Helpful Ideas: Hygiene habits for Children during and after COVID-19

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Helpful Ideas: Hygiene habits for Children during and after COVID-19

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Lockdown 4.0 has come up with certain relaxations, but we need to take our health in our hands by taking all the safety measures before stepping out of the house for essentials. Schools and colleges are yet closed considering the government norms of social distancing and taking care of the health of children. As the nationwide lockdown has more than 260 million children in their homes, it has become essentially important for parents to keep a check on the health of their children. Children are more fascinated in playing online games as they can’t play with their friends outside the house. Teenagers are watching more videos online and spending more time on social media. Engrossed in these activities children are forgetting to take care of their hygiene habits, especially preschoolers. Younger children are most at risk as they aren’t that mature enough to understand the pandemic. Are you figuring out some of the fun and exciting hygiene tips for your child? Refer to this blog. Nalanda International, known as one of the best schools of Baroda, has a few ideas for parents to ensure the health of their child: How to promote hygiene habits to preschoolers? • Children 2 years or older should wear a cloth face covering over their nose and mouth when moving outside the house. Educate your child about the significance of hygiene habits in this pandemic. © Nalanda International School All Rights Reserved.

• Talk to your children regarding COVID-19 outbreak, share with them facts. • Make a 20 seconds hand washing family activity. Create your handwashing song or recite a 5 step poem – wet, lather, scrub, rinse and dry. You can also take the help of YouTube to get some exciting poems or rhythms. Young children learn by imitating the behaviours of elder ones in their lives. Always keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in their bag. • Play passing the parcel: All the members of the family gather in a circle, one of the family members plays the music and stops at any time. Whoever has the ball in hand has to complete the dare - take a tissue box in your hand and sneeze artificially on the tissue and throw the same tissue in the dustbin. Likewise, everyone follows the same. • Parents need to ensure to serve hygienic food to their family members. Ensure to keep your chopping boards and knives which are used for raw meat away from the ones used for cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination. • WHO suggests children to be active for at least an hour in a day. Physical activities boost their immunity, like dancing, playing hide and seek or any other physical activities. Bathing is significant after exercising to flush out all the germs.

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Nalanda International, one of the best ICSE schools in Vadodara, strives to serve our students by incorporating knowledge and building self-confidence for 15 years. As a wellreputed educational body, we also believe in maintaining good health with good hygiene habits abiding with the policy “Health comes first.” Contact us to know more about us! Remember to stay home and stay safe!

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