Student Groups Booklet 2015 | University of Cumbria Students' Union

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CONTENTS 1) WHAT IS A GROUP? - Types of Group - What does a committee do? - How membership works - AGM’s & legacy - Affiliation & the role of UCSU (our values)

2) FINANCE, BUDGETS & GRANTS - How it works - Self-Funding - Funding opportunities facilitated by UCSU - The Groups Development Funding - Growth & Quality Mark incentive - Payments & Purchasing - Expenses

3) DOING STUFF/ WHAT YOU GET - Welcome fair - Promotion - Room Booking - Trips & Speakers - Volunteering & Fundraising - The Resource Area - BUCS competitions - The Rules - The All Cumbria Finals & Awards

CONTACTS UCSU Groups Facilitator Rob Ward @UCSUGroups ucsu.studentgroups 01524590818 Based: Lancaster (regular visits to other sites and meetings on request)


Communities & Partnership Sabbatical Officer Aden Fry 01228400348 Based: Carlisle – Brampton Road

UCSU Finance Officer Elaine Reeves 01524590810 Based: Lancaster (Part Time – Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays)

1) WHAT IS A GROUP? A Group is any group of 5 or more people that meet regularly/ semi-regularly for the pursuit of extra-curricular and/or co-curricular activities. A full list of current Groups is available here:


There are 4 main types of Group. Some Groups may span more than one of these categories.



Literally anything you can think of. If there’s a dream we can help you realise it.

Groups that form for the purpose of playing a specific sport or physical activity.



These Groups usually have a link to a specific course and seek to provide continuing professional development as well as social activities.

Groups that meet for the purpose of discussing/ furthering political/ philosophical issues.

WHAT DOES A COMMITTEE DO? A Committee runs your Group. It can be formed from 5 (at least) or more of the following positions, but must include: Chair, Vice Chair (or equivalent), Secretary, Treasurer and a Health & Safety officer. The Chair, VC & Treasurer must be unique individuals but can double up in other roles where required. Other roles may be added as needed but are not required by the Students Union. The following is a guide of possible actions that could be undertaken by a new committee to gain the most from the position and for your Group. Only the health and safety training is required, and activities are not limited to this list.


POSITION CHAIR The political rudder of the Group. This role has the most to account for but the best chance of making genuine change to/ improve the Group. Your job - Get the most out of everyone else.

THINGS YOU MIGHT DO -Get all committee members registered on so that they can be given administrative access. -Commit time to attend the opportunities conference where you will receive information that will guide you throughout the year. -Create a draft constitution to cover running of the Group covering at least the process of electing committee members. -Commit time to attend “achieving greatness” seminar provided by UCSU. -In consultation with the rest of the committee, set the Groups goals for the year with regard to achievement, and/ or growth of the Group.

VICE CHAIR A support role to the Chair, but also a check on their actions. Ensures that everything is in the best interest of the Group and that proper procedure is followed.

- Commit time to attend the opportunities conference where you will receive information that will guide you throughout the year. - Commit time to attend “achieving greatness” seminar provided by UCSU. - Work with social secretaries to secure sponsorship deals with local business. - Consider other fund raising activities that the Group may wish to explore.

SITE CHAIR The same as or a replacement to Vice Chair for multisite Groups. (those 2 or more UoC sites)

- As Vice Chair

TREASURER This is your key contact to work with the UCSU finance officer to keep you out of debt. A full briefing will be given at the start of the year to help you get the most out of membership and sponsorship money.

- Commit time to attend the opportunities conference where you will receive information that will guide you throughout the year. - Set Group membership fee for the year, covering all your costs.

SECRETARY This role fills all the gaps making sure the right paper work is done by deadlines. In most cases this will be the person that manages your web page and/or facebook group.


- Complete application for Blackboard page (academic Groups only). - Set agenda of committee meetings for the year. - Update the Groups page on and Facebook/Twitter.

HEALTH & SAFETY It’s all about risk assessments – this role is eligible for first aid (discounted) and risk management (free) training.

- Complete risk assessments for single events during the welcome period and regular events/ meetings for the duration of the year. - Commit time to attend to risk management training session provided by UCSU. - Commit time to attend first aid training provided by UCSU.

CAPTAIN (SPORTS TEAMS) A recognised role, this does NOT replace the role of Chair but can replace Vice Chair. This role has the express purpose of managing teams during fixtures. Groups with multiple teams may register multiple Captains.

- Set dates for first, second, etc team trials – where applicable look at the creation of development teams (discuss with UCSU Groups facilitator) - Produce team sheets for the up-coming BUCS season (if applicable)


All Groups register their members via a page on the Student Union website. You control the content and any membership fees are paid directly into your Group account. Registering members allows the Union to ensure that everyone in your Group is insured. Members do not need to be current students of the University of Cumbria. Non-students may vote for committees but may not stand for election.


The Group needs to re-elect a committee annually to continue affiliation to the Students Union.


By submitting a committee form, the Group is tacitly agreeing to the terms of affiliation to the Students Union (full details can be found here: Terms of Affiliation). £1 affiliation per member is taken at the point of sign up. The role of UCSU is to provide a framework for the betterment of all its Groups and each individual Group. The Students Union does not run any Group. We are led by our members through your Sabbatical Officers and 2 panel reps. Our policies are governed by our core values, Member-led, Friendly, Inclusive and Excellent. You can find out how to become a Groups rep here: 5

2) FINANCE, BUDGETS & GRANTS HOW IT WORKS Every Group has a unique account line held on their behalf by the Students Union. This can be paid into, in cash via the UCSU finance officer and membership fees are paid directly into it. We can also provide details of the account in the case that a Group member may wish to pay money in by direct transfer. Account statements are available on request throughout the year. New Groups are awarded a £50 kick-start fund to assist with promotional activities.

SELF-FUNDING Most funding for Groups is self-generated via the following: • Membership • Sponsorship • Tickets for events/ activities • Fundraising activities (everyone loves a bake sale!) The Students Union will assist you with all of these activities if you ask.

ADDITIONAL FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FACILITATED BY UCSU From time to time the Students Union will have access to additional funding in return for activities like promoting elections or similar. Keep tuned in on Facebook, Twitter, and newsletters for your chance to be involved.

THE GROUPS DEVELOPMENT FUND (GDF) Groups development funding applications are small grants given by UCSU to Groups, to help them improve participation numbers and performance. The GDF was created in line with UCSU’s values, which we expect all Groups to enshrine in the work they do, as we do.

OUR VALUES: - Member-led: our services, opportunities and activities are informed by what matters to you - Inclusive: relevant to, involving of, and accessible for you - Friendly: enjoying working with and for you - Excellent: always striving to do our best for you and specifically in relation to the theme of “your student life”. - Connecting you with others to enrich and support your learning experience - Helping you overcome potential barriers to success The GDF is opened annually to allow new applications that meet the above criteria and specific objectives given in that period. Grant caps are limited by the quality mark of the Group making the application. All applications are reviewed by a staff/student panel.


GROWTH & QUALITY MARK INCENTIVE To incentivise the quality of Groups and participation numbers, Groups are given until January to work towards achieving the following quality standards and get full participation numbers. BRONZE




5 eligible goals

7 eligible goals

9 eligible goals

11+ eligible goals

ELIGIBLE GOALS Current committee form submitted Updated risk assessment for 2015/16 activities submitted Group constitution submitted 5%+ of membership aged 25+ Current sponsorship deal with local business Fund raising activity – for external charity Fund raising activity – for Group Registered a cross-campus committee Has supported campaigns run by UCSU (elections, sexual health, project groups) 50%+ of membership have attended a UCSU volunteering project day Ran an event during Welcome Week Promotes women’s and/or disability sport All committee members have logged 10+ hours on UCSU’s volunteering system

The eligibility for awards is as follows: >10 Registered Members

>20 Registered Members

>30 Registered Members


£20 GDF Grant Bid Cap

£30 GDF Grant Bid Cap

£40 GDF Grant Bid Cap


£30 GDF Grant Bid Cap

£40 GDF Grant Bid Cap

£50 GDF Grant Bid Cap

£40 GDF Grant Bid Cap £30 Clothing/ Equipment Credit

£50 GDF Grant Bid Cap £40 Clothing/ Equipment Credit

£60 GDF Grant Bid Cap £50 Clothing/ Equipment Credit

£50 GDF Grant Bid Cap £50 Clothing / EquipmentCredit

£60 GDF Grant Bid Cap £60 Clothing/ Equipment Credit

£70 GDF Grant Bid Cap £70 Clothing/ Equipment Credit




QUALITY MARK & FUNDING APPLICATION MENTORING Any Group may request support in achieving the best possible quality mark and/or producing a compelling funding request. These are made with the Groups Facilitator.

PAYMENTS & PURCHASING Purchases and payments should be made from a Group account directly. A full quotation must be provided to the Groups Facilitator in advance so that a purchase order can be raised. Failure to provide a quotation may result in a delay in payment.

EXPENSES From time to time Group members may need to claim back out of pocket expenses. This can be done with the UCSU finance officer provided: - An expenses form is completed - Appropriate evidence of expenditure (receipt) is provided - The form must be counter signed by another committee member and the Groups Facilitator - The Group has appropriate funds in their account - Is claimed within one month of the expenditure



All affiliated Groups (with a registered committee) are guaranteed a stand at the Welcome Fair on their campus. This provides a great opportunity to make people aware of what you do during the welcome period. We also encourage all our Groups to put on “give it a go” and exhibition events at this time. Be sure to tell us in advance about these so we can promote them with you.

Every Group gets (free of charge) 1 hour of meeting/ training space each week during terms 1 & 2, during term 3 sports facilities are not available to Groups. - Additional sports facilities time can be hired directly from the Sports Centre for sports card holders. - Extra bookings for events can be made with the Groups facilitator.

Promotion Throughout the year the Students Union can provide promotion for your Group via Twitter, Facebook, our website and newsletter. Be sure to keep us in the loop and we’ll make sure your name gets out there. 8

TRIPS & SPEAKERS The Students Union supports the organisation of trips and guest speakers. Where required we can help you to arrange transport and set up ticket sales. To ensure your safety the Students

Union requires for any Group trips or speakers to be declared at least three weeks in advance of the departure/start time. Online forms are available via the resource area.

VOLUNTEERING & FUNDRAISING All committee members are eligible to register as volunteers with the Students Union. This is enables you to log hours spent in this capacity. On graduation you will receive a certificate for committee hours and any other volunteering projects. signed by the the vice chancellor of the University. A nice little addition to any CV. More information available here: volunteering Groups may fundraise for registered charities of their choosing. They may not fundraise on behalf of a political party.


THE RULES Group members are expected to follow the rules & regulations set out by the Students Union. These are agreed to at the point of sign-up. The Group and it’s committee are accountable for the actions of its members. https://drive.

THE ALL CUMBRIA FINALS & AWARDS Every Group is invited to attend, compete in or exhibit at the All Cumbria Finals. This annual event is hosted by UCSU to show the very best of Groups activity. It includes inter-campus competition, cross campus events and more. The Group Awards are also held annually as a thank you to all those graduating and to recognise the best and most hard working Groups members.

Information & Forms are all available via the “resource area” on

BUCS COMPETITIONS Groups can compete in the BUCS leagues and individual events. Whilst a team plays under the banner of the “University of Cumbria” they are not linked to UoC and remain affiliated Groups of UCSU. Applications are open annually.



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