All Terriers On Line May 2012

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May 2012 Volume 1 Issue 6



on line

Gustaf GCH Rocco’s Collar King Carl XVI Gustaf

Owners: Bill Doyle and Nancy Lentgis, Olympia, WA Tom and Karin Godwin, Graham, WA

Best in Specialty Show Winner! GCH Terriwood MVP won the Cairn Terrier Club of Northern California Specialty #2, Feb 18, 2012. AMERICA’S #3 Cairn Terrier! Multiple Group Placing! Our sincere thanks to Judge Mrs. Judith V. Daniels!

Great weekend in Lewiston, Idaho! This series of group placements in April included Terrier Group Second, Third and Fourth in the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers and LewisClark KC, April 21-23, 2012. Our sincere thanks to judges (left to right) Mr. Jon R. Cole, Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter and Mr. Fredrick R. Stephens!

Breed Stats May 17, 2012 – CC

Glenmore proudly introduces Ch. Hjohoo ‘ s Hjour My Finest Collection

Breeder: Elisabeth Theodorrsen • Kennel Hjohoo (Sweden) Many Thanks to Elisabeth for our girl “Hannah”. She has fullfilled the promise she showed as a puppy. Now looking forward to her puppies this summer from the lovely “Checkers Gingerbread Man”. Louise and Bob Hooper Crown Point, Indiana

GCH Connacht A Ha’Penny Will Do


Group One Douglasville Kennel Club Thank you to Judge Terry Carter

Group Two Tuscaloosa Kennel Club Thank you to Judge Joe Purkhiser

Professionally shown by Armando and Gris Morales Garma Kennels

Bred and owned by Pat Joyce Connacht Cairns

inside this ISSUE... page


CAIRN TERRIERS A Breeder-Judge’s Perspective

by Kenneth Kauffman



on line

is published six times a year, in January, March, May, July, September and November. by McGuire McGuire Magazines 4143 Milton Shopiere Rd., Milton, WI 53563.








On The Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

From The Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 Editor Marcy McGuire Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Leah Hartlep Advertising deadline is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. Š 2011

New York... Mojo Style!

A Valentine kiss to remember!

Our sincere gratitude to Judge Mr. Robert E. Hutton

MOJO checks out the street scene in New York City!

A moment at Madison Square Garden Theater

Owners: Bill Doyle and Nancy Lentgis, Olympia, WA Tom and Karin Godwin, Graham, WA

Shown by: Breeder-Owner-Handlers, Tom and Karin Godwin


Elizabeth & Gary Walker •



GCH Rocco Collar’s King Carl XVI Gustaf Shown on a very limited basis, so far, in 2012, Gustaf has added three more BISSs to his resume including the CTCA National Roving Specialty under breeder judge Christine Carter, bringing his total of BISSs to 5. He is pictured above winning the Potomac Cairn Terrier Specialty in April, under renowned Scottish breeder judge Yvonne Catto. We are so proud and thrilled with the success of this young dog and look forward to his future not only as a top ranked show dog but also as a sire. Gustaf’s first litter is on the ground and looks very promising.

Gustaf Owner/Handler Kenneth Kauffman Brehannon Co-owner W. Eckard Codbank

New Champion in 2012 CH Alkay’s SnowedOn Diamond Rays, CD, GN, RA, CGC, TDI

Dezi, a dog with many talents owned, trained and loved by Barbara Lefever, Professional Dog Trainer

Quarrydene Cairns

Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend...

a r Cla

Can Ch. Quarrydene’s One Carot Diamond

Some Cairns catch your eye, but at Quarrydene we pursue only those that capture our hearts Clara is one of those special girls 4th Generation Cairn Breeder Merril Schmitt

Cairn Terriers A Breeder-Judge’s Perspective by Kenneth Kauffman


have been breeding and showing Cairn Terriers for over 35 years and judging the breed for the past 25. I have developed some pretty strong opinions about the Cairn during that time, but I always do my best to be open to and respect the views of others, and continually strive to learn from them. The best thing about our standard is it is open to a wide variety of interpretations. The worst thing about our standard is it is open to a wide variety of interpretations. This has resulted in the Cairn being one of the hardest breeds for the new judge and the novice breeder

to understand. Watch any large entry of Cairns at a show and you will see exhibits that are long and low, short and tall, exquisitely put down, and those that look like they barely had a comb run through their coats. Ask any number of exhibitors/ breeders at ringside their preference and you will find someone who appreciates each style, but not necessarily all of them. This is the beauty and the downfall of our standard. We are unique in that the other countries of the World have adopted the English/FCI standard, while we have retained the original 1938, American standard. I am going to

A correctly built Cairn standing well forward on its forelegs

with strong hindquarters allowing for good drive

attempt to go through the standard and give my opinion, as a breeder and a judge, of what constitutes a correct Cairn and where I think many judges and newer breeders run into problems in the interpretation. To begin you must remember the Cairn traces its roots back almost 200 years to the rugged Highlands of Scotland, where its purpose was to dispatch vermin from the crofter’s farms and surrounding countryside. To that end the first sentence under General Appearan ce says “That of an active, game, hardy, small working terrier of the short-legged class;” Please keep in mind this statement does not suggest that the Cairn should in anyway be toy like. At the time the standard was written small was in comparison to some of the other larger terriers and hounds kept on the farm. The same can be said of the term “of the short legged class.” The Cairn should not have short legs. In fact the standard calls for a medium length of leg.

The next part says “very free in its movements, strongly but not heavily built, standing well forward on its forelegs, deep in the ribs, well coupled with strong hindquarters and presenting a well proportioned build with a medium length of back…” In order for the Cairn to stand correctly over the front legs it must have a sloping shoulder with a good return of upper arm. Too many Cairns in the ring today have straight shoulders and short upper arms with no fore chest, restrict-

They should be in full coat, not presented like a Westie. However, they should not look like the poor relation either.

and very free in its movements.

ing the reach in front while moving. Well coupled means there is enough loin to avoid a square outline, but not so much that the dog appears long and weak in the back. Strong hindquarters allows for good drive. Remember the Cairn needed to climb over rough, rocky terrain, sometimes all day. A Cairn should not “mince” around the ring. The correct proportions, based on measurements in the current standard, is a 1:1.5 ratio, or 2 to 3. “Having a hard, weatherresisting coat;” The coat should be hard, but not as hard as a Scottie’s, and never as wiry as a Wire Fox Terrier. Think of a Cairn’s coat as stainless steel and a Scottie’s coat as cast iron. “Head shorter and wider than any other terrier and well furnished with hair giving a general foxy expression.” Again, this should not be taken literally. Obviously the Cairn head is not wider than a Dandie’s or an Airedale’s, but at the time of the writing (1938) the Founders were trying to be sure that there would be no mistaking a Cairn’s

head for that of a Scotty or a Skye, both close cousins. There is no mention in the standard of muzzle to skull ratio, but it is generally accepted that a ratio of 4:5 is desired. Any shorter in the muzzle, and the head starts to become catlike and any longer the look of a Scotty begins to appear. The eyes are set wide apart, oval in shape, medium in size and hazel to dark hazel in color, not black, and may vary depending on coat color. When I first started showing some of the old timers would refer to an eye with a bit of red-orange in it as a fire eye. This is not to be confused with a light eye or a yellow eye. Remember the Cairn should have a “general foxy expression”. This does not mean that they should have a head like a fox. It’s all in the eyes. Close set eyes usually indicate a narrow head. The ears should be small and set on the side of the head, not on top as with a Scotty. An equilateral triangle drawn from the tips of the ears through the inside corners of the eyes to the nose is an excellent indicator of a good head. Tail - in proportion to head, well furnished with hair but not feathery. Carried

An equilateral triangle drawn from the tips of the ears through the inside corners of the eyes to the nose is an excellent indicator of a good head.

gaily but must not curl over the back. Set on at back level. As with other areas of the standard this passage leaves a lot open to interpretation. To start with what does it mean in proportion to head? Most breeders agree that this means that when the tail is carried correctly, the tip of the tail is in a line with the top of the head. Carried gaily but must not curve over the back. The term gaily is open to differing meanings. Some breeders think that it refers to a tail that is up and wagging, but not necessarily at twelve o’clock. The generally accepted carriage is anywhere between 12 and 2 o’clock. However some Cairns will carry their tails

The tail is straight with he generally accepted carriage is anywhere between 12 and 2 o’clock and it must not curve over the back.

slightly over their backs, particularly if excited. Is this wrong? In my opinion – no, as long as it is straight. Remember the standard says it must not curve over the back. I find a low set tail or a banana tail much more offensive. The standard calls for the body to be well-muscled with well-sprung, deep ribs, coupled to strong hindquarters, and a level back of medium length. The Cairn is not long in body, nor is he slab sided or barrelchested. As mentioned earlier in order for the Cairn to stand over his feet the shoulder needs to be sloping and have a good return of the upper arm. There is medium length of leg and a slight turn out of the feet. This helps when moving dirt in the tunnels as it pushes the dirt to the side rather than behind and potentially blocking the entrance. The legs and feet should be covered with hard hair.

Although the only unacceptable color mentioned in the standard is white, breeders have long rejected solid black as well as black and tans. I have never been able to find out exactly why, but it may have to do with these colors being prominent in some other breeds. Size involves weight, height at the withers and length of body from fore chest to buttock. This is an area of great contention among many breeders. Twice in the past decade the membership of the CTCA have voted to retain the current standard mainly because they fear a change in the height will lead to bigger and bigger Cairns. The fact is they are already bigger than what is called for in the standard. In 35 years of breeding and judging I have never seen a 9 ½ inch bitch and the closest I have come to a 10 inch dog is 10 ½ inches. I showed a 10 ½ inch dog a couple of years ago and while he did quite well as a puppy, the few times I showed him as an adult he was considered too small. In fact at one particular specialty, a terrier judge asked a breeder judge if my dog was too small. The point I am trying to make is the size issue is all relative to what you have in the ring. If there is a more correct sized dog of

quality in there, by all means put it up. But, please do not put up an inferior dog just because it is smaller. Under faults, the standard does not mention size. The final section concerns condition – dogs should be shown in good hard flesh, well muscled and neither too fat or thin. They should be in full coat, not presented like a Westie. However, they should not look like the poor relation either. Nowhere in the standard does it call for the Cairn to look unkempt or shaggy. In fact, the only place that the word shaggy is used is to describe the eyebrows. The coat should be tidied up to show the outline of the dog to its best. The Cairn must be shown on a loose lead. If he is being strung up, there is probably a reason and most likely not a good one. He should also show with “marked terrier characteristics”, friendly, and afraid of nothing and no one. A dog who cringes on being handled should not be rewarded. Some latitude may be given puppies when they are being examined. Lastly, please, please, please use sparing as a means of evaluating temperament. There is nothing more beautiful to a “Cairnite” than to see two or

They should show “marked terrier characteristics”, friendly, and afraid of nothing and no one. They should never cringe on examination.

A proper Cairn spar, alert and up on their toes!

three Cairns going nose to nose, on their toes, tails up and quivering. Sparring should not be confused with fighting. We do not want to see dogs trying to kill each other. Also, bitches are less likely to be as keen as the boys when it comes to sparring.  g


Things To Know Before Judging the Cairn Terrier by Christine Carter, AKC judge, author of a breed book about Cairns, breeder/exhibitor of over 30 years with group and specialty winners.

1. The Cairn is a small, active, game and

hardy terrier with all of the characteristics of a true terrier. He stands with his head and tail up, curious about his surroundings and ready for anything. He should not shy away or cringe. There is nothing small about his personality. Do note that many bitches do not hold their tails up all of the time when just standing around but it must be up when moving. Holding it at one or two o’clock is acceptable

2. The Cairn is a rectangular dog, not square. His length from withers to tail set should be equal to his height at the withers. This will give his body the proper length from point of shoulder to point of buttocks, assuming that the dog has correct angulation.

3. The American Cairn Terrier standard states

that the size of the Cairn is 10 inches at the withers for males, 9 1/2 inches for bitches and weight for both at 14 pounds. It also says there can be slight variations. In truth, many factors including better quality diets and imported breeding stock from all over the world have increased the size of many of our Cairns. You might be faced with both larger and smaller dogs in your ring. Take size into account along with all of the other important facets of the breed and choose accordingly.

4. Cairns have a coat, not a tight jacket, and

long skirts. Coat should be at least 2-3 inches long on the body, shaggy but tidy. Leg coat is shorter but should blend with the body coat. Short, soft or long dead coats are equally objectionable. The outer coat should be harsh and profuse with a softer undercoat. Some coats have a bit of wave but they should never be curly. Grooming a Cairn like a Westie is highly objectionable.

5. The head has a broad back skull to anchor

Cairn head on you should see an upside-down equilateral triangle starting at the nose, widening up through the middle of the wide-set eyes and ending at the tips of the ears. The distance between the ears should equal the distance from ear tips to nose. The ratio of muzzle to skull is 4 to 5.

6. Teeth are large for the size of the dog. The

Cairn is bred to bolt game but must be able to defend himself against larger quarry when necessary. The standard says nothing about the number of teeth but breeders prefer a full set of teeth and a scissors bite although level is acceptable.

7. Bone should be moderate. Heavy or light

bone is not characteristic of the Cairn. Front legs should have strong, straight bones with no sign of crookedness. Front feet usually turn out slightly for better digging ability.

8. Movement should show good reach in front and strong drive in the rear. Paws should remain close to the ground, moving forward and back, not up and down. There should be no bounce in the top line of the back. It should stay straight and firm as the dog moves. A working Cairn must have the structure to keep moving all day. Correct structure will allow the Cairn to trot effortlessly along the trails and to scramble and squeeze among the rocks and roots after its quarry.

9. The Cairn Terrier is a lithe dog. He has to fit into tight spaces, often twisting and turning at the same time. He should feel trim and hard beneath your hands as you go over him, and should be well ribbed up. Cairns should never look “stuffy”.

10. Cairns should always be shown on a loose lead.

the powerful muscles of the jaws. Looking at the

The Cairn Terrier an overview The Cairn Terrier is one of the oldest of the terrier breeds, originating in the Scottish Highlands and recognized as one of Scotland’s earliest working dogs. It is used for hunting and burrowing prey among the cairns. Although the breed had existed long before, the name Cairn Terrier was a compromise suggestion after the breed was originally brought to official shows in the United Kingdom in 1909 under the name Short-haired Skye terriers. This name was not acceptable to The Kennel Club due to opposition from Skye Terrier breeders, and the name Cairn Terrier was suggested as an alternative. They are usually left-pawed, which has been shown in dogs to correlate to superior performance in tasks related to scent. Cairn Terriers are ratters. In Scotland they would search the cairns (man-made pile of stones) for rats and other rodents. Thus if one is kept as a household pet it will do the job of a cat, specifically catching and killing mice, rabbits, and squirrels.

History The Cairn originated in the Highlands of Scotland and the Isle of Skye, initially grouped in the “Skye Terrier” class alongside the Scottish and West Highland White Terriers. In the early 1900s, the three breeds began to be bred separately. The name “Cairn” refers to the rock dens that foxes and badgers lived in throughout the countryside. The dog would squirm down into these “cairns” and bark to hold the predator until the farmer killed it.

Description The Cairn Terrier has a harsh, weather-resistant outer coat that can be cream, wheaten, red, sandy,

gray, or brindled in any of these colors. Pure black, black and tan, and white are not permitted by many kennel clubs. While registration of white Cairns was once permitted, after 1917 the American Kennel Club required them to be registered as West Highland White Terriers. A notable characteristic of Cairns is that brindled Cairns frequently change color throughout their lifetime. It is not uncommon for a brindled Cairn to become progressively more black or silver as it ages. The Cairn is double-coated, with a soft, dense undercoat and a harsh outer coat. A well-groomed Cairn has a rough-and-ready appearance, free of artifice or exaggeration.

Temperament Referred to by those who are in the know as a “big dog trapped in a small dog’s body”, Cairn Terriers are adventurous, intelligent, strong, loyal, and tough--not a delicate lapdog. Like most terriers, they love to dig after real or imagined prey. They are vermin hunters. Cairns have potential aggression toward other animals with strong chasing instincts but will coexist with them more

readily than some other terriers. However, strange animals may be a different story, as the Cairn Terrier was bred to hunt and will chase anything that moves. They are protective of their families, and will defend their territory with courage and devotion, but they are also people oriented and are friendly with everyone they meet. They generally do well with other dogs, but will stand their ground if challenged, and have been known to harass, and sometimes hurt cats. There is very little a Cairn cannot learn if his owner takes the time to teach him or her. Cairn Terriers have a strong prey instinct and will need comprehensive training. However, they are intelligent and, although willful, can be trained. Training of the Cairn Terrier has the best results when training as a puppy, as they become willfully stubborn. Although it is often said that they are disobedient, this is not the case provided correct training is applied. They’ve been called “the best little pal in the world” and they are always a work in progress. If there is no fenced yard, the Cairn must be exercised on a leash, as it is impossible to train a Cairn to resist the urge to chase squirrels, cats, rabbits, other dogs, etc. (Cairns were bred to hunt). Walking is excellent exercise for Cairns and their

owners. A brisk walk daily, on leash, is ideal. From the Cairn’s point of view, the longer the walk the better. Although small in size at nine to ten inches at the shoulder with weight ranging from thirteen to fourteen pounds, the Cairn is a big dog trapped in a little dog’s body. There have been cases of Cairns taking on much larger and fiercer dogs, only to come out on the losing end, because they do not know when to back down. For that reason the Cairn must be kept in a suitable enclosure. Cairn Terriers generally are gentle and adapt well to children and are suitable family dogs, but will not tolerate mistreatment. They are not usually problem barkers, but will bark if bored or lonely. Cairns love their families, but may try to test their owner’s limits, so obedience training is necessary. Although they learn quickly, the Cairn may always have the instinct to dig and chase small animals, so new owners should be prepared for these behaviors. Regular brushing and exercise are also necessary to keep the breed fit and happy. Cairn Terriers are very playful and enjoy toys. They have powerful jaws which enable them to shred almost anything, however their intelligence allows them to learn quickly what is a toy and

Cairn Terrier, circa 1915

what is not. Cairn Terriers “squig” when they have a toy, shaking back and forth in a playful manner.

Famous Cairns Terry, the dog who played Toto in the 1939 screen adaptation of The Wizard of Oz, was a brindle Cairn Terrier. Due to the identification of the State of Kansas with the original story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, a resident of Wichita, Kansas has begun a drive to make the Cairn Terrier the official dog of the State of Kansas.[3] Terry also had a role in the Shirley Temple film Bright Eyes, and twelve other films.

In media In the 1939 The Wizard of Oz film, Toto was portrayed by a Cairn Terrier. I Love Lucy - Little Ricky had a Cairn Terrier named Fred. UK TV Presenter Paul O’Grady often features a Cairn Terrier called Olga on his prime time chat show; dark in colour, Olga was a rescue dog. Also in the UK, Pauline Fowler actress Wendy Richard in the BBC TV show EastEnders had a Cairn she fondly named “Betty”. George Lopez’s family dog on the ABC TV series George Lopez, is a Cairn Terrier named Mr. Needles. Named by the son, Max, for the extremely high number of shots that the incredibly sick former stray received from the veterinarian. Australian television soap series Neighbours had a Cairn Terrier named Audrey who belonged to the character Libby Kennedy.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets The character of ‘Romulus’, owned by Ray Milland’s character, Steven Tolliver, in De Mille’s epic ‘Reap The Wild Wind’(1940) was a Cairn Terrier--believe he was a silver or fawn. Oddly, the Ray Milland character a few years later in ‘The Uninvited’ (1944), along with his sister (Ruth Hussey) also had a Cairn Terrier named ‘Robbie’ in that film. ‘Robbie’ was quite the ghost hunter in the film. Possibly the same dog as ‘Romulus’? Thimble the dog was a brindle Cairn Terrier played by Danvers. Thimble appeared once in Episode 5, Season 5 of the British television drama Upstairs, Downstairs (1971 TV series).

In books In the Maximum Ride book series Total, the talking dog, is a Cairn Terrier. In the first edition of L. Frank Baum’s book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” (1899) though Baum did not specify in the text what breed Toto was, illustrator W.W. Denslow drew him as a Cairn Terrier. Source: References: “Wichita resident wants ‘Toto’ breed named state dog of Kansas”. 13 May 2006. Retrieved 12 May 2005. Art and photos compliments of Wikimedia Commons.

The Official AKC Standard of the Cairn Terrier General Appearance That of an active, game, hardy, small working terrier of the short-legged class; very free in its movements, strongly but not heavily built, standing well forward on its forelegs, deep in the ribs, well coupled with strong hindquarters and presenting a well-proportioned build with a medium length of back, having a hard, weather-resisting coat; head shorter and wider than any other terrier and well furnished with hair giving a general foxy expression. Head Skull - Broad in proportion to length with a decided stop and well furnished with hair on the top of the head, which may be somewhat softer than the body coat. Muzzle - Strong but not too long or heavy. Teeth Large, mouth neither overshot nor undershot. Nose - Black. Eyes - Set wide apart, rather sunken, with shaggy eyebrows, medium in size, hazel or dark hazel in color, depending on body color, with a keen terrier expression. Ears - Small, pointed, well carried erectly, set wide apart on the side of the head. Free from long hairs. Tail In proportion to head, well furnished with hair but not feathery. Carried gaily but must not curl over back. Set on at back level. Body Well-muscled, strong, active body with well-sprung, deep ribs, coupled to strong hindquarters, with a level back of medium length, giving an impression of

strength and activity without heaviness. Shoulders, Legs and Feet A sloping shoulder, medium length of leg, good but not too heavy bone; forelegs should not be out at elbows, and be perfectly straight, but forefeet may be slightly turned out. Forefeet larger than hind feet. Legs must be covered with hard hair. Pads should be thick and strong and dog should stand well up on its feet. Coat Hard and weather-resistant. Must be double-coated with profuse harsh outer coat and short, soft, close furry undercoat. Color May be of any color except white. Dark ears, muzzle and tail tip are desirable. Ideal Size Involves the weight, the height at the withers and the length of body. Weight for bitches, 13 pounds; for dogs, 14 pounds. Height at the withers-bitches, 9½ inches; dogs, 10 inches. Length of body from 14Ÿ to 15 inches from the front of the chest to back of hindquarters. The dog must be of balanced proportions and appear neither leggy nor too low to ground; and neither too short nor too long in body. Weight and measurements are for matured dogs at two years of age. Older dogs may weigh slightly in excess and growing dogs may be under these weights and measurements. Condition Dogs should be shown in good hard flesh, well muscled

and neither too fat or thin. Should be in full good coat with plenty of head furnishings, be clean, combed, brushed and tidied up on ears, tail, feet and general outline. Should move freely and easily on a loose lead, should not cringe on being handled, should stand up on their toes and show with marked terrier characteristics. Faults 1. Skull - Too narrow in skull. 2. Muzzle - Too long and heavy a foreface; mouth overshot or undershot. 3. Eyes - Too large, prominent, yellow, and ringed are all objectionable. 4. Ears - Too large, round at points, set too close together, set too high on the head; heavily covered with hair. 5. Legs and Feet - Too light or too heavy bone. Crooked forelegs or out at elbow. Thin, ferrety feet; feet let down on the heel or too open and spread. Too high or too low on the leg. 6. Body - Too short back and compact a body, hampering quickness of movement and turning ability. Too long, weedy and snaky a body, giving an impression of weakness. Tail set on too low. Back not level. 7. Coat - Open coats, blousy coats, too short or dead coats, lack of sufficient undercoat, lack of head furnishings, lack of hard hair on the legs. Silkiness or curliness. A slight wave permissible. 8. Nose - Flesh or light-colored nose. 9. Color - White on chest, feet or other parts of body. Approved May 10, 1938

New Champion!

McFox’s Last Man Standing Ch. McFox’s Weekend Warrior x Ch. McFox’s No Doubt

Jerry, in limited outings, finished with 3 majors and two Best of Breed wins from the classes. Shown here winning his final points, thank you to Mrs. Sally Ray Baugniet for Saturday’s 3 point major and to Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen (pictured) for this 5 point major! Jerry is my last link to my original pedigree and will mix in with my Accolade (NZ) and TribalFox pedigreed bitches to keep the unique McFox line healthy and strong. Breeder Owner Handled from the Bred By Exhibitor Clas Marcy McGuire • McFox Fox Terriers • •

Int Ch & Am GCh. Groove N TribalFox Flamboyant

Ch. TribalFox Fandango x Ch. TribalFox Bosa Nova

y b s t a G

North Star Spring Sieger Shows Gatsby is being shown at the Ehrenchampionatsklasse Bronze level. Thank you to the following judges for recognizing his quality: Ms. Jennifer Landers – USA and International Ms. Brenda Landers – USA Ms. Juliann Bitter – USA and International Mr. Pat Cunningham - USA



From The Publisher

What wonderful photos for the Cairn ads. It was a pleasure making the ads with such great materials to work with. Thank you for your support on the Cairn feature! I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Cairn from Ken Kauffman’s article. I was particularly struck by the comment on size. When I first started in Smooths you had to at least have a 16” dog to get noticed even though the standard called for 15”. My ten year old retired special is 17 1/2” and rarely did a judge ever fault him for his size. Today it is very difficult to win with a dog who is over 16”. Many breeds have come back being closer to the standard in size and I wonder if the Cairn will as well. I am currently asking the Face Book Fans what breed we should feature next. There are some good suggestions out there. The recipe for good features include knowledgeable breeder judges, great photos for illustration and a lot of great ads! There are many terrier breeds to left to spotlight. So if you have an idea and would like to help with the feature drop me a line

AKC SUMMER SAFETY TIPS • If kept outside, make sure your pet has plenty of shade.Remember that doghouses are not good shelter during the summer as they can trap heat. • Make sure your dog has access to plenty of cool, fresh water 24 hours a day. If your dog travels with you, bring along water and a bowl. • Never leave your dog in a vehicle on a warm day. Even with the windows open the temperature inside a car can rise to over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes. • It’s fun to take your dog with you to run errands, but if you can’t bring your dog inside the store, it’s best to leave him home. Tying a dog outside a store is dangerous because he is exposed to the hot sun and strangers who could be unkind. • Avoid strenuous exercise on extremely hot days. Take walks in the early mornings or evenings, when the sun’s heat is less intense. • Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date. Dogs tend to stay outdoors longer and come into contact with other animals more during the summer months. • Keep dogs off lawns that have been chemically treated or fertilized for 24 hours (or according to package instructions), and away from potentially toxic plants and flowers. Visit for a list of toxic plants. • Mosquitoes (which carry heartworm disease) along with fleas and ticks are more prevalent in warmer months. Ask your veterinarian for an effective preventive to keep these parasites off your dog. • Many dogs like swimming, but some cannot swim or may not like the water. Be conscious of your dog’s preferences and skills before putting him in the water. Always supervise your pet while swimming. • Chlorine from pools and bacteria from streams, lakes and ponds can be toxic for a dog’s system. Always rinse your dog with clean water after swimming. Beware of the wildlife that may pose a danger to your swimming pet. Some catfish are known for attacking small dogs. • Many airlines will not ship animals during summer months due to dangers caused by hot weather. Some will only allow dogs to fly in the early morning or in the evening. Check with your airlines for specific rules. Shipping policies can be found at pdfs/canine_legislation/airline_chart_0605.pdf. • If traveling by car, keep your dog cool by putting icepacks such as frozen water bottles in his crate. DO NOT use freezer ice packs which contain poisonous materials. Make sure the crate is well ventilated. For more traveling tips visit travel.cfm. • Be aware that asphalt can quickly get hot enough to burn the pads of dogs’ paws. In hot weather, walk your dog on the grass or dirt where is it cooler.

Wire Fox Terriers

(310) 897-8124

Smooth Fox Terriers

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Show • Performance • Pet

Aljamar & J-War Wire Fox Terriers

Marcy McGuire 608.774.7435



Great ad design! Great articles! Great rates! Featured Breed TBA

(to be announced)

Maryilyn Laschinski 17 Crestland Rd Indian Creek, IL 847-362-8404

on line

Judy Warling 2517 W Ridgeland Ave Wuakegan, IL 847-623-3759

Next deadline July 15

Ad Rates per issue— Front page. . . . . . . . . $100 includes an on the cover inside page

Inside full page . . . . $70 Classified listing. . . . . . ����� $10 issue or $30 per year

Contact or call 608-774-7435 to reserve your ad today!

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