The Journey: July 2011

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July 2011


Phil, Lily, Merilee & Kaitlyn


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We have big news... No, it has nothing to do with new kids on the way…this time. This news is big because it represents for us the passing of one of the most important milestones of the last six years. In May, following a week of orientation and training at the MAFC main office in Guelph, Ontario, we were officially accepted by Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada as Pre-field Missionaries. Many of you have faithfully followed the journey we’ve been on since leaving London, Ontario, bound for Alberta and Prairie Bible College’s aviation program in 2005. You have prayed for us, you have encouraged us by keeping in touch and some have even made the trek out to Three Hills to visit. We’re blessed to have such a solid team of people behind us as we make this transition.

Orientation at MAF Canada head office in Guelph, Ontario. Our orientation “class” was just us, Matt (a student pilot going to do an internship in Haiti) and the instructors – Art and Remi.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is a worldwide team of specialists who provide for the transportation and communication needs of over 1500 local churches, relief and development agencies and people serving those living in the most remote parts of the world. MAF operates about 130 aircraft on some 2000 airstrips in over 40 countries around the world. Together, MAF reaches out on wings of love to put Christian faith into action, demonstrating God’s love through overcoming barriers of jungle, rivers, mountains, culture and languages – bringing the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

TRANSITIONS In order for us to prepare to join MAF, Phil’s time at Prairie ended in early May. Then we had a week in Guelph, followed by the new concept of having Phil working from home as we build our ministry partnership team. Then there was a quick move across town to a new place and in about mid-August we’ll be saying goodbye to Three Hills and embarking on a cross-Canada road trip. We hope to see many of you along the way – our first stops are in BC! Then it’s back through the Prairies and we expect to be living in London, Ontario by the end of September. It’s not everyday that we get to drive across the country seeing our friends and building a ministry partnership team so if you would like a visit please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We’re putting the route together now.

These are the really rough* dates for our upcoming trip: Alberta–BC–Washington–Alberta–Saskatchewan–Manitoba–Ontario.. Whew! Depart Red Deer, Edmonton, 100 Mile Vancouver, Langley & Three Hills AB AB House, BC BC Abbotsford Aug 15th Aug 16th Aug 17th Aug 20th

Aug 22nd

Aug 27th

Seattle, WA (?)

Three Saskatoon, SK Hills, AB

Moose Jaw, SK

Regina, SK

Winnipeg, MB

Northern Ontario

London, ON

Sept 30th Sept 3rd Sept 7th? Sept 8th? Sept 11th? Sept 13th? Sept 15th? Sept 18th?

* ‘Really rough’ means that we fully expect those dates to change before mid-August. If there’s even a remote chance that we’ll be driving through your area...let us know so we don’t miss you.



FAMILY NEWS Anticipating our departure from Three Hills, we are soaking up as much of this unique community as possible before it’s gone. Merilee and the kids have enjoyed the new splash park in town almost daily. While the kids are playing the parents get to hang out! Phil still visits the airport now and again to keep up with those relationships but mostly his day is spent emailing, on the phone or otherwise building new relationships. MAF does make the Ministry Partnership phase manageable and takes a weekly interest in our progress. Kaitlyn just learned how to ride her bike without training wheels. Most of her day is spent

tearing up and down our street having a blast with her newfound freedom. Lily is exploding with new words and entertains us by parroting her s ister. They play very well together.

Praise God ‣

WHERE MIGHT WE END UP? MAF has a huge need for pilots around the world and it seems that we would be a good fit in East Africa – either Ta n z a n i a , K e n y a , U g a n d a o r Madagascar. Because we’re not expected to be heading over until May or June of 2012 and because the situation in that area is constantly changing, that is as specific as MAF can be right now. We are excited that we may end up in Phil’s ‘home’ region. As more people join our Ministry Partnership team, those options will be narrowed down.

Outgoing 2%

You can see a video of Kaitlyn riding her bike on our site:

Planning the trip to BC & Ontario; seeing as many people as possible and making it memorable too Chances to share our ministry with people; people to join our ministry team as prayer and financial partners through MAF Selling stuff and moving Flexibility for the kids as they adapt to traveling and then living in a new place

Monthly 12%

An opportunity to get involved! God has prepared us for this ministry with MAF but it would not be possible without partners coming along side of us both in prayer and financial support. MAF has asked us to raise ongoing support of $6000 per month, and a one-time outgoing amount for this ministry. You may think, “I don’t even make that much.” This is not our paycheck, however it is what it costs

Our acceptance by MAF Canada Thank you for those that recently joined our ministry team as prayer and/or financial partners

Prayer Points

Getting there...


MAF to sustain a family serving overseas today. It includes medical insurance, travel costs, Flight Standardization, language training, shipping, passports, inoculations, housing and education for the kids and all the ongoing costs incurred to keep this ministry going – with only 11% going to administration.

This is a QuickRead (QR) code which contains a link to our contact info. Most cell phones with a camera are capable of scanning it so you can quickly add us to your contacts. Merilee thought it might be a little too ‘end-times’ but I wanted to include it. Give it a try! Or just go to

Will you prayerfully consider financially supporting our ministry with MAF and joining our Ministry Partnership team?

You can do this by filling in the enclosed card, calling MAF Canada directly or clicking donate online at (CAN). If God is tugging on your heart please contact us by phone or e-mail and if possible we would love to come and share about this ministry with you. Each gift allocated toward an MAF board-approved program will be used as allocated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, additional allocated gifts will be used where most needed.

Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada, 264 Woodlawn Rd. W, Guelph, ON, N1H 1B6 Toll free: 1.877.351.9344 | Mission Aviation Fellowship, PO Box 47, Nampa, ID, 83653 Toll free: 1.800.359.7623 |

Please let us know if you’re not interested in receiving our letters. If you’re getting this by mail and would prefer an email version just email us at

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