Joy of Kosher with Jamie Geller - February/March 2013

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Bubbly Cocktails Liven up Purim Celebrations The happy festival of Purim commemorates the triumph of our ancient heroes Mordechai and Queen Esther over the evil Haman, who had plotted the destruction of the Jewish people in ancient Shushan, a part of the Persian Empire. In celebrating, the Talmud invites celebrants to drink until one cannot distinguish between the phrases “Cursed is Haman” and “Blessed is Mordechai.” Light and fruity wine cocktails are the perfect complement to any celebration, with some bubbles, a bit of spice, and some succulent fruit. How to choose good wines to use in cocktails? Look for sweet wines that can combine well with spice and fruit for complexity, and bubbles, which aerate the wine for a sparkling fizz that is festive and fun. These wines are sturdy enough to stand up to ice, and the preparations are simple enough to whip up for a crowd. L’Chaim!!


Vashti's Boudoir


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