LSO Summer 2014 Concert Guide

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JOIN US ACROSS THE CITY THIS SUMMER From our annual concert in St Paul’s Cathedral to Crowd Out – one of the biggest choral events mounted in the City – and the epitome of summer concert going, the BBC Proms.

LSO in the City The LSO has been part of the City of London Festival throughout its 51 year history and during that time, the cornerstone of the celebrations has been the LSO’s performance in one of Britain’s most-loved and cherished places, St Paul’s Cathedral. Performances over the years that have ricocheted across the vast, cavernous space have included some of the most memorable concerts in the LSO’s history – most recently, Sir Colin Davis conducting Berlioz’s Requiem in 2012, now committed to disc on LSO Live. This year will see two performances of two monumental works – Bruckner’s Ninth Symphony with LSO Principal Guest Conductor Daniel Harding, and Beethoven’s ‘Choral’ Ninth Symphony with Myung-Whun Chung and the London Symphony Chorus. Meanwhile across town, don’t miss the LSO’s performances at the BBC Proms in the Royal Albert Hall, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3, and an event that will go down in London’s history books – Crowd Out. Featuring 1,000 people who have been brought together to perform this enormous work for massed voices in Arnold Circus (Shoreditch), the piece has been specially written so anyone can get involved and will make for a performance spectacle rarely seen.



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