City of Bayside- Lets talk Autumn

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Autumn 2010 ISSUE EIGHT

Meet the

new Mayor Keeping our

cats safe


Community Plan

Contents 3 4 6 8 9 10 12

Meet your new Mayor Community Plan Keeping cats safer Moving forward — news update Bright n Sandy Festival Bayside in Brief Village life

Bayside City Council t DPWFST TRVBSF LJMPNFUSFT BOE JUT OPSUIFSO boundary is approximately 8 kilometres from Melbourne’s CBD t JT TVSSPVOEFE CZ UIF $JUJFT PG 1PSU 1IJMMJQ (MFO &JSB and Kingston t JODMVEFT UIF TVCVSCT PG #FBVNBSJT #MBDL 3PDL Brighton, Brighton East, Hampton, Hampton East and Sandringham and the western areas of Highett and Cheltenham. Bayside City Council publishes Let’s Talk Bayside quarterly. The magazine promotes people, events, activities and issues in our city and is distributed to residents and organisations. Let’s Talk Bayside – good enough to eat Let’s Talk Bayside is printed on 80 per cent recycled paper with 20 per cent chlorine free pulp, which is manufactured under environmental management system IO 14001. Vegetable based, biodegradable printing inks have also been used. The cost per copy including printing and distribution is approximately 53 cents.

Editor Design

Allison Harding Struck & Spink

Contact details Phone 03 9599 4444 Address Bayside City Council, Corporate Centre 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham VIC 3191 Mail PO Box 27, Sandringham VIC 3191 Email Internet 2 Let’ Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

Down to business A former Antarctic station team leader will share her experiences at this year’s first Bayside Business Network Women’s Luncheon. Rachael Robertson spent a year leading the 58th Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition to Davis Station. She is only the second woman to ever lead a team at the station. Faced with nine months of isolation, with 18 people she hardly knew, Rachael was responsible for all aspects of life on station. At the lunch on Tuesday 20 April at Sandringham Yacht Club, Rachael will explain her leadership and team building experiences. The luncheons are part of the Bayside Business Network, a group of professionals who meet regularly to encourage excellence in business, innovation and entrepreneurship. The network’s membership has grown significantly since it was established in 2004. There are now 360 members who benefit from networking.

Events include breakfast functions, seminars, informal networking and the women’s luncheons. Business Breakfasts are held the first Tuesday in March, June and September each year. The Women’s Luncheons are held in April, July and October. Seminar subjects include business planning, leadership and management, and marketing and communications. Presenters are network members who are keen to share experiences, knowledge and ideas to help others in their businesses. As the best business contacts are often made in social settings, the network also holds regular informal gatherings for members to meet and enrich existing partnerships or make new contacts. Networking business evening drinks are held nine times a year at various Bayside venues. If you would like more information or would like to join the Bayside Business Network, call Robert Wolff on 9599 4458 or Visit

Meet your

new Mayor:

Commercial outdoor fitness operators need permits to run classes or group activities on public land around Bayside, including the foreshore.

Clifford Hayes New Mayor Councillor Clifford Hayes is passionate about Bayside — and believes residents feel the same way. “Our community enjoys all that Bayside has to offer and we want to keep it that way,” he says. Cr Hayes, who has lived most of his life in Brighton, was first elected to Council in 2005. He has two teenage children and has worked as an editor and producer in the film and television industry. His credits include comedies, documentaries and dramas, including the feature film Mad Max and television series Stingers and Law of the Land.

This year, though, he is devoting himself to his full-time role as Mayor – and wants to hear from Baysiders. “Sometimes people might be reluctant to contact Council and Councillors but I really encourage feedback from the community on how we are doing, what’s needed

and how Council could improve our city,” he says. “After all, that’s how we find out what people really want.” In December, Councillors unanimously elected Northern Ward Cr Hayes to be Mayor for this 12-month term. Cr Alex Del Porto was unanimously elected Deputy Mayor. “I’m looking forward to working even more closely with the community and Councillors to achieve the best for Bayside,” Cr Hayes says.

“Continuing to strengthen our engagement with the community is a key focus for Council.” Council’s proposed Community Plan involves building strong links with groups and individuals. “Part of that is ensuring people have the right avenues to talk about and offer their ideas,” Cr Hayes says. “Our villages are one of Bayside’s great attractions and we want to

make sure we keep their character and charm — but Melbourne’s growing population is a challenge to preserving our environment, maintaining our infrastructure and puts more pressure on our parks, reserves and foreshore.” He encourages residents — including younger people — to get involved in community groups, wherever their interests lie. “It might be in arts and culture, caring for the environment, volunteering or business networking activities,” he says. “And when people have ideas on improving our services, we really appreciate them making the effort to contact us.” If you want to offer feedback or put forward ideas, email enquiries@, visit or call 9599 4444

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010


y Communit



what do you think? Bayside City Council is encouraging the people of Bayside to become even more involved in the city’s future through our first Community Plan. Bayside’s Community Plan will capture the community’s aspirations in a 10-year vision. The plan will be flexible enough to respond to emerging needs. The plan will bring together the views of our diverse community


and ensure that Bayside remains a great place for all. Council will fund and facilitate the plan, but the whole community will guide it. Bayside City Council Mayor Councillor Clifford Hayes says that all of Bayside will be involved in developing the Community Plan. This will include all levels of government, the private sector, community organisations and individuals. Council will work with people and organisations to find out what is needed, prioritise the issues and decide who should deal with them and how. Cr Hayes says the plan, which will be ready in draft form later this year, will be the key strategic document for guiding the Council’s long-term planning and service delivery. Other organisations may also refer to the

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

Community Plan in developing their own services. “We want as many people as possible to play a role in developing this very important framework,” Cr Hayes says. “It will reflect the community’s input and ownership. It’s not about what Council wants – it is what we all see as important and want addressed in the coming years.” Community planning is gaining prominence in Australia, with several state governments introducing laws that require councils to produce these plans. Victorian councils are not yet required to produce Community Plans. “However, community engagement is one of our six key commitments and we feel a Community Plan is an important way to work with and for everybody in Bayside,” Cr Hayes says.


our space Bayside boasts some of the best open space in Melbourne – from our foreshore and playgrounds to sportsgrounds and sanctuaries.

“We already have a 2009–2013 Council Plan, which guides what we do. Once we have a Community Plan, it will guide our Council Plan and therefore Council’s decisions and actions.” Cr Hayes says it is also important that the plan will be able to evolve, with regular reviews to incorporate changed circumstances. The Community Plan will involve t SFBDIJOH NPSF NFNCFST PG PVS DPNNVOJUZ particularly those who are not already involved in Council’s decision-making process t CVJMEJOH TUSPOHFS SFMBUJPOTIJQT CFUXFFO TFSWJDF providers and community t CVJMEJOH TUSPOHFS SFMBUJPOTIJQT CFUXFFO community stakeholders t CVJMEJOH TUSFOHUI BOE EFWFMPQJOH TLJMMT JO our community. “There are many groups with different interests in Bayside and it’s important that we talk with people in ways that suit them,” Cr Hayes says. “Some people or groups prefer public meetings, while others want focus groups, workshops or face-to-face discussions. Others prefer filling out surveys or using social media such as Twitter and Facebook. “We want to do this as well as we can from the start to get the best results. This is important as we’ll use similar approaches in the future to ensure the Community Plan remains relevant.” $PVODJM XJMM TFU VQ B 3FGFSFODF (SPVQ UP HVJEF the entire Community Planning process. Members could include representatives from senior citizens and environmental, youth and heritage groups, for instance. $PVODJM XPVME MJLF UIF 3FGFSFODF (SPVQ UP JODMVEF BT many aspects and views of the Bayside community as possible. For more information on how you can contribute to the Community Plan, visit or call 9599 4444.

And users now have a unique opportunity to have a say in how open spaces are managed, developed and used. Council is informing, consulting and involving the community in developing Bayside’s new Open Space Strategy. We want to know what the community thinks is currently working well and what can be improved. What types of open spaces do we need and for what purposes? How do people want to use those spaces, both now and in the future? The Open Space Strategy will guide decisions in the provision, maintenance and purchase of land for open space and provide guidance on its use. Council’s Director City Strategy Michael Top says that the final strategy will be adopted only after extensive research involving community workshops, surveys, submissions and other community consultation. Council wants to hear from various groups, ranging from seniors and people with a disability, and health and mental health professionals to sports clubs, personal trainers and stargazers. It is also important Council hears from people who regularly use Port Phillip Bay and the foreshore, such as yacht, angling and surf life saving clubs and marina operators and users. Everybody is welcome to have their say. Council is advising people to get involved through project newsletters, an interactive website and podcasts and signs at meeting places. “We’re surveying households, community groups and schools as well as people at key locations for feedback on specific facilities and for general comment,” Mr Top says. Council will involve the community even more through workshops, focus groups, and a photography competition and exhibition. “We hope the photography competition in particular will inspire Baysiders to show what open space means to them and will create some lasting images,” he says. A reference group of community members will guide the consultation and Council as the strategy is developed. If you want to know more about Council’s Open Space Strategy – Community Engagement Program, visit www.bayside.vic. or call 9599 4444.

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010


Keeping our

cats safer Bayside cats are snuggling down at night inside their homes and cat enclosures – and will live longer, healthier lives as a result. A new local law, which also involves the mandatory desexing of cats (other than those that belong to registered breeders), came into force from January. The Responsible Cat Ownership law means all cats must be confined indoors from 9pm to 6am in daylight savings or 8pm to 6am during the rest of the year. Keeping cats inside helps prevent them from breeding, fighting, killing wildlife and being hit by cars. Bayside City Council’s Director of *OGSBTUSVDUVSF 4FSWJDFT (VZ 8JMTPO Browne, says the community had identified the problem of roaming cats and had lobbied for the new law. “This is part of Council’s commitment to protect the welfare of animals,� he says. “We’re responding to community concern about cats at night being 6

injured in fights and by cars, as well as injuries to native wildlife.� The changes are part of Council’s Domestic Animal Management Plan, which provides a long-term strategy for the management of domestic animals. Council is employing a dedicated Cat Control Officer to help educate and assist the community with this changed approach. 5IF 1MBO T 8PSLJOH (SPVQ — which included veterinarians, representatives from the Cat Coalition, RSPCA, the Lost Dogs Home and the Cat Protection Society, as well as cat owners and non-owners — supported the introduction of the nightly cat curfew. A survey of 5000 Bayside households showed that nearly 80 per cent of the 1000 respondents approved the cat curfew proposal. “We’re spending considerable time helping to promote the law to the community and the reasons behind it,� Mr Wilson-Browne says.

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

If somebody complains about a roaming cat, Council officers will visit the owner and discuss the options. Warnings and notices to comply will be issued when appropriate and fines will only be issued as a last resort. Council has received mainly positive feedback since the law’s introduction. “A lot of people who already kept their cats in at night are pleased because it means other cats will no longer be attracted to their homes at night,� Mr Wilson-Browne says. Crunchie (above) has been kept inside at night all her life. “We’ve always kept her in the laundry at night to keep her and other cats and wildlife safe — she comes in for her night feed and then settles down happily,� owner Sam says. For more information, call 9599 4444, email enquiries@ or visit

Caring for

our built environment

Tips for keeping cats indoors t 4JNQMZ LFFQ ZPVS DBU JO UIF IPVTF PS nBU XJUI ZPV or in the garage or shed at night. t :PV NBZ QSFGFS UP CVZ PS CVJME B DBU FODMPTVSF GPS your yard, or install cat proof fencing. Look under Pet Shop Suppliers in business directories for companies that sell enclosures and netting. t $BUT DBO CF USBJOFE UP BDDFQU DPOmOFNFOU 4UBSU by skipping its morning feed and call it in at night to be fed. Don’t feed your cat until it comes inside — it will learn quickly that it won’t get fed unless home by dusk. Once inside, don’t let it out again until morning. t :PVS DBU OFFET B DPTZ BOE XFMM BJSFE TMFFQJOH area, with food, water and a litter tray. Your cat should adapt to night confinement within a few days. If not, get further advice from your vet. t *G ZPV XJTI ZPV DBO HSBEVBMMZ FYUFOE UIF UJNF your cat spends indoors or in an enclosure. When confining cats you must enrich their environment. This will prevent them from getting bored or developing behavioural problems. Source: Cat Protection Society and RSPCA. Visit or



Bayside City Council has taken an important step forward in its commitment to creating an environmentally sustainable city. A Council meeting in December decided that all buildings on Bayside City Council owned or controlled land must meet Ecologically Sustainable Development principles. Council is preparing a sustainable buildings management program including a review and assessment of Council buildings. Council’s Director City Strategy Michael Top says all levels of government are moving towards the introduction of stronger regulations for sustainable development. “It is important that Council leads by example in designing and building projects that have a minimal impact upon the environment as well as ensuring that any renovation or renewal work meet the same criteria,� he says. This could include, for example, ensuring that maximum insulation is included and that any timber is recycled or comes from plantations. Council also encourages developers to incorporate environmentally sustainable design into proposals and to meet appropriate standards. Council provides information and technical support to individuals and organisations, and recognises developers and applicants who have achieved the best environmental outcomes through the Bayside Built Environment Awards. “We want to work with planning applicants to achieve the most appropriate and sustainable outcomes possible for each development,� Mr Top says. Council has appointed a Sustainability Design Officer to provide free expert design advice and advice to planning permit applicants. For more information about sustainable design, please visit or contact 9599 4444.

Why is Environmentally Sustainable Design important? It is design that is socially and ecologically responsible. Environmentally Sustainable Design buildings are more comfortable and healthy to inhabit. While there may be increased construction costs, there can be ongoing financial savings through reduced energy and running costs and improved health of occupants.

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010



Advocacy for and with our community is one of Bayside City Council’s six key commitments in the 2009-2013 Council Plan.


Working together

for solutions

Council’s commitment to representing the people of Bayside includes lobbying other levels of government for changes that will benefit the community. At the moment, Council is working hard to resolve several issues, including the best way to ensure Beach Road is safe for all road users, the landscaping of Merindah Park in Sandringham, and the closure of the New Street, Hampton, railway gates. Cyclists on Beach Road Council has called on the 4UBUF (PWFSONFOU UP XPSL XJUI Bayside to adopt a comprehensive approach to the safety of all users of Beach Road. Council will only consider ‘No Stopping’ zones between 6am and 10am on weekends on Beach Road JG UIF 4UBUF (PWFSONFOU TVQQPSUT and implements the development of a Beach Road Corridor Strategy. Council’s carefully considered decision was made at a February 16 8

Council Meeting, at which 25 speakers aired their views. A majority was against the ‘No Stopping’ zones proposal. Mayor Councillor Clifford Hayes says Council believes introducing ‘No Stopping’ provisions on Beach Road in isolation would not resolve safety considerations for cyclists and other road users. VicRoads evidence suggests that accidents involving parked cars equate to only about eight out of 36 reported incidents in the past five years along Beach Road in Bayside and Kingston in the proposed time period. “All incidents, however they are caused, are of concern to Council,” Cr Hayes says. “Council is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone who uses Beach Road and the foreshore. Any decisions should deal with all safety concerns and not favour one user group to the detriment of others.” Bayside has proposed that the 4UBUF (PWFSONFOU TVQQPSU UIF

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

development of a Beach Road Corridor Strategy in conjunction with VicRoads, which should include an impact analysis of all activity nodes along the route, including shopping centres. Cr Hayes said the analysis could include safety treatments such as improved foreshore car park access and improved pedestrian facilities. Other considerations could include more pedestrian traffic signals and refuges, indented parking, on and off-road cycling facilities and completion of the Bay Trail Shared Path South link. A 2009 Monash University Accident Research Centre study indicated that there was a need to address the safety concerns of ‘bunch cycling’. Council has called for strategies to promote a positive cycling experience including cyclist, motorist and pedestrian education, and the management of bunch cycling. “We don’t want Beach Road to turn into a racetrack,” Cr Hayes says.

Merindah Park, Sandringham

be prepared for Council adoption after the feedback is collated. A Council is working with the community planting day will be held community to develop a in May. landscaping plan after trees and Excavation of lead-contaminated contaminated soil had to be soil — a result of a proximity to a removed from the site. former battery manufacturing plant Initial discussions about the — began in May last year. About 30 community engagement process mature trees and some smaller trees were held with key groups in were removed. Logs and roots were February. Interested groups and mulched on site. Council agreed that: Backfilling of the remediated t UIF UJNF BOE GPSNBU PG DPOTVMUBUJPO areas began in January, which should be carefully considered included mulching and basic t QMBOT PVUMJOJOH UIF BSFBT UIBU DBO preliminary landscaping. Fences be planted should be publicly were removed and soil reinstated available and hydroseeded in February t FWFSZCPEZ XIP IBT BO JOUFSFTU All works carried out on the site in the park should have a chance have followed the requirements to express their view. of the Environmental Protection Landscape sketches of the Authority under the close proposed plan are on display at supervision of an independent EPAthe park, at the Council Corporate approved auditor. Centre and on Bayside City Visit Council’s website. Drop-in sessions merindah for more information. for feedback and registration of interest have been organised and New Street Hampton feedback is being collected. level crossing A draft landscape plan is due for Council has urged the State release on March 30 so interested (PWFSONFOU UP NBLF B EFDJTJPO community members can tell us on the closure of the New Street what they think. The final plan will railway gates.

The level crossing has been closed since September 2007, after a train ploughed into the gates. A report advised that the crossing should be closed or boom gates installed with an automatic link to the train signals. However, former operator Connex found this unacceptable and the crossing was closed. Council believes the crossing should be re-opened and the original heritage gates should remain. Cr Hayes says that Council wants the road opened, as it has been frustrating thousands of Bayside residents, workers and visitors every day: “We’re insisting the State (PWFSONFOU HFUT NPWJOH PO UIJT and makes a decision.� 5IF 4UBUF (PWFSONFOU EFDJTJPO has been delayed given the need for consideration by the new operator, Metro Trains, and the recently appointed Minister for Public Transport, Mr Martin Pakula. For more information on these and other infrastructure issues, visit or call 9599 4444.

For the serious foodie, there will be demonstrations from leading chefs including Michele Cranston of marie claire cookbooks fame. Michele will demonstrate how to prepare simple yet delicious everyday meals. Those with a sweet tooth should catch cupcake queen Jennifer (SBIBN XIJMF CSFXFS 4BN 'VTT from True South in Black Rock will be talking about the art of beer. There will also be an exciting focus on the renowned food and wine culture of the Mornington Peninsula. Highlights will include demonstrations from Adam Rice Bayside residents’ love of gourmet of Three Palms Sorrento who will treats is reflected in the growth of showcase Asian Fusion cuisine. the annual Bright n Sandy Food & Adults and children can enjoy Wine Festival. Now in its sixth year, fabulous entertainment, including it has become so popular that the a musical line-up of jazz, swing last festival attracted 12,000 people. and rock. This year’s festival is on Sunday Children will be entertained with 21 March. pasta making classes, face and

body art and readings from wellknown children’s authors such as (FPSHF *WBOPGG Mayor Clifford Hayes says the festival is a great local event. “The festival will host a smorgasbord of food, fun and great family activities and is a chance to sample some of the world’s finest food, wine and entertainment right here on the foreshore,� Cr Hayes says. Local produce will be available to sample and buy. The Bright n Sandy Food & Wine Festival is on 21 March from 11am to 6pm at Green Point, Brighton Beach Gardens (Melway 76 C3). Entry is $2. Easy access from Brighton Beach station on the Sandringham line. Buses 600, 923 and 216 also stop at Brighton Beach station.

Delicious day

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010


Be a Let’s Talk Bayside letterbox auditor


Council is seeking your help to improve the distribution of Let’s Talk Bayside.

Calling all writers

We are looking for residents with email to help us monitor the success of our distribution. Following the distribution of Let’s Talk Bayside, which occurs quarterly, you will receive an email from Council saying that the newsletter is on its way. You simply reply by email telling us if you received your edition, or not. If you want to be a letterbox auditor email your details to

Council meetings Council and Planning Meetings are held at 7pm on Tuesday evenings at the Council Chambers — Civic Centre, Boxshall Street, Brighton. Members of the public are welcome to attend. If you would like to submit a question or speak to an item at the Ordinary Meeting of Council, or speak on an agenda item at Council’s Planning Committee Meeting, please call 9599 4444 or visit

Upcoming meetings: Ordinary Meeting of Council

Tuesday 16 March

Planning Committee

Tuesday 30 March

Ordinary Meeting of Council

Tuesday 13 April

Planning Committee

Tuesday 27 April

Ordinary Meeting of Council

Tuesday 4 May

Planning Committee

Tuesday 18 May

Ordinary Meeting of Council

Tuesday 25 May

Planning Committee

Tuesday 15 June

Ordinary Meeting of Council

Tuesday 22 June


Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

in brief

Bayside Literary Festival 21 to 28 May

Budding writers have the chance to win prizes of up to $450 in the Bayside Writing Competition. Children and teenagers who live, work or go to school in Bayside can enter the Junior ‘Write around Bayside’ (10 to 12 years), Teenage ‘Microstories’ (13 to 15 years) or Teenage ‘Flash Fiction’ (16 to 18 years) categories. There are also two open categories for poets and writers. Poems can be on any topic, with a maximum of 40 lines. The stories can also be on any topic, with a maximum of 1500 words. The Bayside Literary Festival runs from 22 to 28 May during Library Week. More details are available at Winners will be notified and awarded their prize at the opening night of the Bayside Literary Festival on Friday 21 May. Entries close at 4pm on 15 April and competition details and entry forms are available from or Ali Hill on 9591 5906.

X-Treme Teen Bayside City Council’s teenage holiday program X-Treme Teen is on again these school holidays, from 29 March to 9 April (excluding Easter public holidays). X-Treme Teen is open to 10 to 17-year-olds who live, study, work or play in Bayside. The program includes fun activities at the Peterson Youth Centre as well as exciting excursions. All activities are run by experienced youth workers and are fully supervised. The cost ranges from free to $60 depending on the activity. A 50 per cent discount applies for young people named on a health care card or equivalent. Priority bookings open for Bayside residents and young people attending school within the City of Bayside on Thursday 11 March at 8.30am. Booking for all other young people open on Monday 15 March at 8.30am. Booking close on Wednesday 24 March at 5pm. For more information or to download a X-Treme Teen brochure, visit or contact Youth Services on 9599 4622.

Active travel

Schools across Bayside are taking par t in National Ride2School Day on Wednesday 17 March and National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 7 May. Students can cycle, walk, scoot and catch public transport to school on these days. It’s even okay to be driven par t of the way to school – and then use foot power. The events aim to raise awareness of the physical, health, environmental and social benefits of walking and wheeling to get our children active. Check details with your child’s school or visit

Walking tall

National Youth Week

Last year’s Walktober was a big success, with 16 Bayside schools participating, compared to just eight in 2008. VicHealth awarded prizes to St Joan of Arc Primary School for 100 per cent and Brighton Beach Primary School for 83 per cent participation. Both schools received sport equipment vouchers. Bayside City Council also presented $100 equipment vouchers and swimming pool passes to local schools for the first time in 2009. For more information on the program, visit

National Youth Week, which runs from 10 to 18 April, showcases some of the fantastic things young people do in Bayside. Bayside City Council is hosting events that have been organised by young people on the National Youth Week committee. Events include activities at Peterson Youth Centre, Youth Awards, and the Bayside Day Out at the Brighton Town Hall. The Youth Awards recognise young people’s contribution to the Bayside community. Nominations close on 26 March. Call 9599 4622 or visit to download a nomination form.

Beaumaris North PS anniversary fete The school is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. If you remember when the Reserve Road site was just swampy grassland, why not head to the biannual fete on Saturday 13 March to see how things have changed? Plenty to see, do and buy, including rides for the kids, face painting, book stalls and food. For more information, call 9589 5449 or email

Immunisation program Bayside City Council offers free immunisation sessions each month for families with young children and to secondary school students. The sessions are held at centres in Beaumaris, Highett, Brighton and Hampton. For more information and to see the immunisation schedule for March, April and May, visit www.bayside. or call 9599 4307.

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010


Your voice at Council Northern Ward Cr Alex del Porto 0417 390 641 Cr Clifford Hayes 0407 689 033

Villagelife: Lest we forget At the grand age of 94, Neville Callanan keep a busy weekly schedule that rivals that of people half his age. A community bus takes the Hampton resident to the Black Rock Activity Centre twice a week. Bayside City Council’s Aged and Disability service runs the day centre, along with a range of other services to assist frail older people, people of all ages with disabilities and their carers. Neville used to use public transport almost daily until a couple of accidents slowed him down. But the years of travelling Bayside’s streets and villages led to important local connections and ensured he knew his way around. On one journey he met a mother and her young daughter who became friends. They now drive Neville along the Anzac Day city parade route every year. Tuesdays and Thursdays are his regular RSL days. Neville says the support of the RSL has been very important since he moved from Canberra to be close to his family in Bayside eight years ago. 12

When World War II began, Neville trained as a navigator – topping his class – and he still has the beautifully preserved records of all his training. He flew missions over Europe and North Africa, surviving a few close calls. This included being scheduled to board – but ultimately missing – a ship which was destroyed. On his return to Australia, Neville married Audrey and had a 40year career with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The couple raised four children and after Audrey’s death, Neville moved to Hampton. The various RSLs throughout Bayside are holding commemorations for Anzac Day. Beaumaris RSL, for instance, welcomes all for its annual march and service on Sunday 18 April, starting at the Concourse carpark in Reserve Road at 2.30pm for a 3pm service at the Community Centre forecourt. Refreshments will be served afterwards at the RSL in Balcombe Road. Anzac Day is Sunday 25 April. Check with your local RSL for commemoration details.

Let’s Talk Bayside Autumn 2010

Central Ward Cr Felicity Frederico 0428 323 771 Cr James Long 0400 828 688 Cr Louise Cooper-Shaw 0427 516 906 Southern Ward Cr Michael Norris 0400 178 199 Cr Simon Russell 0417 396 077 You can also contact the Councillor Support Line on 9598 2046 to make contact with your representative.

Northern Ward Councillors: 2

Bayside ward map

Central Ward Councillors: 3

Southern Ward Councillors: 2

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