Corporate Brochure 2012

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c n lexirelocation


US Domestic Our US domes c services provide your company with a wide array of offerings designed to meet all of your reloca on needs. We will help you design customized programs for your company based on your business objec ves in harmony with industry best prac ce metrics. Our single-source customer service delivery methodology is one of the most unique in our industry and affords your company and your reloca ng employees personalized support and guidance for every facet of your reloca on programs. We are commi ed to building long-term rela onships with our clients, taking the me to get to know you and your business. Our industry experts will be available to answer your ques ons and provide though ul and mely ideas geared to your challenges and opportuni es. We will take the me to listen to your concerns and ideas throughout our rela onship.

Candidate Care Service assistance for our clients’ recrui ng efforts to determine feasibility of a reloca on or assignment including costs associated with reloca on of new hire or exis ng employee. Services can be delivered in both pre-hire and post-hire phase.

Global Mobility Services The myriad of mobility-related service offerings supported by technology tools provided to employee and family during the reloca on por on of their move or assignment. Services are delivered in over 125 countries worldwide.

Global Assignment Compensation Services Administra ve support and management of services related to the compensa on aspects of a global assignment.

Ongoing Assignment Services Other reloca on and assignment services delivered during the ac ve period of a global assignment rela ng to transporta on, storage and tenancy needs.

International At Lexicon Reloca on, we know our clients face an ever compe ve, global marketplace every single day. Our industry professionals understand how cri cal it is to provide you with sound, innova ve reloca on and assignment strategies to meet your changing needs. Lexicon combines flexibility with infrastructure, sophis cated service offerings, exper se and technology that rival any in the industry. We recognize that interna onal assignments involve delivery of codependent ac vi es, including logis cal services and cri cal finanancial transac ons coupled with in-depth counseling and coordina on provided by an experienced Global Mobility Consultant. Lexicon provides this high-touch, seamless assignment management solu on. We’ll help you successfully navigate today’s challenging world whether you relocate employees cross-border or around the world.

 Client Support Services

Business Solutions

General Administration

Service support of our clients’ needs in the research, development, design, and ongoing maintenance of best-prac ce global mobility and assignment management programs and group moves. Further support is via our online client portal which is a gateway to essen al and detailed real- me informa on and metrics.

Service exper se and training for our clients that iden fies a customized structure of the best value reloca on and assignment management op ons for their financial situa on, culture, mission and demographics.

Service coordina on of ac vi es rela ng to the management of intern programs, extended business travelers, managed lump sums, transi on of files, accrual repor ng, as well as tradi onal expense administra on.

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Why Lexicon  Global Service Delivery Model  Advanced Technologies  Customized SoluƟons  Stability  Strategic CollaboraƟve Value

Lexicon Reloca on is a leading provider in the administra on and delivery of reloca on benefits and global assignment services. We manage all facets of mobility programs, including coordina on of all third-party services associated with employee reloca on for over 150 companies. Lexicon offers our clients their choice of a diverse array of vendors and suppliers, and specializes in providing high touch personal service quickly, efficiently and cost-effec vely. Lexicon has offices in Atlanta, GA; Cincinna , OH; Irvine, CA; Shelton, CT; Wanchai, Hong Kong; and global headquarters in Jacksonville, FL. We are dedicated to providing every client and transferring employee a single point of contact available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Lexicon Way At Lexicon, our philosophy is to 'Take Care of the Customer.‘ Working toward our goal of becoming the acknowledged performance leader in global mobility services, Lexicon con nues to build collabora ve, value-driven rela onships with our clients that provide superior benefits to their employees. Promo ng ‘Take Care of the Customer’ solidifies our commitment to delivering excep onal quality and performance to our customers and earning their loyalty and trust. Prac cing this approach has helped us to achieve an exemplary history of service excellence.

LexNet Global Supplier Network LexNet Global (LexNet) is Lexicon's network of preferred global suppliers. LexNet suppliers provide a diverse array of localized reloca on and assignment service offerings in more than 125 countries worldwide. Each supplier has been carefully selected, trained and measured as part of our Supply Chain Management process to deliver focused and excep onal customer service with every Lexicon business opportunity provided. When u lizing our LexNet suppliers, our clients and their employees benefit from end-to-end quality services, economies of scale, and solu ons across all geographical borders. Our synchronized and lean supply chain reflects the full integra on of value and supply, resul ng in mutually beneficial partnerships across all levels.

Social Responsibility The Heart of Lexicon, our corporate social responsibility program, serves to encourage community involvement and environmentally conscious behavior across our organiza on. All Lexicon offices par cipate in philanthropic ac vi es in their respec ve communi es. Events include fundraisers in support of domes c and interna onal relief and development programs, community services, and disease research and treatment. Our offices also hold annual food, clothing and toy drives for needy families in their local communi es. We also promote ‘green ini a ves’ to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint. Efforts include recycling, use of electronic data storage, reduc on in printed materials, green building maintenance prac ces and u liza on of suppliers who embrace green ini a ves in their businesses.

lexic n relocation



www.lexiconrelocaƟ +1.904.858.1255 800.387.8242 (U.S. Toll-free)

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