Henderson Update - Fall 2014

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JOURNEY An update from Phil & Merilee Henderson with MAF in Chad Thank you for your partnership in the ministry we are involved in with MAF in Chad. As you read through these snapshot stories, know that you’ve had a part in each one - by enabling us to be here as we aid and empower the current work being done through the use of the aircraft.

Supplies Drying Up

Fall 2014

getting desperate in Ati as J was keeping me updated on their supply levels. They were down to their last bag of IV fluid and were completely out of children’s meds – they were breaking adult pills into halves and quarters for the kids in order to keep going. Add to this that on this next flight we

Earlier this year, the On the edge of the desert, in the middle of young man on the left, Chad, lies a hot and dusty town called Ati, where Hassan, happened to be a decade ago an American doctor from Texas in the wrong place at started a clinic to offer healthcare where there the wrong time when a was previously none. The clinic is still running – fight broke out in his now with a different doctor and village - tragically, he his family. We all got to know “they were breaking ended up paralyzed each other over the last year adult pills into halves and from the sternum down. while they were learning Arabic quarters for the kids” My friend J visits Hassan in N’Djaména. Now, J & J as I’ll two times a week to were scheduled to call them, are living there and it is my joy to change his bedsore bring the founding keep the clinic supplied with medicine through bandages and just be a regular MAF flights. Recently we had a situation doctor and his family friend to him. It was a out for a ten day where some governmental paperwork had us highlight for me to be working visit and unexpectedly grounded. The situation was able to go with J on one reunion with their of his recent trips to visit Chadian friends and encourage Hassan. from long ago. Their window of time in the country was limited and after having to postpone the flight by one day, they were now considering going by road. It came down to prayer and God’s timing that, just as the medical team was loaded for the day-long road trip, our own paperwork came through. In the end I was able to fly the team and the meds out to Ati. All were well received and a huge encouragement to the whole clinic staff. Unloading medical supplies in Ati MAF Canada

MAF Chad

Other mail:

264 Woodlawn Rd. W, Guelph, ON, N1H 1B6 Toll free: 1.877.351.9344 www.mafc.org

MAF, BP 1182, N’Djamena, Chad. Phil’s Cell: +235 6880 8115 Mer’s Cell: +235 6880 8116

Email us to find out the best mailing address to use: mr.philhenderson@gmail.com henderson.mer@gmail.com

mafhendersons.com for updates, videos and photos from Phil’s point of view wonderful-life-mer.blogspot.com for thoughts on life and our family from Mer

Three Girls! Due to her pregnancy, Merilee, along with Kaitlyn and Lily, returned to Canada in May. I remained in Chad to fly for another two months and then joined them in time to meet our third daughter, Evelinne Rose. We love having a little one around again – the girls were instantly smitten with their new baby sister.

Lily enjoys staying at home with Merilee, helping her with jobs around the house, shopping and her favourite...baking (ie. licking the bowl!). She does a bit of homeschool each day and is also learning how to read! Lily likes to say to Mer "Don't come in my room, Mom" and then five minutes later she will surprise Mer by having tidied her room or brushed her hair...she is so independent! Lily enjoys playing with a little boy from another family on the compound (brother to Kaitlyn's friend) when the big kids are at school. Both girls have soaked up the grandparent time while here in Canada but are also looking forward to getting back to their friends in Chad.

Evelinne Rose, born August 6th; 6 lbs 7 oz.

Update on the kids


Evelinne arrived safely, is healthy and growing

Safe travel back to Chad around Oct 20th

Kaitlyn is thankful for a great friend who lives right on the compound in Chad

Continued health for Evelinne & all of us

A good time of refreshment and rest with friends and family in Canada

Safety on Chadian roads (dangerous driving, accidents witnessed weekly) Safety for Phil and the other MAF pilots

Getting our Canada fix Our time here in Canada has been full of visits with family and friends, soaking up the Canadian summer and all the fun things we can’t experience while in Chad: parks, libraries, beaches, clothes shopping, nature walks, biking on sidewalks, and we even made it to Canada’s Wonderland and a Blue Jays game. But the ‘cherry on top’ for us was little Evie arriving to join our family. We’re both excited and a bit nervous as we return to Chad...excited to see what God has in store for us these next two years, but a bit apprehensive that it might be as challenging as the previous year. Please pray for us as we return. velinne


Merilee, Kaitlyn, Evelinne, Lily and Phil

...and E

Kaitlyn enjoyed school in Chad and is a reading whiz! Her newest thing is taking a flashlight and a stack of books to bed with her and reading for ten minutes before 'lights out'. Thank you to all who prayed for Kaitlyn to find a friend. A little girl her age moved to Chad in December and they became inseparable. From playing house, school and other creative games...the girls are two peas in a pod and we are thankful for that friendship. We extended our time in Canada so Kaitlyn could have much needed ear surgery (tubes). We are so thankful that she got in on a cancellation, has healed well and now has great hearing.

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