Stefania Mendez's Portfolio 2015

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Stefania Mendez 2015 Portfolio

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339 Hannah Fenske Aggieland Yearbook 1111 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-1111 Dear Mrs. Fenske, I'm very excited to be attending A&M, as it has been my dream since I was a little girl. While I was visiting the website I noticed that you are currently accepting applications for the Aggieland Yearbook Staff and I would love to join your staff. I have seen your work and it's fantastic and something I definitely want to be a part of. I would like to apply to be both a photographer and a writer, if possible. If only one position is available, I would like to apply to be a photographer. I have been in the journalism program at Kingwood Park High School since 2012. I was on the yearbook staff from 2013 until now and on the staff I held the photo editor position my junior year. Through my years of journalism I have picked up skills, such as knowing the rule of photography and how to use photoshop, that would be useful for this job. The pictures I've taken for my school's publications have been printed in both the yearbook and occasionally in the magazine. Also, I'm used to working under pressure and the idea of meeting deadlines and I know the basic rules of yearbook. Since I was young, the idea of taking pictures has always interested me and I took the phrase "A picture is a thousand words" by heart. I would take pictures of random objects simply because I liked how they appeared. It wasn't until my freshman year when I started journalism that I discovered the true meaning of the quote I mentioned earlier: I could tell a story through my pictures. At first, the journalism class was just to learn how to take better pictures but by the end of the year I had completely fallen in love with it. I hope you take me into consideration for the Aggieland yearbook staff as I want nothing more than to be able to do something I love at the school of my dreams. Sincerely, Stefania Mendez

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339 Objective: To take part in the creation of the yearbook for all the students at A&M by taking pictures and writing stories while acquiring new skills and furthering my journalistic career. Education: Attended Kingwood Park High School Graduation date: May 2016 Have completed Spanish 3 & 4 Dual Credit courses at Lone Star College GPA: 4.8 Relevant High School Courses: AP English Language & Composition, Dual Credit Spanish 3, Dual Credit & AP Spanish 4, Advanced Journalism-Yearbook Experience: Intro to Journalism- 2012 Yearbook staff- 2013-2014 Photo editor- 2014-2015 Awards, Honors, and Membership: Kingwood Park High School: -Attitude is everything award 2014-2015 -Spanish National Honor Society -Math National Honor Society -Journalism National Honor Society Activities: -Yearbook -Band References: Megan Ortiz- Yearbook Advisor, Michelle Neel- AP English teacher,

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Self-analytical essay I got into journalism by accident. My freshman year, had a period that I had to fill up so I decided I wanted to take a class to help improve my photography. I talked to my middle school counselor and after a long game of twenty questions she suggested for me to take a photography class. However, this class was not available for underclassmen so instead they put me in Intro to Journalism. Now, I wasn't too thrilled because I'm not a huge fan of writing and to this day I'm still not a big fan of writing, even though I enjoy it more now. At the time, the journalism teacher was Melanie Bradshaw and she seemed to think I was a decent enough writer and journalist to join the yearbook staff. To be completely honest, I wasn't going to apply to be on the yearbook staff, I just wanted to be in photojournalism and learn how to take better pictures but Mrs. Bradshaw, Tori Gatling and Katherine Teagle ended up convincing me through constant reminders about the yearbook application online and the nearing deadline. So I applied and starting my sophomore year I joined the yearbook staff. At first I thought "Ew, this class is going to be horrible because there must be even more writing" but after a couple of months I really started to enjoy the class and I even noticed that my English grade went from a B to an A. However by the end of my sophomore year I was just about ready to quit yearbook and focus on band instead and I almost didn’t join the staff. Thankfully Tori convinced me not to quit and to keep going. When junior year started I was very nervous because Bradshaw and the seniors were gone, leaving Tori, Katherine and I to fend for ourselves, or so I thought. After I met Mrs, Ortiz at Panther Camp and after I met all the other girls I didn’t know I ended up absolutely loving it and enjoyed it more than my sophomore year. I have learned so much from this staff starting from how to get the back the tool bar that always seems to disappear from InDesign to how important friendships are. I learned how important is was to step up and help others out, to get out of my comfort zone, to not be afraid of getting hit by a ball in order to take the perfect picture and that I actually enjoy being a journalist. I learned that procrastination is not a good idea at all because it’s going to cause lots of trouble. I learned yearbook takes a lot of dedication. When I was in it last year I relied on the seniors to help out but know that I had to step up I realized that now others were counting on me and that this was a team effort. I learned that deadlines are important and if you set your mind to something you can achieve it. That doesn’t just apply to yearbook deadlines either, it applies to everyday life too. The lessons I learned here I will always use in my everyday life even after I graduate. Learning how to meet deadlines will help me meet deadlines with my job in the future. Journalism involves a lot of writing and since I want to be a pediatrician it’s going to help me when I have to write medical reports.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #1 Run your race


HUDDLE UP. The varsity team comes together before a meet to pray for the team's safety and the ability to run well during the race. Photo by Stef Mendez.

RACE AGAINST TIME. Garrett Woods11 races to the finish line during a meet in the summer to get the best time possible. Photo by Stef Mendez.

OUT OF THE WOODS. Juniors Chris Hatrel and Garrett Maynard dash through the woods to get ahead of their competitors during their Regional meet on Nov. 1, 2014. Photo by Stef Mendez.

84 Sports

Cross country is both an individual sport and a team sport. That’s why the boys do various activities together such as team dinners on Thursdays, Ultimate Frisbee games, or lunch together after meets. Something as simple as playing video games together also keeps the bond between the runners strong. “The team is like a family who look out for each other but in school,” Isaac Squyres11 said. During a meet, screams of encouragement can be heard everywhere from teammates cheering each other on throughout the day. “Even though on a personal level some people don’t get along, we always cheer each other on during a race,” Carter Floyd10 said. “You want them to finish as close to first as possible because you want the best for the team.” The close knit group is easy to see with teammates

like Chris Lewis11 and Chris Hatrel11. When the runners received their team jackets, Lewis and Hatrel knew exactly what they wanted to put on it. “We decided to hyphenate our last names since we’re practically family,” Lewis said. “We’re always there to encourage each other and it’s a great push.” The team has achieved many things this season with all three teams going to district and varsity going to Region. Two runners, Ismail Jackson12 and Avery Johnson12, reached State. "Overall this season was pretty good,” coach Chris Elliott said. "Some people really stepped up to do a good job and the younger kids have lots of potential." After the season ended, goals were set for the next year and good byes were said to all the seniors. “I’m going to miss the coaches and all the team dinners,” Johnson said.

TAKING THE LEAD. Ismail Jackson12 takes the lead at the start of Regional meet which helped him qualify for state. Photo by Stef Mendez.

“This was the first mock meet of the season so it was really fun. I liked the watermelon too.” - Mario Foltz10

“When I'm about to finish, my goal is to pass everyone in front of me and don't let anyone pass.” - Carter Floyd10 Photo by Tori Gatling

Photo by Stef Mendez Boys Cross Country


I’m proud of the boys XC spread specifically because of the story. The story is something new and special. It gives a different aspect of the sport. I’ve been covering XC since I started yearbook and the one thing that stood out when I’d be with them is how close they were. I have never participated in a sport and the only “team” I’ve been introduced to was band. I saw how they would do so many things to encourage each other and help their bonds grow. Plus, everyone on the team was so nice to me too. This is what I focused my story on. My story is focused on their achievement but the main idea is the relationship between teammates because they are the ones who make it special and unique. I also like how in the dominant photo the runners seem to be running into the page and then in the other pictures the runners continue to run in that direction. In all honesty, this was probably the easiest spread I’ve done. I learned from my mistakes last year and took plenty of pictures so that I had lots to choose from. The interviews went smoothly because I already knew some of the guys and they were all very nice. The only difficult thing was actually giving the story and I still believe it could use more work.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #2

This was by far the hardest page I had to do and it could use a lot more work. Haley and I were given maybe a week, not even, to do this spread. It was very last minute because other students who tried it couldn’t finish it because they had other spreads to do. The reason why it was so difficult was because we had to pictures, whatsoever of any event that Key Club or NHS had done. I learned that next year, this is definitely an area we need to make sure we have pictures of. The story itself was not difficult to write and I managed to get the interviews done, with help, in a class period and have the story written by the end of the day. Haley did the sidebar and the mod so that was a help to. I f this wouldn’t have been so last minute, this spread would have been a lot better. For starters, we could have probably gotten another picture and not used that picture of the snowman and the cans. That picture will forever haunt me. I have mixed feeling about this piece. I’m proud that Haley and I got it done in such a short amount of time and made it decent but at the same time this spread makes me cringe Especially the snowman picture.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #3

Dominant band picture: I’m proud of this picture because of the angle I took it. Instead of taking the picture straight on I moved and got it from a different angle. In the picture, the band kids are seen standing in a diagonal line, which is the use of a leading line. I like how clear Rachel is and how gradually everything else is sort of blurred out. Ismail’s woods picture : I’m proud of this photo because it shows a different scenery and the trees kind of create a framing effect. In my opinion, this picture shows what cross country is. Cross Country involves running on different terrains instead of on a track. This picture shoes Ish running through trees and it shows the dust rising behind him. I also really like how the light is seeping through the leaves of the trees and creating a pattern on the ground. garrets XC picture: The first thing you see when you look at this picture is the emotion it in. The reason why I like this picture is because it shows the emotion on Garrett and his opponents face as they both run to the finish line. They’re both going full out and trying to beat each other and you can tell. Everytime I see this picture, I relive the moment I took it and I remember how hard Garrett worked to beat the other guy and how his teammates cheered him on.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #4 I was the photo editor for this years yearbook and in my opinion I was very committed to the yearbook. One of the main reasons why I quit band was because I knew that yearbook was going to take most of my time. I knew that, since the seniors were leaving that I would have to step up and be a leader for all the new staff members. It was kind of a scary thought but I, as well as Tori & Katherine, managed to pull through. Quitting band to be dedicated to yearbook was a very hard decision because I love band but I had to choose and I knew that I probably wasn’t going to major in music but journalism was something I was interested in. I honestly don’t think there were too many problems or hardships this year. The only thing I would say was sort of difficult was getting used to a new staff and a new teaching style but after the first couple of week it wasn’t that bad anymore. I know I mentioned this before but it as very nerve wrecking knowing that the new staff members were going to look up to us and ask for help. I feel like were weren’t prepared enough to take over and we were kind of left in the dark. For me, it was worse because I didn’t attend the journalism camp so when panther camp and school started I was completely in the dark. It takes also takes me a while to get adjusted to knew things because once I learn something I fall into a sort of a routine. Next year, won’t be this hard though because I learned how to step up and help others. I did learn many things this year though. I learned that having a very neat and easy organizing system is very helpful and that we should definitely have one next year. This year the pictures are very difficult to find as we have them saved in two different places. Actually as I’m writing this, Tori and Katherine are struggling to find a specific picture. Next year, I plan to create an effective system where everything is very specific and neat. I’m kind of funny when it comes to organizing photos on computers and have to have a folder for every event I have. A very important thing I learned this year is to take lots of pictures. The staff needs to take every single opportunity they can, its better to have too many pictures than too little. This was especially true when it came to the Key Club and National Honor Society page. When the time came to rush and try to finish the page we realized we had absolutely no pictures for any of these organizations. We ended up having to use pictures that were contributed and they were not good at all. One of our pictures is a stuffed snowman surrounded by canned goods. It’s so bad and I know that I mentioned it so many times before in this portfolio but its very aggravating. Overall I feel like I handled this year pretty well. I stepped up and helped the rookies, or as I like to call them woodland creatures, and we had such an amazing staff this year. I was very close to everyone, including the magazine staff & Mrs. Ortiz , and I love each and every one to death and I can honestly say I would die for them. This year has been amazing and I’m looking forward to another one.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #6

A Closer Look

The Pride 2016

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #6

Sports This space is reserved for filler text. I am pretending to write a story about football. I am now going to write a few sentences in Latin. Ave atque vale. That means Hail and Farewell and it happens to be from my favorite fictional world which is the shadowhunter world. Another Latin phrase is Pulvis et umbra sumus which means we are dust and shadow. That line is featured in the book and is said by the amazing Will Herondale. The line is originally from Horace.

This is supposed to be a caption. The football players seem to be squatting one of them is holding a ball. Um that’s pretty much all I can say about this picture and I think this is a pretty good sized caption.

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Reflection #6


fdfjdjfadjfajdfajfjgfsgfsghflgf fjgjf fdkjfkdjfjdafjkldjlgfjgfjsg;fjgjfa jgfjgkfjskl gjfklsgjkl;fsjlgfjls;gjl;ffgfgfsgfgfs

Varisty football has a great season and makes it into the playoffs. Story by: Chuck Shurley The team defeated school rival With only a few sceonds left to Blackwater Demons and knocked spare on the clock, Dean Smith00 their chances of going to the managed to make a touchdown allowing Free Will High School to playoffs. At the end of the game, the boys were confronted by star qualify for the playoffs. football player Crowley King. Dean Smith caught the ball “He was very upset we won the from the blah blah blah blah, game and accused us of cheatjumped over some players and ing,” Sam Smith said. “I however made a touchdown. Smith has been on the team for 2 years now. was not phased by it due to my moose-like structure.” “My father trained me for The team will now go head to this my entire life,” Smith said. “However, I couldn’t have done it head against the famous Golden gate Angels in the next first without Sammy or Cas.” round of the playoffs. Coach Smith managed to win the game with the help of his brother Robert Singer is not intimidated 00 by the team. Sam Smith and best friend Cas “If I know anything about my Green.00. boys, its that they can take down “I do not understand football those idjits,” Coach Singer said. that much,” Green said. “All I “I am confident that we will deknow is that I work very well feat anything in our path.” with Dean and Sam.”

fdklfjdjfdjfkdfjd; fdfkjdjfdjfjjaf; dkafjdlajf. “djskl djsjdfjsd,” said djadsj;ajds;jd;.. djksljafkdjffhdkhfla fjdkljfk fdjkfj jdjfl; da fj;adj djfl;ajf;. fklgfksl;gkfksg’kfskf gfkljglfjlsgjlfjsgl;f

fdklfjdjfdjfkdfjd; fdfkjdjfdjfjjaf; dkafjdlajf. “djskl djsjdfjsd,” said djadsj;ajds;jd;.. djksljafkdjffhdkhfla fjdkljfk fdjkfj jdjfl; da fj;adj djfl;ajf;. gjk fsgkfkgs;kgl;fkl;gkflk sg;kf;kgfgklfjskgjf

Football Games

“The game is made up of two things blah blah blah and blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah and then blah blah blah blah -Football Playergrade

“I injured myself playing football and it hurt and it made me scream in pain. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but I pulled through because my team needs me.” -Football Playergrade

fjidosjfkldsjagkdf;jgklfjdksgjkjg. fjdkljfkdljafkldjal;fj, fdkjafkd;ajfl;djaf;djfjd; “fkdljfljd;fjdjfjdfjd;jf;d” said jfkdjfd;a. “fjkdjafkdjafjdklajfdljfkjdlfjd;jfl;dajfl;jdal;jdhaufiosuhdfhgfjhsdfjbdfjiodid.”

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. “blahh blah blah blah blah balh balh ablhs ajkhlksdhl,” said djksfl fjdjf;da;.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. “blahh blah blah blah blah balh balh ablhs ajkhlksdhl,” said djksfl fjdjf;da;.

“The game is more complicated than you think because blah blah blah blah blah. Then this happens and blah blah blah.” -Football Coach

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339

Clips Run your race


HUDDLE UP. The varsity team comes together before a meet to pray for the team's safety and the ability to run well during the race. Photo by Stef Mendez.

RACE AGAINST TIME. Garrett Woods11 races to the finish line during a meet in the summer to get the best time possible. Photo by Stef Mendez.

OUT OF THE WOODS. Juniors Chris Hatrel and Garrett Maynard dash through the woods to get ahead of their competitors during their Regional meet on Nov. 1, 2014. Photo by Stef Mendez.

84 Sports

Cross country is both an individual sport and a team sport. That’s why the boys do various activities together such as team dinners on Thursdays, Ultimate Frisbee games, or lunch together after meets. Something as simple as playing video games together also keeps the bond between the runners strong. “The team is like a family who look out for each other but in school,” Isaac Squyres11 said. During a meet, screams of encouragement can be heard everywhere from teammates cheering each other on throughout the day. “Even though on a personal level some people don’t get along, we always cheer each other on during a race,” Carter Floyd10 said. “You want them to finish as close to first as possible because you want the best for the team.” The close knit group is easy to see with teammates

like Chris Lewis11 and Chris Hatrel11. When the runners received their team jackets, Lewis and Hatrel knew exactly what they wanted to put on it. “We decided to hyphenate our last names since we’re practically family,” Lewis said. “We’re always there to encourage each other and it’s a great push.” The team has achieved many things this season with all three teams going to district and varsity going to Region. Two runners, Ismail Jackson12 and Avery Johnson12, reached State. "Overall this season was pretty good,” coach Chris Elliott said. "Some people really stepped up to do a good job and the younger kids have lots of potential." After the season ended, goals were set for the next year and good byes were said to all the seniors. “I’m going to miss the coaches and all the team dinners,” Johnson said.

TAKING THE LEAD. Ismail Jackson12 takes the lead at the start of Regional meet which helped him qualify for state. Photo by Stef Mendez.

“This was the first mock meet of the season so it was really fun. I liked the watermelon too.” - Mario Foltz10

“When I'm about to finish, my goal is to pass everyone in front of me and don't let anyone pass.” - Carter Floyd10 Photo by Tori Gatling

Photo by Stef Mendez Boys Cross Country


Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


I designed this spread

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


I did everything but the story on this page

Stefania Mendez 832-800-6598 435 Laurel Pine Dr. Kingwood, TX. 77339


I took all the pictures in the spread

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