Leerling/Meester exposities #1 SIMON KENTGENS

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Jonathan Huygens Karina Beumer Simon Niks Thomas Koevoets


SIMON KENTGENS 31 oktober t/m 10 november 2013 Kunstpodium-T

Simon Kentgens

We kijken mee achter de schermen bij Karina, Jonathan, Thomas, Simon en Simon. Deze enthousiaste kunstbeoefenaars pingpong-en met ballen, ideeĂŤn, beelden, kunstenaars en meesters. Volg ze als ze hun positie innemen en hun rol aannemen, als protagonisten en figuranten. In de wondere wereld van Rhubarb klinkt hun geroezemoes. Niks is wat het lijkt.


Jonathan Huygens | Antwerpen 31 oktober t/m 10 november 2013 Kunstpodium-T

Jonathan Huygens

(1990, BelgiĂŤ) is an Antwerp based contemporary artist. Dealing with and researching fiction/reality, the constructed. Re-creating common environments trough which the viewer can walk, and by manipulating things such as humidity,... He reminds us that everything is constructed. The act of creation, humanity is its own creator and history not as a research into reality, but history as the source of reality.


Karina Beumer | Antwerpen 31 oktober t/m 10 november 2013 Kunstpodium-T

Karina Beumer

Karina Beumer is a painter. She creates situations with paintings. Her work is about the locations of the paintings and about reacting on these paintingsituations in a performative way. How her paintings are being presented is part of her work, but also how she is re-presenting them. Beumer questions the painter’s attitude and his strategies, uses and abuses them to encounter the artworld with a wink.


Simon Niks | Groningen 31 oktober t/m 10 november 2013 Kunstpodium-T

Simon Niks

Dealing with the ephemeral, both conceptually and physically, my work is characterized by research and dry observations. This results in projects that merge art with the everyday, as to extend the sphere of Art. Projects might involve interventions in public space, maintenance in and around the Minerva Academy, playing around on wastelands. Art for me is to place oneself in a different perspective as to perceive and question everyday life in new ways.


Thomas Koevoets | ‘s-Hertogensbosch 31 oktober t/m 10 november 2013 Kunstpodium-T

Thomas Koevoets

Kunst is vrij Betekent Dat Dan dat je verantwoordelijk moet zijn? Geen idee, waar ik ben gebleven Tussen een begrijpbare of ongrijpbare Rode draad gaan zweven

Vorm geven, mijn eigen vorm. Ik wil alleen maar Laten zien. Mijn Liefde laten Gelden, Van Bob Marley tot Bruce Nauman Ik wil de liefde vorm geven en de liefde, die maakt het leven

Lopen door de kunst is niet nodig IK doe het Dansend.

nergens is een probleem THE SUN IS SHINING TODAY

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