Brief 6 high spirits

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Module Title: Extended Practice


Student Name: Elizabeth Tyrer

Studio Brief Title: Brief 6: High Spirits Synopsis: In collaboration with Lisa Collier, we created the branding and packaging for a small, independent alcohol retailers and distillery called High Spirits. We wanted the brand to communicate the retailers specialist knowledge and selection of alcohols, whilst also retaining a light hearted tone of voice that reflects British eccentricity, and so we developed an identity that is both sophisticated, luxurious and humorous. The brand is aimed at a young professional audience, who enjoy fine food and drink, and prefer to shop in smaller specialist shops than the larger chains.

List of deliverables


(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Branding and identity: logo, business cards, flyers and receipts. Packaging: labels for three bottles, a gift box and bag. Final Boards.

I will blog this under the module codes ‘OUGD603’, ‘OUGD603: Design Practice’, ‘Brief 6: High Spirits’ and ‘Brief 6: Context’. I will produce a range of printed products that includes packaging labels, business cards and flyers.

Evaluation: I feel that this has been one of my most enjoyable briefs of Extended Practice year, as myself and Lisa collaborated well together and worked hard to create products that were well executed and thought out. The concept behind the brand and the visual communication of the concept was done effectively, with a humorous and light hearted tone of voice (communicated through the logo and the quirky ladder imagery), which we combined with luxury design elements such as a metallic colour palette to create a desirable and sophisticated brand that would appeal to our target audience. I feel that this brief could have been improved if we had had the budget to spend on properly finishing off the products, for example we wanted a foiled finish on our labels to add a more luxe quality to them and we had also originally intended for the business cards to be designed as cork drinks coasters to relate more closely to the brand. Given more time, we could have also found an appropriate place to photograph the products so that people would be able to understand the context of the brand a little more. Myself and Lisa improved our photographing and finishing skills throughout this brief and I feel that this was a valuable and successful collaboration.

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