20 Cala Tirant to: Es Mercadal: 9.10, 13.30 (not Sat), 17.45 Fornells: 9.10, 11.20, 13.30 (not Sat), 17.45 Mahon: 8.50, 12.15, 16.05 Son Parc: 8.50, 12.15, 16.05 Es Mercadal to: Arenal d’en Castell: 8.15, 11.45, 14.15 (not Sat) Cala Tirant: 8.15, 11.45 Fornells: 8.15, 11.45 Mahon to: Arenal d’en Castell: 9.30, 11.40, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00 Cala Tirant: 10.30, 12.45, 17.00, 19.00 Fornells: 10.30, 12.45, 17.00, 19.00 Son Parc: 10.30, 12.45, 17.00, 19.00 Son Parc to: Cala Tirant: 11.00, 17.25 Fornells: 11.00, 13.15, 17.25 Mahon: 9.10, 12.35, 16.20 Sunday Fornells to: Arenal d’en Castell: 8.45, 16.45 Mahon: 8.45, 16.45 Son Parc: 8.45, 16.45 Arenal d’en Castell to:

Fornells: 11.20 Mahon: 9.20, 17.20 Mahon to: Arenal d’en Castell: 11.00, 18.00 Fornells: 11.00, 18.00 Son Parc: 11.00, 18.00 Son Parc to: Fornells 11.50 Mahon 9.00, 17.00

NIGHT BUSES CIUTADELLA-SANT LLUIS Friday Ciutadella: 00.00, 03.00 Ferreries: 00.20, 03.20 Es Mercadal: 00.35, 03.35 Alaior: 00.45, 03.45 Mahon Port: 01.00, 04.00 Mahon Bus station: 01.10, 04.10 Es Castell: 01.20, 04.20 Sant Lluis: 01.30, 04.30 SANT LLUIS-CIUTADELLA Friday Sant Lluis: 00.00, 03.00 Es Castell: 00.10, 03.10 Mahon Bus Station: 00.20, 03.20 Mahon Port: 00.30, 03.30 Alaior: 00.45, 03.45, Es Mercadal: 00.55, 03.55, Ferreries: 01.10, 04.10, Ciutadella: 01.30, 04.30, CIUTADELLA-SANT LLUIS Saturday Ciutadella: 23.00, 01.00, 03.00, 05.00 Ferreries: 23.15, 01.15, 03.15, 05.20 Es Mercadal: 23.30, 01.30, 03.30, 05.35 Alaior: 23.45, 01.45, 03.45, 05.45 Mahón Port: 00.00, 02.00, 04.00, 06.00 Mahón Bus Station: 00.10, 02.10, 04.10, 06.10 Sant Climent: 04.20 Es Castell: 00.20, 02.20, 04.20, 06.20 Sant Lluis: 00.30, 02.30, 04.50, 06.50 SANT LLUIS-CIUTADELLA Saturday Sant Lluis: 23.00, 01.00, 03.00, 05.00 Es Castell: 23.10, 01.10, 03.10, 05.10 Mahon Bus Station: 23.20, 01.20, 03.20, 05.20 Mahon Port: 23.30, 01.30, 03.30, 05.30 Alaior: 23.45, 01.45, 03.45, 05.45 Es Mercadal: 00.00, 02.00, 04.00, 06.00 Ferreries: 00.15, 02.15, 04.15, 06.15 Ciutadella: 00.30, 02.30, 04.30, 06.30

IMPORTANT NUMBERS Don’t forget that if you’re using your English phone always add the international dialling code for Spain, 0034, before calling the numbers below. Emergencies - 112 Ambulances - 061 National Police - 091 (urgent) Guardia Civil -062 Local Police - 092 Fire Brigade - 092 Sea Rescue - 971 728 322 Airport - 971 157 000 British Consulate - 971 367 818 Councils Alaior - 971 371 002 Ciutadella - 971 381 050 Ferreries - 971 373 003 Es Castell - 971 365 193 Es Mercadal - 971 375 002 Es Migjorn - 971 370 111 Mahon - 971 369 800 Sant Lluis - 971 150 950 Taxis Alaior - 971 367 111 Ferreries - 971 480 685 & 660 411 965 Ciutadella - 971 367 111 Es Castell - 971 362 779 Es Mercadal - 971 367 111 Es Migjorn - 971 367 111 Mahon - 971 367 111 Sant Lluis - 971 150 641 & 971 367 111 Tourist Information Ciutadella - 971 481 515 Mahon - 971 363 790 The International Dialling Code for the UK is 0044

Friday 24 October 2008


MUSEUMS & HISTORY Bastió de sa Font Plaça de sa Font, Ciutadella Tue to Sat: 10.00-14.00 and 18.0021.00 The Municipal Museum is based in the bastió, one of the few remaining structures from the town’s 17th century fortifications. The permanent archaeological exhibition is worth a visit. Diocesan Museum Seminari 7, Ciutadella Mon to Sat: 10.30-14.00 & 19.3022.30 A small museum housing a diverse mix of archaeological finds, art and ecclesiastical objects. Fort Marlborough Cala Sant Esteve, Es Castell Tue to Sat: 9.30-13.00 & 15.0019.00 Sun: 9.30-13.30 A major fortification built by the British in the 18th century to guard the entrance to the port of Mahón. The visit starts through the underground galleries before emerging into the (now dry!) moat and then up into the battlements. Intelligent use of modern technology helps create a real feel for the age. Fortalesa la Mola La Mola, Mahon Daily: 10.00-20.00 An imposing fortress that dominates the entrance to the Port of Mahon. Built in the mid-19th century to repel the British it later served as a high security prison. Guided tours daily at 10.30, 12.30 and 17.30. Military Museum Plaça de l’Esplanada, Es Castell Mon to Fri and first Sun of the month: 10.00-13.00 Housed in an old barracks on the Esplanada A fascinating little museum that takes you through the island’s rich military history. Museum of Menorca Avda. Dr. Guardia, Mahon Tue to Sat: 10:00-14:00 & 17:0020:00. Sun: 10:00 to 14:00 A fascinating museum situated in a former cloister of a Franciscan monastery. Offers a great insight into the history of the island. Nature Museum C/ Mallorca 2, Ferreries Tue to Sat: 10:00-13:00 & 18:0021:00. Sun: 10:00-13:00 The Museu de la Natura de Menorca is a captivating museum, exhibiting a wide range of the many natural wonders from the island and surrounding areas. Sant Felip Castle Carrer Sant Felip, Es Castell Thur and Sun at 10.00 Twice weekly guided tours around one of 18th century Europe’s key defences.



Friday 24 October Market: Ciutadella 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça des Born Market: Ferreries 9.00 to 13.30 Jazz: Mahón Ars Cafe @ 23.30 With Jazz Do It... nice!

All times given are local

Saturday 25 October Market: Mahón 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça de l’Esplanada Market: Ciutadella 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça des Born Trotting Races: Mahón Hipodromo, Av. J.A.Clavé, 400 @ 17.00. Great entertainment and you can have a beer and a flutter at the same time! Cricket: Binnparrel MCC Ground @ 12.30 Menorca Cricket Club vs Celtic XI. Spectators welcome. Bowls: S’Algar Sant Lluis Hotel @ 10.00 The Menorca Bowls Club meets at the bowls green opposite the San Luis Hotel , S’Algar. Newcomers always welcome. Bowls are available to hire. For further information, please contact the Captain, John Smith – Tel: 971 939 045 Classical: Ciutadella Socors Auditorium @ 19.00 With Menorca’s Chamber Orchestra. Jazz: Ciutadella Casino 17 @ 23.30 Jazz Do It... do it! Sunday 26 October Flea Market: Mahón Parque des Freginal 9.00 to 13.30 Discover a few hidden treasures! A great place to potter around on a Sunday morning. Trotting Races: Ciutadella Hipodromo, Torre del Ram, Cala’n Blanes @ 17.30. More horsey fun! Bingo: Es Castell The Delfin @ 20.00 Prize bingo at the Deli on C/ Gran. Cricket: Binnparrel MCC Ground @ 12.30 Menorca Cricket Club vs Celtic XI. Spectators welcome. Classical: Mahón Teatre Principal @ 20.00

With Menorca’s Chamber Orchestra. Ballroom: Ciutadella Casino 17 @ 19.30 Get the toes twinkling! Monday 27 October Market: Es Castell 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça de l’Esplanada Market: Sant Lluis 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça de Sa Creu Bowls: S’Algar See Saturday for details. Tuesday 28 October Market: Mahón 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça de l’Esplanada Market: Ferreries 9.00 to 13.30 Jazz: Sant Climent Casino, Sant Jaume 2 @ 21.30 Menorca’s longest established jazz club. The Dancing Horses: Ferreries Son Martorellet, C/ Cala Galdana @ 20.30 A magical display of many different riding styles. One for the kids. Tickets from 6€ to 18€. Wednesday 29 October Market: Es Migjorn Gran 9.00 to 13.30 Market: Es Castell 9.00 to 13.30 Plaça de l’Esplanada Bowls: S’Algar See Saturday for details. Thursday 30 October Market: Alaior 9.00 to 13.30 C/ Reverendo Huguet Market: Fornells 9.00 to 14.00 C/ de ses Roques Market: Cala’n Porter 19.00 to 23.00 Plaça de Mevis The Dancing Horses: Ferreries See Tuesday for details. Live Jazz/Blues: Mahon Akelarre Jazz Bar, Moll de Ponent 42 Regular Thursday night jazz and blues jam session with the Lou Deach Quintet. Quiz: Es Castell The Delfin @ 20.00 Get the old brain cells working at the Delfin’s weekly pub quiz. Teams of up to four.


21.45 BBC 1 Scotland Arsenal vs Spurs Barclays’ Premiership 22.00 Sky Sports 2 Thursday 30 October Salisbury vs Crawley Blue Square Premier 21.45 Setanta Sports 1

RUGBY LEAGUE Saturday 25 October England vs Papua New Guinea World Cup 10.55 Sky Sports 2 Sunday 26 October Scotland vs France World Cup 07.25 Sky Sports 2 Australia vs New Zealand World Cup 9.55 Sky Sports 2 Monday 27 October Tonga vs Ireland World Cup 8.55 Sky Sports 1

RUGBY UNION Friday 24 October Glasgow vs Leinster Magners League 20.30 Setanta Sports 2 Saturday 25 October Cardiff vs Leicester Anglo Welsh Cup 15.35 BBC1

FOOTBALL Saturday 25 October Hamilton vs The ‘Gers SPL 13.30 Setanta Sports 1 Sunderland vs Newcastle Barclays’ Premiership 13.45 Sky Sports 1 Reading vs QPR Championship 18.20 Sky Sports 1 Blackburn vs Middlesborough Barclays’ Premiership 18.30 Setanta Sports 1 Sunday 26 October Chelsea vs Liverpool Barclays’ Premiership 15.30 Sky Sports 1 West Ham vs Arsenal Barclays’ Premiership 18.00 Sky Sports 1 Monday 27 October Cliftonville vs Linfield Northern Irish League 21.30 Sky Sports 1 Tuesday 28 October Newcastle vs West Brom Barclays’ Premiership 21.45 Sky Sports 1 Wednesday 29 October Kilmarnock vs Celtic Scottish League Cup

Watch Sky and/or Setanta Sports in the following bars (please note that not all of these bar have Setanta Sports, always check first!); Es Castell Scandals Delfin Teapot Punta Prima The Blue Anchor Sebastian Place El Foro Cala en Porter Galleon Champs (has Showtime) Irish Bar Village Pub Poolside Bar Salamandra Binibeca Bar Palomino Cala Galdana Black & White Bar Pub Mississippi Son Bou Kit Kat Bar Sant Tomas Bar Halley Sant Tomas Cala’n Bosch McCarthy’s Karaoke


CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS Menorca Cricket Club Founded in 1985 the M.C.C. are based at the delightful Biniparrell ground which is to be found on the road between S’Ullestrà and Llucmaçanes in the Sant Lluis area. Games are played most weekends and spectators are very welcome. Menorca Bowls Club The Menorca Bowls Club meets at the bowls green opposite the San Luis Hotel, S’Algar on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Meet 10.00 for a 10.30 start. Newcomers always welcome. Bowls are

available to hire. For further information, please contact the Captain, John Smith – Tel: 971 939 045 Age Concern The island’s Age Concern have a shop on C/ Padera 39 in Es Castell. Membership Secretary is Sheila Cox 659 185 407. Red Cross Call 648 168 034 Menorca Bridge Club The club meets every Wednesday evening at 7.15 at the Hotel Port

Mahón. Call Janet Brown 971 188 856. Es Castell Brass Band A new venture supported by the local council. If you play a brass instrument and would like to get involved then call Dave on 663 459 245. Menorca Charity Players Currently in rehearsals for their production of ‘Allo ‘Allo. The company are always on the look out from new talent. Chris Coleman 696 434 787.

MenHoCa Futbol 7 Doing the Brit community proud in Menorca’s 7s league. They train in Malbuger. Lee 659 987 362. The Picadero Art Group They meet at the El Picadero restaurant every Tuesday at 10am. Call Liz Quayle on 647 237 210. Rotary Club of Menorca Meets on Tuesdays at La Minerva on the port in Mahón. Masonic Lodge Call Jeremy McHale on 971 361 606.

Royal British Legion Call Geraldine Dogget on 971 188 210. If you want your social or sporting organisation to be included in our listing then simply drop us a line to


Friday 24 October 2008



Welcome back from Mars if you don’t know how to do Sudoku! Do we really need to explain it? Good, we didn’t think so! Solutions on page 15.




Rugs, sofas, hard floors, marble, wood, terraces PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Tel: 692 826 385


An Irish farmer named Seamus had a car accident. In court, the lorry company’s hot-shot solicitor was questioning Seamus. ‘Didn’t you say to the Police at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine?’ asked the solicitor? Seamus responded: ‘Well, I’ll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favourite cow, Bessie, into the...’ ‘I didn’t ask for any details’, the solicitor interrupted. ‘Just Answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine!’?’ Seamus said, ‘Well, I had just got Bessie into the trailer and I was driving down the road....’ The solicitor interrupted again and said, ‘Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident, he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question.’ By this time, the Judge was fairly interested

in Seamus’s answer and said to the solicitor: ‘I’d like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow, Bessie’. Seamus thanked the Judge and proceeded. ‘Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favourite cow, into the trailer and was driving her down the road when this huge lorry and trailer came through a stop sign and hit my trailer right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurt, very bad like, and didn’t want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans. Shortly after the accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the policeman came across the road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and said, ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘Now what the hell would you say?’

The first football international played without involving a British side was between the United States and Canada, played in Newark, New Jersey, USA on 28 November 1885. The Canadians won 1-0. In 1950-51 Leslie Compton became the oldest player to make his debut for England when he played against Wales aged 38 years and two months. Tommy Lawton of Chelsea scored the fastest England goal in history. He scored after just 17 seconds in England’s 10-0 friendly win over Portugal in Lisbon on 27 May 1947. The football club was originally formed by Middlesbrough Cricket team players to stay fit during the winter. The corner kick was first devised in Sheffield under the Sheffield Rules in1867. It was adopted by the Football Association in 1872.

PUB QUIZ Name the company/product

1. Tell ‘em about the honey, Mummy 2. Connecting people 3. Made in Scotland from girders 4. We won’t make a drama out of a crisis 5. Cleans like a white tornado 6. The cream of Manchester 7. Central heating for kids 8. I’m only here for the beer 9. Made to make your mouth water 10. Bread wi’ nowt taken out 11. Only the best for the Captain’s table. 12. The taste of paradise. 13. Splash it all over. 14. The appliance of science. 15. They’re grrrreat! 16. Get a little Xtra help 17. Someone, somewhere,

wants a letter from you! 18. Let your fingers do the walking 19. Beanz meanz... 20. Vorsprung durch technik

Answers Page 15.

HOROSCOPES AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the age of Aquariu-uu-uus! I bet you get that from all the horoscopes, don’t you? I just couldn’t resist.

TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20) You need to purify your life, far too many evils have lurked their way into it. You must get to the base of the problem and destroy it, and since money is the root of all evil, purge your bank account.

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22) Sometimes, you’re frustrated with the way things are, but you consider yourself an easygoing person, so don’t stress out too much. Remember, you are a unique, fun-loving individual.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) You are a beautiful, unique snowflake, one who’s talented, creative, and loving. Unfortunately for you, the world is assdeep in snowdrifts of billions of creative and talented flakes exactly like you.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) You are going to be faced with a problematic decision soon, and there is going to be a great deal at stake. Along with the one choice will be love, happiness, and fulfillment of your soul, and the other will be fraught with death and destruction.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20) Have you felt sluggish lately, like your body isn’t getting all it needs? Perhaps you aren’t getting your daily requirement of nicotine. Ask your doctor if nicotine is right for you.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22) Some weeks, it just doesn’t pay for you to get out of bed. This is one of those weeks, so lie back and relax.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) It is in your nature to distrust the calling of your fate, to question the truth held for you in this horoscope. You tire of vague, mystical comments and seek hard, factual advice grounded in reality.

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19) You are under a lot of stress right now, but it’s okay because ... Wait, you think YOU’VE got stress? I’m the one with big time stress here. I’ve got all kinds of work I need to be doing, and I’m spending MY time doing your friggin’ horoscope...

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22) You are confronted with too many decisions in your life, and if you have to face another one, you’ll go crazy. To help this problem, you could a) set a goal to shift your paradigm and increase productivity, b) get drunk!

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) Your finances are beginning to overwhelm you, and debt seems to saddle you no matter what. The continual drain on your account seems to just be a vicious cycle from which you cannot escape. Cheer yourself up and go on a shopping spree.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Don’t hurry things, take time on what matters. Genius can never be rushed. Likewise, ...uhh ... I didn’t have time to think up a decent horoscope for you. I’ll get today’s fortune to you sometime early next week.

Friday 24 October 2008



Plot of 900m2 in Punta Grossa/Arenal - 35,000€ Son Ilar - Garage of 50m2 - 65,000€ Apartments 2 bed Es Castell - 129,000€ 2 bed Es Castell - 150,000€ Cala Corb front line sea views - 175,000€ Sea view Es Castell - 175,000€ 1 bed with pool and parking - 179,000€ 3 bed Es Castell - 185,000€ 2 bed, pool, parking and gardens - 188,000€ 1 bed ‘El Pino’ with pool and parking - 190,000€ 2 bed ‘Castellmar’ pool, parking sea views - 195,000€ Mahón 4 bed, 2 bath - 250,000€ Cala Torret sea view - 259,000€ Houses 2 bed Es Castell - 220,000€ 2 bed Es Castell - 227,000€ 2 bed Sol del Este - 250,000€ 3 bed house with 90m2 garage - 260,000€ 3/4 bed with sea views in Son Vilar - 250,000€ Small farmhouse Son Vilar - 275,000€ Villas Santa Ana 3 bed with plot and space for pool - 400,000€ A selection of rental properties for short term or long term from 500€ per month. Also available are villas, shops, businesses and plots. Andy Tysoe (API Registered) Colegiado No. 599 Mobile: 617 812 024 Next door to Banco Santander (Es Castell) Free parking opposite. _____________________________ PROPERTY TO LET _____________________________ TO LET apartment in Cala en Porter. 6/12 month. Renewable rental. €500 p/m winter, €600 p/m summer. 2 bedrooms, ground floor, fully equipped, communial gardens, large pool. Tel: 971 377 184 mob: 686 887 237 (mornings) Villa to rent. Cala n Porter. All year round. 800€. Tel: 619 866 162 Villa to rent. November 2008 May 2009. 550€. Tel: 619 866 162 TO RENT. All year. Beautiful country villa. 4 bed 2 bath. Stable & Paddock. Pool & Hot tub. 850 monthly. 629 605 159 _____________________________ PROPERTY FOR SALE _____________________________ Apartment for Sale. Es Castell. 3 bed (2 double), large lounge/ diner, separate fitted kitchen, full bathroom, woodburner, very light and airy. 185,000€. Tel: Dave 658 183 549 Penthouse in Ibiza. Stunning Atico overlooking Ibiza Old Town. 3 beds, 2 baths, fully equipped kitchen, Lounge Diner, balcony, Lift, Double Glazing, Central Heating, Fitted Wardrobes, Air Con, Parking, Alarm, Safe, Security Video Phones, Private roof Terrace of 100sq mtrs with Jacuzzi. Fantastic 360 degree views. 420,000€. Tel:

629 666 453 Georgian Apartment above Cales Fonts, Es Castell. Large d/bedroom, full bathroom, modern fitted kitchen and lounge, large, 15m2 balcony overlooking walled garden with pool.. feature, arched glazed doors to balcony from bedroom and lounge. Deal direct with owners on 0034 618 786 770. _____________________________ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY _____________________________ Traspaso. Pub in Es Castell. Completely legal and Fully equipped. Tel: 629 666 453

Need to sell quickly? Anything considered up to 500,000€ Discretion guaranteed Quick decision Cash Buyer Tel: 971 363 693 _____________________________

ice. No job too small. Call: 696 735 070 Sky Full Systems. Dish, box, and installation from 490 Euros. Boxes from 80 Euros. Tel: 609 458 889 _____________________________ FOR SALE _____________________________ Marquees, Bouncy Castles, and Trampolines for Sale and Hire from 90 Euros. Tel: 609 458 889

SERVICES _____________________________

800 watt generator. Black & Decker Circular Saw 190mm. 14” TV. 696859397

REMOVALS Local and international. Packing included if required. Hourly ‘Man & Van’ rates. Tel: 971 150 483

Luxury Hot Tub - Brand new (6 seater). Normally 18,000€ now only 7,000€. Can deliver and install. Tel: 665 767 511

FURNITURE FOR SALE Antiques & Modern, Office, Commercial and Household. Objets D’Art. Tel: 971 150 483

Wayfarer dinghy, main and genoa. Stable family sailing boat will take outboard. Various extras. 1000€ ono. Call 699 934 375

FURNITURE RESTORATION Stripping, waxing & polishing, caning, re-upholstery. Rates on Request. Tel: 618 786 770

Grace E23 Fabri-Fast quilting frame. Unwanted gift. Extends from crib to king size. Full assembly instructions. Cost 300€. For Sale at 250€. Phone 971 377 721 after 6 pm.

STORAGE From 1 box to 1 workshop. Versitile, secure storage in our ventilated warehouse. Tel: 971 150 483 HOUSE CLEARANCES Disposal of unwanted household and other items. Professional Service. Tel: 971 150 483 KITCHEN DESIGN & FITTING Various ranges available. Fitted by our top craftsmen. Tel: 686 761 946 PROFESSIONAL STEAM CLEANING Furniture, carpets and cars. Hard floor cleaning, marble polishing & industrial power washing. Call today! Tel: 692 826 385 EARN MONEY HAVING FUN! All year round. Party plan agents wanted. Good rates of commission. Tel: 618 276 803 SAVE WATER WITH A WARMER POOL Top quality pool covers fitted to save you money. Tel: 618 276 802 SOFT FURNISHINGS MADE TO MEASURE Curtains, cushions, blinds, bedding etc. Tel: 659 580 028 Interior & Exterior Painting Serv-

Industrial Gas Plancha. 60 cm x 40 cm. 190€. Tel: 629 666 453 Giant Screen for Sale. 2m x 2m. As New. 150€. Tel: 629 666 453. _____________________________ WANTED _____________________________ Secondhand tools. Cash paid. Tel: 639 700 185 Wanted: exercise cycle and small chest freezer. Tel: 618 579 186 _____________________________ LANGUAGE SERVICES _____________________________ Translating Services. Having Trouble with Paperwork? Let us help you at Trafico, Hacienda, etc. Tel: 629 666 453 English Lessons. Tesol qualified. Ring 617 266 384 or mail Professional and bilingual person offers their services for translation. English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Tel: 617 361 714


SPANISH LESSONS. To suit all needs and levels. Experienced tutor. Tel: 971 368 849 or 639 635 136 _____________________________ CARS _____________________________ FOR SALE. Toyota Rav4 2004. Leather seats. Full equip. Sat Nav. Excellent Condition. 629605159 _____________________________ COMPUTERS _____________________________ Computer repairs: Software & hardware (we even pick and drop off). 696 735 070 _____________________________ PERSONAL _____________________________ I love you, Peach. x

Tarot Readings-15Euros. Treat your friends or Family to a Birthday Chart for Xmas from 20 Euros Call Jackie today 9713890419598251

Cats in Need Neutering Feral Cats Making a Difference Gifts, Cards, Diaries, Mugs, etc. On sale at Mahon Market Tues & Sat mornings (Opp Burger King) and at Noria Riera 16, Es Castell, Sundays 10.0013.30 (Past Scandals, turn right to San Luis. Right again After 100 metres into unmarked lane) Come and meet the cats Tel. 610012628 10.00-14.00

DO YOU NEED A... GENERAL HANDYMAN DECORATOR BUILDER Anything Considered Very Experienced Tel: 616 528 104


Friday 24 October 2008


BIG GUNS WARMING UP Valencia head La Liga but Real and Barca are looking strong An action packed derby saw Real Madrid win 1-2 against Atlético Madrid thanks to a last second penalty. Bernd Schuster’s side took the lead when Van Nistelrooy beat Leo Franco with less than a minute on the clock, and they could have gone further ahead when Sneijder hit the bar and Van Nistelrooy had a goal disallowed for a borderline offside. Perea and Van Nistelrooy were both sent off for aggressive tackles before the break, but Simao appeared to have saved a point for the locals when he equalised in the last minute of normal time. However the visitors were awarded a spot kick in injury time after Heitinga brought down Drenthe, and Higuaín drilled a shot past Leo Franco to take his side up to second. Villarreal moved into first place though pending Sunday’s games after a 0-0 draw at Espanyol. Llorente and Rossi went close for the visitors in the first half, but Tamudo had a goal ruled out for offside and Diego López did well to save from De la Peña at the other end. The locals were awarded a penalty midway through the second half when Capdevila fouled Tamudo on the edge of the area, but the visiting keeper saved Tamudo’s spot kick. And Kameni also had a couple of stops to make from Pires and Senna before the referee called it quits. Valencia moved two points clear at the top of the table after a 4-0 victory over Numancia. David Villa put them ahead early on, running on to score

past Juan Pablo after an effort from Morientes was blocked, and Mata took advantage of a defensive mistake to make it two midway through the second half. Vicente got the third later on after picking up a pass from Mata, and Villa wrapped things up after running on to a high pass from Manuel Fernandes to lob the ball over the head of the keeper. Sevilla are up to second, ahead of Villarreal on goal difference, after beating local rivals Almería 0-1 in the last match of the evening. With all four strikers injured, Manolo Jiménez was forced to put out a makeshift side. But they still clocked up their fifth win of the season thanks to Adriano’s volley after the local defence headed clear a Maresca corner midway through the second half. Barcelona moved back above Real Madrid to fourth spot after a 0-1 victory at Athletic Bilbao. With one eye on the upcoming Champions League match, Guardiola left Messi, Xavi and Puyol out of his line up. And Víctor Valdés had to make a couple of vital saves from dangerous free kicks before Eto’o picked up an assist from Henry and ran on past Amorebieta to score. The top five have opened up a five point gap over the rest, and Málaga are now a surprise seventh after beating Getafe 21. Soldado picked up a long punt from Pato to give the visitors the lead in the tenth minute, but Baha headed Duda’s free kick past the keeper to equal-


Third fixture of the season for the lads of MHC and they still find themselves trying to recreate the form with which they finished last season. Having taken an early lead at Es Migjorn last Saturday, they struggled to hold on to it. The home side equalised and then went on to take

the lead early in the second half. MHC recovered and never gave in. Their perseverance was rewarded with an equaliser and the game was then nicely balanced. However it was the home side that was to take the points with a late winner to leave the score at 3-2. The team is playing some good

ise on the half hour mark. And before the interval Duda turned a long Jesús Gámez cross in to the net to make it three wins in a row for the Andalusians. Racing Santander and Deportivo have important UEFA Cup ties midweek, and the two sides seemed happy to play out a 00 draw and save their strength for Thursday. Both hit the woodwork though, Luccin for the locals from a first half free kick, and Juan Rodríguez for the visitors with a shot against the bar after the break. Luccin was sent off near the end for a second bookable offence. Changes at the bottom of the table, where Betis moved clear of the relegation spots after beating Mallorca 3-0. Damià opened the scoring after running on to Mehmet’s long pass in the first minute, and Emaná set up Pavone for the second shortly before the interval. And Emaná latched on to Sergio García’s pass late on to make it three and ensure his side’s first victory of the season. Sporting Gijón are also out of the drop zone after a 2-1 win over Osasuna. Carmelo headed them in to the lead from a Luis Morán free kick with ten minutes gone, and although Ezquerro equalised three minutes later, Bilic put the Asturians back in front from the penalty spot after Roversio was sent off for a foul on the striker. It was a first defeat for Osasuna’s new coach Camacho, who took over from Ziganda midweek. Recreativo also had a new man in charge, Lucas Alcaraz returning to Huelva after Zambrano was dismissed a few days ago. And his side came close to victory before coming away from Valladolid with a 11 draw. Marco Rubén ran on to Aitor’s long ball to give the Andalusians the lead on the stroke of half time, but veteran striker Víctor made it all square with only a couple of minutes left on the clock.

football and the players all look fit enough. It can only be a matter of time before they turn their season round. But for now the reality is Played 3, Won 0, Drawn 0, Goals For 11, Goals against 15, Points 0. Training is every Tuesday night at Malbuger and new players are always made welcome. Ring Lee on 659 987 362 for more info.

Menorca Bowls Club take on, and defeat, all-comers This month the Menorca Bowls Club, S’Algar played eight matches with the “Friendly Fiestas” from the U.K. The first group consisted of eleven bowlers from various clubs, plus the loan of our members and guest bowlers also staying in the S’Algar Hotels. The second group of twenty four bowlers were from the Bellingham Bowls Club, Kent, plus a guest from Mallorca. Considering the majority of our members had never played bowls in the U.K. and were unused to playing four to a team, using only two bowls, (we play doubles or triples, using all four bowls or three), everyone played extremely well and certainly did Menorca proud! The visitors and Club Members agreed it had been a most enjoyable two weeks, (playing the matches and socialising

in the Sporting Bar after); a happy experience which they hope to repeat next year.

That no-one has pressed the panic button yet doesn’t mean that the finger isn’t hovering! ViveMenorca’s fourth defeat, 70-78, in their opening four games of the ACB season, this time at the hands of Murcia, has left coach Richard Casas a massive headache and much to ponder upon in the coming days. Whilst the panic button is still untouched the self-destruct button has once again been pressed to excess. In the opening quarter ViveMenorca opened up a healthy 23-17 lead against a team who went into the game with an even worse record than the locals, and things were going to plan. Pooh Jeter, Bazdaric and Eley were bossing affairs and the visitors were well in control. The tea leaves were giving out positive signs. But in the first break someone must have stirred the mug because ViveMenorca started the second period like a Trabant in a Grand Prix race!

In the course of the middle two periods ViveMenorca could muster only a paltry 26 points whilst their defence collapsed in Tottenham-esque proportions, conceding 48 to enter the final phase 49-65 down. That the team responded in the final 10 to ‘win’ the period showed no little skill and a healthy amount of ticker but it was too little too late. Once again, over the course of the game, they showed that they can compete but they also displayed some alarming lapses in concentration. Club President Luis Sintes didn’t mince his words after the game, describing the performance as ‘pathetic’. He also indicated that changes are afoot and he’s not totally happy with the effort put in by some of the squad. This weekend ViveMenorca entertain Pamesa Valencia in what’s already looking like a must win game for Menorca’s leading sports club.

Results from four matches Group 1 Menorca: 328 points Friendly Fiestas: 204 points Results from four matches Group 2 Menorca: 470 points Friendly Fiestas: 310 points Grand Total Menorca: 798 points Friendly Fiestas: 514 points The Club plays all year round, Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays. 10.00 for 10.30a.m. and welcomes all newcomers. For further information please contact the Captain, John Smith – Tel: 971 939 045 – or visit our website



I suspect that this is a theme we’ll be returning to many times over the course of the season; the fortunes of At. Villacarlos. At the weekend they travelled to Alaior ‘B’ and once again managed to come away without a win. The game was heading to-

wards a 0-0 stalemate as the game entered added on time. Up popped Villacarlos at 90+3 to take the lead. Three points? No way. Like seasoned ramraiders Alaior went straight back up the pitch to level it. It’s now two wins in 43 for the Es Castell team.

Friday 24 October 2008




Rugby League’s 13th World Cup kicks off this weekend in Australia. Can England finally overturn the Kangaroos’ dominance? World Cup for those involved and the millions of people around the world who will watch on television is as great, perhaps greater than in any soccer tournament. The question that will be most asked in the coming weeks is “Can anyone beat Australia?” and the answer is ‘Yes.’ John Monie, the coach of France, believes England are close to catching up the old enemy while Brian McClennan, the coach who masterminded New Zealand’s 240 defeat of Australia in the 2005 Tri Nations final, feels this World Cup is more wide

open than any other. The implications for rugby league in the UK from an England victory are boundless. League followers up and down the country, from the pioneering players at Plymouth Titans and Devon Sharks, through South London Storm and Croydon Hurricanes to Jarrow Vikings and Newcastle Knights, as well as across the M62 corridor, have every reason to hope that a truly national sport will come good on the world stage. John Ledger



make the semi-finals and allows little scope for fairytale outcomes. To protect fledgling teams like Ireland, Scotland and Fiji from being flogged in the early stages, organisers have had to develop a format which effectively sees six nations playing off for the right to join Tri-Nation members Australia, England and New Zealand in the semis. The biggest victims are the only country which lists rugby league as its national sport, Papua New Guinea, who find themselves in the ‘group of death’ alongside the big three. The Papuans are understandably aggrieved at their treatment and at one stage threatened to boycott the tournament. That sense of injustice can only bring out the best in Stanley Gene and his teammates and England can expect fireworks when they open the tournament with Saturday’s match. Inevitably, the mere fact that rugby league, a sport with such a limited geographical spread, has seen fit to organise a World Cup has provoked sniping comments from the usual quarters but it would be disappointing were the rugby union writers not to allow their insecurities to surface. League is no less deserving of its own world championship than many “lesser” sports are deserving of their place in the Olympics and the swaggering arrogance of those who claim the code is getting ideas above its station hardly merits a response. If a sport has to be truly global to justify a World Cup then only footballers and fishermen would have the opportunity to take on the best in their field from around the planet. That is the sheer beauty of international competition: the chance for a country’s top athletes to test themselves against the elite sportsmen from other parts of the world. While rugby league may not be as ubiquitous as football, the significance of this


who were born, raised and developed as league players across the Irish Sea. No-one is claiming that league in Ireland is as strong as it is in England or Australia but there is a burgeoning interest in the sport on both sides of the border with a healthy league structure which can only grow in strength from their national team’s involvement in the World Cup. Elsewhere, France will be better equipped to compete at this level than they have for several decades by virtue of their best players having been immersed in Super League with Catalans Dragons for the last three years and a semi-final spot is within the reach of John Monie’s team. However, to do that, the French will have to beat two of the strongest teams that the Pacific islands nations of Samoa and Tonga have ever produced. Samoa, who feature players with a wealth of experience in Super League and the NRL such as Ali Lauitiiti, Tony Puletua and David Faiumu, meet Tonga in Penrith on Friday, October 31 in a match which has all the makings of a World Cup classic. With players of the calibre of Fuifui Moimoi, Michael Jennings and Antonio Kaufusi in their ranks, Tonga look capable of making a mockery of their 150-1 World Cup odds. Not that they stand any real chance of winning the World Cup or even reaching the final in Brisbane on Saturday, November 22, when Australia are likely to face either England or New Zealand. The tournament is structured in such a way that the three best league-playing nations are all-but guaranteed to

1. Sugar Puffs 2. Nokia 3. Irn Bru 4. Commercial Union 5. Ajax 6. Boddingtons 7. Ready Brek 8. Double Diamond 9. Opal Fruits 10. Allinsons 11. Birdseye 12. Bounty 13. Brut 14. Zanussi 15. Frosties 16. Halifax 17. Post Office 18. Yellow Pages 19. Heinz 20. Audi

Whisper it quietly but the cream of English rugby league talent looks poised to make the monumental transition from world club winners to world champions over the next five weeks. Not since Clive Sullivan led the lap of honour around the Stade de Gerland in Lyon in 1972 have England been better placed to break Australia’s stranglehold on international rugby league than they do now. Thirty-six years after their last World Cup win, England will begin their quest for glory on Saturday night knowing they have nothing and no-one to fear Down Under. Repeated victories in the annual clash between the Super League and NRL champions, together with regular success at both Academy and full Test level, have served to dispel from the minds of the England players any notion of Australian invincibility. The nagging self-doubt which undermined the national team for decades is no more, replaced by a healthy and strong conviction among the England players that the World Cup is theirs for the taking. A 3-0 Test series victory over New Zealand last year only hinted at the potential within Tony Smith’s team and the canny Australian is ready to bring out the best in his adopted countrymen during a tournament which, for all its flaws, looks set to capture the sporting imagination. With the notable exception of Scotland, which is a completely fabricated concept, the other nine nations involved in the 2008 Rugby League World Cup are genuine entities, and that includes Ireland, who count among their number several players


Friday 24 October 2008


Across: 9. Powerful computer (13), 10. In favour of (3), 11. Garment worn by dancers (7), 12. Aromatic herb (4), 13. Donated (4), 15. Fertile area in a desert (5), 17. Person who rows (7), 19. Freedom from war (5), 21. Affirmative reply (3), 23. N Scottish coastal town (5), 24. Large ships (7), 25. Frighten (5), 27. Actively engaged (4), 28. Incandescent lamp (4), 30. Juror (7), 32. Fuss (3), 33. Rebirth of the soul in a new body (13) Down: 1. Psalter (5,4), 2. Kingdom in SW Europe (5), 3. Spoken (4), 4. Lack of variety (8), 5. Talks (6), 6. Collar fastener (4), 7. Institution for orphans (9), 8. Lying flat (5), 14. Wrong (5), 16. Slap (5), 18. Storm with heavy rain (9), 20. Headed east (9), 22. Steam-ships (8), 26. Continent (6), 27. Facial hair (5), 29. Undo (5), 30. Lockup (4), 31. Ark builder (4)


Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold Tel: 971 150 483

Government to bail out Spurs with emergency injection of 50 points After continuing falls in the league position of Tottenham Hotspur, the government has announced that it is stepping in to prop up the ailing North London club with an emergency injection of fifty league points. The club’s stock has fallen sharply since August with a negative goal difference increasing week on week. A number of competitors such as Hull City took points away from them, causing commentators to speculate that the club was wildly over-valued before the current crisis. BBC’s John Motson described the move as ‘perhaps the most extraordinary day in British football’ and an ‘absolute humiliation for Spurs, as if any more were possible.’ The injection of fifty points takes Tottenham Hotspur from the very bottom of the Premier League to the very top, where they are now 32 points clear of Chelsea on 52 points with only 7 games played. They are now well poised to become this year’s premiership winners gaining automatic qualification for the Champions League. Other clubs have complained against what they claim is unfair treatment for one particular club and say the junior minister

Ramos, ahem, pointing the way forward! of sport who announced the injection of points is a well known Spurs supporter who has acted without any authority of consultation with government colleagues. The Junior Minister

would not discuss this accusation at a press conference saying only ‘Shut it Gooner! We would have nationalised the North Bank if they hadn’t already flogged it off!’

APOLOGY! A couple of issues ago in our front page story we inadvertently misnamed Big Phil from the 3Bs in Es Castell. Phil would like it known that his real name is The Gang....

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