Innerself Issue 22 - East West / 2010

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE

Issue 22 • East/West

GANGAJI See What is Always Here

GENEEN ROTH Women, Food and GOD

RICHARD MOSS Our Lives Always Begin NOW



Gifts for the Body & Soul Pioneer in W E A Y N Regression Self Worth equals Self Love in Action DYRE - how to Choose or Change your Career Hypnosis The Pathfinder IN AUSTRALIA You are GOD Luminous Beings we are and more . . .








WOMEN FOOD & GOD by Geneen Roth


FEELING IS HEALING by Helen Papadopoulos


STOP LYING TO YOURSELF by Katrina McGilchrist


















WHERE LOVE REIGNS by Sky Shayne Innes


SPRING IS HERE! by Rebecca Quin





ANCIENT GUARDIANS by Elisabeth Jensen





YOGA AND YOU by Katrina Smith















HOW TO FIX EVERYTHING by William Webster






FLOWING CHI by Simon Blow






36 37



DNA MEMORY by Rachelle Terry







EYE ON THE SKY by Robert Crawford









WHAT’S YOUR STORY by Nichola Burton
























Life is challenging because we can’t pin it down, we can’t control it. The moment we think we’ve got it worked out – everything shifts and changes again. No that’s not quite it … everything is shifting and changing moment to moment … life is constant flux …yet our minds try to do everything but allow and flow with what is. When we think we have it worked out, we can pretty confidently say – get ready … this too will change. Not to say that there’s not a place we can sit in that is stable, true, clear and real in all of this. There is, but it’s not in our thoughts and imaginings about life … it’s a gentle movement back in to who and what we really are…always, already are. When we are challenged by the world not meeting our expectations, instead of stubbornly soldiering on, battling through what appears to be the obstruction or the enemy, it may be wiser to pull out of the situation, step back for a moment and allow the fullness of what is to come naturally into view. And it’s never very far away, no matter what our minds say. No, it’s not too hard, or too confusing, or too challenging …we’ve simply lost ourselves in our thoughts again, these ideas about how life should be rather than allowed for what life is, to be. When these moments arise … take heart, there’s always a way back in … There’s a place where the sun forever shines ...Do you know it? There’s a place where who you truly are is always constant ...Have you seen it? There’s a place that whispers a magical Hum...Have you heard it? There’s a place that allows, simply allows for all that is ... to be as it is...Can you be it? Beyond the thought ... Beyond the emotion ... Beyond any birthed notion of “some-

thing” there is This ...This placeless place. Call it what you will, but don’t seek it. Let it simply reveal Itself. You cannot go there. Going creates distance. Simply allow It to be seen, to be known, to be felt. How? Ah ... Already gone too far. “How” cannot take you there. How does not qualify as a way ...There is no path. Only allowing for what is, to be. Any movement towards it is in fact a movement away. The Call simply calls. When you hear It, was it because you listened? No ... you heard because you were open ... ready ... willing ... available. This is all that’s being asked of you: Be willing to let It come into view. When It does, this placeless place will be real, true and lasting. Ideas will still come and go. Feelings will continue to arise and be felt but this placeless place will have made itself seen and known. No turning back now. No more forgetting ... no remembering even. Simply the allowing for This that always already is ... always already was ... always already will be, to be. Simply allow. Love to you, Leo and Enza



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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE

Issue 29 • SA

GANGAJI See What is Always There


Gifts for the Body & Soul • Self Worth equals Self Love in Action The Pathfinder - how to Choose or Change your Career Meditation and Health • The True Beauty within our Voice Struggle Less Surrender more • Are you Addicted to Dieting? Sex . . . Where to from Here? • Luminous Beings we are • and more . . .


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We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia.

InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.

GENEEN ROTH Women, Food and GOD

Our Lives Always Begin NOW


DOLORES CANNON Pioneer in Regression Hypnosis


ISSUE 22 East/W est Edition East/West October-December 2010

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Look not at the world, but into your own being

Our Lives Always Begin Now ○

BY DR. RICHARD MOSS To come to the beginning of ourselves is to cease to be victims of circumstances, the actions of others, or even our own mistakes. The true story of who we really are begins now. We are no longer tossed willy-nilly from one desire, thought, or worry to another in a futile process of trying to escape the nearly infinite forms of “this isn’t it” and especially “I am not sufficient as I am.” If we realize that we are truly originating ourselves over and over, we have the power to claim a relationship to ourselves that begins right now. Then we are capable of responding to our own feelings or to our situations rather than reacting. When we react, we contribute to the problem. Our judgments are quick, poorly considered, and generally defensive or self-negating. We feel divided from ourselves as well as from others. It becomes difficult to know what to do next. When we are far from the beginning of ourselves, our reactions envelop us in unhappiness and distrust, which follow us well beyond the moment. In contrast, when we respond from the beginning of ourselves, our relationship to ourselves and to others always begins anew. We can take the time to appreciate what we are feeling and see our own states of being, and the behaviour of others, in a larger context of empathy and com-

passion. There is no lingering misery, and no sense of being lost and afraid. Instead there is a growing space of trust. But to have this kind of personal authority, we must focus our attention directly on the immediacy of ourselves. We have to learn to stay right here and wait with our minds stilled until the waters calm and we sense the deeper current of our lives once again. No one has described the subtlety of this conscious awareness better than the poet T.S. Eliot, when he wrote: I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. This waiting without hope or love or thought is the essence of creating a conscious holding environment, especially when we face the untamed feelings. It is the essential process by which we depart from the awareness field of fear and survival and enter the far larger field of love. Then we too can experience what all the great souls understand: that human beings

are truly the sons and daughters of God. We are not and never have been inherently deficient. Despite endless stories and feelings that can, when we identify with them, convince us that we are unwor thy or somehow not good enough, there is a deeper part of ourselves that can hold all this self-doubt. To awaken to this deeper part of ourselves and learn to let it hold our suffering selves is the fundamental relationship that our souls are calling us toward. Dr har Dr.. Ric Richar hardd Moss is an internationally r e s p e c t e d spiritual teacher and visionary thinker. He is the author of The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness and other books on conscious living and inner transformation. For thirty years he has guided people of diverse backgrounds in the use of the power of awareness to realize their intrinsic wholeness and reclaim the wisdom of their true self. His work integrates spiritual practice, psychological self-inquiry, and body awareness. You can visit him online at This article was excerpted from the book: The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness by Richard Moss.

The absolute truth is that enlightenment only exists because ignorance exists. They are two sides of one coin, yet diametrically light years apart. Light is only known when it comes into contact with darkness and this darkness is our selfcreated ignorance that life is not perfectly good here and now. To be truly enlightened is to be in communion with a vast cosmic intelligence that knows without doubt, that everything that is needed is already here. It is actually a state of divine innocence; a journey that leads us back to a place we’ve all come from. To use an analogy, if you look into the eyes of a newborn baby, you will easily see the grace and beauty of enlightenment. The only difference in the child is that it is devoid of experience and must live to seek; and seek to know that all experiences, however pleasurable, are not permanent. The unconditional reality of life lies within. Here, everything is fundamentally known and realised as a state of oneness, exquisitely pure and simple. Life is as it is, timelessly natural, infinite and undivided. How can you say that life is perfectly good here and now when there is so much suffering in the world? When your conditioned self is transcended, so too is your attachment to the world. However circumstances of living may continue, one is no longer affected by the appearance of things. Life is inherently good, because it is the conscious reality behind the bad news that the media constantly feeds us. It is possible to feel this goodness every moment in our bodies now. Does every path lead to enlightenment or is there only one path? There is only one path, although it has different labels such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or Taoism. These are all systems that endeavour to describe the unknown. God referred to as the cosmic principle, lies beyond everything. There is no name and no form in truth. The real path is giving up your attachment to life being personal. Love and meditation greatly assist this process. How did you gain this realisation?

Initially this realisation came to me spontaneously in a retreat situation. The beauty of life became so vast and overwhelming that the personal drama I had previously lived became meaningless. Many realisations came and went for years, until a point came where the experiences or the centre of my investigation dissolved. All my impressions and insights about the journey’s goal also subsided. Freedom is not an attainment, but a letting go. Is it necessary to give up thinking to spiritually awaken? Let me explain the difference between thought and thinking. Thought is an evolutionary tool that the human species requires for survival. Its purpose is merely practical in nature. The majority of thinking that people experience is based on a self centred imagination that life is somewhere else. It has no value in spiritual life. A master’s function is to raise people’s consciousness to a level where they can see beyond their own mind. What is unique about your teaching? The background of each realised being is imperative in their particular awakening to the truth. While everyone realises the same truth, it is the process, which brought him or her to that point, where differences lie. I had Eastern and Western influences; both meditative and tantric teachings were involved. The unique part of my work is the passionate expression of the truth, not only through words and silence but also through songs about love and life. An integral part of my teaching is based on the truth of love between man and woman. Spiritual life is not only an inner search; it is a process of selfless giving. Love is the bridge to truth; without it we can feel alienated from life. How could more people becoming enlightened change the world? By taking action to make your own psyche pure, the karma of the collective unconscious is reduced. A chain reaction is set in motion to awaken those who are ready and willing. It is the noblest thing one can do in this life. Look not at the world, but into your own being.

What is a master’s role? A master’s only real purpose is to reflect the mystery of the unknown energetically as a living presence to all those who come. Words are used, however the real dissolution comes through silent communion. A compassionate joy radiates like the sun to all who are near the master, though the karmic effect of consciousness allows everyone to respond individually. The living master is the evolutionary pinnacle of the power of consciousness on Earth. He or she always appears in one form or another, waiting for those who can truly hear. PeterJi is a warm and inspiring spiritual teacher. His enlightenment began in 1980 and deepened profoundly by sitting for long periods of time with Burmese teachers and Barry Long. He has since taught in Australia, Thailand and the US, incorporating both traditional practices and a 21st century practical approach to life. He inspires all to open to the benediction of meditation and loving relationship. His recently published book, ‘The Secret of Eternity ‘ has had an energetic effect on many readers. During meditation retreats, PeterJi sits with the group and offers private daily counsel with each student so they can finely tune their practice. A week with PeterJi and his partner April Mai can be life changing. For further information, visit www. or call 07 55 350 848.

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The Danger of Following our Emotions ○


See What is Always Here ○

BY GANGAJI We all have the capacity to swim naked in the ocean of consciousness that is the true self. The true self is not your self. It is what your mind and body are in, what nothing alive can exist without, but which is limitless and blessedly exists without your effort. I say blessedly, because if it depended on you for its existence, then you would have to make some huge effort to establish it, to maintain it, and to make sure that it didn’t die. Generally, once people have tasted the nectar of their true self, this is what they get very busy trying to do. The taste itself is a mystery to which we can apply numerous metaphysical theories, but the mystery continually defies all theories. The idea that the truth of who you are can penetrate your individual consciousness for even an instant and reveal what individual consciousness is made of, while remaining independent of individual consciousness, flattens your mind. Then the mind usually goes to work; it tries to retrieve that moment of absolute awe, or keep it, or understand it, or serve it—to generally do something with it. The mind makes many attempts to “keep” what is already always here, and these attempts feed the mind’s activities of working to understand. Then one day individual consciousness is finished. As the joke goes, “… and then you die.” The everpresent possibility in your life right now is to stop trying to do anything to get who you are and simply rest in this nectar of pure consciousness that is always here. To try to keep what is always here is absurd. To try to establish what is already eternally established is ridiculous. That it is impossible is good news. The bad news is that in trying to keep what is already permanently here, the “hereness” is tragically overlooked. Because we base our energy and thoughts on states of individual consciousness, we constantly overlook the truth of stateless consciousness, which is always present. Consciousness is not an object. It is hereness itself. Our minds are usually involved with an object that appears and disappears in the hereness, and because of that, we overlook the nature of hereness. Pure consciousness is what these words appear in, what all bodies appear in. It infuses all words and bodies, and it is conscious of itself, and it is you. In your recognition of yourself as pure consciousness, you awaken to yourself. Normally, when we speak of consciousness, we are referring to particular states of awareness—being aware of something or not being aware of something—rather than to the awareness itself. For instance, we may identify focused consciousness as “awareness,” and unfocused consciousness as “unawareness.” Unawareness becomes equated with “unspiritual” or “not awake.” But consciousness is fully present in each state. In one state, it is clear, aware of present time, with focused attention. In the other state, it is diffuse, unaware of time, and purely subjective. Each state, awareness or unawareness, is suited to different situations. For instance, if you are learning something new or performing a task that requires detailed focus, to be focused on the object to be learned or the task performed is more appropriate than being unaware of it. On the other hand, if you’re spaciously reflecting, such as prior to discovering the solution to a problem or creating art, it is more appropriate to have no object in mind. It is more appropriate when embracing a lover or a child to be in a timeless, suspended state. In an extreme example, sleep requires suspension of objects and time, while driving a car demands focus on objects and time. Different cultures and subcultures tend to elevate certain states of consciousness and devalue other, apparently opposing states. For someone conditioned by the corporate world, consciousness focuses on the “real

world” of time and getting and keeping objects. Someone committed to this worldview may retreat from their real world for recreation, but it is clear to them where reality is. Likewise, most religions and spiritual movements place reality in what may be called “heaven,” “nirvana,” “paradise,” or “transcendence.” Of course there is overlapping in all worldviews, but the elevated state is considered the ultimate reality. However, if we stop valuing one state over another— even for just a moment—then we can discover that awareness itself is continuous and that all states move in and out of awareness. Awareness is unchanged by any state that appears in awareness. This is a radical invitation: Do not try to reach any state of awareness, whether focused or diffused, and do not try to keep any state away. Rather, recognize what is always present. The wonderful result of this recognition is that objective states become clearer, subjective states become softer, and peace is found in all states. While it is useful to develop your mind, your body, and your work, developing consciousness is a huge mistake. Development happens only because consciousness is already here. If your attention is on “developing” rather than on recognizing this, you go in a circle, chasing your tail and searching for what is still here. In a moment of truth-telling you can recognize for yourself, “Oh, I picked up the search again.” You can deny that you have picked up the search, you can justify picking up the search, or you can stop. In that moment, you can turn your attention to the silence at the core of whatever is occurring. I invite you to stop. Right here. Right now. Stop. Whatever it is you are searching for, stop. Whatever it is you are trying to keep away, stop. Stop and see what is always here. It may appear terrifying, it may appear thrilling, it may appear dead, it may appear blank, but if you stop reaching for it or running from it, you cannot help but finally see what is. I use the word “consciousness,” but if you have some idea of what that is, throw it away. We can also use the word “God,” but there are confusing meanings of God according to each religion and even each individual mind. No matter how you have tried to name it, drop the words you have used and see what is left. See what is shining here, right now, without needing a name or a definition. For an instant, recognize not only what is within you, but also what you are in—what you are born into, what you live in, and what you will die into. As a means of deeper investigation, you can inquire directly within. You can ask yourself this question: What is here? Take a moment just to be still, to be here, regardless of what is passing through you. Recognize that you are the hereness that all is passing through. All the changes, sights, sounds, smells, emotions, thoughts, information, events, births, and deaths are all passing through the ever-present stillness that is here now in the core of your being. Gangaji is an American-born spiritual teacher dedicated to sharing the path of freedom through simple and direct self-inquiry. This year marks her twentieth year of teaching and sharing the essential message she received from her guru, Papaji, on the banks of the Ganges in 1990. She is the author of the Sounds True book The Diamond in your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance.

Acclaimed Buddhist master and scholar, His Eminence the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, is giving a series of public talks across Australia this September and October titled Why the Mind Experiences Hope and Doubt. The Dzogchen lineage holder, whose education was supervised by H.H. the Dalai Lama, warns against the dangers of following our emotions and explains that placing our trust in our ever changing feelings will lead us further away from the peace that we are searching for. “We believe that our emotions are real and permanent and we follow them, thinking they will lead us to inner peace. But this is a trick of mind as they are only temporary and like thieves who steal our peace — we rely on them yet they leave us dissatisfied, unfulfilled and we are disappointed when our positive feelings do not last.” Life is changing with every moment so holding on to an experience and not accepting change will only cause us suffering. Realising this, says Dzogchen Rinpoche, is the key to peace. “When we truly realise the impermanence of life, we will understand that life’s experiences are also impermanent and only then can we experience freedom from the hope and fear of our emotions.” Why do we trust and believe our emotions? Dzogchen Rinpoche teaches that our feelings are old companions that we have known for many years. “Our mind is like an old friend that we trust completely. We blindly follow the advice of mind and are fooled by mind’s stories, not realising how mind creates our emotions and behaviour.” Dzogchen Rinpoche reminds us that when we take our emotions too seriously, we grant even more power to our mind and lose our ability to connect to our innate wisdom. “Following our emotions and believing that we need their support is just a trick of mind that has become our habit. Our inherent wisdom is in fact the ultimate support but can only be experienced when we quieten and rest our mind.” Our busy schedules mean that we often suffer from stress and can be quick to react to difficult situations, but Dzogchen Rinpoche explains that by creating space between what we experience and how we respond, we develop the ability to act with wisdom. “There is nothing inherently wrong with emotions; they arise within all of us. Instead it is our reaction to them that is de-stabilising and consequently we disturb others. We then regret our behaviour and the harm it has caused.” But sometimes our emotions feel so intense that we are compelled to react immediately and creating space is very difficult. Dzogchen Rinpoche offers reassurance that this will become easier over time by regularly examining where our emotions and thoughts come from. “There is a reason why we become angry, there is a history and we play an important role in creating the conditions for our feelings to arise. When we realise that it is our own mind that shapes our experiences, our emotions will hold less power over us, allowing our wisdom to emerge. “To experience freedom from our mind we must be aware of how it influences the information we receive from our five senses. We are often distracted by hope and short term pleasure like a moth drawn to the light of a flame or a fish seduced by bait on a hook, only to end up in serious danger. “By watching our senses and seeing what happens, we will realise how busy our mind is being continuously distracted by temporary joys, following an endless chain of thoughts and never resting. “For example, anger is like a fire which will burn as long as we supply it with fuel. So if we stop fuelling our anger by not following our thoughts and emotions, then our anger will dissolve by itself.” In the modern world, there are many methods and therapies to manage emotional suffering but Dzogchen Rinpoche encourages us to go straight to the root of our problem. If we wish to experience long lasting and genuine inner peace, we can cut the root of our suffering by resting the mind. Directly resting the mind no matter what we are doing, our disturbing emotions and feelings of stress will dissolve. “The sweet taste of sugar cannot be explained through language, it can only be appreciated by personal experience. In the same way our true nature cannot be expressed through words, or felt through emotions, but can be experienced by resting the mind in meditation. “When we have the complete view of how mind works and when we understand the truth of our emotions, we are naturally inspired not to follow them. We do not need to exer t great effort or to employ a complicated antidote— we can simply rest our body and energy and then mind will also naturally rest.”

Throughout September and October Dzogchen Rinpoche is visiting Torquay, Melbourne, Adelaide, Alice Springs, Maroochydore, Brisbane, and Sydney holding a series of public events and retreats. For the full Australian tour schedule please visit or


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RESPONSE: direction and perception ○


BY ISIRA Lately I have noticed more people having a dialogue about manifestation. The general principle being ‘how we think creates what we experience’. Interestingly most of the focus is on the ‘what we experience’. But what if the experience we are having is not so much about the ‘what’ - but rather about HOW we experience the what? What if we are just going to keep having a dance with all of the dynamics of life anyway? All the things we call good and all the things we call bad. What if our true joy isn’t in being able to somehow magically control the universe through our thinking so that we only experience the objects and circumstances we want? What if our true joy is in being able to master the way we respond to every circumstance irrespective of what it is? Are we really going to experience a terrible world upheaval because we have all been focused on our fears? Or are we going to experience world upheaval simply because it is one of the cycles of life? Did all of the Buddhist monks who focused and meditated on compassion somehow fail? Were the violent invasions by China the evidence that actually the monks were really focusing on violence? Or is it possible that the monks were simply part of a process and that they were able to still embody peace because they mastered the ar t of HOW they responded to the circumstance? As humans we spend a lot of time trying to work out the right formula for perception in an effort to control our life direction. But what if life’s direction is already its own being? What if the grand master of illusion, our ego, has just conjured another one: that we somehow have control over reality through our thoughts? What if we are simply able to experience each situation of life because it is going to occur anyway? What if it is already created before we even had any thoughts about it and our idea about focusing on it to create it, is really just an echo effect? And, even if our thoughts are linked to what we create, what about the things that are bigger than our thoughts alone? What if the only true direction we can take charge of is HOW we perceive the situation: how we RESPOND? Firstly, this could be profoundly confronting to the ego. Secondly, it could be profoundly liberating from the ego; liberating because it would release us from an

enormous task to somehow change the shape and nature of reality; liberating - because it puts us in a more realistic position. This is realistic because we cannot change what is happening as it is happening – but we cer tainly can choose HOW we see it and respond to it. And according to this our experience will be determined. I was on a flight once that encountered a ferocious storm. I am pretty sure that everyone on that flight would have thought at least once that the plane was going to go down. The aircraft was being violently thrown around. As I looked around the cabin I could see that every person aboard was terrified, including the flight staff and my travel assistant - everyone except me. I felt very calm, intrigued, and actually entertained by the situation. In fact I even had the thought “Hmmm… well… how about this… if this is it… wow… what an exciting way to go down!” Why was I so calm and even enjoying the moment? Because I was surrendered to the moment. My response arose from a state of acceptance. I was free of resistance, control or rejection. I didn’t have a problem with what was happening. I didn’t think “Why me… why is this happening… what did I do to deserve this?” or “Oh dear, I must have failed with all my attempts at positive thinking”. I just experienced the moment with full presence and clear awareness. That awareness did not project any opinion – it simply participated with what was happening. That state of awareness is what masters know as ‘clear perception’. In practice this is often referred to as ‘witnessing’. However clear perception involves witnessing AND responding. There are three central dynamics of perception. 1/ positive perception – 2/ negative perception and 3/ clear perception. Most people have the notion that the game of manifestation is about using the powers of positive perception. There is a problem with this. Even though we may influence our life to some degree by focusing in a way that we move towards our preferred goals we keep ourselves tied in a conditional loop: our happiness remains conditional to the circumstances. And the truth is that the game of manifestation includes all perceptions and all the dynamics of creation –

creative and destructive. In other words we are still going to encounter ‘good’ things AND ‘bad’ things. Yet according to which perception we focus with most, we will cultivate the corresponding experiences. With positive perception we experience more temporal/conditional happiness. With negative perception we experience more temporal/conditional suffering. With clear perception we experience true and lasting happiness, freedom, love and peace. So where do we get more of this ‘clear perception’? You guessed it: meditation! The more you meditate and make your life meditative the more you rest into the aware self which is clear perception. Simple, really. True happiness, peace, love and freedom really can be found. Simply surrender the attachment to the polarity of positive versus negative perception. Simply surrender to the awareness in the centre of each moment and revel in the wonder that is already here. Become the master of your every response and you will realise true and lasting happiness. Isira is a universal spiritual teacher who embodies love, peace and liberation. It is her goal to assist in raising global consciousness. Her teachings show us the certainty of our inner power so that we can live and respond in Presence, to impact the earth and humanity positively. Her core teaching, The Presence, is a living meditation, enabling us to experience and access the power of true presence within. Isira has been presenting regularly in Australia and overseas for over twenty years and has published her extraordinary autobiography – “A Journey of Awakening”. Her celebrated teachings facilitate awakening through profound, practical and simple tools. For more information and program schedules visit

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of …. We were sitting in a very ordinary dining room of a very ordinary hotel when my world changed in a very extraordinary way. In Japan the giving of gifts is not surprising but this gift was to be an enormous surprise. It was a book, but a book that caused me to gasp with astonishment and then delight. Filled with photos, it was a book showing, page after page of the most beautiful light beings. I call them ‘light beings’ because this is the term that came into my mind the moment I saw them. And there is a reason for this but first I will tell you the story behind the gift. Tommi and Akiko are dear friends of ours in Japan. They organise the Love’s Alchemy courses in Nagano and facilitate their own programmes focused on spiritual awareness and growth. A few months earlier they heard about a man in Kyushu, the largest southernmost island of Japan, who takes photographs at sacred sites with deep meditative awareness. With astonishing consistency, when developed, his photos show beautiful images of these light beings, not visible before. On hearing of this, Tommi and Akiko journeyed south from Tokyo to spend some time with him. Visiting a nearby shrine, they sat in meditation while he took photos. When done, they went for lunch but on the way handed in the film to be developed. After lunch they collected the photographs which showed, not just the shrine and themselves meditating but also glorious light forms taking up much of the photograph. Had I not heard the story directly from Tommi and Akiko, I might have thought that these were clever digitally manipulated images created in a studio. On hearing their story, I recognized another example of multidimensional communication; another way that we are receiving information helping us in our transition into new consciousness. Just to look at these images opens a portal, a gateway

transforming the way we see and know our world. Old consciousness is fear based. It reflects a world where budgets for the military grossly supersede budgets for health and wellbeing; where nuclear war and the proliferation of weapons is seen as necessary for our children’s future; where the suppression of water, food, medicine and life-saving technologies is treated, not only as sane but fair, to preserve economic balance. This is a balance for whom, I ask? And does this balance have anything to do with the growing discrepancy between wealth and poverty. We act as outlaws, raping and pillaging our precious Mother, and stealing or trashing her generous gifts. All this reflects our fear. What are we frightened of? In the infinite field of possibility of an ever-expanding universe, do we really need to think interms of such limitation and scarcity? Do we really feel so alone, so unsuppor ted and abandoned? If we would only wake up from the nightmare of our fear and see the exquisite dance of love all around us in life. If we could sense the mystery and magnificence of this universe, not just in this dimension but also in all others - where love reigns supreme. Now is our opportunity and many of us are experiencing this. More and more channels of information from many sources fill us with inspiration, wisdom and insight. Today our children are bringing in new information. These are the words from four-year-oldAkiane talking about the new earth.”The plants there move and sing when I move and talk. It seems as if they can think. Animals there are not like here. They listen to me, and they’re not afraid of me, so I can pet them whenever I want. Some of them create the most amazing plant sculptures. I also fly on top of huge birds there … I am good there, and I listen there. Everyone listens there – God is there.” Children

are bringing in this wisdom birthed out of the shifts we have made toward “a new earth”. As we purify ourselves of fear, so new pathways open to new information and deeper awareness. I recall the hilarious story of my dear friend Tanmaya when the plants first spoke to him. Hastening away from the Himalayan mountains, with serious concerns for his mental health, he regarded such an occurrence with deep suspicion. Since then, Tanmaya’s flower essences have supported him and many others in their remembrance of our true nature. Today, we are far more open to the healing knowledge of the plants, animals and elementals, listening with profound respect to such information. The shamans of every tradition have always known it, holding deep reverence for earth wisdom. Not only children and flowers, not only shamans and channels bring metaphysical information. We have information from the stars and planets. Besides astrology, many believe that crop circles are information from extraterrestrials. It has always amazed me how apathetic we are to this mar velous phenomenon. It seems the most attention we give these messages from other realms is only to try and disprove they are from other realms. Why are we so frightened of the cosmos? Metaphysical information cannot be reached through the mind. On the contrary, the mind must be stilled for such information to be “downloaded”. Like inspiration, intuition and other expressions of heart intelligence, the concepts of the mind only obscure a vaster knowing that is accessed from the Akashic records. By placing your awareness in your heart, you naturally experience the deep silence of the heart. In this silence is supremeintelligence which then, and only then, can be written on

Continued on page 13



Pearls of Wisdom

WITH KATRINA SMITH In the last issue of Innerself we started with the first principle of Yoga: proper relaxation (savasana). Let’s now look at the second, and one of the most important principles of Yoga: proper breathing (pranayama)... Breathing is vital to life. Life begins with our first breath and ends with our last. To breathe is a matter of life and death... deprive us of breath and we will survive only minutes. Given this fact, it is astounding that the majority of us pay very little attention, if any, to how we breathe. Breathing is an automatic, natural, and mainly involuntary process. We are breathing even when we are not consciously aware of it. Unfortunately, this tends to lead to the development of improper breathing habits over the years without being aware of it. We may start breathing through the mouth, breathing shallowly, not using the diaphragm properly, or using only a fraction of our lung capacity. These improper breathing habits allow only a small amount of breath to enter the body, often resulting in a lack of energy and reduced resistance to disease. Fortunately, breathing is one of the few involuntary bodily processes that can also be consciously controlled. This means that we are able to regulate the breath to change our unconscious breathing habits. Yoga gives us various breathing exercises, known as pranayama, to correct improper breathing habits.

The breath is as important to Yoga as it is to living. Prana means “vital energy”, “lifeforce”, or “breath”; and ayama means “expansion”, “restraint”, or “control”. Pranayama is the science of breath control. Prana is the universal life-force energy found in all living things. In Chinese Medicine (eg. acupuncture) this energy is called chi. It is in the air we breathe, in water, in food, in every cell of the human body. Prana is life itself. According to Yoga teachings, there are two main functions of pranayama exercises. Firstly, proper breathing brings more oxygen into every cell of the physical body (most importantly to the brain), and more prana into the energy body. In ordinary breathing, we take in very little prana. By practising Yogic breathing exercises, we are able to extract and store a greater quantity of prana. The higher the level of energy we have stored in the body, the better our overall health will be. Secondly, through pranayama exercises we begin to control prana, leading to control of the mind, as the two are interdependent. Our state of mind and the way we breathe is intimately connected. So by practicing pranayama, not only will you increase your intake of oxygen and prana, but your mind will become more focused and your concentration and meditation will improve. “When we are absorbed in deep



thinking or meditation, the process of breathing becomes slow. The suspension of mental activity increases in proportion to the slowness of the breath... When the mind is afflicted by sorrow or anger, the breath becomes irregular and broken... These considerations prove that the mind and prana or vital breath are interdependent, each unable to act independently of the other.” – Swami Vishnu-devananda The benefits of pranayama cannot be underestimated. Our energy is being drained constantly by our actions, our thoughts, our surroundings, and stress; therefore, it is necessary to constantly replenish our energy stores. This is not possible through ordinary breathing alone. Before attempting any pranayama exercises, it is important that you understand how to breathe correctly. First practice the Full Yogic Breath which teaches you to make full use of the diaphragm and lungs. It is the natural way to breathe correctly.

Full Yogic Breath The Full Yogic Breath combines all three types of breathing – clavicular, intercostal and abdominal. To practise sit with legs crossed, back straight and shoulders relaxed. Place your right hand on the abdo-

men and your left hand on the centre of the ribcage. Close your eyes and inhale slowly. On an inhalation, first the diaphragm moves downwards and the abdomen moves outwards, bringing air into the lowest part of the lungs. First feel the abdomen expand and move out under your right hand. The inhalation then continues through the intercostals area, expanding the ribcage and bringing air into the middle part of the lungs. Feel the ribcage expanding under your left hand. Lastly, air enters the clavicular area, bringing air into the upper part of the chest. Now exhale slowly. On an exhalation, air will leave the lower part of the lungs first and the abdomen will move back in, then it will leave the middle (ribcage), and lastly the upper part of the lungs. Inhale to a count of 3 and exhale to a count of 3 until this correct pattern of breathing has been established. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om Peace Peace Peace Katrina Smith has been practicing Yoga for over 13 years & is a qualified Sivananda Yoga teacher. She is the author & artist of the Art of Yoga Cards, teaches Yoga on the Gold Coast, & holds Yoga workshops & retreats throughout Australia. E-mail: Web:

You are a wise person indeed if you love who you are, have everything you want in life, and are surrounded only by people who you love, who uplift and empower you. As well as being wise, it also means that you, no doubt, struggle and continuously look for and find the deep par ts of yourself that need healing. As you heal those parts, so do the various areas of your life begin to improve. So if there are areas of your life that you think are lacking in some way, begin to analyse your life and find what it is that you are doing – or not - that is preventing you from getting all that you want. Sometimes we live in denial or we don’t have awareness and insight. Another way of putting it is that we often go around with our heads buried in the sand pretending that all is well when in fact it isn’t. We often complain without changing anything. To help you get started, the following list of questions are to be answered with honesty. They are designed to help you gain more insight and awareness about yourself or your life. Quite often, once you have awareness, you can then begin to change the things that aren’t helping you achieve all you want. There are also suggestions attached to the questions for you to ponder. Question 1. Do you use past traumas or bad experiences as ex-

cuses for not being happy and having all that you want? Suggestion: There are very few people in this world who have escaped past traumas and or bad experiences. Some people have endured physical, mental and emotional hurts and come out on top, so that means that it is possible to let go of those hurts and move on. If you are using the past as an excuse for your lack, it is important to stop yourself from doing that and take control of your life. Using excuses is another way of getting out of doing what you need to do. Have you ever heard of the path of least resistance? What that means is that the easy path is to hold onto the excuses. The path of resistance is the hard path that leads to action which leads to inner strength and personal growth.

THE HEALING POWER OF TRUTH • Do you have the feeling that there should be more to your life? • Are you suffering with an illness, chronic pain or depression? • Do you have people around you who take advantage of you or make you feel bad? ving yyour our Tr uth This is probably because you are not liliving uth! People wwould ould rraather die than fface ace the tr uth... and the truth... theyy do! This is a very sad statement but unfortunately so true. It doesn doesn’’t ha havve to be tr ue ffor or yyou ou true ou. Along with practical self evaluation exercises, this beautiful book is the key to: 1. Digging deep and increasing your sonal aaw war eness in order to live personal areness per your truth 2. Facing your fears, understanding your obstacles & finding the courage to move forward 3. Living a healthier and happier life ind Visit us on www www.f.f.find indyyour tr to view an excerpt of the book or call us on 1300 175 783 to get your copy now!



Question 2. Do you react to unnecessary minor issues? Sug Sugggestion: Sometimes we need to simply grow up. No matter how old we are, we can always let go of situations and not buy into them. Rather than whinge and whine about something, look for a solution! The solution may be to not talk about the matter or it might be to laugh about it. Whatever it takes, don’t react to small issues that aren’t necessary because doing this is actually inappropriate behaviour. Many things that we react to, turn out to be nothing or not as bad as we first thought. Question 3. 3 Do you feel responsible for things that you have no control over? Suggestion: Don’t! There is so much that happens in our lives that we have no control over. What other people are doing for instance, has nothing to do with us. What we need to do is to be able to let go of those things that we feel responsible about and have no control over. How we do that is to refrain from talking about it or discussing the situation or problem. Think for a minute if you can control it. If not, let it go and change your focus to something else. Remain focussed on your own responsibilities, not other people’s. Question 4. Are you judgemental of others? When we judge other people or what other people do, then we are only defining who we really are. Other people are mirrors – except we don’t look at it as a mirror in order to see ourselves and learn what we need to change. Instead we pretend that we are perfect and only point out the other person’s faults. What we see in others is what we don’t want to see in ourselves. So next time you find yourself criticising or judging another person, look inside yourself and see if you can find that problem or similar in you. If you are completely honest with yourself, you will definitely find it! A major part of gaining wisdom is all about the ongoing process of getting to know ourselves, examining our problems, identifying our weaknesses and strengthening the parts that will make us whole. Taking the necessary action to make the changes is always the most difficult; however it is only then, that we are able to strive to create the life that we want. Dr Mary Casey is founder of The Casey Centre for Health and Education based in Casula NSW. Mary’s mission is to raise people’s self awareness so that personal worth, responsibility and integrity become commonplace in families, communities and government. Contact for further information.

Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action. Mother Teresa

Timelessness, Imagination, Action ○

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BY TRACEY STRANGER I live my life from a place of timelessness and eternity. My soul yearns for freedom and creativity. I feel the power of love that draws magnetically whatever is needed for abundance and joy. I let go of the past and limitations that hold me back. How do I integrate living in timelessness in a world that functions on time so heavily? I honour Mother Earth and respect the flow of energy, the energy of the elements earth, fire, air, water, metal. I acknowledge I live within the western model of time where a day starts and ends bound by the clock. I acknowledge that yet I don’t let that be in command of my life. The greater current of life-force within me is the driver of my everyday living. I feel myself insync with nature, the moon, the oceans, the birds, the trees, the dolphins. We are so blessed to live on this planet earth in all its beauty – the sheer beauty and awe of nature. The smell of fresh rain, dewdrops on delicate green leaves, birds singing melodiously; the stillness of beauty surrounds me. Nature reminds me of timelessness and eternity. Nature helps me to not get caught up in day-to-day dramas. This too shall pass. And it always does. It’s part of life on earth right now, it seems each day we step onto the merry-go-round we call life and play out the ups and downs until the merry-go-round stops at night and descends. Once again timelessness returns. Vastness of space. I drift in and out of timelessness. That’s the result of living in the moment. It’s like the breath, I breathe in, I breathe out. The ebb and flow cycle of life. Which cycle of time controls your life? Which cycle of time is the context of your life? Which cycle of time anchors you to your soul? When I’m lost in the doing I feel far away from my soul. Ahhh, on the other hand I can be still within myself and still be doing. The difference is, I am not lost in the doing. I am doing with awareness. I am mindful in the moment. I am not lost in the doing. Awareness is the key. Can I hold the awareness of timelessness? Can I hold the stillness inside? The breath is the key. I breathe into the stillness, I breathe out and let go. When I feel myself getting caught up in the merry-go-round of life, I remember to breathe, deeply and slowly. Timelessness and eternity. From this place of timelessness I have all the

Therapy: A Calling, not Just a Career ○


time in the world. I have an abundance of creativity, my imagination runs wild, endless possibilities of grandeur, peace and love. Yes I can see it, it is possible to live in harmony with nature, the elements, the birds, the trees, the dolphins. It is possible for men, women and children on the planet to live in harmony with a life of abundance, joy and creativity. How? The solutions lie in the creativity of timelessness. Ideas that transcend any boundaries. Ideas that embrace and include all that is living with love. The very nature of love is cohesion. Love and creativity for the good of all. Ponder on that... How can I create a new abundance that is inclusive? How can I create a new abundance that provides abundance for myself and others? How can we all live with abundance on this beautiful planet? I wake from the dream. I feel inspired. I feel motivated. I have a strong creative urge to change my life and to change my thinking and open myself to a much greater world of imagination and creativity, timelessness and eternity! My new everyday anchors from this day forward...Timeless, eternity, imagination, creativity! Every castle starts with a castle in the air. Then have courage, take a leap, take action. Tracey Stranger is a Hypnotherapist, Health writer and Author. Available for private consultations and workshops. Her book How to Overcome Stress Naturally foreword by HH The Dalai Lama. Available online and in book stores. Contact Tracey on Mob: 0409 879 271,

Announcing NEW Webinar Series Hosted by Tracey Stranger

Webinar Series #1 “Master the Money Game of Life” 6 weeks – 12 Australian Entrepreneurs A sample of our Entrepreneurs: Warren Henningsen, Rhondalynn Korolak, Susan Dean, Dr Gordon Ku, Grant Hilton, Kawena (going on 82yrs old!)...

1. Will educate and inspire you how to master your relationship with money! 2. Will share their dynamic passion and wealth stories! 3. Will share simple and powerful techniques to significantly improve your cash flow!

It’s FREE to Register:

* Starts Monday 20th September 8Ͳ9pm * Then Every Monday at 8pm for 6 weeks * In the comfort of your own home * If you can’t tuneͲin “live”Ͳ listen to the audio the next day

I believe it was Kahlil Gibran who wrote, “Work is love made visible. And if you can’t work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms to the people who work with joy”. He is referring here to a notion which has steadily been lost in the post modern age, a loss which Marx wrote about some 150 years ago with his notion of alienation. So often today the everyday pressures of life manifest as a relentless force of coercion and seduction, constantly alienating people from Gilbran’s, simple sentiment: that work should be a creative and joyful enterprise, which allows one to sustain ones sense of purpose and action in life. It was Pablo Neruda, who captures how lost this mode of being is becoming, in the way only poets can when he wrote, “Monday burns like oil at the sight of me arriving with my jail face on”. So many of us know all too well our Monday morning jail face , the dread of another boring empty monotonous week of soul-less drudgery, trapped on a road, heading to somewhere we don’t wish to be. And why? Because so many of us have been bought, because so many of us have sold our magnanimity in our lust for prosperity. The real question that must be asked is: ‘is it worth it?’ Is what you do, worth what it costs? If the answer is ‘yes’, you are lucky! If the answer is ‘no’, then I would contend that you need a calling more than a career or vocation. For what is there that is more valuable than your greatness? Financial prosperity is wonderful, but surely not at the expense of your moral integrity. The Success that is so lauded today is almost exclusively concerned with issues of personal security. But what I want to ask is ‘where is your willingness to do something for others’? For it is ultimately this that makes life and work rewarding, this is what Gilbran is reminding us of. Gilbran is gently saying there is more. Here that critical yet almost forgotten Greek notion of paideia, is critical. Paideia is that special type of education that comes out of maturation of ones soul through death. Death of what one thought and believed, to expand and allow greater possibilities. Maslow believed that in order to be self realized or self-actualized one must have a connection beyond the self or society, what he infers is the need get past ourselves and contribute to something greater in order to be our best. Such sentiments always remind me of Theodore Adorno’s statement that “the condition of all truth is to let suffering speak” . So the question that surely must follow is in what way is your career in service to others. In what ways do you attend to the weak and the wretched of this ear th, in your work and attainment of prosper-

ity? For as Gilbran reminds us, if your work is not love made public, you are best to simply sustain those whose work is. As a psychotherapist I am constantly reminded of this, by virtue of the fact that my profession is such a powerful privilege to be apart of; the word ‘psychotherapy’ etymologically is derived from the Greek psyche meaning soul and therapeia meaning to service or care. Thus therapy is an act of attending to the soul and suffering of another, such an act is a calling and not a career and it is a setting that is dedicated to a love made public. I am lucky to have found such a undertaking in this life, and I hope that you find a mode of work which calls to you. One which allows you to prosper, mature and to deeply consider what type of person and human you wish to be and in what kind of world do you wish to dwell. By all means prosper, enjoy the fruits of our age, but I believe we all do well to remember the words of Confucius: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Tra-ill is the senior lecturer in Transpersonal Counselling and lectures in Art Therapy. Tra-ill has been practising as a psychotherapist for the last decade in long-term psychotherapy and brief interventions. Tra-ill has specialised in group work, including men’ s groups, youth encounter programs and psychodynamic process work. If you feel like you have a calling to help others and would like to know more about Ikon courses, contact the Ikon Institute on 0439 016 763 or for your information pack. Ikon provides Nationally Accredited Diploma Courses in Ar t Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, Counselling and Youth Work in SA, WA and Qld. Visit to find out more.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible Dalai Lama


The Hidden Truths behind the Law of ATTRACTION! ○

BY MARTIN D. ATHERTON We all remember the “Secret” which exploded into our lives around 5 years ago, proclaiming to be the answer to all our problems by just “asking the universe” for what it is you need and want in your life? As a Counsellor and Global Instructor of Law of Attraction principles and practices, I have now come to learn and teach others that nothing will manifest into our life without any course of personal ACTION. It goes far beyond “wishful thinking” and waiting for a delivery, and more to “Personal Responsibility”, which is something the majority of people would rather avoid if possible, be honest, that is why the original secret was so appealing, “ask and receive”, something we could all do sitting in the comfort of our own homes! So what are the true principles to manifesting what it is you really want in life? Firstly, you need to know what it is you really want for yourself before you can even begin to start manifesting what it is you want!, and if I asked you what you don’t want in life I am sure you could give me a very long list, compared to a shorter list of what you do want! So why don’t we know what it is we truly want for ourselves? Actually we do, however we just tend to ignore and even doubt the source of this information, which is our own intuition, and fail to act on this and be left thinking “what do I want in life?”We can actually know more about what others around us want in life before ourselves! So why do we do this? Basically, fear of the unknown. From an early age we have learnt to listen to others and adopt their beliefs of what makes them happy as our own, however constantly being a stranger to our own inner voice. We also find it very hard to trust what we do not know, the irony of this is that our intuition knows what is best for us

better than anybody and is always waiting patiently for us to get to know and trust it! Once you eventually begin to trust your intuition, and see your life from a “higher perspective”, one of love, prosperity, and harmony, you then begin to create the thought forms which will align you with the people, circumstances and events you need to act on, in order to manifest your inner desires. However, most people during the course of their life will only ever experience life on the outskirts of their heart desires, by not following their intuitive voice and thus always leaving a void between themselves and true happiness as a result. Perhaps look at following intuition as the same as following a blueprint which maps out your own personal happiness, those who trust it and follow it without resistance find it, others who listen to the “reasoning mind” and spend more time analysing it miss out on their opportunities to create happiness!

What connects us to the universe? There are many scientific theories about us as a human race and the universe being connected, the most simplistic version you can adopt and apply for the Law of Attraction purposes, is to accept the premise that the same energy which is used to power our subconscious mind, is the same energy used to power the universal life force. Therefore when we are asking the universe or infinite intelligence to align us with what we are wanting, we are really asking ourselves to act, and telling ourselves that we need to do something about our current way of thinking and being, and move ourselves into alignment with what “feels” like the next best step, rather than thinking what is the “right” step to take according to what others would think, say or do. So it highlights the point again, that it is

actually about us taking “personal responsibility and accountability” for our own lives, which actually means having the “ability to respond to our own personal intuition”, in order to attract exactly what we want in life. To then summarise, the Law of Attraction is a practice which influences our belief systems in order to change our behaviour and lead us to what we really want, all under the guidance of our intuition. It further helps us to maintain a belief system that propels us to take the necessary positive action we already know we need to take in order to realize fulfilment, and also to take advantage of the fact that we have the power within us to change our lives by keeping a high level of expectancy that, what we are seeking to manifest into our life, is also manifesting to seek us! Martin.D.Atherton is a Certified Law of Attraction Counsellor through the University of H o l i s t i c Theology (U.H.T), and is the Global Lecturer for the Australian Law of Attraction counselling course. He is also the Founder and Director of Higher Purpose Training P/L, which is now delivering the online CLAC course across Australia and New Zealand together with the Karma Center (USA) and U.H.T. Email Martin at or visit

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Self Worth equals Self Love in Action ○

BY JAAN SANAAM JERABEK Self Worth/ Self Love. We all aspire to having a high degree of self worth, though very few of us entered adulthood with our sense of self worth intact. If you are one of the lucky few you most probably have a high degree of self esteem and confidence, you feel good about yourself experiencing self honour and dignity, you have easy and smooth flowing relationships, you have your financial reality mastered and are free of addictions. Addictions ranging from drugs/alcohol, food, workaholism and even an addiction to misery are not in your experience. The rest of us though, who entered adulthood with low self worth experience the opposite. I have been running programmes on self worth for five years now and

the twelve years before that the programmes I designed & facilitated were really the lead up to, and the beginning of the evolution of my ‘Self Worth’ programmes. You see, no matter what the issue is in your life, whether it is anxiety or depression, relationship issues, money issues, life purpose issues, spiritual disconnection... all of these life challenges have at their foundation your Self worth wounding. Self Wor th wounding has at its core your heart wounding. The more your heart has been wounded and the more it is shut down, the greater the issue you have with your Self worth. It is through accessing your deeply buried grief, and the anger that usually covers it up, that will result in your Self Wor th becoming

healed and healthy again. All of our heart wounding issues are a result of a ‘perceived’ loss of love. Perceived, because we have never lost love. How can we? We come from love, are an expression of love, are simply love itself. Everything is love because God who is everything is love in essence. The child’s mind and reactiveness unfortunately does not have the maturity to know this yet, hence every time we experienced not having our emotional needs met, we decided it was a case of not being loved. This happens very easily we are now discovering through modalities such as ‘Cathartic Style Breathwork’. It is very subtle. For even the act of being fully present to someone is an experience for that person of being loved. Consciousness

itself is love. Every time therefore a child experiences mum and dad’s full presence and attention they feel loved by them, because mum and dad’s consciousness is love flowing towards the child. They feel seen, acknowledged and validated on a soul level. They feel worthy of this love the more they experience their parent’s full awareness and presence. How many of us can truthfully say that mum and dad were fully present to us, and they felt fully seen, acknowledged and validated as a result? Not many of us. As a result we decided on some level we were not worthy of their love, or something was ‘wrong with us’ so we did not receive it, or we were not good enough to receive it. And as a result we started to treat ourselves in the way we perceived we were being treated. For as an adult, yes, we treat others as we treat ourselves, but as children it is the other way around and we treat ourselves how we perceive others are treating us. This results in, yes you guessed it, us not loving ourselves. Low Self Worth. This is something so subtle that even people who have ‘good memories’ of their childhood and believe mum and dad fully loved them eventually discover that since mum and dad could not be with them 24/7 because it was simply impractical, and because mum and dad were either too caught up in their pain, too in their head or simply absent a lot, soon uncover memories that there were instances that they decided they were not being loved. Many people have their life explained to them when they hit these deeply buried memories through Breathwork. Suddenly they discover the ‘mysterious’ depression and relationship issues are not so mysterious but have

a base in what I call ‘Subtle Trauma’ not ‘Gross Trauma’ such as sexual abuse, neglect, emotional/mental abuse etc. The road to healing self worth is very simple. People have to access these painful episodes of their childhood and let themselves feel the emotions. In the re-experiencing of the grief/sadness that resulted from this ‘perceived’ loss of love, they start to heal their ‘heart wounding’ hence their self worth. The more you let yourself grieve, the more the Self Worth heals. This is the 1st step and the most impor tant step. People need to take personal responsibility for their childhood ‘mis-interpretations’ and the ‘real’ emotional pain that comes with these ‘mis-interpretations’. People need to make their emotional healing through genuine therapy, not reading self help books and self analysis, a #1 priority if they want a higher sense of self worth. The 2nd step is just as crucial . Since their whole life had a foundation of low Self Worth, those who suffer from low self worth have to start putting into practice, through action on the material plane, Self Worth/ Self Love in Action. For ‘Love’ is a verb. Love is a doing word. Self Love therefore is taking actions that people with high Self Wor th take. Self Love is not hugging yourself and feeling good about yourself – even though that comes into play automatically. The 2nd step is about reclaiming your power that was lost along with self worth and speaking your truth to people, standing up for yourself by putting in place boundaries and ‘re-defining’ who you are in the world ( a person with a new level of Self Worth) and what you will and will not put up with. Boundaries are the next crucial step after the emo-

tional work is done, they are actually put into place as you continue the emotional work. The next step, the 3rd step, is letting go of the ‘should’s’ in life and asking yourself ‘do I really want to?’ Letting go from your life what brings misery and struggle, and giving yourself life circumstances that bring joy. Many people skip the 1 st two steps and jump to this one and wonder why things do not work out when they leave their 9 to 5 job and find that they cannot manifest a life that will bring them joy. The inner reality has not shifted yet, and since the inner reality is always going to be reflected in the outer reality. The negative inner reality will sabotage the outer reality eventually. Finally the 4th step is taking steps towards your dream life and staying committed to actualizing it. It is like gears of a car though. Unless you do the deep inner, hear t wounding healing work, then boundary work as the 1st and 2nd gear, you will not go into 3rd & 4th gear easily. Self Love is an Action. Jaan Sanaam Jerabek has been facilitating emotional release therapy t h r o u g h Breathwork with individuals and groups since the age of 20. He is in his 17th year of private practise and now devotes his time to training therapists and bringing Cathartic style Breathwork to the community through ‘The Depression Solution’. You can contact his organization ‘Transformative Education International’ and ‘The Depression Solution’ on 1300 500 881 or visit or


The Truth about Freedom A parable to ponder on ○

How to Fix Everything! ○

There was once a man who was confined to a dungeon. He was put in the dungeon from a very young age for reasons even he didn’t really know, and had been there so long, that he no longer had any awareness of a world outside of his cell. There was a thin, lumpy mattress sitting on a steel base that was fixed to the wall, as well as a rudimentary latrine in the corner, and little else in the small space within the walls and bars to which this man was confined. He had taken to playing a game involving the uneven, sometimes jagged surface of the walls and the floor to amuse himself most days; it was a game which would not make any sense to anyone outside of the dungeon, but would captivate this man for most of his waking hours. One day a woman appeared at the door of his cell. “I have come to release you,” she said, as she opened the door. “What do you mean?” he asked. “You’ve been trapped inside of this dungeon for so long. It’s time for you to step out and experience the world for all that it is,” she replied. But the man was unaware of the existence of a world outside, and the idea of such was more frightening to

him than it was liberating. The woman offered him comfort and told him that if he followed her out of the dungeon, she would show him everything there was to see and every need of his would be met. The man stared at the rough walls that awaited his next move in his made-up game. “Will I be able to play my game out there?” he asked. The woman looked at the pile of small pebbles and chalky marks that indicated an arbitrary progression through the game. “Don’t worry about that,” she responded. “You won’t be interested in playing when you see what you’ve been missing.” The prisoner stared at the floor for a long time. “I’m hungry,” he finally said. “Can I take my bowl with me? Who will fill it?” The woman glanced at a ceramic bowl near the door, chipped and dirty, with the remnants of a greyish paste at the bottom, evidently awaiting collection. “Don’t worry about that,” she said again. “You won’t be interested in eating from that bowl when you see what you’ve been missing.” The prisoner stared at the bowl for a long time. The sound of another prisoner, one the other side of the dungeon interrupted his thoughts.

Though the noise was muffled, and he didn’t really hear what was said, he shouted back, if only to acknowledgement his presence. “What of my friends?” he cried, looking again to the woman. “I can’t leave them!” “Your friends are also free to leave if they choose to,” the woman replied softly. “You can also visit them, and finally hear what they’ve really been saying.” The prisoner then sat for a very long time while the woman waited patiently at the open door. Finally he spoke again. “I’m tired.” “How will I rest if I follow you?” He continued. “I cannot take my bed.” “Don’t worry about that,” she responded. “You will discover so much when you follow me, you won’t want to rest for the longest time. But when you do, there are beds more comfortable than you can possibly imagine. “You won’t be interested in sleeping on that bed when you see what you have been missing.” The man stared at his bed for a long time. “I need to sleep now,” he finally said. “That’s OK,” the woman replied gently, like a mother to a child. She sat down on a bench outside the man’s cell, leaving ajar the door

Experience the


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BY CLAIRE HENNEKAM “Why, when God’s world is so big, Did you fall asleep in a prison of all places?” – Rumi


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that had never actually been locked. “I’ll be here when you wake up.” ~~~ What does the prison represent for you? Where in your life are you refusing to walk through an open door because of your attachments to the only world you know? How many doors in our life do we assume are locked, without having ever tested them?

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?” – Rumi An astrologer and Reiki master, Claire Hennekam runs workshops and w e e k l y meditation sessions in addition to seeing her own clients. She works out of Sahu Healing Space in Melbourne (, a centre she created to provide the space and resources for clients and practitioners to pursue their own healing journeys. You can contact Claire on 0407 359 347, or email

How can this idea of fixing EVERYTHING be possible? There are some immutable Laws of Nature that humanity cannot ignore, challenge, or overthrow. Abuse of these universal laws has allowed humanity to create a multitude of negative world outcomes. For tunately, these same laws also allow for a complete reversal. Humanity has discovered and utilised universal law many times. There have been quite a few laws discovered, but there are four laws, or sets of laws, that determine all of our current outcomes. If we acknowledge these laws, and use them as the basis of our planning, then our chances of being globally successful increase at an exponential rate. We use these laws to construct and manage everything in our world, yet we forget that they also apply to our individual actions. We cannot escape these laws in our daily lives, as they influence and underpin every action we take. Einstein defined general Laws of Nature (universal laws) as having to be consistent within any four-dimensional time and space point; i.e. they work consistently in any three-dimensional geographic space and point in time. Additionally, they need to be able to transfer into another four-dimensional time and space point within another frame of reference, without any change in the way they work. The following simple rules appear to meet Einstein’s selection criteria for universal laws in relation to all hu-

man interactions. Three would appear to be stand-alone universal laws—balance, opposites and motion; but the fourth, self-interest, appears to be the manifestation of the other three laws expressed through the human medium; it is dependant on a human presence. Unfortunately, throughout history, people intent on discovering how the world actually works have discovered these base laws many times, yet have overlooked the impor tance of most of them because of their initial simplicity. Edward de Bono cleverly points out that at the opposite end of complexity is simplicity. You can have a complex system that produces simple outcomes or you can have a simple system that produces complex outcomes. Scientists frequently spend much of their time reverse engineering from fantastically complex outcomes to find the simple workings behind them. When the mysteries of DNA were finally unravelled (with completion of the human genome project), most scientists were stunned and perhaps embarrassed by the unexpected simplicity. When scientists analyse the workings of atoms and chemical compounds, they find a series of positives and negatives. When the mystery of how a mollusc can produce a shell propor tionately stronger than anything we can produce (at normal water temperature) was solved, it was found to involve a series of positives and negatives.

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12 SUBCONSCIOUS Lightning and magnetism also represent a series of positives and negatives. Sir Isaac Newton, James Clark Maxwell and Albert Einstein, amongst many notable others, all ultimately reduced their most complex findings down to simple equations. Do not be stunned by the simplicity of the following rules. It is a simple system and it always has been. These simple rules appear to determine ALL complex human outcomes. They have already determined all of the current outcomes in your life. These laws will also determine all of your future outcomes: •The Law of Balance • The Law of Opposites •The Laws of Motion •The Law of Self-interest You might be thinking, “They don’t look like much!” I would agree with that conclusion. They do look quite harmless lined up like that, yet when combined as an interactive, four-dimensional process, they determine all human life and death and the quality of life experienced! That has not yet been demonstrated to you, but once it is and you acknowledge its reality, you will find that a worldwide understanding of these laws is critical to the survival of the human race. By ignoring the laws that dictate how the planet works, we humans are producing multiple negative outcomes that are destroying the fundamentals of life on Earth. Some experts are seriously considering the possibility of total extinction of the human race within 200 years. This is no exaggeration! Once you understand how the universal laws work, you will realise that a doomsday scenario cannot be avoided if people continue to abuse the laws. Are you beginning to suspect the importance of these laws and how important getting this message out really is? I may yet need to convince you of that, so please read on. I seriously challenge you to prove that these laws do not exist and that they do not have the awesome power that I am suggesting. Once you realise that you cannot prove them false, their importance, and the need for the solution they offer to the human dilemma, will be unmistakable.

THE LAW OF BALANCE The Law of Balance and the Law of Opposites operate in conjunction. Opposites and balance are evident all around us, in nature, science, and human society. Consider the following examples: • night and day •black and white •positive and negative (magnetism and electrical currents) •happiness and unhappiness •the water cycle (rain/evaporation/ condensation) •bush/fires/regrowth •natural food chains (life/death/rebirth) •yin and yang •male and female • introvert and extrovert •wealth and poverty • war and peace • sweet and sour • hot and cold How does balance affect world outcomes? We often talk about upsetting the balance of nature. We have, in fact, created negative world

Continued on page 16


Dharma, Detachment, Purpose and Prayer

The Feedback Loop - Uncovering our Subconscious Thought Patterns ○

○ ○

BY DAVID LANE We all have an inbuilt self-monitoring system that will tell us how positive and negative our ‘subconscious thoughts’ are. It is a tool that we can use to help us shake off the karmic patterns that hold our spiritual evolution back. There are two fundamental factors that contribute to raising our vibrations. The first is the most popular and that is by becoming more positively aware and being more loving of ourselves and others. The other is shaking the ‘negative monkey off our back’ by healing the negativity and karmic patterns of our life. This article is about dealing with the monkey! It is relatively easy to deal with negative conscious thought patterns simply because we are aware that they exist, but what about the subconscious ones? We create subconscious thoughts at a far greater rate than we do our conscious and our future is directly affected by this same ratio. Thoughts create thoughts are energy – energy always does cycles – thoughts will always come back to us in some shape or form. The trick is to use the information that the returning energy is showing us. We will always be having positive and negative experiences. The positive side to the negative experience is that it is reflecting a thought pattern back to us. Many people struggle to see the depth of the information held in the experience; especially when it is emotionally painful.

Dealing with Negative information One way is to understand that our belief systems are generating the negative thoughts. We are not our belief systems so therefore we do not need to identify our self worth by what we believe. Most of our ‘core beliefs’ are downloaded into our long term memory before we are four years old. This is before the age when we have the ability to reason. Therefore we have taken other people’s beliefs on and identified them as ours. Nothing is further from the truth; they are not ours so we do not need to feel guilty or a lesser person just because we have negative and faulty beliefs. It is paramount to realise that who we think we are, our perceptions and judgements about right and wrong come from the beliefs held in the long term memory. We are free to identify with them and claim them as our own but we can also realise that we are not our beliefs. Do any of your beliefs cause confusion, conflict or pain? If they do then they do not serve your higher good. The highest truths will always have clarity and create harmony, balance and inner peace. We all need to clean out the closet containing unwanted beliefs.

Capitalising on the ‘feedback loop’

negative thought patterns that come back to us. We also know that if they cause us any emotional pain, they must be reflecting a negative within us. Karmic freedom comes by monitoring our reaction to the incoming information and then capitalising on what it is showing us. There are two stages to our reactions. The first is the initial spontaneous uncontrolled response, i.e. anger or hurt. The second is the controlled response which cuts in once we have had time to consciously process how we want to respond. The clue to our subconscious negative belief and its karma lies in the first response! This comes from our survival mode which is an automatic reaction that comes from our beliefs and perceptions. If the responses of the first and second stages are the same then it means that our subconscious and conscious thought patterns are the same. The first response often happens so quickly that we usually miss it because we have trained our self to suppress it . We need to practise becoming aware of it. The second response is the one that most people are familiar with and it often has more to do with how we want to be or be seen. It does not necessarily correspond to our deeper negative truth. We can utilise this ‘feed back loop’ by self monitoring our initial response to uncover our hidden negative beliefs. It is very helpful to remember that we are not our beliefs so we don’t need to feel bad about having them. Feeling guilty or a lesser person because of our negatives gives them power over us. We need to own them but not identify our self worth by them. Our spiritual freedom comes with rising above them and not fearing or suppressing them. As I have pointed out in previous articles; beliefs can be changed!

Download a free article (Understanding Understanding how to deal with Karma) on my website or email me at: and I will send you one. David Lane’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. David’s first book called ‘The Handbook to Heaven’ is about how we spiritually evolve and how to monitor our journey. will be an interactive ‘blog site’ on ‘twitter’ from late Sept 2010.

We know that we are all creating subconscious

Regardless of the spiritual path you choose, finding purpose has earthly rewards akin to those ascribed to heaven; a sense of bliss and wellbeing without compare. So how do we get a piece of this divine indulgence? Is there a short cut to enlightenment? Whilst not generally referred to by the religions “of the book” (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) the concept of Dharma originated in India, first recorded in the Hindu Vedas. A slightly different meaning was carried into Buddhism, to further evolve in emphasis from purpose to practice onto our contemporary understanding as being “The Meaning of Life”. Could having “purpose and meaning” in life result in Bliss, Joy, and Happiness? How do we feel when we are “on track” acting with purpose and meaning? Most people answer that they feel a renewed sense of confidence knowing their reason for being. So how can we find our true purpose in life? Should we stick with trial and error, follow the path trodden by our parents or is there a more direct, even scientific way to find our Dharma, our purpose for being? If only there was a label from the designer with a full explanation of best practice instead of the hopelessness or hype our parents, teachers and friends project onto us. If only we could find an easier way to better connect with the divine through prayer, enter Samadhi through meditation, feel purposed in what we do or to simply know we are living our Dharma! For millennia, from the times of the Mahabharata in India or Hippocrates in Greece, astute observers have noted that all humanity appear to assume 1 of 4 temperaments, a model mimicked by numerous subsequent theoreticians since that time. It wasn’t until 1920’s that the deeply spiritual Swiss philosopher and psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Jung, noted that our minds are made up of consistent patterns of perception and judgment that appear to be with us from birth. “No child is born Tabular Rasa,” (blank slate) he noted. Quite apart from his work as one of Europe’s pre-eminent psychiatrists and philosophers, throughout his sixty years of practice Jung observed that even though each of us experience a wide range of personal growth experiences, not everyone enjoyed life equally; that for one person an experience might be inspirational and uplifting while for another the same experience could be seen as mundane and pointless. Having already observed the different functions and biases within the minds of his patients, he devoted the greater part of his later years to alchemy, the process of transformational healing, a therapy that underpins the work of Jungian Analysts today. His greatest, yet largely concealed gift to humanity was his discovery and illumination

of psychic functions or mental processes in his 1921 publication “Psychologische Typen” (English 1923 “Psychological Types”) wherein, he meticulously described the different mental processes, how these affect the patient, appear to the obser ver and interplayed to form a relationship with other people and objects. Later, in the 1940’s, two women, Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs-Myers formalised Jung’s theory into a science with an indicator (a test) designed to better assign the right person for the job at hand during the second world war. Since that time, people numbering in the tens of millions have been “typed” using the MBTI (Myers-Briggs type indicator) or one of the many alternatives. Whilst the Myers-Briggs type indicator made Jung’s theory of Psychological Types accessible to the average person without needing to consult a highly skilled practitioner like a psychiatrist or Jungian Analyst, the underlying benefits of knowing one’s Psychetype have been largely overshadowed by the profusion of real-world applications such as subject and career choice or inter-personal relationships counselling. The greatest spiritual gifts are still buried in the misconception and misapplication of Jung’s work. The word Psyche originally meaning “animating spirit” is derived from Latin through the Greek “Psykhe” meaning “the soul, mind, spirit, breath, life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body”. To Jung, Psyche, with the same root and meaning as the word Seele, German for “soul” was the perfect epithet for Jung to describe the patterns he observed in his patients. So, in answer to our questions: Is there a short cut to bliss and enlightenment? Can we find our true purpose in life? Can we more easily connect with each other and the divine source of all being? Before you undertake another course, sit cross legged or recite another prayer, consider uncovering your Psyche. Discover your “raison d’etre” beyond the arbitrary labels and expectations of others and experience a knowledge of self that transcends ANYTHING you have ever experienced, a glimpse of your soul. Once acquainted, you will experience a renewed enthusiasm for life, know a bliss hitherto out-of-reach, detachment from ego and a connection with the divine and other beings many imagine is only the reward for saints. Discover your Psyche-type; you’ll be delighted you did! For further information phone Peter Mann on (02) 9594 6622 or visit

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What’s Your Story

Continued from page 6 the crystal clear screen of your mind.Much like those glorious light beings appearing on the film made clear through the photographer’s pure awareness. How did I come to know them as light beings? About two months before I went to Japan, I was doing a meditation I call The Light Being of Eternal Love. In my meditation, a human-like form of white light appeared with enormous wings of radiant colour like nothing I had ever seen before. At the time I put it down to my imagination and didn’t give it much attention. When I looked at the images of light in the book, I saw the same colours and the same effect. My meditation of a few months earlier came dramatically alive again in the sweet synchronicity of that moment. I am sure you all know what I am speaking about. I am sure you all have stories of your own that reflect the transmissions of something beyond the physical, something inexplicable and yet so meaningful and reassuring of a higher intelligence communicating with us. Beyond the mind, there is the remembrance of realms and dimensions within reach now in the silence of our hearts. Such suppor t is of the universe and is communion with our magnificent multidimensional Self. Sky is an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy , Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit

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is the motto of The T heosophical Society Society,, founded in 1875 The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. The Ad ar Adyyar Lending Libr Librar aryy , Level 3 of Theosophy House, has a unique collection of over 13,000 books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, covering topics such as theosophy, religion, mysticism, yoga, health and healing. There is a large reference section. Browsing, reading, playing videos & dvds is free, low lending rates.Non-Members of the Society are welcome to join the Library. Ph: 02-9267 6807, Medita tion, our programme includes sessions most lunchtimes and early Meditation, evenings. Please see our website for more information. The Ad Adyyar Bookshop at 99 Bathurst St, near Town Hall, is owned and managed by The Society. Established in 1922, it is one of Sydney’s oldest bookshops, carrying the largest range of authentic metaphysical literature, music & gifts.. The word Theosophy originates from the Greek “Theos” and “Sophia”, meaning “Divine Wisdom”, and can be seen as a worldview that gives meaning to life and as a way of service that leads to peace and understanding.

THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society Levels 2 & 3, Theosophy House, 484 Kent St, near crn. Bathurst St. Website bsite: Email Email:

BY NICHOLA BURTON Ever had a massage for the first time in a few months and it really hurt? Your body has settled into a position where it held itself in a safe pattern for survival so it could control the pain by walking a different way, or hold your shoulder in another angle in homeostasis. It is only when massaged that you actually become aware and actually feel the pain. This metabolic equilibrium, known as homeostasis, is maintained by complex biological mechanisms designed to minimise and offset disrupting changes to your physical body. Of course, without that massage, you would eventually feel excruciating pain resulting from the inevitable homeostatic imbalance thus providing you with feedback and information to make new choices and craft new behaviours to balance the health of your body. Pain provided feedback that drove you to that massage in the first place. Designed for survival, your body constantly adjusts its internal environment to maintain a stable equilibrium. Hence your blood clots in response to a cut, you shiver when you are cold, or sweat when you are hot to cool you down. This intelligent seemingly automatic balancing act of homeostasis isn’t limited to our physiology. NASA scientist, James Lovelock, formulated the Gaia hypothesis in the 1960s, based on his research and observations of Earth’s systems which displayed cyclical behaviours consistently producing environmental conditions necessary for its survival in a constant state of homeostasis. Weather is one typical homeostatic response created by the cyclical behaviour of water specifically designed to keep the earth in balance. As with the body, extreme pain can be experienced for example when storms, floods and droughts express a planetary homeostatic imbalance thus providing humanity with feedback and information to make new choices and inspire new behaviours to equilibrate the health of our earth. As with the body and the Ear th, your business is a complex organism demonstrating the same natural cycles and homeostatic behaviour. Every organisation began with someone’s story. A perception of pain was the source behind the creation of your organisation – whether commercial, not for profit, company, partnership or sole trader. There is a story at the core of why your organization began and this story with its patterns, design and structure is the source of your homeostasis. There is organization and an order – cycles, behaviours and balance – and these produce conditions necessary for survival as a business. As the Global Financial Crisis was marketed via the world media, small business belts were tightened as financial service companies closed their doors, banks regulated their lending rules, people began to save more and spend less driving the world’s economy with new consumer behaviours. Overnight, key businesses across the globe failed, while end user wealth declined resulting in extreme bottom line pain.

We humans truly don’t like to experience pain. While our bodies and our environment clearly demonstrate the feedback functionality of pain, humanity perceives pain as unpleasant and something to be avoided, fixed, cut out, anaesthetized and numbed. Yet pain provides the greatest source of feedback in every system. Consider how our perception of global financial challenges impacting on our markets, affecting the ebb and flow of customers and subsequently our bottom line actually highlighted the importance of our awareness of the inherent balance that exists in our business. Dan Simmons in the book The Fall of Hyperion said “Pain ... has a structure. It has a floor plan. It has designs more intricate than a chambered nautilus, features more baroque than the most buttressed Gothic cathedral.... it is a poem.” When the going gets tough the tough get creative and find new ways to attract a customer, new products and services and new markets to sell to. Innovation and creativity is one form of homeostasis. Financial homeostasis, debt, maintains money in circulation for people to earn and spend. Consumers will always consume. What they consume depends on the greatest pain in their lives. We are all consumers and how we measure the metrics of our own stories impacts on our purchasing decisions. Get a massage OR buy a new pair of shoes? Join the gym OR buy the latest I Phone? Hire a new staff member OR buy new office furniture? $410 billion military budget OR build a space age stadium and make a bid for the 2020 Olympics? The metrics of why and where we spend our money as consumers is great feedback to use as marketers in our own businesses. Start with your current reality of your business and see the beauty as well as the pain of it. Ask these questions. Where is the pain in your business? Where is the homeostasis? What is the core story in your business? Do you know your target market homeostasis? Do you know their story? What are their cyclical behaviours? What are their purchasing and investment cycles? What feedback do they regularly give you? Start with yourself as a consumer and evaluate your own behaviors and apply that to your own business. Value what you have now and value the metrics of the homeostasis inherent in your business. Confucius said “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” Get to know the self-regulating mechanisms that preserve survival not only in your body or on your planet but in your business so that when you experience pain, you see it as an opportunity. CEO for a major Australian Music Agency, Telstra Business award nominee, senior international facilitator for The Demartini Method™, Nicki is qualified in Business Management, Training and Human Behaviour and works with global clients producing Business best practice systems and spinning Publicity Campaigns.



The Healing Power of Sound

Flo wing Chi lowing with SIMON BLOW

What is the difference between Taiji (Tai Chi) and Qigong? This is a common question that I am often asked, and really we are describing different subcategories of the Chinese Healing Arts Qigong (Chi Kung) is a relatively new term used since the early 1900s to describe the Qi (Chi) energy techniques used within the Chinese Healing Arts. Qi or Chi is a term meaning ‘life force energy’ this energy flows through the network of meridians in the body, the vital energy that permeates all life things. Gong or Kung translates as work, mastery or skill, literally, a way of working with the energy of life. The art of Qigong consists primarily of meditation, relaxation, physical movement, mind-body integration and breathing exercises. There are thousands of different styles and systems, either practised standing, moving, walking, sitting or lying. These healing ar ts originated in China as a way of cultivating spiritual, physical and emotional health. Similarly, other cultures had holistic approaches to connect and harmonise with their local environment and their known universe. When we lose this connection it causes imbalance and we are not able to enjoy the experience of life to our fullest. The origins of Qigong trace back to the Tangyao period of 4,0005,000 years ago. Qigong was clearly outlined in the book Huangdi Neijing or The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Canon of Chinese Medicine which in 2,500 BC described the basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is still used today. Medical books published from the Han Dynasty 200 BC show detailed theory and clinical practice of Qigong techniques for treating disease and improving health. Silk scrolls known as the Daoyin Diagrams, unearthed in 1972 at an archaeological dig in Changsha, China, show detailed illustrations of medical Qigong exercises and have been dated to 168 BC. For thousands of years, millions of people have benefited from Qigong practice. From ancient to modern times, Qigong self-healing exercises have been used to help improve people’s quality of life. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, good health is a result of a free-flowing, well-balanced energy system. Ailments, both physical and emotional, occur when the flow of Qi is blocked or impeded, causing imbalance and dysfunction in the body’s energy system. With regular practice, Qigong helps to cleanse the body of toxins, restore energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and help individuals maintain a healthy and active life. There are three main categories of Qigong: Martial, Medical and Spiritual.


Taiji (T ai Chi) is a Chinese term (Tai describing the Yin/Yang symbol. This symbol comprises two opposing forces that balance or complement each other. Without one the other would not exist. Yang energy is expressed in qualities such as up, external, male, hot and bright. Yin energy resides in the opposing characteristics down, internal, female, cold and dark. When we find balance, we understand and achieve Taiji. The popular soft, internal martial ai Chi ar t called Taijiquan (T (Tai Chuan) is a relatively new style and has been developed over the last 600 years. A verbal translation of ‘Taijiquan’ would be ‘the interaction of Yin/Yang (Taiji) in creating the fist or boxing (Quan)’. There are many physical, emotional and energetic benefits to gain from practising Taijiquan forms, as well as self-defence applications. Taijiquan can be described as one of the mar tial forms of Qigong. But a good way to differentiate between the two is to contrast the ways in which they are practised. Practising Taijiquan is similar to shadow boxing with an imaginary opponent – blocking, striking, using the opponent’s energy with yours to find balance (Taiji or Tai Chi) – whereas Medical and Spiritual Qigong there is no opponent the movements are practised purely to cultivate one’s own Qi, allowing it to connect with the Qi or energy of the universe.

Three levels of Qigong training No 1. Practising the form or the shape of the movements No 2. Practising the details, this includes specific breathing patterns, concentration and alignment of various energy points. No 3. Practising the Qi (Chi) flow. It doesn’t really matter which one of the Chinese Healing Arts that you choose to practise as they all work in cultivating and refining your Qi energy, helping to improve your quality of life Simon Blow a near fatal accident at the age of nineteen lead Simon to investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation a path he has been following ever since. He is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Daoist Monasteries in China and has been given authority to share these techniques. He has received World Health Organisation Certification in Medical Qigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Daoism and given the name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom and is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. Simon Blow is an author and publisher of numerous Books, DVDs and audio CDs on this ancient healing art. Phone (02) 9559 8153

BY LIA SCALLION. ‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was’…. a sound – the very breath of God. In Sanskrit, the words ‘Nada Brahma’ means, the world is sound. As in the Bible, so too, ancient Hindu scholars claimed the universe arose first out of sound sound gave rise to light and light became matter. Modern science now seems to concur. The theory of Big Bang proposes that our universe exploded into being out of one great sound. The Hindu belief is that the “soundless sound” is the subtlest element. It is beyond the speed of light, contains all universal knowledge and is the cohesive source of all that is. Every planet, indeed every layer of life, vibrates to sound. Many living organisms, apart from human beings, communicate so richly through sound, that it is hard to imagine their survival without it. Bird song and the songs of whales for example – these are bewilderingly complex, and decidedly musical. As humans, so sensitive are we to sound, that noise pollution has been called the most common modern health hazard. High levels of unpleasant sounds, cause blood vessels to constrict; blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rates, increase; extra fats are released into the bloodstream; and the blood’s magnesium levels fall. People are disturbed not only by loud sounds but also by those that are dissonant or inharmonic. For thousands of years, cultures throughout the world have used the powers of music to heal the body, mind and spirit. Only recently, however, has the field of sound healing emerged into full-scale public awareness. Studies have shown that music can reduce stress, enhance immune system function, slow down and balance brain wave activity, reduce muscle tension, increase endorphin levels, and evoke feelings of love and inner peace. Ancient civilisations, such as that of Atlantis, believed that each soul held its own musical frequency, a sort of individual soundprint throughout every cell of the body. This was referred to as the ‘wam’, or the soul’s music. In the crystalline caves of Atlantis, the healing priestesses would attune the wam simply by striking the appropriate crystal matrix and creating a resonant tone that would bring the individual back into harmony. The first Tibetan masters, developed a way to reproduce and preserve the ‘wam’, by creating sacred tools which include the dorje, the bell and the Tibetan singing bowl. And today, we have seen the emergence of quar tz crystal ‘singing’ bowls, which have evolved from the computer industry, which uses their intense energy field to grow quar tz silicon chips. Each crystal bowl is digitally attuned to the diatonic musical scale C, D, E, F, G, A, B - which is vibrationally connected with the chakra system. The bigger the bowl the deeper the sound and the more it resonates with the physical. The smaller the bowl, the higher the sound and the more it resonates with the spiritual. The sound emitted by playing the crystal bowls as musical instruments, is one of the “purest tones” in the world.

Crystals are rainbow channels of light and can be programmed for healing. The sound produced by the bowls, intensifies the seven rainbow lights of the crystals. When we enter into the sound of the crystal bowls their seven rainbow tones activate different states of consciousness. The vibrational frequencies of the bowls resonate with the physical body and the subtle energy field, around the body, thus facilitating the harmonising of the heart and the mind, the physical with the spiritual. I think we can safely assume then, that sounds affect both our physical and spiritual well-being. The body is a self-healing instrument, It is genetically pre-programmed to heal itself. Certain music can heal us, by assisting the body to come into its natural state of balance and harmony. As we acknowledge then, the potent properties of sound, let us seize this powerful tool and use it to bring harmony and healing into our lives. Lia Scallion is a singer,sound healer and channel for the “Sounds of Sirius”. ‘The Sounds of Sirius’ CDs are a therapy in their own right.Each one of the seven titles in the series offers a beautiful healing gift from Spirit, which is received by the listener in a very individual and personal way. Many therapists who use the Sounds of Sirius CDs in conjunction with their own work, find that these sacred harmonics add a profound dimension to the healing session by bringing the client into a much deeper space of receptivity. For more information visit or phone 0419 486 073. For a wide range of Crystal Bowls see the Gifts for the Body & Soul feature this issue.

GIFTS FOR THE BODY & SOUL Looking for a great gift for your favourite mystic? Maybe you are looking for something a little different to do? Consider the problem solved with this great collection of gifts for the Body, Mind & Spirit that is sure to inspire! Magick Wish Candles In Magick, Seven Knob Candles are known as Wish Candles, and these beautiful coloured candles make a wonderful gift idea. If you “wish” to draw some money into your life, simply buy a Green 7 Knob Candle and car ve a money symbol upon each knob, oil the candle, and burn one knob a day for 7 days. Write your wish on a piece of parchment and place under the candle, burning the parchment on the seventh day. You can find 7 Knob Candles, Parchment and Money Drawing Oil at or call us on 08 8363 7733

fragrance free rocks, sticks, mists and roll-ons, the range also incorporates a number of fragrances and include natural extracts like Aloe Vera. The Body Crystal® is the perfect alternative to antiperspirants which block your body’s natural perspiration. The Body Crystal® prevents odour naturally, by inhibiting bacterial growth on your skin which causes odour. The Body Crystal® leaves you feeling fresh and clean all day. The Body Crystal 17 Wakefield Street Alderley Qld 4051

The Body Crystal The Body Crystal® range made its debut on the market in 1993, and has since earned itself a reputation as a leader in crystal deodorants. Our company’s range of crystal-based products is extensive. Building on the cornerstone of

Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps and Candle Holders Salt crystal originated from ancient seas and is mainly available from the foothills of the Himalayas. Salt lamps also improve air quality by releasing negatively charged ions. In addition to improving your air quality, when lit, they also give off a beautiful glow that will enhance any home or office décor. Lil’s Natural Gifts

InnerSelf a sweet bedtime book offering 5 steps for passing on their love through Archangel Gabrielle. Large print, beautiful colour pictures, perfect gift. Pub: Pick-a-WooWoo

Celtic Prayer Flags The Celtic Prayer Flags are twelve prayers to send on the wind into the world to inspire hope and to know that we are Love in unity. The Celtic symbols are from the Celtic Prayer Flags, which complement this vision. As the prayer flags blow in the wind they disperse their qualities in conscious awareness to help seed a New Earth. One Earth One Spirit - Infinite Life. 0402 687 449 • 08 8339 6310

Natural Soy Wax Candles

healing. The sound produced by the bowls, intensifies the seven rainbow lights of the crystals. When we enter into the sound of the crystal bowls their seven rainbow tones activate different states of consciousness. The vibrational frequencies of the bowls resonate with the physical body and the subtle energy field, around the body, thus facilitating the harmonising of the heart and the mind, the physical with the spiritual. For a full range magnificent Crystal Bowls (2 for the price of one bowl special available - see ad on this page) Available from Mind, Body & Soul 1/4 The Esplanade, Mooloolaba. (07)5452 5490 • 0417 718 896

At Livvy’s Lights natural soy wax candles we have taken a centuries old product and brought it into the 21st century, our candles are stylish, practical and smell ‘Divine’. Livvy’s Lights natural soy wax candles have been lovingly guided, created and handmade while being infused with ‘Divine’ energy. Order NOW at or contact Donna on M: 0409 260 496

Infuse Your Soul Guided by Spirit under auspicious lunar skies, energized with the healing vibrations of crystals and the stars, each Mystical Oil Blend, Infused Himalayan Bath Salt blend, Vibrational Essence and Mist in our range has been hand crafted to breathe life back into your weary soul. For enquiries & orders:

Scent of Samadhi Scent of Samadhi is an ancient, herbal, all-natural deodorant powder used by the yogis of South India. One of the products sold at Organic Beauty World is an all natural, herbal perfume of the yogis of South India Ideal for yoga, meditation, body work & simple joys in life. In the caves of southern India, it has been noticed that a beautiful and exotic aroma exudes from the bodies of Sages and yoga masters who practice and meditate for hour upon hour. It was learned that they rub onto their bodies a natural herbal perfume and deodorant powder which deepens their practice and meditation. This an ancient herbal blend that works along with the body perspiration to create a smell that is truly inspiring- enhancing a deeper meditative bliss and divine awakening. Be Beautiful, Healthy & Safe Shop at Organic Beauty World for Green healthy bodies inside and out! Free shipping – friendly service. 1300 662 543

Wear Your Goddess Wear Your Goddess brings together handmade Australian Designers for real women to create their own Goddess Style. Catering for all sizes 828. Comfort, style colour affordability & fun is key. You will find the Wear Your Goddess at festivals, fairs & party plan in Sydney, Hunter Valley, Central Coast & Melbourne soon. For details contact Sharon 0413077242 or online

Healing Crystal Bowls Crystal bowls are rainbow channels of light and can be programmed for

Zen Chi - In Home Therapy (New Model now available)

Angel Steps – Love You, Miss You By Lidija Pretreger If you’re looking for a way to comfort a young one about the passing of a dear relative or friend, Angel Steps is

For a healthy body and stress free exercise just put aside 15 minutes morning and/or evening – zen chi is a passive exercise machine stimulating the flow of oxygen throughout the body. It relieves tension and stress – digestive imbalance and insomnia. Is a proven technique for the relief of fluid retention, varicose veins, diabetes. When swaying back and for th the movement relieves stress and tension on the spinal col-

15 GIFTS umn and is a no impact form of exercise. A fantastic machine to assist in the function of internal organs(increases your metabolic rate) - you just lie there and breathe normally – a glass of watch before use helps to detoxify the body and a glass afterwards is great for lymphatic drainage start your exercise with 5 minutes and increase to 15 minutes. When you are finished lie still and accept the wonderful relaxing feeling that takes over the body creating totally oxygenation with any high impact exercise. Phone (07) 3279 4308 or email or online from, email or call 07 32010005

Essence of the East Johey Kosta is one of Queensland’s Inspirational Artists. Joheys current collection of spiritual paintings, ‘Essence of the East’, depicting Asian influences, can be purchased as Prints and Unique Gift & Post Cards from Samsara Homewares, Homeworld Helensvale, QLD. ph 07 55726727

Essence of Change Change happens! Loss of a relationship, self worth or finances; all create

16 GIFTS How to Fix Everything! Continued from page 12 outcome situations through mismanagement of multiple balance factors. Our current negative world outcomes are a direct result of poor choices. This happens because we violate three of the universal laws: the Law of Balance, the Law of Self-interest, and the Laws of Motion. Contrary to the excellence afforded by balance is the devastation caused by imbalance. Engineers in all engineering fields are cognisant of the destructive capacity of imbalance. Cavitation in submarines and ships illustrates this perfectly. Turbulence and harmonic imbalance teach the same lessons in the music industry, the building industry, bridge construction, and the aeronautical field. Mechanics and engineers replace bearings in machinery on a daily basis. Worn bearings eventually violently self-destruct through the vibration of imbalance. Have you ever seen a bridge tear itself to pieces due to vibration because the harmonics were incorrect? Any Internet search for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (at Puget Sound, Washington) will bring up spectacular film footage of this bridge self-destructing in 1940, due to harmonic imbalance. As you will soon realise, the universal laws of Balance and Motion are not confined just to machinery and bridges. Unfor tunately, a general lack of understanding about universal laws prevents people from recognising that imbalance must produce negative outcomes in all aspects of life, with absolute consistency. This includes the areas of health, safety, diet, finances, emotions and human relationships. An imbalance is a negative overbalance, and a negative is called a negative because it takes away. The greater the negative, the more it takes away; therefore, the greater the imbalance, the greater the negative outcome will be. Consequently, we produce many negative outcomes due to ignorance of the law involved. Some traditional Asian societies have acknowledged the consequences of all forms of imbalance and recognised the need for harmony and balance in human lives, but few modern cultures cater for this. Any human physiological imbalance will produce a negative human outcome—the worse the imbalance, the worse the outcome. All dietary imbalances, including extreme energy in/energy out imbalances, create severe personal, financial and societal health consequences. Emotional imbalance caused by environmental factors, psychological problems, diet, hormones, poor health, alcohol, drugs, finances, family relationships, personal relationships, or workplace stress, produces severe personal and societal outcomes. Extreme personal, regional, national, and international financial or environmental imbalances produce severe societal consequences at personal, regional, national, and international levels. Please understand that none of these negative outcomes are random! Each negative outcome is entirely predictable and completely unavoidable whilst people unconsciously attempt to defy the Law of Balance. So, are solutions to all of our current problems possible? Not only are they possible, there is no way that they can be impossible! The Law of Opposites guarantees this. See next issue for The Law of Opposites. Extracted from The Universal Solution – The answer you seek by William Webster. See In Brief book review this issue. For further info and book orders see ad on page 11.


disturbances in your nervous system, impacting your mind and body. Flower and gem essences bring calmness. Wild Garlic, return to your values and purpose. Obsidian, suppressed relationships, time will heal. Cyclamen, adaptability, overcome obstacles, achieve goals. Explore and email

In Harmony with the Angels By Rita Each of these 45 Angel Cards is beautifully illustrated and hand painted by Rita, with the help of the Angels and her Spirit Guides. An instruction booklet helps you to access inspiring answers for


any area of your life. Pub: Hosianna House of Angels

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Pure Beeswax Candles…the golden gift of light After burning beeswax, you can never return to those synthetically fragranced petrochemically-laced candles again. Choose a candle that it is truly sustainable, environmentally friendly and animal cruelty free. Soy and Palm destroy habitats. Petrochemicals (paraffin) destroy your lungs. Choose the honeysweet alternative.

One (CD) By Kevin James One is an expression of the

EKEN Power Bands are a medical grade silicone wristband that contain 4 nFIT holographic discs. Each of these discs are infused with a combination of frequencies that are complementary to the human body.

movement of realisation that’s spreading across the planet right now... the movement that honours a universal view of the ancient cultures and religions of the world, embracing their commonality... the One. Each track is a modern devotional hymn, a song of clear intent and purpose: to expand awareness beyond the thinking mind, to enter the unified bliss of the heart. A beautiful Australian achievement. Pub: Kevin James

Australia’s top sporting talent use EKEN Power Bands To date our ambassadors include: Jason ‘Aker’ Akermanis (AFL Legend), Matt Lewis (Hawaiian Iron Man), Suzie Q Ramadan (WBF World Superbantam Weight Champion), Julie Corletto (AUS Diamonds Netball, Melbourne Vixens). To experience the difference yourself simply place the band around your wrist and complete the EKEN Power Bands test, you will be amazed by the results!

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What are they used for? Wearers have reported increased core strength, balance, flexibility and endurance. While not a medical device and not intended for therapeutic use, EKEN Power Bands have also been linked to a general feeling of wellbeing in wearers. Eken Pty Ltd, 336 Bridge Road Richmond, VIC 3121 Melboune Ph 03 9428 4090 •

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EKEN Power Bands really made a difference in my performance last night, I recommend everyone should get one . . . Susie Q Ramadan (World Champion Boxer) Eken Pty Ltd, 336 Bridge Road Richmond, VIC 3121 Melboune

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Re-engage with your spirit at the MindBodySpirit Festival.

The MindBodySpirit Festival For many years The MindBodySpirit Festival has led the way in presenting to the public the latest in holistic awareness and technologies. Each year, more and more people are awakening to this call to live a deeper, more authentic life and in their quest for guidance, inspiration and support the MindBodySpirit Festival has been the leading event, almost becoming a pilgrimage site rather than just a trade fair.

Re-energise your mind at the MindBodySpirit Festival

Love your Spirit with psychic readings, spiritual guidance and healing. Explore your spirit through astrology & numerology, psychic readings, chakra balancing, crystals, new age books, feng shui, music, spiritual healings and more. Not sure where to start. Assess your life goals and experience a reading from Australia’s leading psychics. You’ll have great fun finding about your career, love, relationships, family and finances. Perhaps you’d like to know how to find your soul mate, enjoy the mysteries of tantric relationships or balance your chakra. There is something for everyone searching for a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

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Re-shape your body at the MindBodySpirit Festival This year is a major turning point We are about to enter 2011...are you ready for all that this momentous time is offering and asking of you? Come along and experience what The Shift - as Wayne Dyer refers to it - really is. The MindBodySpirit Festival is all about embracing life and looking after yourself. Take a fresh approach this November and start challenging yourself and setting a clear plan for 2011.

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1 MF Attend to details as this will improve what you 1 can offer. 2 2 3 MH Emotions run high especially and there 3 MG Make sure that relations are cordial if not is a tendency to overreact if challenges are harmonious.

2 4 3 ME Relish the acknowledgement but beware 5 MH Be upfront in all your dealings. of arrogance. 6 ] New Moon H The New Moon brings up popular 4 mass feelings which come up as a result of false 5 MF Overly critical responses will win no friends. information or a lack of clarity. There is difficulty in getting 6 a point across but creative use of imagination may be the 7 MG Interaction with others is important but do answer. not surrender your opinion simply to keep the peace. 7 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things 8 ] New Moon G The New Moon this month along. highlights optimism and excitement that comes from 8 change or speculation. The energy can be both 9 inspiring and volatile so there is a feeling of 10 MJ The emphasis is on responsibility and

perceived as threats. 4 5 MI Inspiration and a bird’s eye view will help move things forward 6 ] New Moon I The New Moon brings a change with the promise of optimism and a brighter outlook. Projects started now can capitalise on the enthusiasm and sound judgement of the time. 7 MJ A hands-on approach is the best way to ensure that things are done properly.

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credibility in all activities.

8 9 MK Value knowledge gained even if it is from unusual sources.

perspective is called for.

opposing parties want a show of strength which may result in separations.

matters at hand.

required. Be prepared to look at things differently.

13 13 st 14 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon KM enters L The challenge 14 ‡ 1 Quarter Moon LM enters A

now is to overcome difficulties and differences of opinion Eagerness and enthusiasm abound as changes 10 are contemplated and undertaken. Success is 11 MI The focus changes and a broader and unite in a common goal. Disputes colour this time as ensured through effort and commitment.

tendency may be to despair of the situation or lash out at

the apparent cause. Objectivity will be restored so refrain 19 from acting hastily. 20 21 MA Take action to get things moving in the 23 24 MD Avoid letting emotional ties dictate your right direction. actions or responses. 22 23 Sun enters Scorpio … Full Moon AM enters 25 B Determination, passion and focus are the 26 ME Take pride in accomplishments but do not rest

24 25 MC Keep your ear to the ground to gain information needed.

26 27 28 MD Increased sensitivity makes you protective of loved ones.

29 30 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon ME The results of recent actions have to be dealt with. Continued sensitivity and a lack of boundaries may prey on your sympathies so be prepared to draw a line in the sand.


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Cooperative efforts are also beneficial especially

12 if common goals are well defined. 15 13 MJ Be practical about matters at hand in 15 16 order to get results. 16 MA 17 Take the initiative and lead the way in finishing 14 17 MB Be practical but not stubborn in your what has been left undone. 15 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon J Excitement builds as pursuit of goals. 18 possibilities start to emerge but there is also a need 18 to combat limitations which may come from those in 19 MB Slow and steady gets the job done. 19 MC Avoid relying on hearsay to gain authority. Difficulties or obstacles can be overcome 20 information. with effort but this may entail a hasty separation 21 20 from another. 22 Sun enters Sagittarius … Full Moon BM enters 16 MK Be objective and think outside the square. C Philosophical, optimistic and generous characterises 21 … Full Moon CM enters D Lunar Eclipse:The Full Moon brings light to a group 17 SagittariusStability and security may be seductive answers endeavour which has required great effort. If 18 ML Hunches and intuition have a role to to the results of uncertainty that become evident. The anything unscrupulous has been done, this will

hallmarks of Scorpio.Sensitivity reaches a peak and is expressed as moodiness or irritability. Persuasive messages may be more effective and so exploitation may result. The lack of energy and stubbornness leads to rash or thoughtless actions that may have physical consequences.

be revealed and may result in a separation or breaking of a bond initially. However, joint success is the outcome. 22 Sun enters Capricorn Capricorn is known for their work ethic, perseverance and determination to succeed. 23 ME Give credit where credit is due and you will see better results.

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24 25 27 28 MF An analytical view of things may help you find 26 MF Be careful that a need for perfection

on our laurels.

what you are looking for. 29 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon F Resolutions and decisions in relation to the current situation will do much to settle any existing conflict or quarrel. However, unnecessary or unjust constraints will be met with rebellion causing upset and excitement. 30 MG Encourage cooperation but refrain from being the arbitrator.

A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

undermines the outcome.

27 28 MGƒ 3rd Quarter Moon G Matters are now being concluded and there may seem to be a changing mood or inconstancy of expression. Adaptability is called for as this will assist in the gaining of experience.

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Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

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10 11 11 12 MK Knowledge and information are what is 12 ML Increased sensitivity impacts on

‘bending or breaking’. Be prepared to be flexible as frustration at what seems missed opportunities may lead to unnecessary risks and unwanted consequences. 9 MH Intense emotions may surface so be prepared for some overreaction to seemingly ordinary situations


easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8563 9182 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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Creating Real Intimacy – Part 1 Men and women often feel that intimacy is lacking in their lives. But what is intimacy? Intimacy is about real connection – connection to yourself first, the willingness to be present, receptive and allowing of your life force. Intimacy with yourself can facilitate intimacy in relationship with others. It is a feeling of being fulfilled and engaged in meaningful exchanges with others – that enhances and enriches your daily experience of life. I feel incredibly blessed to enjoy a depth of sharing, realness and intimacy with myself, my family, close friends and a beloved partner. As I write I feel the way my heart bubbles over in beautiful deep tender moments of sharing feelings, passions, dreams and visions for the future. Equally, I can experience expansiveness in my hear t in moments of sharing silence, outrageous laughter or as I hold a friend in tears. How can you begin to experience real intimacy? Through connecting intimately with your innermost feelings, thoughts and desires – becoming available to feel and express the energy which animates your life force. We have learnt to shut down from an early age, due to family and societal conditioning, saying no to the energy which naturally wishes to express through us – this prevents us from truly knowing ourselves. Without knowing yourself, you will find it diffi-

cult to create a real connection or experience intimacy with someone else. Intimacy for me is about sharing who I am inside and outside, without needing to hide anything, and allowing myself and others to experience all of me. This includes my fears, my dreams, my sadness, my loves, my joy, my pains, my anger, my bliss. . . and being able to say yes, embracing, whatever passes through me without judgment, fear or going into defensive modes of behaviour. If you have fallen into a routine life and feel disconnected from yourself and your loved ones, then maybe it’s time for some changes. The way to discover and reconnect with ongoing and lasting intimacy is through embracing all of YOU! The more you can accept yourself, the more others will enjoy and appreciate you. Here are some practices for you to become more intimate with yourself: 1. Write a list of your top 5 values in life and beside each value write down the activities you engage in which support those values. This will help you to know whether what you are doing (activities, relationships, work) is in alignment with who you are (values). By knowing and understanding this in yourself, you can begin to make different choices to support what is important to you. 2. Spend time each day sitting in silence and breathing

into your body. As you breathe notice feelings, sensations, energy moving through you - tension, sadness, tingling, happiness, rage, love all of the physical and emotional responses that you experience are real and valid. Notice how these feelings pass when they are acknowledged without creating a story or identity around them. If you feel an intensity of energy that feels like it needs to move - then dance, run, swim, draw, paint, jump up and down… engage your body and breathe fully into the activity. If you engage in an activity and neglect your breath and body awareness, you may find that you simply pushed the feeing undercover, rather than releasing it. 3. Notice your responses to difficult situations in everyday life - do you freeze, shut down, put up your defensive behaviours — or run away? Feeling our responses to conflict can give us insights into parts of ourselves that we have been hiding. Once you notice your initial reaction to freeze, run or fight ... slow down and feel what is underneath that, what is the vulnerability, what creates the tension, where do you hold it in your body? Answering these questions and learning to acknowledge these parts of yourself will help you

to experience yourself more fully. You may find it useful to write your responses to these situations in a journal, in order to release the feelings and thoughts onto a page and refrain from getting stuck in your head about it. 4. Keep a gratitude journal each day write down what you are grateful for that day. You will find that the more gratitude you experience, the more your heart opens and you let yourself into feeling everything. It can be as simple as being grateful for the sunshine on your skin or an evening spent with friends. On the other hand, it can be gratitude for a challenging conversation with a loved one which brought new insights or a difficult day when you remembered to breathe and feel. When we are grateful, we invite more openness into our lives. Allow self awareness to be your path to creating real intimacy – the more deeply you feel yourself, the more deeply you will feel others. In the next edition, I will share with you some exercises for creating real intimacy with others. In the meantime, enjoy getting to know yourself more fully!!! Martina Hughes of Tantric Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.


BY MARIE-ELISE ALLEN Being open and truthful in a relationship may leave you feeling vulnerable at times. I remember being told by a friend that I was at my most loving and most innocent when I allowed myself to feel vulnerable. Too often it was more easy for me to make a wise crack or find some other way to cover up feelings of vulnerability than allow it to show. If we dare take a long look at the way we interact with another and how we tend not to tell the truth, then you will know that even in asking “how are you?” very few ever respond from a place of truth, usually it is an automatic “Fine thanks, and you?” Seldom do we ever have the nerve to respond from a place of truth ( no matter whether that be a positive or negative). When it comes to honesty and truth in our relationships, particularly with sexual interaction, I have many times, in discussion with women, heard that they have never managed to orgasm with their partner, and that they fake orgasm rather than share the truth. It isn’t that they have not enjoyed the sexual interaction, they have, but in their desire to please, they have pretended to reach a place of orgasmic pleasure. Orgasm they have divulged, is something they only reach through self pleasure. These women felt there was either something wrong with them so they covered it up, or conversely they did

not wish to make their partner feel inadequate, so they opted to take the path of least resistance and pretend. In keeping the lines of communication within a relationship fresh, open and truthful, one needs to be truthful with oneself. It has become more and more apparent over the years that when we can find a place of truth, love, respect and self appreciation for oneself, it can so easily lead to being able to be more present and more available and more genuine in relationships with others. If we are to be in an open, loving, meaningful relationship then surely we can talk and discuss feelings and pleasures. At times when orgasm slides over the precipice and is not achieved it is not the end of the earth. Sharing feelings and the enjoyment of the deep rhythm of energy exchange can be immensely satisfying. One does not need to fly off into the ethers to enjoy sexual interaction. Being able to communicate this and have your partner understand that sex does not have to culminate in an earth shattering orgasm every time and, more importantly, that this does not mean failure on anyone’s part, is essential in understanding and honouring each other. Sex is more than an act of pleasure. Sexual chemistry includes the vocal chords, body parts, emotions, sensations, your thoughts and of course the brain itself which re-

InnerSelf leases all those oxytocins and endorphins that power us up. Simply gazing into each other’s eyes can be deeply erotic. Breathing in time to your beloved’s breath, synchronizing body energy and having lips meet to seal the sensation and experience, is deeply arousing. It evokes a blending of the two bodies into one. A little tantric maybe, yet it induces feelings and sensations from another dimension of your relating. You see, honesty shows up in many guises. Trust and sincerity can grow from communicating non- verbally with each other. A powerful and potent awareness of the other is the ultimate aphrodisiac and is attained through a caress, a look, a playful smile, or being held. What do you think the chances are of remaining completely dispassionate if you caught your partner’s eye across a crowd filled room and he winked at you? Then proceeded to excuse himself and saunter across the room, slide his hand around your back, pull you close and simply breathe hot air into your ear? Not one word exchanged. Those non verbal cues are a huge turn on. You can feel moisture and tingling where there wasn’t any a few minutes before and let’s face it, as a woman that energy stream of fer vour is very powerful. It makes us weak at the knees and can turn us into a rampant seductress. Sure, we lead busy lives, however to take the time to make a gesture which speaks volumes is a powerful stimulant. It goes without saying that each of us has internal dialogue that runs all day every day. This mind chatter is what colours our thoughts and behaviour and leads to our feelings. Being able to communicate what we are feeling is a gift and worth working at. Our relationship can only deepen and expand when we can share what we are feeling with our significant other and build our connection on a foundation of clear, open and honest dialogue and union. Marie-Elise Allen is the face behind Sassy Vibes and the originator of Sassy Vibes provides women and men with an online boutique for the purchase of safe, chemical-free pleasure products. In addition to this, Marie-Elise is a key-note speaker and offers workshops and various opportunities for all those wishing to delve deeper into self-enquiry of which sexuality is an integral part. Phone Marie-Elise on 1300797090 OR visit ©copyright 2009 Marie-Elise Allen

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex ... It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein

Women, Food, and GOD ○

BY GENEEN ROTH Geneen Roth’s pioneering books were among the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. She believes that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money, love is an exact reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain, scarcity, we believe we have (or are allowed) to have in our lives. What are you hungry for? Hint: It’s not food. In fact, it’s everything but food. This provocative new book reveals the self-defeating truth about dieting, while lighting the path to a full and healthy life. Says Oprah, “This book is an opportunity to finally end the war with weight and unlock the door to freedom.” Below is an excerpt from the book. When I was in high school, I used to dream about having Melissa Morris’s legs, Toni Oliver’s eyes, and Amy Breyer’s hair. I liked my skin, my breasts, and my lips, but everything else had to go. Then, in my 20s, I dreamed about slicing off pieces of my thighs and arms the way you carve a turkey, certain that if I could cut away what was wrong, only the good parts—the pretty par ts, the thin parts—would be left. I believed there was an end goal, a place at which I would arrive and forevermore be at peace. And since I also believed that the way to get there was by judging and shaming and hating myself, I also believed in diets. Diets are based on the unspoken fear that you are a madwoman, a food terrorist, a lunatic. The promise of a diet is not only that you will have a different body; it is that in having a different body, you will have a different life. If you hate yourself enough, you will love yourself. If you torture yourself enough, you will become a peaceful, relaxed human being. Although the very notion that hatred leads to love and that torture leads to relaxation is absolutely insane, we hypnotize ourselves into believing that the end justifies the means. We treat ourselves and the rest of the world as if deprivation, punishment, and shame lead to change. We treat our bodies as if they are the enemy and the only acceptable outcome is annihilation. Our deeply ingrained belief is that hatred and torture work. And although I’ve never met anyone—not one person—for whom warring with their bodies led to long-lasting change, we continue to believe that with a little more self-disgust, we’ll prevail. But the truth is that kindness, not hatred, is the answer. The shape of your body obeys the shape of your

beliefs about love, value, and possibility. To change your body, you must first understand that which is shaping it. Not fight it. Not force it. Not deprive it. Not shame it. Not do anything but accept and—yes, Virginia—understand it. Because if you force and deprive and shame yourself into being thin, you end up a deprived, shamed, fearful person who will also be thin for ten minutes. When you abuse yourself (by taunting or threatening yourself), you become a bruised human being no matter how much you weigh. When you demonize yourself, when you pit one part of you against another—your ironclad will against your bottomless hunger—you end up feeling split and crazed and afraid that the par t you locked away will, when you are least prepared, take over and ruin your life. Losing weight on any program in which you tell yourself that left to your real impulses you would devour the universe is like building a skyscraper on sand: Without a foundation, the new structure collapses. Change, if it is to be long-lasting, must occur on the unseen levels first. With understanding, inquiry, openness. With the realization that you eat the way you do for lifesaving reasons. I tell my retreat students that there are always exquisitely good reasons why they turn to food. Can you imagine how your life would have been different if each time you were feeling sad or angry as a kid, an adult said to you, “Come here, sweetheart, tell me all about it”? If when you were overcome with grief at your best friend’s rejection, someone said to you, “Oh, darling, tell me more. Tell me where you feel those feelings. Tell me how your belly feels, your chest. I want to know every little thing. I’m here to listen to you, hold you, be with you.” All any feeling wants is to be welcomed with tenderness. It wants room to unfold. It wants to relax and tell its story. It wants to dissolve like a thousand writhing snakes that with a flick of kindness become harmless strands of rope. The path from obsession to feelings to presence is not about healing our “wounded children” or feeling

every bit of rage or grief we never felt so that we can be successful, thin, and happy. We are not trying to put ourselves together. We are taking who we think we are apar t. We feel the feelings not so that we can blame our parents for not saying, “Oh, darling,” not so that we can express our anger to everyone we’ve never confronted, but because unmet feelings obscure our ability to know ourselves. As long as we take ourselves to be the child who was hurt by an unconscious parent, we will never grow up. We will never know who we actually are. We will keep looking for the parent who never showed up and forget to see that the one who is looking is no longer a child. I tell my retreat students that they need to remember two things: to eat what they want when they’re hungry and to feel what they feel when they’re not. Inquiry—the feel-whatyou-feel part—allows you to relate to your feelings instead of retreat from them. Sometimes when I ask students what they are feeling in their bodies, they have no idea. It’s been a couple of light-years since they felt anything in or about their bodies that wasn’t judgment or loathing. So it’s good to ask some questions that allow you to focus on the sensations themselves. You can ask yourself if the feeling has a shape, a temperature, a color. You can ask yourself how it affects you to feel this. And since no feeling is static, you keep noticing the changes that occur in your body as you ask yourself these questions. If you get stuck, it’s usually because you’re having a reaction to a particular feeling—you don’t want to feel this way, you’d rather be happy right now, you don’t like people who feel like this—or you’re locked into comparing/judging mode. So, be precise. “I feel a gray heap of ashes in my chest” rather than “I feel something odd and heavy.” Don’t try to direct the process by having preferences or agendas. Let the inquiry move in its own direction. Notice whatever arises, even if it surprises you. “Oh, I thought I was sad, but now I see that this is loneliness. It feels like a ball of rubber bands in my stomach.” Welcome the rubber bands. Give them room. Watch what happens. Keep coming back to the direct sensations in your body. Pay attention to things you’ve never told anyone, secrets you’ve kept to yourself. Do not censor anything. Do not get discouraged. It takes a while to trust the immediacy of inquiry since we are so used to directing everything with our minds. It is helpful, though not necessary, to do inquiry with a guide or a partner so that you can have a witness and a living reminder to come back to the sensation and the location. Most of all, remember that inquiry is not about discovering answers to puzzling problems but a direct and experiential revelation process. It’s fueled by love. It’s like taking a dive into the secret of existence itself; it is full of surprises, twists, side trips. You engage in it because you want to penetrate the unknown, comprehend the incomprehensible. Because when you evoke curiosity and openness with a lack of judgment, you align yourself with beauty and delight and love—for their own sake. You become the benevolence of God in action. A few years ago, I received a letter from someone who’d included a Weight Watchers ribbon on which was embossed “I lost ten pounds.” Underneath the gold writing, the letter writer added “And I still feel like crap.”

We think we’re miserable because of what we weigh. And to the extent that our joints hurt and our knees ache and we can’t walk three blocks without losing our breath, we probably are physically miserable because of extra weight. But if we’ve spent the last five, 20, 50 years obsessing about the same ten or 20 pounds, something else is going on. Something that has nothing to do with weight. Most people are so glad to read about, hear about, and then begin any approach that doesn’t focus on weight loss as its main agenda that they take it to be license to eat without restraint. “Aha!” they say. “Someone finally understands that it’s not about the weight.” It’s never been about the weight. It’s not even about food. “Great,” they say, “let’s eat. A lot. Let’s not stop.” And the truth is that it’s not about the weight. Either you want to wake up or you want to go to sleep. You either want to anesthetize yourself or you do not. You either want to live or you want to die. But it’s also not not about the weight.No one can argue that being a hundred pounds overweight is not physically challenging; the reality of sheer poundage and its physical consequences cannot be denied. Some people at my retreats can’t sit in a chair comfortably. They can’t walk up a slight incline without feeling pain. Their doctors tell them their lives are in danger unless they lose weight. They need knee replacements, hip replacements, LAP-BAND surgeries. The pressure on their hearts, their kidneys, their joints is too much for their body to tolerate and still function well. So it is about the weight to the extent that weight gets in the way of basic function: of feelings, of doing, of moving, of being fully alive. Yet. The bottom line, whether you weigh 340 pounds or 150 pounds, is that when you eat when you are not hungry, you are using food as a drug, grappling with boredom or illness or loss or grief or emptiness or loneliness or rejection. Food is only the middleman, the means to the end. Of altering your emotions. Of making yourself numb. Of creating a secondary problem when the original problem becomes too uncomfortable. Of dying slowly rather than coming to terms with your messy, magnificent, and very, very short—even at a hundred years—life. The means to these ends happens to be food, but it could be alcohol, it could be work, it could be sex, it could be cocaine. Surfing the Internet. Talking on the phone. For a variety of reasons we don’t fully understand (genetics, temperament, environment), those of us who are compulsive eaters choose food. Not because of its taste. Not because of its texture or its color. We want quantity, volume, bulk. We need it—a lot of it—to go unconscious. To wipe out what’s going on. The unconsciousness is what’s important, not the food. Sometimes people will say, “But I just like the taste of food. In fact, I love the taste! Why can’t it be that simple? I overeat because I like food.” But. When you like something, you pay attention to it. When you like something—love something—you take time with it. You want to be present for every second of the rapture. But overeating does not lead to rapture: It leads to burping and farting and

23 WOMEN being so sick that you can’t think of anything but how full you are. That’s not love; that’s suffering. I’m not exactly proud to say that I have been miserable anywhere, with anything, with anyone. I’ve been miserable standing in a field of a thousand sunflowers in southern France in mid-June. I’ve been miserable weighing 80 pounds and wearing a size 0. And I’ve been happy wearing a size 18, been happy sitting with my dying father, been happy being a switchboard operator. But like many people, I’ve had the “When I Get Thin (Change Jobs, Move, Find a Relationship, Leave This Relationship, Have Money) Blues.” It’s called the “If Only” refrain. It’s called postponing your life and your ability to be happy to a future date when then, oh then, you will finally get what you want and life will be good. You will stop turning to food when you start understanding in your body, not just your mind, that there is something better than turning to food. And this time, when you lose weight, you will keep it off. Truth, not force, does the work of ending compulsive eating. The poet Galway Kinnell wrote that “sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness.” Everything we do, I tell my students, is to reteach ourselves our loveliness. Diets are the result of your belief that you have to atone for being yourself to be worthy of existing. Until the belief is understood and questioned, no amount of weight loss will touch the par t of you that is convinced it is damaged. It will make sense to you that hatred leads to love and that torture leads to peace because you will be operating on the conviction that you must starve or deprive or punish the badness out of you. You won’t keep extra weight off, because being at your natural weight does not match your convictions about the way life unfolds. But once the belief and the subsequent decisions are questioned, diets and being uncomfortable in your body lose their seductive allure. Only kindness makes sense. Anything else is excruciating. You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. The Sufi poet Rumi, writing about birds learning to fly, wrote: “How do they learn it? They fall, and falling, they’re given wings.” If you wait until you have Toni Oliver’s eyes and Amy Breyer’s hair, if you wait to respect yourself until you are at the weight you imagine you need to be to respect yourself, you will never respect yourself. To be given wings, you’ve got to be willing to believe that you were put on this Earth for more than your endless attempts to lose the same 30 pounds 300 times for 80 years. And that goodness and loveliness are possible, even in something as mundane as what you put in your mouth for breakfast. Beginning now. Geneen is the author of eight books, including The New York Times bestseller, When Food is Love , and a memoir about love and loss, The Craggy Hole in My Heart . Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything is her newest book. From Women, Food and God, by Geneen Roth. Copyright © 2010 by Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Scribner, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.




A Healing Profession Have you ever considered or dreamt about creating a rewarding career within the healing arts profession? If so, I was just like you once and I can resolutely say that it is not only possible to work successfully within the Holistic/Wellness/New Age industry, but it is also richly fulfilling on all levels and you may even choose to be a trailblazer as well! The first thing to realise and accept is that you are stepping into a “profession”. Even if you will be parttime at first while you market research and test the waters on your new venture, you are still working within a profession and as such always act and think accordingly. Once you have some qualifications under your belt in the area to which you are most drawn, then it will be time to consider whether you want to make this field your career or simply leave it as a personal endeavour. There’s nothing wrong with learning many healing modalities and then never working within the industry. You may just want to learn for personal love and satisfaction and share with family and friends. This is a good choice. Not everyone is suited for a life of full or even part-time holistic healing. Too often I meet people who believe they have to become practitioners after studying a course when really they are not ready or suited to the profession. Like any professional arena you must have gained personal life experience in a broad range of areas first and be in a very solid place yourself before you can transfer your healing arts to another or go into business for yourself. Commitment to your personal healing path is essential tial. Working full or even par t time within the holistic industry is challenging as you are being asked 24/7 to live an authentic life. There can be no faking in this industry; people will read straight through you. You will also be required to walk your talk, so every word of wisdom and advice you give to others you will also be asked to act on, absorb and live. Consistency is also vital vital. In my experience clients will put their trust in someone who is regularly seen publicly, provides good, valuable information and is in touch with their audience. You also need to consider

covering a good cross section of the community with your services. For example, you may give away free advice in regular newsletters as well as have premium paid for services in your business model. It’s also a good idea to pick a mentor or role model to gain inspiration from. Choose someone who you resonate with and admire within your field of endeavour and look at how they create things. But, remember to stay true to you and keep your style and work as original as possible. Again a successful holistic practitioner/business/career will be one that is authentic. Think about how many practitioners you see come and go, because they were simply copying someone else and not being themselves. In regards to advertising, again consistency is vital. Consider your budget and then stay professional and on track within it. One big advertisement once a year may not be as effective as a regular email newsletter or smaller regular adver tising. Remember clients trust those in the healing profession who have staying power. It takes time to build up your reputation. So be consistent in your output and you will be rewarded with a long and life-affirming career.

More of my Top-Tips for working within The Healing Profession: •Make the most of social networking on FREE sights like Blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Create a prominent presence in your community and remember it’s not all business adver tising. Clients will also want to feel connected with you personally so include heartfelt posts that reveal your soul truth. •Think and act professionally from day one. That means no gossiping about others in your industry. There is a lot of ego and competition in the holistic industry and it comes from people who are not being authentic by quickly riding on the coat tails of others. Come from your heart, know how good YOU ARE, get good solid business advice and stay true to your plan and your way. Then be patient and discerning. •Keep your plans to yourself. Yes, I cannot underestimate the power of secrecy. Only launch once you have a

good solid platform and are ready to go on all new projects. Too often I see practitioners tell everyone about their plans only to have all of the energy dissipated and never see their business ideas fulfilled. •Not everyone is suited to running their own business. You may be better suited to working for someone else. Honestly assess what position you are comfortable with and then follow it. It’s not about what so and so is doing, but what you are comfortable with. •Create an online presence. The Internet is a global audience just waiting for you. No matter what your presence is, keep it streamlined and professional from the beginning. Decide on logos, colours, visions, goals and then set about building on them. Again consistency in everything is key. Most importantly BELIVE IN YOU. Like any profession you are needed but you will need to believe this. Belief in self comes from personal experience, so put yourself out there, live your truth and then from my own experience, you will never look back. Elizabeth Peru of Deltawaves Sacred Sound & Colour Transformations is an International Soul Teacher, Soul Wellness Expert, Spirit Channel and Sound & Colour Healer. Based in Adelaide, Australia with a global outreach she is well known for her bi-weekly Global Energy Report The Tip-Off and global healing services. P: 0422 002 917 E:

A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people. Gandhi

THE PATHFINDER: How To Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success Seeking a more satisfying career that more closely aligns to your heart’s desire? The following is a range of diverse and varied course options which will help you create the life and career of your choice.

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The International College of Healing and Metaphysics (ic-ohm) offers support in reconnecting you into your inner world, allowing any restrictions and limiting beliefs to be released so your true nature, your soul essence, can shine into your life. It is from this space that we see lives transformed. We believe it is important to provide a warm, relaxing and supportive space in which learning, growth and transformation can occur. Our

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respected lecturer in universities and colleges around Australia. As a trainer/practitioner she performs a wide range of remedial therapies and encourages her students to embrace the same positive and holistic mindset she exemplifies. Combining both her academic background & traditional training and her clients’ needs through years of interaction with them, she has formulated courses to suit a diverse range of societal needs, incorporating Yoga, Pilates, Nutrition, Holistic Medicines, and Hypnotherapy and much more. Respecting the traditional sources of her material yet simplifying it for modern times, Dr. Harvey offers a truly unique individualized approach to her students’ training, always limiting the class numbers to allow for this personal one-on-one quality time. Her courses also help her students to embrace an attitude of confidence and happiness in their achievement, making them extremely well equipped to move directly into the world with their own practice. The successful completion of the pre-requisite of Series One Yoga will be credited towards the Certificate lV. The Level l Course will be registered with the Universal Living Solutions P/ L accreditation and the Aust Yoga Teachers Association.

Universal Living Solutions

For further vdetails phone 0412 108 155. Visit

COURSES for the Spirit Classes, Courses and Workshops Practicing Presence with Peterji Accelerate Awakening w i t h PeterJi,Five M a s t e r Meditation Evenings on the Gold Coast Calming the mind, practising presence and relaxing fully in this moment are keys to our total wellbeing. PeterJi is an enlightened teacher who has helped hundreds of people to meditate since 1992. He also offers private tuition, retreats and travels internationally. September 27th, October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 2010. 7.00- 8.30pm, Miami Surf Club, Upper Room. (by the ocean) $12.00 Book early for these special events Contact April Mai on 07 55 350 848.

Dr. Jennifer Har vey, director of Universal Living Solutions, is a highly

Transform Your Life at ICOHM At IC-OHM we support you in reconnecting into your inner world, allowing any restrictions and limiting beliefs to be released so your true nature, your soul essence, can shine into your life. It is from this space that we see lives transformed...

and discoveries with seekers, leading them on a journey of self discovery and personal empowerment grounded in Babaji’s Truth, Simplicity and Love. Leonard provides a space for anyone interested in coming to experience a clean and balanced Energy Body through the Spiritual Purification practices of Ear th, Air (Rebirthing), Water, Fire, Mind, Community Relationship and Love. Once you actually feel your Energy Centres as clear as you are able to feel your own heart beat, the world will never be the same. Leonard can open minds, hearts and doors for people in a short expanse of time. Contact Pauline Win on (03) 9017 5930, 0435 860 199 or email

Leonard Orr Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing will be in Australia January 2 0 1 1 . Leonard is most famous for his Energy Breathing rhythm Following the lead of personal experience, he travels the world building community and sharing his methods

“What I have appreciated is the very safe and supportive environment that we have in IC-OHM. You are totally supported by (the staff) and even all the other students at all times. As a result, every student has the opportunity to fully express themselves and let their skills and abilities develop at the pace that is right for them.” Diane (student) “The Language Of The Soul Course is a powerful course for anyone who is looking to embark on the journey of self discovery and transformation... When you are finally true to yourself then you are giving permission for your inner light to shine!” Irene (student) “The journey of metaphysics was a pivotal introduction into energy and the chakra system. Sitting in the energy of each chakra through meditation, colour and awareness connected me deeply to my centre.” Crystal (student)

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~William Shakespeare

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Universal Heart Songs Chanting Mantras Music from the heart to the heart ○


WE ARE THE WORLD By Michael Jackson Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator…On many occasions when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists…I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing then it is the eter nal dance of creation. The creator and the creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing…and dancing…and dancing, until there is only …the dance.

As I enter the room, radiant waves of positive energy overwhelm the restless thoughts of the day and my mind is hushed. A crystal grid is the centerpiece of the room. Shining and vibrant, it calms its admirers, and instantly creates a sacred ambiance. People continue to trickle in, and time seems to lose meaning. They are from all walks of life, and are gathered to participate in the expression of the Universal Kir tan Heart songs lead by Kevin James and Mel Dobra. Three “Aum”s set the dar k wooden floor vibrating, connecting the voices of a room full of souls. The harmonium, acoustic guitars and flutes are punctuated by drums and percussion. Kevin James’ voice penetrates straight to my hear t as it guides the singing circle into the first song. Kevin’s songs show a deep understanding and respect for all paths that lead toward self-awareness and God: “Within these songs are messages of the hear t. Some ancient, some modern and personal, yet all are medicine for a mind that continues to believe the story of a separated self, yet yearns for reconnection, beyond the illusion.” Kevin & Mel create an open, sacred space where everyone is encouraged to express themselves through song or spontaneous dance. The singing circle ends as it began – with three “Aums”. The energy in the room remains, and is joined by a deep sense of peace and completion. The Heart song circle means many things to many people – an evening for joyful singing, a spiritual awakening, a devotional prayer, or a musical jam. Kevin and Mel have spent the last 2 years touring Asia sharing music that dissolves the ego and conveys ageless, universal truths while reconnecting hearts with pure love, with each other and the earth. Their mu-

sic has been well received with Kevin & Mel featuring at the Bali Spirit Fest and the Asia Yoga conference in Hong Kong. They have held workshops and retreats in Taiwan, Japan, Kualar Lumpar and Okinawa with the response being overwhelming they have been invited back for 2011. They are now bringing it back home to Australia. This November Kevin & Mel will be holding concerts & workshops in Sydney at “Paddington Uniting Church” Concerton 14 November and workshop on 7 November and performing at the Mind Body Spirit Festival and Melbourne at Prana House concert 12 November and workshop 13 November, and also performing at Yoga Aid. The concer ts are an exquisite blend of local multi instrumentalists, paving the way for the audience to sing from their hear ts guided by Kevin & Mel. The workshops will be a co-creative environment, open for all levels who would like to learn to lead chanting circles and or for people who would like to learn more about the deeper practice of chanting and its benefits. Participants of the workshop are encouraged to bring instruments as to have an experience of leading a group (free songbook included), tips on playing harmonium, guitar, and vocal exercises (for improving your voice and opening blockages in your expression. Kevin & Mel will also be playing around the communities (Absolute Photography/Bondi, Mantra Yoga/ Crows nest, and Samadhi Yoga/ Newtown) and Melbourne dates to come. For Bookings email Stephanie Cranford 0417 669 980 To connect withKevin & Mel, to play in your town/festival or buy their CD, visit their webpage

Desert Heart Retreats • RAINBOW SERPENT JOURNEY • Healing Retreats • Training Retreats

2010 Alice Springs Dian Booth - Master Soul Healer

Stop lying to yourself... what she said ○

Over the years I’ve reflected on these words Brandon Bays said to me. At the time I thought defensively, “I’m not lying. I just don’t know who I am.” I then shared that there had been moments when I’d known who I was. She said, “In those moments, who were you?” and then the light bulb flashed on. I was this Grace, this Love and this Light, and in that moment I remembered with total clarity that I was ALL of this. It’s amazing how we can start tell-

ing ourselves a story, a story that traps us, hypnotises us and then continues to hold us hostage. It might be the ‘not good enough’ story, the ‘too young’ story or the ‘too old’ story, or the ‘not rich enough’ story or ‘not skilled enough’ story. The minute we believe these lies it becomes true and this potential that we are gets shut down. Then in a moment we can be, so lucky...when we find a teacher, or mentor, or tool that shakes us out of the trance, out of

the lie and we can remember that who we are is freedom itself. We can remember that who we are is Love, is Joy, is Peace and that the stress we’re living in is not our natural way of being. It doesn’t have to be like this. It’s time to wake up, it’s time to come home. It’s time to be fully here, fully alive. There is no accident we are here on this earth in this extraordinary time. There is no other person on the planet exactly the same as you. You are unique, one of a kind, a masterpiece. When are you going to let this out? There’s not a moment to lose. When are you going to give yourself the permission to be fully you? Brandon Bays, best-selling author of The Journey will be in Australia presenting the life changing Journey Intensive workshops in starting in Dec 2010. To find out more call 1 300 30 44 14 or email If like me, your prayer is to be free, if you long to be all that you can be, come along and experience this life changing work. Katrina McGilchrist is a passionate advocate for world change. Having served the personal development industry for the last 13 years, she feels the work of Brandon Bays to be the most powerful, life changing tool for personal transformation that she has experienced. Katrina will be bringing international best-selling author Brandon Bays to Australia starting Dec. 2010. For more information about Brandon’s upcoming tour in Australia and New Zealand please visit australasia

Sounds from Aboriginal Australia, Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria. Come to the heart of our wonderful country and listen to the sounds of your soul. “One of the truest healers of our age” (Alan Gutierrez, Emerald Energies, USA) Sacred Journeys, Healing CDs, Tapes. Diploma in Sound and Colour Healing Ring Dian: 0417 800 219


Awareness is ever there. It need not be realized. Open the shutter of the mind, and it will be flooded with light. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

InnerSelf we are finally ready for these more difficult concepts. My mind is constantly being expanded by their challenging ideas. I continue to explore... Dolores Cannon is the author of numerous books which include: The three volume set: “Conversations With Nostradamus,” covering the prophecies of Nostradamus. Four books dealing with UFOs and aliens: “Keepers of the Garden,” “The Legend of Starcrash,” “Legacy from the Stars” and “The Custodians.” Two books about the missing parts of Jesus’ life: “Jesus and the Essenes” and “They Walked with Jesus.” She has also written about what happens when you die and where you go afterwards in “Between Death and Life” and “Five Lives Remembered.” “The Convoluted Universe” series covers deep metaphysical concepts.


Dolores Cannon is one of the foremost pioneers in regression hypnosis, using a technique that she pioneered over 30 years ago that allows her to access the subconscious mind of her subjects. She believes by use of her technique that she gains access to the Universal Mind. Her objective is therapy for her clients, and ultimately an investigation to recover lost or hidden knowledge into who we really are.

It seems strange to me to look back over my work in regressive hypnosis therapy and see how, not only myself, but the entire field has evolved and changed. When I was thrown (ever so gently) into the field of reincarnation in 1968 it was all new and challenging. I had opened a door that would never be closed again in my mind. There were no books or instructions in those days to guide a therapist, so I have had to write my own rules and develop my own technique from the beginning. I discovered time travel, going to the past and being able to relive history as it was occurring. Because I didn’t know what could or could not be done, I chose to challenge the abilities of the mind and find out what was possible through hypnosis. Of course, it has taken me many years to make these discoveries, and I am still discovering new ways to use hypnosis and new ways to obtain information. As a researcher and a reporter, I love history. What better way to research it than to visit the past and ask questions of people living there “now” and get “live” information? This was where my first books came from, information obtained from hundreds of subjects. I grew up in the Protestant religion, taught Sunday School and sang in the choir. I always left Church with a nagging feeling that there was more. I had questions that were not answered in the Bible or by my minister. Of course, being civilized and a good Christian girl, I couldn’t ask. So I resigned myself to teaching the children at Sunday School. The stories were interesting and I didn’t have to be involved in the teaching of dogma that I no longer believed. Over time as I became more and more involved in metaphysics and dropped out of the Orthodox Church, I’d found the “real” meaning of religion, spirituality as opposed to religion. Most churches have lost their way and do not know the important difference between those two words. In my early days when I was writing my first books ( Jesus and the

Essenes and A Soul Remembers Hiroshima), I saw past lives as following a linear time pattern. I was still taking “baby steps” and that was the only thing my mind could comprehend: one life following another separated by time and specific dates. As I continued to explore past lives other theories started to be introduced. The first was the theory of imprinting (written about in Keepers of the Garden and Between Death and Life.) This was the concept that we didn’t have to actually live many, many lives, but that we could be imprinted (or overlaid) with the memories of other people’s lives. This was done if the personality was coming in to experience a life that was different and which it had no background to draw upon. The memories of those lives were taken from the vast Library on the spirit side before incarnation (with the help of our spirit guides and masters), and overlaid or imprinted onto our own soul memory. The introduction of this unusual concept really shook my foundations. I struggled with it for a long time. But then as I studied my reactions to this new idea, I realized that if I didn’t at least examine it with an open mind I was no better than the Church with its doctrine: “Just accept. Don’t question.” So I began to look more closely at this new concept, and others that presented themselves (such as parallel or overlapping lives), and gradually wisdom began to seep into a closed mind. Once the mind begins to question, there is no going back. You can’t unlearn what you have learned. It is only now, thirty years later, that I can see the wisdom in what “they” were doing. Almost every client that comes to see me for past-life therapy asks the same question, “What is my purpose? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing?” I always tell them we can find the answer if it is “appropriate”. The subconscious mind (which I work with) will never give the person more than they can handle. The subconscious says, “We can’t tell him yet. You don’t start a baby out on a three course meal. You give them milk first, then soft cereal, then mashed vegetables. Then much, much later you give it solid food.” This was a perfect analogy, and it made me understand how far I had come. With the Convoluted Universe series “they” are continuing to expand my mind. Just when I think there is no more to learn, no more new things out there, they give me a new concept or theory to ponder. “They” say

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InnerSelf Distributors Angel Essence House - Healing Temple and a specialty Angelic Gift Shop. 94 Eagle Heights Rd, Eagle Heights QLD 4272 Atlantis Rising - 5/90 Griffith St, Coolangatta QLD 4225. Phone (07) 5536 7399 Bluewater Organics. Certified organic Mini Mart. 36 Thuringowa Drive, Townsville Qld. Ph (07) 4723 3300

AN EVENING WITH DOLORES CANNON IN AUSTRALIA Phone (02) 8338 1570 The world’s foremost past-life regressionist and author of 15 books present an amazing three hour seminar on adapting to the coming earth changes, the awakening to current shifts in consciousness and lots more... This extraordinary seminar is designed to help participants tap into universal truths and fresh insights into global and spiritual transformation. We all know that we are living in a time of great spiritual and physical changes on this planet. But how do we best adapt to these changes? Ho w do w xist, without ffear ear How wee eexist, ear,, within these rapidly moving transformations? You also gget et the cchance hance to ask questions like these and also get the answers to your own burning questions! This evening will be an open forum where the audience can ask questions about any of the topics Dolores has written about. Some topics covered could include: • 2012 and the New Earth • How fear distorts everything • The true nature of God or the Source, where all come from and all must go back to • Help from beings of faraway worlds • The new children and the three waves of “volunteers” Dolores will also be facilitating a group regression in which she will put the entire audience into a light trance state and take them to a past life. This should not be missed, one of the most incredible delights you will ever experience! There will also be a post event book signing for anyone interested. See Back Cover Advertisement


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EXPERIENCE THE JO JOYY OF HU All Welcome • FFrree Right now it’s possible to rapidly transcend the human condition and move into profound states of expanded awareness. If you are seeking a way to experience these profound levels of Divine Love and spiritual freedom within yourself, then HU, an ancient holy mantra, offers a direct approach to achieving these sacred states. What is remarkable from a human perspective is that a rapid expansion of consciousness or state of enlightenment can be achieved through the singing or chanting of a single sacred syllable over a relatively short time period. This sacred syllable HU is unique in that no religion or spiritual belief system can lay claim to it. It belongs to no one and everyone can use it to enhance their spiritual life regardless of their religion or spiritual path. HU is a sacred, spiritually charged word, hidden from the masses for centuries. Now due to rapid changes in planetary conditions during this present era, it has been released back into the world for all to use on their journey to balance, inner peace, and spiritual enlightenment.

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Eye on the Sky with Robert Crawford, Astrologist and Teacher

Engaging Venus - Her night-light and day-glow (Oct – Dec 2010) We have entered a transitional phase on the continuing path of our evolvement. One that requires a less self-centred and more soul-sentient approach, for the prophecies to be true and ‘the end of the world as we know it’ to be transformed; taking us to 2012 and beyond. There is an initiating quality to this period with a ‘start as we mean to go on’ emphasis. The planetary pattern that corresponds to this response in our lives has been termed a Cardinal Cross in the signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn. Oct – Dec is a period to re-acquaint that which provides value and meaning to our lives, whilst we are under the influence of Venus and Jupiter in their retrograde phases. This will help to establish the areas we wish to upgrade on this ‘Cardinal Cross’ the ‘sign of our time’. The ‘Venus in you’ centres on that which you value and project outwardly by the way you relate to others. Jupiter is the justified taste of Venus and shows if our belief system is helping or hindering to bring our values to fruition. Jupiter’s association with religion, law and philosophies is testimony to this fact on a

societal level. The symbols we draw for these two planets emphasise how spirit and soul need to preside over materialism to fulfil our deeper needs and is to be enacted in this quar ter. Venus – divine spirit (the circle) tter presiding over the cross of ma matter tter. Jupiter – soul (the glyph of the moon) presiding over the cross of ma tter matter tter. Our spiritual presence is food for the soul to now be nur tured. All the riches in the world will not fill the emptiness of an un-nourished soul. 8th Oct: Venus retrogrades - 13 degrees Scorpio to 28 Libra This is the fabled 40 days and 40 nights of soul searching that occurs every 2 years when Venus appears to be moving backward (retrograde). The first twenty days has yin energy and the second twenty days a yang energy as it moves from being the brightest Evening Star to the Morning Star. The values and relationships we worked to establish 8 months &/or 8 years ago undertake 20 days of review, followed by 20 days to renew that which ‘fell by the way’. Venus and her association with money lead

us to anticipate economic redress within this period. Her association with love and the debate on gay marriage is a likely scenario, with her retrograde in Scorpio – the sign of sexual taboos. Venus in Scorpio will engage in power struggles irrespective of what else ‘plays out’. Your own ‘seat of power’ can be better established or personified by recognising the value that love and gratitude provides as the currency to exchange in. Our language is inadequate to describe ‘love’ it is an emanation that is better displayed from our ‘innerself’. 7th Nov: Neptune goes direct at 26 Aquarius Sun in Scorpio tests Neptune’s vision-

ary allure over the next for tnight. Dreams and future aspirations are pitted against realistic expectations. Neptune and Uranus have been in liaison, in each other’s sign or is that in each other’s pocket since 2003. Uranus will soon break free from this bi-lateral planetary agreement in early 2011 and do his own thing. Overseas troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, ties between Israel and USA are all ‘pencilled in’ or ‘fleshed out’ within this period and more likely to be acted on in Mar/Apr 2011. 19th No v: Venus & Jupiter go direct Nov: Venus at 28 degrees Libra and Jupiter at 24 Pisces Both move direct in motion and we also are influenced to move forward with our future aspirations. That which we truly value and that which is eluding our hopes and visions is now better mapped out. Some old wounds, past loves and desires may have been unearthed and up-ended; leaving us lighter, brighter and replenished to move onward and upward. Venus is now in a resolution phase, once again donning Scorpio’s coat of arms. Taking the path of the Peaceful Warrior shows the innerbattle has been fought and won as opposed to succumbing to scorn, resent and the likes. 6th Dec: Uranus goes direct at 27 Pisces Uranus the Sky God remembers all too well the air of opportunity that feeling free and unrestrained impresses on our psyches when he briefly visited Aries, in June. As appealing as this is it can also leave us feeling disconnected and disoriented, particularly so in Pisces. To save becoming a rebel without a cause Mercury, Mars and Pluto all in Capricorn are undertaking a set of measures to contain and control our forward seeking and impetus. The restraints we place on ourselves are accepted as reasonable and responsible. The restraints &/or legislations placed by governing bodies, ranging from interest rate rises to humanitarian issues may not be seen in the same light, with protest flavouring the year’s end. * Mercury retrograde 11th - 30th Dec, 6 degrees Capricorn – 20 Sagittarius. Robert Crawford is a consulting astrologist. A member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. A private consultation personalises the horoscope to your life reality, present and upcoming developments. Ph: (07) 4057 4554 Email:

Incredible Journey to India Be a volunteer and participate in Navaratri, celebrated all over India in a special ancient ceremony Every year in Spring and Autumn, a remarkable celebration devoted to the Divine Mother takes place. At Babaji’s Ashram, on the banks of the source of the Ganges, high up in the Himalayas, westerners can participate in this ancient event with daily fire ceremonies, chanting and all the pomp and ceremony that these original cultures have practiced in integrity for thousands of years. The Ashram has a beautiful temple, living quarters and another 9 temples, each depicting a different aspect of the divine mother, built just across the river. The Ganges is pristine clean for swimming and life there is simple and sweet. Although it is only 21 days, it is a journey that remains in the heart and mind for a lifetime. Contact Pauline Win on (03) 9017 5930, 0435 860 199 or email

Nirvana Luxor Boutique Resort & Retreat “Nirvana Luxor Boutique Resort & Retreat the best choice on the Sunshine Coast for your next Residential Retreat Venue.” Uniquely Balinese themed Nirvana Luxor offers a Sanctuary for the Soul, where the “World Weary” can discover peace, tranquility and a true sense of spirituality. Walk through our gateway, welcomed by the Malen Merda guardians to be greeted by Ganesha and into a lush tropical heaven nestled under watchful Mount Coolum. The ideal alternative for small group residential retreats for up to 12-20 persons sharing our fully air-conditioned apartment Suites, tastefully decorated with a subtle combination of traditional Asian décor with modern living. Suitable for meditation, yoga retreats, counseling workshops and other special interest groups. 90 minutes from Brisbane and 10 minutes from the Sunshine Coast Airport, Nirvana Luxor has superior facilities with a dazzling pool for swimming or lazing by, stunning gardens and is only a short 5 min walk to the beach. We have a number of Spa or Massage services that can be arranged to suit your needs. Daily meals can be arranged directly through our recommended caterer, to meet with your requirements. • E: • Ph: 07 5471 6288



ULURU EXPERIENCE! May 2nd 14th September 2nd to 12th 2011 11 nights held at Uluru Central Australia. This journey is for those wanting to train as Energetic Healers or those wanting a personal transformation. Recommended highly for those with chronic medical conditions. Life is never quite the same after this!


BY LORRAINE WEBB Following one’s spirit often draws us to far off shores or to places of spiritual significance within our own country. At some point we are all drawn to look inwards and to awaken from the dream of illusion that exists on this plane. When we answer that call and turn our attention inward often we find the path becomes clear and the direction opens as one step leads us to the next. It appears to many as to myself, opening to clearing the past and healing oneself then leads us to places of importance, connecting to the energies of these places, to remembering times long past when we existed in this place yet in another body. We are drawn then to places like Uluru as the heart centre of this amazing land to help us to open our hearts and release all that no longer serves us. Often there is a calling to travel to other major energy centres around the globe such as Egypt and Peru to connect, release and reclaim energies from times gone by. This has been my journey and one that I passionately lead others on who are drawn to the path that I travel. This is a time to follow one’s heart, when you feel the calling step forward, release fear and have trust and faith that you will be shown the way and all will be provided if it is Divine Will. If you are ready to open your heart contact me on 08 8342 4109. Lorraine is a Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master. She teaches meditation classes, Spiritual Development and a four module healers course and facilitates the life changing 11 day Uluru Healers Retreat. She developed the very popular inner child workshop and is the author of “Practical Guide to Healing the Inner Child” and had 2 self help CD’s and the “Living and Dying Consciously” DVD.

MAGICAL EGYPT 17 days, departing 12th November 2010 This is a magical tour through the temples and tombs, spending two nights sleeping out in the Sahara Desert, plus 4 days sailing the Nile. Lorraine takes you on a spiritual experience from beginning to end! Book now don’t miss out! MYSTICAL PERU April 30 th 2011 16 days , visit amazing Incan townships, Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Colca Canyon and of course magical Machu Picchu. Spend a night with the Quantati people on their floating Island. Experience shamanic sacred ceremonies. Let Lorraine guide you through this mystical place of beauty and simplicity. FLINDERS RANGES RETREA TREATT - 4 days ‘HEALING THE PAST’ ‘SELF EMPOWERMENT’ ‘ASCENSION’

The Dreamtime of Australia’s East Northern Rivers of NSW Headland ○

BY CARMEL GLENANE Australians love travelling overseas for many different reasons. However sometimes we just need to escape to a part of the world in our own country without the extra commitment it physically requires to travel internationally. As the dreamtime spirits of our Sacred Hear t awaken, it is to the easterly point of our coastline they turn, bringing mystical secret headland, Fingal Head into a beacon of light. This sleepy coastal village evokes images of the ‘Sea Priestess’ and Mermaids. Dolphins and Whales hug its deep waters off shore, evoking the Lemuarian energies since the beginning of time. Captain Cook named Fingal Head, Point Danger in 1770, due to its dangerous Coral Reefs. Fingal lighthouse is known as the ‘Keepers Lighthouse’, its light flashes every five seconds. Five, being the number

of the Mysteries, is a symbolic guardian of the spirits of the land. With spectacular whale watching cruises and a strong indigenous local culture Fingal Headland is a secret destination in the heart of the Eastern Australian ‘ley lines’. Fingal’s strikingly powerful ‘Dreamtime Beach’ under the beauty of the night sky under with a Full Moon can reveal the silvery form of the Goddess Isis through the sea mists. As night transforms to day the first rays of the dawn light bring through The Great God ‘Ra’ - Lord of Light, the life giving source from the sun. Ancient Egyptians considered the early morning ‘Opening of the Heart Sun Salutation’ rituals to be the most potent time of the day to manifest their clear intentions. Mt. Warning, an ancient and powerful spiritual portal in the Northern Rivers Region of NSW, was carved out

of a volcanic eruption 20 million years ago. The 8.8km Initiation to the summit and back evoke the spirits of ‘Arakwal’ and ‘Bundjalong’, the Indigenous custodians of Mt. Warnings spiritual lineage. This national heritage and sacred site is a mysterious energy centre, certainly to be respected for it’s power to cleanse and balance inharmonious energies for the initiate. The mountain is a friend to those who seek to transform and shift stuck earthbound energy. The energies of Mt. Warning were very recently balanced by an Alchemist Magician whose energy portals are in her homes of Bali and the Big Island Hawaii. Together she and I with a strong committed group of lightworkers from around the country, brought the feminine energy into the heart of this mountain. As we awaken to the raw and elemental energy of Australia which reflects the Ancient Lands of Lemuria and Ancient Egypt, we can begin to align ourselves with the spiritual lineage of our land to draw upon the indigenous spirits of nature and unlock the secrets which lie awaiting for the seeker to discover the true heart of their land. Bathe in the essence and purity of this Ancient land and dive into the dreamtime spells which guide your soul home to the heart of our Mother, Australia. Carmel Glenane, B.A., Dip. Ed. , internationally published author of “The Immortal Woman”, founder of Atlantis-Rising Mystery School & Healing Center. A channeled writer, spiritual teacher and sought after healer of 17 sacred journeys. Contact 07 55 367 399

Spiritual Journeys with Lorraine Webb n these pre ario s times self de elopment and dis o erin o r thenti elf is more important than an thin else o r relationship ith o r i her elf and follo in o r inner idan e is hat is re ired


MYSTICAL PERU April 30th 2011 16 days - Visit amazing Incan townships, Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Colca Canyon and of course magical Machu Picchu. Spend a night with the Quantati people on their floating Island. Experience shamanic sacred ceremonies. Let Lorraine guide you through this mystical place of beauty and simplicity.



May 2nd to 14th & September 2nd to 12th 2011

Departing 12th November 2010

11 Nights - Held at Uluru Central Australia. This journey is for those wanting to train as Energetic Healers or those wanting a personal transformation. Recommended highly for those with chronic medical conditions. Life is never quite the same after this!

17 Days - This is a magical tour through the temples and tombs, spending two nights sleeping out in the Sahara Desert, plus 4 days sailing the Nile. Lorraine takes you on a spiritual experience from beginning to end! Book now don’t miss out!

HEALING WITH LORRAINE: by appointment at the Centre also for interstate, available over skype by arrangement. ADELAIDE HEALING ENERGY CENTRE - 112 Prospect Road, Prospect SA 0 2 Phone: (0 ) 342 4109 Email: healing2




A Natural Approach to Insomnia Insomnia is the instance where you cannot get to sleep or generally have a poor night of sleep tossing and turning. Lack of sleep is going to cause you to become more stressed, irritable, moody and obviously more tired. Sleep is when the body gets a chance to rest in all meanings of the word. You allow yourself to let go of the cares and concerns of the day and wake feeling refreshed and energised… well at least that is what is meant to happen. Sleep is a time for our body to repair and restore itself. Many people associate sleep with dreaming and it is normal for us to dream, however there may be times when we have difficulty in remembering them. Believe it or not this can even point you in the direction of nutritional deficiencies such as the all important B vitamins.

Energetic Meaning of Insomnia Insomnia tells us that we are restless and not comfor table with the way things are currently going in our lives. Everything may seem as though it is unsettled and unless we change this your insomnia may continue.

Types of Insomnia Generally there are 3 types of insomnia that most people suffer from. The first is where you have diffi-

culty getting to sleep initially. You basically lye in bed, looking at the minutes tick by, without being able to switch off and get to sleep. When you do eventually fall asleep though, you will generally stay asleep. The second type is when you have no problem getting to sleep initially but you find yourself waking up every hour or two, constantly tossing and turning throughout the night. The third is perhaps the most exhausting and is a combination of the two previously mentioned types. You have a great difficulty getting to sleep and then when you do, you wake up in an hour or so finding it takes you ages to get back to sleep again. This unfortunately continues throughout the night.

Nutrition If we look at the nutritional requirements for the body then protein is something that helps you get to sleep to begin with. It works with our nervous system to allow our body to switch off and get the rest that we need. As you can guess, protein intake is something that is important for those that suffer from the first kind of insomnia. You can increase your protein intake by aiming to have at least one good quality animal protein per day, snack on nuts and seeds and enjoy good quality yoghurt. To stay asleep the body needs es-

SPRING IS HERE! sential fatty acids or EFA’s. EFA’s are needed from the diet as the body cannot make them on its own and such things include oily fish, good quality olive oil and linseeds/ flaxseeds. If you are deficient in the EFA’s then you may have problems staying asleep and will often be classed as a ‘light sleeper’. The problem with this is that as your body tries to go into a deeper state of sleep, to really help restore your energy and allow your body to do some wonderful healing, the light sleeper may get woken up. This is why we need our EFA’s so much. So you can again, see that EFA’s are going to be our primary treatment for the second type of insomnia. The third type of insomnia needs both protein and EFA’s and one of the easiest ways to get this is through LSA meal. LSA is basically powdered Linseeds, Sunflower seeds and Almonds that you can add to many different foods. You are getting protein from the almonds and the sunflower seeds and you are getting the EFA’s from the almonds and the linseeds. You can purchase LSA meal from

health food stores and supermarkets but if you do please only buy it if it has been in the fridge, otherwise the good oils will have gone rancid. Here is an easy recipe for you to make your own:

LSA Recipe · 3 tbsp linseeds / flaxseeds · 2 tbsp sunflower seeds (shelled) · 1 tbsp almonds Put all the seeds in an electric grinder or food processor until all the seeds are powdered. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. You can also add other seeds to the mix if you like (pepita, sesame). Sprinkle on cereal or add to smoothies and salads.

Herbal Medicine Valerian is often talked about for insomnia yet for many it keeps them awake, so consider chamomile tea as a nicer alternative. All of the preceding information is meant as a guide only and is not meant to replace proper medical care. Please speak with your health care professional before under taking any of the above mentioned advice. Robert Reeves is a Naturopath whose passion for helping others started as a young boy, spiritually gifted and highly intuitive. Robert uses his psychic insight and mediumship abilities with his Naturopathic training to help his clients reach their utmost potential. Phone: (02) 4648 4200 or 1300 668 772. E-mail: Web:

Blueberries Show Anti-Diabetic Potential A new study shows that bioactive ingredients from blueberries increase sensitivity to insulin, and may reduce the risk of diabetes. Study participants who consumed a blueberry smoothie daily for six weeks experienced a 22 percent change in insulin sensitivity. NutraIngredients reports: “Consumer interest in blueberries and the compounds they contain has increased in recent years, following results from studies reporting a wide range of health benefits, most notably for brain health and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s. The beneficial effects of the blueberries are thought to be linked to their flavonoid content — in particular anthocyanins and flavanols.”

The Wood Element according to traditional Chinese medicine and what it means for you ○

BY REBECCA QUIN The season of spring is the beginning of the yang cycle and is represented by the wood element. Wood is direct, upright and growing. It roots itself deep into the earth but sets its goal on reaching the heavens. Wood is strong but flexible and readily adapts itself to its environment. Spring is symbolic of regeneration, renewal, new beginnings and change; It is a rising, dynamic, force that is direct and controlling. The liver and gall bladder are the organ/meridian partnership for this season/element. They are responsible for the smooth flow of Chi, the storage and distribution of blood and govern planning and decision making. The eyes, tendons and ligaments are physical manifestations of the season and therefore expressed in our vision and direction in life, along with our ability to move with grace, ease and flexibility. This season, you will observe a flurry of energy and activity in nature around you. Seeds are germinating and shoots are popping up through the earth. Birds are building nests and seeking mates. Bees are busy searching for newly opened blossoms to gather up nectar and pollen for the hive. Leaves and blossoms form on trees and the changing winds whip up their branches. Take care not to spend the newly acquired energy growing within us, as an eager child would with their pocket money. The secret here is patience. It is much wiser to conserve some of the energy than spend it all at once. Here is how to make the best of spring and utilise its growing energy for good health and prosperity. Go to bed no later than •Go 10pm and rise no later than 7am. The old saying of “early to bed, early to rise - makes a man healthy wealthy and wise” has never been more valid as it is in Spring and Autumn. Spring clean. Each day on •Spring waking before you get up, lay or sit quietly and visualise clearing out your mental clutter. Spring clean your mind leaving it fresh and open to new possibilities and beginnings. Goal setting and planning. •Goal Start to visualise, make plans and put them into action. Use this Feng Shui Tip for success; Write down the most important thing you want to achieve this year on a red piece of paper and place it in a red envelope (or roll the paper in a scroll and tie with a red ribbon) and place in a place you see it every day to remind you to take action towards achieving it. When you have achieved your goal ceremoniously burn the paper reciting an affirmation of gratitude.

Go Green. Green is the colour •Go of the season and should be your first choice in food. Eat plenty of organic green leaves, shoots and young green vegetables. This is a great time of year to begin an eight week gentle cleansing diet as the liver energy is at its peak and will respond well to the detox (avoid rapid detoxes as this puts stress on the liver and kidneys). Enjoy stir fries with lots of green vegies. Try sprouted grain breads, seeds and beans. Try to eat fish at least twice a week and up your fruit and vegie intake while decreasing stodgy refined foods such as white bread, chips etc. Start the day with a large glass of warm filtered water with a whole lemon or lime squeezed into it (an effective liver cleansing tonic). Avoid fatty, fried foods, alcohol, refined wheat products, overeating and eating late at night, all of which over burden the liver and leave us feeling tired and slugish. Exercise and stretch. It’s •Exercise time to increase your exercise time and frequency. Gradually increase intensity over the weeks leading up to summer; resist the urge to ’go all out’ straight away. Practice daily a Tai Chi or Qi Gong form that stretches and twists - such as The ChiBall Method’s Spring class or the Dance of the Dragon - to increase flexibility and help the body detoxify. Exercise early in the morning before breakfast and finish with a standing meditation under a tree or in a green leafy area to augment your Chi. Protect yourself from the •Protect wind. Wind is considered an evil in TCM and can invade the body through the pores of the skin. It is impor tant to keep covered up in the spring, especially on windy evenings when our defensive Chi is at its weakest. Express your feelings. An•Express ger is the root emotion this season and is harmful to all the internal organs, especially the liver. If anger is suppressed. It leads to long term resentment, frustration, bitterness and hatred which blocks Chi flow and ultimately leads to disease. Although it is not always appropriate to express your anger when it arises, don’t bottle it up. Energy punches as in the Spring ChiBall class can help release pent up feelings. Practice 100 energy punches whenever you feel angry or frustrated, making sure you shout ‘hoo’ as you punch and exhale. Notice how quickly you feel the emotions release and dissolve. •Patience. Patience. There is wonderful story about a very busy man, whom, while strolling through his garden, came across a butterfly starting to emerge from its chrysalis. He watched as the butterfly struggled over and over, slowly breaking


through the skin of the chrysalis. The man became impatient, as he was very busy and wanted to witness this miracle. So he decided to hurry the process, tearing open the chrysalis to release the butterfly. As a butterfly struggles over and over to break the chrysalis, its wings gradually strengthen allowing it to escape and then fly. The man’s impatience disrupted

this process and sadly the butterfly died because its wings hadn’t developed fully, therefore were not strong enough to fly. Let the energy of spring inspire you, but don’t rush things; let them unfold naturally in time. Originally trained in the UK for group fitness during the 80’s, Rebecca rediscovered the fitness industry through ChiBall in 2003.

Trained in Pilates, The ChiBall Method™ and Dance of the D r a g o n ™ , Rebecca takes a gentle approach to healing through exercise and has been described as a gifted and inspirational teacher. For more information Visit the official ChiBall™ at

www. ..ccom. www.iinnnersel nerselffReverse om.aauu AGING with SANG WHANG,

Alkaline water When I first published “Reverse Aging” in 1990, little was known about the alkaline-acid balance. The only concept that people were familiar with was alkaline food and acid food. Drinking alkaline water was considered to be a hoax because the stomach is acidic and would neutralize alkaline water. We’ve come a long way in twenty years. Today we know that alkaline-acid balancing is carried out in the blood by an alkaline buffer (bicarbonate) and an acid buffer (carbonic acid). As we age, we lose bicarbonate in the blood causing alkaline-acid imbalance, especially after 45 years of age. Alkaline-acid balancing means to replenish diminishing bicarbonate in the blood. It is not balancing pH values of the blood. If the artery blood pH value goes down in proportion with the bicarbonate diminishing, we would all be dead after 55 years of age. In spite of the diminishing bicarbonate in the blood after 45 years of age, the body plays amazing sur vival tricks to maintain pH values and extend life.

The price that the body pays to extend life are old age diseases such as osteoporosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lipids, clogged artery, heart attacks, cancer, etc.

Weight Loss and Water When we talk about weight loss, we often talk about the number of calories in food. We believe the fewer calories consumed, the less weight gained. It’s the same with drinks: diet drinks are preferred over regular (higher-calorie) drinks when it comes to weight loss. Consumption of diet soda today is skyrocketing because of this. Everyday drinking water can help remove weight more than diet soda can, because although club soda may have no calories, it is highly acidic and has low pH. Plain drinking water has a higher level of pH which stimulates a unique process in the stomach. Stomach cells work to keep the stomach acidic for the breaking down of food. When high pH water enters the stomach, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid to bring the pH level

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Drinking Water Proven to Help Weight Loss A new study has found that obese dieters who drank two cups of water before each meal lost 5 pounds more after three months. A year later, they also kept more of the weight off. The dieting technique is well known, but this study may be the first hard evidence that increasing your water intake is a useful weight-loss strategy. According to Discovery News: “The reason could be physical. According to some research, water consumption might spark the body to produce more heat, boosting metabolism and burning more calories. Or, drinking more water might simply make people less likely to drink a lot of high-calorie sugar-filled beverages.”


back down (see diagram, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology by Frederic H. Mar tini, page 881). A byproduct of this chemical reaction is bicarbonate, which increases the blood’s bicarbonate level, and this bicarbonate dissolves excess acid (i.e. cholesterol and/or fatty acid) in the body. When we drink club soda or any carbonated drinks, our stomach does not produce any hydrochloric acid, and as a result, our blood does not receive any bicarbonate. If drinking regular water can melt away excess acid, can you imagine what drinking alkaline water can do? Regarding weight loss, what is commonly taught is to burn off fat, but there is a way to neutralize and melt it away. Alkaline buffer (bicarbonate) reduces fat cleanly and easily. Mr. Sang Whang is a successful inventor, scientist, and engineer. Mr. Whang has discovered a new theory of aging and reverse aging. He explains the health and aging processes in layman terms in his book, Reverse Aging, regarded as the original scientific thesis of the new theory of aging.



Unique Way to Relieve Pain A GENTLE, one-time only treatment – AtlasPROfilax – provides pain relief and healing on many levels: body and mind. This revolutionary modality developed in Switzerland has swept the world and has finally reached Australia. Rene Schumperli suffered debilitating pain most of his life and nobody was able to heal him. Intent on finding a solution, after years of research, he realised the connection between the base of the skull and the first vertebrae at the top of the spine – the atlas – is out of alignment in most people. Furthermore, this situation can cause a myriad of symptomatic ailments and illnesses. The solution developed by Rene is a simple yet profound soft tissue procedure that creates proper align-

ment and secure connection between the head and the spine – with only one application – naturally, safely and permanently. When the atlas is out, even a miniscule misalignment can affect the entire spine, causing compensatory patterns and imbalances. The structural symptoms are restricted neck mobility, rotated pelvis, differing leg lengths, scoliosis and many other problems. Physiological impairment also results, causing constriction of blood and fluids, compression on various nerves and lymphatics, which causes a weakened immune system with a lack of optimum flow between the brain and body. Other factors which impact on this situation are falls, whiplash, sport activities or work – including long hours spent at a computer. As the atlas plays such a central role in our overall well-being, many health issues can be traced back to it. Although there may be multiple causes, we have witnessed positive results as well as complete recoveries in people of all ages. Many people receive AtlasPROfilax treatment when all else has failed or when only temporary relief had been achieved. We get to the source of the problem, in one treatment! THE TREATMENT Atlasprofilax is a neuromuscular release technique which is gentle and completely safe to apply to children and adults of all ages. Why Is The Atlas So Important?


The Atlas is the passage way between the body and the brain, for all the major life force elements to flow through. With a misaligned Atlas we are compromised, not experiencing life at its fullest potential. COMMON SYMPTOMS To a greater or lesser degree, a misaligned Atlas will cause a wide range of symptomatic illness and ailments. Many symptoms like these may be resolved or diminished with AtlasPROfilax treatment:: Arm & Shoulder Pain Carpal Tunnel Concentration Difficulties Depression High Blood Pressure Hip, knee, lower back Pain Impaired Hearing Insomnia Migraine Anxiety Impaired Vision Shoulder Pain TMJ Whiplash WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT TO HAVE: Pain Free Living Mental Clarity Sense of Ease and GRACE

A unique, Safe and Non-invasive correction of the Atlas alignment. The Atlas carries the weight of the head and thereby facilitates suspension, balance and control of the spine and skeleton. If not in its correct position, the Atlas is responsible for a variety of ailments and illnesses.

Products and services that support the healthy living strategies you’re putting in place

zazen Essential Water Nature’s Water Secret for a Wellness Generation The zazen Essential Water system uses an advanced 10 stage process to transform your drinking water into alkaline, mineralised water that is absorbed immediately at a cellular level. The system reduces chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, heavy metals, Trihalomethanes, MTBEs, pesticides, herbicides and other toxins. Then the water is exposed to natural Silver Stones providing anti-bacterial protection, and natural Mineral Stones which help to increase the alkalinity of the source water. Every sale helps us put free zazen systems into primary school classrooms as part of our zazen Water Ambassador Program. For more information visit

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Physical Nature Versus Spiritual Nature ○

BY YOLANDA MORABITO I wanted to take this opportunity to express a common problem or theme I come across during my time as a teacher, student and practitioner. I began my journey at an early age and continued to develop myself to create a successful business, doing what I love and what I believe in. I created courses, which take people on ‘inner journeys’ to clear physical and spiritual blockages. During this time, I watch many amazing people open up, change their lives, let go and some even become wonderful practitioners. The problem is, during this empowering process, people find it difficult to sustain their common physical lives, for example, working in mundane jobs. The transit from physical nature’s needs and spiritual nature’s calling seems a challenging place to be. Physical nature’s needs are security, comfort and safety. Spiritual nature’s needs are love, growth and enlightenment. Both natures have different agenda’s, although; they are in one and the same place. So in reality,

we could say that spiritual living is simply doing what you love. I would press this point simply because I see many, trying to make a living out of spiritual practise, only to lose faith in their ability or journey, or simply pull back where it is secure, comfortable or safe. This is the spiritual challenge of a healthy transit into opening your heart and gaining new levels of worthiness. I understand this process to be one of the many difficult tasks of the journey into enlightenment and service to humanity. Basically, all you want to do is help others, tell others, show others what you can and continue to grow yourself in the process, earning a good living. The deeper desires to do this will sustain your willingness to keep going. If you are practising holistic medicine or creating a spiritual business and find it challenging to sustain your practise, I would say some important facts to ponder might be; the intentions for your art, your expectations for reward and integration of your practise. There is no greater reward

than an open heart when energy is flowing and you are ‘doing’ (physical) and ‘being’ (spiritual) in the very same moment. It is inevitable that the same energy is returned, being gratitude, love, appreciation and also physical gifts. It is important to remember that abundance flows in all forms and to be grateful for all that flows, only creates more. The continuation of your own inner process, self observation and visits to other holistic lightworkers should be an important life choice. If you are integrating a spiritual life in a corporate environment, the greatest gift is your presence. Practising stillness as much as you can, will create a peaceful environment and open opportunity for others, although, this may be a challenging exercise. After a certain level of spiritual awareness, a person generally finds it too difficult to stay in these environments. If you are spending your days earning money doing what you don’t love, it could be a possibility that physical nature’s needs for comfort, security and safety are standing in the way of true self expression and inner power. I believe that everyone has this inner beauty, power and individuality and the only person standing in the way of this expression of yourself, is yourself. Personally, I find it difficult to comprehend the amount of requests I get for specific classes and spiritual techniques/practices, when not many are willing to follow through and put the hard yards in to make all this wonderful limitless information their own experience. Most would rather have you do their work in one on one session times. I can only blame the strong forces of physical nature’s needs for comfor t and safety that stand in the way of ‘doing’. I find many in this field who say they want to ‘be’ present, awake, aware, psychic, channelling and/or teaching others, but they are simply falling short when it comes to ‘doing’ the work. A simpl concept to remember is that a person can only take another person where they have travelled and if you have not integrated your own spiritual life or what I mean is ‘walk the talk’, you cannot possible be of the greatest service to others. My message to you today is, take a chance, be yourself, trust in your own process and follow your heart’s deepest desires to do what you love and all the doors will open in the right place and the right time. Yolanda Morabito is a teacher for Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Touch for Health Kinesiology and Alternative Healing Practises. Practitioner for Kinesiology, Psychotherapy, Rebir thing and Spiritual Healing.

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. Mary Morrissey



What Does Your Soul Want You To Know? If your soul could talk to you right now, what would it want to say to you? If it could pick up the phone and give you a call or send you a text message, what would be the first thing it would want you to know? Put that chocolate biscuit down and take better care of your body it’s the only one you’ve got? Stop listening to what your friends are telling you and start following your inner truth? Find yourself a good healer and clear all those old emotional wounds you’ve been hiding, they’re doing you more harm than you realise? It’s time to start being more conscious in your thoughts and create a more positive reality for yourself? Our soul is constantly talking to us Even though we’re not always aware of it, our soul is constantly trying to talk to us and get our attention. Why? Because it’s connected with the greater whole of life and knows exactly what we need to do in order for us to fulfil our purpose for being here and to enjoy life fully! So how then does it talk to us, you ask? It speaks to us in four main ways: · Through our physical energies - drawing our attention through

physical symptoms and health issues, telling us what is out of balance and needs to be cleared or addressed; · Through our mental energies - prompting us with thoughts, ideas and inspirations as a way of guiding us forward; · Through our emotional energies er gies - alerting us through feelings and sensations to let us know what is true for us; and · Through spiritual energies manifesting in the form of life experiences, synchronicities and messengers, steering us toward what we need to learn and where we need to be heading. Of course some people don’t want to hear what their soul is trying to tell them. They prefer to ignore the subtle messages and guidance being offered. However, if you’re someone who wants to live your best life, fulfilling your greater potential with a sense of purpose and direction, then you need to star t tapping into your soul’s higher wisdom and following the guidance you receive. That’s what will help you feel good and take you in the best direction for your highest good! Tuning into your soul’s talk So how do we do this when we’re all

34 ENERGY flat out living such busy, frenetic lives? Well to start with, we need to create the space for the dialogue to occur, preferably on a regular basis. And then we need to practise tuning in to our soul’s messages.

7 easy tips to get you started 1. Keep a notebook beside your bed and title it ‘My Soul Journal’. Every night before you go to sleep write in your notebook ‘What does my soul want me to know?’ Record any thoughts or insights that come to mind and any dreams you experience during the night. 2. Find a quiet place in nature where you won’t be disturbed, or run yourself a bath with beautiful candles, music and fragrant oils. Take some time out to enjoy the stillness, focussing on your breathing and your hear t space. With mindful awareness gently ask if there is anything that your soul wants you to know, and allow the answers to come to you. 3. If you have a particular question you’d like answered, write it on a piece of paper, requesting guidance and direction. Then bury the paper in the earth or burn it. Let go of the question and trust that your soul will make the answer known to you when the time is right. 4. Every morning set your alarm for ten minutes earlier than you would normally get up. Use this time to sit up in bed and meditate, connecting with your higher self and having a direct conversation with your soul. 5. Create a sacred space or altar in your home and dedicate it to your higher self. Every


morning make an offering to your soul with a freshly picked flower, a crystal, or some other gift of love and ask that you be guided by your soul throughout your day. Then take notice of any subtle signs or synchronicities that occur. 6. Keep your favourite set of divination cards by your bed or front door. Each morning draw a card, asking what your soul wants you to know for the coming day and then keep the card with you as a reminder throughout the day. 7. Put the kettle on and make two cups of tea. One for you and one for your higher self. Then sit down and have a cup of tea with your higher self, imagining that you were having a conversation with your best friend, asking your soul anything you want to know. And if you’re really ready to give your life a kick start, choose any of the above techniques and commit to doing it for 40 days straight! Doing any practise for 40 consecutive days is such a powerful thing to do. It can completely transform your life. Make the decision and commit to doing any of the above practices for 40 days and you’ll be guaranteed to be switched on to living your fullest potential! Enjoy! Needing clear guidance and direction from a higher level? Juliet Martine is a professional Energy Healer, Soul Intuitive, and author of ‘Boot Camp For The Soul’. She sees clients for life-changing healing sessions in her Sydney clinic as well as doing Soul Intuitive readings in person and by phone for clients all over the world. For more information visit or phone Juliet on 0413 199649


Feeling is Healing Understanding why you are having challenging experiences is helpful as it allows you to discover life’s lessons which then permits you to grow as a human/spiritual being. However, when there are powerful negative feelings associated to these events they need expression or release for healing to occur. Avoiding (i.e. rationalizing or suppressing) these emotions only strengthens them – this can lead to all manner of physical and/or psychological disturbances (e.g. insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, depression, addiction etc). In this article, I will outline some techniques and remedies to help you feel/heal five of the most prevalent emotions that accompany painful experiences: anger, depression, fear, grief and guilt. In most cases, once you have expressed these emotions you will begin to feel and think more positively. (If you do not know how to use the natural remedies listed below read some material on aromatherapy and Bach flower essences.)

Anger Anger is usually about not getting what you want which can lead to frustration and resentment toward yourself, others and life in general. hniques Tec echniques hniques: Scream; hit or

punch a pillow, punching bag or dummy; smash plates on a brick wall or on the floor the way people do in Greek Taverns (make sure it is safe to do so); if you are angry at someone in particular, confront them in person or through a letter; write down what you need to say and burn it; play some angry music (hard rock, heavy metal etc) and jump around. Remedies Remedies: Aromatherapy: Rose, Chamomile, Rose wood. Bach Flower Essence: Willow.

Depression Depression is anger turned inward. It is still about not getting what you want but instead of externalizing the pain you turn it in on yourself. (If you are having difficulty functioning, are ‘emotionally numb’ and/or suicidal please seek professional assistance.) Tec hniques echniques hniques: Refer to the tips on how to deal with anger listed above. If you are unsure about the source or cause of your anger reflect on it for a while – if this fails discuss it with someone wise, compassionate and trustworthy. Remedies Remedies: Aromatherapy: Geranium, Bergamot, Clary sage. Bach Flower Essences: Sweet chestnut, Mustard, Gentian. Fear Fear is a lack of ease which comes

from a sense of insecurity about the unknown. The only time that this emotion is really useful is when it is aler ting you to some immediate threat for which you need to take steps to protect yourself (e.g. an impending natural disaster or the arrival of an abusive person in your life). Tec hniques echniques hniques: If you are physically shaking, put your arms around yourself in order to self-soothe; for panic attacks, take a deep breath and slowly exhale counting backwards from five; write down your fears and anxieties then burn them; talk to someone who might appease your fears or be able to help you in some other way (e.g. accompanying you to the doctor if you are afraid to go alone). Remedies Remedies: Aromatherapy: Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lavender. Bach Flower Essences: Rock rose, Agrimony, Rescue Remedy (this last one alleviates all negative emotions to some degree).

Grief Grief is sadness and sorrow related to a major life loss. Sometimes grief is confused with depression as both emotions are quite ‘heavy’ – the important distinction here is that the latter is characterized by a feeling of self-loathing. Of course you may be sad and depressed at the same time but they are still two different emotions. Tec hniques echniques hniques: Cry, howl if necessary; if it is difficult to cry, watch a sad movie or listen to a melancholic song; write a letter to whom or what has been lost and burn it; document your thoughts and feelings by keeping a journal; talk about it with a compassionate person. Remedies Remedies: Aromatherapy:

Rose, Chamomile. Bach Flower Essence: Star of Bethlehem.

Guilt Guilt is about self-blame. It is often what I call “misplaced responsibility” which involves taking on the burden of a negative event that is really somebody else’s fault. For example, you may blame yourself for being robbed one night after walking into an unsafe neighbourhood. Even though you may have been able to make a different choice about going to that place, the robbery is in fact the sole responsibility of the thief. If, however, you are the thief in this scenario you may feel guilty about stealing which you can resolve by making amends. Tec hniques echniques hniques: You cannot feel guilt in order to release it. What is required for healing to occur is an understanding that you are not responsible for someone else’s actions. If you have transgressed, then you need to take action to undo or to minimize the harm that you have done (e.g. apologize, return stolen items, pay for damages and so on). Remedies Remedies: Aromatherapy: Geranium, Sandalwood. Bach Flower Essences: Pine, Elm. Happy Healing! © 2010 Helen Papadopoulos is a self-help author, consultant and tutor. Her qualifications include a BA Soc. Sc. (Law & Psychology), Reiki, Kinesiology and a Diploma in Professional Writing. Helen has developed a self-healing method named ‘The Three-point Therapy Technique (T3) ™’. For more info call 0401 041 391 or email h e l e n @ n e w a g e p o w er. n e t ,

Feeling lost? Stuck? Unclear about your life purpose and direction?

SOUL INTUITIVE READINGS with Juliet Martine Psychic and Soul Intuitive Juliet Martine does readings in person and by phone for clients all over the world. During your Soul Reading Juliet provides information about why you are here, what your Soul’s plan was for you this incarnation, what past life patterns you have come here to address, and what the next steps are on your path.

Empowering Self-Help “T he PPoower is not in yyou ou - ...IT IS YOU!” “The Helen Papadopoulos Learn how to deal with your stresses and ‘issues’ easily using some or all of the following: E Relaxation techniques (meditations, natural products etc) E Strategies to cope with loss/grief E A new psychological processing method “The Three-point Therapy Technique (T3)TM” E Means by which to release negative emotions and reinforce positive ones E Referral to other helpful resources (organisations, books, websites etc)

Whatever your questions, a Soul Reading provides you with a direct conversation with your Soul to provide the answers you need.

There are a variety of products and services to choose from which will help you help yourself: tions - advice on a particular issue or crisis involving an explanation of what you Consultations Consulta are going through as well as how to manage your situation (online and in-person service). Tutorials - learn the theories in the eBook “DIY Therapy: Simple, Self-help Strategies” in a three month course (online and in-person service). EBooks - “DIY Therapy: Simple,Self-help Strategies” focuses on changing your thinking. “DIY Therapy Chart: an Emotional Healing Guide” assists you to transform negative into positive emotions. (online only) Ar tic les - FREE downloadable pieces on healing and other areas of self-empowerment (e.g. Artic ticles metaphysics and social issues).

“Thank you for my soul reading - it could not have been more accurate, timely and relevant. I can’t thank you enough Juliet - the reading was comforting, confronting and powerful in more ways than you could possibly know.” Kim,37yrs

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If you’d like greater clarity, direction and abundance in your life phone Juliet now on 0413 199649 to arrange your Soul Reading or visit

Phone 0401 041 391 • Email:

If you are feeling lost, stuck or simply unsure as to what direction you are meant to head or how to get there, a Soul Reading provides you with the guidance and direction you need to help you start living your life with greater meaning, purpose and joy. Get clear in your life direction and start living your true purpose.


Past Life Regression a Spiritual Experience ○

BY TONI REILLY Past Life Regression or Past Life Therapy is the term which describes someone seeing, feeling, and sensing their own past lives. This is not the only outcome from a Past Life session. If a session runs to text book then the client will drop into a lifetime and be guided around gathering all information and details required to understand how and what is contributing to the client’s life now. When information is collected they are guided to their last day and death scene, when mostly are peaceful and there is a calmness and sense of being ready to leave the life. When directed they let the person pass, once gone I call their spirit back. This is when we confirm the lessons or have them spelled out for the client by asking questions such as, what was I supposed to learn in that lifetime? Is this where my symptom began? I always ask for any other messages to be sure the client receives all possible information and once we have the answers, I ask their higher-self to

guide my client into the next lifetime. This is how the client gets to speak directly with their higher-self. Higherself is the portion of your soul energy that is always in the universe. At the point where a client goes through the death scene and passes is where the session can vary from a text book regression session. Occasionally when the client passes in the lifetime they have been their soul heads home, it goes up into the white light. This usually evokes a divine feeling of love and comfort for the client, the intensity of which is hard to describe, as this feeling of unconditional love is unlike any feelings experienced in our human form. This is a time where the client receives healing from their guide and higher-self. Sometimes they are able to meet their main soul group, this experience is delightful to facilitate and it is life changing for the client. There can be surprises at who the client recognizes from their main soul cluster. They may recognise partner/ s, a best friend or family members,

even work colleagues who have played a role in their life now. The souls may be in challenging roles and when that is the case there can be surprise and disbelief that someone who causes them difficulty could be in the main cluster. We choose our human body to learn lessons and also the souls who will help us to learn them. I do believe that in the current lifetime it is more than likely that the relationship will improve immensely once the lesson is learned, take forgiveness for an example. A particularly sensitive and soft hear ted client who was in his mid 20’s and had a few relationships was experiencing extreme difficulty with his recent relationship breakdown. When his partner left, he was struggling to function and was dealing with migraines and depression. He felt ripped off and confused by his partner who dissolved the relationship with no warning. My client visited a lifetime as a woman in the 1800’s, who was born into a privileged life with servants and staff. She was resentful at having to live up to expectations placed on her to dress and behave in a manner fitting to her status. She was in an unhappy arranged marriage which she stayed in to avoid bringing the family name into disrepute. There was a man whom she was in love with and they had an affair. A member of staff whom she was friends with but who secretly desired her became jealous when he discovered their secret. He betrayed their friendship by announcing her infidelity. The staff member was the soul of my client’s recent partner this shed light on his over emphasised feelings of betrayal. She passed from a blow to the head and when it was time to leave that lifetime, my


client went up into the light. It was spectacular. He was greeted by his teacher (his main guide) and told much information to help him in his life now. He met his main soul group and learned that his best friend was there and also his father, whom he is not close to. His deceased Aunt came to tell him that she was from a nearby cluster and had been in his life to make things easier. My client is gay. His guide told him that when he returns next time (the end of this current lifetime) he is advancing into a different soul group as his soul has developed at a greater speed and with par ticular qualities. My client learned that he chose to come back gay as it is hard and this challenging life would propel his soul growth. My client was also told the sandy haired man is coming (there was one being in his soul group that my client did not recognise, this can happen when you have not met them yet). Past Life Regression can turn out to be something different to what you may be expecting, but I believe that you always get what you need the most from a session. And it is always an incredible experience. Toni Reilly is a past life regression facilitator, and spiritual development teacher. She trained with Dr. Brian Weiss in New York and facilitates private sessions, training and workshops around Australia. 0413 088 970

BY FIONA LEE As the ear th’s Unity Grid is progressively re-activated, we are all being offered profound healing opportunities. One of the longer term cycles this planet has experienced is alternating masculine and feminine polarities (2 of each) The fifth cycle, or the fifth world, spoken of in many prophecies, is where we return to perfect masculine/feminine balance, a pre-requisite for Unity Consciousness. No pole shifts necessary this time folks – literally! Previously as we transitioned from masculine to feminine, or visa versa, we lost gravity and consequently consciousness – the whole system was re-booted. This time we get to retain our soul memory and release ourselves from the game of snakes and ladders. In other words, we are stepping off the wheel of karma, and on to the cycle of forward evolution – HOORAY!!! That’s one of the reasons this is such a significant time. It also helps to explain why we are all ascending together. Unity Consciousness doesn’t leave people behind, and it doesn’t leave them fragmented either. An implication for all of us, as cells of the earth hologram and co-creators of our reality, is that our individual unity grids are also activating. This means we are each returning to wholeness or “At One Ment” This is a divine bir thright and an inevitable development, although it’s taken a bit longer than many of us may have wished! In practical terms it means we are healing anything that sepa-

rates or blocks us, in any way, from returning to Unity Consciousness. Here are some of the distorted patterns we are healing at the moment as a result; Better Than/Less than Yep, that old chestnut! The interesting thing about this one is that we often experience and express both extremes of this continuum, oscillating between the two, until such time as we find the centre. For example, this may play out as feeling superior to most beings on the planet one day, whilst feeling completely unwor thy the next. Another example is living this lesson through projection; comparing or placing others on a pedestal, only to feel resentment or disappointment when they inevitably fall off (all our own construction of course) Judgement We all know we are not supposed to do it, but how many of us can truly say we are judgement free? The real gift of releasing judgement is the enormous peace and relief that settles in when we truly remember, right down to our DNA, that each and every being is doing exactly what they need to do, in perfect alignment with their unique divine plan and schedule. Victim/Persecutor Many of us have chosen to do this one to death – literally and metaphorically! Do you identify with one or the other? Are you taking responsibility for your co-creations? It’s good



to remember we have all walked a mile in every pair of shoes in order to learn and develop compassion. If you are playing out victim scenarios in this incarnation, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve already mastered the persecutor role in previous lives. Resistance to Being Here As the planets’ frequency continues to rise, the memory of home becomes ever more tangible. Are you completely at peace with being here now or is there a part of you resisting? Do you consider ear th as being somehow “less than” any other dimensional reality? It’s not uncommon to reach a place of complete despair, prior to being motivated to heal this one. If we don’t fully accept being here, we are not fully grounded. If we are not completely grounded, we are unable to fully complete our purpose for being here. Feeling Separate Do you feel a bit “different” or struggle to find people you can fully connect with? Have you struggled to find a sense of belonging on ear th? Often these experiences overlie a deeper, more ancient grief, related to the original separation from Source. Reconciliation of Masculine/ Feminine energy How’s your relationship with men and women, masculine and feminine energy? This will be a reflection of your relationship with those parts of yourself. Sometimes we need to “make friends” with Men/Women. In the process we restore harmony in our relationships with self and others. So What Do I Do About It? If you find yourself confronting some or all of the above issues at the moment, firstly, congratulations for being in harmony with the hologram! As we heal these issues, we are literally re-integrating soul fragments from the past and the future, and also at every dimensional level. This is the true meaning of being in the “now” and returning to Unity Consciousness. Of course it’s a free will universe, and we each have a choice as to whether we participate consciously in the process, or simply allow it to occur via osmosis. May your chosen journey to at one ment be truly illuminating. Fiona Lee is a spiritual lollypop lady who serves internationally to heal and activate people and places. She offers personal sessions (including skype, phone & internet) space clearing, sacred ceremonies and a wide variety of courses, retreats and playshops. Further details: or 0354 241 481.

DNA Memory - Healing Your Ancestral Patterns ○

I remotely viewed the aura of my client’s son, as she’d requested. I got a vision of a boy around 12 years of age standing uncomfor tably before a teacher who was obviously misunderstanding him. The boy was clearly embarrassed as he was struggling with a learning difficulty and needed to be assisted to learn more kinesthetically (in a hands-on way). I relayed this to my client as I saw it, but when I glanced back at her, instead of the usual ‘that’s amazing’ or ‘that’s true’ or words to that effect, she was smirking; a rather unusual reaction I thought. And then she told me her son was thirty-two! Take two. I looked again at her 32 year old son’s energies and described what I saw, and bingo, the client said I was spot on. When she called her son to tell him about both my findings – the former to have a chuckle about, he said, “Mum, that’s exactly what was happening to me when I was twelve”. It is not at all unusual for an event from the past to manifest itself in the energy field. This is because the energy field contains experiences and emotions which simply won’t go away, causing repetition of the same annoying, disruptive and even tragic circumstances, repeating in our lives. When I was about eighteen, I was looking through a photo album and came across a photo of my mother’s friend who had recently had surgery to remove a tumour. The photo was taken some years before and I could see the tumour was much smaller at that time. Switching into her present energies, the tumour was no longer there, however an energy of scarring had taken its place. Another phenomenon caught my attention though. A stream of energy was gushing from her left foot. I asked my mother to call her friend to see if she was okay. When the friend answered she said she’d just cut her left foot and was bleeding heavily. Because of this and other countless experiences it seems to me that there is no time in this dimension of the energy field. Something that has occurred years before is viewed in the energy field as a currently occurring event. People who have been through a great trauma or tragedy might say that they cannot move on because it is as though it only happened yesterday. This is perfectly understandable.

SoulConnection with NICOLE CODY


Healing Rituals You Can Do at Home While the energy pattern of the trauma is still in their DNA, the experience and emotional responses can continue to play over like a movie. For some, time cer tainly does heal, but for many others, the effects of these experiences are like nuclear waste - unable to break down over time. Lately, however, I have noticed another phenomenon. Children are brought to my clinic to be treated for health and behavioural problems after trying other therapies to no avail. I have observed that the auric patterns causing the health or behavioural problems do not necessarily correlate with their life experiences. These children are from loving stable families. It seems incongruous that it would be necessary to clear such patterns from little people with minimal life experiences, let alone traumatic ones. It should be noted that these patterns are different to those from past life experiences. I have come to realise that these children are carrying generational patterns. Strangely, the patterns can exist within the aura of one child in the family even though there is no sign of that pattern repeated in the child’s siblings. This makes me wonder if there are ‘volunteers’ who take on the burden of a generational pattern in order to have it cleared. Patterns are cleared that may have occurred many generations ago. A throw-back perhaps. I am very grateful that I am able to clear these generational patterns with ThetaHealing. I feel especially privileged that I am able to look into other dimensional energies and witness the results of clearing them. Clients can confirm these shifts with feeling instantly “lighter”, followed by states of confidence, joy and as if their life “flows” again. In my practice, I witness miracles on a daily basis. I have actually become a little blasé to these miracles and would say it was a phenomena if they didn’t occur. I guess a miracle only seems like a miracle when it happens rarely. I do not want to un-

Continued to page 39

Medical Intuitive Rachelle Terry

Your aura stores memories, blockages, shock waves and emotions resulting from previous experiences. If these are left unattended, recurring patterns can form, affecting your relationships, career, behaviours, health and life events. Rachelle, a Sydney based practitioner, sees and pinpoints the cause of these patterns, using her ability to view the energy field. She then uses highly effective therapy techniques including Theta Healing to shift the negative patterns on a deeper level.

For appointments with Rachelle in Sydney (phone/Skype consultations also available):

M - 0414 317 323 • E -

Often we look outside ourselves to find comfort, and to release and heal emotional and energetic blockages and traumas. While there are many loving and qualified people available to help us, sometimes the most simple and intense healings we can have are ones that we conduct on our own behalf. The necessary ingredient here is Right Intent. The purpose of Ritual is to focus your energy and concentration, and to put your Ego, conscious and unconscious Self on notice that this is important! Over the next year in InnerSelf I will write about healing rituals for each of the major chakras Make sure you read each ritual thoroughly to be clear about what you need to do, and what tools you may require so that you begin in an organised and calm state. If you find these rituals helpful, please write and let me know. I love and appreciate your feedback!

Spiritual Calling? Directionless?

Ritual for Healing the Throat Chakra The Throat Chakra is all about communication - voicing our inner truth, expressing ourselves and our creativity, expressing intentions, desires, needs and ideas. It is blue in colour, like the sky, and affects all the lower four chakras when not in flow. It governs the throat, mouth, gums, teeth, thyroid, neck, shoulders, arms and hands - we can hold a lot of tension here from not speaking and honouring our truth. When the throat chakra is open and in balance we are excellent communicators. We also have enhanced intuition. We speak our truth - we hear and acknowledge that inner voice, and we ask for what we need. When this chakra is not balanced and open we suffer anxiety, frustration, disconnection, poor immunity, poor or no boundaries. This may be expressed outwardly as anger, criticism or judgment. It may be expressed inwardly as fatigue, overeating and other addictions, self abuse in many forms, and not saying what we mean or feel for risk of hurting, angering, upsetting or offending others. We swallow down our feelings and truths and they get lodged in the lower chakras. What the Throat Chakra needs is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, and to feel heard. The best place to start is by speaking to yourself lovingly, kindly and with compassion. Purpose: This simple healing ritual clears and empowers the throat chakra. It is especially good for people who lack confidence or are too ‘nice’. Method: “Bee Breath Meditation” This meditation is based upon a yoga practice called “Bhramari”. It is a meditation where you hum like a bee!!! It is a stunningly simple practice, which can have very powerful results. This meditation reduces stress response within the body. It also cleanses and heals the throat chakra. Over time, this meditation will help to balance and lower blood pressure, normalize the endocrine system, and settle insulin and cortisol spikes that are our body’s fight or flight response. Bee Breath creates a healing vibration within the body, aids sleep, promotes blood flow to the brain, and calms anger and anxiety. It also boosts your energy without making you ‘hyper’ because it is a grounding practice. Kids love it too, and you can do it on your own, or as part of a group. In a group meditation the group will create sounds that are truly grounding and uplifting, and which can facilitate great healing and release. To do the meditation: 1. Sit comfortably with a straight spine. It doesn’t matter if this is cross legged, on a chair, or even on your bed! Put your hands on your knees, palms down. 2. Relax and bring your focus to your breath. Just be aware of the natural rhythm of your breath, don’t force it. Let your breath bring you to a place of greater calm within your body. 3. When you feel a little more relaxed, take a breath in. On the outbreath, keep your mouth shut and your teeth together and make a humming sound. You can be as loud or as quiet as you want. In fact it’s fun to vary the loudness. 4. Keep breathing in, in silence, and breathing out with humming until you really build up a vibration in your skull. Eventually you can fill your whole body up with vibration. It feels weird at first but stick with it. 5. Build up from a minute or two to start with. If you feel dizzy, stop! Start again tomorrow. Over time, doing ten minutes a day of this meditation will bring about great results. ©2010 Nicole Cody is a Metaphysical Teacher and Channel who runs seminars throughout the World in Spiritual and Personal Development. She specialises in Soul Blueprints and Life Direction Counselling. For more information contact 07 3256 0815 or Light and Blessings be Yours!

Consultations & Workshops with

Nicole Cody! Acclaimed Australian Psychic, Channel and Metaphysical Teacher

Nicole Cody has the answers! Make the most of your life! Nicole’s ability to connect with her guides and yours, her spiritual gifts and her channelled wisdoms will really help you get your life on track. Discover how to make the most of your own gifts and talents through a personal consultation or workshop. Life Direction Readings.............90mins During a Life Direction Reading Nicole works with you to clarify the essence of who you are, why you are here, and what you can accomplish in this lifetime. No matter where you live Nicole can work with you through a distance or face to face consultation. Life Purpose Readings................30mins An intense 30 minute session where Nicole reads and interprets your Soul Blueprint, explains your Life Lessons and gives you a strong overview of your Life Purpose.

For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005



ANCIENT GUARDIANS, PRESENT DAY HEAVEN OR HELL In early January this year I moved my healing school to Seacliff, a peaceful suburb of Adelaide overlooking the sea. All went well with the move and despite it still being Christmas holidays for many people the phone rang constantly with new student enquiries and was well in my world. Then suddenly the phone stopped ringing – except for clients cancelling courses - and a swarm of angry ants invaded my little healing centre – even running all over my sacred altar! I felt quite upset as a whole string of events seemed to indicate I wasn’t meant to be working in my present location- even though I felt I had been guided here and had space cleared my new centre with the assistance of the Angels. Had somebody dropped a curse on me or was it simply the effects of Mercury Retrograde – well known as an astrological time of confusion, delays and disruption?

MEETING MY SPIRIT LAND GUARDIANS Feeling as if I could hardly breathe one afternoon I decided to ask in meditation the cause of all these problems. I immediately saw hundreds of silent ancient aboriginal male spirits gathered around me –

some looked friendly enough and some didn’t seem happy at all with me. Asking them what the problem was they said I hadn’t asked them if I could do my healing work on their land and they had gathered together to decide if I could stay or not. I was quite surprised as when I arrived I hadn’t seen any spirit guardians to ask this permission from but evidently I should have still asked! The Kaurna people lived in this area before European settlers came in 1830 and there is a Dreamtime “Tjilbruke Spring” not far from my office building which is built on ancient sacred aboriginal healing land. The previous occupant of my new space had always requested permission to do her healing and counselling work here I was told, so I asked for the same permission and it was granted. I felt a great sense of relief at this and most of the gathered spirits departed, but one man said he was to be my personal guardian now whenever I did healing or spiritual ceremonies here. Soon after that all the ants just disappeared despite the fact I did not use insecticide - though I did speak telepathically to them and asked they leave my centre and find a new home or face the consequences. The phone started to ring with positive

calls once more and I discovered to my delight my healings were far stronger and more effective in my new location.

RECEIVING ASSISTANCE TO CREATE HEAVEN ON EARTH My healing guardian has also appeared on several occasions to offer helpful methods of dealing with unpleasant psychic influences affecting my clients and in par ticular with those who seem to have themselves unknowingly broken ancient laws but not been able to find a way of making amends for this. As long as I remember to daily request the permission of the guardian spirits to teach on their land my workshops go very well and smoothly here – so it’s become such very special place to me here – my own little heaven on earth.

ANCIENT EGYPTIAN TEMPLE & TOMB CURSES All ancient temples in Egypt were protected by guardian spirits and divinities – it’s the same in most of the powerful old temples in Asia and India. So it’s always wise when visiting these places to request permission from the divinities worshipped there to enter and thank them on leaving. If you seem to be constantly unwell or anxious after such a visit and didn’t do this perhaps one of the guardian spirits or elementals used outside the Temple for protection might still be causing you problems so you need to meditate on this or seek professional spiritual healing assistance. Tombs in Ancient Egypt were protected by the God Anubis plus by the fire Elementals – so YES the curse of the Mummies is real, but it’s not


quite as dramatic usually as in the movies! I love to meditate in the tombs of Egypt as they are very powerful spiritual places and the energies from all those past ceremonies so many thousands of years ago still are there. Lots of visitors to Egypt are unaware you shouldn’t just enter the Great Pyramid or the tombs and temples without this permission and severe stomach upsets, insect bites and coughs with high fever can be a symptom of psychic attack. The Fire Elementals have been programmed to energetically attack persons entering the tombs to cause harm or steal treasures so if you in meditation ask FIRST to enter in peace – that you intend no harm and thank them for the work they do, no harm will happen to you. Anubis is a Divinity, so never harms anybody and can assist you to have an amazingly smooth and safe visit to Egypt or will simply leave you to struggle on alone there if you don’t invoke his assistance and protection. We coexist on this ear th with many nature spirits, land guardians and spirit ancestors – this is their heaven and they will allow it to be yours too if you remember to do your spiritual homework. ELISABETH JENSEN is the 2010 Australian Psychic of the Year as voted by the Australian Psychics Association. As founder of Isis Mystery School she teaches ancient Egyptian Magic and Alchemy worldwide. Elisabeth has been initiated in the Great Pyramid of Egypt as a High Priestess of Anubis and Isis. Please see more helpful articles at

Navigating theSHIFT with JOANNE ANTOUN

Ancient Prophecies & Natures Cycles Science is now on the same page as what the ancient prophecies have been saying all along. The connection between science and especially the Mayan text and prophecy is astounding. They all tell us of this time being the close of several significant cycles, the importance of the 21st December 2012, a galactic alignment, the ear th changes that we are already witnessing and the fact that they will increase over the next couple of years before things stabilise. All traditions and historical sciences say the same thing. This is a time of great change. This is definitely not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it. This is also not just about one particular date, but the fact that we are together travelling through a set of circumstances, a shift in consciousness, we can already sense that things within us, and outside of us are changing, the shift has begun. Like everything there is a period of brief intensity before things settle, there is always a beginning, a middle, and an end, then of course another beginning. The Mayans consider this as the end of a cycle, the end of a world age and the beginning of the next. The completion of the Precession brings regeneration of the Earth and an awakening to all open willing hearts. It could be a beautiful passage or a difficult and challenging one, this is entirely up to us. We are progressing into a higher vibration,

and an evolutionary change is taking place within our bodies and our world. We have an opportunity to be different, live differently, an opportunity to live more peacefully and compassionately, an opportunity to fulfil our role of stewards of the earth and create balance and harmony for all. But the choice is ours. How we behave at the close of this cycle lays the foundation for the beginning of the next. We get to write our own ending therefore creating our own beginning. Over two thousand years ago that the Maya formulated their profoundly accurate cosmology, not only were they able to project their astronomical calculations thousands of years forward and backwards in time, but they also developed what is known as a recyclable Venus calendar that was incredibly accurate, and a table of eclipses that still functions today. With their inherent knowing and connection to the heavens and earth, they left for us a set of dates and guidelines that only now are we realising the importance of. They recognised that everything worked in cycles, and they were especially interested in what’s called the precession of the Equinoxes, a rare astronomical alignment of the December Solstice sun with the galactic equator. In the centre of our Galaxy is this incredibly powerful magnetic field which has a huge effect on our electromagnetic field, our planet, and

38 INTERVIEW us. This is due to occur on the 21st of December 2012. We tilt and wobble as we take the 26,000 year journey through our galaxy, and the Mayan’s understood that the further away we were from this energy at the core, the more disconnected from spirituality and nature we become. With science now recognising the interplay we have with the field and how the field affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, they too support these very beliefs. We know that the darkest part of the night is the hour before dawn, chaos or a crisis is usually what it takes to instigate change, it’s our driving force but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. So too then, will we need to travel through the final par t of this cycle of darkness and disconnection to enter the new, a cycle where love, compassion, genuine care, healing and absolute peace, harmony and balance with each other and our planet far outweigh the greed and selfishness of the old ways. The Maya understood this cycle was also composed of 5 smaller cycles of 5,125 years each, and each was considered to be a world age. The Golden age was a time of great connection to the divine, the sun, the moon, each other, our constant connection to nature and divine was most impor tant. Then darkness crept in as we entered the silver age, more as we entered the bronze and now the final cycle of the iron age became a time of the greatest disconnection, a time of great forgetting, where our need for material things would rule, and we would forget our sense of oneness with nature and each other. It’s interesting to note that our disconnection accelerated at around 1618, not long after the introduction of Gregory XIII’s 12 month calendar which was in 1582, as well as the perfection of the 12 hour, 60 minute mechanical clock in (1600). These two instruments have made an enormous contribution to humanity’s disconnection with nature, they separated us from the rest of nature and conditioned us to work on false timing to the detriment of the natural world. The occurrence of the clock has convinced us that time is outside us, therefore becoming one of our greatest setbacks to allowing our psychic and telepathic abilities to flourish. Whilst no-one knows exactly what will happen, I know with absolute certainty that we have the power within us to affect the outcome, because it’s like a moving target affected by our collective consciousness. Humanity will survive the challenges ahead, we know that there is no-way that nothing will happen, geologic records show that the changes are intense but they are also brief. We know that we can affect the changes and decrease the intensity of what might come and we also know that human existence must change because our present way of living is unsustainable. Even if nothing were to happen, we can’t continue the way we are. Eighty percent of the world’s resources are consumed by twenty percent of the world’s population, billions are starving and don’t have access to clean water. Nigeria, the world’s richest country in resources is also the poorest. Greed, selfishness, the need for material things, power and our economic systems have been our downfall. It has to stop. Love, peace, compassion and balance for all of life and our planet and new sustainable ways of living must be our new way. Joanne Antoun sees clients for personal sessions of CTC – a life transforming Combined Therapy Cocktail and runs regular seminars that inspire, motivate and empower, leaving you feeling a new level of connectedness and awareness that motivates you to be the best you can be. Visit her website at


Cassandra Eason Empowering Every Woman Cassandra chats to Shé D’Montford for InnerSelf newspaper Cassandra Eason is a phenomenally successful alternative author. She has penned over 90 publications, (which is more than Agatha Christie) many of them bestsellers, selling millions of copies internationally, even in China! The untold story of how she went from being an abandoned wife and mother of five at 40 to being the most quoted author in her field within the short space of 20 years is a story that is inspiring and empowering to every woman.

S: Cassandra what would you consider the turning point, the moment that made you successful. C: The day Paul, my husband left. I sat in the pouring rain on the local seafront with the children asleep in the back of my old motor caravan. I kept driving them round, letting them play at different seasides because I could not bear to go back to the empty house. I had reached rock bottom. My husband Paul, a journalist, was constantly undermining what I wrote, telling me I was just a housewife and what I did was a hobby and not real work and without him I was nothing, I believed him even though I had huge worldwide media publicity for my work after my “Psychic Power of Children” was published - I had even appeared on NBC’s “Unsolved Mysteries” in the US as a world expert on parent and child psychic links (and got stuck in the epicentre of the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake) I nearly gave up when he suddenly left me with five young children, as he was threatened by my burgeoning success, saying I would never make anything of my life and I was ugly and stupid and that he and his new partner would take the children away from me because I was such a bad mother as well. I felt so vulnerable and alone. I had no one to turn to as my parents had died years before, As I sat on that beach feeling sorry for myself I became aware of the presence of my departed father. I could clearly hear his voice challenging me, “Going to give up are you? Are you going to prove that toffee nosed Paul right? You beat those girls at that stuck up school when you won your scholarship to it. Going to prove those jealous shrews right too? Think I slogged my b—ks off in that factory so you could give up? Get off your backside before I kick it. Slog your way out of trouble.” Then, to emphasise his words, lightning flashed across the sea. I got it. This was either my moment to win or to lose. I chose to win. I ran back to the van, started the engine, went home, put the children to bed, and wrote all night. I wrote and wrote every night when they were in bed, so tired I could hardly see, often crying with exhaustion and the hopelessness of it all. However, the book I wrote then Every Woman a Witch has been published in many different countries in the UK, US, Australia, China, Spain… all over the world. It was my first real best seller and shows women how they can bring magic into their lives, in the supermarkets, kitchen, workplace, how they can fix cars, computers, overcome any odds and make life as they want it, using the female intuitive powers that have sustained women over the millennia through countless sorrows.

In Brief Reviews Top Class, in a mould of her own! Psychic Clairaudient Investigator Bonnie


S: What inspired your first book “Psychic Power of Children”? C: At almost for ty, fate changed the course of my life when my middle son Jack briefly raised his face from his cereal bowl one morning and told me his father had fallen off his motor bike but was unhurt. At that precise time, 40 miles away Paul’s motorbike was skidding on a patch of oil. The motorbike clock stopped at the time of the crash to confirm the time and Paul was indeed quite safe, though the bike was a bit battered. My husband wrote an article, trying to explain away Jack’s prediction. The next day several mothers at the local playschool told me that their children had similar psychic experiences. I began to compile these with research I had done on psychic children as an Honorary Research fellow at the Alister Hardy Institute in Oxford. My proposal arrived on the desk of the publisher the day they read my husband’s article and had said, Now that would make a good book. To my husband’s fury she asked me to write it. S: What is the definition of success for you? C: I am writing better than I have ever written in my life, and am running a successful website. I have five fabulous kind, caring, and successful hard working children and my baby granddaughter, who scoots in and out of my apar tment with her newly found mobility and raucous laughter. I have my computer and my crystals and a lifetime of knowledge and experience to share. And I will get to indulge my love of sharing in September whilst I am travelling round Australia for twelve weeks visiting Perth, Far Nor th Queensland, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, doing workshops, readings and appearing at festivals. S: In a nutshell, how would you advise every woman to manifest magic and success in their own life? C: The magic of women is not in what we own but in what we are, and in there is a whole world of possibility to be explored, transformed, and created anew with each new dawning. Dr. Shé (pronounced Shay) D‘Montford, is a Teacher, Healer, Author, Promoter, and Activist Due to her amazing paranormal abilities, Shé was asked to be on Channel 7’s ground breaking psychic reality T.V. show ‘The One For more information phone 0402 793 604

Born to William Spiers Donnacaidah and Sarah - Ann Smith Boyle Donnacaidah on the 23rd January 1964, In Branchton Greenock Inverclyde Scotland. From and early childhood Bonnie had the ability to see, hear and sensing spirit as a wee lassie her abilities often upset those around her as she balanced mortal life and the energy so close to her mind and spiritual experiences. Throughout her teenage years, her life was not that of normal teenage life, she could see dead people, smell and acknowledge and make profound predictions, Bonnie was destined for a singing career and writing, she really was destined for the stage, a very proud integral women, Bonnie is one of the most profound international Mediums, her gifted Celtic background has never failed her audience. Bonnie is a Specialised Medium, she couldn’t work out why she spent most of her teenage life and young womanhood crying, when she was around relatives and friends, she could feel the fear and the tragedy of what was to come, and couldn’t explain her gift for they would think she was a fruitloop, or she had some kind of mental health problem. Being the adult that she is today she now wished that she yelled out and stood up, with her true gift. She feels she could have prevented the tragedies around her, that caused her much pain and sorrow throughout her adult life, losing the most precious loved ones made her grow up very fast. Her Granda John Boyle & Grannie Mamie Boyle is her light, she is guided by there Incredible energies, this is what makes this Legacy so Profound and Sure Real! Bonnie is a larger than life honest Integral Medium she tells it as it is you will not be disappointed. On line 24hours 7 days per week: REMEMBER WHAT IS FOR YOU WILL NEVER GO BY YOU! See You When Yer Better Dressed! For further details and bookings phone 0402 793 604.

The Practice of Stillness

Atlantis and 2012

By Christo Norden-Powers This is an impor tant book. For many, their journey to wholeness and awakening began with their copy of Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”. This book could be seen as the next step – a practical guide to the stillness within the Now. If you’ve tasted the joy and love that brims within each conscious moment but are looking for a way to make it a constant reality in your daily life, The Practice of Stillness will show you how. Pub: Hamsa

The Science of Lost Civilization and the Prophecies of the Maya By Frank Joseph Based on more than 25 years of research around the globe, supported by readings from Edgar Cayce, this timely book reveals that the Mayan calendar was brought to Mexico by survivors of Atlantis. Joseph explains how the Mayan calendar, invented by the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria offers a way to re-establish Civilization’s cosmic balance before time runs out. Pub: Bear & Company

The Genuine Jesus A Channelled Autobiography By James Padgett & Dr Daniel Samuels Rarely does a book come along with the power to wipe away old beliefs and superstitions and replace them with truth and light from the spirit world. These writings lost for the past 85 years are now being revealed in “The Genuine Jesus”. This book is what every thinking person has hoped for who must question the Bible and the creeds and ceremonies of the churches. Whilst I cannot vouch for the authenticity of these spirit-inspired scripts, no one can doubt their sincerity. They offer a fascinating and intriguing alternative view of the life and teachings of Jesus. Pub: Alan Ross Publications

The Universal Solution The Answer you seek By William Webster This book offers one practical solution to all of the world’s problems... a lofty claim, yet undeniably true as it leads one to a direct encounter with the Universal Laws that self-govern the world we live in... and within this encounter, the solution lies. Pub: Trafford Publishing For details phone 0424 196 684

Reiki Meditations for Beginners By Lawrence Ellyard Drawn from traditional Japanese Reiki, Buddhism, Yoga, creative visualization, and his own insight and experience, Ellyard brings together a complete package for both Reiki and Meditation practitioner alike. Pub: Lotus Press

The Truth About… Healing Cancer By Urs Baur Diagnosed with serious skin cancer outbreak, a number of years into becoming a n d practicing as a massage therapist and Pranic Healer, Baur chose to take responsibility for his own healing, not trusting to undergo the major surgery that oncologists were proposing. This book is his story, the remarkable achievement of curing himself of cancer and a detailed description of exactly how he went about it. Filled with inspiration, wisdom and practical knowledge offering a loving approach back to wholeness. Pub: Baur Family Trust


The Key to Happiness

DNA Memory - Healing Your Ancestral Patterns Continued from page 37 dermine these but it would appear there are amazing energies on the ear th now which are speeding up healings. I see incredibly stubborn patterns change and clear in a very short space of time. We all go through difficult periods in our lives. Sometimes we get stuck in a ‘Groundhog Day’ pattern. Do you ever wish you had a different problem to deal with because the one you have is getting boring? There must be more to life than this issue that appears in different guises after you are sure you’ve dealt with it? Maybe you are carrying a generational pattern that seems impossible to clear regardless of whether you’re able to recognise it. Maybe your child is dealing with a pattern which was formed by your ancestors. The good news is: these patterns can be cleared. There are miracles in the air. It’s time to take advantage of the new energies! Rachelle Terry, a Sydney based therapist, has had an ability from childhood to clairvoyantly see the human aura. She works with local, interstate and international clients, helping them in making huge improvement in their life, health and being in “the flow”. For phone or in-person consultations with Rachelle, Phone: 0414 317 323 or Email: *Baby and child readings also available*

BY CHRISTO NORDEN-POWERS A long, long time ago, at the beginning of creation, God finished creating the universe in 6 busy days and sat resting on a rock pondering the ultimate question. Finally God called the Angels over and said ‘Angels, I have a problem and need your help to resolve it. We’ve created a wonderful universe and among the most wonderful of creations is the human being.’ ‘These human beings have the potential to understand and embrace their highest nature, Spirit, their own true Self and in doing so to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. To find the key to that Spirit is their deeper purpose in life.’ ‘However, if it is too easy to find the key they will not appreciate its worth. I want them to stretch to full potential before they find the key. Then they will have become all that they can be, and will use the knowledge wisely.’ God looked at the Angels and then asked: ‘Where can I hide the key so that I can be certain that it will only be found when a human being is truly ready?’ The Angels sat in thought. One said ‘What about on the top of the highest mountain. It will be ages before they are able to climb up there.’ ‘Not tough enough,’ said God, ‘they will be there by the mid 20th century.’ ‘I know’ said another, ‘at the bottom of the deepest ocean. That’ll take them longer.’ ‘Sure, but not much longer. These people are pretty smart’ replied God. ‘How about on the moon,’ piped up


The same cycle will repeat many times until we realise that what we are seeking is found inside, not outside. That is not to say that we should give up challenges and accomplishments, or the things of the world. It simply means that we are looking in the wrong place for the peace, happiness and contentment that we seek from those activities, and so the pleasure is transient. The irony is that when we find that place, we can enjoy what the world offers even more.

a third Angel. ‘If they can develop the technology to get to the moon they deserve to find the key.’ ‘A good idea, but don’t underestimate their ability. They’ll soon enough conquer outer space,’ said God. They all sat in silence for a while. Finally a new Angel, who didn’t know how the universe was supposed to work, said ‘Why not hide the key inside What ‘makes’ us Happy? each person? They’ll never think of The truth is, that nothing ‘makes’ us that.’ happy. God’s eyes lit up. ‘Wonderful!’ God We experience happiness, not beexclaimed. ‘That will really challenge cause of the object of our attention, them.’ but because it is our deepest inner nature – what is sometimes referred to Finding that secret place as the inner Self - that shines through We spend so much time, energy, in those moments. money and resources seeking those Our usual state of awareness, our qualities outside of ourselves – new individual consciousness - which I’ll reexperiences, new challenges and ac- fer to as small ‘s’ self - is limited, concomplishments, new lovers, the latest tracted compared to higher Consciouscars, houses and TVs, another job. ness (the capital ‘S’ Self) that we reYet if we stop for a moment and ally are. consider where peace, happiness, wisAs the small ‘s’ self expands, it exdom and love are experienced, we find periences just a little more of the bliss that they are experienced within us. of Self that is within us. It is that exWhen we attach happiness to things pansion of our individual awareness, or outside of ourselves, pretty soon the personal consciousness, that produces novelty wears off, and so does the eu- the happiness. phoria. It isn’t long before we become Inner peace, happiness, contentbored or dissatisfied with the object, or ment, wisdom and love are inner states with the void left after an accomplish- of awareness. They are manifestations ment, or the person we are with who of our own consciousness. The secret turned out to be not the person we to experiencing them is already within thought they were. us, and they are completely free. Then we start looking for the next The constant striving that drives us object, the next person or the next to do, be and have is grounded in the thing to do that will ‘make’ us happy. deep need to experience and express The mind gives us no peace as it more of who we are - the Self. We know searches for the next ‘fix’. it is there within us. But we have learned not only to seek its joy through transitory external actions and circumstances but also to regard those actions and circumstances as the source of joy. It is a relentless pursuit that will continue for so long as we see our ‘self’ as separate from Self, and will cease only when we begin to realise and experience that we are not the limited body and mind, but instead we are limitless Self. You alr ead alread eadyy hold the kkee y Every moment of every day, whatever we are doing, consciousness is at work in the inner space. There is not a thought, feeling, action, desire, perception, dream or experience that is free of the play of consciousness. Even when we are in deep sleep, consciousness is still there. It has extraordinary power, yet we use so little of its power because we are, for the most part, not even aware of it. Yet even a minimal degree of understanding of its power and how it works can make a tremendous difference in our day-to-day lives, enabling us to be far more effective, and with less effort, in any endeavour. And everything we do provides an opportunity to consciously tap into the power of consciousness. Christo Norden-Powers has taught Stillness meditation techniques in Australia and overseas for 40 years to many thousands of people, including to executives and boards of major companies, and to Olympic athletes. The above article was extracted from The Practice of Stillness: the secret to inner peace, happiness, wisdom and love by Christo Norden-Powers. See In Brief book review in this issue. Visit to order your copy, or to enquire/ book into upcoming Practice of Stillness workshops and retreats.

Luminous Beings We Are! ○

BY ALAN COHEN What would you do if someone swore that you knew the secret of life and put you on a stage to tell it? A television show set up a hysterical prank on precisely this theme. For the gag, a courier driver was asked to deliver a package to a religious temple (fabricated by the television show). Unknown to the driver, the pranksters had taken a photo of him and replicated it as a painted portrait, depicting the young man dressed in the royal regalia of the fictitious sect. When the delivery man arrived, the disciples (actors hired by the program) took one look at him and began buzzing excitedly. They ushered him to the front of the sanctuary and invited him to sit on a plush cushion of honor. Then they revealed to him that he was the chosen one, the long-awaited prophet foretold in their scriptures. To allay any doubts, a servant parted the altar curtain where, lo and behold, hung the majestic portrait of the deliverer, “painted by a visionary centuries ago.” “Please,” begged a disciple, “give us some words of wisdom.” The driver surveyed the portrait and looked over the throng of expectant devotees. A hush fell over the assembly. He sat down on the pillow, took a deep breath, and spoke: “Life,” the sage explained, “is like a river.” The disciples “oohed” and “aahed” on the heels of his utterance, hanging fervently on every sacred word. “Sometimes life flows easily, and sometimes you encounter rocks and rapids,” the guru illustrated, “but if you hang in there and have faith, you will arrive at the ocean of your dreams.” Again the students swooned with ecstasy. More “oohs” and “aahs.” This was indeed the day they had been waiting for! “Well, that’s about it,” Swami courier driver curtly concluded, “I have to go now and make some more deliveries.” Reluctantly the devotees rose, bowed reverently, and sheepishly cleared the way for the anointed one. Amid profuse veneration he made his way to the door. Now here is the amazing postscript to the story: the program played the same trick on several courier drivers, each of whom found profound words the moment he sat on

the cushion. The invitation to wax profound brought forth the inner wisdom in these unassuming fellows. Deep within our hear t, each of us knows the truth. The answers we seek, the power we strive for, and the acknowledgement we attempt to gain, abide inside us. Given the opportunity (being placed on the cushion) or the challenge (being pushed against a wall) we know what we need to know, to do what we need to do.

Who are you? Perhaps you have come to the point in your life where you are asking this all-impor tant question. Be careful how you answer, for in your response lies your destiny. If you think you are small, oppressed, or worthless, your world will confirm your belief. If you see yourself as a whole, creative being, here to express joy, give and receive love, and make a contribution to life on the planet, so will your selfimage be affirmed. As Henry Ford noted, “Think you can, or think you can’t, and either way you’ll be correct”

We Are Spiritual Beings Going Through a Material Experience You and I are more than our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and experiences. We lived in spirit before we arrived on earth, and we will live in spirit after we depart this world. While we are here, we live in spirit, too - but if we believe we are limited, we will not enjoy our magnitude. Our noblest purpose in life is to remember our spiritual nature in the face of suggestions and appearances that we are material only. Our spiritual nature is the only thing the world cannot tamper with or take from us. No matter what experiences we pass through, what we gain or lose in the drama of earth, and what people enter or leave our life, our true self remains whole, intact, and perfect. We always had it, and always will. Alan Cohen, M.A. M.A., is the author of 22 p o p u l a r inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? His books have been translated into 24 foreign languages.



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