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UK visa laws no longer a barrier to quality education thanks to online education

Since last year a new trend has been noticed in British universities-the number of Asian students opting to study in the UK has drastically fallen. The biggest reason for this alarming decline is the British immigration crackdown.


Why are Asian students opting to stay away from the UK?

 Well, Asian students are opting to stay away from the UK because there is a growing perception amongst them that the UK is no longer a welcoming place. Increasing incidents of violence against Asians has caused students to think twice before applying for UK universities. In the words of Jo Bealle,the director of education and society at the British Council -“ Playing to a British audience [on immigration] has a huge impact on countries like India and Pakistan which have historical relationships with us, [with] large middle classes that are English speaking and a free, English speaking press. So when these things are said here they get reported over there, and it has a very damaging impact on how we are perceived by potential students.â€?

 A recent change in the visa rules does not allow students even part time work during or after their studies.  A huge increase in tuition fees is also being seen as a repelling factor. Universities have had no other option but to raise tuition fees to compensate for sharp costs in government funding. Students argue that if these universities are going to hike up fees shouldn’t they be able to at least stay back, work and pay back their loans through more lenient visa and immigration rules.  And lastly, one must not forget that Asian Universities are rising in world rankings with each passing year which is causing a number of students to stay back at home.


These days students who want to find immediate jobs on completion of their studies to pay off loans or gain experience don’t even consider Britain.

And surprisingly it’s not just Asian students who are no longer considering the UK for higher studies but other students from non EU countries are giving Britain a miss too! Since international students occupy more than 50 percent of the seats for research and postgraduate courses in British universities, this alarming decrease is going to cost UK heavy. This is because foreign students bring approximately 8 billion pounds a year to the British economy.

UK universities are undeniably reputed and they do impart quality education but the fact that the government is strictly clamping down upon its immigration laws will prove to be a further blow to their own economy. But this does not mean that students should be depressed or that this is the end of their dreams to study in a foreign university.

The good news is that advances in the field of education and technology have enabled students these days to easily obtain degrees through distance learning courses.

If it’s become hard to get a visa and travel abroad, individuals can still obtain online degrees and diplomas, from reputed universities and institutions. This further allows them to study from the comforts of their own home, work full time or part time as well and the course fees are much lower than on campus courses.

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