Types of foot pain and its symptoms

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 Bunion is the painful bump on the side of the foot Or you can say that.  An enlargement on the side of foot nearer to the big toe. As you see in the right side picture.

The big toe pointing towards the other toes on the same foot. Pain in affected Area. Changes the over all shape of the foot.

It may cause by three factors.

Circulation problem in the feet is responsible for foot pain. Bacterial infection and fungal in foot. Muscles and joint pain. A Burning or constant sensation of heat in one foot. Swelling and redness of the foot due to infection. Numbness in the feet – a sign of diabetes.

It is the common cause of heel pain.

A flat band of ligament that connect the heel bone to the toe and when it gets weak or swollen and hurts, it is planter fasciitis.

Small Pain when first step after sleep or sit for long time . Your foot hurts more as day goes on.

Hurt when you climb the stairs or after long time stand.

It is nothing but the change in the color and shape of nails. It is painless first and then but if it untreated then it cause pain and also discomfort. But it rare.

Nail becoming thickened, crumbly and discoloured. Change the color of toenails from white to yellow green.

Slight pain in the fingertips or toes .

Running is not the bad habit but wrong way may cause foot pain. The most common running pain are planter fasciitis, knee problem, thigh pain, heel or arch pain, blisters etc.

Pain in the heel and knee. Swallow in foot and thigh.

Pain under the big toe.

Athlete foot is the fungal infection of the foot caused by the dermatophytes fungus. Medical term for athlete’s foot is Tines pedis and it may cause between the toe fingers.

Itching between toe fingers is the common symptoms. Skin between toes gets rough and scary.

Hurt when wearing a shoes and socks.

Pain in the ball of the foot is called metatarsalgia. Cause by the nerve damage or the abnormality of the nearest the ball of the feet. It may cause by the tight shoes.

Mild ache around the third or fourth toe. Burning or tingling sensation in the toes.

Feel as a marble or pebble is inside the ball of the foot.

Contact Us Foot Pain SOS Lister Pavilion, Kelvin Campus, West of Scotland Science Park Glasgow, G20 0SP GB T. No: +44 3707555066 Website:- http://www.footpainsos.com/

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