2011 Senior Edition

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[the] Lafayette High School 17050 Clayton Rd. Wildwood, MO 63011

May 20, 2011

Vol. 42 Senior Magazine www.lhsimage.com

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” – Dr. Seuss


Senior Mag

Tomorrow’s Answers Today

Caleb Cavarretta Opinions Editor

Past generations gave us the tools, it is up to us to use them For centuries, generations have been defined by their values and actions.   The lost generation, the greatest generation and even the counter culture generation have all taken iconic spots in our history. With our graduation fast approaching, a great question to be asked is what our generation will stand for. We have had a lot going for us. For the past 70 years, our families and elders have built up our nation to be the richest and most powerful country in the world. Looking back, our elders have accomplished fantastic feats. They have fought wars on a global scale, put a man on the moon, defeated communism and even connected our entire world through media. This last feat may be our platform to jump from. The internet is a wondrous tool that we all most definitely make use of in our daily lives. Social networking, instant informa-

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[Senior Magazine]

Kelley Bauer Kara Campbell Caleb Cavarretta Chelsea Coleman Adam Harris Maddie Johnson Sean McIntyre Contact Us:

May 20, 2011

Located in Room 137A at Lafayette High School, 17050 Clayton Rd., Wildwood, MO 63011. Our phone number is (636) 733-4118 and our e-mail address is smithnancy@ rockwood.k12.mo.us or visit on the web at: www.lhsimage.com

tion and endless entertainment are all just seconds away. This may make the titles of “Information” or “Connection” generation appropriate, although I hope much more could be accomplished. I hope that we will not be defined simply by the tools we have available, but rather by what we do with those tools. The revolutions in the Middle East provide a perfect example of how we can use our voice and the tools available to create waves of influence across the world. The young people of these oppressive nations have risen up against their governments utilizing these tools. Freedom and liberty are now ideas that are so close to reality in a part of the world that has never known them. Repressive regimes will never be able to stomp out ideas of revolution made permanent by a Facebook group, or seemingly endless protests scheduled through Tweets.

What we have at our disposal is power. Twitter and Facebook broke the story of unrest in Tunisia, not the major news networks. Twitter and Facebook first warned us of the earthquake in Japan, not the major news networks. Twitter and Facebook is the first place many of you heard of Osama bin Laden’s death. What we have available to us is a power with no comparison in history. We have the ability to change the whole world in a matter of seconds. Social networking is the future for our first hand information. How we use that power and the accuracy we give it all depends upon how responsible we are willing to act. Hopefully, through the world’s connection, we can use this power to make this place a better one for all of God’s children. In the words of Ben Parker in Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

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Senior Mag


Advice handed out to future Lancers Nathan Ashley: Don’t give up on yourself when times get tough, follow your dreams and do what you love. High school goes by incredibly fast and, for some of you, you may have found these four short years to be the best years of your life. Christopher Angulo: Don’t fall victim to senioritis! Keep working hard all four years, it’ll be over it when it’s over. Josh Bacon: Do hard work your first three years, then when your senior year comes around it will be easy. Kathryn Baxter: Enjoy every memory during your high school career because you’ll be on stage graduating before you know it. Nicole Belinsky: Stay in school. Jared Brinkmeyer: Take as few classes as possible, but live every minute to the fullest. Don’t regret anything. Chris Davis: Don’t waste your money on gum, Mrs. Phillips has mints in Room 256. Jimmy Destefano: Bring your lunch as much as possible. Taylor Durham: Freshmen, move out of the middle of the hallways. Please and thank you. Alex Eklund: Keep your head up, don’t ever worry about what anyone else says about you. Sam Enright: Wait until your senior year to stop doing homework. Jessica Foley: You may think you know what senioritis feels like, but until you are a senior you have no idea. Alyssa Franke: Attend all dances and as many games and events as possible, especially senior year so once your high school days are over you have any regrets. Kevin Garrone: Walk faster. Sonja Glaser: If you count the days until you’re out they just go by slower. Drew Gress: Don’t rush through life, enjoy it. Casey Hall: Take high school serious. It’s the first step to college. Chris Hall: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Samantha Haselhorst: Don’t dwell on the hard times. High school will fly by, so make as many memories as you can. Erica Holliday: Don’t let people get under your skin because they will always try to push your buttons. Aleks Husic: Have a study hall senior year. It’s good for nap time.

Alex Jacobs: Save the drama for yo mama. Megan Kelly: It may seem like high school will never end, but enjoy it while you can! Samiah Khalili: Never leave your gym locker unlocked. Your shoes will get stolen like mine were the second week of freshman year. Sierra Killingsworth: The closer you come to being a senior the more you hate getting up and coming every day. My advice: don’t give up and pressure yourself. The outcome is worth it. Kelsey Kraemer: Take flex classes. Resource is always the best hour of the day. Amanda Kuenker: Some advice I’d like to leave is get involved in clubs. I don’t know how I would have gotten through these four years with being involved. Sean Kyle: Enjoy senior year and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Samantha LaBat: Apply to college ASAP, do not wait until deadlines approach. Kelly Lamarche: Always have an ice scraper in your car, even in March or April. Missouri weather is unpredictable. Danielle Lawson: Don’t expect much from seniors. Dana Lawson: Work hard. Play Hard. Ryan Mansfield: Walk fast. Alex McDaris: If you get a locker in the reject hallway share a locker with your friend because you will always be late to class otherwise. Paul McGhee: Senior year is a blast, but don’t allow your first three years to make it harder than it needs to be. Lauren Moll: Know how to walk in the hallways. Don’t walk incredibly slow or randomly stop. People, especially seniors, will respect you much more if you know how to walk correctly! Megan Nicholson: Avoid the drama. Taylor Paskoff: Do not load up your senior year. Senioritis is real. Marissa Passi: Be in the moment and be nice to Ms. Whit. Morgan Pauley: The less you think about graduating, the faster it will come. Caroline Peetz: Take difficult or AP classes your senior year so you can get some classes you want to take in college out of the way. Jessica Pierce: Don’t take life too seriously, take the opportunities you are given and always smile. Aaron Platts: Don’t let your name get known. Lay low.

Alex Plunkett: Enjoy high school and everything that comes with it while you can, it goes too fast! And don’t forget, there is no cure for senioritis! Mitchell Porter: Go as hard as you can on your senior spring break. Amanda Prescott: Never underestimate yourself. It is a much greater tragedy to never reach your full potential then to fail because failure can be overcome. Heather Rightler: You will be starting a whole new life with new people in just a few months, so don’t care so much what everyone thinks of you. Just have fun because the fun times are what you will remember. Ciera Aunjunee’ Ross-Porter: Faces up until your neck hurts because if you put your head down you just might miss something that might affect you for the rest of your life. Abby Russom: Take finite math. Just do it. Also, there’s no cure for senioritis so don’t even try to overcome it! Meagan Schneider: Don’t get senioritis too early! Thomas Swoboda: Do Male Escadrille. The rush of dancing in front of thousands of screaming ladies captures you in the moment. It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before. Gabrielle Stafford: For all future graduates I’d like to say, work hard and do all your homework no matter how arduous. High school is not forever. Matt Thoelke: Don’t jeopardize your future with bad choices today. Nicolas Tolmais: The world stops for a senior. Kristen Trout: Start learning everything you can about your future major or career! You will be so ready for college! Payton White: I have found it is important to build good relationships with your teachers. Not only does it make things easier if you have problems in that class, but it helps make class more interesting and even fun at times. Blake Willoughby: Friends can change overnight and it is hard to grasp sometimes. But you have to remember that the true friends will always be there for you. Jacqueline Yap: When senioritis starts to kick in, just go with the flow. Stacy Zamskaya: There is more to life then school and grades. Learn to love what you’re doing and learn to love yourself.


Senior Mag

May 20, 2011

Seniors of 2011 give shout-outs to staff David Aslin: Thanks Mrs. Bolton and Mr. Balog for attempting to keep track of all my excuses for missing your class more times than I was actually present. Caroline Bartelsmeyer: Beckmeyer, thanks for putting up with me in cadet teaching. You can’t replace such a “helpful” cadet. Kevin Bowerman: Mr. Gutowski, thank you so much for your support and help over the past four years. I hope the skills you taught me will take me go far in orchestra at Mizzou. Continue your effects to raise your freshmen in your Chamber Orchestra to successful seniors in your Symphonic Orchestra. Domonique Burch: Mrs. Duncan, thank you for getting me the job skills that I learned while in your class. Kimberly Butler: Mrs. Loeffler, you sparked my interest in mathematics and I am deeply grateful. You inspired me to potentially major in mathematics and computer science. Lindsay Carr: Mr. Allen, thank you for inspiring me to always do my best and motivating me to do my best. Go Hawkeyes! Teairra Caston: Ms. Fields motivated me by telling me to be myself and she still gives me good advice now that I’m older. Mike Conroy: Mr. Bixby, the only reason I’m putting this is because I know you don’t want me to. Amber Cromwell: Mr. Dieckhaus, thank you for everything. I’m glad you never were easy on me. Abria Das: All of my teachers have inspired me one way or another. Thank you. You definitely deserve to be paid more. Jessica DiMariano: Ms. Glenn, you are a fabulous teacher and I really appreciate how much you care about your students. Luke Dunakey: Mrs. Trott has always been very supportive and a great inspiration. Sara Duncan: Mr. Landwehr, don’t worry I’ll be back. Isaac Dunger: I’d like to thank Mr. Krull for an Easy A. P.S. – Stupid freshmen, I hate freshmen. Kristi Estrada: Mr. Jaycox, you’re a boss! Indasha Faulener: Mrs. Ballard-Long and the OSEP teachers, I would like to thank you for all the motivation both in and out of the classroom. Natalie Ferree: Mr. Ahlers, thank you for helping me pursue my interests with welding and metal fabrication. Max Garlik: Mr. Willis inspired me to pass and understand, seems like he takes his work personal. Kelsey Garrett: Mrs. Senti, thanks for being the greatest art teacher I’ve ever had and for being a real, honest person. You’ve always stood up for me and have made me

into a better artist and a greater person. Kevin Garrone: To Bixby, I just wanted to honor you because I know you hate it. Katie Golden: Ms. Shead, I will miss you! When I’m at college next year I will think of becoming you when I graduate. Maddie Johnson: Mrs. Rivas, thank you for being a mentor though my last years of high school and for sparking and encouraging my interest to pursue a career in business Michael Huntebrinker: Mr. Kreienkamp taught me to always be myself and it’s okay not to follow the norm. He taught me how to accept people for how they are and to not be afraid to branch out. Christopher Johnson: I send this shout out to Mrs. Shilling-Gal. She has helped me through my high school years. She has been there when I needed a teacher’s point of view and she really motivated me when I was slacking. Conner Katsev: Mrs. Peters, you are the coolest, funniest, most energetic, hippest teacher I know. Jillian Kirwan: Mrs. Tamaroff, you were always very caring and made an effort to help all students with their problems that were even un-school related. Daniel Lamers: Mr. Taylor, you’re the best Woods teacher at Lafayette. Reid Leonard: Shout out to Coach Allen and Coach Landwehr for allowing me to be a part of the tradition of Lafayette Basketball. Michelle Leone: Mrs. Smith, thank you for everything you have taught me over the past four years. Mick Lyons: Mr. Fischer, thanks for your patience. Sorry about all the test tubes. Khalfani Mar’Na: Mr. Willis and Senor Reed, thank you for the talks and always keeping me on the right path. La’miece Martin: Mrs. Lawrence, you helped me through my sickness and I love you for that. Tiffany Manno: I love you, Mr. DeBlasi! You are like a second dad to me, I’ll miss you. Amy Moorkamp: I would like to thank Mr. Marx for all the inspiration to be the best chemistry student I could be and for motivating me to major in chemistry in the very near future. Frank Nesbitt: Mrs. White, you are the best teacher any student could have! You’ve helped me so much. Have a good summer and don’t forget to make a twitter and follow me. Ashley Nussbaun: Senora Jarvis, thank you for all your encouragement and for creating in me a desire to continue studying Spanish. Christina Ortyn: Choate, I loved having you as a teacher and enjoyed going to

your class every day. I hope you had fun with your all girl exec board this year, I know you’ll miss us! Lauren Parker: Lofgren, I’m sorry I won’t be here next year to hear all your random stories and annoy you in Bio Med. Caitlyn Rizzo: Toro, you have made my entire senior year so amazing. Basically, you have changed my life. The experiences that you have given me have set me in the right direction to succeed. You’re my mentor and friend, thank you for everything. Kendal Rothschild: I want to send a huge shout out and thank you to Mrs. Hermach for always motivating me to be successful and for helping me get to where I am today. James Ryan: Mr. Schneider is the man. John Strain: Mrs. Warners for helping me get through math. Christina Schmidt: Mrs. Campbell, thank you so much for helping me transition to high school. I really enjoyed being in your classes three years. You are an amazing teacher. Kristen Skubic: Mrs. Heth, you made me work hard. Thank you, it really paid off. Jessica Smith: I want give my fave teacher, Mrs. O’Neal, a shout out. I will miss her so much after I leave and thank for helping me for three years. Rachel Sosa: Mrs. Hagglund, thank you for helping and teaching me my great fashion techniques. Hopefully, I will use them some day in the future. Kristen Steege: Mrs. Gilman, you have motivated me and inspired me to get others involved in community service, I have loved getting to know you this year! Thank you for the amazing opportunities you have provided me! Kara Suttie: Yo Rodge, I love you woman! Thanks for everything you’ve done and all your fabulous jokes! Colman Swisher: Ms. Marisigan, I wish nothing but the best for you. Please remember that rainy days make the sunny days just that much prettier. You’re a great role model, stay cool. Riley Underwood: I wanted to let Mr. McAllister know that the first class I had with him was the moment I knew I wanted to be an engineer. Kelsey Van Buren: I would like to a shout out to Mr. Decker! He is one of my absolute favorite teachers and I just wanted to thank him for all the countless times he stayed after or came early to help me with chemistry. Andrew Walli: Mrs. IF, I wish I had your classes more! I would always get switched out! You were my favorite teacher and I had an amazing time in your class.

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Senior Mag

Senior Quotes: Class of 2011 offers parting words Alex Abele: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Julie Ackley: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need.” –You Can’t Always Get What You Want, The Rolling Stones Abbey Angevine: “I’m standing here beneath these billboard lights, takes me back to those autumn nights, home town bleachers packed real tight as we march down the field.” – Turning Home, David Nail Christopher Angulo: “A saint is a person who gives of themselves without asking for return. That’s how simple it is to be a saint. Try it! Try being a saint!” – Edward James Olmos Jared Applebaum: “If everyone cared and nobody cried, if everyone loved and nobody lied, if everyone shared and swallowed their pride, then we’d see the day when nobody died.” – If Everyone Cared, Nickelback David Aslin: “You are more than the choices that you’ve made, you are more than the sum of your past mistakes, you are more than the problems you create, you’ve been remade.” – You Are More, Tenth Avenue North Josh Bacon: “The Snozberries taste like snozberries.” – Super Troopers Courtney Baker: “Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I love you, go to work, do your best, don’t outsmart your common sense. Never let your prayin’ knees get lazy, and love like crazy.” – Love Like Crazy, Lee Bryce Caroline Bartelsmeyer: “Spice up your life!”- Spice Girls Kelley Bauer: “We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about,” – Charles Kingsley Kathryn Baxter: “Life’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” – Forest Gump Beau Berilla: “The realization of aspirations is what is my success. The utilization of skills and tapping of potential is

what is my success.” – Success, Nivedita Chatterjee Annie Bohling: “Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost.” – Seize the Day, Avenged Sevenfold Kevin Bowerman: “Don’t believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die” – The Truth About Heaven, Armor For Sleep Brooke Burchardt: “We’re almost there and nowhere near it, all that matters is that we’re going” – Gilmore Girls Kimberly Butler: “Only one life to live in, we’re trying our best to make it through…” - Movin’ On, Backstreet Boys Kara Campbell: “Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.” – George Carlin Maddy Cano: “Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines, wishing for right now, we are the kings and the queens.” – Long Live, Taylor Swift Teairra Caston: “Award shows, I poured my heart out and people still steady trying to point my flaws out…” -Champion, Chipmunk ft. Chris Brown Lauren Ceresia: “Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.” – The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde Ronnie Cerko: “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan Ashley Coffman: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Green Mike Conroy: “Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhythm! Get on up it’s bobsled time!” – Cool Runnings Amber Cromwell: “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally Tara Dailey: “You’re gonna miss this. You’re gonna want this back. You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast. These are some good times.” – You’re Gonna Miss This, Trace Adkins Abira Das: “Don’t be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own.” – Soar,

Christina Aguilera Chris Davis: “Never go around proclaiming your excellence, for in the proclamation itself, you admit the doubt of its existence.” – Tony Dungy Sara Denney: “Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” –Anthony J. D’Angelo Jimmy DeStefano: “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” – Mark Twain Jessica DiMariano: “The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.” – Oscar Wilde Ally Duncan: “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.” –Unknown Sara Duncan: “If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal.” – John Lennon Taylor Durham: “It’s been a wild ride, I wouldn’t change a minute.” – 311 Alex Eklund: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” – Woody Allen Sam Enright: “If hard work pays off, then easy work is worthless.” – Nelly Kristi Estrada: “Let us die young, or let us live forever.” – Jay-Z Natalie Ferree: “The road goes on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow, if I can.” – The Lord of the Rings Patrick Finnegan: “The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.” – William James Alyssa Flotron: “It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes – and leap, it’s time to try defying gravity…kiss me goodbye, I’m defying gravity. And you can’t pull me down.” – Wicked Jessica Foley: “When a problem comes along, you must whip it.” – Devo Christian Followell: “I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” – Albert Einstein Alex Forgy: “Nothing good comes easily. Sometimes you gotta fight.” – 311

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Senior Mag

May 20, 2011

Senior Quotes continued from pg. 5 Charlie Frail: “There was a language that everyone understood; the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, as a part of a search for something believed in and desired.” – Paulo Coelho Alyssa Franke: “Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.” – Kevin Arnold Kendra Fullmer: “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene Kelsey Garrett: “Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.” – Oscar Wilde Kevin Garrone: “Stay in the present. You can do nothing to change the past, and the future will never come exactly as you plan or hope for.”- Dan Millman Sonja Glaser: “There is a voice inside of you that whispers all day long, ‘I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.’ No teacher, preacher, parent friend or wise man can decide what’s right for you—just listen to the voice that speaks inside.” - The Voice, Shel Silverstein Katie Golden: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Gandhi Pete Grelle: “It’s only funny until someone gets hurt, then it’s hilarious.” - Bam Margera Rachel Haase: “Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”-- Confucius Casey Amber Hall: “Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”- C.W. Longenecker Chris Hall: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is really what you are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” –John Wooden Emily Harvey: “Reach inside your heart to find the joy, the love to share with all mankind, for all we know, all we have is time.” –Billy Parter

Samantha Haselhorst: “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” –Marilyn Monroe Lorenza Hayes: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” –Reinhold Niebuhr Tori Holder: “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” – Ephesians 4:1 Erica Holliday: “This is my moment, I waited all my life I can tell it’s time drifting away I’m one with the sunsets. I have become alive. I wish that I can have this moment for life.” – Nicki Manaj Amy Hourcade: “Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” – John Lennon John Hu: “I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me.” – Cao Cao Samantha Hubbard: “Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Baz Lurhmann Aleks Husic: “Have no fear of perfectionyou’ll never reach it.” – Salvador Dali Bryan Jaeger: “How exactly would one measure a sense of humor? A humormometer?” – Big Bang Theory Maddie Johnson: “Things turn out the best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.” – Jack Buck Telor Joyner: “Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.” – Edna Woolman Chase Conner Katsev: “I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life.” – Leo Tolstoy Megan Kelly: “Each of us is born for a specific reason and purpose, and each of us will die when he or she has accomplished whatever was to be accomplished. The in-between depends on our own willingness to make the best of every moment, of every opportunity. The choice is always yours. – Elisabeth Kubler Ross Samiah Khalili: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power,

then the world will know peace.” –Jimi Hendrix Jillian Kirwan: “What do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze?” –The Hangover Drew Knoy: “True terror is waking up one morning and realizing your high school class is running the country.” – Kurt Vonnegut Emily Koenig: “Saying nothing sometimes says the most.” –Emily Dickinson Clara Komrosky-Licata: “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” –Talladega Nights Siri Kommareddy: “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” – Gandhi Kelsey Kraemer: “Dance like no one is watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like no one is listening and live like it’s heaven on earth.” –William Purkey Amanda Kuenker: “Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?” – Rent Sean Kyle: “Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will all be judged on one thing: the result.” –Vince Lombardi Kelly Lamarche: “Hope is the dream of a walking man.” – Aristotle Jacob Lamberth: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just might find you get what you need.” – The Rolling Stones Daniel Lamers: “No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile presumed to be happy only laughing like a child, I never thought life would be this sweet it got me cheesin’ from cheek to cheek.” – Best Day Ever, Mac Miller Sarah Lasini: “Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Dana Lawson: “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Living might mean taking chances but they’re worth taking.” – I Hope You Dance, Lee Ann Womack

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Senior Mag

Senior Quotes continued from pg. 6 Danielle Lawson: “There you have it, folks. Young love. Full of promises, full of hope, ignorant of reality.” – Valentine’s Day Jackie Legner: “Life is a beach I’m just playin’ in the sand.” – Right Above It, Lil Wayne Ft. Drake Reid Leonard: “Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.” – G. Randolf Michelle Leone: “Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. Today is Friday, Friday (Partyin’). We we we so excited.“ - Rebecca Black Erin Lichvar: “Looking forward, not behind, everybody’s gotta cross that line.” – Life On My Own, 3 Doors Down Keric Lickerman: “Every artist was first an amateur.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Natalie Litwicki: “It’s time now, to sing, though the story never ends. Let’s celebrate remember a year in the life of friends. Remember the love. Measure your life in love.” – Rent Mick Lyons: “Even the best fall down sometimes.” – Collide, Howie Day Anna Maness: “So long and thanks for all the fish.” – Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Tiffany Manno: “If you want to have fun then do something crazy.” – Get Crazy, LMFAO Chelsea Maple: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Khalfani Mar’Na: “When you’ve got big dreams, keep your eyes on the prize, don’t fall to the waste side and reach for the sky.” – Big Dreams, Lil’ Bow Wow Alex McDaris: “I don’t know, but I know that I don’t know.” – Say Anything Paul McGhee: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky Kelsey Michel: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’” – Audrey Hepburn Amanda Miller: “It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.” – Helen Keller Lauren Moll: “There’s beauty in the breakdown.” – Let Go, Frou Frou McKenzie Moll: “Some are born great, some achieve greatness , others have

greatness thrust upon them.” – Shakespeare Amy Moorkamp: “Bad things happen and you can’t do anything about them.” – The Lion King Justin Nauman: “Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.” – Inception Frank Nesbitt: “I fall in love with girls caught up in the superficial glamour, who dress like Sarah Jessica and live like Princess Diana.” – Unstoppable, Drake Megan Nicholson: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson Kelsey O’Toole: “Here’s to the fast times, the times we felt alive, to all the nights that we forgot to get back home.” – The Party Scene, All Time Low Christina Ortyn: “Be a best friend, tell the truth and overuse I love you. Never let your praying knees get lazy and love like crazy.” – Love Like Crazy, Lee Bryce Eric Pan: “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt Alex Panu: “I’m living the high life.” – The High Life, Mac Miller Lauren Parker: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Hilary Cooper Taylor Paskoff: “I close my eyes and the moment’s gone. All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity. Dust in the wind.” – Dust in the Wind, Kansas Marissa Passi: “Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere. Underneath my being is a road that disappeared. Late at night I hear the trees, they’re singing with dead overhead.” – Guaranteed, Eddie Vedder Morgan Pauley: “Remember, no matter where you go. There you are.” – Confucius Caroline Peetz: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words for kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are alone.” – Audrey Hepburn Kristen Perry: “Anytime you have opportunity to make a difference in the

world and you don’t then you are wasting your time on this earth.” – Roberto Clemente Jessica Pierce: “Be a best friend, tell the truth and overuse I love you. Go to work, do your best, don’t out smart your common sense and love like crazy.” – Love Like Crazy, Lee Bryce Aaron Platts: “The ultimate measure of a man is not in moments of comfort and convince but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – The Ultimate Measure of a Man, Wiz Khalifa Alex Plunkett: “Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.” – Unknown Ellyn Poisson: “Live life as if it were created just for you.” – Maya Angelou Hayley Poppell: “Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King Mitchell Porter: “The best things in life are the free ones, the little things everybody needs some.” – The Finer Things, Mac Miller Amanda Prescott: “If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it. Blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.” – Rainer Maria Rilke Allison Ray: “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words for kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are alone.” – Audrey Hepburn Lindsey Renner: “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi Heather Rightler: “Each day’s a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fear behind and try to take the path less traveled by.” – If Today was Your Last Day, Nickleback Caitlyn Rizzo: “One song. Glory. One song before I go. Glory. One song to leave behind. Find one song, one last refrain. One blaze of Glory. An eternal flame.” – Rent Riley Rogan: “You have to be unique, and different, and shine your own way.”Lady Gaga

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Senior Mag

May 20, 2011

Senior Quotes continued from pg. 7 Maddie Roll: “The moment you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes at you once in a lifetime.” –Lose Yourself, Eminem Sean Rombach: “Living young, wild and free.” –Wiz Khalifa Ceirra Aunjunee Ross-Porter: “As we go on, we remember, all the times we had together. And as our lives change, come whatever. We will still be friends forever.” - Graduation Song, Vitamin C Kendal Rothschild: “Life’s too short to be sittin’ round miserable.”–Cheers, Rihanna Tommy Rudd: “There’s only us, there’s only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other path, no other way. No day but today.” –Rent Christina Schmidt: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” –Philippians 2:3-4 Meagan Schneider: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou Kristin Skubic: “You can never get a second chance to make a first impression.”- Oscar Wilde Aareon Smith: “Life is a beach, I’m just playing in the sand.” –Right Above It, Lil Wayne ft. Drake Alexander Spradlin: “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex…It takes a touch of geniusand a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” –Albert Einstein Kim Stading: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” –Helen Keller Gabrielle Stafford: “If God is a DJ, life is a dance floor, love is the rhythm, you are the music.” –God is a DJ, Pink Megan Starzyk: “I’ve learned people

will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou Kristen Steege: “People change so that you can learn to let go and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” –Marilyn Monroe Taylor Stewart: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward Colman Swisher: “Back when I was starting out I always wanted more, but every time I got it I still felt just like before.” –Splender in the Grass, Pink Martini Thomas Swoboda: “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before its afternoon. My goodness, how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon.” – Dr. Seuss Ryan Tegethoff: “To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.” – Reba McEntire Claire Thibodaux: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return.” –Nature Boy, Nat King Cole Matt Thoelke: “Big gulp, huh? Well, see ya.” –Dumb and Dumber Nicolas Tolmais: “Fat bottomed girls, you make the world go round.” –Fat Bottomed Girls, Queen Kristen Trout: “You may be whatever you resolve to be.” -Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson Kelsey Van Buren: “Do your best to win full approval in God’s sight, as a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly teaches the message of God’s truth.” -2 Timothy 2:15 Andrew Walli: “If one’s actions are honest, one does not need the predated confidence of others only their rational perception.” –Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand Rachel Weisbruch: “This is your life and it is ending one minute at a time.” –Fight Club Ryan Wendt: “Win, lose, or tie, you’re going to play like champions.” –Herb Brooks Payton White: “The greatness of a man

is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”-Bob Marley Kirstin Wintermute: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” –Taylor Swift Grace Woessner: “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.” –Batman Begins Jordan Woolums: “Make jokes. No stress. Love. Live life. Proceed. Progress. –Lil Wayne Jacqueline Yap: “Open your eyes look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” –Bob Marley Kayla Yoder: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.” –The Rolling Stones Stacey Zamskaya: “The chief proof of man’s greatness lies in his perception of his own smallness.” –Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Ava Zanzie: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” –Winnie the Pooh Claire Zetak: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” –Is Theology Poetry, C.S. Lewis Jessika Zhuchenko: “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” –2 Corinthians 4:18 Charlie Zimmerman: “Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun.” –Pablo Picasso Jacob Zimmerman: “When you ain’t got nothin’ you got nothin’ to lose.” –Like a Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan


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Seniors share fond memories of the past four years Abbey Angevine: “I will miss playing and attending all the sporting events with the best fan section ever (especially the roller coaster).” Courtney Baker: “I am seriously going to miss playing sports and the hype that goes along with being a part of an LHS team!” Annie Bohling: “I’ll miss my CCE parking spot. Not having to deal with the parking lot senior year was awesome.” Caitlin Clement: “Powder Puff, cheerleading at football and basketball games and Freshman Fridays.” Bryce Cohen: “Some of the kids that have been in your life for years are going to different colleges and you may never see them again.” Tara Daily: “Test re-takes, extra credit and the second chances that won’t be there in college.” Sara Denney: “Seeing people I know and love.” Aly Duncan: “Senior Powder Puff.” Sara Duncan: “I will miss having my mom down the hall when I need her.” Christian Followell: “ALARP.” Alex Forgy: “Sitting next to Lauren Parker in Yearbook (see you at Mizzou). Charlie Frail: “Announcing for the football pressbox with Buck, Landwehr, Sumner and Wendt.” Pete Grelle: “The sandwiches at the school lunch.” Ryan Guccione: “Playing in the football games.” Emily Harvey: “Art History and Senior Lit. Flex with Jean Peters, best decisions I’ve ever made.” Tori Holder: “I’ll my lunch table wishing at 11:11 every day.” Siri Kommareddy: “I’ll miss all the senior activities, my teachers and my friends.”

Clara Komrosky-Licata: “The awesome teachers, how comfortable I am with the school and my friends!” Sarah Lasini: “I will miss all the new renovations to the school. They have made the school look better and newer.” Jackie Legner: “The tennis season.” Gabe Levy: “Snow days, watching movies in class and seeing all my friends every day.” Erin Lichvar: “Senior year not having much homework.” Natalie Litwiki: “The Fine Arts department and everyone in it who made my four years some of the best of my life.” Alison McNair: “I’ll miss my friends and the lacrosse team.” Darcy Moore: “Mmmm, nothing really.” Will Montgomery: “Hanging out with my best friends in the locker room before and after practice and at games.” Justin Nauman: “Getting to see a lot of good friends on nearly a daily basis and some of the teachers who treat me like a friend.” Allex Oelkers: “The thing I will miss the most would have to be all the amazing people I have met throughout my four years at LHS.” Kelsey O’Toole: “Cookies!” Alex Panu: “Male Escadrille, the Homecoming game and parade, guys Lacrosse, team sports and the flex program teachers.” Emily Perkins: “Cheesy pretzel sandwiches.” Kristen Perry: “Dr. Borchers snow day voicemails.” Ellyn Poisson: “Kona ice man!!” Hayley Poppell: “Being on Escadrille.” Allison Ray: “New Escadrille locker signs every Friday!”

Sean Rombach: “Homecoming week.” Brittany Royse: “Being able to walk down the hall and know the majority of the people around you.” Tommy Rudd: “Little Shop of Horrors, I’ve never had so much fun on stage.” Aareon Smith: “Team dinners for football and basketball.” Alexander Spradlin: “I will miss the JROTC classroom, it’s been home for me for the last three years.” Chris Stainback: “3:05 p.m.” Megan Starzyk: “Aerobics class, Bosco sticks and friends who are going to different schools.” Taylor Stewart: “The cookie stand smell.” Claire Thibodaux: “I will miss the varsity Escadrille the most. It has been a part of my life all throughout high school.” Ryan Tegethoff: “Seeing everyone’s face every day, I’ll miss a ton of people next year when we go our separate ways.” Katie Walsh: “I will miss making AP Physics rap music videos with Kendra, Addie and Rachel.” Rachel Weisbruch: “Smoothie Monday and pizza Thursday.” Ryan Wendt: “Eating pizza in the press box with Landwehr and Buck at the football games.” Kyle Woodsmall: “Male Escadrille by far.” Jordan Woolums: “I’ll miss getting in trouble for the dumbest things.” Kayla Yoder: “I’ll definitely miss the schools sporting events, dances, Homecoming and all the great activities.” Jacob Zimmerman: “I’m going to miss the study halls. I don’t know when I’m supposed to get my work done now.” Jessika Zhuchenko: “I will miss unlimited snow days.”

Bye-Bye: Class of 2011 reveals what won’t be missed Alex Abele: I won’t miss the hectic parking lot or lockers. Jared Applebaum: I won’t miss the massive amount of sleep deprivation and the kids who constantly block the halls. Daniel Avila: The bad food. Kaleb Blechle: Pep Assemblies. Jamie Breeden: I will not miss finals, Lafayette High School is the best! Katie Burgess: Freshmen! Rebecca Cabral: I will definitely not miss all the strict rules and the crowded hallways that freshmen just stand around and block. Maddy Cano: The parking lots, having tons of tests in one day and people clogging the

hallways and staircases. Lauren Ceresia: I will not miss having seven classes a day or crowded hallways. I guess I’m just kind of ready to be called a freshman again. Ashley Coffman: Dramatic temperature changes in classrooms. Luke Dunakey: Substitute teachers, greasy lunches and real soda in wending machines. Amy Hourcade: I will not miss going to bed at 2 a.m. and doing tons of AP homework. Emily Koenig: I won’t miss the school lunches, but I will miss the lunch ladies. Keric Lickerman: The rules, violation stickers, buying my

lunch and slow walkers in the hallway! Anna Maness: Stupid, closed minded people. Kelsey Michel: I will not miss the awful lunch food and dreadful lines. Amanda Miller: I will not miss the 7th Hour, which often times included a Zero Hour and/or some sort of after school activity. McKenzie Moll: The drama filled hallways! Lindsay Petracek: Goodbye to the complete chaos of passing period. Riley Rogan: The parking lot and crowded hallways. Johanna Wilson: Homework. I

can’t wait to be in classes that I am really interested in so I can learn about my future career. Patrick Witthaus: Freshman parents and sophomore student drivers. Seriously, you people are horrible drivers. Grace Woessner: Waking up at 7 a.m. and having curfews. Ava Zanzie: I definitely won’t miss being tardy every day, walking behind slow people or congregating freshmen in front of the hall. Claire Zetak: Crazy traffic in the parking lot and people standing in the middle of the hallways. I will not miss being in school for eight plus hours a day.


Senior Mag

May 20, 2011

Class of 2011 announces...

Best Dressed

Best Looking

Amanda Miller and Frank Nesbitt

Thomas Swoboda and Victoria Fetter

Biggest Brown Noser

Most Talented

Kelsey Haberberger and David Aslin

Tim Kuklo and Amy Hourcade

Most Athletic

Most Gullible

Will Montgomery and Jordan Woolums

Ben Howard and Jillian Kirwan

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Senior Superlative Winners

Biggest Flirt

Most Intelligent

Sam Enright, Clarie Thibodaux and Mike Huntebrinker

Justin Nauman and Sarah Hereford

Most Friendly

Class Clown

Tim Kuklo and Marissa Passi

Aaron Platts and Alex Jacobs

Most School Spirit

Most Likely to Succeed

Courtney Baker and Aaron Platts

Alex Eklund and Maddie Johnson


Senior Mag

May 20, 2011

Out-of-state schools lure many away Self-Reported Plans (As Of April 26, 2011)

Alex Abele – Texas Christian University Julie Ackley – University Of Missouri Dylan Albers – Louisiana State University Sean Alexander – Saint Louis University Dion Anderson – U. Of Missouri-St. Louis Jaime Andrae – STLCC Abigail Angevine – University Of Missouri Christopher Angulo – University Of Missouri Jared Applebaum – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Christopher Ashley – STLCC Grace Ashley –Missouri State University Nathan Ashley –Missouri State University David Aslin – University Of Missouri Daniel Avila – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Joshua Bacon – Lindenwood University Austin Baehr – University Of Mississippi Courtney Baker – Missouri State University Celia Baldwin – Missouri State University Snowbia Barnes – Rockhurst University Stephen Barry – STLCC Caroline Bartelsmeyer – SMU Grant Bartow – Missouri State University Mack Bartus – Auburn University Kelley Bauer – Truman State University Jessica Bax – Culinary School Kathryn Baxter – University Of Missouri Sydney Becker – Missouri State University Nicole Belinsky – U. Of Central Florida Beau Berilla – STLCC Robert Berry – SEMO Kathryn Binz – STLCC Kyle Black – Lindenwood University Rena Black – Saint Louis University Kaleb Blechle – STLCC Anne Bohling – STLCC Reese Bolton – STLCC Ashley Bonn – University Of Missouri Kevin Bowerman – University Of Missouri Paul Boyd – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Kelsey Boydston – University Of Missouri Jack Bradley – Columbia College Of Chicago Phillip Brewer – Kansas State University Jared Brinkmeyer – Missouri State University Michael Brown – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Donquesha Bryson –SEMO Dominique Burch – Elaine Stevens Beauty College Monique Burch – Hickey College Brooke Burchardt – UMKC Katelyn Burgess – STLCC Christopher Burkart – STLCC Jake Busiek – University Of Missouri Kimberly Butler – University Of Missouri Tra’von Bynum – STLCC Rebecca Cabral – Xenon Int’l Academy Nick Cain – University Of Missouri Samuel Calhoun – University Of Kansas Ned Campbell – University Of Kentucky Kara Campbell – Murray State University Maddie Cano – University Of Missouri Austin Cantor – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Scott Carlson – University Of Missouri Lindsay Carr – University Of Iowa

Teairra Caston – Lincoln University Caleb Cavarretta – University Of Missouri Lauren Ceresia – STLCC Ronnie Cerko – University Of Missouri Taylor Chambers – University Of Arizona Max Charpentier – Missouri Western State U. Jacob Chinnery – STLCC Gregory Chung – University Of Missouri Gerneisha Clark – STLCC Shelly Clay – Maryville University Caitlin Clement – Lindenwood University Daniel Clutter – University Of Missouri Ashley Coffman – Mississippi State University Bryce Cohen – University Of Missouri Chelsea Coleman – William Jewell College Michael Conroy – Drake University Amber Cromwell – STLCC Tara Dailey – University Of Missouri Kyler Dann – STLCC Nico D’Antonio – Indiana University Abira Das – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Elizabeth Davidson – University Of Missouri Chris Davis – University Of Missouri Sara Denney – Lindenwood University Rachel Dennis – University Of Missouri Jimmy Destefano – William Jewell College Jessica Dimariano – Truman State University Dan Droege – SEMO Lucas Dunakey – STLCC Allison Duncan – University Of Missouri Sara Duncan – University Of Missouri Isaac Dunger – University Of Missouri Taylor Durham – Lindenwood University Brian Eads – Oklahoma Christian University Alex Eklund – Baylor University Misha Emanoil – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Orrin Emanoil – University Of Mississippi Sam Enright – Lewis and Clark CC Marco Eshraghi – Missouri State University Stephanie Espenschied – Missouri U. of Science & Technology Robert Esrock – Indiana University Kristen Estrada – University Of Missouri Indasha Faulkner – Chamberlain College Of Nursing Natalie Ferree – DePaul University Victoria Fetter – University of Kansas Megan Filanda – St. Charles CC Patrick Finnegan – Northeastern University Justin Floretta – STLCC Alyssa Flotron – Missouri State University Jessica Foley – St. Louis University Christian Followell – Johns Hopkins University Alex Forgy – University Of Missouri Charles Frail – Santa Monica College Kendra Fullmer – Brigham Young University Chloé Gaffney – FIDM- Los Angeles Lavonta Gallion – Millikin University Max Garlik – University Of Missouri Kelsey Garrett – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Drew Garrone – Truman State University Kevin Garrone – University Of Iowa Maddie Gauen – Missouri State University Chelsea Gebhart – U. Of Central Missouri Victoria Gillespie – Iowa Western CC Sonja Glaser – University Of Missouri Katie Golden – Missouri State University

Robert Goldkamp – ITT Technical Institute Jake Goodman – Drake University Justin Grant – Truman State University Morgan Gray –Webster University Peter Grelle – SEMO Drew Gress – Truman State University Ryan Guccione – University Of Missouri Rachel Haase – llinois State University Kelsey Haberberger – University Of Missouri Casey Hall – SEMO Michael Hallums – STLCC Jessica Hanson – Illinois State University Haley Hardcastle – Indiana University Sharlisa Harlan – STLCC Adam Harris – University Of Missouri Anastasia Harris – University Of Missouri Emily Harvey – SEMO Samantha Haselhorst – University Of Missouri Hannah Hayes – Washington College Latoya Hayes – Cooper Mountain University Lorenza Hayes –Webster University Sarah Hereford – Washington U. - St. Louis Hamidreza Hojreh – STLCC Victoria Holder – Baylor University Jeff Holiday – University Of Missouri Erica Holliday – Missouri Western State U. Sharice Holmes – Western Illinois University Josh Horn – SEMO Rachel Horner – STLCC Jessica Horwitz – STLCC Amy Hourcade – Case Western Reserve U. Tyler Hoyt – Texas A&M University Samantha Hubbard – University Of Missouri

Alea Hughes – The Art Institute Of Chicago Aleks Husic – Washington University In St. Louis

Joseph Izuchukwu – George Washington U. Bryan Jaeger – SEMO Mary Jehling – University Of Dayton Christopher Johnson – Ranken Technical Everett Johnson – University Of Missouri Madeline Johnson – University Of Arkansas Stanley Johnson – Missouri Western State U. Antonio Jones – Johnson & Wales University Telor Joyner – U. Of Central Missouri Conner Katsev – Truman State University Benjamin Kearns – College Of Wooster Megan Kelly – University Of Missouri Cameron Kennedy – University Of Kansas Sierra Killingsworth – Missouri Western State University Jillian Kirwan – Truman State University Kyle Klindworth – University Of Missouri Shannon Knobloch – St. Louis University Drew Knoy – Columbia College Of Chicago Ryan Knudsen – University Of Missouri Jonathan Koch – STLCC Emily Koenig – Truman State University Siri Kommareddy – UMKC Clara Komrosky-Licata – Missouri State University Kelsey Kraemer – University Of Michigan Amanda Kuenker – U. Of Central Missouri Timothy Kuklo – Brown University & Rhode Island School Of Design Sean Kyle – Depauw University Kelly Lamarche – University Of Evansville Jacob Lamberth – Northwestern U.

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Mizzou is top state choice for seniors Daniel Lamers – Missouri State University Sarah Lasini – University Of Kansas Jacob Lasinski – Bradley University Kathleen Lavallee – Missouri State U. Dana Lawson – Missouri U. Of Science & Tech Danielle Lawson – University Of Missouri Robert Lawson – University Of Missouri Michelle Lebar – University Of Missouri Nicholas Lebeau – University Of Missouri Teala Lee – STLCC Jackie Legner – SEMO Hannah Lemoine – University Of Missouri Christopher Lenz – University Of Missouri Reid Leonard – University Of Kansas Michelle Leone – University Of Missouri Gabriel Levy – Webster University Erin Lichvar – University Of Missouri Keric Lickerman – University Of Missouri Vincent Lin – University Of Kansas Angela Little– Midwest Institute Natalie Litwicki – Missouri State U. Garett Loewenstein – U. Of Missouri Jacob Lohmann – SEMO Katherine Lucas – STLCC Mick Lyons – Palm Beach Atlantic U. Alison Macnair – University Of Missouri Ryan Maddox – University Of Missouri Jimmy Malke – University Of Missouri Jessica Malke – University Of Missouri Jordan Malke – SEMO Anna Maness – University Of Missouri Rachel Mangan – Lindenwood University Emily Mann – Missouri State University Dominic Manno – STLCC Tiffany Manno – STLCC Ryan Mansfield – SIU-Edwardsville Chelsea Maple – Oklahoma State U. Anthony Mccormick – STLCC Alex Mcdaris – Iowa State University Maeve Mcfarland – U. Of Missouri Sean McGarity – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Paul McGhee – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Taylor Mckenna – University Of Missouri Ryan Mead – University Of Missouri Danielle Merlati – STLCC Joseph Michaels –Jefferson College Kelsey Michel – Murray State University Nicole Miinch – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Amanda Miller – Northwestern U. Sean Miller – Western Washington U. Lauren Moll –Truman State University Mckenzie Moll – Missouri State University William Montgomery – Central Methodist U. Darcy Moore – Brigham Young University Shante Moore – Lincoln College Amy Moorkamp – University Of Missouri Abigail Moser – Truman State University Lucille Murphy – University Of Kansas Justin Nauman – Purdue University Frank Nesbitt – Central Methodist U. Megan Nicholson – Missouri State U. Alyson Nowell – SEMO Ashley Nussbaum – St. Louis University Allex Oelkers – Maryville University Joshua Olejnik – Rhodes College Justin Oliver – Truman State University Morgan Orr – SEMO Christina Ortyn – U. Of Oklahoma

Kelsey O’Toole – University Of Missouri Eric Pan – St. Louis College Of Pharmacy Alex Panu – University Of Missouri Andrew Park – University Of Missouri Jun Park – Lehigh University Lauren Parker – University Of Missouri Dexter Parris – Lindenwood University Taylor Paskoff – Towson University Marissa Passi –Auburn University Morgan Pauley – STLCC Caroline Peetz – University Of Missouri Emily Perkins – Missouri State University Kristen Perry – Missouri Baptist U. Lindsay Petracek – Northeastern U. Doran Pettis – STLCC Rachel Philiph– Iowa State University Jessica Pierce – STLCC Kevin Pitkin – University Of Missouri Aaron Platts – University Of Missouri Alex Plunkett – University Of Missouri Ellyn Poisson – Truman State University Hayley Poppell – Missouri State U. Mitchell Porter – University Of Missouri Ryan Preete – University Of Missouri Amanda Prescott – U. Of Missouri Mohammad Qasim – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Shauanna Randle – UMSL Allison Ray – University Of Missouri Jarvis Reed – Vatterott College Maurice Reed – ITT Technical Institute Lindsey Renner – STLCC Michael Reno – Missouri U. of Science & Tech Racheal Rice – William Jewell College Thomas Riddick – University Of Missouri Heather Rightler – Saint Louis University Paige Risley – STLCC Lauren Rismiller – STLCC Caitlyn Rizzo – Texas Christian University Jake Robinson – University Of Missouri Riley Rogan – University Of Arkansas Bradley Rogers – University Of Missouri Maddie Roll – University Of Missouri Sean Rombach – STLCC Kendal Rothschild – Howard University Brittany Royse – STLCC Clayton Rubach – University Of Missouri Thomas Rudd – Texas Christian U. Nathan Russell – University Of Illinois Abigail Russom – University Of Arkansas Anna Ruyle – SEMO James Ryan – Miami University Christina Schmidt – Texas A&M University Meagan Schneider – Saint Louis University Victoria Sellers – University Of Missouri Patrick Sherman – UMSL Ryan Siebert – University Of Central Missouri Alex Simon – University Of Missouri Becca Simon – SIU-E Nikita Singh – Saint Louis University Kristin Skubic – Marian University Andrew Slocum – University Of Missouri Aareon Smith – UMSL Austin Smith – University Of Missouri Irish Smith – Missouri Western State U. Jessica Smith – STLCC Katelin Smith – University Of Missouri Rachel Sosa – University Of Missouri

Alexander Spradlin – U. Of Mississippi/Air Force Kimberly Stading – University Of Missouri Christopher Stainback – STLCC Megan Starzyk – Missouri State University Kristen Steege – Truman State University Erik Steele – Brigham Young University Adam Steinmetz – University Of Missouri Alexa Stellern – Missouri State University Jacob Stergos – Webster University Taylor Stewart –University Of Missouri John Strain – STLCC Samantha Strickland – U. Of Mississippi Dymond Strong –Kendall College Kara Suttie –University Of Kansas Colman Swisher – Truman State University Thomas Swoboda – William Jewell College Nicklas Taphorn – Columbia College Shelby Teague – Lindenwood University Ryan Tegethoff – University Of Missouri Claire Thibodaux –William Woods University Matt Thoelke – Auburn University Nicolas Tolmais – Truman State University Rory Trankler – University Of Missouri Kristen Trout – Gettysburg College Riley Underwood –University Of Missouri Kelsey Van Buren – Bethel College Timothy Van Horn – University Of Missouri Alexander Vavra –Saint Louis University Hannah Veenstra – STLCC Jordan Vehlewald –SEMO Mitchell Von Hoffmann – Northwestern U. Andrew Walli – University Of Missouri Katrina Walsh – Truman State University Seth Warner – STLCC James Weatherford – University Of Missouri Kate Weinzirl – University Of Missouri Rachel Weisbruch – SEMO Ryan Wendt – Saint Louis University Ryan Wesley – University Of Missouri Danica Wessel – University Of Missouri Monica Whitchurch – SEMO Payton White – University Of Missouri Erica Wilhite – Missouri Western State University Blake Willoughby – University Of Missouri Johanna Wilson – SIU-C Justin Wilson – University Of Missouri Kirstin Wintermute – University Of Missouri Patrick Witthaus – University Of Kansas Grace Woessner – University Of Missouri Ryan Wohlers – STLCC Kyle Woodsmall – U. Of North Dakota Jordan Woolums – Indiana University Jacqueline Yap – Emory University Kayla Yoder – Butler University Cejay Young – Air Force Enlistment Emily Youngberg – U. Of Nebraska- Lincoln Ava Zanzie – University Of Missouri Max Zaun – U. Of Missouri Claire Zetak– Belmont U. Jessika Zhuchenko – Saint Louis University Charles Zimmerman – Johnson and Wales University Jacob Zimmerman – Missouri U. of Science & Tech

May 20, 2011 14 Senior Mag Seniors bequeath items to peers I, Julie Ackley, leave my freshman locker that says Julia Guila to the incoming freshman. Abbey Angevine and Jordan Woolums leave their obnoxious field hockey behavior to the army of junior field hockey players. Good luck, Coach O’Connell! I, Jared Applebaum, leave the best of luck and wishes to all underclassmen especially Bobby Boxerman and Shayne Hayes. I, Nathan Ashley, leave my empty pack of gum to Taylor Newcomer, Bryan Ebner and Danielle Christian. I, David Aslin, leave my anti-door ding parking spot to Eric Pascoe. I, Daniel Avila, leave my inventor skills to Isaiah Akers. I, Josh Bacon, leave Ryan Alwell my spot on the bench. I, Courtney Baker, leave the title “ninja goalie/master” to Katelyn McConnell. I, Nicole Belinsky¸ leave my choir chair to Sarah Chapekis. I, Annie Bohling, leave my ability to get to school just in time to Quentin Brusler. Good luck, buddy. I, Kevin Bowerman, leave a good reputation with the teachers to my little brother, Luke. Use this to your advantage and don’t ruin it. I, Jared Brinkmeyer, leave my basement and bonfire pit to Allie Novak to relieve Tonya of some stress and have raging parties. I, Domonique Burch, leave my job working in the kitchen with the pre voc class to my little sister, Lola. Have fun! I, Monique Burch, leave my job to my play sister Lola Martin. I, Kimberly Butler, leave my AP notes to my sister, Jennifer. I, Lindsay Carr, give Kelsey Clayman my intelligence. I, Teairra Caston, leave all my wisdom and knowledge to all of the underclassmen. I, Lauren Ceresia, leave the memory of Senior Class of 2011. I, Ronnie Cerko, would like to leave my GPA to my brother Tyler Cerko. I, Caitlin Clement, leave my pain-free wrists to Mary Savala. I, Michael Conroy, leave all of my Superfans shirts to Kyle Glennon. You’re Welcome. I, Amber Cromwell, leave my love and my smiles behind to be remembered by. I, Tara Dailey, leave my choir voice to my cousin, Alyssa Johnson, in hopes of another one at District Solo and Ensemble. I, Abira Das¸ leave behind my reputation to carry on when he goes to high school. I, Sara Denney¸ leave my spot in ISS to my little brother, Austin Harris. I, Jimmy DeStefano, leave my football jersey

to Michael Mueller. I, Jessica DiMariano, leave my orchestra folder to Sarah Park. I, Ally Duncan, will leave Layne Duncan all the stresses of high school. It’s your turn now! I, Sara Duncan, leave Devon Chambers baby blue, hoping she will have better experiences than I did. Love you! I, Isaac Dunger, leave all my unpaid fines to Thomas Caito. I, Taylor Durham, leave my former essays to my little sister Danielle Gino. I, Alex Eklund, leave my lost announcement sign offs to the teacher who made me stop doing them. I, Alyssa Flotron, leave to my little brother, Carter, the claim to the coolest last name at Lafayette. I, Jessica Foley, leave Jo to Shelby Foley and Erin Horner. I, Alyssa Franke, leave the dreadful early Saturday morning ACTs to my sister Courtney. I, Kelsey Garrett¸ leave Molly my back corner parking spot for her Audi A3. I, Kevin Garrone, leave my GPA to Tyler Cerko. Maybe you can finally get your own car now. I, Sonja Glaser, leave the immature males of the percussion section to Sarah Helderle, the only remaining female percussionist. I, Katie Golden, leave my role as girls tennis most obnoxious player to my tennis babies: Josie Gardner and Kelsey Howe. I, Pete Grelle, would like to leave my behavior record with Matt Hrebec. I, Ryan Guccione, leave my football helmet to my prodigy, Michael Mueller. I, Rachel Haase, leave the senior hall to the Junior Class. It’s a pretty big hall to fill ‘cause the senior Class of 2011 are the ONES you’ll never forget. I, Chris Hall, leave Allie Novak a piece of my lucky rope that I bring everywhere. I, Samantha Haselhorst, leave my favorite parking space to my baby brother, Jared, and my cheer poms to my cheer baby Ellie Swoboda. I, Lorenza Hayes, leave my experience of growing up to my dear friend Nene. I, Tori Holder, leave our perfect lunch table in the corner to the juniors who always tried to take it. I, Erica Holliday, leave my knowledge and experience behind to my underclassmen. I, John Hu, leave my undying sense of Asian Pride to David Wang. I, Michael Huntebrinker, leave my Lafayette Hockey Jerseys to Thomas Caito; he asked me every day for a year so he deserves them, and he claims he’s going to sell them on eBay.

I, Alex Jacobs, leave all of my tests and essays (which she would be better off not using at all) to my little sis, Britt. I, Maddie Johnson, leave my varsity volleyball jersey to my little sister, Lily. Tear it up on the court next year and bring home a state championship! I also leave my ‘motherly instinct’ to the rest of the volleyball team. Good luck, those are some big shoes to fill… literally! I,Telor Joyner, leave my sense of style to my little sister Patra Miller. I, Conner Katsev, leave LHS for all of the underclassmen to deal with. I, Sierra Killingsworth, leave my locker to Patricia Miller since I never used it. I, Emily Koenig, leave all my aspirations to my brother, Trevor. I, Siri Komareddy, leave all my notes to my little brother. I, Clara Komrosky-Licata, leave my shoes to Lizzi Reynolds. I, Shannon Knobloch, leave the LAX boom box to Ashley Hipp. I, Kelsey Kraemer, leave my 8 a.m. alarm clock to my brother, Alex. I, Amanda Kuenker, leave my math book to Sarah Perry. I, Sean Kyle, leave Anders Fladda my canteen. I, Samantha LaBat, leave the boys track team to Alodia Girma, and if you decide to run track, I give you permission to leave them in the hands of someone you know and love. I, Kelly Lamarche, leave the title of team captain and the duty of defeating private schools to fellow Lady Lancer Golf teammates Claire Norfleet and Maddie Van House. I, Daniel Lamers, leave Shivesh Kabra my saxophone…if you want it. I, Sarah Lasini, lave the Lafayette Rowing Legacy to Alexa Benson, and those who decide to pursue it. I, Dani Lawson, leave my school motivation to Danielle Biernaki. I, Jackie Legner, pass on the torture of high school to all underclassmen. I, Reid Leonard, leave my jumper to Joel Pennington, my short game to Blake Stonecipher, my honesty to Jordan Srote and my car to Bentley Leonard. I, Michelle Leone, leave my coolness to Abby Harbor. I, Gabe Levy, leave my fond love of The Big Lebowski to Ethan English. I, Erin Lichvar, leave the car and my belongings that I leave behind to my younger sister, Ashton.

Continued On Pg. 15

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Senior Mag


‘11 wills items to underclassmen I, Keric Lickerman, leave my classic good looks and muscle to Adam Heigel. Use with caution. I, Natalie Litwicki, lave my seat in AP music theory to Alyssa Johnson, my parking spot by the pole to Sarah Young, and the care of my brother, Brad, to Emmy Alicea. I, Jake Lohmann, leave absolutely nothing to Eric Pascoe (the freshman). I, Mick Lyons, leave my key to the school to Adam Witzig. I, Anna Maness, leave the title of ‘president’ to Abi Davis. I, Khalfani Mar’Na, leave my Nike arm sleeve to Taylor Baden. I, La’miece Martin, leave my home bound service to Kayla. I, Alex McDaris, leave all of my notes to my little sister Gabby, so she doesn’t have to waster her time taking them like I did. I, Paul McGhee, leave the three day old food to the underclassmen. I, McKenzie Moll, leave my sanity to my little brother, Alex! I, Darcy Moore, leave Kayla Richardson and Ashley Beaton my legacy of Swedish playing and boy craziness. Go get ‘em! I, Amy Moorkamp, leave my cross country LAX penny to Ashley Hipp and my top spot on the line up and reigning crown as track brat to Katie Czolgosz. I, Will Montgomery, leave the neck machine in the weight room to Reed Reynolds. I, Frank Nesbitt, leave my legacy to the remaining classes at LHS. I, Megan Nicholson, leave my choir folder and the glass breaking high notes to my girl, Sarah Baker. I, Allex Oelkers, leave the crowded freshman hallway to the new seniors. I, Christina Ortyn, leave my bag of ponytail holders to all the Escadrille Girls. I, Eric Pan, leave this school to the underclassmen. I, Alex Panu, leave a jar of peanut butter to Marc Jendrycki, my LAX pennys to Lane Rommel, and an apple for Mick Schulte and Alec Hoover to share. I, Lauren Parker, leave my laziness to Emily Nischwitz, and all my broken bags and bruises to Kyle Siebert. I, Taylor Paskoff, leave my spot in Sra. Merritt’s Spanish class to my little sister, Laura. Also, Mae Riordan will now lead lane two during high school season. I, Morgan Pauley, leave Mary Savala my little brother Logan to tease in school all next year, given that she can actually make up good enough comebacks to keep him from teasing her right back. I, Caroline Peetz, pass down my Escadrille

award to my ‘baby,’ Sydney Ockerhausen. I, Emily Perkins, leave my smelly gym locker to my little sister Sarah, and my friend Sarah Young! I, Sarah Perry, am honored to leave the simply fabulous novels I read every day during math to Conner James. She makes fun of me now, but it’s her turn to read them! Have fun being a senior! I, Aaron Platts, pass down the command of the homecoming TP mob and my St. Albans Championship legacy to my lil’ bro, Audy Platts. I, Alex Plunkett, leave my poms to my little sister, Maddie. Never give up and always do your best! I, Ellyn Poisson, leave all of my loose change from my backpack and locker to my younger sisters, for a summer filled with 25 cent slushies. I, Hayley Poppell, leave my hair teasing skills to my little sister, Courtney, and all my lovely Escadrille girls! I, Mitchell Porter, leave my jump shot to Anders Fladda because I know he needs a good one. I, Amanda Prescott, leave the pursuit of poetry to Ryan Schaper. I wish I could have spent more time mentoring you, but you know how to contact me if you ever need to, and I know you’ll realize your potential throughout high school without my help. I, Allison Ray, leave my stretchy dance pants to Laura “Long Legs” McGwuire. I, Caitlyn Rizzo, leave my everlasting love to my family and daughter: Laynie Henning. I, Heather Rightler, leave all my AP Psychology notes to my younger sister, Amanda. I, Sean Rombach, leave my tardies to my little brother Ryan. I, Kendal Rothschild, leave my genius behind. I, Tommy Rudd, leave my theatrical empire to my daughter, Laynie Henning. I, Abby Russom, leave my CD’s and amazing driving skills to my sister, Ellie Russom. I, Kristen Skubic, leave my golf bag to my little sister, Kimmy. I, Jessica Smith, leave my brother Justin Rucker my favorite pen since freshman year. I, Rachel Sosa, leave my great teachers to my three little siblings. I, Alex Spradlin, challenge the next commanders at JROTC to continue to strive for excellence, motivate others to join and lastly become more well-known in the community. I, Gabrielle Stafford, leave my former GPA to Megan Ryan with the full expectation she will dispose of it. I, Chris Stainback, leave my headgear to Kirk Bradley.

I, Megan Starzyk, leave all the bad aspects of this school for the freshmen to deal with. I, Taylor Stewart, leave the “D” and “Fence” signs to Lizzie Guempel and Mary Savala and my prime parking spot to my brother, Nick Stewart. I, John Strain, leave my tardies to Alec Cherry. I, Kara Suttie, leave Melissa Roach my iPod so you’ll have my awesome songs and play lists for every occasion so you don’t have to spend 20 minutes choosing a song in the car. I, Thomas Swoboda, leave behind my favorite Polo and Lacoste attire to Adam Heigel, for he is a handsome man. I, Claire Thibodaux, leave my baby to my baby Escadrille girls. I, Nicolas Tolmais, leave my soccer dynasty to my sister. I, Kristen Trout, leave my car to my sister Katherine. I cannot use my car freshman year. I, Kelsey Van Buren, leave my locker to the next kids who aren’t lucky enough to have graduated yet!!! I, Andrew Walli, leave all of my unfinished math assignments to Eric Pascoe. I, Katie Walsh, leave my awesome parking spot to my baby brother Scott, but not my car. I, Rachel Weisbruch, leave Justin Bieber to Kimmy Bauch. I, Blake Willoughby, leave my instrumental witty humor and charm to my brother Grant. And the band swag to Mihir Parthasarathy. I, Johanna Wilson, leave my love of marching band to my sister Sara. I hope she will put commitment and passion into that and she pursues in music. I, Patrick Witthaus, leave Bailey Borchers my incredible marching band skills. I, Grace Woessner, leave the smelly halls of Lafayette to every underclassmen to suffer with. I, Kyle Woodsmall, leave everything to Adam Heigel. I, Jordan Woolums, leave Ashley Parks my height. I, Jaqueline Yap, leave my orchestra and all it contains to Lu, A. I, Kayla Yoder, leave my seat at the table and my V.I.P. parking spot in the front of the house to my brother David. I, Claire Zetak, leave my senior locker to Annie Lammers for when she becomes of age. I, Jessika Zhuchenko, leave our leaking lunch table to the juniors, enjoy! I, Charlie Zimmerman, leave a giant stack of sunset pictures to Hope, that she’ll keep painting them better than me.


Senior Mag


May 20, 2011

Mitchell Von Hoffmann


We are so proud of you and all your amazing accomplishments. We will miss you so much next year! We wish you all the best in college and know you will continue to do amazing things! Love always, Mom & Dad

We are so proud of you! Your perseverance, dedication and humor will always serve you well in life. Have fun in college! Love, Mom, Dad, Sarah & Jenny

Shannon Knobloch Congrats Shanny!!! Kick butt at SLU. Love, Mom & Dad

Remember what’s important as you make your path. Stay inspired and let your light shine. Love, Dad, Mom & Zach


Caroline Bartlesmeyer Our dearest Sweet Bug! We are so proud of the beautiful, smart, confident woman you have grown up to be! We will miss you more than we can say when you head off to college but this is your wonderful future! Embrace it and make the most of it! We love you more and more each day! Much Love, Mom & Dad “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” - Proverbs 16:3

Senior Mag

The Image We are so proud of all your accomplishments at LHS and beyond -- what an amazing senior year you’ve had! On to MIZZOU and even greater things! Much Love, Dad, Mom, Katherine and Tessa

DavidAslin Austin Cantor The world is your apple, enjoy every bite! I am so proud of the man you have become! Love you TIAB! Mom

17 Courtney


Courtney... from beautiful baby to gorgeous bubbly, talented teen, wow! Continue to follow your dreams and aim high. We are so very proud & love you bunches. -Dad, Mom & Colton P.S. Don’t forget “kissing hands” before you leave for college-- we’ll both need them!

There you are in cap and tassel Ready to make the world your castle.


It seems just yesterday you were a kid, Watching everything we did. Now we’re watching you graduate The grown young man we helped create!


On wings of knowledge you will fly; Following your vision and rising high. We couldn’t be prouder, Sean, of you; We wish you success in all you do. Remember one thing we want you to know: Our love is with you wherever you go. Sean, we are INCREDIBLY proud of you!! Love Mom & Dad

Sean Miller

Go with your heart and dream BIG! Smile and laugh often. Live life to the fullest, make the most of who you are. Love, Mom & Dad



We are so proud of you! You’re a true individual! You make us smile everyday! We love you so much! Love, Mom & Dad


Senior Mag

May 20, 2011 Dearest Christina, Congratulations to our National Merit Finalist, Glory of Missouri Award winner, Brown scholar and future Aggie. You had a goal, you worked hard to get it, and you achieved it. We are proud of your many accomplishments, but even more proud of the wonderful young lady you have become. Love, Mom & Dad

RachelPhiliph You’ve grown from our little Minnie Mouse to a terrific, smart and beautiful young woman. You make us very proud. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. “Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Love, Mom, Dad & Hannah

Kelley Bauer You have made us smile since the day you were born. We are very proud of you and hope you have many dreams and goals to accomplish. We will always believe in you, be true to yourself and do your best. Love you always... Mom & Dad



Haley Hardcastle

You are an amazing young woman of whom we are very proud! May all your dreams come true. We love you, Mom & Dad

Cam Kennedy You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way! We love you! Dad, Mom & Heather

The Image

Senior Mag

Nick Cain We are so proud of you Nick! You make us proud. We will miss you next year — the house won’t be the same. Love, Mom, Dad, Cory & Rachel

Kelsey Michel

Congratulations! Good luck in all that you choose to do. Make every day count. We’re so proud of you. Love you, Mom, Dad, Jared & Hayley

Taylor Stewart

Have fun at Mizzou next year! We are proud of you, Big Sis! Love your Biggest Fans, Nick & Joe

Tyler Hoyt Ashley


Wow, how quickly the years have flown...now you are spreading your wings and leaving home. We thought those wings would be “Eagle Wings” but instead they have turned into “Dawg Paws.” Make all your wishes come true. We love you & will miss you terribly. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Logan & Ace


You have such a contagious personality and fantastic sense of humor - don’t ever lose that. Keep pushing toward your dreams. We love you, Dad, Mom & Sami

Isaac Dunger

We are so proud of you! Hope you had the “time of your life”! Looking forward to your next milestones. Love, Mom, Dad & AA


Senior Mag

Sean Rombach

Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Appreciate the little things. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to.” - Anonymous We love you Maddie! Dad, Mom, Trevor & Lily

The world is waiting! “Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing act.” “And will you succeed? Yes! you will, indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.” - Dr. Seuss

May 20, 2011



We are so very proud that you are our son. Keep smiling! Keep dreaming! Who loves you, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Kyle & Taz

Amy Moorkamp

“Promise me you will always remember... You are braver than you believe, and STRONGER than you seem, and SMARTER than you think.” - Christopher Robin


Tori, We are so proud of you! Always believe in yourself, and follow your dreams. We love you! Mom, Dad, Tyler & Shaye


Congratulations Amy! We’re so proud of you! Go Tigers! Love, Mom & Dad

Emily Mann

We are so proud of you. Spread your beautiful wings at Missouri State and enjoy the ride.We love you, Mom, Dad & Justin

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