Kabupaten Malang Dalam Angka 2011 edisi 2012

Page 18

5.3.11 Luas dan Produksi Nlam Rakyat per Kecamatan, 2011

Harvested Area and Production of Tobacco Public per District, 2011............. ...... 260 5.3.12 Luas dan Produksi Kakao Rakyat per Kecamatan, 2011

Harvested Area and Production of Tobacco Public per District, 2011............. ...... 261 5.3.13 Luas Produksi Teh Per Kecamatan, 2011

Harvested Area and Production of Chocolates Public per Dissstrict ..................... 262 5.3.14 Produksi Tanaman Obat Dirinci menurut Jenis Tanaman dan Kecamatan, 2011

Production of Medicine Vegetation By Planted Type and District, 2011 ............... 263 5.4.1

Luas Rencana dan Realisasi Tanaman Reboisasi


Produksi Hasil Hutan Menurut Jenis


Produksi Hasil Hutan Menurut Jenis per Kecamatan, 2011 (M3)


Perkembangan Populasi Ternak per Jenis Ternak 2008-2011 (Ekor)


Populasi Ternak Besar per Kecamatan, 20110 (ekor)


Populasi Ternak Kecil per Kecamatan, 2011 (ekor)


Populasi Ternak Unggas per Kecamatan, 2011(Ekor)


Perkembangan Produksi Ternak per Jenis Produk, 2010-2011 (Ton)


Perkembangan Konsumsi Hasil Ternak per Jenis Produk Tahun 2010-20110 (Kg)


Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektor Peternakan, 2010-2011 (Orang)


Perkembangan Pendapatan Rumahtangga Ternak, 2010-2011


Banyaknya Armada, dan Jenis Alat Tangkap Perikanan, 2007-2011


Petani dan Produksi Perikanan Kabupaten Malang, 2007 - 2011

Planned and Realization of Reforested Areas .................................................. . 265 Production of Forest Producys by Kinds ............................................................. 266 Forest People Production by It's Kind, 2011 (M3)............................................... 267 Livestock Population by its Kind, 2008-2011 ................................................... 269 Population of Large Livestock’s per District, 2011

........................................... 273

Population of Small Livestock’s per District, 2011 ............................................ 274 Population of Poultry per District, 2011 .......................................................... 275 Production Series of Livestock’s, 2010-2011

................................................... 276

Consumption Series of Livestock’s Production Period 2010-2011 (Kg) ................. 276 Manpower in Livestock Service Sector, 2010-2011 (Person) Series of Livestock’s Household Income, 2010-2011

............................ 277

....................................... 277

Numbers of Marine Fleet and Catching Tools by It’s Kind in Malang Regency, 2007-2011 ................................................................................................... 278 Fisherman and Production of Fish in Malang Regency, 2007-2011 .................... 279

xiv__________________Kabupaten Malang Dalam Angka / Malang Regency In Figures 2012

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