5 Activity ideas for children during COVID-19

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5 Activity ideas for children during COVID-19

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We are all aware of the pandemic all over the world which demands social distancing as the only cure for it. Staying at home for a few weeks is that one medicine which can keep us to be safe and curb the disease from spreading. Social distancing, a well-known terminology these days which demands to distance oneself from people around that includes relatives, friends, neighbours. Due to government imposing lockdown to encourage social distancing, schools and colleges are shut down.


Children are getting bored at home, parents might be thinking of various ways to keep their children occupied with some productive and fun activities. It can be pretty difficult for parents to make their children stay at home as it is not like any of their summer vacations wherein their children can go and play outdoor games morning and evening.

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Watching television, surfing internet, playing games on internet is already very popular among children. But don’t you think our children need some exciting activities to keep them happy and healthy. So when they get back to their friends they would have various fun activities to discuss with each other.

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But before that let us discuss the role of parents:

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Schedule a time-table for your child, emphasizing on daily working activities for them so that they know how to productively utilize their time. Provide them healthy and positive environment as the news all around is depressing. Help them in coping up with their basics like improving their grammar and vocabulary, handwriting practice, mental mathematics etc. This is the best period when you can talk with your child, so talk to them and know what’s going on in their lives and mentor them.

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In this blog we shall discuss fun activities for children which would be interesting and productive for them:

1) Treasure hunt •This is the best time to spend time with your children. Treasure hunt is one of the exciting family bonding game. It’s a game wherein you make a list of 10 to 20 things in 2 chits of paper and divide your family into 2 teams.

2) Virtual dance party •Wear your dancing shoes, switch on your devices and have a web conference with your children’s friends. Also, you can organize a game for them called as “Freeze dance”.

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3) Go on an Alphabet scavenger hunt •Make sheets have alphabets and let your child find items that begin with each letter.

4) Play “The floor is lava” •The ones who miss their fun activity for kindergarten. Decide which furniture is okay to jump on and considered safe. Set a timer and the first person who yells, “the floor is lava.” All other players will get to the “safe” spot before time runs out.

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5) Plant a garden •Do you remember your childhood? When your father used to water flowers and we used to learn in school different types of beautiful flowers and plants, which made us inquisitive to ask our fathers that how does such pretty flowers develop? •In this digitalization era, playing online games occupies our children and they fail to understand and learn the beauty of nature. So, let’s teach them Gardening! Get gardening equipment and tools, fertilizers, watering containers etc and teach your children the art of planting.

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In these few minutes of reading hope you have jotted down few of the fun activities for students. Make them play all of the above interesting activities which shall keep their interest on role and you would feel more relaxed when your child is happy and healthy. Nalanda International School, believes in providing a fostering and knowledgeable environment for your child, promising value-based learning. It is considered as one of the best schools of Vadodara situated in Gujarat. With this epidemic worldwide, we pray for the good health for you and your family. Stay home, stay safe!

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