Lexicon 2011 Year In Review

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Business Solutions

Ongoing Assignment Services

About Lexicon

Global Mobility Services

Lexicon Reloca on is a privately-held, leading provider in the administra on and delivery of reloca on benefits and global assignment services. Founded in 1993, Lexicon’s dedicated reloca on professionals coordinate and manage services in over 120 countries worldwide. We administer and manage all third-party services associated with employee reloca on for more than 150 Fortune 1000 corpora ons and offer our clients their choice of a diverse array of vendors and suppliers.

Candidate Care

We specialize in providing high touch personal service, while mee ng today's corporate goals of speed, efficiency and cost savings. Our state of the art technology and customer-centric service philosophy result in high performance and customer sa sfac on levels, and has posi oned us as a leader in our industry. We are proud of our 'Take Care of the Customer' business philosophy, and are dedicated to providing every client and transferring employee a single point of contact available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Global Assignment Compensation Services

Lexicon has full-service facili es strategically located in Shelton, Connec cut; Atlanta, Georgia; Cincinna , Ohio; Irvine, California, with headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida.

Client Support Services


General Administration


c n lexirelocation


Front, from leŌ: Rachel FreneƩe, Carole Thompson, Gene Isaacs, Fadia Kek, Deana Elliot, John Reed, Jane Toropilo Back, from leŌ: George Doyle, Craig Caruso, Paƫ Smith, Mike Mancini

The LexExec Team

20 Year in Review 11




LETTER FROM THE LEXEXEC TEAM As the principal leadership body at Lexicon Reloca on, LLC, and Lexicon Government Services, LLC, the LexExec Team drives the execu on of business strategy and overall direc on of our organiza on. The past year has been an extraordinary period of growth and change for Lexicon, and we are excited to share our accomplishments with you. We are pleased to provide the following review of key advancements in 2011 from a financial, business, and customer service perspec ve. Lexicon set company records for increased capaci es and capabili es, expanded our facili es and achieved financial growth in 2011. Following a record year in 2010, we entered 2011 with a con nued focus on our core values of Trust, Teamwork, Innova on and Opportunity, and our Take Care of the Customer (TCC) business philosophy. Accomplishments include the roll-out of LLG, our fully integrated, global reloca on systems pla orm, enhanced strategic and organiza onal supply chain program logis cs, first-phase comple on of company-wide customer service training ini a ves, and further development of our corporate social and environmental responsibility programs. We con nued to grow with significant new client signings, as well as expansion of our global service offerings for current customers. We also went against recent industry trends by expanding our Shelton, Irvine and Jacksonville regional facili es to accommodate our customers. Most importantly, we made a considerable investment in knowledgeable and talented team members as well as notable enhancements to our global compensa on and assignment management service offerings. As we have grown in each of these areas, we remain focused on maintaining financial stability by striving to retain an appropriate client mix to ensure that no one client or sector poses a significant risk to our long term growth strategy. We offer our sincere apprecia on to our clients, our LexNet chain of global, world-class providers and our fellow team members for your confidence, trust, and support in 2011. Lexicon is a “people business” and we define our success by the las ng value we provide to each of you. At Lexicon, we are proud of these accomplishments, and look forward to 2012 with complete belief in our con nued ability to navigate these uncertain mes. We will con nue to earn the trust, respect and support of our clients, our providers and our fellow team members every day with everything we do. Moving forward, we are commi ed to remain true to our core values, act as a responsible member of our communi es and act as a trusted, ethical partner to our customers, supply chain and fellow team members. Sincerely, The LexExec Team

LETTER FROM THE LEXEXEC TEAM As the principal leadership body at Lexicon Reloca on, LLC, and Lexicon Government Services, LLC, the LexExec Team drives the execu on of business strategy and overall direc on of our organiza on. The past year has been an extraordinary period of growth and change for Lexicon, and we are excited to share our accomplishments with you. We are pleased to provide the following review of key advancements in 2011 from a financial, business, and customer service perspec ve. Lexicon set company records for increased capaci es and capabili es, expanded our facili es and achieved financial growth in 2011. Following a record year in 2010, we entered 2011 with a con nued focus on our core values of Trust, Teamwork, Innova on and Opportunity, and our Take Care of the Customer (TCC) business philosophy. Accomplishments include the roll-out of LLG, our fully integrated, global reloca on systems pla orm, enhanced strategic and organiza onal supply chain program logis cs, first-phase comple on of company-wide customer service training ini a ves, and further development of our corporate social and environmental responsibility programs. We con nued to grow with significant new client signings, as well as expansion of our global service offerings for current customers. We also went against recent industry trends by expanding our Shelton, Irvine and Jacksonville regional facili es to accommodate our customers. Most importantly, we made a considerable investment in knowledgeable and talented team members as well as notable enhancements to our global compensa on and assignment management service offerings. As we have grown in each of these areas, we remain focused on maintaining financial stability by striving to retain an appropriate client mix to ensure that no one client or sector poses a significant risk to our long term growth strategy. We offer our sincere apprecia on to our clients, our LexNet chain of global, world-class providers and our fellow team members for your confidence, trust, and support in 2011. Lexicon is a “people business” and we define our success by the las ng value we provide to each of you. At Lexicon, we are proud of these accomplishments, and look forward to 2012 with complete belief in our con nued ability to navigate these uncertain mes. We will con nue to earn the trust, respect and support of our clients, our providers and our fellow team members every day with everything we do. Moving forward, we are commi ed to remain true to our core values, act as a responsible member of our communi es and act as a trusted, ethical partner to our customers, supply chain and fellow team members. Sincerely, The LexExec Team

2011 Highlights

Ranked in the Top 10 in the 2011 HRO Baker’s Dozen Customer SaƟsfacƟon RaƟngs for RelocaƟon Providers

Lexicon experienced double-digit average revenue growth for the past five years

Lexicon was rated ‘excellent’ in 8 categories in the 10th Annual RelocaƟon Managers’ Survey conducted by Trippel Survey and Research, LLC

Ini a on growth and mix reflect Lexicon’s growth, as well as the economic drivers in the marketplace



In response to increased demand, Lexicon con nued to expand our global compensa on services capability, including a new cost projec on model, resul ng in faster turnaround mes 2003

1993 Suddath








2008 GSA





Staff numbers nearly tripled over the past five years due to increased business, expansion of client rela onships and new office openings

I recogni on of the efforts of our supplier In n network, Lexicon awarded the leading suppliers with World of Quality Awards w


Consistently outperformed the industry average volume growth for the past five years (Source: Worldwide ERC)

Par cipa on in the Heart of Lexicon social and environmental responsibility program reaches new heights company-wide

Looking Forward We have full expecta ons that 2012 will be an exci ng year for all of us at Lexicon Reloca on as we deliver an even more robust program on behalf of our clients. Despite the challenges and complexi es facing the world economy, we are op mis c that our organiza on will con nue to gain market share, remain financially stable, and deliver the best value in the reloca on management industry in the coming year. We have a clear and defined strategy on how we will con nue to grow, yet remain focused on delivering great customer service to each of our clients. We will accomplish our plans through strategic ini a ves, innova on, investments, and our ongoing primary focus dedicated to mee ng the needs of our clients, our supply chain, and our fellow team members. Our plan for 2012 is underway, and includes the following important ac on items: • Capability expansion of LexTrek, our online point to point interna onal move model; • Deployment of a communica ons pla orm that integrates voice, video, IM and voice mail in a unified system; • Global compensa on enhancements to LLG, our new reloca on system pla orm; • Phase two of our customer service training project with ongoing sessions for our internal training staff; • A new public website with increased func onality and more analy cal tools for self-service; • New services and suppliers focused on suppor ng our clients as they move into emerging markets; and • Regional facility expansion in support of our clients and their reloca ng employees The global mobility workforce is constantly changing and we will con nue to evolve to meet and exceed your reloca on and assignment management needs. Your People, Your Way, Worldwide is not just our tagline, it’s our highest calling.

2011 Highlights

Ranked in the Top 10 in the 2011 HRO Baker’s Dozen Customer SaƟsfacƟon RaƟngs for RelocaƟon Providers

Lexicon experienced double-digit average revenue growth for the past five years

Lexicon was rated ‘excellent’ in 8 categories in the 10th Annual RelocaƟon Managers’ Survey conducted by Trippel Survey and Research, LLC

Ini a on growth and mix reflect Lexicon’s growth, as well as the economic drivers in the marketplace



In response to increased demand, Lexicon con nued to expand our global compensa on services capability, including a new cost projec on model, resul ng in faster turnaround mes 2003

1993 Suddath








2008 GSA





Staff numbers nearly tripled over the past five years due to increased business, expansion of client rela onships and new office openings

I recogni on of the efforts of our supplier In n network, Lexicon awarded the leading suppliers with World of Quality Awards w


Consistently outperformed the industry average volume growth for the past five years (Source: Worldwide ERC)

Par cipa on in the Heart of Lexicon social and environmental responsibility program reaches new heights company-wide

Looking Forward We have full expecta ons that 2012 will be an exci ng year for all of us at Lexicon Reloca on as we deliver an even more robust program on behalf of our clients. Despite the challenges and complexi es facing the world economy, we are op mis c that our organiza on will con nue to gain market share, remain financially stable, and deliver the best value in the reloca on management industry in the coming year. We have a clear and defined strategy on how we will con nue to grow, yet remain focused on delivering great customer service to each of our clients. We will accomplish our plans through strategic ini a ves, innova on, investments, and our ongoing primary focus dedicated to mee ng the needs of our clients, our supply chain, and our fellow team members. Our plan for 2012 is underway, and includes the following important ac on items: • Capability expansion of LexTrek, our online point to point interna onal move model; • Deployment of a communica ons pla orm that integrates voice, video, IM and voice mail in a unified system; • Global compensa on enhancements to LLG, our new reloca on system pla orm; • Phase two of our customer service training project with ongoing sessions for our internal training staff; • A new public website with increased func onality and more analy cal tools for self-service; • New services and suppliers focused on suppor ng our clients as they move into emerging markets; and • Regional facility expansion in support of our clients and their reloca ng employees The global mobility workforce is constantly changing and we will con nue to evolve to meet and exceed your reloca on and assignment management needs. Your People, Your Way, Worldwide is not just our tagline, it’s our highest calling.

2011 Highlights

Ranked in the Top 10 in the 2011 HRO Baker’s Dozen Customer SaƟsfacƟon RaƟngs for RelocaƟon Providers

Lexicon experienced double-digit average revenue growth for the past five years

Lexicon was rated ‘excellent’ in 8 categories in the 10th Annual RelocaƟon Managers’ Survey conducted by Trippel Survey and Research, LLC

Ini a on growth and mix reflect Lexicon’s growth, as well as the economic drivers in the marketplace



In response to increased demand, Lexicon con nued to expand our global compensa on services capability, including a new cost projec on model, resul ng in faster turnaround mes 2003

1993 Suddath








2008 GSA





Staff numbers nearly tripled over the past five years due to increased business, expansion of client rela onships and new office openings

I recogni on of the efforts of our supplier In n network, Lexicon awarded the leading suppliers with World of Quality Awards w


Consistently outperformed the industry average volume growth for the past five years (Source: Worldwide ERC)

Par cipa on in the Heart of Lexicon social and environmental responsibility program reaches new heights company-wide

Looking Forward We have full expecta ons that 2012 will be an exci ng year for all of us at Lexicon Reloca on as we deliver an even more robust program on behalf of our clients. Despite the challenges and complexi es facing the world economy, we are op mis c that our organiza on will con nue to gain market share, remain financially stable, and deliver the best value in the reloca on management industry in the coming year. We have a clear and defined strategy on how we will con nue to grow, yet remain focused on delivering great customer service to each of our clients. We will accomplish our plans through strategic ini a ves, innova on, investments, and our ongoing primary focus dedicated to mee ng the needs of our clients, our supply chain, and our fellow team members. Our plan for 2012 is underway, and includes the following important ac on items: • Capability expansion of LexTrek, our online point to point interna onal move model; • Deployment of a communica ons pla orm that integrates voice, video, IM and voice mail in a unified system; • Global compensa on enhancements to LLG, our new reloca on system pla orm; • Phase two of our customer service training project with ongoing sessions for our internal training staff; • A new public website with increased func onality and more analy cal tools for self-service; • New services and suppliers focused on suppor ng our clients as they move into emerging markets; and • Regional facility expansion in support of our clients and their reloca ng employees The global mobility workforce is constantly changing and we will con nue to evolve to meet and exceed your reloca on and assignment management needs. Your People, Your Way, Worldwide is not just our tagline, it’s our highest calling.

 Global Mobility Services

Candidate Care

Global Assignment Compensation Services

Business Solutions

Ongoing Assignment Services

About Lexicon Lexicon Reloca on is a privately-held, leading provider in the administra on and delivery of reloca on benefits and global assignment services. Founded in 1993, Lexicon’s dedicated reloca on professionals coordinate and manage services in over 120 countries worldwide. We administer and manage all third-party services associated with employee reloca on for more than 150 Fortune 1000 corpora ons and offer our clients their choice of a diverse array of vendors and suppliers. We specialize in providing high touch personal service, while mee ng today's corporate goals of speed, efficiency and cost savings. Our state of the art technology and customer-centric service philosophy result in high performance and customer sa sfac on levels, and has posi oned us as a leader in our industry. We are proud of our 'Take Care of the Customer' business philosophy, and are dedicated to providing every client and transferring employee a single point of contact available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Lexicon has full-service facili es strategically located in Shelton, Connec cut; Atlanta, Georgia; Cincinna , Ohio; Irvine, California, with headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida.

Client Support Services

General Administration

2011 Highlights

Ranked in the Top 10 in the 2011 HRO Baker’s Dozen Customer SaƟsfacƟon RaƟngs for RelocaƟon Providers

Lexicon experienced double-digit average revenue growth for the past five years

Lexicon was rated ‘excellent’ in 8 categories in the 10th Annual RelocaƟon Managers’ Survey conducted by Trippel Survey and Research, LLC

Ini a on growth and mix reflect Lexicon’s growth, as well as the economic drivers in the marketplace



In response to increased demand, Lexicon con nued to expand our global compensa on services capability, including a new cost projec on model, resul ng in faster turnaround mes 2003

1993 Suddath








2008 GSA





Staff numbers nearly tripled over the past five years due to increased business, expansion of client rela onships and new office openings

I recogni on of the efforts of our supplier In n network, Lexicon awarded the leading suppliers with World of Quality Awards w


Consistently outperformed the industry average volume growth for the past five years (Source: Worldwide ERC)

Par cipa on in the Heart of Lexicon social and environmental responsibility program reaches new heights company-wide

Looking Forward We have full expecta ons that 2012 will be an exci ng year for all of us at Lexicon Reloca on as we deliver an even more robust program on behalf of our clients. Despite the challenges and complexi es facing the world economy, we are op mis c that our organiza on will con nue to gain market share, remain financially stable, and deliver the best value in the reloca on management industry in the coming year. We have a clear and defined strategy on how we will con nue to grow, yet remain focused on delivering great customer service to each of our clients. We will accomplish our plans through strategic ini a ves, innova on, investments, and our ongoing primary focus dedicated to mee ng the needs of our clients, our supply chain, and our fellow team members. Our plan for 2012 is underway, and includes the following important ac on items: • Capability expansion of LexTrek, our online point to point interna onal move model; • Deployment of a communica ons pla orm that integrates voice, video, IM and voice mail in a unified system; • Global compensa on enhancements to LLG, our new reloca on system pla orm; • Phase two of our customer service training project with ongoing sessions for our internal training staff; • A new public website with increased func onality and more analy cal tools for self-service; • New services and suppliers focused on suppor ng our clients as they move into emerging markets; and • Regional facility expansion in support of our clients and their reloca ng employees The global mobility workforce is constantly changing and we will con nue to evolve to meet and exceed your reloca on and assignment management needs. Your People, Your Way, Worldwide is not just our tagline, it’s our highest calling.

Business Solutions

Ongoing Assignment Services

About Lexicon

Global Mobility Services

Lexicon Reloca on is a privately-held, leading provider in the administra on and delivery of reloca on benefits and global assignment services. Founded in 1993, Lexicon’s dedicated reloca on professionals coordinate and manage services in over 120 countries worldwide. We administer and manage all third-party services associated with employee reloca on for more than 150 Fortune 1000 corpora ons and offer our clients their choice of a diverse array of vendors and suppliers.

Candidate Care

We specialize in providing high touch personal service, while mee ng today's corporate goals of speed, efficiency and cost savings. Our state of the art technology and customer-centric service philosophy result in high performance and customer sa sfac on levels, and has posi oned us as a leader in our industry. We are proud of our 'Take Care of the Customer' business philosophy, and are dedicated to providing every client and transferring employee a single point of contact available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Global Assignment Compensation Services

Lexicon has full-service facili es strategically located in Shelton, Connec cut; Atlanta, Georgia; Cincinna , Ohio; Irvine, California, with headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida.

Client Support Services


General Administration


c n lexirelocation


Front, from leŌ: Rachel FreneƩe, Carole Thompson, Gene Isaacs, Fadia Kek, Deana Elliot, John Reed, Jane Toropilo Back, from leŌ: George Doyle, Craig Caruso, Paƫ Smith, Mike Mancini

The LexExec Team

20 Year in Review 11




LETTER FROM THE LEXEXEC TEAM As the principal leadership body at Lexicon Reloca on, LLC, and Lexicon Government Services, LLC, the LexExec Team drives the execu on of business strategy and overall direc on of our organiza on. The past year has been an extraordinary period of growth and change for Lexicon, and we are excited to share our accomplishments with you. We are pleased to provide the following review of key advancements in 2011 from a financial, business, and customer service perspec ve. Lexicon set company records for increased capaci es and capabili es, expanded our facili es and achieved financial growth in 2011. Following a record year in 2010, we entered 2011 with a con nued focus on our core values of Trust, Teamwork, Innova on and Opportunity, and our Take Care of the Customer (TCC) business philosophy. Accomplishments include the roll-out of LLG, our fully integrated, global reloca on systems pla orm, enhanced strategic and organiza onal supply chain program logis cs, first-phase comple on of company-wide customer service training ini a ves, and further development of our corporate social and environmental responsibility programs. We con nued to grow with significant new client signings, as well as expansion of our global service offerings for current customers. We also went against recent industry trends by expanding our Shelton, Irvine and Jacksonville regional facili es to accommodate our customers. Most importantly, we made a considerable investment in knowledgeable and talented team members as well as notable enhancements to our global compensa on and assignment management service offerings. As we have grown in each of these areas, we remain focused on maintaining financial stability by striving to retain an appropriate client mix to ensure that no one client or sector poses a significant risk to our long term growth strategy. We offer our sincere apprecia on to our clients, our LexNet chain of global, world-class providers and our fellow team members for your confidence, trust, and support in 2011. Lexicon is a “people business” and we define our success by the las ng value we provide to each of you. At Lexicon, we are proud of these accomplishments, and look forward to 2012 with complete belief in our con nued ability to navigate these uncertain mes. We will con nue to earn the trust, respect and support of our clients, our providers and our fellow team members every day with everything we do. Moving forward, we are commi ed to remain true to our core values, act as a responsible member of our communi es and act as a trusted, ethical partner to our customers, supply chain and fellow team members. Sincerely, The LexExec Team

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