Intermedio 2_5

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Intermedio 2 September 2, 2011 Last year Looking back I feel that, on the whole, it was a posi5ve year. Some students dropped out but I don’t know if it was because of my teaching style or their lack of mo5va5on. Those of you who kept coming to class did learn some English, didn’t you? Was it the survival of the fiDest? Bri+sh and American English You’ve been lucky enough to be exposed to the two main English dialects in the world. The future Remember that the key to speaking good English lies in your very aHtude to the language. To you English should not be an academic subject but rather a part of your life just like your Internet skills or your ability to buy clothes. And now you know exatly what to do: watch films in the original version, read English, get exposed to the language. It has been a pleasure to teach you. Good luck with your learning. !


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