We Sing Our Songs

Page 37

A revolution in thought, where young Native Americans can become more than just what others expect them to be, where they can reach goals because of a support system that encourages them to attain more than just their own dreams, but to help the ones behind them as well. A thought, which includes those who are not afraid of mingling with the young Aborigines within the community. It has been a discussion amongst we Ogichidaakweg that we will become more independent, and more responsible for the younger ones in the program. Although we have very busy and very irregular lives, ones which involve poverty as well as what society calls “dysfunctional families�, we have endured all, surviving on one thought alone, we can do anything we want. This main thought was created within the first year of the Ogichidaakweg Program. Here we were allowed to use our minds, nothing was right, nothing was wrong. Yet some created photos that were pleasant to look at, while others said what they thought our instructors wanted to hear. Some stood out by speaking out right away. This has been Sisters In Leadership, this has been Ogichidaakweg.

Tarah Jean Jackson Ogichidaakweg Founding Mother

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