ACAP Annual Report

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As we publish this inaugural edition of our agency’s

is comprehensive in its offering and broad in its

Annual Report to the Community it is important to

reach. Bigger is not necessarily better, but there

look back and reflect on another year of success in

is some economy of scale in operating as a large

delivering results that have met the needs of families

non-profit. We have trained and capable staff, the

and communities of Alabama. Ours is a special

best use of technology and above average facilities.

calling. As a company with over 500 employees and

As we address the issues of poverty we do so as

the mission of ‘reducing or eliminating the causes

a business. We take our work seriously and we

and consequences of poverty’ our field of operation

certainly take our role as a recipient of federal, state

is large and our task is daunting. The causes of

and local dollars very seriously. In some ways we

poverty are many. Understanding those causes

are more accountable than a normal stockholder

and then dealing with the consequences is a never-

held business. Our ‘investor’ is the tax payer and we

ending battle. The burden on families has increased

will be good stewards of those dollars.

with the stress of a national economic crisis and high unemployment. Communities are struggling due to

Peter Drucker, in his book Managing the Non-

storm-related disasters and shifting populations. In

Profit Organization said that every non-profit

these and in many other ways the Partnership is

should have two traits: 1) A Clear Definable Mission

working to ‘help people and change lives’ as it says

and 2) Measurable Results. As you read through

on our brand.

this Annual Report I believe both will emerge and allow you to see the Community Action Partnership


As the largest non-profit in north Alabama and

of North Alabama as the premiere, preferred non-

one of the largest in the State, the Partnership

profit partner. That is our Vision and I believe that

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