Orange County October 2012

Page 81

THE BARRAGANS’ FIRST DO: Always look your best. It shows that you not only respect yourself, but also your date. DO: Compliment. Compliments are free gifts that people often overlook. Keep them short, sweet and honest. DON’T: Be rude. Be polite to everyone, this includes: your date, restaurant staff, other first daters…etc. DON’T: Get sloppy. Throwing back a few can ease the stress of being on a first date, but don’t overdo it. Heavy alcohol consumption can cause instant bloating and will make you do things you’ll regret.

NO SECOND DATE IF... GIRLS: It comes up that your date drives a windowless van, RUN! Don’t stay for dessert. It could be your last. GUYS: You come back from the restroom and your date is thumbing through bridal magazines, RUN! A first date should be all about the present. Worrying too much about the future at such an early stage is unnecessary (and creepy).

LAGUNA BEACH 255 Forest (949) 376-0245

IRVINE SPECTRUM (949) 753 -5 031

SOUTH COAST PLAZA (714 ) 5 4 0 -4555

R O X Y. C O M

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