We Sing Our Songs

Page 55

As you were growing up your mother always told you if you didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. With today's political issues it's hard to keep that saying in mind. My goal is to teach people to have a strong voice. In this day and age, we've come along way from where we started at, When I think about the way things were for my elders, one word comes to mind; HARDSHIPS. Our elders sacrificed and were put through a lot to pave the road for us today. For that I'm very thankful. . . . . I know it takes more than one person to change the world, but if enough people begin to speak to what they believe – to what they know, we as a whole, can all make the world a better place. I now know my mission in life, I want to teach people how to voice their opinions, how to speak up for themselves. We can all do something to make this world a better place for our children and our children's children.

Sommer Mitchell Ogichidaakweg Founding Mother

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