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1 There was a time, four members of a family, they lived in a house of Valencia, in the center area.

2 Were very happy, the parents had a good job and the two children went to a good school, where they had made many friends.


3 The family was very happy with his life. Pepe, the father, he ran a large construction company of luxury estates and Mary, the mother, who was a schoolteacher in one of the more important schools of Valencia.

4 The children were 12 and 16 years, the small, Alejandro, was studying 1or so and his notes were excellent, the teachers spoke very well of him.

You want to drink?

One coca-cola please!

5 The girl was 16 years ago, Irene, was studying 1or Bachelor's degree and on weekend evenings working in a bar, brought 3 months working.

Because is unhappily?

6 One day, Pepe arrived with a bad news to house, by the crisis, its construction company lost a lot of money and in a month they were going to close it, saying goodbye to all employees.

I have to tell you one thing...

7 Mary thought to tell the truth to her husband and confess that it in a few days i would have to leave the college, had made cuts in education and did not need their services.

8. The Childrens, when they heard this terrible news, they wondered what was going to happen. After one week, the parents, decided to take a decision to resolve the problems.

The only option they had was going to live outside the country, since they had the opportunity to find a new job. 10 They were decided by Holland, a country where the percentage of the economically active population is very high.


11 The mother enrolled the children in a public school near the urbanization. At the beginning were very scared, did not know the language well and cost them integrate.

12 The mother enrolled the children in a public school near the urbanization. At the beginning were very scared, did not know the language well and cost them integrate.

As I promised ...

13 The first few months were difficult, in that it spoke a language other than. Pepe and Martin Stekelenburg became very good friends and this promised him a position in his company of car manufacturing.

14 After a few weeks Martin offered him the plaza that he had promised and Pepe accepted.

I love...

I believe that...

I don’t think it is well!

We do this weekend?

15 All became as before, the two parents had a job that they liked and their children, although the principle did not have good results, with the time were improving and made very good friends.

16 The family achieved a good level of English in a very short time. They were very wariness in Holland, they already had a very remarkable life, did not even have the sense of absence of Valencia.

Say ... ?

mmm.. 多?

17. One day, received a call from the former company Pepe, Athens that, thanks to the crisis in Valencia had disappeared, returning to open and hire many jobs. He was the first admitted by his great power in his post of before.

I give you the opportunity to decide for you...

18. What they could do? The parents met to decide. The father gave him the option of deciding to the mother, she wanted to stay, had been integrated very well but decided to give them the opportunity to decide their children.

19 The children decided to return to his home city as they had left many friends back and wanted to return to see their grandparents.

You go well!

Nice to meet you!

20 The parents took decided to return to Valencia and went to buy four plane tickets.

I'm going to have less to all!

We'll talk later!

We will be in touch!

21 Pepe decided to go to the company the next day to say goodbye to all his new friends, and of course Martin Stekelenburg, since he made a good friendship with him and his great effort and interest toward the family.

22 Martin Stekelenburg, learning of his return to Valencia, decided to organize a surprise party to say goodbye. Hire a humorist, would have ordination, music, a chocolate fountain, huge balloons and many guests and everything would be a surprise.

23 The festival was a success, the family is not expecting it, Mary cried with emotion. All the comrades of Pepe said goodbye to him with hugs and tears, had connected very well among all.

24 To return to Valencia in aircraft, Irene and Alejandro were saddened by that leaving many friends behind, but were also happy because they were going to be returning to his home with his whole family, grandparents, uncles, cousins and friends.


25 When you get home his whole family was waiting for him with gifts and a new family member, a Cocker puppy, cinnamon color. A enormous surprise!

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