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GOING OUT WITH A BANG. The brief was to create a pitch for the End Of Year Show. Myself, Suzanne, Mike and Greta’s concept is based on the phrase ‘out with a bang’. This communicates that are our studies have reached their climatic ending, and the sense of spectacle the show will deliver. We

decided to use playful, impactful imagery of a balloon being popped, creating a sense of excitement about the show. The popped balloon demonstrates a release: of tension after everyone’s hard work, of the work itself and of students into the industry.

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


End of Year Show Pitch


We decided to research into balloon imagery and the use of balloons as installations or in a promotional environment. We felt that this was necessary to develop our understanding of how balloons can be used in a different way to heighten visual interest and audience

interaction. We felt that the most successful format we researched into was the balloon invite, where the balloon is printed onto, and can then be blown up by the recipient.

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


End of Year Show Pitch


We also researched into past shows, both from Leeds College of Art as well as other UK institutions. Out of the shows we researched into, we felt that the most successful ideas were executed using large scale photography bold, impactful type and bright colours. Elizabeth Tyrer


Brief #15

End of Year Show Pitch

The Development

To mock up the visuals of the balloon, we had to use the college facilities and therefore could not achieve the look we wanted. For the actual end of year show, had we been picked, we would have used the colours of the brand guidelines to ensure consistency throughout

the college branding and the show. We wanted a strong, impactful and contemporary typeface, and so we chose Proxima Nova: we felt that this provided the same impact as the imagery. We used the slow motion camera to capture the bursting of the balloon, which we

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


felt created unique and arresting imagery. We decided to apply this imagery in a number of ways, including gifs, videos and imagery for all promotional material. We used different stages of the balloon popping so that we had some variation in our work. End of Year Show Pitch

The Design

The video shows the full popping of the balloon in slow motion, as we felt that this was an exciting and interesting visual that successfully communicates our concept.It would be distributed as a private email invite, as this would create a lot of attention for the

University online. It could also be featured on the website and on the college’s social media to garner attention. ‘It starts here’ begins the video and makes reference to the big bang, communicating that the show will be the start of something special.

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


End of Year Show Pitch

The Design

Posters and The posters would show the balloon before and after being popped, as we feel this is a playful and more interesting way of presenting the posters on the boards outside, as well as being more interesting to passers by in the city centre. Elizabeth Tyrer


Brief #15

End of Year Show Pitch

The Design

In a similar way to the posters, the flyers play on the before and after image of the balloon with an interactive folding format that engages the recipient and heightens their interest in the show. The balloon on the private invite would have ‘Out with a Bang’

printed onto it, which could then be blown up by the invitee. This again heightens audience engagement and helps to create anticipation prior to the show.

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


End of Year Show Pitch

The Design

Phrases relating to the Out with a bang concept would be used as signage and wayfinding, for example ‘Pop in’, ‘Pop out’ and ‘Pop Up’. These would be more humorous and interesting for the audience as they wonder around. Balloons would also be turned

into installations around the uni, outside of each courses exhibition space. The course name would be projected onto the balloons and be more visually interesting and playful than static signs, as well as relating more closely to the concept.

Elizabeth Tyrer

Brief #15


End of Year Show Pitch

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