Breathing apparatus

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多En que consiste? The breathing has two consecutive phases:

-> inhaling: the diafragme shrinks. The toracic box gets some volume and takes the air from outside to fill the space. -> exhaling: the toracic box gets smaller, loses capacity and the lungs let the air go out.

Relaci贸n entre respiraci贸n celular y espiraci贸n pulmnar

->In pulmonar breathing interchaing CO2 and O2.



-> In celular breathing the cells consom O2 when they get the energy from food and get free CO2 as a waste product

Tipos de respiraci贸n Through the skin, for example: ->Some earth worms and anphibious at adult age.

Through gills, for example: ->Water animals. Through reservons, for example:

->The insects. Throungh louns, for example: ->Earth vertebrate animals.

/Curiosidades  The

hiccoughts/hipo: it is caused by the contraction of the diafragme, then the air, gets in very quickly and the crocal cords get closed. This causes the hiccoughts.

 The right lung is bigger than the left lung, because it has to give some space to the heart

 We

breathe about 5 or 6 litres of air per minute, because half of the water we drink is exhaled through the breathing

 There


was a farmer that has got hiccoughts since 60 years

partes del aparato respiratorio Nasal cavity

trachea bronchus Left lung


Natalia Portal Merario 2ºB Enrique Sánchez-Migallón Ochoa 2ºA Amanda Maeso Fanega 2ºA Sihao Cheng 2ºA David Crespo Bellón 2ºA

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