Brief 3 heartbroken records

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Module Title: Extended Practice


Student Name: Elizabeth Tyrer

Studio Brief Title: Brief 3: Heartbroken Records Synopsis: A self initiated brief, Heartbroken Records is a site designed to help heartbroken women aged 1630 through the 4 stages of a break up, using music as a form of therapy. Playlists have been created that contain songs related to each stage of the break up: anger, bargaining, sadness and acceptance. The playlists can also be ordered as a physical CD/Record. The visual communication of the brief plays on break up clichés to provide humour to the audience. List of deliverables


(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Logo, mock ups of promotional CDs/record sleeves, website mock ups. Final Boards.

I will blog this under the module codes ‘OUGD603’, ‘OUGD603: Design Practice’, ‘Brief 3: Heartbroken Records’ and ‘Brief 3: Context’. I will produce a range of products that will be mocked up and blogged.

Evaluation: I feel that my main strength within this brief has been the concept as opposed to the execution. Whilst I am pleased with the majority of outcomes, I feel that if I had completed this as an ongoing brief throughout the year I would have been able to actually produce products as opposed to mock ups. I feel that the visual communication of my concept was most successful in the art direction for the photos that appear on all of my products, as they were fun, playful images with meaningful ideas behind them. Art directing and photography were new valuable experiences that I would be keen to try again to improve my skills and to better my outcomes. My weaknesses in this brief have been my time management and my lack of final printed products. If I could do this brief again, I would like to learn to code so that I could actually make the vision for the website and the user interface a reality. I would also like to develop the art direction of the photography, perhaps producing more of an installation on a larger scale.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.