Business plan

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Karmel Al Labadi | Mariela Ferrer New Design Firms by Gokce Gizer, Spring 2016

live life that is full

Index Executive Summary II. Company Description

7 11

III. Market Analysis


IV. Products



- Opportunity - The Idea

- Industry Description and Outlook - Competitive Analysis - Target Customer

- The Product - The Offerings - We Deliver


- Sale Strategy - Future Offerings - Marketing Strategy

& Services

V. Organization

& Management

Organizational Structure Management Team XOOT Divisions Remuneration Strategy

VI. Marketing

& Sales Strategy

VII. Financials VIII. Bibliography


35 39 43

Helping people to continue being or becoming physically independent.

Executive Summary The United States of America has experienced the doubling of its older population over the last three decades. Seniors and retirees form now one fifth of the total population. Although the growth rate is expected to stay in line with that of the general population, this segment of society is set to reach 89 million by some estimates in 2050. The average life expectancy will continue to rise to reach 82 years, and people over 85 years old will reach 18 million in 2050 up from 8.9 million today. That is all thanks to the advancement in healthcare, safety and lifestyle. However, members of this segment of society suffer from many ailments and chronic conditions that may hinder them from carrying out their normal life they are used to. Frailty and old age may require help to do normal tasks, prompting them to be reliant on external help. With the rate the nation is going, many resources will be invested in helping our elders and a significant part of the workforce will be directed to these efforts too. Using technology can help enhance the quality of life for this segment mainly, and other segments that may have similar challenges. Improving mobility for the elders is particularly interesting since many of them have minor conditions and could continue having their independence and even contribute to their community, the society and economic output instead of being a net consumer and dependant on long-term care services. In fact, impaired mobility can lead or exacerbate other conditions such as obesity and depression. Having the right help to move safely can also

diminish the risk of fall-related fractures and improve health overall for this segment of the population, adding more years to their lifeexpectancy while boosting their quality of life at the same time. XOOT has risen to tackle this challenge, where it applies technology to actively help the senior segment to reclaim its independence without being obtrusive, restricting or painfully costly. XOOT is an ecosystem where data is gathered at every moment from a smart exoskeleton to ensure the safety of the senior person wearing it. XOOT creates a culture and hope around the wearers of the XOOT exoskeleton. We call them Heros. The harvesting of information also helps track the Hero’s behaviours and movements, where it is analyzed by algorithms and healthcare professionals to make sure that the Hero is safe at all times. This is carried out at the Hero Empowerment Center, where vital indicators are monitored around the clock. The information also helps inform XOOT’s future research and development and improve XOOT’s products and services. Data also serves as a revenue stream in the future where data is mined into reports sold to the healthcare or research partners.

an outfit and a companion

Company Description Opportunity As the population ages and life expectancy rises, costs of senior care mainly skyrocket. The pace of life and independence enjoyed by this aging population is much faster, autonomous and more individualistic than previous generations, and they expect to carry that on and maintain an active lifestyle. However, the human body cannot keep up with these aspirations. “Mobility Impairment Increases Risk of Illness� [1] More than 61M baby boomers had reached retirement age, where mobility restrictions usually come into effect. They hence will require assistance whether at home or nursing homes. This is very costly to start with, but also restrictive for these seniors by changing their lifestyles and what they can do. It also costs the economic growth in general where significant part of the workforce will be employed in the assistance sector which is growing at a high rate, and losing the experience and input these seniors can add to the economy.

The Idea XOOT guarantees this senior population to carry on their lifestyles and their independence, all the while being discreet and seamless. XOOT Smart exoskeletons are non-invasive, easy to wear, customized and non apparent. They help people with a wide range of physical weaknesses and disabilities. They are based on biosensors technology and control theory to detect instabilities and balance them. Research shows that being autonomous and purposeful makes one happier and hence increases the life expectancy of the population. Feeling empowered can make this senior population more productive and even increase the overall economic output. XOOT also alleviates the younger generation from the burden of intensively caring for their elders and giving them peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are continuously monitored by professionals. XOOT will help people receiving physiotherapy to accelerate their treatment process or even avert invasive procedures. This is enabled through the constant monitoring of the patients’ movements and progress as well as preventing hazardous movements or accidents. Our aim is that XOOT will democratize the exoskeleton technology making it more financially accessible by addressing a wider market than our competitors. It combines advances in technology in biosensors with smart textiles and materials into a low key wearables that can be concealed under normal clothing. XOOT forsees in the near future a potential expansion to provide financing options and rental services to attract a larger market segments. Rental services could prove a very lucrative scheme for temporary usage for users that either physically change over a short period of time (such as natural growth) or users that need it for specific period of time. Financing options can include lower income segments as well as buy back schemes for users whose needs change over time.


live life that is full

Market Analysis Industry Description and Outlook The exoskeleton industry challenged the wheelchairs companies by providing a supplement to the wheelchair, permitting disabled people to have some more mobility than they currently enjoy. The United States in North America, Korea, China, and Japan in Asia Pacific, and almost the whole Europe are the major regional markets for wearable robots and exoskeletons. Those three regions account for 90% of the global market with much of the innovation linked to the vast research networks located within those business markets. This market is expanding considerably, this owes to usage of exoskeletons at homes, paraplegic centres, and rehab institutions. These devices assist the disabled to learn lost movements and walk properly. They provide them with support and better lives. Exoskeletons train them, make them independent, and also reduce their dependency on others. Patients requiring physical treatments and movement relearning benefit the most from exoskeletons. The exoskeletons market finds wide applications in the medical industry. Its products are useful for quality treatment and clinical expansion. The medical-data industry is growing (IMS Health recorded $2.6billion revenue, and receives petabytes [10^15 bytes] of data)[2]. This industry is a $50billion market. It helps researchers devise new applications, solutions and prevent chronic diseases and symptoms saving more than $500billion a year in healthcare expenditures.

90% U.S.A, East Asia, and almost the whole Europe are the major regional markets

Canada 4%

USA 36%

Russia 2% Middle East 4%

East Asia 21%

Europe 33%

Competitive Analysis The market leaders like Ekso Bionics, ReWalk Robotics and other industry participants like AlterG, Hocoma, Parker Hannifin, RexBionics, Sarcos, University of Twente and Catholic University of America

Competitor Metrix

More sutile

live life that is full

Less Tech

More Tech

Less Sutile

Competitor Landscape Analysis Passive exoskeletons Focus on one task

SStay the Course

Stay in research Simplify Design

Focus On a Single Task Companies: Alter G, B-Temia, Innophys, Myomo, Noone, StrongArm Technologies Differentiator: Reducing the cost of exoskeletons by creating very specialized devices. Specialized exoskeletons are engineered to perform only one task, they can be passive or powered and are always significantly smaller and lighter than any other exoskeleton. Passive Exoskeletons Companies: Ekso Bionics, Lockheed Martin, Ski~Mojo, 20KTS+, Againer Differentiator: Design simplification, taken to the extreme. Passive exoskeletons remove extra sensors and all electronic materials. Non-powered wearables have no sensors, motors or controllers and are purely mechanical devices. Staying The Course Companies: Ekso Bionics, ReWalk Robotics, CYBERDYNE, Hocoma, REX Bionics Differentiator: Continuously upgrading and optimizing their products, conducting clinical trials, and expanding their sales and distribution network. Simplify the Design Companies: US Bionics, Active Bionics, AXO Suits, ExoAtlet Differentiator: Remove anything that is non-essential. Some of these companies have exoskeletons that are controlled by a push-button switch, skipping inessential features to create a basic functional product. Stay in Research Companies: Honda, Daewoo, Panasonic, Parker Hannifin Differentiator: Companies that keep their product in R&D for continuous testing and iteration, developing new technology until the fit is the correct for the product to market


Target Customer Senior population with mobility restrictions are the primary target market. This group consisting of people over 65 years of age can be found all over the nation, but we will focus on the urban part in the first phases. Other age groups of people with mobility limitations and patients undergoing physical therapy and physical rehabilitation.


Senior citizens are usually independent individuals but many need a little extra help to carry on their daily lives and routines due to atrophy and frailty. This is evermore the case due to the shift in leading causes of mortality in older Americans to chronic conditions. “More than a quarter of all Americans and two out of every three older Americans have multiple chronic conditions, and treatment for this population accounts for 66% of the country’s healthcare budget.” [1]



-Learning how to do things -Someone taking care of them -Haven’t the means to do anything apart what is given to them -Not being independent is considered normal


-Physically independent -Responsible for their actions -Take care of the elderly


-Loss of physical strength -Prone to ailments of older age (heart attacks) -More frail structure -Harder and longer to heal from physical accidents -Harder and more dangerous to operate on


Journey Map

getting out of bed

going to toilet


going up and down the stairs

using public transport


going to bed

Physical Independence


-They do not know how to use their limbs -Bone and muscle is not fully developed -Very fast ability to learn and avoid falling -Very fast ability to heal -Or having a disablity -Or undergoing physiotherapy


-Fully formed body -Full control of extrimities -More robust structure -Relativley fast healing -Or having a disability -Or undergoing physiotherapy


-Frailer body -Get tired faster -Very slow healing if at all


Focusing on the Musculoskeletal organs, seniors mainly suffer from: Arthritis “Arthritis is probably the number one condition that people 65 or older contend with,” said geriatrician Marie Bernard, MD, deputy director of the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Maryland. [19][7] The more than 100 types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Arthritis inhibits people from walking or moving their body easily. In many cases extra force can facilitate the process of moving and perhaps ease the pain. Osteoporosis (Bone loss) The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that 54 million Americans over the age 50 are affected by low bone mass or osteoporosis, putting them at risk for a fracture or break that could lead to poor senior health and reduced quality of life. “Osteoporosis can contribute to becoming less mobile and potentially disabled should you fall and have a fracture or as the collapse of vertebral bodies,” Bernard said. [20] Falls and Fractures The risk for falls requiring emergency room care increases with age In 2013, 473 per 10,000 men and 767.2 per 10,000 women found themselves at the hospital because of falls, data from the CDC shows. Loss of Muscle Mass (Sarcopenia) “People who are physically inactive can lose as much as 3% to 5% of their muscle mass per decade after age 30.” Even active people above the age of 30 still experience some muscle loss.“Sarcopenia typically accelerates around age 75. Although it may happen in people age 65 or 80 , and is a factor in the occurrence of frailty and the likelihood of falls and fractures in older adults.” Around 50% of the older population suffers from a type of disability and 35% of the older population get the fall injuries.[20] Reducing the effects of these ailments on the seniors and making them more active and independent would diminish other ailments such as obesity, where “of the adults between 65 and 74, 76.9 percent of men and 73.8 percent of women are overweight” [7] and Depression, where “according to the American Psychological Association, 15 to 20 percent of Americans over 65 have experienced depression.” [7] It would also reduce cascading effects of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and injuries secondary to falls and automobile crashes. The second group consists of aid for people undergoing physiotherapy or limb reconstruction. XOOT will help support and monitor the patient and give accurate reports about the health and effect of therapy. XOOT can show patients progress they are achieving which research it encourages the continuation of the treatment. As the patients become stronger and more coordinated, the XOOT suits can be


calibrated to allow patients to bear more weight and/or freedom of movement. This group can be of any age. We will be focusing on age groups between 18 - 45 years old.[7]




-Coping with their injury -Learning about their injury -Needing medical assistance -Not being independent is a high possibility


-Relearning how to do a normal living with their injury -Regaining some physical independence -Less assistance while doing regular activities


-Learning how to living with their injury -Regaining autonomy and physical independence -Understand their limitations and develop new abilities -Learn how to adapt to their new physical limitations

Journey Map

getting injured

learning needing the assistance diagnose

starting therapy

coping with the injury

learning how to living with their injury

regaining physical independence


Physical Independence


-Learning the extend of injury -They do not know how to cope with injury -Bone, muscle or ligament is incapacitated -High possibility of balance loss and falling -Temporary movement incapability


-Undergoing physiotherapy -Acknowledgement of movement limitation -Development of new muscles -Recovering stability -Relearning how to do normal activities with their injuries


-Fully acknowledgement of injury -Recover mobility -Adaptation to normality - Recover autonomy and independence

Types of physical therapy XOOT aims to help with: Orthopedic Is the most common, this physical therapy treats injury to the muscles, bones and other tissue in the body. People needing this type of therapy have been injured while working, playing sports, have injuries due to surgery or a chronic disease. Orthopedic physical therapy usually includes exercises, manual therapy to increase range of motion and other techniques that will help to relieve pain and restore mobility. Wound Care Treatments that help with wound care. This type of physical therapy involves making sure the body is getting enough blood and oxygen to a wound. This includes necrotic wounds, chronic wounds and wounds that are not healing after surgery. Therapists can use manual techniques to improve circulation, electrical stimulation therapies to increase healing. Pediatric Pediatric therapists specialize in treating children of all ages who have problems with movement, strength or coordination. They can put together custom therapies to help improve strength, dexterity and control. Children who are suffering from a chronic disease, a neurological disorder or who have sustained a serious injury could benefit from a pediatric physical therapy.

Cardiopulmonary Anyone who has undergone a serious cardiopulmonary event like a heart attack could need to see a cardiopulmonary physical therapist. A therapist will work with patients in order to start slowly strengthening the heart and body. This includes increasing stamina through exercise. Vestibular Vestibular physical therapists primarily help people who have sustained damage to the mechanisms of the inner ear. This affects balance and coordination. The therapy uses a number of manual techniques in order to help people start to compensate for the new signals being received from the inner ear. Geriatric Geriatric physical therapy specializes in helping individuals overcome some of the common issues that form later in life. This includes reduced mobility due to arthritis, weakened bones and muscles due to osteoporosis and difficulty moving after surgery to replace or repair joints. Effective geriatric therapy can allow older people to live more active and fulfilling lives with less pain. Decongestive Decongestive physical therapy deals mainly with patients who have edema or problems with the lymph nodes. These individuals accumulate fluids in parts of the body like the arms and legs. Decongestive therapists can drain these fluids when they become too painful or problematic. Therapists can also use compression, exercise and other treatments in order to minimize the buildup of fluids in the body. Neurological Neurological therapists focus on the brain and the body. People suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, healing after a traumatic brain injury or recovering from a stroke are all potential candidates for this type of therapy. Therapists can work to increase the response of limbs, undo some forms of paralysis and strengthen muscles that have started to atrophy. Most common injuries treated with physical therapy that XOOT would aid to alleviate Arthritis It is a chronic and progressive degeneration of the joints in our body, often causing bony spurs or “lipping� at the joint surface. Treatment includes posture and body mechanics training, joint protection principles, energy conservation techniques, supportive or corrective devices or bracing, pain management and gentle stretching and strengthening techniques.


Bursitis Bursas are small, fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions between muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. Some of the most common areas to get bursitis are the hip, shoulder, buttocks, groin or anterior thigh. Physical therapy treatment may include ultrasound, stretching and strengthening muscles to correct imbalances between opposing muscle groups and pain management techniques. Sports injuries After an athletic injury a physical therapist and/or chiropractor can design a specific treatment regimen to enhance the healing process and allow for a quicker and safe return to competition. Some treatment methods may include ultrasound, electrical stimulation, exercise training, and chiropractic adjustments. Osteoporosis Physical therapy can effectively treat osteoporosis patients with exercise, and body mechanics and postural training. Chronic or acute musculoskelotal pain Acute or chronic pain can occur anywhere in the body, frequently people allow chronic problems in their back, neck and shoulders. The treatments which are appropriate for these injuries could include: pain management techniques including soft tissue mobilization, trigger point release and joint mobilizations as well as modalities including ultrasound and electrical stimulation and exercises to stretch or strengthen the injured and opposing muscles. The third group is people with physical disabilities. The XOOT provides support to their limbs and body so that they are empowered to be independent and participate more in society. Research done by MIT robotics research lab report shows that 17.2 million Americans over the age of 18, or seven percent of that demographic, are unable to walk more than a quarter mile. This demographic research estimates that 2.6 million of these individuals (15%) could use a robotic exoskeleton. Among the beneficiaries of accelerated adoption of exoskeletons will be the more than 40,000 people suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS), 30,000 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 120,000 with quadriplegia, and 50,000 with muscular dystrophy. A person with a physical disability may need to use some sort of equipment for assistance with mobility. It also includes people who have lost limbs or who, because of the shape of their body, require slight adaptations to be made to enable them to participate fully in society. Paraplegia and Quadriplegia are what many people first identify with a physical disability. Paraplegia results from injury to the spinal cord, occurring below the neck, while quadriplegia refers to damage to the spinal cord in the neck. Varying degrees of loss of limb and other mobility may result from either condition. Other forms of physical disability, such as polio (an acquired disease), cerebral palsy

(damage to brain tissue during fetal stages) and some genetic conditions can result in loss of mobility. Types of Physical Disabilities: - Paraplegia - Quadriplegia - Multiple sclerosis (MS) - Hemiplegia - Cerebral palsy - Absent limb/reduced limb function - Dystrophy

Journey Map

getting injured

learning needing the assistance diagnose

starting therapy

coping with the injury

learning how to living with their injury

regaining physical independence


It turns users into a Hero.

A Hero is a survivor, an independent person that can carry one living a similar way of life without extra help. It helps one live a life that is full.

Products & Services The Product XOOT enables people to be independent going about their lives. XOOT is both an outfit as well as a companion. A companion in guessing where one needs more effort and giving a hand when that effort is needed. It’s an outfit that one wears, everyday and become familiar with. It turns one into a Hero. A Hero is a survivor, an independent person that can carry on living a similar way of life without extra help. It helps one live a life that is full. XOOT is also a companion when Heros needs help, where it connects to the Hero Empowerment Centre (HEC) if it detects abnormal behaviour. The HEC then contacts the Hero and establishes if the Hero needs special assistance and then solicits the services of the needed entity such as sending an ambulance or on-call doctors. XOOT designs and manufactures smart Exoskeletons to provide support to people with restricted mobility or limited use of body extremities. Monitor users and collect data while providing a first response service for emergency situations. XOOT democratizes the exoskeleton technology making it more financially accessible by addressing a wider market than our competitors. It combines advances in technology in biosensors with smart textiles and materials into a low key wearables that can be concealed under normal clothing.

The Offerings Product XOOT: A smart wearable noninvasive exoskeleton that can be worn under normal clothing. XOOT exerts the right amount of force to maintain equilibrium of the user and whatever physical activity the user is trying to achieve. This is achieved through sensor information that calibrate the use of the force provided and equilibrium applying control theory. XOOT is a fully developed functional exoskeleton built with smart textiles and integrating biosensors embedded within its structure.

Biosensors detect vital signs and equilibrium and firmness of the heroes and their limbs and body. Other sensors include gyroscopes, GPS locators, accelerometers, force and pressure sensors. First response service Hero Empowerment Centre (HEC) that helps Heroes (XOOT wearers) in case of emergency and locate them using GPS sensors. The HEC is a monthly subscription service that tracks heroes’ vital signs and suspicious movements (such as sudden stillness or apparent fall) to give support in real time and/or direct emergency services to the location. Data Bank (collection and analytics) for: - The hero’s health records - Anonymised health records for the heroes’ insurance/paying entity Research partners All the data from the sensors are uploaded to the firm’s cloud, where Heroes and their loved ones can check their information and where they are also analysed and digested by the strategy team. This data and carefully written analysis can be obtained or customized.

We Deliver Physical dependence - Independance - Empowerment - Happiness Solitud/ feeling unproductive - Feeling sense of purpose - Community building Declining health conditions - Physical activity - Life expectancy Economic standing deterioration - Instead of paying out health care costs they start generating income and contribute to GDP

Market Growth

Customer Experience

Strategy And Research Development

live life that is full

Innovative Sales and Marketing

Outstanding Design

Product Development Excellence


Project management

Medical experts


Textile experts


Insurance company


Admin Financial


live life that is full



Cloud computing

Research Programming Engineering Marketing


Organization & Management Organizational Structure The organizational structure is rather flat. Each department has a principal. They develop their projects based on research they do as well as the research from other departments. The principals and the CEO form a committee to administer the strategy of the company based on strategy reports and the opinion of all the collaborators. This is shared with everyone, and projects are allocated by knowledge in the fields, with anyone wanting to join being able to argue their way in.

Dr. Abdelaziz Allabadi

Anthony Belen

Principal, Medical Affairs



Allabadi Principal, Engineering and Programming

Mariela Ferrer Principal, Design and Product Development

Projects begin with brainstorming with as many people as possible, and end with a reflection of how things went. Projects are short and scrum based that adapt rapidly to any new data or strategic insight. They churn prototypes all the while to test the products and fit them to the users. Private projects are encouraged to work on during work hours one day a week, working with any resource the project leaders need. The firm gets primary rights to invest in any marketable service or spinoff resulting from such projects. The Hero Empowerment Centre is subcontracted to an outside call centre specialized in medical care, supervised by the HEC Liaison officer.

Management Team Mariela Ferrer Seasoned industrial designer with over 7 year of experience in physical gadgets and exoskeletons. Ethnographic and material research as well as prototyping and iteration are an everyday routine. Karmel Al Labadi Building gadgets from the bottom up from special hardware and chip design to software design and digital services over 10 years of experience in the field. Anthony Belen An NYU Stern MBA alumn, Anthony brings service management and operations from the education industry to banking. Dr. Abdelaziz Allabadi 45 years of surgery as well as being a senior himself, Dr. Allabadi has overseen many project and service implementation as well as establishing many healthcare companies himself.

XOOT Division Admin: This department’s function is to handle organization, master planning, financial review, land acquisition, site accessibility/use, easement standards and outreach and other public concerns. - Sales

Insurance Sales Hospital Sales

- HR - Project Management - Financial Development: The functions of this department are closely related to the functions of the development and production. - Design

Brand Packaging Industrial

Cloud computing Embedded Real-Time Systems

- Programming - Engineering

Electro-Mechanical Electronic

External: This department function is to aid the development - Medical experts - Textile experts - Insurance company Strategy: The department is crucial in developing new products that are competitive in the market through extensive product and market research. - Marketing - Research - Hero Empowerment Centre Liaison Officer

Remuneration Strategy While each collaborator is a shareholder in the firm, profits are shared according to shares. However, remuneration policy is a formula according to the following If profits < $15m then each collaborator receives a stipend [principals 15% premium ] If profits exceed $15m the profits from shares + bonus This is based on the assumption that the collaborators own at least 30% of the firm. 30% are owned by the co-founders and around 40% are offered for investment. All the collaborators receive benefits like health and life insurances as well as the particular insurances for the people working in the prototyping workshop.

Investors 40%

Collabor 30%

Col -founders 30%




Marketing & Sales Strategy The Business to Business model enables us to cut on the channels and guarantee bulk customers instead of individual customers acquisition. All people are required to have an insurance policy in the United States which will be the most likely payer for the XOOT services.

Sales Strategy

Product sale (XOOT): B to B model Partner up with insurance, hospitals and nursing homes Hero Empowerment Centre subscription: B to B model Partner up with insurance, hospitals and nursing homes Data Bank: Anonymized data and analytics sale to partners

Future Offerings New product pipeline: - Advanced Smart exoskeletons with more tech, biosensors - Automatic/ remote medication administration - Preventative measures to protect the body in case of an accident such as airbags. - Segmented body part exoskeleton for specific needs. Sales strategy: - Product sale (XOOT): B to C (advanced retail experience) - Rental of product: B to B / B to C short term rental of XOOT for users in physical rehabilitation therapy. - Financing plan: B to C create a fund to save for a XOOT for when needed

Marketing Strategy The firm is for profit, however believes that it is not mutually exclusive to attract good talent by also offering many benefits and making a difference in other people’s lives. The firm and collaborators thrive to make this technology as cheap as possible while at the same time guaranteeing good returns to the collaborators, professional research, ethical methodology and avantgarde product and design. XOOT will initially be priced at $10K The Hero Empowerment Centre subscription is a monthly fee of $40. Data bulk and analytics reports will be priced per case, according to an hourly rate of $250 for generating the report + a base of $2000. Marketing strategy will address the end users (Heros) and the decision making people at our partners such as strategy and business development heads. Heros: - Establish a Hero culture of empowerment and independence. - Participate / incentivise special physical events and contests for Heroes to participate to draw the light on how useful, easy to use and life-transforming XOOTs. - People are likely to select the providers that have XOOT among their offerings. Partners: - Give partners a distinctive edge over competition - Highlight the benefits of XOOT solutions - For insurance, for example, the elderly home cost is around $100K per annum. A XOOT with Hero Empowerment Centre subscription is less than 15% of that. - For insurance, a hip replacement is around $40K, a XOOT solution is around 35% of that. - For an elderly home, every XOOT could free up a resource per shift, around $90K a year.


-Recover their independence and autonomy of their time and life


-Easy to use and comfortable device that seamlessly integrates into senior’s life

Peace of Mind

-Help provide peace of mind to our users by alleviating mobility challenges


Financials - Entity Choice: Corporation or Corporation - State of Incorporation: Delaware - Authorized Shares in Charter: 10,000,000 Shares (4) Type of Shares: Common Stock - Par Value of Common: $0.0001 - Initial Founders Issuance: 3,000,000 Shares - Founders Equity Split: 1,500,000 Shares each - Vesting Schedule for Founders Shares: 4 years with a One Year Cliff - Consideration for Founders Shares: Cash & IP At an average cost of capital of 10%, we estimate the value of the company to exceed $250million in 5 years. XOOT will ask for $50million seed investment for the first round for 20% of the shares.

Product --

$ 10K Hero Empowerment Center -Annual fee

$480 Data Reports --

$250 $2000

hourly rate of + a base of


live life that is full

Bibliography - [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The State of Aging and Health in America 2013. Atlanta, - GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2013. - [2] The Science of Health;Scientific American; February 2016 - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] - [12] - [13] oomers-approach-65-glumly/ - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]

live life that is full

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