5 minute read

Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Sisters & Friends of Kappa Delta Phi NAS,

Some days it is hard to believe that I have been a sister for over nine years. I officially became a sister of Kappa Iota chapter on December 4, 2010. What is even harder for me to believe is that this May will mark will my eighth year working on the Board of Directors. If you would have told me nine years ago I would be where I am today, preparing for the next leg of my Kappa journey—stepping into the role of Executive Director—I would not have believed you. I decided to join the board initially for two reasons—one, I knew my time as an undergraduate member was far too short (I joined as a junior), and two, I want to give back to the organization that had given me so much. The last seven years of serving on the board have given me so much more than I can possibly give back to the sisterhood. I have gained life-long friends (including my best friend), I have gained the knowledge of how to run an organization, the confidence in myself to be able to run it, and the ability to be a good leader. I’ve also gained a deeper understanding of what our letters mean and what it means to be a sister. Each position I’ve held has helped to give me a working knowledge of how the sorority operates; it is part of a bigger picture and each position has its own unique set of challenges and lessons along the way.


What has been more important than the positions I’ve held that have shaped my journey, are the people who have shaped my journey. I have been incredibly blessed to work with some truly amazing and inspiring women, and there is something so empowering about working with a group of women who share the same ideals working towards the same goals. In addition to being blessed to work with so many amazing women I have been blessed with three amazing mentors during my time serving on the board. Mentors are important to our growth and development as a person. A mentor is someone you can look to for guidance, someone who has walked a similar path to the path you are on, and that can provide you with valuable insight and advice. I’d like to take a moment to highlight the three women who I consider my mentors and how they have helped to guide and prepare me for the next steps in my Kappa journey.

My first mentor on the board was Jenn Shipp. Jenn took me under her wing when I was a brand new board member, when I was timid and still learning the ropes. Jenn remembered what it was like to be the new person and went out of her way to make me feel welcomed and like a valued part of the team. Her kindness is what kept me around those first couple of years. She encouraged me to find my voice and my fit. As our friendship has blossomed she has continued to push me to take on new roles with her kind words of encouragement. Jenn, you are genuinely the kindest person I know and has been my biggest cheerleader for all things Kappa. I know if I ever need anything in life that Jenn will do whatever takes to help me out.

The next woman I would like to highlight is our president, Andrea McKevitt. Andrea also took me under her wing when I was a young board member, making me feel welcome and encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone. She was a tremendous support when I stepped into the role of Vice President of Membership, and helped guide me through a position that was brand new to me. Andrea’s devotion to our organization is second to none, she will do anything to make sure our organization and those around her succeed. Andrea has shown me that every problem has a solution, but sometimes you just have to approach the problem differently.

The last but certainly not least is Liz Jason. Liz has taught me so much through the years it is hard to even know where to begin. The biggest and most important thing I have learned from Liz is that the ability to be an effective leader was in me all along, and I had all the tools I needed, I just didn’t know it yet. Liz helped me to find the confidence; I would ask Liz what I thought was a simple question and she would answer me with a question like “What do you think?” or “How do you want to proceed?” What I didn’t realize at the time is I knew the answer to whatever I was asking and she knew I knew the answer. As you pass the torch to me, Liz, I hope I can make you proud in what the sorority can accomplish next.

To me a mentor is many things. It’s someone you can turn to for guidance, it’s someone who will push you when you need it and cheer you on when you don’t. It’s someone who will help you put the pieces back together when you try and sometimes fail. It’s someone who knows when to just listen and someone who knows when to advise. A mentor is more than just a friend and confidante, they are someone you can look up to and model yourself after. I hope that those who I have tried to take under my wing are able to take away something valuable like I have with mine. I hope that everyone in their life is able to have at least one amazing mentor that helps shape them. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with three.

In Kappa,

Table of Contents

Pg. 08

Pg. 13

Mentoring Matters Our National Board members discuss the importance of having a mentor for your personal and professional growth, and the individuals who impacted their lives.

Letter from the Executive Director......1

Letter from the President.........................3

NGLA Recap...................................................4

AFA Recap......................................................5

Philanthropy Update..............................6-7

Mentoring Matters..................................8-11

Letter from Kappa Delta Phi................12

Chapter Reports....................................13-25

Alumnae Spotlight...............................26-27

Cooking with Jeanette............................27

Alumnae Association................................28

Chapter Reports Find out what your fellow chapters were up to during spring semester and get inspired for the upcoming school year!

2020 Important Dates

Due April 30 | Visit KappaDeltaPhiNAS.org for the full application process

May 29-31 | Jackson, NH

July 24-26 | UMass Lowell

November 14 | Univ. of Southern Maine

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