It's A Small World

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The Final Project It’s A Small World James Riley

Naoki Honjo

Friday 28 September 2007 From September 28th Paul Smith is hosEng an exhibiEon of the work of Japanese photographer Naoki Honjo in his Albemarle St shop.

Naoki Honjo

"Swedish Shipping Terminal" Published in "Small Planet" Naoki Honjo. 2008

Containers, urban buildings, express highways, Tokyo staEon, parks and people, of which Noaki Honjo’s works are consisted.

Richard Silver

Mind Map Of Ideas

Liverpool Street StaEon

Lakeside Shopping Centre Oxford Circus

Planning 1 photo shoot •  Ligh%ng – ArEficial lighEng outside the train staEon •  Props – No Props on this parEcular photo •  Models – The Photo will have people like models looking down •  Loca%on – Upminster StaEon •  Date – AVer two weeks before completed •  Equipment e.g. Tripod– This photo will be included with a tripod •  Health and safety considera%ons – Taking the photo from a bridge is more safe than a plaWorm.

The next are edited photos of the suburb of Central London, they were taken from the London Eye on the South Bank of the River Thames. During that ride, I did eventually have a bit of trouble taking the photos due to the crowds onboard. I was using a camera made by ‘Sony’.

A birds eye view with a Southeastern out of Charing Cross staEon and in the background can be seen St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The background view on this picture can be seen the BriEsh Telecom BT Tower and the Centrepoint Building and on the foreground is a great view of Charing Cross staEon.

This taken looking down at a Southeastern Train heading of Charing Cross staEon.

This bird’s eye view is looking down at the south bank of the River Thames with adjustments only edited.

A trains taken from a bird’s eye view of Waterloo staEon.

Another picture of the south bank in edited lens blur on the outer parts of the photo.

EvaluaEon The last edited photo may have looked be\er if the picture was closely zoomed down at the people and the buildings. The Lens Blur could have been less shaped and blending out longer. The LighEng must have been edited as normal instead of using adjustments. The photo doesn't seem to have much negaEve space at all, it has quite enough less space to edit more of this photo. It looks correctly exposed and pa\erns and shapes sEll look phased out. There is no black or white edited on this photo, but I have enjoyed edited this photo Lens blur.

Upminster sta%on


EvaluaEon The first photograph taken at Purfleet inspires me the most because I think it make the strongest link to the work Richard Silver. I took this photo from a high view point from a bridge running over the train track because I wanted the train to appear smaller than it is in real life. The lens blur blends just in Eme as the train is going away which is more focused. The distance looks further away as well as the negaEve space on most of the picture. The light on the day, although it was natural, it was an overcast day with not enough sunlight which made the photos look darker.


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