Spring Newsletter

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Volume 10 Issue 6 Spring 2009

Friends of Rainbow Homes, Well here’s hoping that this Spring Newslet­

Web: www.rainbow­homes.org E­Mail: rainbowhomes@sbcglobal.net

Rainbow Homes




ter will actually bring Spring early this year! It has been a long winter for everyone in Michi­ gan.

We celebrated our 10th Anniversary of Rainbow Homes with a Silent Auction and Dinner in February.

We have a total of 22 residents at present time. Four of our residents do not live in our quad­plexes. Two residents live across the street and two live next door in apartment setting. Landlords from the area love our program and ask if residents could live in their apartments. We provide services for these residents.

We had a wonderful evening with 190 peo­ ple joining us in this Celebration! We were honored to have Kellie Dean of Dean Transportation be our guest speaker for the evening. Kellie was presented with a badge by our residents. The badge read “Rainbow Homes SuperMan”.

Our Respite Care program is running smoothly. We continue to have clients that come to stay for the day or overnight. We are proud to be offering this program to adults with disAbilities choosing to live at home. Many of our present residents came to our Respite Program first. If you are looking into alternative care for your son/daughter you may want to try Respite for a short period of time to see if this option is possible for your son/daughter.

KofC from IHM #10541 & St. Casimir #9711 prepared a wonderful meal!

We would like to Thank You for your gener­ ous contributions during the Christmas Sea­ son! We appreciate your kindness.

The evening was a tribute to Rainbow Homes through talks from: Susan our pro­ gram administrator, Linda Marx, case man­ ager at CMH, Kathy Russell a parent, Mary Ellen a resident and Ty a friend of the resi­ dents that has been coming to RH since he was four year’s old. Thank you all for at­ tending.

Joann Davis

Have YOU become a 2009 Member of Rainbow Homes? 2008 membership letters were sent to of over 100 families. Thank you to all who renewed your membership.

Becoming a member is letting us know that the ser­ vices we provide at RH are needed and acknowledged.

If you have not become a member of Rainbow Homes in 2009 please consider doing so.

For a yearly membership fee of $30.00 you are helping us assist our residents in living up to their God­given potential.

$30.00 year Rainbow Homes

Thank you for considering helping RH in our country’s troubled times. This is our 10th year of offer­ ing supported living to 22 adults with cognitive disAbilities and their families. As always we would appreci­ ate your continued prayers!


Inside this issue:

Our Mission

News & Notes


Capital City River Run


Help from LCC—MSU—UofM


Christmas & Silent Auction & Dinner 2009


Summer Picnic 2009


Kiwanis AKtion Club


PayPal Donations


To provide ecumenical Christian housing and services for adults with cognitive disAbilities, where they can grow personally and spiritually to reach their God given potential. The residents will be nurtured in a homelike Christian setting.

News & Notes Respite Care

LPCE Study at MSU

Fee for Overnight Respite is $50.00 per night. We are not able to accom­ modate intensive personal care or severe behavioral problems at this time. Meal supplements, medication and personal care products are pro­ vided by the individual or family.

Residents volunteer for LPCE (Longitudinal Patient­Centered Experience).

Rainbow Homes Website has a new look! Check out our new website the next time you fire­up your computer.

Five residents have volunteered to participate in a MSU College of Human Medicine program. Each of our five residents will be as­ signed two medical students who will, over the course of a year meet 6 to 7 times. The students will be learning how to take history, learn how patients deal with chronic ill­ nesses and how to develop rela­ tionships with new patients. Resi­ dents attended a luncheon to ex­ plain the program on December 12th and began meeting with the students this January.

Fee for Day Respite is $25.00 per day. Respite Brochure available on our Website. Contact Susan to set up and inter­ views 517­699­8454.

www.rainbow­homes.org Our newsletters are available on line and will contain an expanded version containing more pages and information. This will save us in printing cost.

**************************************** We would like to thank our webmaster, Don Baker from Lansing Design for the new sleek look of our website! donbaker@lansingdesign.net

“Capital City River Run 2008” Residents would like to Thank CMH dietitians Cindy Rable, Laura Bylancik­Lince, Nichole LaRiviera­ Martinson, MSU Dietitian and Kine­ siology students as well as a CMU Dietitian student.

Pictures worth a thousand words!

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Blessed with College Students from LCC, MSU & UofM! This fall Rainbow Homes was blessed with 26 LCC Nursing student volun­ teers and 6 MSU Volunteers. The Nursing students require 4 hours each semester of volunteer work. At RH, students participate in leisure time, community activities/outings and as­ sist with cooking programs to name a few.

The MSU students were again in­ volved with exercise programs, one on one cooking, leisure time develop­ ment and health education. Next semester two will be returning to as­ sist with the Day Respite Program.

Our residents really enjoyed participat­ ing with an array of students. The cooking was interesting, as some of the residents were teaching the students how to cook! We have several students signed up to volunteer next semester.

We are also fortunate to have a Research Assistant from the UofM in the Community Economic Ad­ justment Program. Stephen is assist­ ing Rainbow Homes with grant applications. If anyone has looked into the grant application process you are aware of how complicated it can be. We thank the Power of We Consortium for connecting us with Stephen and Jennifer at the UofM.

News, Notes & Silent Auction Pictures 2009 Christmas was a busy time this year. starting with the traditional rock candy making at Mike’s sister’s house on November 23rd. On December 3rd our residents, board members and staff enjoyed a catered dinner by our resi­ dent Kelly’s Mom, Marilyn, in the new community room. We all enjoyed the fellowship, prime rib dinner and Christmas cookies. It was a time to share the happenings of the past year. We also need to thank Kelly’s brother, Jim, for funding this special dinner. Saturday, December 13th, residents, staff and their families enjoyed a dinner at Buddy’s in Holt. We all came back to the Community Room to open gifts from each other. Residents were shocked at all the gifts from Immaculate Heart of Mary “Giving Tree Project”. Each year the pa­ rishioners from IHM have been very generous towards the folks at Rainbow Homes.

k you Than ou y k n Tha uch! very m

People ohh and ahh at the art supplies, gift cards, coffee baskets, sports equipment, cloth­ ing and movies given. One of our residents that does not have a lot of family stated, “I am sure feel loved by people”. Thank you to IHM Parish for their generous Gifts! VOLUME 10 ISSUE 6

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Donations from October 2008—February 2009 Lawarence & Eleanor Higgins *

Jacki & Karl Roehm *

Marvin & Nancy Hoard

Frank & Susan Roggenbuck *

Ronda Allen *

Rory Hoipkemier

John & Barbara Rossi M

Richard & Jenne Angevine M

Holt United Methodist Women

Michael & Kathleen Russell *

Carol J. Bappert

Jayne Hoxie *+

John & Sharon Schneider *+

Leo & Elaine Bell *

Marilyn Hoyme

Howard & Fran Selover, Jr. *

Darla & Dale Brzezinski *+

Michael Ichiyama

Irene Sharako

Dr. Michael

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Thomas & Brenda Shehan

Fr. John A. Byers *

Dr. Mark Iocca DDS

E. John & Cynthia Shinsky *

Catholic Charities Diocese of Lansing

Lynn Joblonski

Rose Sierawski *

Catholic Womens Club

Tom & Marcia Keenoy *+

Norbert & Darlene Simon

Phyllis Chipman *

Patrick & Colleen Kelley *+

Stuart Sleight *+

Robert & Judith Conway *

Frieda Knapp *

Jean Smith

Peter Coscarelli *

Linda Kolanowski

Pauline Sondag *

Francis Creemers

Dcn & Mrs. Joseph Kratofil M*+

Speedway #2371

Eleanor Darley *

David & Aletha Kuenstler *

Jerry & Dorothy

Joann Davis *

Peter Kuhnmuench *

Knights of Columbus St. Casimir C#9711 *+

Joann Marie Davis *

Jeannette Lienhart *+

Betty & Paul Stacy *

Karin Dewley

Hugh & Beverly Lockhart *

Guenter & Margo Stork

Ministry with Persons with disAbilities *+

Judy & Jim MacInness

Grace J. Switzer

Don & Vicki Dornbush *

Stephen Mahoney

Morton & Ruth Tatara *

Joseph Droste

Charles & Imogene Malewitz *+

Brian T. Taylor

Dykema Gossett PLLC

Chris & Stephanie Marin *


Catherine Ebaugh *

Linda Marx

Jon Taylor *

Marylin Ebaugh * M

Dorothy & Margaret Mather *

Michael Allyn Taylor *+

Jack & Mary Ann Eichmeier *

Beatrice McComb *

Sr. Marlene Taylor, AD M*+

Erin & Fredrick Elizondo *

Fr. Tom McDevitt

Robert & Terry Terrill *

Frank & Susan Emerick *

Mary Louise Meade

Carolyn Texera *

Marcia Evans

Mary Meakin *+

Luke & Merling Tsai

John Faichney

Bishop Emeritus Carl F. Mengeling *+

Patricia Tupacz Scribner

Michael & Carrie Fancher *

Sandy & Dan Meyers & Scott *+

JB & Margaret Turnbull


Randolph & Sheila Miles

Willie Vaughn *

James & Lisa Fitzsimmons

Duane & Dixie

Raymond & Bernadette Vesnaugh *

Larry & Jacquline Fitzsimmons *

Morgan Stanley Appeal

Robert & Jayne Foy *

James A. Mowry *+

Robert & Elizabeth Gannon *

Martin & Margaret Onstad *

R. N. & Kirstin Garry *

Ann Ozanich

Vincent & Rose­Marie Genco *

William & Pam Perrone M

Ellen Weaver Doug Webster Norman & Marilyn Wise *+ Robert Zahon *+

Edward & Lori Hagan *+

Margaret Perrone *+

* = Membership

Clark & Ila Mae Hartwig M

Steve & Suzanne Phelps *

+ = Membership & Donation

Phillip & Helen Hassler *

Thomas & Sharon Poole

M = Memorial

Joanne Helms *M

Q106 Radio Station

Mary Anne Adams *+

Sara Aldrich


Fisk *

Miller *

Spink *

Taylor *

This speech below was presented by 11 years old Tyler a friend of the Rainbow Homes residents that has been visiting residents since he was 4 years old. Please read Ty’s message below, he will inspire many! (Ty is the young man in the middle.) “Hello, as was just mentioned, my name is Ty Boogaard. In the interest of full­ disclosure, I must tell you that I am the nephew of Susan Shehan and the son of Mary Shehan­Boogaard. Both work for Rainbow Homes. I was asked to do a speech about what Rainbow Homes has meant in my life. Frankly, I think they just thought that I talk too much anyways and they are trying to, “channel my energy,” again! But seriously though, I have been coming to Rainbow Homes since I was four years old. For those of you who might be wondering, I am now eleven. Now, math is not my favorite subject, but I can handle this one, that’s seven years. You may say, “I’ve grown up here!” I believe that every thing you need to know in life, you can learn at Rainbow Homes. In these last seven years, I have seen many changes take place. Some of those changes were in me. During my first visit, my view of family was forever changed. I spent the forty five minute drive to Lansing from our home town asking my mother questions about what different relative terms meant, Why do I call her Aunt Susan? Why don’t I call him Aunt Tom? Is Jacob my uncle or my cousin? You get the idea. I listed over thirty relatives, I told you I could talk! When we arrived, this guy Kevin was staring at my mom, and she couldn’t figure out why. Then he said he knew her. Well, they discovered they went to the same high school. You know, back in the olden days. So when my mom said, Kevin I didn’t know you were from Pinckney, It’s such a small town we’re probably related some how. I said, “Oh great, another relative, what’s he, and aunt, an uncle, or a cousin! Kevin replied, “You can call me, “Uncle Kev !” So from that day on, he’s been my uncle. Who said you can’t choose your relatives? Throughout the years, I have learned a lot about life from being part of the Rainbow Homes family. You can learn the regular things like how to cook and keep your place clean, and how to manage your money. Gary makes a really great omelet, Debbie can bake like there is no tomorrow and I have to add, Miss Laura’s pancakes are to die for! Mary Ellen watches her money like a hawk and saved up enough for a cell phone. Michael lost a huge amount of weight, by eating healthy and exercising. But my mom always tells me that learning about life is like gravy and pota­ toes. Some things like the basics are like the gravy, and the really important stuff is like the potatoes. I’ve learned a lot of potato lesson here too. When I watched Mike conquer his fear of the water, and not just stick a toe in, but win an Olympic Medal. I now know that I too, can conquer my fears in life and move on to my next challenge. When I see all his pictures from his trip out of state, I know it’s not just one challenge, but many I can overcome. When I see all that Ann does selflessly for those she loves with out reward, and watch Steve and the rest of the Aktion Club crew volunteer in their community, I know also, that I must give. When I see Amy going off to a U of M game, I witness joy in its purest state. When I watch Kevin II sit and read the paper with my beloved dog Lila sprawled out over his lap, I learn that sharing can bring that kind of joy as well. I wish I could mention each resident by name because I have learned so many lessons about life from each of them, but knowing I talk a lot, Susan gave me only three minutes. I’ll some up this way. When I go places with Kevin I and he introduces me as his nephew and then they say, so this must be your sister and he says, “No we’re no relation,” and they look at us kind of funny. I think, they just need to spend some time at Rainbow Homes and learn that life is what you choose to make it, and that’s what life is all about”.

Special Thank You to the Knights of Columbus St. Casimir Council 9711 for donations received from a recent “Pancake Breakfast.” With money donated we were able to purchase two “Escape Windows” for our Respite Care Bedrooms. Thank you to Ken Waterson, of Aardvark Mfg. Home Service and Supply for do­ nating his time, talent and treasure ordering and installing these windows.

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Use #1751 Rainbow Homes, Holt for United Way Donations.

Division #16 Kiwanis Club of Holt, AKtion Club Rainbow Homes

closing AKtion Club meetings.

AKtion Club Update The Holt AKtion Club now consist of 27 mem­ bers. Meetings are held nd th the 2 and 4 Tuesday of each month. In November the club chose to honor the Firemen as their heroes. Thank you cards were crafted including a poem of “The Firemen’s Prayer. On November 25th the group made dinner for 25 of Delhi’s finest firemen, consisting of chili, corn bread, salad and cupcakes. Afterwards, the club was given a tour of Delhi Fire Station by Chief Royston. He told the tale (“tail”) of rescuing a Golden Retriever and giving CPR saving the dog’s life. Mike (club president) spoke at Chesaning Club on December 3rd.

In December, the Club Christmas Caroled and handed out tins of Candy. On January 13th the Club received their the charter from the International Kiwanis Club.

The Club met with the Holt Kiwanis for dinner and installation of officers and members.

Easy way to donate online!

Donations can be made easily and safely by going to our website at: www.rainbow­homes.org and clicking on PayPal button. You don’t have to have a PayPal ac­ count to make a donation. PayPal will accept any credit card in a secure environment.

Mark your calendar

2009 Summer Picnic “Under the Sea”

Sunday, August 9th

Save us postage by sending us your e­mail address and we will e­mail your future newsletters.

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