Innerself Magazine Issue 24 - SA

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Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 24 • SA

Swami Shankarananda in Adelaide

Brandon Bays

PIGS MAY FLY The Swine Flu Hype or Hazard?


The truth about Anxiety and Depression, Solution for emotional eating , Feng Shui - All you need is love, Hormone Havoc, Thoughts creating our future, The Dancer’s zone and more






ARCHETYPES & US by Patricia Zoltan




WAVES IN THE OCEAN by Dr Graham Williams



LETTING GO by Linda Clair






OPEN TO POSSIBILITY by Swami Dayananda



KUNDALINI YOGA by Swami Shankarananda


ON BEING HERE NOW by Persephone Maywald



















RUNNING AWAY FROM HOME by Elizabeth Peru FLOATATION THERAPY by Deanne & Samuel Schmid





HORMONE HAVOC by Belle McCaleb










LIVING IN AYNI by Sa Silvano


INNATE HEALING by Dr Rob Hutchings

















NETWORKING IN THE ZONE by Michelle Stanton


THE POWER OF ULURU by Lorraine Webb

I am sitting outside on a cane chair under our back verandah. The winter sky is filled with grey cloud but the sun still manages to shine through, even if rather dimly. Suddenly the sun breaks through the cloud layer completely, declaring its presence in full ... My heart leaps in response. “Here Comes the Sun,” I playfully sing to Enza, who’s sitting next to me ... “Doo ‘n’ Doo Doo...” Just as suddenly the sun is covered over by cloud again. “Ah ... only teasing,” I add. As I look around I am immediately struck by the aliveness of the wind ... “This too is my energetic presence” I hear inwardly. “Just as in the sun, I am also in the wind. You are to appreciate Me in all my myriad forms. Simply allow for This that is, to be wherever it may be – This is all you need ever do. For I am here always.” Synchronistically, Enza reads out a line from Master Dogen that captures this moment exquisitely: “To carry yourself forward and experience myriad things is delusion. That myriad things come for th and experience themselves is awakening.” How incredibly interconnected life is ... how can it be otherwise when in truth, emptiness or unity – however you choose to view it – “myriad things come for th and experience themselves” moment by moment. When this view is what is, there is no viewer and in truth no view ... only “viewingness”. Tibetan teacher Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche describes this more precisely: “Seen the moment you look. Free the moment it’s seen ... there is not a single thought that can stick to that state.” This is the view awakened teachers and masters speak from. This is what is meant by “living the Waking Dream”... The moment we awaken to this presence in all things we discover how incredibly magical and unified life really is. And the “interconnection” speaks to us at every turn. If we are open to it, our innate wakefulness will “see” in a

unified way just what is, as it is. To “see” or “hear” the wisdom as it reveals itself through us as insight, becomes a perfectly orchestrated encounter ... an encounter between creation and Creator on a moment to moment basis. To honour each day for its rich gift, cleaves open even the most closed of hearts, to allow for the love that shines ever so brightly to pour in and through our beings – enlightening each thought, word and action. Gently, ever so lightly held ... without fear of losing or wanting to own this view, we allow for the gift of each moment to be made manifest, to burst forth into this world for the good of all – just as the sun does each day. This is all that’s ever being asked of us ... this willingness to step back, and even step out of the picture to allow for the “myriad things to come forth and experience themselves.” You ... yes you ... just as you are. You are one of these “myriad things” and more ... simply pull back, relax, look and allow for the awakening to continue to joyfully inform your existence. With love Leo and Enza

This is NOT a process or achievement, because even this understanding is happening in the clear and solid light of non-conceptual awareness itself. It is like sweeping dust off the porch in the noon day sun. Why settle for a dusty porch? But do not think that the sun is being enhanced! You cannot even do the sweeping or see the dust without the sunlight. The sun never was, is not and never will be touched, altered or modified. The sun corresponds to your ever-present, luminous true self. John Wheeler

InnerSelf, the wholistic publication awakening Body, Mind & Spirit now with 297,000* readers Australia-wide, in SA, NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, NT & ACT CONTACT US Body, Mind & Spirit

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 24 • SA

Swami Shankarananda in Adelaide

Brandon Bays

PIGS MAY FLY The Swine Flu Hype or Hazard?


The truth about Anxiety and Depression, Solution for emotional eating , Feng Shui - All you need is love, Hormone Havoc, Thoughts creating our future, The Dancer’s zone and more

ISSUE 24 (SA Edition • Aug-Oct 09)

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DISTRIBUTION We have two separate editions of InnerSelf. An SA edition and the East/West edition (covering VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD, NT and WA) with a total combined readership of 297,000 readers across Australia. DISTRIBUTION OUTLETS: Free copies of InnerSelf are circulated at over 2,000 public distribution points such as health food stores, bookshops, new age retailers, alternative health clinics, organic outlets, healing centres and body-mind-spirit festivals as

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


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PUBLISHER'S NOTE The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone. INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009

This issue of InnerSelf is also online as an e-paper at




BY ANDREW COHEN Shor tly after I moved to nor thern California in the spring of 1989, I discovered what was wrong with the modern spiritual scene. I found that the absolute necessity to put the call of the spiritual life and its demands above and beyond anything else if one truly wants to be free in this life was too great for most modern-day seekers. Indeed, the shocking degree of compromise that has become the status quo in the modern spiritual world hit me as never before. What had been a naive assumption on my part, that most seekers are true seekers—which means clearly understanding the price that has to be paid by any man or woman who wants to win true spiritual freedom in this life—was soon shattered. It became obvious that very few seekers and meditators take seriously the possibility of going all the way. In fact, it gradually became clear that for the vast majority of seekers, spiritual experience provides merely an escape from the mundane. The call from the Absolute— the call to go all the way—fueled by an enthusiastic willingness to give up anything in order to succeed seems to strike far too deeply into the solar plexus of many. The call to liberation is an impersonal one. It is a call from the Absolute. A beckoning from the Self to the self. When that call is heard directly, even if only for a split second, uncensored by fear or time, in that second one knows everything. One recognizes, even if only for that brief instant, that only that is real and all else false. In that realization comes the understanding that attachment to and investment in that which has been recognized as being false, impermanent and unreal is ignorance, and causes bondage, suffering and potentially endless stagnation. The vision of unending liberation, that vast expanse without beginning or end, poses a great threat for the majority of seekers who still remain attached to the mirage of selfhood, and who more often than not choose to create the illusion of movement through gradually approaching no limitation by slow and always calculated incremental steps. The call to awaken from the Self to the self is absolute by its very nature.

How could it be otherwise? Those who are pure of heart, when recognizing this fact, do not object. But those whose investment in this world is still great experience the call of the Absolute as the ultimate threat to all that has come before and all that they hope will be in the future. The response to the uncompromising nature of the call from the Absolute in the individual who is still attached to this life is experienced as a deep, visceral NO! Little do they know that the joy experienced when giving spiritual evolution the highest priority is extraordinary! Allowing oneself to embrace a life without compromise and free from pretense is utterly liberating in its depth and singularity. Like none other, it enables the individual to give their full and undivided attention to the destruction of all that is false, wrong and untrue. The individual who has taken the bold step of leaving the world and all the compromise that it represents behind in order to completely and irrevocably destroy the very seeds of that compromise in themselves, when successful, often becomes the enemy of the source of that compromise. The source of that compromise is, in the collective/individual mind, a fundamental and deeply existential fear of dissolution, nonexistence and insignificance. It represents an absolute and final loss of freedom for the false and limited notion of self. This fear, which usually remains unconscious and unquestioned, causes the individual to blindly adhere to fixed notions about the nature of reality, including shallow and destructive notions of a personal self that almost always serve to create a world where profound evolution becomes impossible and the law of the spirit is one of stagnation. The modern spiritual world is in many ways in a similar condition. In spite of the fact that more and more people seem to be expressing interest in the spiritual dimension of life, the deeper layers of the fundamental attachment to time and history usually remain largely untouched. Most revealing about the time we are living in is that even now, when one dares to consider without reservation the deepest implications of the uncompromising call of the Absolute, that

individual often becomes suspect in the minds of many. And when one not only considers the implications of that call but dares to respond to it unconditionally, thereby stepping outside the collective norm, one is often viewed with suspicion, fear and sometimes even hatred, not only by society at large, but also by those who profess deep interest in the spiritual life themselves. The spiritual status quo of the time we are living in shies away from extremes for fear of making the same mistakes that many have made in the recent past—either by becoming too intimately involved with charismatic and too often corrupt spiritual leaders, or by allowing oneself to take the call of the Absolute so seriously that one would begin to neglect more worldly concerns in a way that would be considered irresponsible. This is understandable. But the fact is, the Absolute cares not for our fears or our worldly concerns! The true Self cares only about itSelf. The degree to which we are willing to allow ourselves to respond to Its call is the degree to which the explosive power of Truth and Love, unrestrained by the status quo, will make itself known in this world. Liberated from the grips of the visceral no, that power reveals itself to be a hurricane of destruction leaving in its wake only perfect peace and unqualified harmony. When the spiritual status quo of any time is allowed to remain anything less than

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one of constant and permanent revolution of body, mind and soul, the inevitable result has to be the suppression of the very force of life itself. In the time we are living in, as in the past and as always will be, unless we are willing to take enormous risks, unless we are willing to step outside of and beyond the status quo, unless we are willing to respond fearlessly and wholeheartedly to the call from the Absolute, the unspeakable glory of our own true nature will remain locked within the forbidden depths of our own heart. Andrew Cohen is a spiritual teacher and visionary thinker widely recognized for his o r i g i n a l contribution to the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. As an author, Cohen has expressed his teachings in a number of books, including My Master Is My Self (1989), Enlightenment Is a Secret (1991), and Embracing Heaven & Earth (2000). His most recent publication, Living Enlightenment: A Call for Evolution Beyond Ego (2002), was praised by cosmologist Brian Swimme for its “simple, searing wisdom connecting religious ideas about enlightenment with the scientific understanding of an evolutionary cosmos.” Cohen is currently writing a new book on Evolutionary Enlightenment to be released in 2010.

in the



Waves in the Ocean Many people have the impression that meditation should be a completely thought-free zone. Perhaps they read somewhere that this is what it should be like, or they were taught this, but in either case they were done a disservice. It puts you in an impossible situation when you believe that you shouldn’t be thinking when meditating. Then you are sitting, attempting to meditate, while thinking about the fact that you shouldn’t be thinking. So you are thinking anyway – and the ‘thought police’ are on full alert! It’s exactly like believing that the ocean should never have any waves. Even when it is calm there are usually gently undulating waves moving across it.

The reason is that in our everyday lives our thoughts usually form the undercurrent which runs our lives. And then we don’t really notice them – we just do whatever they dictate. When you are meditating and start to notice them, they are no longer running your life. It’s exactly like being on a surfboard and letting them float by.

ACCEPTING THOUGHTS – THE WAVES ON THE OCEAN Thoughts are exactly like waves on the ocean. One of the most important things is to accept that they are an integral part of meditation. In the same way that your arms and legs are a part of your body, so thoughts are a part of your mind. However, when you are meditating you do need to know how not to get caught in thoughts, and the technique is exactly the same as a surfer uses. Most of the small waves – the everyday bits and pieces of thoughts – will not be big enough to really disturb you. By allowing your mind to gently focus on your meditation – watching or feeling the breath, or scanning through the sensations of your body, for example – you are like a surfer resting on a surf board. You will simply ride over the top of the waves of thought. By just accepting them as they are, you’ll find that you can stay relatively calm and keep your balance. They will come and go like waves, and by coming back to your meditation, you’ll find that they stay most of the time in the background. I like to let people know that when you experience this you are definitely in a state of meditation, even though there are still thoughts moving through your mind like waves. In fact, in the tradition the first stage of meditation is described as becoming aware of your thoughts. Even when your mind is very busy, the fact that you notice this is a sign that your meditation is working.

THE BIGGER WAVES And then there are the times when our thoughts seem to take over. Sometimes we just need to let this happen – just watching the chaos. Even though you might get thrown around a bit you will find that as long as you don’t fight them, or try to get rid of them, they will eventually settle down. One student called this technique ‘a gentle confrontation’ – a description I really like. As you get used to this, you’ll find that you will eventually be able to ‘dive under’ these big waves – just like a surfer. Like waves, there are always gaps between thoughts, even though they might seem to be continuous. Because a surfer knows this, she or he is able to see waves before they arrive and can then decide whether to ride them or not. If a wave is not good to ride, they will dive under it, knowing that the ocean under the wave is relatively still. Meditating is the same. If a thought comes along that is going to disturb the meditation, the technique is to let the thought go into the background and bring your mind back to the meditation object. This allows you to keep calm and “dive underneath” thoughts – you will then see them coming, notice them, and just let them ride over the top without catching you. Of course, most of the time you will not notice a thought until you are caught in it. This doesn’t really make any difference, because as soon as you notice you are caught in the wave

InnerSelf of a thought, you can simply “dive under” it by bringing your focus back to your meditation object. If, however, you find you can’t get out of the thought – just wait. By letting it go and by not fighting it you will find that you will eventually land on “the beach”. Like waves, all thoughts end up on the beach. Then you can return to your meditation object. FINDING THE BEACH Learning to meditate is exactly like learning to swim. We need to know that the ocean exists, its different moods, the waves and currents and where the beach is. No surfer would ever go into the sea without sitting on the beach and watching for quite some time, checking out the waves, the rips, the wind and the currents. The mind is like the sea in that it has moods, waves, rips and currents. If we don’t take any notice of them we can be swept along by the currents, picked up and buffeted and dumped by the waves. As with swimming there needs to be a reference point from where we can start, so we need to know that we can get out of the sea and find the beach. On the beach we can learn about the sea and the way to swim. Finding the beach is the foundation of learning to meditate because it is the place where the mind is still and where we are safe. This is the still point where our bodies, minds and emotions are balanced. It is the key to all meditation and you can get to know what this balance point is like for yourself by learning the basics of meditation well. You can then balance yourself quickly during the day whenever you want. And, when you meditate more formally, rest in its deep, still, vibrant peace. Dr. Graham Williams has thirty years’ experience in teaching meditation, is the Director of The Lifeflow Meditation Centre and an adjunct lecturer at Flinders University. His first book Insight and Love is in its third edition and his new book Life in Balance has just been released. It is available online, in bookshops in Adelaide and throughout Australia. The Lifeflow Centre provides regular meditation courses in their city studio and retreats in a relaxing hills setting. P 8353 0000 W

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Mind & HEART



Letting Go Q: Along the lines of ffear ear ear,, w ha ou think of the hatt do yyou common ad vice to simpl o”? advice simplyy “let ggo”? A: It’s easy to say ‘simply let go’, but in practice this is extremely difficult. It’s the hardest thing that I’ve ever done. If you’ve spent most of your life attaching yourself to your thoughts/emotions, you can’t let go of this deep habit overnight. Most people are addicted to thinking, and when you star t to withdraw from thinking there will be strong reactions to this. You actually feel the past withdrawing from your body – it is like a purification. The fear can feel very real at times. I suppose a big part of my role as a teacher is to reassure people that it’s OK, that the fear is not real. Q: You indica te tha ysical indicate thatt the ph physical pr esence of an enlightened teac her presence teacher is impor tant. Do yyou ou think tha thatt a mind to mind tr ansmission of entransmission lightenment is possib le as is alluded possible to in some Zen writings? A: The closer you are to your teacher – the deeper the trust and love - the more energy will be transmitted. I feel that there needs to be intense formal meditation practice as well, but the unconditional love of the enlightened teacher will open up the student more and more to the possibility of freedom. Their presence acts as a catalyst. There was a point in my practice/training where I did feel there was a direct transmission from my teacher (Harada Tangen Roshi) in Japan. I was having a private interview with him and he touched me with his stick and said “Roshi Sama is the same as Linda san. Linda san is the same as Roshi Sama. An apple is an apple. An orange is an orange.” I feel that this was a transmission of enlightenment, but it still took about 9 months for me to fully realise this. It takes time for the whole thing to integrate. When it first starts to really happen, there’s no one there to realise what’s happening. It takes time to

realise that there’s no one there anymore. Q: I would like to hear a little bout the pr actice moree aabout practice actice.. When the mor mind subsides subsides,, isn isn’’ t ther theree the dang er of ffalling alling into a dee deepp peace ttending/ wher heree the mind is simpl simplyy aattending/ awar alling of the aree of the rising and ffalling br ea th? Tha te ut brea eath? hat’t’t’ss a peaceful sta state te,, bbut no ffinal inal ans wer answ er.. I think some people equate disco war ecovvering the silent obser observver/a er/aw areness with enlightenment. I don don’’ t think tha ha ou ar ying that’t’t’ss wwha hatt yyou aree sa saying ying.. By becoming aaw war aree of the bod bodyy, do wwee become disidentified with it? If we disidentify with the mind, then disidentify with the bod ha bodyy, wwha hatt does that leave? A: When the mind subsides completely, you become the breath. There is no duality. There is an indescribable depth of peace when you realise that there is no separation between you and anything or anyone else. Everything stops. There is no time, no fear, no conflict — and with this comes a deep love. When the mind subsides completely you realise that you are not the body and so realise that there is no death. This is enlightenment. Leading up to this state there are deepening levels of peace, and at times deeper reactions, as you become more and more grounded in the body and the breath. The mind becomes more and more subtle, but the consciousness is also quickening and can see the movements of the mind more and more clearly. There can be peace, but if there is any attempt to know what this peace is or to analyse it in any way, the mind is still present. The peace only becomes real and absolute when there is no desire to know what it is. Enlightenment is the realisation that there is no observer and nothing to observe. I don’t use my body as a reference point anymore. I don’t identify with it and am not bound by it,

Open to Possibility but I am very immersed in it. When you disidentify with the mind, then the body, there is the realisation of universal consciousness, which is pure intelligence, unhindered by the mind. It is incredibly fast and energetic - the intellect is very slow by comparison. The body contains more and more of this energy leading up to enlightenment and the process continues in a different way after enlightenment. These questions were excerpted from an interview with Shawn Nevins of The full interview can be viewed at http:// w w w. s p i r i t u a l t e a c h e r s . o r g / linda_clair.htm Linda Clair is a non-sectarian teacher, and is also the author of the book ‘What do you Want?’ She teaches mainly at the Simple Meditation Centre in Crafers West in the Adelaide Hills. For more information, please phone David on 8339 7848 or visit

Is there a place you would rather be than where you are? A different location, a new job, better-behaved children or a bigger house? Maybe you’d like to be more fit or just feel better about yourself. How about being free of worry? On a scale of 1 to 10, how agitated are you in your everyday life? How content? If you have discontent, is it because you want or need something? When you are somewhere else, are you happy or do you carry your discontent with you? THE ROAD TAKEN In every moment of time, you are always at the crossroads of two paths. The path towards tension or the path towards peace and upliftment. Keeping in mind, of course, that some conflict may first lie in the path towards peace. You may be familiar with the saying, “the world is as you see it”. Even if you consciously choose to experi-


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ence a joyful world and make peaceful choices, how do you make it happen, especially with all of today’s pressures and challenges? The practice is conscious choice. This moment, the here and now, presents an opportunity of complete renewal. All other experience is in the past or in your imagination. In this moment you can release all anxiety and feel totally connected to your higher nature or your spiritual Self. The present moment always offers this possibility. But how do you develop it into an ongoing practice? The first step is to identify what is going on with you at this moment. What are you thinking and how do you feel? Are you in reaction or concerned about how someone else will respond to you? Notice if you are agitated or calm. Then look at intention. What is your desired outcome? Try to stay away from soft justifications, such as “I just want them to be happy.” Peace

Existence or Consciousness is the only reality. Consciousness plus waking we call waking. Consciousness plus sleep we call sleep. Consciousness plus dream, we call dream. Consciousness is the screen on which all the pictures come and go. The screen is real, the pictures are mere shadows on it. Ramana Maharshi


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doesn’t mean hiding from important issues. Ask yourself direct and even hard-hitting questions such as: “Which feels better, being right or having peace?” “Giving in to anger or accepting things as they are”? “Holding on to expecting an apology or releasing into freedom”? What if you put into practice the idea of taking responsibility for how you feel at every moment and in every situation? To be responsible for every experience you encounter. Every moment is the same crossroads of the here and now. Every moment offers the same choices: towards tension or peace. Especially when the last choice brought tension, every moment is renewal and every moment is a new possibility. In every moment, it’s up to you to make the conscious choice. SPIRITUAL POSSIBILITY A variation on the questions of choice is to ask yourself, “Which path connects me to my spiritual Self and which path moves me further away?” When you are connected to your spiritual Self you reside in your higher consciousness. You are aware of the interconnectedness of the external world and your life-force. What is the payoff of practicing conscious choice? You conserve energy for yourself. You build strength. You make good decisions. And if you always choose to stay connected to your spiritual Self? You stay seated at the core of your awareness. As you practice being connected, you transform possibility into probability and into experience. Spiritual possibility becomes spiritual experience. INQUIRY: MAKING A CHOICE Take a moment to investigate your

patterns for making decisions. Maybe you line up the facts and weigh the consequences. Or perhaps you don’t dwell long and take quick action. Whenever you are challenged with a decision, consider peace rather than stress, letting go rather than anxiety. Ask yourself, “Does this make me feel more separate and tense or more connected and relaxed.” Or modify the question so it resonates within you. Test the results and try again. Integrate it into your life and review it in six months. See if you can modify your patterns to make decisions based on resolution and peace. MEDITATION: ONLY AS IT ARISES Consider the possibility of moving into the future with appropriate planning but no worries. Prepare yourself for handling everything perfectly well, all people, events, challenges, opportunities, disappointments and unexpected delays. Close your eyes and meditate on meeting each concern in life only as it arises. CONTEMPLATION: WAVES OF POSSIBILITY Use your awareness to ride the wave of Consciousness and transfor m your own possibility into a higher state of being. Swami Dayananda is the Director of the Adelaide Shiva Yoga Meditation Centre at 79 Military Road, Semaphore. The Centre conducts Saturday night Satsangs, and courses on meditation and self-inquiry along with yoga classes and sessions in relaxation. Join us for Swami Shankarananda’s visit September 1213. For more information, contact 8242 4929 or


BY TRA-ILL DOWIE The word “authentic” shares is origins with the Greek “authenticos”, meaning to author. Thus, my favored definition for authentic is “to author ones life”. The word authentic is thrown around so much, but taking it back to its true origin and meaning facilitates powerful consideration. In today’s world, how do we decide who we are and how we are to be? In life we find ourselves thrown into a chaotic and fractured world laden with simulations of truth. A world designed to confuse us and convince us to “be” whatever the world of consumerism tells us we need to be, in order to be acceptable. There is often a mistaken assumption about the word “authenticity” which posits it much nearer the word “sincerity”. Sincerity invokes connotations of deeply believing or being “real”. Authenticity is more concerned with forging and fostering a subjective pathos in the face of any prevailing ethos. This is to say, to be authentic is not about being “real”, but about deciding for ourselves ex-

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. Joseph Campbell

actly what “real” is to begin with. So the quest for authenticity is one for which we are poorly equipped. It comes only through discovery and self exploration, which is often painful, difficult and isolating. Socrates in line 38a of The Apology tells us that the “unexamined life is not worth living”, yet he fails to tell us that the examined life is hard. So any process towards authenticity must of course offer us resources to get to know ourselves. But who is this mysterious self, and why is it that the predominant means for expressing who we really are, falls to a relatively uniform mode of expression; consumerism. What does it really mean when that pretty young shop assistant says “that ‘so and so’ is so YOU”? The temptation is to produce an idea which is archeological in nature, which somehow matches the external with the internal. Yet to be authentic (to author), moves away some of this idea of fixed content and steps into the realm of creativity. That is – to be truly authentic is not to find oneself, but to create oneself and have the freedom to do so. The most poignant question of course is “how do I create myself”? The temptation is to differentiate one’s self from the rest of the world by appearance, yet the fact is that in today’s society the rule is homogenous individuality. To author, or be authentic, is a process of being not

of seeming. The most fundamental act of freedom is always an act of creativity and the most powerful expression of any creativity – is the creation of You. This is not an easy undertaking, it is an act of ‘paediea’, the type of education that moves us towards the true nature of who we are. This act is under taken by the constant encounter with the death of who we thought we were, and challenging our beliefs. This moving carries us towards the serious content of ourselves, and the question “how do I wish to be?” A poignant example of where authenticity is central to one’s daily practice is its role in the psychotherapeutic process. The famous humanistic psychotherapist Carl Rogers, in his 1957 essay “The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change”, argued that authenticity was critical for the therapist in the establishment of a “therapeutic couple”. He suggested that failure of the therapist to present in an authentic manner would result in a conceptual error

which would kill the therapeutic endeavor. Yet the more important vision of authenticity in therapy rests in the notion of it being a central aim of therapy itself. The therapeutic act is designed to free one of one’s past so one may experience a future. What may be present in this is that therapy actually allows one to write their future. That is, to conceive of a world of their choosing; a world in which they create and wish to dwell. So the quest for authenticity requires us to cast off the “paraphernalia of suffering”, to cut loose the security of our mediocrity and to allow ourselves to be deracinated from the barren ground of the culture “industry”. To have our tacit assumptions and parochial presuppositions so thoroughly shaken and shattered that we may forge ourselves in the brilliance of our own creativity is our quest: the quest to be truly human. Tra-ill Dowie is Director and lecturer at Ikon Institute of South Australia (Level 1/77 Jetty Road, Glenelg, SA).

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BY SWAMI SHANKARANANDA (SWAMIJI) Most people feel that they have a potential within themselves that they are not even close to realising. The ancient yogic masters, the masters of meditation and the inner life, go even further than that. They say that within each one of us is an unimaginably great power and capacity. This power is called the Kundalini. A person who awakens his Kundalini becomes transformed. He or she has access to new wisdom and profound inner joy. The ancient texts depict Kundalini as a serpent that lies asleep at the base of the spine. When she wakes up she begins a journey upward, passing through the seven chakras or psychic centres arranged along the subtle spine. These centres govern all areas of life. As the Kundalini journeys upwards each of the chakras is purified and different blocks and obstacles in the seeker’s life are released. Understandings, inspirations and joy flood in. Where there was stagnation there is now flow. The energy moves freely within the body, creating health and well-being. Ultimately, when the Kundalini energy reaches the seventh chakra, the Sahasrar at the top of the head, the seeker merges in the higher Self. In some people the awakening takes place in the heart and the aspirant experiences divine love and devotional states. In other cases the awakening takes place in the third eye. Then the aspirant has a flow of new insight, culminating in the experience of pure Awareness. In each of these cases the goal is the same: Self-realisation. Who wouldn’t want to fulfil their highest potential? The question

arises, then, “How can I awaken this mysterious power?” It is precisely to awaken the Kundalini energy that yogis practice Hatha yoga and other methods. But the easiest and best means is the awakening by the Grace of a Siddha Guru. My Guru, Swami Muktananda, awakened thousands of seekers around the world. In his presence they had remarkable experiences of the true Self and their evolution leapt forward. He himself had received the awakening, called Shaktipat, from his Guru, the legendary saint Bhagavan Nityananda. One day in August 1947 Bhagavan Nityananda looked into my teacher’s eyes and a powerful energy passed into him. Later, my teacher explained that a Siddha Guru can awaken others by four means: by a look, by a touch, by a word, or by a thought. My own experience was similar. On a particular festival day I approached my Guru and our eyes met. I felt a powerful force reaching down inside me. From that moment my spiritual life took flight. Years later he asked me to conduct meditation Intensives and showed me the method of awakening the Kundalini. He gave me his wand of peacock feathers which he used to transmit the spiritual energy by touch. That was 35 years ago and since then I have held countless meditation Intensives at which people have received Kundalini awakening. My Guru used to stress Shaktipat and pay little attention to enlightenment because he said, “Once the awakening takes place, enlightenment is inevitable. What is rare is the awakening.” I look forward to meeting the spiritual seekers of Adelaide. Everyone

BY PERSEPHONE MAYWALD should remember that within each person there is a great power and potential. There is great wisdom and also great love. Everyone should seek to awaken that power and find their own true nature. Swami Shankarananda (Swamiji) is the director of the Shiva School of Meditation and Yoga. He is a Meditation Master who has awakened thousands of seekers and is the bestselling author of the book, Happy For No Good Reason.

SWAMIJI IN ADELAIDE FREE SATSANG Saturday 12 September, 7:30pm – 9:30pm MEDITATION INTENSIVE Sunday 13 September, 10am – 5:30pm, $150 / $120 concession Ven ue: Adelaide Shiva enue: Yoga Meditation Centre 79 Military Rd, Semaphore South Bookings: (03) 9775 2568

"I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God" Sufi Proverb


We are all familiar with this spiritual exhor tation. Most spiritual traditions and meditation practices put great emphasis on being in the moment, and we have become so familiar with these words that many of us use them without stopping to think about their profound implications for our lives and our spiritual unfolding. So what does it really mean to “be here now”. What is the “here” that we are supposed to be with in the “now”, whatever that is, and why is it so important to pay attention to our hereness and our nowness. The Her Heree. Our usual habit is to focus pretty much exclusively on our thoughts, actions and outer environment. We spend much of our time thinking and doing, not really noticing what is going on in the totality of our selves. While thinking and doing are important components of our experience, when we stop to think about it, we can see that they are only the surface manifestations of an underlying consciousness that goes much deeper than these outer appearances. So our hereness is actually much bigger than our thoughts and actions. Taken to its logical extreme, it is everything that we are, the totality of our conscious experience. We start to see that being here means being present with the fullness of our selves, from the inside to the outside, from the depth to the surface, from the inner spaciousness of spirit to the busy clutter of everyday life. Thus to “be here” means that we are tracking the thread of awareness as it follows whatever arises in our consciousness through every level we have access to. It means that we do not cut off what is actually going on in our inner awareness, but allow it just as much space as we give to outer actions and events. This awareness is both broad and focused at the same time, broad enough to access our whole field of consciousness, but focused enough to tune into specific manifestations. It follows our experience of ourselves as we weave among all the aspects of our consciousness. It includes our physical sensations, our energies, our breath, our emotions,

our reactions, our thoughts, our memories, our patterns, our spirit, and the meanings we’re giving to our experience. And so on through every kind and level of experiencing that we do. So “being here” means that we are here with all of ourselves without preference, tracking both our inner and outer experience, our depth and our surface, allowing ourselves to be with whatever is coming to our attention. The No w. A common human expeNow rience is to feel as though nothing is really changing, that this moment is much the same as previous moments. We feel stuck, bored and frustrated as we repeat the same old same old. However, if we scratch the surface, we start to find that nothing ever repeats exactly the same way. At the very least, we are an individual having this “same” experience for the ninetieth time rather than the

eighty-ninth. We start to notice that, as human beings, there is always an inherent dynamism to our existence, and something, no matter how small, is always changing in our inner or outer worlds. Our conscious experience unfolds moment by moment by moment, each moment subtly different from the last. It is each of these moments that constitute its own par ticular

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8 LOVE & GRATITUDE “now”. So the “now” is literally this very moment, as distinct from the last moment, or the next moment. Being in the now with that constant flow of change means being with what we’re experiencing now – and again now – and again now, literally being with ourselves moment by moment by moment. From birth to death, our lives are an unending stream of moments of now, and each now is an unfolding of the now that preceded it, a unique drop in the flow of the stream of our conscious existence. Being Her w. Thus “being here now” is being Heree No Now with the totality of our consciousness right in this moment. It brings in a whole other dimension to our usual everyday awareness as we actually notice where we are and include what’s happening in our deeper experience in the moment that it happens. So being willing to be here now means being willing to follow the thread of awareness as it moves freely through the depths and the surface of our existence in every waking moment of our lives. Why Bother Bother.. This sounds like a tall order, and you might be wondering, why should I bother? What’s the point? In fact, there are many important reasons to bring ongoing awareness and presence to our experience, but perhaps the most important is that we can only grow and unfold by actually being present to and aware of where we are right now. Aw ar eness be olding areness beggets Unf Unfolding olding. You may have noticed that when we’re on automatic, we seldom get insights or awarenesses about ourselves. We just run the same unconscious patterns and actions over and over again. However, when we make a conscious decision to actually look at what’s happening in the moment, then insight and meaning start to arise of their own volition. We start to make sense of our experience, and understand better why we are what we are. Every insight and understanding removes some of the misunderstanding we’ve been living with, and brings us a little closer to our ultimate truth. Each tiny enlightenment brings us a fraction closer to the depths of our spirit. It is as though our soul has been patiently waiting for us simply to pay attention, and when we do, it rewards us by bringing us ever closer to itself. In time, the weight of understanding starts to have a significant effect, and we find that we have become more real. We notice more presence, maturity and wisdom. We are less reactive, less on automatic. We are more objective, perceptive, relaxed and accepting. But most important, we are closer to the beauty, wonder and capacity of who we truly are, and more able to live from that depth.

For sixty years I have been forgetful every moment, but not for a second has this Flowing towards me stopped or slowed. - Rumi With gratitude to A.H.Almaas, especially his latest book, The Unfolding Now. Per se phone Ma yw ald has been a student erse sephone Mayw ywald of the Diamond Approach to self realization since 1986, and is in the later stages of training to be a teacher in this path. She is currently offering 10 Lowfee Individual Sessions for those interested in experiencing the Diamond Approach. She also offers Study Groups on the writings of A.H.Almaas, founder of this path, and is a transpersonal psychologist. Contact her at 0435 014 821 or For more information see, the site for the Diamond Approach in Adelaide, or come to a free talk at Quantum Bookstore, 27th Sept, 12 p.m.

It is said that soon after his enlightenment the Buddha passed a man on the road who w as str uc dha's eextr xtr aor diuckk bbyy the Bud Buddha's xtraor aordiadiance and peaceful pr esence nar y rradiance presence esence.. The man stopped and asked, "My friend, what are you? Are you a celestial being or a god?" "No," said the Buddha. "W ell, then, ar ou some kind of "Well, aree yyou magician or wizard?" Ag ain the Bud dha ans w er ed, "No ." Again Buddha answ ered, "No." "Are you a man?" "No ." "No." ha ou?" "W ell, m myy friend, then wwha hatt ar aree yyou?" "Well, The Buddha replied, "I am awake."



BY DR DARREN WEISSMAN You hold in your hands a complete system for changing your life if you choose to take action. This bold assertion is based on two premises: fundamental and lasting change begins with understanding that we live in an “interactive reality” whose architect is the subconscious mind. Secondly, to facilitate that change you must make a conscious choice about how you’ll live your life…the choice is between love and fear. Faced with a barrage of daily messages about global peril, financial instability, mushrooming unemployment, pandemic viruses, dwindling portfolios, disappearing life savings, and escalating wars, this can be a difficult choice to make. Many people perceive the world as teetering on the brink of destruction. There’s a collective “thought virus” of helplessness, anxiety, and pessimism perpetuating the belief that there’s little to no hope of averting a worldwide catastrophe. Perceiving powerlessness and feeling victimized, many people are succumbing to suffering; they’re choosing fear. Today, I’m offering you a different option—the power and the tools to choose love. I’m offering you a prism through which you can learn to see each and every experience, challenge, or stressful situation—whether it’s a health crisis, personal crisis, or world crisis—as an opportunity to transform your life. I call this prism The LifeLine Technique. The LifeLine Technique is a philosophy of life; it’s a science that bridges you to consciousness, and a technology for quantum healing. It allows you to discover interpret, and release the root cause of all physical pain, emotional symptoms, stress, and anxiety—emotions buried within the subconscious mind. When activated with the power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, your mind, body, and life’s innate capacity for transformation and inner peace is unleashed. Coupled with the Five Basics of Optimal Health—the

proper quantity, quality, and frequency of water, food, rest, exercise, and owning your power—when you conduct a session with The LifeLine Technique on yourself (or other people), you’re empowered to live an intentional, healthy, and passionate life. Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi says, “Peace starts with the self and then the whole world joins in.”1 World peace begins with inner peace. And the path to inner peace is Infinite Love & Gratitude. CREATING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS The secret to creating the life of your dreams is buried beneath the surface of your daily reality within the subconscious mind. In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains: “When it comes to sheer neurological processing abilities, the subconscious mind is millions of times more powerful than the conscious mind. If the desires of the subconscious mind conflict with the programs of the conscious mind, which “mind” do you think will win out? You can repeat the positive affirmation that you are lovable over and over or that your cancer tumor will shrink. But, as a child, if you heard over and over that you are worthless and sickly, those messages programmed in your subconscious mind will undermine your best conscious efforts to change your life.”3 The conscious mind is perceived to be the driving force of life, but it’s actually only 2 -10% of your awareness. The subconscious mind makes up the other 90-98%. The subconscious directs the function of the 50 plus trillion cells like a symphonic orchestra in perfect harmony. From your beating heart and the regeneration of your cells to food metabolism and waste elimination, it’s both a filter and a distiller of information, experiences, thoughts, and feelings. The subconscious mind also is the storehouse of emotions and memories, whose affects are vivid, hypnotic,

illusionary, pervasive, and deep-seeded. It’s the reactive mind; it reacts to your environment so that you can adapt and survive. In other words it shields and protects you. You can better understand the influence and power of the subconscious mind through this example. Imagine your body is covered with a bright red, itchy, and painful rash. Notice how just reading about a rash can cause you to scratch! How does imagining having a rash make you feel? Angry? Frustrated? Or do you feel ashamed or insecure? If you had a conscious choice, would you ever choose this symptom? Would you choose to feel angry, frustrated, ashamed or insecure? The answer is an astounding no! In my book, The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, I shared a new paradigm for understanding and healing, focusing on the subconscious mind. The only time you’re aware of the subconscious mind is when it’s speaking to you through the language of symptoms. Symptoms are a dialogue to let you know you have the ability to own your power. The LifeLine Technique is a comprehensive system that guides you to unleash the infinite power we all have to heal, regenerate, and be whole. I will be returning to Australia to teach in 2010. This year we had 120 people from Australia and other parts of the world learn this simple technique. It is truly life changing. Dr. Darren R. Weissman, is an internationally renowned physician, speaker, educator, developer of The LifeLine Technique TM, and best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude, An Evolutionary Journey to Awakening Your Spirit . For information on the seminar or the book: Contact Diane McCann (Tel 08 82481281) or watch live videos on



Men-Authenticity and the Future What is a man? These are confusing times. Men are bombarded with contradictory signals from wives, women friends, parents and peers. “Be strong but don’t be macho!” says one voice, “Be sensitive but don’t be wimp.” says another. Many reading this were raised with these commandments:

Thou shalt not cry. Thou shalt not display weakness. Thou shalt not need gentleness. Thou shalt comfor t but not desire comforting. Thou shalt be needed but not need. Thou shalt stand alone. Background “role models” - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood portrayed men as dominant; they don’t crack no matter what, always superb lovers, always sure of themselves, always in control … of women, money and the situation; a fabrication leading to more confusion. Since the Industrial age when men went to work in factories, sons were left with mothers. Today sons are still “under fathered.” Remember “Cat’s

in the Cradle?” Son wants father’s attention - father always too busy son grows up - roles are reversed! For years we have had the Feminine Movement, women have learned to own their own power and honour themselves and they’ve been forging ahead... Where does that leave men? If we look at statistical comparisons between men and women: Women live longer. Men’s suicide rate climbs continually throughout life. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violent crime. More men are homeless. It’s so important for men to have a great deal of input into their children’s lives from bir th. Men are deeply caring beings if given an oppor tunity to grow and access the deep wellspring of their emotions. Men are gatekeepers of some of the world’s best-kept secrets. They lead secret emotional lives and often hide their deepest fears and insecurities. Some disguise themselves as Mr. Nice Guy or Mr. Businessman however if their inner feelings aren’t al-

lowed to surface it can result in ill health, deep unhappiness or simply feelings of confusion. How many of you reading this can see bits of your father in yourself? Perhaps you get angry with your kids, par tner or workmate and have no idea why. Most people are looking for a lasting fulfilling relationship and yet divorce is up to nearly 50% in this country, instigated by women in 4 out of 5 cases. One common complaint is men don’t communicate. Women want to be intimately connected (not necessarily sexually). When intimacy is missing, it often becomes too hard and women leave. Very few men have real “friends” – they have mates to talk sports with but not intimate friendships with whom they can share the thoughts of their heart. The outside of an onion is hard and dry and crumbly, first layer is very thick becoming thinner till you get to the core which is clear. We are all like that, beautiful, transluscent cores hidden by layers of “stuff” and a dry outer skin… and we think that’s who we are. It’s time men had the oppor tunity to feel safe enough to explore some of the areas that might free them and allow their authenticity to shine. Time to begin to unpeel some of the layers so we can recognise the gifts each sex has to offer and begin to live our purpose. Ken Druck says: Disclosure is the least exploited form of power known to men.

Seven Days in Therefore men, it is time to tell the truth... to yourself, to your partner and your parents. You could start with these questions... Do you secretly yearn for your father’s love and approval? Have you told your parents and or kids that you love them lately and if not, why not? Do you…define yourself on what you do for a living? Enjoy your job and if not what would bring you pleasure? Have emotional suppor t from other men? Allow yourself the right to feel fearful or uncertain? Have you ever made love when you really wanted just to be held? WHAT TO DO TO MOVE TOWARD WHOLENESS: 1. Read books such as Manhood, Iron John, Flying Boy etc. 2. Find a men’s group in your area. 3. Commit to healing yourself and being totally honest in your life. The only thing we can be sure of in

today’s society is change and perhaps it’s time for men to find a way to access their truth and thus connect with their sacredness. Men have to feel safe being vulnerable and telling the truth. Like it says in The Men we Never Knew: “The reason men think with their pricks is because they have never been taught to feel with their hearts”. Men, it’s time to begin to exercise the intimacy muscles of your hearts and live connected with the


core of who you really are. If we can create men and women who are willing to live authentically then perhaps we can create a world that works for ourselves and our children. Diane McCann Mathews, facilitator of The Goddess Within and together with husband Robert Mathews, Man’s Inner Journey and Tantra for Couples can be contacted on or 08 82481281


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A Time to Reclaim Your Wholeness Would your life have been different

Goddess is a journey into your Self as you honour, heal & forgive your past, empower your present & celebrate your future. If you have ever asked yourself: Who am I really pleasing? What holds me back? Am I getting and/or doing what I really want? If you have ever struggled with relationships or with yourself or... if you simply ‘know’ there is more; then this weekend could be for you. Diane McCann, facilitator of this international seminar since 1987, is well known for her ability to inspire people & she uses empowerment, humour & skill to bring out the full potential in the people she works with. She did her first workshop when she was 13 and has held the vision of world peace since then. Goddess was created to give people more choices to live their lives consciously, creating harmony and peace within their own lives, their family and thus the world.

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Bringing consciousness into all aspects of your lives It never ceases to amaze me how universal this thirst for freedom is. It seems more and more that the world is getting smaller and smaller as this wave of awakening and healing that we are all part of is sweeping this planet. Everywhere I travel, people are longing to bring consciousness into all aspects of their lives. They long for fulfilling personal relationships, and they feel called to bring consciousness and integrity into their businesses, flourishing and empowering their employees’ and colleagues’ lives as well as their own – it’s no longer just about making a fast buck. People are now really asking how they can give back, rather than just taking. They are making healthy choices for their bodies, and in their lifestyles – opting for organic, locally grown produce and food from animals that have been humanely treated. Even in the house-building industry there has been a visible shift from conspicuous consumption to more ecologically friendly alternatives. Everywhere we go people aren’t just talking about it – they are doing something about it. And it’s awe-inspiring to be part of this global quickening. The thirst to come home, to clear blocks and face issues, to experience real joy and deep peace, is a commonly shared universal thirst, regardless of our backgrounds and cultures. It’s becoming clear that we are all one big global family, all longing to come home to the peace within. This thirst seems to find its way into the hearts and homes of people from all walks of life in schools, social programs, hospitals, businesses – even in government and politics. It seems that even politically-minded people are beginning to respond to this glo-

bal imperative to find this essential peace within There’s been a shift in what is drawing people to The Journey, and more and more I keep finding that I’m meeting kindred spirits who are not just doing this work for themselves, they are working to contribute to the world, to help heal our planet during this time of real need. It’s moving and heart-opening to be allowed to be in a room full of generous hearts surrendered to a greater purpose that extends outside themselves. It brings me to my knees in gratitude. I’ve been in awe as I’ve seen that as people have opened themselves to be used, real greatness is being expressed and life is using the greatness. With The Journey people are getting the powerful, effective tools needed to catalyse this shift – for those seeking innovative solutions and conscious, empowering results, Journeywork gives them that. With our powerful process work we are clearing our blocks, shut downs and limitations and opening into a field of expansive possibilities. Conscious, creative inspiration is becoming available. Everyone knows that for tr ue change to happen, it will have to true start from within each of us individually, for we are aware that the doors to our creative potential need to reopen, and inspired conscious action needs to be welcomed. And this is an invitation for you to play your part. Even Barack Obama in his inauguration speech spoke of this, he spoke clearly and forcefully about this need for a change in consciousness, and he admitted he couldn’t do it all on his own. He strongly invited all Americans to play their part. And it seems that everywhere, not just in America, people are answering this call, they



are looking for powerful, effective ways to catalyse this shift – they are seeking innovative solutions and conscious, empowering results. Together we can lift the lid off of our consciousness and as we do, we transmit that same possibility to those around us. I’m asking you to open your heart and your being and join me, and the world, in this vision. See all of us finding freedom, peace and forgiveness in our daily lives. Imagine and vision our planet healing, that people have access to tools that awaken them to their own magnificence and that together we make a change. This is a deep invitation and I strongly encourage you to play your part, make the change from within so that we may be the change we wish to see in the world. In all Love, Brandon Bays Founder of The Journey Journeywork is being made available throughout Australia at The Journey Intensive seminar. They take place in the months of August, September and October in the following cities: Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Perth and Cairns. For more information, and to reserve your place call The Journey offices on 1300 30 44 14 or visit

INNERSELF GIVEAWAYS FOR READERS Get a FREE copy of An Introduction to The Journey by Brandon Bays. Receive a free copy of this DVD which features Journey pioneer Brandon Bays sharing about Journeywork and its profound effects. To receive your copy send an email with your name and postal details to or call 1 300 30 44 14.

Some people are cruising through life with a strong sense of purpose as if their entire journey had been mapped out for them the day they were born, while others are running in circles trying to find direction. The most pressing question that compels people to start a quest for truth is “What am I meant to do with my life?” The short answer is that we are here to find out who we are, become our authentic self, follow our passion and make a difference, while also enjoying life and having fun. It all sounds simple but difficult to accomplish, because these days there is a great emphasis on knowledge and experience and so little on understanding ourselves. In fact, true mastery of life or any profession is impossible without self-understanding. Archetype analysis offers an insightful process for the journey of self-discovery. Archetypes are patterns of thinking, feeling, being and acting in the world. Who would not recognise a good mother, a bully, an artist or a gambler? In fact, we speak archetypes every day without noticing

it. The symbology of archetypes is the most natural and most commonly used mode of communication in the world that has an impact on everybody’s life since archetypal patterns organise, inform and direct our behaviour. It was Carl Jung, the great Swiss psychiatrist, who first used the term “archetype” in 1919 and defined archetypes as “innate universal psychic dispositions”. He also labelled the transformational journey that all human beings are going through, the process of individuation. Jung identified a group of archetypal figures as components of the collective unconscious, for example, the victim, the mother, the father, the wise old man, the trickster and the hero. However, the origins of archetypes date back to Plato’s ideas or theory of forms in ancient Greece, canvassing a framework of certain proper ties, which can be called the essence of things. These days, working with archetypes is as relevant as ever. Based on Jung’s theoretical paradigm, Caroline Myss, contemporary American pioneer of energy medicine and

human consciousness, further developed the framework of archetypes and created a unique tool for personal growth, the Archetypal Chart, to interpret individuals’, communities’ and even nations’ archetypal patterns, that she also calls their Sacred Contract. There are numerous archetypes in the collective unconscious but we all share four basic, survival-oriented ones, among them for example the victim. What it means is that certain situations animate the victim in anyone, for example, when someone feels abandoned, betrayed, offended, neglected or ignored. However, it is always a choice whether you want to stay in the pattern of the victim and for how long or you want to animate the positive side of the victim archetype, who is also the guardian of protection. This is how you can choose to empower yourself. In addition to the basic four archetypes that everyone has, as Myss also claims, there are eight additional archetypes, specific to your life journey. This team of twelve archetypes is like the crew of your ship and if all goes well it is smooth sailing. However, if one archetype is out of step, the other ones will also get out of balance, the whole crew might become disharmonius and your ship might be in danger of losing direction. However, it is in your power to navigate your life with the help of your archetypal chart, which serves as a precious compass. It is very important to state that archetypes are neither good nor bad. They are neutral roles but they all have a positive and a negative side. Herein lies the significance of gaining awareness in finding out your patterns of behaviour through your ar-

InnerSelf chetypes, because awareness shows you the truth, which leads to a higher level of self-understanding and empowerment. Archetypes can also reveal to you how to transcend the boundaries of ordinary thought and invoke the grace of illumination. You can look at the challenges of your life from a symbolic perspective and by the synergy of your twelve arhetypal forces you can find answers to questions regarding issues of relationships, finances, health and career. Through the strength and weaknesses of your archetypal patterns you can open up to great possibilities of transformation, which can result in a new sense of empowerment. Archetypes are beckoning to give yourself opportunities to develop your talents and immerse yourself in the interior of your soul to work with that quality of grace that heals, inspires and transforms you and positions you right in the centre of your own life. When external circumstances and events no longer determine who you are and how you feel, when you are at home in your core essence, you have become your true, authentic self. When nothing and nobody has power over your life but you do, your ship has arrvied. This, in fact, is the difference between living your fate and living your destiny. Patricia Zoltan BA, Hons, PGrad Dip is an Adelaide-based archetype consultant, holistic therapist and academic, trained in the Myss System of Archetype Analysis and a member of the Caroline Myss Network of Australia. Patricia is available for private consultations, corporate sessions and workshops. Ph: 0414 936 791, email:, website:



BY JAAN JERABEK WHO -The World Health Organization predicts depression will be the number #1 “illness” affecting global society by 2020. A recent study on women’s health(1) gave us statistics that we are rapidly progressing towards fulfilling this prediction. The study found that 8% of young women, 14% of middle aged women and 18% of older women use anti-depressants. Antidepressants are now literally the most common prescribed medication for Australian women. The cause of Depression and Anxiety is not a mystery. Any person who has experienced either of these and have undergone some deep emotional work, can tell you. Emotional Intelligence is needed to understand the mechanism behind both of these. It all comes down to our emotions and the nature of emotional cycles, coupled with the role of the unconscious defence system. The unconscious defence system is designed to keep us sane and “spared” from unpleasant experiences at all costs, even if it costs us our happiness and freedom. The defence system automatically represses anything unpleasant which we do not have the emotional maturity/ripeness to deal with there and then. It does this from the womb onwards. Anxiety is the surface-presenting symptom of varying degrees of old emotional pain just below the level of conscious awareness. This emotional pain is close to surfacing. Painful emotions are deemed as “bad” or

“dangerous” or no-go zones by the defence system, leading to the fightor-flight mechanism to activate. This fight-or-flight mechanism is fear and adrenalin-based, which is why an anxious person experiences the symptoms of being “on edge” and “strung out”, hyper vigalent, feeling as if something “bad” is going to happen or go horribly wrong. As a result they end up needing to keep busy and distract themselves from the emotional pain which is trying to draw their attention. This busyness will be either physical activity or mental activity or a mix of the two. This is often why people will experience anxiety as a precursor to depression. The extreme version of this is bipolar depression- the extreme up and down phases. Depression is the surface-presenting symptom of varying degrees of old emotional pain trapped deep in the unconscious layers of the mind. This trapped pain has grown so stagnant and toxic that it stops the rest of one’s energy flowing – whether positive emotional energy (joy) or positive physical energy (motivation). Our ability to keep our selves blinded and unaware to our old emotional baggage is phenomenal! They call it the “unconscious” for a reason. We are literally “not conscious” of our unconscious due to our defence system. Many people walk around in the “cer tainty” that they have no undealt with baggage from earlier life and genuinely wonder why they suffer from depression or other mental

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health issues. It is understandable why many people think it is a chemical imbalance, hence turn to antidepressants and other more heavy-duty medication, thinking that is the only depression treatment option available to them as it possibly could not be anything else at the cause. The truth is, un-dealt with emotional baggage is such an extreme stressor on the endocrine system, that it really does change blood chemistry which in turn shows up in a chemical imbalance. It is a case of “chicken before the egg”, the emotional pain/depression was there first, not the chemical imbalance. Our emotional cycles dictate that we will have our “ups” and “downs”. Up periods are when our energy channels are clear of emotional baggage, resulting in a nice flow of “high vibration” energy through us. This results in a flow of positivity both in our emotion world, such as joy, love, happiness and a positive flow in our external material world and life circumstances. Life flowing smoothly with ease. Eventually though, all of the “high vibrations” of the “up” phase will dislodge and start to cleanse out of our system, our unconscious mind specifically. A lot of “low vibration” energy - sadness, anger, fear, shame, guilt, and the negative thoughts attached to these emotions. The nature of joy and love, the highest vibrations available for us to experi-

ence, is the equivalent of a cleansing agent of our systems. ‘Joy & love bring up anything unlike itself.’ They dislodge all of the opposite in the system: Lack of connection, distrust, grief, heart wounding, anger, fear etc. Why do you think people experience “the honeymoon” phase in a relationship, and then fights and angst and pain kicks in? The love brings all the undealt- with pain to the surface. Suddenly our experience is one of feeling negative; struggling with these emotions as our unconscious defence structures will try to do its job and will try to ”help you” avoid feeling this pain. This only results in us resisting something that is natural and real, thus causing an experience of lack of flow, inner struggle, inner conflict, hard going times, both internally as the defences fight the flow in our emotional state (and our mind’s attachment to positivity) and in our external life, which shows up as not so flowing suddenly. Remember our internal world is reflected in our external world. If we are not flowing internally, letting our emotional energy flow, how can we expect our external energy, life around us to flow? This cycle can occur short term. Happy one day, unhappy the next. It can occur medium term. Weeks and months in the positive flow and then suddenly lack of flow. Or it can be very long term. People will wonder why life was so great for a year or ten years even, and then suddenly “eve-

rything went downhill”. Prolonged periods of happiness will result in experiencing the opposite eventually. When you view depression and anxiety from this angle you cannot but help see that they are not an illness as such but a call to introspection, a call to undergo emotional work to release un-dealt with, past their use by date, emotional issues left over from earlier life. No matter what the “depression type”. Bipolar, Biochemical, Genetic, reactive... It is not that complicated to understand. (1) Australian Longitudinal study on Women’s Health

Jaan Jerabek is the founder of The Depression Solution. Using the most up to date techniques including ‘Cathartic style Breathwork’ that displace the defence mechanism, his programmes have helped thousands of people experience relief from depression & anxiety in his 15 years of professional practice. Phone 1300 500 881 or or





lematic eating behaviour was developed to meet an unmet need or want, or sometimes in response to an experience of a strong and uncomfortable emotion. Whatever the reason or the trigger for the behaviour, it was established prior to us having developed the mental or “cognitive” ability to understand our experiences or choices and their consequences. Our brain was operating predominantly in an automatic survival mode as an infant, or predominantly in feeling mode if we were a young child. The good feeling, or the avoidance of strong and uncomfortable emotions we got from our specific experiences with particular foods, became an experience that we were keen to repeat in order to feel that comfortable state again. These behaviour and feeling patterns, which are really wholebody “states”, became deeply imprinted in the subconscious and automatic par t of our brain which is concerned with sur vival and the preservation of life, or at the emotional level of the brain that is concerned with feelings. The good news is that all the behaviours we set up earlier in our lives, including those to do with food, had a positive intention that met our needs as we understood them at that time. However, not only the behaviour was relegated to the subconscious part of the brain, so also was the positive intention. As adults with more sophisticated needs and goals, when

we try to change unwanted eating behaviours or habits at a conscious level, a conflict of interest with the subconscious aspects of the mind can arise and undermine our best efforts if our new direction upsets the good intention of the original behaviour. For example, our current goal may be to lose weight and get fit and we may succeed at this for a period of time. If however, at the subconscious level, certain foods or a certain body size have enabled us to feel safe and protected, or to not become overwhelmed by certain emotions, as we slim down we may start to feel an increasing internal pressure, an unexplained and irresistible desire to “break out” and eat the very foods that we are seeking to avoid. The desire for feeling comfortable internally, or to return to the status quo, becomes too powerful for our strongest will power and we go for the foods that we know will provide this comfort. So if you think you are a comfort or emotional eater, and that your best efforts to lose weight and enjoy a healthy new you are being sabotaged, you may want to sit down quietly with a pen and paper and do the following exercise. Get yourself into a relaxed state. Go inside yourself and ask the part of you who wants to eat for comfor t or to use food to avoid uncomfor table emotions, “what is your positive intention for me?” Notice whatever words or im-


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BY DORIAN MARSLAND-SMITH Many of us set goals at the beginning of each year to lose weight, get fit and achieve our ideal body. This process is the well-worn New Year’s Resolution. We often start out well, with good intentions and good beginning steps, but how many of these good intentions stand the test of time? How many of us find ourselves back in the old eating behaviours and patterns within a few months, having given up our good intentions, disappointed in ourselves but determined to do better next time. We often set the same resolution the following year, and then the next, until we end up heavier than we have ever been and feeling resigned and disillusioned. Most of us know what to do to achieve the weight-loss goals and the body we desire, so what is the problem here, and more importantly, what is the solution? The solution to the never-ending diet rollercoaster lies in altering the relationship we have with our self-image and our bodies through longterm behaviour and lifestyle change, resulting in a new and improved relationship with food. Sound easy? Then why has it been such a challenge and struggle for so many? The challenge is based in the fact that most of our eating behaviour s and patter ns which now cause us problems were set up much earlier in life to create emotional comfor t and security rather than to just respond to physical hunger. Usually the prob-

ages come to mind, or even a “sense” of something. Thank that part for maintaining these positive benefits for you. Now ask the internal creative part of you to come up with three alternative ways of meeting this intention. Go back to the first part and ask if these new ways would meet the intentions. If yes, ask if it is willing to accept responsibility for generating the new behaviour in appropriate situations. Then ask if all the parts of you are happy with the new choices. Finally, imagine yourself in the future in a situation where the old behaviour would normally surface, and see/get a sense of yourself using one of your new behaviours. Choose another situation in the future and see/sense yourself using another one of the new behaviours. Have fun and enjoy the surprises you might find from your own internal wisdom! Dorian MarslandSmith, founder and Principal of Passion for Life Coaching, is a qualified Coach specialising in Health and Wellbeing, Executive and Life Coaching. Dorian has a wealth of experience gained over 23 years working with individuals and groups in the areas of community health, youth health and women’s health. For more info ph Dorian on 0448 881 268 or visit

Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale

For most people finding the right life partner is a difficult and frustrating journey. To find “the one” is purely a numbers game. The more people you meet, the greater your chance of success. As we get older our social circle decreases thereby limiting opportunities for you to meet new people. I encourage you instead to do all you can to expand your social circle. Start by joining clubs such as special interest groups, dinner clubs or spor ting groups. Make as many new friends as you can and then you will meet their friends. This is how it happened in our 20’s and can happen again for us as we get older. So why is it that some people are able to attract and make new friends easily? It is an attitude that separates peoples’ success here. Each person brings their own energy to a social gathering . Some people seem to radiate “attraction” energy. The stuff that makes us feel good and want to be in that person’s presence. We all know these people. They are comfortable in their own skin and seem to not need anyone else. They realise their happiness is not dependent on others, but on their own state of mind. It all starts with our thought process. Are we someone who is positive or negative? Do we look on the bright side or constantly find something to complain about. When things go wrong, do we take ownership and learn or are we always blaming someone else? So on one hand we have someone who is negative, whose glass is always empty, who complains all the time, who blames everyone else and who dramatises everything. Next we have someone who is positive, whose glass is full, who looks on the bright side and doesn’t let complaining people bother them. They look at ways to be better in themselves by taking ownership of their lives. They believe they are in control of their lives, rightly so as they are. They make us see things in a better way and feel good to be around. This is the person we want to make friends with, the successful person socially. Many of us are much more negative than we give credit for initially. When I first looked in the mirror at myself, I decided I was someone who was quite positive. As I started to be aware of my roaming thoughts I realised I was quite negative. I encourage you to start being aware of your

thoughts, those are the thoughts that have you reacting to life dozens of times every day. Do you find yourself stuck at red traffic lights getting angry (reacting) or do you consciously make a decision to not be angry and take the time to think positively about your environment (look around you and observe positive things instead). Do you get upset at an inefficient waiter? Instead choose to let it go and stay positive. You won’t be a door-mat, instead you will be that happy person who always seems to be having a good time because ... you are! I realise this may sound too simple. It is simple although it takes some time and practice to re-train our thoughts to be positive. It is impossible for our bodies to be experiencing a negative and positive thought or emotion at exactly the same time. And, you can use this skill at any time in your life to “pick yourself up”. When you find yourself becoming negative, search for a more positive thought. You will know you have done it as you will literally feel it in your gut. Trust this feeling. If the situation or your thought process feels bad, then it is, ALWAYS! Now keep going and hold these positive observations and thoughts for as little as 17 seconds and you have changed your energy. So spend 17 seconds regularly. Choosing your thought means you choose your energy. Then you get to choose your friends. Everyone will want to be around you then you become the success. You then will get to choose from every person you come into contact with who you would like to let into your life. Maybe even “the one’”. Now with your beautiful new positive attitude, you’re ready to be pro-active and successful in your single life. Jane Donovan is passionate about the opportunity to help people to meet new single people in a relaxed environment. PH: 8362 6800 for more info

Trevor Applebee - RRebirther/Breathwork ebirther/Breathwork er ebirther/Breathworker Experience the amazing healing ability of the breath. Rebirthing is a safe, simple, conscious connected breathing technique. Rebirthing helps you change thoughts and patterns in your life that may not be serving you in a positive way. FOR A CONSULTATION CALL TREVOR ON 0418 836 261


1st Sunday of every month Clarence Park Community Centre Talk: 6.30pm • Meditation: 7.30pm Phone Tony on 0428 592 209 or visit




BY DAVID LANE Scientific research shows us that all creation is made up of units of energy called “particles”. When enough of certain particles accrue or come together an atom is formed. We know that matter is fundamentally made up of atoms therefore it stands to reason that the world is made up of energy units. In fact everything that exists is some form of energy. Humans must also be forms of energy. Our thoughts are forms of energy as well. We know that once energy is formed it lasts forever. We can change its form by transforming or transmuting it into something else but it is still some form of energy. An example of this is when we freeze water into ice – they are different forms of the same energy (H2O). Likewise, with our thoughts, because they are energy they will last forever. However, we can change their form by transmuting them into another form. We can take a negative thought and transmute it into a positive. THOUGHTS AND CREA TION CREATION Creation happens through a three part process of “Thought – Word – Deed” . We all use this process every time we create something. It can be anything from making a cake or a piece of furniture to building a skyscraper or a successful career and everything in between. Here is an example of how it works - Stage 1- The Thought: First we have an idea or thought about building something.

Stage 2 – The Word: We think or talk about how we plan to create the end product. This adds more power to the original thought. Stage 3 – The Deed: We make the product and thus bring it into reality (the manifestation of the original thought). It is important to understand that all three stages are necessary to create anything. We create everything in our life, including our future, using the same process. Therefore our current positive and negative thoughts are creating future outcomes. The more powerful those thought patterns are, the more they affect our future. An example; It will be very difficult for someone to create wealth in their life if they have deep fear-based subconscious thoughts about being poverty stricken. This is because their conscious and subconscious thoughts will be in conflict. Alternately, someone with a positive subconscious attitude towards money will be able to create wealth much easier simply because their conscious and subconscious thoughts are working together. CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS THOUGHTS We are having conscious and subconscious thoughts all the time. Our subconscious thoughts are happening at a far greater rate than our conscious thoughts and therefore our subconscious thoughts have the most influence over our future. We

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can see from this where the problem lays. We are not aware of the majority of negatives that are creating our future because they are getting processed at a subconscious level. We only become aware of them when they manifest into our life. Most people don’t realise that they are the cause of their own problems and look elsewhere for the answers, quite often blaming someone else for causing it. It makes sense that if we are not happy with an aspect of our life then we will most likely find its cause hidden in our subconscious. So how do we know what the negative is? There are two main ways that we can do this. First; we need to observe our feelings and emotions because they will tell us the truth about what is really going on inside of us. For example; we might think that we are OK with some situation but at the same time we may be feeling anxious about it. The anxiety will tell us that we are not really OK with it regardless of what we are thinking. Second; observe how we react to the negatives of those around us. For example; if we react by getting angry at what another person says then we know that they have triggered a negative within us. In other words, people can only trigger a negative if it exists within us. It is impossible to trigger something that is not there. We often blame others for hurting us or making us angry but we don’t realise that we must also have an issue if we negatively react.

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? ~Stephen Levine

When we have healed our own issue then we will see their anger but we will not negatively react to it. It takes a lot of self awareness to recognise and then to be able to change or override a deep negative subconscious thought pattern. EXER CISE: CHANGING NEGA TIVE EXERCISE: NEGATIVE ONES.. THOUGHTS TO POSITIVE ONES Think of something that annoys you or a situation where you felt hurt. Instead of suppressing it like we normally do, allow yourself to feel the negative – own it but don’t fear it – observe it. Now think of how you want to be and f eel the positive emotion that comes with it. Concentrate on how great this feels and make the feeling as strong as possible. Now bring up the negative and its feeling again and hold it for approx 15 seconds then say to yourself; “I now let this negative feeling go and I now replace it with...............” – think of the positive and the associated feeling for approx 15 seconds - the stronger the feeling the better. Repeat the above exercise several times and you will notice that the negative will start to dissipate as the

positive starts to replace it. Keep repeating until the negative feeling disappears and you feel good. When we don’t fear the negative it loses its power over us and when we embrace the positive we regain our power. By replacing the negative with the positive, we are actually reprogramming our belief system. Emotion is the most important factor in this exercise by far. This is because the more emotion we have, the more we will erase the old and imprint the new information into our memory and thus become our new truth. David Lane David’s spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a

diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an innate inbuilt feedback system which tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘the handbook to heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on - 08-94148416. Mob 0414-352211

Bronwyn Barter - Rebirther & Rebirther Trainer Rebirthing is a safe, simple breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe and then change patterns and thoughts formed in the past that may be having a negative affect on your life now. With the benefits of hindsight the way forward becomes clear and the lessons and experiences from the past can be acknowledged and left behind. Bronwyn’s approach to Rebirthing is gentle and empowering. Call for private daytime or evening Rebirhting sessions. Bronwyn is also a Rebirther trainer and has been training Rebirthers for many years in Adelaide & Melbourne. The Rebirther training “Changes” is a part-time course consisting of nine modules and extends over nine months. “Changes” the Rebirther Training has changed. Rebirther Training Australia has now taken Rebirther training to the next level of professionalism. Prospective participants can call for information and details of the next professional training beginning November 2009. Past participants can now upgrade their training qualifications, contact Rebirther Training Australia for details.

For free information and enrolment brochures or for private consultations call Bronwyn on (08) 8260 2086 or visit




Swine Flu - Hype or Hazard? ○

BY KARIN MCKAY What is the Swine Flu? Regular swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease, caused by a type-A influenza virus that affects pigs. The current strain, A(H1N1), is a new variation of an H1N1 virus which causes seasonal flu outbreaks in humans- that also contains genetic material of bird and pig versions of the flu. Symptoms include: • High Fever • Coughing • Runny nose and/or sore throat • Joint aches • Severe headache • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea • Lethargy • Lack of appetite

How serious is the swine flu really? The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, we now have 77,201 cases of the “swine influenza” and a total of 332 deaths. As unfor tunate as those deaths are, 332 deaths worldwide from any disease, simply does no constitute an emergency worthy of much attention, let alone fear! To keep this in perspective the WHO also states, that, 5-15% of the world population are affected by “normal influenza” each year, there are between three and five million cases of serious illness and between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths. (see Australia now has more than 1200 confirmed cases of swine flu and 9 deaths. There are about 10,000 confirmed cases in Australia of “normal influenza” and about 2500 Australians tragically die every year from “normal” influenza and its complications. So, the fact remains that the regular flu at this point in time is far more dangerous than the swine flu and were you worried about the regular flu before the media started talking this up? So please, as the numbers of confirmed swine flu cases are released, keep a level head and don’t let fear

run away with your brains. The number of fatalities, and suspected and confirmed cases across the world change depending on the source, so your best bet - if you want the latest numbers - is to use Goo ps’ Swine FFlu lu Trac Googgle Ma Maps’ ackker er.. If you want the most current stats ld Health Or you can go to the Wor orld Or-g aniza tion ananization tion’’ s Epidemic and PPandemic Aler esponse site Alertt and RResponse site.. lu T his is NO st Swine FFlu NOTT the Fir First Panic My guess is that you can expect to see a lot of panic over this issue in the near future. But the key is to remain calm - this isn’t the first time the public has been warned about swine flu. The last time was in 1976, and it resulted in a massive swine flu vaccine campaign. Within a few months, claims totaling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the vaccine. Even healthy 20year-olds ended up as paraplegics. And the swine flu pandemic itself? It never materialized. Evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald, claims that a pandemic of this sort simply cannot happen, because in order for it to occur, the world has to change. Not the virus itself, but the world. In an interview for Esquire magazine, he states: “They think that if a virus mutates, it’s an evolutionary event. Well, the virus is mutating because that is what viruses and other pathogens do. But evolution is not just random mutation. It is random mutation coupled with natural selection; it is a battle for competitive advantage among different strains generated by random mutation. For it to evolve into a human pandemic, the strain that finds a home in humanity has to be a strain that is both highly virulent and highly transmissible. Deadliness has to translate somehow into popularity; H5N1 has to find a way to kill or immobilize its human hosts, and still find other hosts to infect. Usually that doesn’t happen.” Where did This Mysterious New Animal-Human Flu Strain Come From? Alongside the fear-mongering headlines, I’ve also seen increasing numbers of reports questioning the true nature of this virus. And rightfully so. Could a mixed animal-human

mutant like this occur naturally? And if not, who made it, and how was it released? Not one to dabble too deep in conspiracy theories, I don’t have to strain very hard to find actual facts to support the notion that this may not be a natural mutation, and that those who stand to gain have the wherewithal to pull off such a stunt. Just last month the American pharmaceutical company Baxter was under investigation for distributing the deadly avian flu virus to 18 different countries as par t of a seasonal flu vaccine shipment. Czech reporters were probing to see if it may have been part of a deliberate attempt to star t a pandemic; as such a “mistake” would be virtually impossible under the security protocols of that virus. Another example of the less sterling integrity of Big Pharma is the case of Bayer, who sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable bloodclotting medicine to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, even though they knew it was tainted with the AIDS vir us virus us.. So while it is morally unthinkable that a drug company would knowingly contaminate flu vaccines with a deadly flu virus such as the bird- or swine flu, it is certainly not impossible. It has already happened more than once. But there seems to be no repercussions or hard feelings when industry oversteps the boundaries of morality and integrity and enters the arena of obscenity. Because, lo and behold, which company has been chosen to head up efforts, along with WHO, to produce a vaccine against the Mexican swine flu? Baxter! Despite the fact that ink has barely dried on the investigative reports from their should-be criminal “mistake” against humanity. Your FFear ear W ill Mak Makee Some P eople VER y’ VERYY Ric Richh in Toda oday’ y’ss Crumbling Economy Tamif lu (oseltamivir phosamiflu phate) is approved for treatment of uncomplicated influenza A and B in children 1 year of age or older. According to the The Financial Times governments around the world have stockpiled 220 million doses in preparation for a pandemic that has yet to appear. The cost of this preparation is $7 billion dollars. Please realize that Tamiflu is not

a safe drug. Serious side effects include convulsions, delirium or delusions, and even death in children and teens as a result of neuropsychiatric problems and brain infections. Japan actually banned Tamiflu for children in 2007. Tamiflu went through some rough times not too long ago, as the dangers of this drug came to light when, inall in 2007, the FD FDAA ffinall inallyy be beggan in invvestigating adverse event repor ts rrela ela ted to the dr ug elated ug.. Additionally common side effects of Tamiflu include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Headache • Dizziness • Fatigue • Cough All in all, the very symptoms you’re trying to avoid. But making matters worse, some patients with influenza are at HIGHER risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu. And secondar secondaryy bacterial infections, was likely the REAL cause of the mass fatalities during the 1918 pandemic! Just a couple of months ago, scientists concluded that the 1918 flu pandemic that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide in a matter of 18 months which all these worst case scenarios are built upon - was NOT due to the flu itself! Instead, they discovered the real culprit was strep infections. People with influenza often get what is known as a “superinfection” with a bacterial agent. In 1918 it appears to have been Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Since strep is much easier to treat than the flu using modern medicine, a new pandemic would likely be much less dire than it was in the early 20th century, the researchers concluded. But here’s the real kicker. When Tamiflu is used as directed (twice daily for 5 days) it can ONL ONLYY reduce the duration of your influenza symptoms by 1 to 1 ½ days days, according to the official data Why on earth would anyone want to take a drug that has a chance of killing you, was banned in Japan, is loaded with side effects that mimic the flu itself, is expensive, and AT BEST can only provide 36 hours of SYMPTOM relief. Just doesn’t make any sense. Ho w to Pr otect Your self How Protect Without Dangerous Drugs and Vaccinations For now, my point is that there are always going to be threats of flu pandemics, real or created, and there will always be potentially toxic vaccines that are peddled as the solution. But you can break free of that whole drug-solution trap by following some natural health principles. I have not caught a flu in over

three decades, and you can avoid it too, without getting vaccinated, by following these simple guidelines, which will keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with. • Optimize your vitamin D levels levels. Optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of all kinds, and vitamin D deficiency is likely the true culprit behind the seasonality of the flu - not the flu virus itself. This is probably the single most important and least expensive action you can take. If you are coming down with flu like symptoms and have not been on vitamin D you can take doses of 50,000 units a day for three days to treat the acute infection. • Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods. Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately, and as you likely know, a strong immune system is key to fighting off viruses and other illness. Be aware that sugar is present Continued on page 18



Are you a woman in your late 30’s, 40’s or 50’s and suffering from

‘HORMONE HAVOC’? Although the average age of menopause is 52, peri-menopause, a time of shifting hormones, can begin as long as 10 -15 years prior to the actual cessation of periods. These fluctuating hormones can mone Ha reek what I call ‘Hor Hormone Havvoc oc’- a wide variety of distressing and even debilitating symptoms. Although a variety of sex hormone imbalances may exist in the “perimenopause” the most common is termed “estrogen dominance”. This is caused by a relatively low level of progesterone (the hormone that “balances” estrogen in the female menstrual cycle) and usually results from irregular ovulation or poor hormone production in the post ovulation phase of the cycle. Although women in the peri-menopause may actually have lower estrogen levels compared to younger women, they may also have even lower progesterone levels and thus are still relatively “estrogen dominant”. To make matters more confusing the symptom picture may shift as a woman moves fur ther toward the end of her “ovulatory” years estrogen & progesterone levels both drop further and low estrogen symptoms start to appear. The shift from

the relative high estrogen to progesterone level to very low estrogen and progesterone level is by no means a linear progression and symptoms mone Ha can overlap – Hor Hormone Havvoc aatt its finest! Blood or saliva tests for hormone levels can shed light on the situation; however, hormone balance is a complex interplay of factors – including hormone production, hormone receptor function, hormone feedback systems and hormone metabolism by the liver and hormone metabolite excretion via the bowel. These various factors can be difficult to assess with laboratory testing and in many cases it is most practical to assess symptoms in order to gain insight into the possible imbalance at hand. Symptoms that may indicate relative “estrogen dominance” include: • Mood swings • Puffiness and bloating • Insomnia • Weepiness • Foggy thinking • Irregular menstrual cycle • Heavy bleeding • Rapid weight gain • Anxious depression • Red flush on face • Breast tenderness

• •

Migraines Gall bladder problems

Symptoms that may indicate very low estrogen include: • Vaginal dryness • Night sweats • Bladder infections • Hot flushes • Memory problems • Lethargic depression MEDICAL MANAGEMENT The medical approach is to put women on the oral contraceptive pill, HRT or the newer generation of synthetic hormones called “bio-identical” or “natural hormone replacement therapy.” Either way the idea is to “supplement” synthetic hormones. Be aware that “natural” hormone replacement therapy is not natural and the safety of these substances is not well documented. They may carry health risks such as an increased risk of cancer and heart disease. It is important to note that irregular menstrual/vaginal bleeding may warrant further medical investigation to rule out cancer of the reproductive tract, uterine polyps or fibroids. NATURAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Mother nature has provided a number of hormone balancing herbs that act gently to support hormone balance in the peri-menopause and menopausal years. During the perimenopause when one is more likely to be “estrogen dominant” the primary approach is balancing hormones through supporting ovulation and progesterone production. During menopause when estrogen drops further and periods cease stronger estrogenic herbs may be utilised. As

15 HEALTHY LIVING the peri-menopause/menopause phase of life is a dynamic shifting one, herbal approaches need to be individualised and actively managed for best results. There are a wide variety of herbs for supporting ovulation/hormone balance in the peri-menopause include: Chaste Tree, Wild Yam, Ladie’s Mantle, Sarsparilla, and Pulsatilla for example. A qualified medical herbalist will be able to prescribe these and other herbs in an individualised herbal formula to address the specific symptomotology: for example flooding periods, anxiety, sleeplessness, etc. would require a different formula than irregular light periods, depression, and fluid retention. As estrogen levels are declining to the menopausal range and periods cease stronger estrogenic herbs may be utilised including Red Clover, Sage, Paonia, Shatavari, and False Unicorn. Often times combinations of both estrogenic and progestagenic herbs are utilised in both peri-menopause and menopause for the best result. As with all natural medicines there are important health considerations as many herbs have contraindications – for example a woman with a breast cancer history should not be given estrogenic herbs but can be given a variety of nonestrogenic herbs for menopausal symptoms. In addition to herbal medicine there are numerous nutritional approaches to balancing hormones. The most important supplements include Magnesium, Zinc, and the B vitamin family especially B6. Liver support is an important consideration especially in the case of “estrogen dominance” as it is the liver that metabolises estrogen and the metabolic

pathways can be influenced by diet and nutritional supplements. For example the cruciferous vegetable family (broccoli, brussel sprouts etc) can shift estrogen metabolism to a less “proliferative” or potentially cancer causing form. Supplements containing the active ingredient in cruciferous vegetables, indole-3-carbinol, are also available. Another useful approach is a gentle liver detoxification program including dietary modifications and herbal/nutritional support. Bowel health must also be considered – constipation and/or the overgrowth of certain bacteria in the bowel can lead to a reabsorption of estrogen from the bowel and contribute to the relative “estrogen dominance”. Natural medicine approaches for bowel support include using probiotics (containing acidophilus, bifidus and other strains of “good bugs”), specific fibre formulas and herbal bowel tonics. If an overgrowth of certain bacteria in the gut is suspected then the use of antimicrobial herbal medicines such as Cinnamon, Thyme, Wormwood, Black Walnut and Pau d Arco might be utilised.

Finally lifestyle choices are an important aspect of estrogen balance. We are living in a “toxic soup” of chemicals called “xeno-estrogens”. These are estrogen mimicking chemicals found in many household products, cosmetics, fertilisers and plastics. Becoming informed about “xeno-estrogens” and choosing products that are free from them will go a long way to lowering the “estrogen-load,” assist with hormone balance and lower the risk for several estrogen related cancers.

Belle McCaleb, ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN, is an experienced naturopath, medical herbalist, nutritionist, counsellor and registered nurse. She specialises in women’s health, hormone health and cancer support and has been a registered health professional since 1986. Her women’ s health qualifications and experience include obstetrics, gynaecology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility. She is also a Master’s prepared counsellor & the consultant naturopath for Cancer Care Centre in Unley. For more information see her website: or contact her on (08) 8379 0220 or 0432 995 470. Belle practices from St Georges, South Australia.

STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS the scent really can soothe stress Feeling stressed? Then try savouring the scent of lemon, mango, lavender, or other fragrant plants. Scientists in Japan are reporting the first scientific evidence that inhaling certain fragrances alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels.

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Fibroid Tumour goes to World Championships 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with a melon sized fibroid tumour (benign) growing on my uterus. The preceding months had been filled with increasingly excruciating and debilitating abdominal pain, a distended abdomen, backache, cramping, compromised bladder function and very heavy menstrual bleeding that left me exhausted, frustrated, confused and my pants popping their top button all day long! To add to the physical, emotional and mental intensity of this period I had just ended a long term relationship, put my home on the market, moved to the city, been in a serious car accident which wrote-off my car – and all this while my business was growing ever more challenging and exciting by the day! ‘My’ Gynaecologist recommended immediate surgery to remove the fibroid, along with my uterus and cervix – a female hysterectomy! He offered no other solution, indicating there was no other way to be rid of this tumour. This man loves his work, “and besides” he said, “at your age you don’t need it anyway, it’s almost past its used-by-date!” Fur ther to this he seemed to be implying that

an attractive woman of my age, without her uterus and no children, would be an appealing catch on the dating market – lucky me! I’m 39, have not had children, run my own business and was recently selected to the Australian team to compete in the World Triathlon Age Group Championships in September this year. I want to keep my body whole, to keep my womanhood intact. I could never have children if I took this course of action. I could not compete at World Championships if I had surgery...and my business would be compromised for at least 6 weeks if I chose surgery. But to continue to live with the considerable pain and discomfor t was a real concern. These were the things I considered in the face of the news from the Gynaecologist. As I took a few days to consider my feelings and my options, I came to believe that the most significant thing I would miss, if I underwent surgery as my first course of action, is the “gift” of the fibroid and the compelling opportunity to address the underlying emotional source of the fibroid. I knew this intuitively and deeply... as though “God” or some

“higher power” was challenging me to heal myself; challenging my resolve to live a fully conscious life and to “practice as I preached”. So, I made a commitment to my life. I accepted deep responsibility for taking care of myself. I accepted the loving help of dear friends. I have begun to gently and thoroughly search out the reasons behind my “women’s troubles”. Including: to resolve more deeply my depression, co-dependent nature, childhood issues, energy blockages and high stress levels (and I truly believed I had done most of this work already!). The day of my diagnosis I went out and purchased virtually every book, CD & DVD on the subject of Fibroids, Women’s Health and Emotional Healing. The following passage, from The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, is the first thing I read on the subject of fibroids: “Though there are well-established dietary and hormonal reasons why so many women have fibroids, the baseline energetic patterns that result in fibroids are related to the blockage, ‘leaking’ and stagnation of the energy of the second emotional centre. Women are at risk of fibroids (or other pelvic problems) when we direct our creative energy into dead end relationships that we have outgrown...” I related to this paragraph entirely. If you have a fibroid, it may be time to ask yourself the following questions: What are the creations within me that I want to put out into the world before I am no longer here? If anything were possible, what would my life look like? If I only had 6 months to live, what relationships would I re- lease from my life immediately? Which ones would I give more of my time and attention to? Which ones drain my energy? Write your answers in a journal. Deep within you, you have all the answers you need. You simply need to create enough space in your life and have the willingness of heart to hear the answers as they speak to you. The second thing I discovered was that female hysterectomy is the number one surgical procedure in the UK, and that one in three US women over the age of 30 years has had a hysterectomy – and honestly that stunned me – if men had uteruses would hysterectomy be so prevalent? This is not to say that hysterectomy is wrong for all, simply that it may not be the most reasonable first option. This is a radical surgery that changes a woman for life. I believe in the healing power of movement – be that movement of the body, movement of the breath, movement of creative energy. I recognise that I have not lived this “movement” fully enough to nourish and support my deep inner and outer wellbeing; I believe this fibroid tumour is the physical manifestation of this “lack of movement”. I am excited; truly, deeply excited by the opportunity to grow and delve and explore my own healing, my own depth, my own creative expression. And so my commitment to my inner journey is renewed. I sense the Phoenix rising. It is through meditation, yoga, journaling, acupuncture, beach walking, mindful living, nutritional and energy healing that I know my healing is unfolding. I will take my fibroid with me to the World Triathlon Championships, but as of today I have withdrawn from competition. We will go to spectate and to support my dear friends on their own journeys. For now I draw my energy within, to focus on the task of healing. In the face of this latest challenge I sense a renewal of my inner faith and a deepening acceptance of life on life’s terms. I know the ability to heal lies within me; I hope that this knowledge goes some way toward helping others choose to heal themselves. My simple gift today is my honest offering of my own personal experience, strength and hope. Amanda Allen is a former State, National and World Champion Triathlete. She is a Public Speaker, Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Coach, Level 2 Sports Coach and Workplace Trainer. She has studied Wholistic Psychology and Yoga Teacher Training. She has a Bachelor of Management. Amanda is proprietor of Realise Personal Training – a wholistic health and fitness practice based in Adelaide. For more information contact: 1800 202 909

The power of love to change bodies is legendar y, bbuilt uilt into ffolklor olklor olkloree , common sense, and e v er y da xperience dayy eexperience xperience.. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... oughout histor y, hroughout T hr “tender loving care” has unif or ml eco gunifor orml mlyy been rreco ecognized as a valuable element in healing. ~Larry Dossey


How Essential Oils can assist our minds, bodies and spirits From childhood through to retirement, Aromatherapy can play a huge part in our daily lives. The use of essential oils can assist our minds, bodies and spirits in dealing with everything from nappy rash to teenage acne, a career change or even dealing with grief or loss of a loved one. The vibrational, chemical and aromatic qualities of essential oils assist us in so many ways...but it is important to choose wisely. WHAT IS AN ESSENTIAL OIL? Essential oils are extracted from various parts of a plant – whether that be the flower, the bark, the roots, leaves or resins. The method of extraction differs with each essential oil, however the three most common methods are distillation, maceration and expression. Essential oils are volatile and precious and should be treated with great respect due to their potency. So what oils do you choose? And how are they used? The answer to that question lies in our ability to assess the qualities of each essential oil, and also when they should be used. Our intuitition also plays a large part in choosing essential oils for a particular situation. Our bodies often tell us what we need without prompting, and sometimes we find an essential oil just “jumps” out at us. Aromatherapy may be used in many ways including inhalation, massage treatments, compresses, in creams/lotions, or even added to the bath. Applied topically, essential oils have the power to penetrate through the skin and be absorbed into the blood stream – they are literally “eaten up” by the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. Therefore, massage and aromatherapy work hand in hand. The benefits you will receive from an Aromatherapy Massage will continue to be experienced long after you leave your therapist. Using essential oils in a carrier oil base like sesame, soyabean or a water based massage oil is ideal for home use. As a general rule it is safe to use around nine drops of essential oil to fifteen millilitres of carrier oil. HOW DO ESSENTIAL OILS AFFECT ME? There are some essential oils that are absorbed into the blood stream very quickly, and others will take some time. For example, Eucalyptus and Thyme essential oils are absorbed in around twenty minutes and begin their journey around the body. Whereas other oils like Peppermint and Coriander may take up to two hours to be absorbed completely. All essential oils normally leave the body via urine, exhaled air or perspiration within four to six hours. If you choose to apply essential oils directly on the skin, be aware that there are only two oils that can safely be applied neat – Lavender and Tea Tree. They have wonderful healing, antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, however both these oils can be overpowering and have negative effects if used in excess. For instance, most people are aware that Lavender is useful to promote sleep - but did you

know that using too much can actually have a stimulating effect - keeping you awake! HOW ESSENTIAL OILS HELP YOU Over our lifetime we will rely on Aromatherapy in different situations. Commonly used essential oils like Tea Tree are used to treat burns, infections and acne. Eucalyptus may be used throughout the home as a disinfectant and is useful to add to your mop bucket to kills germs. Other essential oils like Sweet Orange can help with stretch marks during pregnancy. Grapefruit essential oil is a terrific lymphatic stimulant and may assist cellulite. And Jasmine is a beautiful oil for women’s health – its sweet, floral aroma soothes PMS symptoms, nervous tension and acts as a strong aphrodisiac! The vast range of essential oils available can be a little daunting. Referring to literature for guidance is recommended and of course if you have more questions, seeing a qualified Aromatherapist or undertaking a workshop or course is the best option. If you are looking to make a blend for your oil burner, choosing wisely is important. Some recipes are quite simple using only three or four essential oils. However, here is a more complex recipe to create peace, harmony and relaxation in the home – perfect for the whole family! This blend will fill a 5ml bottle. PEACE BLEND 14dps Rose Maroc 10dps Jasmine 10 dps Geranium 16dps Cedarwood 8dps Marjoram 13dps Patchouli 16dps Lime 13dps Ylang Ylang Rebecca Brook is a qualified Aromatherapist, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Remedial Massage therapist, and is now writing a regular column for Inner Self. She is a member of the ATMS and ANTA, and holds provider number with all major health funds. Rebecca holds Aromatherapy workshops at her clinic at Glenelg South. Feel free to view the website also for more details about Aromatherapy treatments, essential oil sales or workshop dates. Rebecca Brook Lotus Organic Therapies 122 Partridge St GLENELG SOUTH Phone - (08) 7001 1658 HOW DO I LEARN MORE? To learn more about essential oils and Aromatherapy, there are workshops being held at regular intervals at Lotus Organic Therapies, 122 Partridge Street Glenelg South. These workshops cover various topics including Mother and Baby Aromatherapy, The Basics of Aromatherapy and also Blending for Christmas! The art of blending is fascinating and learning more about essential oils and how to use them effectively and safely is important.



Innate Healing People are spending more time and money on “health care” than ever before and yet degenerative diseases are still on the rise. What is going wrong? The first question we should ask is who is in control of the body and how it heals? HEALING PARADIGMS thic par adigm, on The allopa allopathic paradigm, which western medicine is based, focuses on identifying and measuring symptoms and subsequently manipulating variables to “heal/fix” the body. To cure a disease, we either ad addd dr ugs or subtr act bod subtract bodyy par ts ts. The doctor is perceived as being in control of what happens (it should be noted that the allopathic paradigm is appropriate for emergencies). The innate paradigm is based on the concept that the body is controlled by bioelectrical energy, also referred to as chi or life force. This “power” originates in the brain and flows through the nervous system. When dis-ease occurs, it is a result of interference in the flow of this “power”, a deficiency in required nutrients, emotional stress or a toxic substance. Healing innately occurs when we remove interference to the nervous system, overcome any deficiency and remove toxic stresses. The doctor is simply a facilitator and is not in control of the outcome. A familiar example of the allopathic paradigm is in medicine’s approach to blood pressure. Consider a person who is concerned about the possibility of heart disease. He goes to his doctor and has his blood tested to see if his blood pressure is the “normal” measurement of 120/80. After testing he is told that he has high blood pressure measuring 170/ 100. The typical response is for the doctor to prescribe a medication to reduce the blood pressure. When tested again some time later, the man

is very happy to learn that his blood pressure is now closer to 120/80 his blood pressure has been controlled. However, is he healthier? If in fact his high blood pressure was a health risk, not only is his body now subject to a whole host of side effects, such as dizziness, confusion, fatigue, cramping in the legs, liver and kidney damage and increased risk of stroke, the stresses that caused his high blood pressure have not been eliminated. All other functions and interactions in his body have been ignored. In contrast, under the innate paradigm we would consider that his above normal blood pressure was exactly what it should be given his current environment and the stresses being placed on his body. Therefore, to reduce his blood pressure we must look at eliminating the stresses rather than artificially lowering his blood pressure. GOAL SETTING FOR HEALING The allopathic approach also focuses on setting goals and manipulating the body in order to achieve the desired outcome. This approach, standard in western medicine, is sometimes mistakenly applied to natural forms of health care such as chiropractic, naturopathy and homeopathy. To illustrate, I recall a patient of mine who sought chiropractic care with the goal of relieving his neck pain, although he experienced other symptoms such as fatigue, asthma, poor sleep quality and lower back pain. Approximately two months into his corrective chiropractic care, he told me that he no longer had lower back pain, had more energy at work and during exercise, was sleeping better and no longer required his asthma medications. However, he could not see the benefits of chiropractic care, because his neck was not fully pain- free yet. What he failed

to understand is that doctors do not control healing in the bod bodyy. When the interference to function is removed, such as a spinal misalignment, the body heals itself according to what it perceives to be the greatest threat to health. In this case, the patient’s body was healing wonderfully in so many ways, however he was goal driven, as in the allopathic paradigm, and in his mind the healing was not occurring fast enough for his symptom of concern. Even within the chiropractic profession, some practitioners follow an allopathic paradigm while others practice within the innate paradigm. Chiropractors that follow the allopathic paradigm focus on symptomatic relief and quick fixes, whilst cor hir opr actor ollo w the corrr ecti ectivve cchir hiropr opractor actorss ffollo ollow inna te par adigm and remove nerve innate paradigm interference caused by a misaligned spine. As such, patients of corrective chiropractors often experience improvement in their overall health, with many conditions improving such as pain relief, asthma, ADHD, high or low blood pressure, fatigue, PMT and digestion problems. In all cases, the bod tel her bodyy inna innatel telyy prioritises wwher heree and ho w to heal itself how itself.. Dr Rob Hutchings has a Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctorate in Chiropractic. He practices at Health Zone on Glen Osmond Rd alongside Pilates and Yoga instructors, massage therapists and other natural therapists. You can find out more about the services offered by Health Zone at or phone 8338 2221.

lotus organic therapies 122 partridge st, glenelg south sa 5045 ph : (08) 7001 1658 web :


We offer a variety of services including • Remedial massage • Aromatherapy • Aromatherapy Workshops • Reiki • Hot Stone massge • Lymphatic Drainage massage • Pregnancy massage • Sports massage • Chinese Cupping/Gua sha • Ayurvedic massage and Lifestyle consultations • Certified Organic products available • Essential oils, base products and more! HEALTH REBATES MAY APPLY Open – Monday to Saturday, by appointment only 122 partridge st, glenelg south sa 5045 Ph (08) 7001 1658


18 HEALTHY LIVING PIGS MA MAYY FL FLYY . . . Swine Flu - Hype or Hazard? Continued from page 14

in foods you may not suspect, like tomato sauce and fruit juice. Rest Just like it • Get Enough Rest. becomes harder for you to get your daily tasks done if you’re tired, if your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. • Ha Havv e Ef Efff ecti ectivv e Tools to Address Stress . We all face some stress every day, but if stress becomes overwhelming then your body will be less able to fight off the flu and other illness. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology too such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma. • Exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. ood sour ce of • Tak akee a ggood source animal based omega-3 fats like Krill Oil Oil. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response. • W ash Your Hands Hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this — antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. • Ea Eatt Gar lic RRee gular gularll y . Garlic works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic against bacteria, virus, and protozoa in the body. And unlike with antibiotics, no resistance can be built up so it is an absolutely safe product to use. However, if you are allergic or don’t enjoy garlic it would be best to avoid as it will likely cause more harm than good. • Avoid Hospitals and Vaccines accines.. In this particular case, I’d also recommend you stay away from hospitals unless you’re having an emergency, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds, and could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to this new bug. References 1 World Health Organization 2Epidemic and Pandemic Aler t Response,, April 27, 2009, 3 Emerging Infectious Diseases February 2009; 15(2):346-7 4 The Swine Flu epidemic- Fact or Fiction? by Dr Mercola 5 Esquire, April 26, 2009 6 CDC, Lightning-Associated Deaths 1980-1995. 7, Mor tality—Swine Flu 8 The Independent, April 26, 2009 9 Reuters, April 26, 2009 10 Associated Press, April 27, 2009 11, April 27, 2009 12 Online Journal, April 27, 2009 13 14 The New York Times, April 26, 2009 15 Nature Precedings, hdl:10101/ npre.2009.2832.1, Emergence and Fixing of Antiviral Resistance in Influenza A Via Recombination and Hitch Hiking, Henry


AlkalineBODY with SANG WHANG

How Acidosis affects your Health It is now believed by many authorities that most disease develops because of a lowering of the function and resistance of the body due to chronic acidosis. In this connection, Dr. George W. Crile, past head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland, USA and one of the world’s greatest surgeons says, “There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of a progressive acid saturation.” Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. The body succumbs to physical disorders when its own acid debris accumulates to the point where resistance is broken down and the body consequently becomes susceptible to cold, fatigue, nerve exhaustion and degenerative disease. When the body reaches limits of increasing toxins within the body, the digestive tract, or any of the body tissues, it begins a house-cleaning process that takes various forms: diarrhoea, headache, colds, skin eruptions, abscesses or boils, rheumatism, inflammation of the eyes or other organs, catarrhs, chills, fevers, or anything that we recognize as acute disease. But all these spring from a common originating cause, an accumulation of acid waste in the body. Commercial foods are acid foods. Acid foods are addictive, causing

over-eating and weight management problems. Whole natural foods have a balanced pH. Live people need live, whole, alkaline, green food. This is a difficult concept because of the green taste. We have to cultivate a taste. Then our bodies will reject dead commercial foods, salt and sugar. Also, you have to take whole live foods over time in order to reverse the effects of many years of eating commercial foods. Adults are more like children than children. They will make a very brief attempt to change to raw whole foods or Barleygreen®, and after a few days they quit, muttering that didn’t help them. How can anyone expect to reverse the effects of years and years of poor eating habits in only a few days. Most people don’t have the determination to overcome their bad eating habits! You won’t get a simpler solution for a return to health than God’s creation of whole live food. Now more and more MDs are accepting the fact that too much acid is the cause of disease and death. After all, cancer cells are acidic while healthy cells are alkaline. This is what I have been telling the world for over ten years. My book, Reverse Aging, explains it scientifically. Health professionals all recognize the need to reduce our body’s acid accumulation. However, they try to

solve this problem with alkaline food. Many experts do not agree that natural and live foods do indeed reduce body acid. The dietary approach may work if the diet program is just right for that individual and that the individual is persistent; however, an unbalanced diet could result in nutritional deficiency. The world is missing the point of using alkaline water for acid reduction. Alkaline water works better than diet because it does not add more wastes in the process of reducing acids. All special diets and exercise create more acidic waste. Alkaline water with any diet and/or exercise regimen works extra well. Alkaline water with any food will do wonders. Alkaline water, special diets and/ or exercise mean that there must be a change of lifestyle. It is very difficult to change one’s eating habits. Drinking alkaline water is the perfect solution for today’s fastlane lifestyle. Many MDs misunderstand that stomach acid neutralizes alkaline water and drinking alkaline water is, therefore, useless. This is not true! The fact is that if the stomach gets too alkaline or less acidic due to drinking alkaline water, the stomach must produce more hydrochloric acid to maintain the original acidic state. In the process of producing hydrochloric acid, the stomach must also produce sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline buffer, and put it into the blood stream, making the blood more alkaline. The stomach makes hydrochloric acid by this formula: H 2 O + CO 2 + NaCl = HCl + NaHCO3 Water + carbon dioxide + salt = hydrochloric acid + sodium bi-carbonate. I learned this from a pathologist, Dr. Stephen Weiss. Pathologists know this process, but most MDs do not. If we look at the stomach alone, we can come to an erroneous conclusion. When we look at the body as a whole, there is a net gain of alkalinity when we drink alkaline water. This is why it doesn’t make any difference whether one drinks alkaline water on an empty or a full stomach. Acid leads to pain, disease, and death; while alkalinity leads to better health and longevity. Sang Whang is an engineer, scientist, and inventor, Mr. Whang specializes in electronic filters, chemistry, and water among other fields.

TOOLS FOR HEALTHY LIVING Products and services that support the healthy living strategies you’re putting in place


ONEgroup are the creators of the World’s First Certified Organic Skin Care, Personal Care and Health Care products. ONEgroup has a vision for health and vitality, along with a desire to contribute to the sustainability of our planet by creating products which are Certified to International “Organic Food” Standards, certified through ACO (Australia), IFOAM (European) and USDA (USA). Our extensive range of skin, hair, body, oral, baby, home care and cosmetic products is soon to expand with the addition of Certified Organic Essential Oils and Certified Organic hand mixed Botanical Perfumes. All products are made with 100% beneficial, 100% active ingredients that feed your skin and nourishes your body. Our cold formulation offers superior quality ingredients unaltered by heat and synthetic emulsifiers, providing significant qualities of bio-available nutrients as our precious certified organic plant oils, herbal extracts, vitamins and essential oils are not subjected to any heat during formulation. Using these pure ingredients aligns with our belief in the body’s innate intelligence, which responds to and resonates in harmony with nature. Our aim is to assist your body in restoring harmony and balance. Only products that are completely free of all impurities and toxic synthetics can achieve this. We also have the World’s First Certified Organic Probiotic Superfood and Antioxidant Superfood, which work in synergy internally to balance and protect the body. We offer people a complete health and wellness system for a vital and organic life. ONEgroup is a leading environmental company offsetting freight emissions, manufacturing is powered by wind energy and is carbon neutral, integrity in packaging as it is all recyclable, non leaching and lightweight – and soon it will be fully biodegradable. The Australian owned and made lifestyle company! For more information please email Organic Today Reps at or call 1300 833 998 mentioning Innerself “products” (Independent Representatives, ONEgroup)

hancing essential oil to bring focus to the mind. By tailoring the ChiBall Method™ to the natural cycle of The Seasons, both teachers and students journey towards a life of harmony, balance and well-being. The Benefits of becoming a ChiBall Teac her eacher her.. Health and wellbeing is becoming an even greater priority today, and maintaining healthy lifestyles is a growing trend. As the most comprehensive mind-body exercise practice, The ChiBall Method™ is an ideal way to enrich your skill-set and develop competencies across a range of disciplines. Teaching ChiBall Method™ classes to others is a tremendous source of personal and professional satisfaction, as you make a difference in the health and wellbeing of your class attendees. You will also improve your ability to be more self-aware of your physical, mental and emotional states. Through consistent practice you will restore balance to your life and rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit. While there may be challenging economic times ahead, practising and teaching The ChiBall Method™ is a rewarding path to cultivate opportunities and possibilities for a bright and positive future. Call us today to find out how to start your journey on 08 8121 9770 or visit us at .


Ancient Wisdom, Contemporary Practice. The ChiBall Method™ is a holistic mind-body exercise programme that uniquely combines the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Colour and Aromatherapies with the synergy of six ancient and modern exercise disciplines. The healing nature of the programme is demonstrated through Tai Chi-Qi Gong, Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais and Meditation. The ChiBall Method™ offers six differently coloured aromatherapy ChiBalls™ each infused with a mood en-

Australerba Herb and Honey Compounds for Colds and Flu

Australerba Herb and Honey Compounds are a combination of pure unrefined bee’s honey and spagyrically prepared extracts from selected herbs species from different par ts of the world.



InnerSelf 20 HEALTHY LIVING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Made from Elder Flowers, Yarrow, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Turmeric, Ginger, Pepper Varieties and pure unrefined honey.. Herbs and honey have been combined as tonics and therapeutic formulae since antiquity. they are nature’s gift readily available to mankind and come from the same source, the generous plant kingdom. Honey is the processed nectar of flowers, a wonderfully balanced energizer and suitable carrier of principles obtained from herbs through our special extraction methods. They are highly concentrated, syrup like consistency and pleasant to taste. They can be taken from a teaspoon, or mixed with milk, water, fruit juice etc. Enquiries phone Australerba on 8346 0631. Visit

body, Mind and Spirit are integrated assisting you to achieve Optimum Balance in all the aspects of your Being!! Prevention is the best Cure… Anasa Healing is relocated in 59 Carrington street, Adelaide 5000 and also in 46 Phillis street, Maylands, SA 5069. Ph: (08)7001 1755 or 0423 453 339 www.anasahealing Info@anasahealing


Anasa Healing

Roberto Damaskos has been practising in Europe and in Adelaide for the last 7 years treating a wide range of conditions from structural imbalances such as back, neck or shoulder pain to emotional distress such as anxiety, lack of energy, fibromyalcia, insomnia or depression. Research has proven that activating the Meridians (the energy pathways in the body), various glands in the body secrete Hormones (like endorphins and serotonin to name few) more efficiently, which results in faster repair of Tissues, deep Relaxation and decrease in Pain. Acupuncture also improves Blood Circulation, balances the Emotions, strengthens the Immune System, benefits the Menstrual cycle, improves Sleep and overall increases performance and Well-being. In his work, Roberto is drawing from a range of Acupuncture, Remedial Massage and Acupressure techniques, combined with the use of Aromatherapy oils, to relieve pain and tension. By Harmonising the flow of energy (Chi) in the

Yolanda Falivene, a Naturopath with 15 years experience, is now expanding to a new practice in Payneham. Yolanda believes that in identifying and removing stressors to the body (such as viruses, allergies or deficiencies) whilst simultaneously supporting underactive organs, the body is given a better opportunity to begin healing itself. Using new technology to Australia, the EIS 3D Bod Bodyy Scanner Scanner; Yolanda performs comprehensive health assessments which model internal organs and body systems, as well as graph hormone and mineral levels. This equipment not only identifies potentially compromised areas, but also accurately monitors a patient’s improvements in a detailed visual computerised display. Contact : Yolanda Falivene at The Wellness Oasis Payneham 83628444

Wild Thyme

At Wild Thyme we understand the superior taste of organic foods and are dedicated to sourcing the highest quality local produce available. The lamb for our yummy winter pies is from free-range sheep that have roamed freely and fed all their lives on native saltbush. Fruit and vegetables are sourced from cer tified organic wholesalers and local growers. We use Kangaroo Island bio dynamic eggs for our delicious brekkies and grass fed organic beef from Strathalbyn in our incredible burgers. Water purification fil-

ters have been installed for food preparation and cooking. We do not use a deep fryer or microwave. Synthetically processed, refined oils are not used in our kitchen, only cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and organic butter. At Wild Thyme, we are committed to educating people about the benefits of eating organic produce and are passionate about providing a distinctive & delicious ‘real food’ experience, delivered with care. Open for breakfast and lunch 7 days. 101-103 Melbourne Street North Adelaide. (08)8361 8888. tified organic produce is quite rare in Adelaide. It takes the worry out of wondering what’s actually organic and what’s not, it’s straight forward shopping, no need to check labels because everything is safe, clean and soil tested. There’s organic and there’s certified organic, and there’s a huge difference in the two. Poison ivy is organic, but it doesn’t mean it’s good for you! Sadly “organic” gets bandied around these days because it’s a great marketing word, but when it comes to the food we eat, it’s not just about the chemical pesticides, it’s the soil that it’s grown in that really counts. Any residue of chemicals in the soil will end up on our plate! People who aren’t sure how to buy proper organics can feel safe shopping at Foodwise Organics. It’s not high tech, it’s simply great food and old fashioned service. Not many frills at all. However, in addition to being able to pick up meals and poke around the shelves if your’re a local, there’s a fantastic delivery service right to your door, anywhere in Adelaide and some country areas. There’s plenty to choose from – meat, dairy, eggs, a gorgeous selection of wheat-free pies, pasties, samosas, crumpets, bread, seasonal fruits and veg and the readymade meals including sushi etc. etc. As for the baby population who are ready to be introduced to the sheer delight of eating, there’s nothing like the full-bodied flavour of certified organic food. The “baby boxes” from Foodwise Organics are a winner. One of the most popular ready-mades is the classic vegie soup. No added stock, flavourings, nothing but the best vegies and a few gentle herbs. The dried bananas are

untreated, simply delicious and dehydrated so that all the nutrition is retained. For those who prefer the convenience of ordering a “baby box” and cooking up their own baby food, they will receive top shelf, seasonal fruit and vegies. In addition to the baby boxes, they also offer a range of mixed delivery boxes for your convenience. Or you can tailor one to suit your tastes. There’s even something for the discerning dog owner! Call in and try the fare, Tuesdays 10am to 5pm. Thursdays 10am to 7pm. Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Foodwise Organics, 7 Jetty Road, Largs Bay (opposite the Largs Pier bottle shop). Phone : 8242 7882 Email : Join our Facebook Page: Foodwise Organics. Follow us on FoodwiseOrganic

Scent of Samadhi

Scent of Samadhi is an ancient, herbal, all-natural deodorant powder used by the yogis of South India. One of the products sold at Organic Beauty World is an all natural, herbal perfume of the yogis of South India Ideal for yoga, meditation, body work & simple joys in life. In the caves of southern India, it has been noticed that a beautiful and exotic


Health-wise, there’s never been a better time to convert to chemical free food than right now, and there’s no better place to find it than Foodwise Organics in the quietest Jetty Road in the world! Literally! Recently it was reported that Jetty Roads everywhere bustle with business activity, except the one at Largs Bay! Yet, this earthy little shop is about to celebrate its 11th birthday! It’s all about the food at Foodwise Organics! They offer homey Australian ready-made meals that are prepared with a free-range, grass-fed philosophy, and their commitment to supplying only cer-

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aroma exudes from the bodies of Sages and yoga masters who practice and meditate for hour upon hour. It was learned that they rub onto their bodies a natural herbal perfume and deodorant powder which deepens their practice and meditation. This an ancient herbal blend that works along with the body perspiration to create a smell that is truly inspiring- enhancing a deeper meditative bliss and divine awakening. Scent of Samadhi is an ancient, herbal, all-natural deodorant powder used by the yogis of South India. It is an effective deodorant that works along with the body?s natural aroma to create a fragrance of inspiration, bliss, optimism and calm. - This mood uplifting intoxicating natural fragrance adapts to your own body chemistry. Specially unique to YOU! - When you perspire, Scent of Samadhi transforms your own body aroma to a divine fragrance. Works with your body chemistry. - This fragrance can guide you inward, bringing a deeper clarity and focus when meditating, doing yoga or when working. - Trigger your hidden sensual scentthe tantric magic. - Wear it to feel good and attract abundance in all aspects of your life! - Scent of Samadhi is worn and appreciated by both women & men. While wearing Scent of Samadhi, we experience the feelings of being ‘beautiful and wonderful’ inside-out and a sense of well being. These positive vibrations actually enable all good things to happen around us. It is for this reason that the yogis of India consider Scent of Samadhi to be Goddess Laxmi, the Goddess of spiritual & material abundance. Be Beautiful, Healthy & Safe Shop at Organic Beauty World for Green healthy bodies inside and out! Free shipping – friendly service ( 1300 662 543





YOUR CHOICE FOR A NON INV ASIVE HEAL TH ASSESSMENT INVASIVE HEALTH AND EARL EARLYY PREVENTION PREVENTION,, NNAATURALL TURALLYY Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) is a totally noninvasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries, by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress, for conditions such as: Breast Disease Thyroid problems Arthritis Headaches Nerve Damage Aches and Pains in general Fibromyalgia Heart and vascular problems, Stroke Varicose Veins Inflammations Skin Cancer Digestive Disorders And many more!! Images or “Thermograms” can be taken of the whole body or just areas being investigated. The images are stored on a computer and are sent electronically to a Thermologist (certified Medical Doctor) for interpretation and reporting.

Your report is colour printed and a copy can also be sent to your healthcare professional (natural health care provider, medical health care provider, phyisiotherapist, chiropractor, podiatrist, masseur etc.) Unlike most diagnostic tests DITI is: Non invasive, No radiation Painless No contact with the body F.D .A aappr ppr .D.A pproo v ed The only method available for “visualising” pain Clinical DITI is providing the answers in the diagnosis of pain and earliest detection of breast disease – earlier than has been possible through breast self examination, doctor examination or mammography alone! DITI detects physiological changes in the breast tissue at 256 cancer cells, which is 2 years after cancer started to grow. Mammography is an anatomical test, which shows masses that are detected in the 8th year with 4 billion cancer cells. DITI IS ALSO APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER WOMEN (30 TO 50) WHOSE DENSER BREAST TISSUES MAKES IT MORE DIFFICTULT FOR MAMMOPGRAPHY TO BE EFFECTIVE – This is really early detection and prevention

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is provided by the Adelaide Hills Natural Health Centre which is now trading as Swiss Wellness Natural Health Clinic, AND HAS BECOME THE LARGEST HEALTH CENTRE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA 548 Portrush Rd., Glen Osmond S.A. 5064. Ph. 8338 26 20


Many women are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in and around your home. EXERCISE ONE: Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut the door as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn’t effective enough. EXERCISE TWO: Visit your garage at 3AM when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled. Turn over and repeat with the other breast. EXERCISE THREE: Freeze two metal bookends overnight.. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts. Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again. YOU ARE TOTALLY PREPARED! AND, JUST A THOUGHT FOR ALL THE WOMEN OUT THERE........ MEN MENtal illness, MEN MENstrual cramps, MEN MENtal breakdown, MEN MENopause............. Ever notice how all of women’s problems start with MEN MEN?..........And when we have real trouble it’s HIS HISterectomy!!!! Send this to all women to have a laugh AND, don’t forget to have a mammogram!!!!!! A Friend Is Like A Good Bra... , Hard to Find, Supportive Comfortable, Always Lifts You Up, Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hangin And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!! Share this with a friend! I DID

The iDetox Ion Cleanse Foot Bath is a gentle non-invasive therapy, which re-energises the body supporting its natural ability to heal itself. HOW DOES IT WORK? During an Ion-Cleanse treatment the ion cleanse unit delivers a small amount of low level, electrical current into the array (electrode), which results in a reaction between the array, the water and the salt (added to help increase conductivity and the ionisation effect), to generate positively and negatively charged ions. ION CLEANSE PACKAGES TO SUIT EVERY NEED Whether you are considering an Ion Cleanse machine for home use or a business, or simply want to find a practitioner, we have information and packages to suit every need. For more information about Ion Cleanse Foot Bath sales, treatments and other wellness products call us today or visit our website ( and start your journey to better wellbeing WATERMAN WATER FILTER / ALKALIZER The Waterman is a portable bio-mineral water pot, which produces clean, pure, alkaline, magnetised & mineralised drinking water anytime, anywhere. The waterman is easy to use and the water tastes fantastic, making it a pleasure to drink. The Waterman cartridge contains alkaline minerals, somelite, activated silver carbon, bio ceramics & coral sands, which clean and re-mineralise ordinary tap water filtering out chlorine, heavy metals and bacteria. The result is fresh, clean, alkaline mineral water, which is a pleasure to drink. The waterman water filter is compact and por table. Take it to work or office, school, sport, travel, holiday, weekends away. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! Save $$$ on bottled water, reduce plastic waste and contribute to a greener environment. The long lasting filter lasts up to 800 litres. Buying this amount of bottled water would cost a small for tune. This amazing waterman water filter is available from iDetox for an investment of $59 (plus postage). Give your body the alkaline hydration it needs – ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! To Or der : Order iDetox, P: (07) 3395 5285, M: 0424 541 735 E:• W:

Healing on North East Chris and Lance are thrilled to welcome Xavier to our clinic FOR ALL BOOKINGS CALL:

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1 2 MJ Be prepared to utilise what is being

1 MK Take a lateral view of matters and you may

1 ML Sensitivity is heightened so it may pay to heed intuition.


2 3 4 ML Emotions are close to the surface and there

8 9 10 MA Take the initiative and accept the

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14 15 ME Take pride in what has been achieved. 16 17 MF A critical perspective can be productive

15 16 MD An emotional connection with a person 17 18 ME This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results.

19 20

New Moon EM enters F New beginnings may be flavoured with misunderstanding or neglect so make sure that everything is clear and above aboard otherwise deception and fraud may be the outcome.ere Be careful that overt criticism does not undermine what has been achieved to date.

21 22 23 MG Sun enters F Maintaining good relations is important but not at the expense of voicing an opinion or point of view.Practical, perfectionist and with an eye for detail are the hallmarks of Virgo

24 25 MH Be upfront in all dealings and avoid secrecy as others may become suspicious.

26 27 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon I Enthusiasm abounds especially with the promise of new opportunities but a need for flexibility and adaptability is necessary. Also the need for open communication will minimise any possibility of isolation.

28 29 30 MJ A responsible attitude is called for. 31 FINE TUNE TO THE MOON WITH THE









7 8 MB Be practical about what can be achieved. 9 10 MC The value of information is what you 11MC

realisation of what has been initiated is now being realised. There may be difficulties in a relationship as the intensity of the time is expressed. Keep the lines of communication open especially as information you need comes via others.

results you want.

or matter dominates.

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is greater compassion or sensitivity to the environment. 5 … Full Moon L The increased sensitivity may cause some nervous stress however cooperation between all concerned should produce excellent results. 6 MA Taking the initiative calls for some risk taking but not haste.

13 14 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon BM enters C The

challenges which are presented.

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be surprised by what eventuates.

actually do with it. 12 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon C The results of the past few weeks are realised and much may have been achieved. However there may be a few delays before these can be enjoyed. 13 MD Emotional connections with those that matter play an important part.

11 12 MB A practical approach produces the

International Astrologer Keith Haswell

email phone: 0428 135 025


as what cones to fruition is very different. 6 … Full Moon K Lunar Eclipse The Full Moon together with the lunar eclipse heralds a time when changes need to be made, as circumstances demand different ways of dealing with them. The important point is to be prepared to do things differently otherwise consequences may be difficult to handle. 7 ML Use intuition to navigate your way through the changes required.

with a few comments sent to you by email by

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MOON CALENDAR 3 4 5 MK Be prepared to look at things differently


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Susanne has been a healer for many years. She is currently completing her Thetahealing Masters and additional teachers classes. Later this year she will begin teaching Intuitive Anatomy, World Relations, Diseases & Disorders, and DNA3, as well as those listed below. BE READY for amazing changes in your life!

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5 6 MB Consistency is called for but refrain from obstinacy.

7 8 MC Find the necessary information and ensure that your lines of communication are working.

9 10 MD B prepared to ask help from others in order to get things done.

11 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon D The consequences of the actions of the last few weeks may have depleted energy reserves. The lack pf stamina or resistance may compromise the matters at hand. 12 ME This is not the time to stand on ceremony; humility achieves better results.

undermine what has been achieved to date.

15 16 MG A balanced outlook will ensure efforts 17 18

20 21 MH Be careful not to take everything personally

19 20 21 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help

perspective and a gift for justice are the hallmarks of Libra.Take a big-picture view of matters and use this as inspiration.

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September 2009 • Situated in pleasant surroundings on the Gawler River • Comf or ta tion and all meals inc luded Comfor tabb le accommoda accommodation included • Small groups only • Fur ther rretr etr ea ts aavv aila ter in the yyear ear etrea eats ailabb le la later

Phone Pame Price 8242 1783 or 0419 038 434

New Moon G Moon enters H There is a new sense of control and it would be best to find a good outlet for this. Otherwise, inhibitions may play a role in slowing the progress of things. An increased sensitivity may also hamper the ability to make the most of opportunities.

spur things along.

Gifts for the Soul

22 23 MJ Sun enters H Taking control of matters

• Reiki • Reflexology • Naturopathy • Shiatsu • Massage Therapies • Theta Healing • Aura & Chakra Balancing • Tarot & Palm Readings • Numerology & Astrology • Symbol & Dream Analysis • Children’s Yoga Classes • Belly Dancing • Healing Workshops • Foot Detox • Gift Vouchers available

may be the best option.Intense and passionate are the characteristics of Scorpio

24 25 26 Moon enters J‡ 1st Quarter Moon J Taking

24 25 26 Moon enters K‡ 1st Quarter Moon K Be

the lead by shouldering the responsibilities presented will help release tensions. Quick decisions will also help initiate and consolidate actions at this time with a view to some practical outcomes.

prepared to look at things differently as there may not be a precedent for what is being considered. The action taken now may be influential on what can be achieved in this period.

27 28 MK Knowledge becomes important to further

27 28 ML Be careful that increased sensitivity does

what has been started.

not impinge on personal boundaries.

29 30

29 30 31 MA Actions speak louder than words.

HEALING AND WELLBEING CENTRE Shop 15 Stirling Tiers 51 Mt Barker Road, Stirling. Ph 8339 4055

A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 8562 8358

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can


13 14 MF Be careful that overt criticism does not

18 19

22 23 Sun enters GMI Grace, harmony, a balanced

that are presented. 4 … Full Moon A Results will call for some quick action but not haste. There is a lot of energy and motivation to keep things moving, as this will increase the possibility of a speedy outcome.

are rewarded.

as this may backfire.

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2 3 MA Take action and accept the challenges

as long as there are alternatives. New Moon F Moon enters G The energy of this period brings some excitement mixed with apprehension. For some the need for independence may see them separate from the group. There is a strong emphasis on both practicality and good relations.

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easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Stuff and Alternative Healing A unique book which gives meaning to the language of Spirit The perfect gift for anyone interested in the world beyond our own. Ideal as a teaching guide for practitioners and as a reference tool for those already familiar with the ways of Spirit. Order a signed copy for $25.00 + $7.00 p&h from: Also available from: and

45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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BY LORRAINE WEBB Uluru in Central Australia was known by its western name of Ayers Rock until it was handed back to the original owners of that land and reverted to its known name of Uluru. People come to the Red Centre from countries all around the world just to see this powerful rock and to walk around or climb it. Of course we are asked by the local custodians, the Mutitjulu people to not climb the rock. Many people think this is because of the sacred significance but a few years ago I asked one of the elders why this was so and with a grin he told me that “We don’t want these white people killing themselves, that is why. As the custodians we are responsible for the welfare of those at the rock and when people die at the rock we are responsible for their spirit.” Many people do die at the rock that we don’t hear about, it is not uncommon for someone to have a hear t attack while climbing or for someone to fall. It is not a climb for the faint-hearted and takes some effort, which many underestimate. I recall being at the base of the rock a few years ago with my healers group and we could not believe our eyes as we looked up and saw a man struggling down the rock with a baby of about three months in one arm and a young two or three year old by the hand. It was scary and we held our breath watching this struggle and at times this man had no choice but to let go of the toddler and let him do the best he could. As the elder told me “People do silly things.” My calling to the rock was back in early 2006 when Spirit told me that I was to now teach my course at Uluru. I had been teaching my Energetic Healers Course as a four-module course in Adelaide since 2000. They told me that there was no time for this and that people needed to transform their lives and to get this information much faster than that and they assured me that the energy of the rock would help me to make this happen. I was very nervous about making this change as it didn’t seem possible to me, however as always, I trusted what I had been told and prepared the first course for later that year. Once this was in place things really started to happen, I received a call from an Aboriginal lady elder who asked me what I was doing because she knew I was doing something that she wanted to be involved in. Talking to this lady I felt I had known her for years. Before that conversation

ended she was coming with me on the first trip. I contacted Aboriginal elder Bob Randall from Mutitjulu and he knew I was coming as well. When the three of us met for the first time at Uluru we all looked into each other’s eyes and knew we had much work to do together and we knew that we were now on a journey that had been planned for us, that continues today as our souls work together for the Divine Plan. From that very first journey and group I could see amazing transformations taking place amongst each person that attended, not only did they take on new information but they dropped layers and layers of pain and allowed the wonderful power of the rock, the heart energy of Australia and the spiritual centre of the planet, to absorb their own hear t pain and open their heart chakra to love. We are so lucky to have this amazing site on our land, people will continue to be drawn to Australia seeking the knowledge and healing that is available here. I was shown in a vision ten years ago that Australia would be the spiritual centre of the world and that the Indigenous energy held the key to that power. I have connected to my ancestors and my Aboriginal heritage but as Australians black or white we are connected to this land and the power it holds and we can open to that power and knowledge and be proud that we have this ancient wisdom at our fingertips. The Indigenous people of this land are happy to share their amazing knowledge that is unique to this country yet so many Australians still seek out Indigenous cultures from other lands believing them to be somehow better, showing little or no respect for our own Indigenous wisdom. This is so sad for they don’t know what they are missing out on. Times are changing however and people are awakening, Lorraine Webb is a spiritual healer, teacher and founder of the Adelaide Healing Energy Centre. She feels that for Australia to take its place as a leader in spirituality the Aboriginal people must be recognised for the powerful healers that they are. If you would like to transform and awaken contact us and join us on the ‘Uluru Experience’, call 08 8342 4109 or email



Lorraine Webb’s Spiritual Journeys Join Spiritual teacher, Lorraine on any of these amazing transformation journeys. Lorraine is a clear channel and is able to assist others to release old energies and embrace the new energies of love and enlightenment bringing in wholeness of being. Lorraine (Nyiduru) is of the Putjantjatjara/Kokatha Tribe and connects to the ancient wisdom of her ancestors.

uluru healers retreat


11 day intensive training held on sacred land, studying at the Nyangatjatjara Aboriginal College.

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uluru personal transformation

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Departing: 30th October 2009

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Common Questions about Hypnosis



are not firing in time. When the cylinders are firing out of time the rest of the engine does not run smoothly and hence you cannot enjoy a smooth ride. The car runs far more efficiently when all cylinders are firing perfectly in time. Our emotions dislike physical pain of any sort. Our emotions also dislike emotional pain of any sort. Grief is one of the strongest forms of emotional pain. We all equate grief with love. This means the longer and stronger we grieve for the person who died the more we cared for them. We believe this is what they would have wanted us to do. And yet would we personally want those we left behind to grieve forever? I doubt it. We wouldn’t wish that on anyone. When I see clients who are grieving for the loss of a loved one, the exercise is to get them to move through the emotions without getting stuck in the emotional pain of loss. Here are some interesting questions for you about the emotions. What is your definition of strength? Do you regard yourself strong when you express or suppress emotions? Most of us believe that the more we control our feelings the stronger we are. We are told from a young age that it is immature or “childish” to ex-


The Power of Belief Beliefs are powerful entities. They can control our emotional choices. They can be like fences or boundaries around our responses to life. We are acting out what our beliefs tell us. What would happen if you knew what you felt each moment of the day? What kind of confidence would you have? Emotional knowingness is what allows you to be more than you are today. It is like being a guitarist mastering several styles of music. You play jazz, rock, classical and Asia Minor music. You understand how each style of music is played, its origins and evolution. You are not restricting yourself to playing classical music and knowing nothing about its origins or evolution. You are playing with more passion, even though you might have favourite songs you like playing. There are times in our life that we want to increase our will power. This is achieved when we listen to each of our emotions. Our will power is comprised of the eight emotions. When we get these emotions to function in unison in any given action, nothing will stop us. When they are split and not joined we have very little will to achieve anything. It is rather like driving in your car but the cylinders in your engine

press emotions openly and authentically to others. How many times have you seen a parent scold his child because (s)he is “playing up” in a shop. The child wants something but the parent says “no!” We quickly learn as children that others will not appreciate us expressing our emotions and will judge us. The logic that we should not express our emotions because we are weak is sort of like saying that music should be played in one octave only. The music is flat and boring to the ears. And yet, we still persist with this style of playing. Emotions when they are pressed down tend to haunt us much longer. We can even become frozen in the mire of past emotions. What you need to do is spring clean regularly. Your emotions need to be updated. Then you can make decisions based on who you are today rather than who you were years ago. In a way, your mind and emotions are like a computer. Do you have a computer using software that is 10 years old? No. You update the software so you can have the latest form of Microsoft Office. This also applies to virus software. Do you wait to get a virus before you update your anti-virus soft-

ware? Most probably not. You are probably diligent in downloading the latest anti-virus software and are cautious of being infected by a virus on your computer. You do not want your computer cluttered with worms, viruses, and the like. They slow down operations and take over your system. This is the same with your emotions. They constantly need updating to prevent clutter building. Dr Ale xander Ask is a Ph.D in Alexander psychology. He has recently released a psychology book on the mind called “Heads Up: Understand your Emotional Mind”. He runs a private practice in Adelaide, where he has spent the past five years helping clients create change in their life. He has conducted thousands of hours of therapy in that time and assisted many people to wellness. Dr Ask is also a lecturer in clinical psychology. He trains several students on the practice of psychology. Dr Alexander is an experienced psychologist in the areas of stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bulimia and weight loss. He uses a number of approaches of psychologists such as cognitive therapy, CBT and hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis is an extremely useful therapeutic tool. I have been using hypnotherapy since 1992, and a number of questions are commonly raised by individuals when considering its use. WHAT IS HYPNOSIS? Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness or a trance state, different from sleep and different from being awake. It is similar to relaxation or meditation. The brain wave pattern changes in hypnosis, fluctuating between alpha and delta waves. The mind regularly goes into a brief hypnotic state to relax and refresh brain function. In hypnosis, the mind is more open to suggestion, and this is the basis of its use as a therapy. The hypnotherapist can assist the individual in managing thoughts, emotions or behaviours through suggestion. CAN I BE HYPNOTISED? Almost all people can go into hypnosis. In fact, it is something that you do every day of your life – you just don’t think about it as hypnosis. When you get absorbed in music or a book, or daydream - that is hypnosis. In the same way as some individuals are very musical or spor ty, some people are very good hypnotic subjects. However, most people can go into a hypnotic state and gain excellent benefits from it.

HOW WILL I BE HYPNOTISED? The hypnotherapist will ask the person to make themselves comfortable, and will use a range of techniques that focus concentration. They also guide the individual through some relaxation and deepening techniques, before focussing on the problem to be addressed. WHAT ABOUT STAGE HYPNOSIS? Well, the use of hypnosis for entertainment is not advisable. Stage hypnosis tends to humiliate the person in front of others, and there have been adverse effects from stage hypnosis, such as individuals being very anxious afterwards. Hypnosis is much more appropriately used by qualified therapists to assist individuals manage their problems. WHAT CAN HYPNOTHERAPY BE USED FOR? Hypnosis is commonly used for relaxation and stress management, to change behaviours (such as smoking, bedwetting or nail biting), to improve sleep or to relieve pain. It is also helpful in working through emotional issues, such as anxiety, grief,

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tur da Come & meet the team at our OPEN DDAAYS , Sa Satur turda dayy 8th A ugust & Saturday 12th Sept, 2009 (9.30am-4.00pm). Bring this ad for 15% OFF ST OCK. Door prizes include a place in the next ‘Abundance’ course. STOCK.

InnerSelf anger or guilt. A number of other therapeutic approaches can be combined with hypnosis, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy. Also, the individual will usually be taught selfhypnosis as part of therapy.

guide the child through a story of going on a camping trip. On the trip the child wakes up in a warm and dry sleeping bag, thereby indirectly suggesting that the child has not wet the bed.

HOW DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK? The relaxation provides a number of benefits, both physically and mentally. The therapist will also utilise “direct” or “indirect” suggestions. Direct suggestions are statements such as “you are now a non-smoker”. Examples of indirect suggestions are stories or metaphors. For example, in working with a child who struggles with bed-wetting, the therapist might

WHERE CAN I FIND A HYPNOTHERAPIST? I would recommend finding a therapist who has completed a wellrecognised course. For more info contact Shop 4/34 Hallett Rd, Stonyfell SA 5066. Phone 84318091.

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InT heZone InThe

BY MICHAEL OSTER & LEAONA HAMOOD Most of us like to do things well. Most people strive to do the best they can and usually take some measure of pride in their achievements. Wanting to do your best is a natural, healthy approach to life. Trying to be perfect, on the other hand, is a different matter. Humans are not perfect and in most cases, it is unreasonable to expect them to be perfect. Unfortunately, for many, a constant drive to be perfect rules much of their life, causing unhealthy amounts of stress and anxiety. Why is this so? It would be impossible to say what drives the need for perfectionism in any individual, but one thing we can be sure of: it helps them feel safe and comfor table in some way. “If everything is perfect, I have nothing to worry about”. The problem is, they still worry. They constantly worry about getting things perfect! For these people, it is more than just wanting to do their best. It is a subconsciously driven need of emotional protection – a need to feel good when somewhere deep inside, they don’t feel good. It helps create a sense of being in control. Unfortunately, of course, it is something over which they have very little control. This relentless quest for perfection is a common symptom for many of our clients. Although they may not seek help specifically for it, it is often a part of many problems, for which they have no answers. Like anything that is generated by the subconscious, it can only be eliminated by the subconscious. Many people find ways to cope with their fears and tensions, and never really deal with the causes. This usually leads to a stressful life of physical illness and further emotional unrest. When the subconscious feelings that cause these problems are eliminated, the resulting symptoms are also eliminated. When the drive for perfection is no longer a part of their life, these clients are amazed to find they are not only free to make mistakes occasionally, they are also truly

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Networking in the Zone (Part One) free to be relaxed, healthy and contented. Thankfully, with the desire to change and a little help, we have the means to release subconscious feelings that cause unhappiness and ill health. In the words of the old song: “Do what you do, do well…”. But if you have to be perfect, you will be stressed. Let your subconscious release you from this unhealthy need. My name is Michael Oster. I am a qualified Private Subconsciousmind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and also a Registered Nurse of 20 years standing. My qualifications in PSH have come from studying directly under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconscious-mind Training and Research (Qld). For the last ten years I have been working with people around behaviour change, particularly in the addictions area. I have a passion to see positive change and growth in people. If you feel like you’re ready for change, I can be contacted for enquiries or appointments on 0411174110. My name is Leaona Hamood, a former aerobics instructor of ten years, I have over 20 years experience in the Health and Fitness Industry and have always had a passion for a healthy mind and body. I am a qualified Private Subconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) therapist and studied under the founder and Principal of the International Centre for Subconsciousmind Training and Research (Qld). or 08 8297 2492


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Fears! · Fear of strangers · Fear of appearing pushy · Fear of boring people · Fear of following up · Fear of using connections for business What causes these fears to arise is lack of clarity about: 1. Purpose 2. Spirit and 3. Steps to follow The purpose of networking is to meet people with whom you can connect and benefit each other. Sometimes the connection is instant and you immediately decide to meet for a coffee and chat. At other times, you build the relationship through emailing useful information, referring them to your clients, inviting them to beneficial events and keeping in touch. Before leaving any contact I make at a networking event, I let my contact know what I will do next – email a valuable article or call for a chat or any other strategy I might think is appropriate to further our relationship. This way, I have permission to follow-up and that makes it easy for me to do so. The fear of following-up disappears and I stay in the Zone. The attitude of wanting to help people you meet, keeps you in the

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NETWORKING IN THE ZONE Fir stl Firstl stlyy, it is important that you network in an environment where you are likely to meet people who may be a prospective client, a strategic alliance or a centre of influence. For example, if your target market is the banking and finance industry, it may not be particularly beneficial to network with dentists. Having said that, if you happen to be attending a function with dentists, do not discount the possibility that a dentist may be married to the CEO of a large bank! Oppor tunities do abound, particularly when you are in the Zone. Secondl Secondlyy, it is useful to stand out from the crowd. When you are in the Zone, you will find that people will spontaneously be attracted to your “feel good” state. It would also be most beneficial to look successful on the outside. If you’d like some help with this, I recommend you read “Brand it Purple” by Ashley KnooteParke. Thir dl hirdl dlyy, the most important thing about networking is following-up. If you don’t have time to follow-up, I suggest you don’t bother attending networking events. What throws you OUT of the Zone when Networking?


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28 SUCCESS Zone. It is by being of service that you build good relationships with people. WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN THEY ASK “WHAT DO YOU DO?” Be prepared with a shor t sentence to explain what you do. It would be beneficial to include your target market and the primary benefit of your product or service so that your prospect’s ears will prick up and they will say: “That’s for me!” My answer to what I do is: “We teach salespeople how to exceed their sales targets by stepping into the Zone”. Then, ask them what they do, keep your mouth closed and fully focus on listening. Find out as much as you can about them and their business by asking open ended questions. Remember, selling is not about telling people about your products and services. Selling is about asking questions – discovering the needs, wants and problems that prospective clients/strategic alliances/centres of influences may have. Relax and let go of all expectations – this puts you in the Zone. In this state of peace, you can have a “chat” rather than sound like an interrogation. You could then share a case study of a client you’ve worked with; the similar problems/wants/needs they had; the solutions you provided and how well it worked, if appropriate. By keeping your focus on the person you are speaking with and how you can be of service to them, you feel good. You stay in the Zone. This is an excerpt from Michelle’s book “Selling in the Zone”. In the next issue, I’ll cover “Debunk your Fears about following up someone you met at a networking event”. Happy Zoning! Michelle Stanton (08) 8356 4160. Author of “The Timeless World – Debunk Your Fears and Discover Heaven on Earth” and “Selling in the Zone – Stress-free Success in Sales” available at Quantum Bookshop in North Adelaide and Dymock’ s Bookshop in Rundle Mall. To find out more about working and eakf ast living in the Zone attend our Br Breakf eakfast in the Zone on the first Thursday of each month at Café Vagabondo in North Adelaide. To book call 8356 4160


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currently have the extra grants, it can be a really good time to look at getting your own home. Due to the excess volumes all the major banks have been getting, they have all changed the way they look at approving loans and it can be quite a tricky process if you don’t know what you are doing. The best thing you could do if you want to purchase your own home is contact myself first so I can explain to you what you need to do or work towards to get you into your own home.

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Even though we are going through harder times it isn’t all Doom & Gloom especially in our property market. Did you know that the average price for a home in South Australia is so much cheaper than the rest of the Australian states, so it can still be quite affordable to purchase your own home. Top this off with interest rates at record low levels and the government


In 1995, Michelle awakened in a hospital bed feeling deeply at peace and whole! She wasn’t on any mind-altering substance, she just felt alive and “high on life”. Michelle was in the Zone and she knew she never wanted to live any other way. From that day on, Michelle tried to hold onto this wonderful “state of being” but found herself slipping in and out. This began an eight year quest during which Michelle discovered what it takes to step into the Zone, what throws a human being out of the Zone and most importantly, how to consistently live and work in the Zone. Using proven simple strategies distilled from ancient spiritual teachings and contemporary sages, Michelle used herself as a guinea pig. This worked and it was way too good to keep to herself. So she wrote a book “The Timeless World - Debunk your Fears and Discover Heaven on Earth” and started teaching people, mainly sales professionals and executives, how to live and work in the Zone. For more info Michelle Stanton


The Power of Pluto This edition I just have to write about the transit of Pluto as I am seeing its affect so profoundly at the moment as it retrogrades back in Capricorn. What I wish to talk about here is the affect it may be having in your life now and what it means and what you can do about it. I have at least some authority to write about this, as I was trained as an astrologer in the late 1970’s in England with my first teacher in personal and spiritual growth. Pluto changed signs and moved into Capricorn last year for 15 years before moving to Aquarius in January 2024. A retrograde phase began about 2 months ago and completes on etr oSeptember 12 this year. An Anyy rretr etrograde cycle of Pluto asks us to tidy up matters from the past that have not yet been resolved. Pluto’s influence in our lives is where we most need to transform and evolve. It involves a psychological process of being faced with difficulties and obstructions, learning to negotiate that impediment creatively and then being changed for the better by it. It very much epitomises the scenarios of where you say in hindsight “That was one of the most difficult times of my life, yet it was also the best thing as it brought me to a place in my life that I would never have come to if I had not had that happen.” It is the planet that represents regeneration, transmutation and metamorphosis. In regards to change, anything that we are hanging onto out of habit, or out of fear, of being comfortable in for too long, or an aspect of our lives and thinking

that no longer serves and its time is up, - Pluto relentlessly and literally forces one to let go. Not out of a cruel or victimised stance, but of renewal in opening us to something even better, which we could not see from the other side of the invitation. Often through a personal crisis of betrayal or pain, a Pluto experience reveals to us our deepest understanding and gives meaning to our lives that nothing else will. When it aspects other planets in your chart it is saying that a part of your understanding/living/perspective has come to an end and you are being asked to let go to open to more than the familiar and to have faith in this. Along the way, Pluto’s effect will always reveal to you your own inner strength and truth as a power to be reckoned with and a foundation to trust deeply. There will always be a death of the old and the birth of the new within us and within our lives in some ways for the better. Pluto’s effect will test any resistance and reluctance to change and movement forward in our personal evolution. It will demand your attention and there is no escaping the power of forceful “let go” it brings into your awareness. How you can deal with these forces is to trust, surrender and ask for help - in fact this is one of the rewards of Pluto’s lessons is the value of a whole new paradigm that teaches a way of navigating our experience that is often so opposite of what we have been conditioned to believe in from fear and sur vival. Pluto teaches us that we are more than our conditioning and fear. It connects us deeply with our Essence, our Spirit of Complete Love. It is at times in Pluto retrogrades

that we are asked to look again at things that we thought we had dealt with or that have been a pattern in our lives. It brings us to a place in our lives of deeper introspection and asking for help in negotiating the deep subconscious aspects of us that are asking for attention and healing. What we need to know is that there is nothing irreparable about us. The rewards of the courage it takes to going inside are enormous and bring to us great riches. This is a time to often ask for help. To put your hand up because it’s just too painful to live with anymore and of course we do not have to. We suffer in order to know that we do not have to suffer. It is in times like these that I ask the Higher Self for help and then I am given and shown a way to go – either to a therapist I trust, or to do something I have not done before or some kind of guidance that helps me transform my experience alchemically from a brick of pain into the gold of true Peace and Power. JULIE WAY© 2009 Julie Way is an Adelaide Rebirther/ Breath Therapist/LifeLine Practitioner and Personal/Spiritual Development Consultant as well as the author of sonal Master ersonal Masteryy. She has the book Per recently published an inspirational or a Mir aculous Lif Miraculous Lifee booklet Thoughts ffor as a herald to her third book The Mir aculous Lif e© (work in progress) Miraculous Life© in which she expands on the above subject. Julie presents regular lectures in Adelaide on Friday evenings. (See advertisement this issue.) She can be contacted phone 08-84439162 or email See

(08) 8356 4160.

The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart. The road to God is the adventure of a lifetime.

Julie Way

Dip.T. B.Ed.

FRIDAY EVENING LECTURES 2009 A gentle, deep, guided meditation relating to the topic is part of each lecture 7:00–9:30 PM - Entr Entryy $30

sonal RResponsibility esponsibility and Li ving with August 28 – Per ersonal Living Tr ust September 25 - Emotional Health & Healing October 30 - Eg Egoo and the Tr ue Self November 27 – Self Lo Lovve Where: Cafe Vagabondo, 41 O’Connell St, North Adelaide When: 1st Thurs & 3rd Wed (each month) Time: 7.30 - 9am

Investment: $35 for 2 (includes breakfast) RSVP: Michelle Stanton (08) 8356 4160 Email:

VENUE - Rosefield Uniting Church Hall 2-6 Carlton St. Highgate (Bookings Essential) julie way@o juliew • Phone 08-8443 9162 Cds of the lectures available from Julie, Cosmic Pages & Quantum Bookshops. ‘Freedom from Fear’, ‘The Mirror Principle’, ‘Ego and the True Self’, ‘Peace and Love through Forgiveness’ - $25 www .julie for lectures, CDs, books, programs. www.julie .juliew

IF you're afraid of being grabbed by God, don't look at a wall. Definitely don't sit still. Jiyu Kennett (Essential Zen)


Sacr ed Sacred



Running Away From Home sonally with this place. And the reason why we intrinsically hold this strong link is that the place where we grew up holds the “personal signature” or “energy stamp” of our “identity” for this chosen lifetime. Our soul kno ws eexactl xactl her knows xactlyy wwher heree on the planet is loca ted the ideal ener located ener-getic en vir onment to bring out the envir vironment lif hic ant to wwor or lifee lessons wwhic hichh wwee wwant orkk on, nnur ur tur eurtur turee and master in our lif lifetime time.. Therefore, it may seem that growing up you are challenged greatly in your hometown. It may seem that adversity seems to follow you around and that you feel squashed or diminished. If this has been the case, then excellent, you have been receiving the exact conditions you asked for, to coax out of you the characteristics and traits which hold you back from realising your full divine potential. T he soul lo halleng lovv es a cchalleng hallengee and vir onther ef or hoose en virontheref efor oree will often cchoose envir ments coupled with ffamilies amilies wwher her heree it is pushed to ggrr ow. For example, if you are artistic and a peacemaker then you may have been born into a family that often fights and are blue collar workers, without an ar tistic eye, in a city or town that is seemingly far away from the arts capitals of the world. At first this may seem that the odds are stacked against you, but far from it. They are so in your favour. You see we have a choice with challenges. We can let them get the better of us and curl and hide in our own skin, eating ourselves away with anger and sadness or we can use those challenges and the enormous energy reserves they bring us, to propel us forward into living our truth, just like



WAKINGUp Have you ever thought about running away from home? It would be so easy, wouldn’t it? Just to pack up and leave all your troubles behind you, including the old friends, ex-partners, irritating family members, the old jobs and a society that doesn’t understand you. Just to pack up and move to a new place where you can be yourself once and for all, where you won’t feel different or judged for your beliefs and where you can get on with your life purpose which you just know is begging for your recognition. A place where you can star t to really like yourself and wipe the slate clean with a brand new, fresh star t. A place where you can be whomever you want to be because nobody knows you or your history. Or perhaps you often find yourself thinking or lamenting “Why am I still living in the same place as I was born? What is it about this home town that keeps drawing me back in and seems to have some invisible hold on me? Why can’t I just leave it all behind me and move on with my life?” Does any of this sound familiar? The constant escapist self-talk where we beat ourselves up for not understanding why the place of our birth has an undeniable pull on our heartstrings and yet at the same time offers an irresistible gift. A gift that can release us from all ties and bonds to the past and set us free in the present to be ourselves no matter where we live in the world. You see no matter where you were born and grew up in the world, it could be Adelaide, Manhattan, London, Singapore, Belgrade or any other country town in-between we tend to identify ourselves very per-

The Dancer’s Zone

rocket fuel filling us up for the journey of a lifetime. If yyou ou can succeed in being yyour our our-self locall ou can succeed aatt locallyy then yyou being yyour our self and an ourself anything ything else as well, an yw her or ld. The seanyw ywher heree in the wwor orld. cr et is not to rrun un aaw w ay without accret ce pting the cchalleng halleng esented to cepting hallengee pr presented our hometo wn ffir irirst. st. Otheryou in yyour hometown wise, you may be running for a very long time. Once you accept your hometown challenges, acknowledge them, and do not run away, but embrace them, then you are free to move anywhere in the world because your soul is free, and that is the key! T he ggrr ea test oppor tunity to be eatest you eexists xists in yyour our hometo wn no w. hometown now Once you are free at home, then you are free everywhere. Use home to help you be yourself, rather than running away from its challenges, which can follow you around the globe. For as the saying goes: “You can run away from the place, but you can never run away from yourself.” Be brave, that is why you came here, to stretch and grow and learn in the process. Remember, there’s no place like home! Elizabeth Peru is Founder & Director of Deltawaves, Sacred Sound & Colour Transformations, based in Adelaide, Australia. Elizabeth reaches a global online and in person audience with her regular column’s in Innerself & Insight Magazines, Weekly Global Energy Report, The Tip-Off & Monthly Radio Appearances on 5AA and Private Transformational Sessions. Phone: 0422 002 917 Email: Web:

Something magical happens as the vibration of movement and music become harmonized. When a dancer is so completely in the moment, in the music and inside of the self, the resulting shift in consciousness can generate feelings from profound inner peace to sheer rapture. This mysterious occurrence is what I refer to as the “dancers zone”,and seems to share some similar characteristics to the phenomenon, Duende which is”that mysterious power that everyone feels but no philosopher can explain”. Flamenco artists refer to Duende as a performance phenomenon that can be applied to any performance art where one experiences a physical and or an emotional bodily reaction to an artistic performance. Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorcawrites that “all the ar ts are capable of Duende, but it naturally achieves its widest play in the fields of music, dance and the spoken poem, since those require a living presence to interpret them, because they are forms which grow and decline perpetually and raise their contours on the precise present”. The honour of experiencing the”dancers zone” on the rare occasion that it is bestowed upon me is what leaves me feeling most satisfied as a dancer. In describing this “zone” I can only speak from personal experience and many may perceive this phenomenon in a variety of ways. The “zone” is a time where there is a feeling of temporarily being transpor ted away from the ‘usual’ self, where one is able to become/feel/ encapsulate the energy of the music and thus, express the essence of one’s spirit. I have found this experience to be incredibly healing and has also provided a doorway into allowing deeper layers of creative expression to arise. Through this present connection to the body and music, movement flows, inspiration unfolds and according to some, innovative choreography can be effor tless. Dancers may find this state easier to obtain alone and in a personal sacred space, as opposed to performing for an audience. Performance can evoke a certain level of self-consciousness, however for some more experienced dancers it can assist in the process, if

the ambience is suitable. For some dancers, the “zone” may spontaneously transpire, however I would like to share some of the ways that I have found helpful in enhancing the likelihood of obtaining this state. Intention: Begin by havinga clear intention of what you desire to experience during your dance practice. Music Music: Choose a powerful piece of music that allows you to express an aspect of your authentic self. Allow the self to tune into the music and surrender to the movement and emotion that becomes activated. Lighting: Lighting:Darkness provides a blank canvas for various forms of lighting ie.candles, coloured lighting, crystal lamps etc. Through changing the lighting you change the mood. You can further explore the effect of coloured lighting through researching colour therapy and the influence that certain colours can have on our mental, emotional and physical states. Tec hnical aability: bility: A proficient echnical dancer who feels confident in their abilities may be more likely to tap into the “dancers zone”. When a dancer has worked hard at developing their art, there can be a sense of empowerment. This can allow for less thinking and the ability to stay more present which can enable the embodiment of one’s spirit. However, some dancers may resonate with “freedance” practices, such as trance dance or ecstatic dance, where technique may not be an important factor but rather repetitive motion. Sa tisf ied Mind: A busy, dissatisfied Satisf tisfied mind (especially just prior to dancing) can inhibit staying present in the moment. Ensuring that you have ample time to centre, and to clear mental/emotional disturbance may assist in a more fulfilling experience. Costuming: Costuming:Dancing in an appropriate costume that you feel completely comfortable in can help transport you out of your usual mindset and to tap into the energy you aspire to express through your chosen piece of music. Gr ounded Grounded ounded: Feeling grounded in the body can create a sense of internal balance and harmonized energy flow. This can be achieved through

practices such as breathing and visualisation exercises, which can encourage a balancing connection to “heaven and earth” (as in Qi Gong exercises). Maintaining a proper dance posture, which “allows the god/goddess to enter” can also assist in a feeling of being centred and grounded in the body. Other practices such as Tai Chi, yoga and pilates are also very beneficial. According to dancer Zenya K. Horricks, “the more grounded in the body and experience, the more support there is for the infinite creativity of the universe to flow through you. Rooted in possibility, expressing outwards through infinitely diverse limbs”. Living a creative life through dance as a from of expression is an individual journey, and through the gift of experiencing the “dancers zone”, one’s awareness and approach to their practice can be completely transformed. I have found it to be a source of creative ideas and expressions, bringing an intensity, depth and richness to my dance practice.The interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that it is never guaranteed, and there can be a potential yearning and sense of dissatisfaction if this experience is never to be “grasped” again. Author Elizabeth Gilbert speaks on her approach to handling this predicament, in that “if you never happened to believe in the first place that the most extraordinary aspects of your being came from you, but maybe if you just believe that they were on loan to you from some unimaginable source, for some exquisite portion of your life, to be passed along, when you are finished, to somebody else”. Acushla is artistic director of Sacred Tribe Dance Studios, SA and is also a qualified acupuncturist. She is a teacher and workshop facilitator (along with the Sacred Tribal teaching team) and directs and performs with the tribal performance troupe, Omnia. Phone 0410 298 801 or visit



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FOLLOW YOUR HEART The following exchange features Mas Rogers (M), being interviewed by Verena Cunningham (V), for her book “The Joy of Conscious Living: A practical guide to Inner Freedom” V: Let’s begin by talking about how to tune into the heart. M: First let’s be clear that what most people mean by the heart, that amazing pump on the left side of the chest. However, many people these days are aware that heart also refers to the etheric (non-physical) heart, the Heart Chakra, which is located in the centre of the chest. (To avoid confusion, for the duration of this inter view, I will simply refer to the physical hear t as “heart,” or “the heart,” however the etheric Heart will be specified with a capital “H”.) My own experience with the etheric Heart informs me that it is non- local. This is a term from quantum studies meaning that the etheric Hear t is everywhere simultaneously. In the physical heart we get in touch with the feeling/emotion of love, yet the Hear t Chakra is our most powerful broadcaster of the love energy. With pure and focussed intent, humans generally have a natural ability to expand the energy of love exponentially, without limit. I predict that, as this ability becomes more universally applied, planet-wide, we as a species will experience an evolutionary shift in consciousness. Through skilfully broadcasting love to all beings on a regular basis, we will arrive at a time when our new paradigm of relationships will find us relating with one another with compassion and kindness. Indeed this “Age of Heart” is already dawning, and will be a primary feature of the 2012 experience. Fear of our neighbours will diminish to such an extent that those who insist on quarrelling, holding blame and hatred in their hearts, will rightly be regarded as insane. The consequences of such sociopathic behaviour are already beginning to appear, where aggressive, totalitarian states are becoming de-facto pariahs, outcast by the greater society of humanity. V: What role does the physical heart play in seeding this new paradigm? M: The physical heart mirrors the vast reserves of power residing in the Heart Chakra. Measured with magnet field meters, the electromagnetic field that the physical heart produces

is some five thousand times more powerful than that created by the brain. This field extends out beyond the surface of the body, further than human measuring devices can detect. This singles the heart out as being the most vital organ in the body, with an extraordinary array of functions and characteristics. For example, in my research I have found that the heart is also non-local, as with the Heart Chakra, thus one could regard these as two aspects of The One Universal Heart. While discussing the characteristics of the heart, it’s important to note that the heart is a surprisingly intelligent organ. Recently, specialists have discovered that up to 65% of the cells of the heart are neurons, just like those of the brain. In fact, it is correct to say that the heart has a brain— a highly specialised nervous system of its own, which connects with centres of the brain in the head. Most of these connections have to do with feelings and emotions. Without a doubt, the heart-connection is essential to a proper perspective of our emotional lives. Without valuing and tuning into the heart’s loving energy, negative emotions will tend to pervert our chances of knowing our true Joy of Life and the lives of those around us. Down through history, humans of all ancestry have known that the heart is the organ of empathy and compassion. This is why it’s crucial for our human culture to include heartawareness in the curriculum of our children. At all stages of our growth, it is essential that we cultivate an intimate relationship with our hear ts, and equally as crucial, that we understand the Universal Heart! V: So how are we going to do that— what are the means of cultivating that intimate relationship with the heart? M. Some years ago (2001), I had the good for tune to discover that there are ways to have a conversation with hear t. This learning has been absolutely vital to me, and to my friends… and to my love life! I’ve found the answers to my most profound questions there. I served a 5year “apprenticeship” to heart. Without a doubt, this training was the most riveting—and demanding— period of my life. Through a process of intentional openness and acceptance, I gradually discerned a willingness on the part of heart to establish a dialogue. One morning, as I sat

upon my cushion, just resonating with heart’s presence, everything suddenly changed forever; I heard a still, small voice: “Begin Now!” It was a startling revelation! Early in my learning, over several months, I was given a simple process which leads to the resolution of relationship conflicts— including relationship with one’s own self. I call the process HeartBeat, due to the importance of establishing resonance with heart. First one focuses full attention on the heart’s beating in the chest, then on the sensation of the heart’s pulsing in other parts of the body. This may take a while to master, but patience is one of heart’s primary lessons. Entering into this contemplative encounter, one will eventually witness the altered state of profound inquiry. Holding tight to the intention, the conflict seems to gradually melt into another, more liberated, way of being. Intention does all the work. It’s important to patiently sit for a while, continuing to focus on heart. Trust hear t to provide even more resolution. Then, out of the stillness, the spontaneous miracle occurs as the full reply spontaneously arises— not as a thunderous declaration, but as a still, small offering. -Once again, I have witnessed the heart’s remarkable ability to provide an appropriate solution. I gently remind myself of heart’s virtues: patience, intentional loving, and receptivity. I call the bearer of these abilities The Sage of Heart. In 2006, I began to present the HeartBeat Process as an indispensable sequel to Heart Radiance. It has brought joy into the hear ts of many— I couldn’t do without it.

Mas Rogers is an author, researcher and international presenter. This retreat is based on his unusual experiences during a 5 year retreat as caretaker of a Taoist temple in the mountains of Eastern Taiwan. Mas has been teaching this retreat for the past 18 years. SOUTH AUSTRALIA December 4th (Begins Fri 2pm), 5th & 6th To reserve a place call Mas: (03) 9489 0328 or email:

Heart Radiance

+ HeartBeat 2 & 1/2 day live-in retreat

This unique experience is facilitated by Mas Rogers, author, researcher and international presenter. This retreat is based on his unusual experiences during a 5 year retreat as caretaker of a Taoist temple in the mountains of Eastern Taiwan. Mas has been teaching this retreat for the past 18 years. This retreat is offered by Donation.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA December 4th (Begins Fri 2pm), 5th & 6th

To reserve a place call Mas: (03) 9489 0328 or email:

Angel Love Healing Joanne is a Spiritual Medium; a channel of Angel Love Healing, Light and Guidance from Spirit. Joanne’s unique ability to connect with your Guardian Angels, Animal Guides and loved ones in Spirit allows her to provide powerful healing and Spiritual Counselling on a deep emotional level. For more information and to book a healing call Joanne on 0432 851 759.*Female & referred clients only* Portal Visions Natalie Norton-Baker is a surprisingly accurate psychic with over 20 years of experience. A natural clairvoyant, Natalie has honed her abilities through dedicated study and training. In 2005, Natalie was voted

the SA Psychic of the Year and winner of Psychic Hall of Fame 2008, giving testimony to the high esteem in which she is held within the psychic community. Featured in magazines, newspapers and on radio. For details phone 8365 3656.

will be even more readers, stalls and healers. Free workshops are held daily on various metaphysical topics. Live music is played through the weekend. A face painter is available on Sunday afternoon. Entry fee is $5, and includes a tea or coffee. Come and join us for a fun weekend. Any questions, phone Jenny on 0427 694 861

Enfield Psychic Fair 2009 This is the fourth year this event has been held at the Enfield Community Centre on Regency Road, Sat 29 and Sun 30 August. This year there


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By ELISABETH JENSEN Dip App Sc (CHN) My first healing miracle experience was in 1992 when an angel cured me and my then partner of numerous physical health challenges in an instant. My whole life changed as I also became a clairvoyant and healer from that day onwards. I was not instantly enlightened but my soul started to awaken inside me and like a caterpillar who discovers that it is possible to become a butterfly one day instead of just crawling around the earth I decided to aim for the sky.

My searching took me to Egypt in 2003 and the experience of receiving a powerful healing blue light while meditating within the Great Pyramid started another time of great research in the healing science of the Ancient Egyptians. Like thousands before me I read every book I could find on Ancient Egypt and immersed myself in the study of the different Gods and Goddesses of Egypt but found many conflicting stories and theories abounded there.

The temples and pyramids were amazing to see each time I returned there but the many chaotic energies created by the countless thousands of visiting tourists were a distraction. Eventually I realised that the Egyptians had left a living legacy of light and knowledge behind but most of it could only be accessed through meditation, quiet contemplation and the channelling process. I also became aware that a far more ancient civilisation existed there about 30,

000 – to 50,000 years ago and that was the magical time the so called ancient Egyptians were trying to recreate 5,000 years ago. ALL THE GODS & GODDESSES ARE ONE The multitude of Divinities in ancient Egypt are in reality one and the same –all Gods and Goddesses are really just forces of nature and different aspects of the same Creation God or Goddess. Due to the intense ceremonial work to invoke and hon-

our them in the temples they became very powerful Light Beings with personalities much like a human without a physical body. So one by one I have met many Divinities both at home in Adelaide and in Egypt – simply they come to me and say “Hello, I am Nefertum, or Maat or Hapi” etc So if you cultivate a relationship with these Divinities you have at your service very powerful healing and protective energy forces. If

your body is very tired and you are cold late at night and you call on the Sun God Ra to shine gold light down upon you for a few minutes you will feel a warm and energising flow of light above you – rather like being outside in the sun. If you practise and meditate continuously with the different divinities you will realise you can draw to you all the energies you need for self healing firstly of many physical complaints then your soul. The creator God Amun Ra is one of the most powerful Divinities to call to you when you need a healing miracle – in reality he is just a huge expanse of bright white light so if you invoke him to spread this light throughout your house then to focus this light above you as you sleep at night you will find many every day aches and pains starting to disappear overnight. MEET TEHUTI, THE DIVINITY WHO CAN HEAL YOUR SOUL Often known as Thoth, this divinity was called Tehuti in ancient Egypt and existed in human form for thousands of years. As human bodies are not designed to last if we live life as most people do on earth he developed and taught ways of soul healing and travel to other realms – beneath the Great Pyramid to the Mystical Halls of Amenti plus to the soul plane where our souls exist as huge balls of Light. We have within us only a tiny fragment of our Soul Energy and for many of us it’s quite damaged. Tehuti taught me to look inside people’s body to see their souls and spirit energy and often its dark and damaged with much of it missing. Taking a person’s spirit in a meditation journey down to the Halls of Amenti for healing or to the Soul Plane for advanced healing of their Soul Gem is the recommended treatment for this. The ancient Mummification process was actually the physical representation of Soul Healing done by the Temple Priests to ensure eternal life in the higher planes but it became misunderstood when the ancient papyrus scrolls found in the tombs were misinterpreted by those with no understanding of spiritual energies and laws. If you were to ask sincerely in deep meditation for Tehuti to visit you in his Golden Energy Body Form and take you the Soul Plane for healing he will often do this for you. ELISABETH JENSEN is a former Registered and Community Health Nurse plus the author of Isis Lotus Oracle cards. She teaches her Isis Mystery School courses worldwide including in Egypt. Please visit


InnerSelf Cr ystal Light Ther Crystal heraapy


BY JUNE COX On the 22nd of March my husband and I went sailing. We cruised slowly down the Port River looking out for the famous river dolphins but didn’t see any. Cruising along the coast past Semaphore, sails were unfurled and the wind alone carried us forward out to sea. Above us in a clear blue sky a large flock of pelicans with huge outspread wings glided effortlessly on the thermals. I was awe-stuck at the way they so majestically flew above and I envied their freedom. Standing at the rail keeping my balance as the ship rose and fell with the waves, we got further out into the bay as I became aware of synchronicity at work. Not only with the sea and my breathing but even with my heartbeat. A feeling of total peace - no longer an envy of the pelicans - just a

oneness of it all: the ship sailing on the sea … the wind in the sails … the rush of waves against the bow … the odd bit of seaweed floating by a Gannet (bird) diving for the fish coming up with its catch in its beak … and lo and behold – a dolphin! There is a saying, from where it came from I know not, but it captures the experience perfectly – “A Peace that surpasses all understanding.” This peace I felt at that moment was beyond all and not the easiest to explain in words. How often in our busy lives do we stop to smell the roses? How often do we realise that we are in synchronicity with Mother Nature herself? Not very often but in that one moment it all became clear … just as clear as the blue sky above. We are all one with everything and

so many are becoming more and more aware of this. I felt like singing and dancing around that ship. Instead, with a big grin on my face I reflected on the significance of this voyage … standing on the deck of the “ONE AND ALL” sailing ship. The ship was crewed by young volunteers who did a great job of raising the sails and serving delicious

Tired... Listless... No Energy? Time for a Bicom Therapy Session

What is Bicom Therapy? BICOM Therapy is a biophysical technique based on concepts in acupuncture, homeopathy and quantum physics. Most orthodox and complementary medicine uses chemicals (pharmaceuticals or herbs) to alter the body’s biochemistry. However, research in American universities has shown that living organism generate tiny electromagnetic fields which naturally regulate their biochemistry and that these can be used for a drug-free and non-invasive therapy. The therapist uses the BICOM instrument to pick up electromagnetic waves from the patient, modifies them and sends them back to improve the body’s ability to regulate its own physiological processes. Introduced over 25 years ago in Germany, there are now over 8000 users in Europe and over 70 in Australia. Although it can treat all kinds of diseases it is best know for success with allergic and chronic diseases. HOW DOES IT WORK? Traditional Oriental medicine believes our bodies are criss-crossed with energy pathways. A balanced flow of energy is an indicator of good health. For diagnosis, energy imbalance is detected by taking electrical measurements from acupuncture points on the fingers and toes. Specific programmes in the computer can then re-establish energy balance using electrodes on the skin or on top of light clothing. Various scientific studies have shown that the human body gives off electromagnetic frequencies over a wide range from a few vibrations per second (brain waves) to many thousand per second (visible light). The most useful range therapeutically is from 10 to 150,000 (radio waves). Filters in the BICOM can separate ‘healthy’ frequencies from ‘unhealthy’

frequencies. The therapist can amplify the healthy energy to give a boost to an organ or system in need or attenuate it to calm down an overactive area. The unhealthy energy waves can be turned upside down to cancel a disturbing effect using a ‘mirror’ circuit similar to that used on the Concorde to reduce the engine noise in the passenger compartment. This ‘mirroring’ can also be used with frequencies from substances such as incompatible foods or tooth fillings, bacteria, fungi, heavy metals and pesticides to reduce the strain these place on the body. HOW CAN IT HELP ME? Many people seek help with a specific symptom or condition such as: • clearing radiation and metals • allergies and food intolerances • eczema and asthma • chronic fatigue • digestion problems (IBS, Crohn’s) • hormonal imbalance (PMT, menopause) • fungal infections (candida, thrush) • joint and muscle pain • stop smoking program Certainly, BICOM therapy has proved particularly successful to people with these conditions. However it is also a holistic therapy, which aims to treat the whole person not just the symptom. The aim of BICOM therapy is to restore the body’s self-healing, or regulatory pow-

ers. Hence the frequent comment “I’m feeling better in myself”, referring to things such as more energy and vitality, fewer infections, better sleep or more normal appetite. Many patients come for preventative health care as problems will appear in the energetic system before there are any symptoms that would show in conventional tests. WHAT HAPPENS IN A TREATMENT? At your initial consultation you will be asked about your medical history and treatment to date, symptoms and when they started, chemical and electrical factors at home and work. From electrical measurements on your hands and feet, the therapist will assess your energetic situation. Based on this assessment, the therapist will plan your treatment starting with removing energy blockages. You will then receive you first ‘basic treatment’. This treats the whole body, scanning the whole frequency range. You will be lying on a mat and have your hands and/or feet on metal electrodes. Followup sessions will address specific problems you have been having. You may be asked to give a tiny sample of saliva or urine as the BICOM can pick up information from this to make the therapy more successful. Several programmes will be run with electrode placements and frequencies chosen to suit the organs or systems being treated.


Experience Life again with health,energy and a total feeling of well being There is help out there. Refer to above editorial for a brief explanation regarding Bicom Therapy.


We are having amazing results with chronic fatigue, food and chemical intolerances & allergies STOP SMOKING PROGRAM - IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH NOW For more info Google Bioresonance Therapy

JULIE De CESARE: Dip BRT, MABPA Bio Resonance Therapist. Present this voucher and receive a $20 discount for 12a Konando Terrace, Edwardstown. S.A. 1st appointment Phone: 0416 101 325 • (08) 8370 3271

food. A young woman went aloft to tie up the top sail. Balancing on a rope, she made her way across and over the main mast, climbing down with the agility of a monkey. Watching this, I realised that so often our younger generation are not appreciated and put down, misunderstood and not listened to. The responsibility of that ship, and its passengers was in the hands of these very youngsters and it was awesome and inspiring as I continued to reflect on the significance of the ONE AND ALL. If you have the desire to become aware of the oneness, then ask your own inner self to help you attain it and it will eventuate. You don’t have to necessarily be on a sailing ship called the ONE AND All to experience it. June Cox is a natural born Clairvoyant Spiritual Medium with Healing Hands. June's life changed after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991. She became aware of how fear affected every aspect of life and decided that she would make it her life purpose to help people get over their fears so ‘The Freedom from Fear Mission’ was born. No longer predicting natural disasters like earthquakes June helps anyone with their problems, helping them to overcome their fears, helping them to awaken their own Spirituality and Divine nature. Messages of love and comfort come from loved ones who have passed over during sessions if required. Hands on Healing is a natural ability June discovered during her cancer. She has been cancer free since 1991. Various workshops and public speaking available inquiries welcomed phone (08) 8277 0986

When does gold ore become gold? When it is put through a process of fire. So the human being during the training becomes as pure as gold through suffering. It is the burning away of the dross. Suffering has a great redeeming quality. As a drop of water failing on the desert sand is sucked up immediately, so we must become nothing and nowhere ... we must disappear. ~Bhai Sahib ‘Travelling the Path of Love’

Lydia has travelled extensively over the years and recently spent a month fulfilling a spiritual invitation in Abadiania, from Medium Joao Teixeira from the Casa de Dom Inacio – Brazil. Wow, what an experience to be in a place of overwhelming energy, love and healing. Lydia’s first experience with Medium Joao was in Wellington, New Zealand in May 2006. It was here she experienced her first psychic surgery and received an invitation by Joao and the Entities to come to Abadiania. People from all over the world seek out the wonderful healing abilities of spirit through this renowned Brazilian medium also known as “Joao De Deus”. The Casa operates as a non-denominational healing centre, situated purposefully on a magnetic vortex which in itself heightens the impact of the energy received. It has been a most uplifting experience which has also allowed Lydia to expand even further with the blessings of “John Of God” and the Entities to return home to Adelaide, where she continues to work with the Healing Energies of Abadiania using the Crystal Light Bed. Suspended above you are seven vogel pure quartz crystals with colours aligned to each of your chakra energy points. You close your eyes and relax while listening to some meditative music as the healing energies take place. The purpose of the Crystal Light Bed is to: ·Cleanse and re-align your chakras · Energise and uplift · Bring peace to the body · Assist to clear unharmonious energy · Energetic connection to the Casa Medium Joao and the Entities prescribe sessions under the Crystal Light Bed as an adjunct in preparation for further healing to firstly align the chakras. Spiritual assistance is possible as the entities from the Casa will be in-

voked to work in company with the client’s Guardian Angel and Spiritual Guides during their session. Testimonials “Sometimes in our search for ‘connection’ or our higher self, we seem to hit a brick wall. This has certainly been true for me. Experiencing healing with Lydia and the Crystal Light Bed has helped me move through this. My time on the Crystal Bed itself was beautiful. I could feel loving energy surround me, re-aligning and clearing my energy centres. It was a vibratory experience which left me ‘humming’. For days afterwards, I could feel my energy body changing, lightening – everything seems that little bit clearer. I feel very blessed to have been able to experience this.” Marie S “For the past few years my energy has been low, my mind foggy and I have needed a ‘nanna nap’ every afternoon. It was an effort to do or finish anything as I always felt like I was walking up a steep hill or lost my focus. I needed help. Whilst on the Crystal Light Therapy bed, I went into a meditative, relaxed state and after my session, felt as if I had slept for hours. Since then I find my focus, clarity and memory has returned. I can actually stay on a task until completion! My energy levels are active and constant from rising till bed. I am no longer exhausted by 4:00pm and as an added bonus my creativity has also returned, I am writing again! As I have done nothing elsetochange my circumstance, I must accredit the Crystal Light Therapy for this healing. I thoroughly recommend it.” Wendy S

Fr ee one hour pub lic talk public om 2.00 – 3.00pm on Sa tur da Satur turda dayy 29 August frfrom Cosmic PPaages oad, Adelaide Adelaide.. es,, 338 King William RRoad, For Enquiries and Bookings Lydia on 0417 190 158 • Email: trinity .of trinity.of

CRYSTAL LIGHT THERAPY Now available in Adelaide Experience the Healing Energies from the Casa de Dom Inacio Abadiania—Brazil Crystal Light Therapy cleanses and aligns your chakras, Energises and uplifts your Mind Body and Soul. For enquires and bookings please call

Larissa 0402 122 240 Para Hills

Lydia 0417 190 158 Blackwood


methods. It is drug free, non invasive, offering new hope to anyone who has ever had trouble losing weight and keeping it off. This workshop teaches you simple easy to do techniques to keep you from binge eating, relieve anxiety, eliminate self sabotage and reduce the desire to overeat. It only takes minutes and has a 90% success rate. It also teaches you the necessary skills to treat anxiety, trauma, guilt, fear, panic and more that you can use on yourself and others to improve any aspect of your life. Please see advert below for more information and ring or email us and we will send you testimonials that you can read for yourself.


BY ROSANNA MOSCA We have all asked ourselves this question at least once in our lives and the answer is for many different reasons and one of them being for emotional comfort and to reduce anxiety. Now you can learn a revolutionary

technique that can help with any addiction. It is called Thought Field Therapy and it uses a combination of ancient wisdom and modern science regarding the body’s energy system to combine old and new

Rosanna Mosca is a a highly qualified transformational Naturopath/ Psychotherapist and internationally recognized instructor of TFT and personally trained by TFT founder Dr. Roger Callahan and is teaching the most recent techniques in the world she is conducting two-day workshops across Australia.Rosanna Mosca is an Accredited Trainer and offers a Money Back Guarantee with the workshop fees. Next schedule of workshops, only $600. ADELAIDE - 12th & 13th September - 14th & 15th November You can contact Rosanna on phone: (03) 9687 5333 • Mobile: 0411 665 138 • Email:

ELIMINATE EVERY NEGATIVE EMOTION “Learn how to achieve Emotional release from Trauma and Distress within minutes with Thought Field Therapy - money back guarantee!” “The most powerful technique for positive change you will ever experience as seen on Oprah.” Thought Field Therapy is a cutting edge technique that you can use to conquer emotional distress and many other emotional concerns that are life-limiting and can act as barriers to health and healing. It is a drug-free method of literally tapping into the body’s energy and eliminating blockages without using acupuncture needles, drugs, or hypnosis motivational speeches or changes to your belief systems.





• With 98%success rate TFT has proven more successful than conventional mental health treatments and procedures. TFT is swift permanent, totally natural and taking the world of Psychotherapy by storm. • Rosanna Mosca, a highly qualified transformational Naturopath/Psychotherapist and internationally recognized instructor of TFT and personally trained by TFT founder Dr. Roger Callahan and is teaching the most recent techniques in the world she is conducting two-day workshops across Australia. • Upon completion, you will be qualified and able to perform the procedure for yourself, your friends, family and colleagues.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you’re not completely satisfied that Rosanna’s training in TFT is the most effective treatment in regaining your psychological well-being, your admission fee of $600 will be refunded in full.

AUSTRALIA’S FIRST AUTHORIZED FEMALE TRAINER IN THIS PROVEN TECHNIQUE. Places are limited Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment. Next schedule of workshops, only $600.

ADELAIDE - 12th & 13th September - 14th & 15th November

Rosanna Mosca - ND, Dip CH, Dip Psych, BHSc, TFTdx, MCMA Phone: (03) 9687 5333 • Mobile: 0411 665 138 • Email:



BY DEANNE & SAMUEL SCHMID Floatation, (also known as floating or floatation therapy) involves floating on a very dense salt water mixture in a flotation tank. The water is 30cm deep and is heavily saturated with Epsom salts, enabling you to float effortlessly. The tank is maintained at a constant relaxed skin temperature of 34.5 degrees C. Nerve endings which cover the body’s surface no longer perceive any sense of separation between the skin and the silky mineral solution which surround it. You can float in silence, or choose gentle ambient music. Floating soothes and relaxes on a very deep level and there are many health benefits. Floating was invented by John C Lilly in about 1964. He was interested in consciousness, meditation and in the physiology and psychology of the meditative state when he started working on the effects of sensory deprivation. He discovered that his experimental subjects, his students, enjoyed the experience of floating and reached levels of

ENFIELD PSYCHIC FAIR 2009 Sat 29th August/Sun 30th August 10 am - 5 pm ENFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE 540 Regency Road, Enf ield Readers Stalls Healers Free Workshops on various topics Live music • Refreshments available Entrance Fee : $5.00 (includes tea, coffee, water) Children under 15 free entrance Contact Jenny on 0427 694 861 or e-mail

relaxation only seen in deep meditation. In fact within a few minutes a floating person can reach a depth of relaxation which takes many years to achieve by classical meditation techniques. Because floating is not such a widely known therapy, people often have lots of questions about the float tank environment and what’s involved to float. The floating process itself is quite simple… get inside the tank, lie down, relax and take a load off! Of course there is more to it than just lying there doing nothing, so just what is floating really about? In our everyday environment we are exposed to sight, sound, touch, the forces of gravity, etc. In fact, scientists estimate that up to 90% of our brain’s normal workload is caused by this routine stimulation alone. In this day and age, more than ever, we are bombarded with stimulation through our busy “plugged-in” lifestyles. Floating screens out all of this external stimuli, giving our mind, body and soul some much needed rest. That’s what floating is really all about - REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique). So it’s about being released from stress and strain on the mind and body rather than any form of “deprivation”. Free from the forces of gravity, floating weightless, being effortlessly supported by the skin temperature solution, the load is removed and one can easily achieve a deep level of relaxation. The unique womb-like tank environment offers the chance for us to take time out from all of that routine stimulation, leaving us refreshed and rejuvenated. The parasympathetic response (also known as the relaxation response), is the body’s natural mechanism for healing and regeneration. It can only occur during deep relaxation. Floating is the fastest, easiest and most effective way of eliciting this response and its dramatic health benefits. Floating “re-sets” the body’s chemical and metabolic balance, strengthening its resistance to the effects of stress, illness or injury. BENEFITS OF FLOATING Floating brings peace and quiet, increased well-being and can serve as an alternative form of treatment to reduce stress or relieve persistent pain. Following is a short list of some of the effects which have been reported by researchers and users: • Promotes total calm, peaceful relaxation; eliminates fatigue and jet lag; improves sleep; alleviates stress; energises, rejuvenates and revitalises. • Stimulates left/right brain synchronisation; creates mental clarity, alertness; increases creativity, problem solving; heightens visualisation; deepens meditation; expands awareness, intensifies acuteness of senses, accelerates learning. • Improves athletic performance and helps prevent sports injuries, speeds healing process; aids rehabilitation and recovery; relieves pain; boosts immune function. • Improves circulation and distribution of oxygen and nutrients; reduces blood pressure, pulse, heart rate and oxygen consumption. • Enhances hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis; increases motivation, diminishes depression, anxiety, fear, addictions and phobias. The floatation tank is a unique tool for assisting people to learn to quieten the mind and body and access deep relaxation, which is a learnt skill. When we continue to practice this skill in our day to day life we are using a powerful key for creating balance and harmony within. When our lives are in balance we are happier, more effective people and are able to extend this gift of nurturing self outward to others also. Deanne & Samuel Schmid have recently opened Lotus Floating Health & Relaxation Studio at Mt Barker, offering Floatation Therapy and Traditional Steam Sauna. For more info on floating or sauna see or contact Deanne on 8398 3434 or 0417 816585 or email




BY SHELLEY MURPHY Are you loving the people in your life or are you controlling the people in your life? There is a difference. Control is born from fear, not love. When raising children we need to provide guidance, boundaries and safety for them to flourish. We as adults have the same needs. When we love and care for someone we concern ourselves with their wellbeing also. Many of us try to achieve perfection in every aspect of our lives. This applies particularly to relationships. When we fail, we do not question our perfectionism we simply try to control even more. Perfectionism is nothing but a lack of

trust, and lack of trust originates in fear. With raising children that fear is our concern they will not turn out to be the type of person that we want them to be. Often it comes from the worry that people will judge us not to be a good parent. Therefore, we put more time and effort into being the perfect parent. As adults, we transfer our need to be perfect on to our adult roles. We work hard to be the perfect employee, the perfect partner, and the list goes on. It is hard enough controlling ourselves without the added burden of controlling others. I will let you in on a little secret, being the Policeman of

the Universe is exhausting! Don’t get me wrong, it is possible to have everything you want in your life. You simply do not get there by being controlling. Trying to control your life is like trying to control the weather. Look at the level of concern there has been on the lack of rain lately. The focus on lack caused worry not rain. The rain came when it was ready. Surrendering to that, trusting in that takes the pressure off. Acceptance of life and acceptance of your circumstances releases the pressure. Trying to control everyone in an attempt to control every outcome does not lead to happiness. It stifles your creativity, and dims your light. If loved ones feel unsafe expressing their true selves, they will only do what everybody else wants. You will not get to see their magnificence, just a projection of who they think you want them to be. Is that what you want? This may lead to a ‘happy’ home but it comes at a very high price as they lose themselves in the process. This is how “people pleasers” are created. Many perfectionists are people pleasers themselves and feel burdened by having to be and do so much for others. You can choose to let go of the attachment to the outcome. You can let your light shine and experience the freedom that comes with that. You can listen to your inner wisdom that tells you that no amount of worrying will have any bearing on the result. You can choose love not fear. You can choose a life free from anxiety and tension. For more info, contact Shelley Murphy, Phone: (08) 8121 4266 or 0407 435 169 Web: buddha/HealYourLife.htm

Some places to pick up InnerSelf Are you a reader of innerSelf looking for a distribution point near you? 25,000 copies of InnerSelf are available in over 800 outlets around Adelaide. Below is a partial distributors locality guide for your convenience, made up from some of the distributors who choose to promote their services through innerSelf. For more information on a distribution point near you or to be a distributor, please phone 8396 6752



Cosmic Pages - Major mind, body and spirit bookstore; 338-340 King William St, Adelaide. Phone 8231 9105. Bliss Organic Café - Organic, fairtrade, music art, lifestyle; 7 Compton Street, Adelaide. Phone 8231 0205. New Dimensions Bookshop - Alternative philosophies bookshop sice 1968, 310 South Tce Adelaide. Phone 8223 4877. 1920 Boutique - Shop 22, Adelaide Arcade SA 5000. Phone Melissa on 0418 891 967

The Eternal Spirit - Retail Shop & Healing Centre; 100 Goodwood Rd, Goodwood. Phone 8271 9666.

Aldgate Vital Harmony - Experience the Vital Harmony of the Adelaide Hills. Phone 8370 8557.

Aldinga The Latin Seed-Stockist Holistic Body Therapies. Bookings & Orders. Phone 8556-5407 Trilogy Hair & Beauty - Ammonia free organic hair colours & products. Horstman Technique; Australian BushFlower Essences. Phone 8557 7989. Shop 2/2 Old Coach Rd., Aldinga.

Aldinga Beach

“It is Safe to Look Within” ~Louise L. Hay

Largs Bay Foodwise - Full supply of organic produce; 7 Jetty Road Largs Bay. Phone 8242 7882.



A Life Abundant - For all your health needs; 587 Magill Road, Magill. Phone 8333 3144.

Within the Magik - Coffee, gifts, clothing, crystals, books. Shop 4, 411 Mt Barker Rd, Bridgewater SA. Ph 8339 1484

Cheltenham Linda Brook - Reading, healing, reiki, pastlife & massage; 25 High Street, Cheltenham. Phone 8240 0864.

Christies Beach Yoga To Health - Yoga Classes & Workshops. Phone Louise Wiggins on 8386 0571.

Clarence Park Body Revive Vibrosaun and Massage Therapy Centre. 53 East Ave, Clarence Pk. Phone 8351 5000.

Crafers West Simple Meditation Centre - Linda & David Clair, meditation, counselling. 66 Emmett Rd, Crafers West. Phone 8339 7848.

Gawler Total Wellbeing. Shop 21-22 Gawler Northern Market, Gawler. Gordon Marshall, Remedial Massage Therapist, Sports and Therapeutic Massage.

Glen Osmond

Shelle ph Shelleyy Mur Murph phyy You Can Heal Your Lif kshop Leader Lifee Wor orkshop Phone: (08) 8121 4266 or 0407 435 169 Email: Shelle yma Shelleyma Web: http://www ud dha/HealY ourLif uddha/HealY dha/HealYourLif ourLifee.htm

Kensington Park Rainbow Tree - organic baby products including clothing, toys, modern cloth nappies and slings. Fiona House - Kahuna Bodywork, Holistic Massage, Polarity Therapy, SCIO Bio-feedback and Food Mentoring 0416 473 163 Sue Upton - Sports/ Remedial and Relaxation Massage, Aromatherapy and Pregnancy Massage 0420 241 851. 320 Magill Road, Kensington Park phone 8332 8733

Heart of the Hills Market - Food, treasures, arts & crafts. 1 Lobethal Rd, Lobethal. Phone 8389 5615.



Greenacres SA Reiki Healing & Teaching Centre - Reiki, metaphysical and crystal shop; 55 Fosters Road, Greenacres. Phone 8266 3276.

Marie's Crystal Cave. New Age store and Healing Centre. Corner of Shephard Rd and Gordon St Aldinga Beach. Phone Marie on 8556 5692. Isis Dimensions - Wholistic Healing, spiritual workshops / retreats for women, men & children; Phone 8370 3509

Discover the mindset that has limited your success in business, financial abundance, intimate relationships, spiritual growth, and much more. Lear n to reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate negative self-esteem beliefs, such as. . . • Relationships don’t work • Life is difficult • I don’t matter • I’ll never have what I really want • I’m not good enough

Grange Phoenix Rising Healing Centre Healings, Meditations, Readings, Workshops. 675 Grange Rd.Grange. Phone 0411 034 177.

Adelaide Hills Natural Health Centre - Quality, Experienced Naturpathic Services. Abergeldie House Holistic Centre, 548 Portrush Rd, Glen Osmond. Phone 8338 2620 Organic to Go. Cafe and Food store. 365a + 363b Glen Osmond Rd, Glen Osmond. Phone 8379 2131.

Glenelg The Organik Store - Certified organic fruit & veg & groceries. 37 Broadway, Glenelg. Phone 8295 7767.


Meadows B & D Farm Paris Creek P/L Producers of organic bio/dynamic milk, yogurt, quark, butter & cheeses;; Phone 8388 3339.

Mt Barker Mt Barker Gymnasium. Where fitness happens. 62-64 Wellington Rd.Mt. Barker Ph. 8391 1422

Moonta Bay Soul Radiance – Healings, meditation, workshops. Phone - Jenny 0408930991

Newton Go Vita - Go get health, go stay healthy; Shop 20, 299 Montacute Road, Newton. Phone 8337 9818. Adelaide Training College of Complementary Medicine - Natural Therapy college, products & services; 3/297 Montacute Road, Newton. Phone 8365 0811.

Norwood AMCAL Pharmacy Norwood Shop 12, 161-169 The Parade. Phone 8332 1085. Healthy Life Norwood - Natural Health food store; Coles Norwood Mall, (164 Rear), The Parade Norwood. Phone 8332 1085.

Village. 71-79 O’Connel St, Nth Adelaide. Phone 8361 9150

O'Halloran Hill Sue's Place for Nails & Astrology Charts. Sue Hooley. 5 Paul Court, O'Halloran Hill. Phone 8381 9442.

Plympton Julie’s Bodycare - Massage, Reiki, Numerology, Past Life Therapy. 57B Bray St, Plympton Pk. Phone 8371 4311 or 0412 348 249

Pt Adelaide The Answer Within. Alternative Health & Lifestyle Studio. 9 Timpson St, Pt Adelaide. Phone 0403 850 619 or 8447 3158.

Pt Augusta Alternative Choices - Incense, Crystals, Singing Bowls, Books, Jewellery. Phone 8641 0251. 140 Carlton Parade, Pt Augusta.

Pt Elliot Authenticity Health Retreat Rest, relax, rejuvenate at authenticity; 14-32 Waterport Rd, Pt Elliot. Phone 8554 2088

Pt Noarlunga “Get with It!” - Personal Transformation & Family Connections Centre. CHILD, TEEN & ADULT CLASSES in Mind, Body, Emotional & Spiritual Growth, ALL Visual & Performing Arts. Private Consults, 60 Trim Cres, Old Noarlunga. Ph 8386 3318.

Pt Pirie Beauty for You - Full range of beauty services, therapeutic massage, Bowen Therapy. 23 Alexander St., Pt Pirie. Phone Natalie on 8632 6505.

Semaphore Ocean Organic Therapies - Remedial Massage - Health & Wellbeing therapies. Rebecca Barter. 103a Semaphore Rd, Semaphore. Phone 0419 819 653.

Smithfield In Balance Health and Wellness Centre. 39 Anderson Walk, Smithfield. 7380 0045 or over 30 different therapies available.

Stepney Sagarmatha Restaurant - Delicious, authentic Nepali cuisine; 6264 Payenham Road, Stepney. Phone 8363 6291

Strathalbyn The Old Market Shed - Health food, fruit and vegetables; 9 Dawson St Strathalbyn. Phone 8536 3777.

Tanunda The Sanctuary Health and Healing Centre - 106 Murray Street, Tanunda. Telephone (08) 8563 0388 or visit

Torrensville Blend Body care Urban Retreat. Aromatherapy products & treatment services. 26 Huntriss St Torrensville. Phone 8354 2006.



Earth Magic - Unique Meaningful new-age gifts; Shop 111, Colonades Shopping Centre, Noarlunga. Phone 8382 0811.

Spiritual Visions - Clairvoyant Crystal Practitioner and Workshops. Shop 22, 172 Glynburn Rd, Tranmere. Phone 0428 523 900

North Adelaide


YouYa Collections - Beautiful ingredients to enrich life: high quality loose teas, natural body and skin care products, artwork and gifts... Shop 7/152 Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. Phone 8361 6866. Romeo’s Organics - North Adelaide

Divinely Guided Therapies. Whyalla's healing centre. Workshops, angel miracles, Isis Healing, Bpwen Therapy, Massage, Crystals, Books,cards, candles and more.Shop 5, 77/79 Essington Lewis Ave. Whyalla. Phone 0423 873 746.



All you need is Love Love is the most powerful and desired emotion on the planet. It is what each and every one of us strives for. Love is the underlying motivation for life. Adver tisers also know this as they bombard you with ideas of being sexier, richer, and thinner, all with the hope of hitting that nerve; to be loved. The desire for a loving relationship can bring anxiety; am I lovable, when will it happen, and are they the one? Females in par ticular have been raised to feel that they are inadequate unless they can immediately find a love interest and potential husband. Many a fairytale comes to mind with the outcome being a partner that adores them. “Some day my prince will come”…Well when? When will my true love ride up on that white horse? As mother says; “all in good time”, “things will happen when they are ready”; “you will know when it is right”. Mother is right of course, things do happen for a reason, the universe decides what lessons you need in order to fulfil your destiny. All relationships, be it working, family or spouse are an important element on the path to fulfilment. Each interaction with another individual can teach us more about ourselves and help us to grow as human beings. Some relationships are just for fun and short lived whilst others can last longer, perhaps moving on as we reach cer tain crossroads. By using the cosmic trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man, we are given insight into someone’s relationship luck. A person’s birth chart reveals when the opportunities for relationships will appear. A birth chart also shows how each person interacts in any given relationship and can hold clues to improve the situation. This information can prepare us for any chance meetings that otherwise would have caught us off guard. Your potential for creating meaningful connections can then be enhanced using Feng Shui. A person’s home will usually reflect their birth chart. So, for example, if a person has relationship problems, there is usually a block within their home preventing them from reaching their goal. Sometimes they just need their Peach Blossom sector activated. Peach Blossom is what the Chinese refer to as your “attractiveness”, your ability to draw people to you. Each person has a Peach Blossom direction that is distinctive to them and it too is derived from their birth chart. Your outlook is integral to manifesting your desires. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts; they are the nature of how you perceive your world. Using positive affirmations and surrounding yourself with constructive images, instigates your mind to generate the law of attraction. Your home is also a reflection of your mind. (Yes, I can see you laughing, is it in a bit of a muddle at the moment?) Every time you look at your belongings, it conjures memories or thought patterns that you would hope are positive. Do you surround yourself with beautiful things or are your objects tired, dirty or broken? What feeling do you re-

ceive or more impor tantly project from your surroundings, are they supportive to forming wonderful relationships? Having items around your home that remind you to channel your thoughts towards your goal are known as “symbolism” and encompass not only specific items bought for a reason but your whole décor.

MANDARIN DUCKS A pair of Mandarin ducks is traditionally used by the Chinese to represent relationships. This is because the Mandarin duck is a most loving and faithful bird. Once it finds a partner it mates for life and should its partner be separated, it would fret for its loss to the point of death. There are other such animals that show similar romantic notions. Many birds are known to form long-term pair bonds that can last a lifetime; these include swans, geese, most hawks, eagles and falcons, most parrots, albatrosses, ravens, pigeons and doves. Being in Australia, the Mandarin duck may not feel vary familiar to you so its symbolism may miss its mark. You may like to try another bird that you can better relate to, one that holds more significance for you. So there is no need to stick to Mandarin ducks if your favourite bird happens to be, say, a parrot, just make sure it’s a loving pair of birds. A pair of doves would also nicely represent a loving couple and are used frequently at weddings. It’s the symbolic representation of a loving, monogamous couple that needs to be realised and it must strike a chord within you. In 2009, a good place to position your symbolic item is in the South as here you will be caught up in the winds of romance. Cindy Coleman is the principal consultant and founder of Feng Shui Palace. Educated both internationally and within Australia, Cindy is a certified Classical Feng Shui consultant with talents in BaZi and Date Selection. Her mentors include, Rina Lee and Joey Yap with a joint lineage to Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai. Her practice has taken her to many capital cities within Australia, Asia and beyond. For more info contact Cindy on xxx


35 ENERGY HEALING Energy healing products and services from Australia

BY SA SILVANO To LIVE IN AYNI is to come into right relationship with this moment, with self, with our environment, nature and all living beings. The way to come into Ayni is to see that there is nothing but the One here. T her heree is no other other.. The one with you, driving alongside you, serving you, loving you, challenging you; the one taking a life, birthing a life, being birthed; the one that is tree, rainbow, rock, river, lightning, wind; the one who is seeing, the one who is One This is Ayni. seen – All the One. Coming into right relationship is to also recognize that it cannot happen as long as we hold judgement. Judgement separates. Judgement comes from the mental body. We have attached great impor tance to the mental body giving it power of rulership, even though its ability is finite. It is like a computer. What goes in is regurgitated out in a multitude of combinations. Corrupt data goes in and judgement comes out. If something does not compute with our mental body, we say it is not science and therefore is nonsense. We seem to validate only that which aligns with the physical and logical world. We have - to our detriment lost connection with the metaphysical, mystical and non-visible world. Our mental body is useful when used appropriately, but as powerful as it is, we must remember that it is a tool, created by us to assist us. Ultimately we want to create better and more meaningful lives for ourselves and our families. So, have we used our mental capabilities to create a more peaceful, loving world? Or have we found that it just may have left us even more isolated and disconnected from each other and from the natural world. Our mental body has been programmed with so many concepts and beliefs, that we have created structures of imprisonment - emotional or otherwise - around ourselves. We feel stuck, isolated, separated, judged, angry. Fear filled through our perceived separation.

How can we have Ayni when separation is present? The truth we must see is that humanity is only really a small part of what constitutes life on this living planet. See the truth of this world, this earth that dances so gracefully in alignment with all the stars, galaxies and universes. The cosmic dance of light, through which the Goddess Gaia, our ear th mother, our Pachamama, moves in exquisite harmony. Nature, present all around us, whether we notice or not – in the power of the seven sacred directions, in the five elemental energies, in the trees and the breeze, in the rivers and the mountains, in the birds and the animals, in the soil and the air, in all colour, in all sound. Coming into Ayni is recognizing that we are a part of this infinite splendour. We are One, we are the dance of light. Coming into Ayni is coming home, back into wholeness which can only come from our connectedness to all, to the One. From the heart of Sa Silvano Munay Ki Initiator, facilitator and teacher

Claudio & Sa Silvano teach, initiate and facilitate spiritual processes. They are based in Perth, WA. For more information please visit or phone

0403 699 479

Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique As a qualified and experienced counsellor I’ve always intuitively felt there was something more than the “talking or hands-on therapies”to assist clients (and myself) to create and live an empowered life free from the traumas and pain in the past. Several years ago, I was looking for a simple to use, anywhere, anytime, quick and efficient modality to continue healing beyond the therapy room and without using psychobabble or disempowering language. As the saying goes “when the student is ready their teacher appears” or something similar and Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique presented itself. I believe in experiencing a modality to the fullest before offering new approaches to clients. During my first session two things happened. Firstly, I became more aware of how my thoughts, words, intentions and actions were instrumental in creating my daily experiences. Secondly, to my surprise and delight I left with, as the name implies a profound sense of “serenity”. I chose to implement the tools offered and each day began to notice more subtle changes within. Notably, the biggest change was increased mental clarity, focus and the lessening of random inner dialogue or that incessant mind chatter. I also learnt clarity and focus are the intrinsic foundations of instant manifestation and I began to consistently manifest more of my heart’s desires. Since 2002, SVH has continually met and exceeded all of my expectations as a transformational leading edge “easy to use”, “easy to learn” personal empowerment tool you can use anytime, anywhere to transform and create a better life for yourself

and others. So, what is Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH ? Described simply and without too much woo-woo. SVH is an active form of prayer that is used to direct the higher consciousness and the soul to apply a multitude of transformational tools, the Creator replaces your limiting formatting with new imprints to support balance, harmony, sovereignty, abundance and personal empowerment. It is unnecessary for students and practitioners of this modality to be psychic, clairaudient or clairsentient, because they are consciously choosing and directing the implementation of the Serenity Tools. Now if you are feeling blocked from your true purpose or continually attract the same old experiences of dishonouring relationships, or holding onto the past or in need of clarity these are indications of the presence random inner dialogue thwarting and inhibiting your progression and manifesting your heart’s desires. Are you ready to experience “Serenity” and quiet that incessant mind chatter, restore clarity and focus and lay the foundations for a new reality that supports the life you are consciously choosing? Contact Cris to book and experience your Serenity Session or Future TeleClasses for SVH Level 1, Level 1 Mastery or Level 2. There is way more on offer from Vital Health Connections and SVH including regular “Free Podcasts” hosted by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® & Enlightenment Technique. Cris Elphinstone B. Counselling & Human Change SVH Level 2 Teacher & Level 3 Master Practitioner Owner & Co-Founder Vital Health Connections Heard these before? Do you feel stuck or blocked from your true purpose? Do you continually attract the same old experiences of dishonour-

36 ENERGY HEALING ing relationships? Do you fear or sabotage abundance? Do you hold onto the past? Do you need clarity? Email: or call 0410 525 154.

BEYOND ONENESS Beyond Oneness is a State of Conscious Being. It is allowing Consciousness to live through you. Most of us have been on a spiritual journey for years, always being told we had to reach or attain the level of Master to be at one with all. We were led to believe we had to be special to reach this peak experience of Bliss or Oneness. We were also never told that there was something Beyond Oneness. NOT TRUE As a child of five years old attending a Catholic school, I was told that God had no beginning and no end. I asked the teachers, priests and anyone who would listen - how could this be (because in my childish mind God was a man who sat on a throne). They could not or would not answer

InnerSelf me, instead telling me I was being blasphemous to ask this question (a word at five years of age I did not understand). One day my dear Mother or Mum as I called her turned away from peeling potatoes, sat me down and said “It’s all Energy Mary just Energy” for some reason this statement calmed my frazzled mind and gave me peace. I had star ted on my spiritual quest! I studied energy in many ways through both the scientific and the alternative arenas. I taught energy modalities and explored the MultiDimensional Matrix of the Soul. I travelled to the Amazon, Machu Pichu, Egypt, The Yucatan and many other mystical places. I have experienced the Bliss/Oneness state many times but always I returned to what I thought was reality. I knew there had to be something more and there is. One day whilst facilitating an intensive seminar working on the Multi-Dimensional Soul Matrix, we as a group were propelled beyond our Matrix into The Void. This was unlike any void we had been in before, this was indeed Beyond Oneness. This awareness permeated our Energy Being on all levels and this time we did not return to reality –this was reality! Beyond Oneness is conscious en-

ergy moving and living through us all. No need to reach for peak experiences or to try and work hard to attain perfection anymore. Beyond Oneness is Being in the true sense of the word. Mum was right when she said “It’s all Energy Mary just Energy” Beyond Oneness – this conscious state doesn’t happen overnight. We do need to accept our true self and release the old patterns and beliefs and now more than ever this is possible. The Earth is moving through another Dimensional Gateway and the old ways do not serve us anymore. So accept my invitation and move into Beyond Oneness with me. This is not the end of the journey just the start of a new Reality. Mary Shaw is the founder of the Beyond Oneness Seminars and also the founder of Conscious Gateways specialising in Personal Mastery and higher vibrational trainings. Contact - 08 97544231 0405333233 More than just a Healing Jyakin is a spiritual healer whose passion is to help heal and transform on an individual and planetary level. Through her unique blend of healing

YOU WERE BORN TO FLY: Silva Method can give you your wings

tools and gifts including Quantum Bioenergetic Balancing, Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing, Spiritual Healing and her natural abilities, Jyakin can help you bring back a sense of balance and purpose in your life, relieving you of physical and emotional pain. Jyakin will be attending the Yorke Peninsula Field Days – Tues 29 Sep to Thurs 1 October. As an introductory special, you are invited to experience her sessions with a $10 discount. Phone Jyakin who works out of Kapunda for more details on 0409 131 038 or 8566 2929. Dorian Marsland-Smith Dorian is a qualified Life Coach and Meta-Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming and

Courses will occur regularly. For four decades millions of people have profited from Silva’s dynamic meditation. As the UK Independent said:“Still the best seminar of its kind.”


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Your emotional state can affect your susceptibility to breast cancer, according to one of the world’s most popular medical doctors. And energy tapping, he claims, can calm and heal your emotional wounds, fast. Dr. Joseph Mercola conducts the world’s No. 1 natural health online newsletter ( ). He offers access to ‘alternatives to the toxic solutions being offered by traditional medical channels’. The tapping technique is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which Dr. Mercola offers in his U.S. clinic. EFT is an acupressure technique involving tapping on key release points while you briefly focus on a specific problem. Dr. Mercola’s views are based on his experience of treating tens of thousands of patients during the past twenty years, and reviewing tens of thousands of articles on natural medicines. After discussing alternatives to the mammogram – which, he says, exposes the body to one thousand times more ionic radiation than does a chest X-ray, itself a known cancer risk – Dr. Mercola adds,

‘Emotions almost always seem to be a factor in cancer.’ He suggests energy tapping as a preventive measure — also for those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer — and for those recovering from treatment. Women concerned about breast cancer who have successfully learned and used EFT for themselves, or with EFT practitioners, report their experiences on the world centre EFT website . These are not scientific studies but are meaningful to the women involved. · After an EFT session clearing fear going back to her childhood, a woman who had lost one breast and was afraid of sensations in the other experienced a clear radiograph. · A woman with three relatives suffering breast cancer believes she improved her thermogram results with persistent EFT self-help on fear and self image over one year. · A woman diagnosed with a complex breast cancer began regular EFT sessions with a friend, and puzzled her doctors because her cancerous cells decreased to the point where the operation was less severe. How can tapping on oneself

achieve such results, and more? EFT balances the body’s meridian energy system, which acupuncture works on. Result — all kinds of difficulties melt away. In 2004 EFT founder Gary Craig worked with seven cancer patients ‘to see what help EFT might provide’. Four repor ted impressive improvements afterwards. Craig says, ‘Although we spent nine days doing this, we achieved only “a good start” on the imposing list of unresolved emotional issues these clients brought with them. We could have doubled or tripled our time together and still not gotten to them all. ‘Thus, the main lesson here is that ongoing and consistent daily tapping is essential if one wants to get the most use from EFT. ‘In fact it appears that whether these people continue to improve, or relapse, may well depend on the consistency of their tapping. We have much to learn.’

Annie O’Grady is an Adelaide-based EFT professional who also works by phone anywhere. She holds workshops, classes, and EFT Country Weekend Retreats.





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Neurosemantics, specializing in Health and Wellness Coaching. Dorian focuses in particular on body image, weight and comfor t/emotional eating concerns which individuals have tried unsuccessfully for many years to overcome. Utilizing deep-level technologies for engaging both the conscious and subconscious mind, Dorian is able to assist clients who are ready to permanently release old unwanted patterns of behavior and unhelpful habits. As a result, clients experience a new sense of freedom and begin to have choice in areas where they were previously stuck or trapped on the problem-focussed treadmill. For further info phone 0448 8126. Visit

Hope in the Valley “Hope in the Valley” provides a service that is based on Therapeutic Models and tailored for your individual needs in a loving, challenging, safe and powerful environment. We specialise in many areas, so see the website for more details or call us on 0402 444 812.


Ev er ybod y’ Ever erybod ybody’ y’ss doing it! TR Y IT ON EVER YTHING! TRY EVERYTHING! High success rra ate! Emotional Freedom Techniques is an amazing acupressure technique. Self-help if you wish — easy – fast – gentle – multi-purpose *Emotional or physical problems * Performance difficulties

Annie O’Grady EFT Professional

FREE DEMONSTRA TIONS: Cosmic PPaages Bookshop DEMONSTRATIONS: Bookshop,, Adelaide · Sat. Sept. 5, 2-3pm - ‘Tap Away Emotional and Physical Pain’ · Sat. Nov. 28, 2-3pm – ‘Energy Therapy Meets the Metaphysical for Healing’ EFT Consulta tions – Wor kshops – Classes — Week end RRetr etr ea ts Consultations orkshops eekend etrea eats Enquire now! Tel. (08) 8537 0447


WIND OF CHANGE by Kerry Denice

There are many amongst us that are being drawn to know who and what we are. These are strange times in which we live. Where there is no such thing as normal. We seem to tolerate many weird beliefs. Why is this so? Is it because the times have now changed to enable us to speak more freely about how we truly feel? Or Is it that the many questions we have can now be answered? Such as “What is my life purpose?” and “Why am I here?” We are even questioning the very belief systems we have been brought up with. Maybe there is a ‘bigger picture’ than what we have been led to believe? As more and more of us begin to discuss these questions with each other, we realise that we are questioning the same belief systems and we have more in common with each other than we knew. We then begin to attract new people into our lives that either create more questions or have some answers that feel right. These are exciting times we are living in. Yes, you can either listen to the doom and gloom or you can listen to your heart and feel the real excitement. As we learn to go within and still ourselves our connection to each other and all that is becomes more real. The answers you seek are all ‘within’ yourselves. You just need to learn how to do this. It is an important part of the learning process that many of us that have been awakened for some time, now need to re-member. There are many around us that have the gifts to teach and use the spiritual realm for guidance. Seek them out, find the one that is there for you. They will be able to guide you to learn the ability to be still and re-connect. This is especially impor tant at this time with all the changes happening on the planet and the energies that are being introduced to us at this time. Many of you have been questioning your life for the first time and did not realise that you were not happy. There are many that have been forced to look at your life through some crisis…whether it is job, home, relationship, illness or other. Do not be alarmed or fall into fear, this has all been planned or designed for you to awaken, from the dream that you did not know you were having and see the truth. For without this change you would have continued living the illusion you had made for yourself. Now is the time to take you life into your own hands and see and feel who you truly are and find your truth. The veils are being lifted to enable you to see what is real and no longer live in an illusion. You are not alone, we are all here on this journey together, some have come to guide us and be teachers and leaders others are here to enjoy the journey together safely. Many of us have been drawn to make new friendships where we can discuss our ‘true’ feelings and enable us to clear all old energies and old beliefs once and for all, without fear. There are many of us who have been preparing the way for you, so your journey need not be as intense and will feel right. So now is the time to open the closet, take out all the old and unwanted beliefs and replenish it with light and love and the strong belief of the truth in all ways. Filling it with all the things we truly desire…such as… love, health, happiness and abundance. Do you dare to dream of a new beginning and a new life for yourself, your friends and your family? Do not be afraid because that has kept you in the dark for too long. It is time to come out into the light and shine your light for everyone to see. Be brave!

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb Kerry Denice is a Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Counselor specialising in assisting people through the process of spiritual awakening. Individual Counseling sessions attuned to your needs, Spiritual Readings, Meditation Classes and Discussion Groups are available. Learn to protect yourself against all negativity, develop your psychic ability and find your own answers and to find your truth. Phone (08) 8276 3421 or

New Beginnings Meditation & Discussion groups

Saturdays 1.00 - 3.30pm Tuesdays 7.00 - 9.30pm $20.00 per head (includes tea, coffee and biscuits) Kerry Denice is a Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Counsellor specialising in assisting people through the process of spiritual awakening. BOOK NOW LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE Phone 8276 3421



Rebirthing is all about the breathe Rebirthing is a simple and saf safee breathing techinique that is designed to eliminate from the body and psyche any negative or held emotions and thoughts Rebir thing is a profound and powerful tool for healing - the body through better oxygenation and the release of muscle tension - the emotions through the release of stored memories - the mind through understanding our thoughts and feelings in present time - and the spirit through insight

and connection with Source energy So when would we use rebirthing? - at any time we need some clarity in our life - why we behave a certain way - if we have any form of health issue - to enable better healing and to understand the origin of the illhealth - any time we experience fear - to calm the mind and determine earlier memories which may be influencing current interpretations - when we are facing a time of change in our life - to enable us to make a conscous decision in present

Mary Shaw Presents

time, not influenced by past events which are no longer relevant - or any time we just feel stuck in our lives or that our life isn’t working for us

FREE INTRODUCTION TO REBIRTHING alian Academ ea thw or The A ustr ustralian Academyy of RRee bir thing/Br thing/Brea eathw thwor orkk invites you to a FREE one day workshop: Regal Park Motor Inn, 44 Barton Tce East, North Adelaide T hur sda 2009 7:00pm to 10:00pm hursda sdayy 29 October 2009, Bookings essential RSVP 22 October 2009 Contact Br onwyn Bar ter (08) 8260 2086 • w w ww.. a a r bb.. c o m . a u Bronwyn

Beyond Oneness Beyond Oneness is a State of Conscious Being. It is allowing Consciousness to live through you.

Most of us have been on a Spiritual journey for years, always being told we had to reach or attain the level of Master to be at one with all. We .were led to believe we had to be special to reach this peak experience of Bliss or Oneness. We were also never told that there was something Beyond Oneness. NOT TRUE.

free InnerSelf Online Calendar

Beyond Oneness is conscious energy moving and living through us all. No need to reach for peak experiences or to try and work hard to attain perfection anymore. Beyond Oneness is Being in the true sense of the word.

You can search for events anywhere across Australia or submit your own event FREE. Looking for your next creative exploration? Tap into a local yoga class and more through our nationwide calendar of events. Are you starting a new creative expression workshop? Promote your event FREE in the new InnerSelf Calendar

We do need to accept our true self and release the old patterns and beliefs and now more than ever this is possible. The Ear th is moving through another Dimensional Gateway and the old ways do not serve us anymore. So accept my invitation and move into Beyond Oneness with me. This is not the end of the journey just the start of a new Reality.

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Beyond Oneness is a 3 part series of experiential seminars facilitated 3 months apart. The 3 month space between each seminar allows the multidimensional energies of the Soul to merge and move you through the Gateways to the State of Consciousness known as Beyond Oneness. Mar y is an experienced facilitator and has the ability to initiate change on All levels. She has worked in the alternative Energy field for over thirty five years in many different arenas and will provide you with a safe passage into the conscious state of BEYOND ONENESS. Mary’s passion is working with the Multi dimensional Matrix of the Soul.


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COURSES for the Spirit Classes, courses and workshops WOMEN, LOVE AND INTIMACY You are invited by Bronwyn Barter to join in exploring… Women, Love and

Infinite Love and Gratitude – The LifeLine Technique

If your body is speaking with any level of discomfort or the relationships in your life leave you feeling anxious, depressed, and empty then it’s time to awaken to your infinite potential for healing and wholeness. The LifeLine TechniqueTM is a comprehensive system that helps you transform symptoms into positive intentions of infinite possibilities that become realized. Every symptom represents emotional patterns stemming from the subconscious mind. The current paradigm is to ignore symptoms or destroy them. The LifeLine TechniqueTM is the quantum healing technology for reconnecting to your power, balancing the subconscious mind, so you can thrive. PH; 08 82481281


An exceptional workshop for men. IF YOU: Know there is more to you than you have accessed... Wish to create deeply satisfying relationships... Want to find the essence of who you really are... Then MIJ is the journey that will take you along that path to yourself… A Man’s Inner Journey! Offering a practical blend of information and experience that enables you to develop insights into beliefs, attitudes, influences and patterns of behaviour that impact on the quality of your life outcomes and it provides the tools for the future.

Bronwyn Barter - Rebirther & Rebirther Trainer

Rebirthing is a safe, simple breathing technique that gives you the opportunity to observe and then change patterns and thoughts formed in the past that may be having a negative affect on your life now. With the benefits of hindsight the way forward becomes clear and the lessons and experiences from the past can be acknowledged and left behind. Bronwyn’s approach to Rebirthing is gentle and empowering. Call for private daytime or evening Rebirhting sessions. Bronwyn is also a Rebirther trainer and has been training Rebirthers for many years in Adelaide & Melbourne. The Rebirther training “Changes” is a part-time course consisting of nine modules and extends over nine months. “Changes” the Rebirther Training has changed. Rebirther Training Australia has now taken Rebirther training to the next level of professionalism. Prospective participants can call for information and details of the next professional training beginning November 2009. Past participants can now upgrade their training qualifications, contact Rebirther Training Australia for details. For free information and enrolment brochures or for private consultations call Bronwyn on (08) 8260 2086 or visit

Intimacy. A one day workshop about you, your relationships and much more! Saturday 29th of August.10-5pm, The Mawson Centre, Mawson Lakes. Women, Love and Intimacy for Men. A one day workshop for men, about understanding the women you love. Saturday 3rd of October. 10-5pm, The Mawson Centre, Mawson Lakes. For invitations and more information for either workshop call (08) 8260 2086 Spiritual Awareness and development workshops and alternative therapies. Inspire your mind and body and spirit. People who have gone on experience-based on holidays say they have been taken out of the realm of everyday into a world rich with ne sensations. So, with your Health and Well Being in mind, here some ideas to do in your spare time: Discover your artistic flair by drawing, painting, taking photographs, writing in a picturesque location. You will be staying in the amazing place a Tuscan Villa on large luscious grounds and swimming pool for your enjoyment. R etr ea etrea eatt in Tuscan uscanyy, Ital Italyy.19th to 26th September 2009 2009. Cost: $1,900 for 7 days – Tuscan Villa, Italy. Next Overseas Retreat 2010 in Ital uscan y) & Italyy (T (Tuscan uscany) Greece - (Santorini &/or Delphi). The next South Australian Retreat is in the Adelaide Hills in November 2009 a t a cost of $340pp $340pp.. Includes Accommodation, All meals and refreshments & all workshops & presentations. For bookings & enquiries contact Joanne Lappas on 0401 950 966 or or visit


Tuscany Retreat

The Self Development & Yoga Meditation Retreats is set in Italy in a Tuscan Villa, set amongst the beautiful Tuscan Region. The aim is to get away from your check list holiday ‘been there, done that’ and busy life. Instead, you will rediscover the adventure of travel by learning a new skill educating yourself, rejuvenating, re-discovering yourself and find peace, enlightenment and spirituality through Meditation, Yoga,

DANCING THE CHAKRAS ÒBase ÒSacral ÒSolar Plexus ÒHeart ÒThroat ÒBrow ÒCrown A Journey of Awakening! Experience the beauty of dance, sound & movement meditations to align your body & heart, mind & soul. This is the transformational pathway of Dancing the Chakras!

The Centre OM C 8 week course: 17 Oct to 5 Dec ‘09 Sat 3 – 5.30pm Chakra Tone ~ for graduates held regularly SUSAN HOWLETT 0403 318 683

Dancing the Chakras

Experience an uplifting journey of self-awareness and transformation. Dance the pathway to healing and wholeness as we gently open, clear and harmonize our seven key chakras. Through movement meditations, sound and free dance, we dissolve old energy patterns, nourish subtle energy bodies and connect with our inner wisdom and intuitive guidance. DANCE MEDITATIONS - Dancing the Chakr as – 8 week wor kshop. Chakras Align body, heart, mind & soul. Movement meditations & dance. 3-5pm City. For bookings and information contact Susan Howlett on 0403 318 683


Sept 14 2009 - FREE. Have you been trying to make sense of the world and figure out what is the right path for your spiritual growth? Then you don’t want to miss this unique and complimentary presentation on how to accelerate your soul’s capacity to progress beyond conditioned thoughts to love, generosity, forgiveness and service. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410580994


Ikon Institute has been running in Australia for 20 years and is the leading provider of Ar t Therapy and Transpersonal Counseling. The Ikon Institute of SA is an organization dedicated towards the growth and development of the humanistic helping professions. Ikon’s Diploma courses and workshops have a strong focus on the incorporation of spiritual and existential concerns within therapy. Diplomas include: Ar t Therapy, Transpersonal Counseling, Youth Work and Counseling. The Institute has a number of leading trainers in their fields who offer a vibrant and well informed approach. Email or call (08)83509753 / 0439016763 for a free information pack.

and served. In a nurturing country setting, with all modern convieniences, warm comfortable beds and bathroom facilities. For further details contact Pame Price

Sept 15 2009- FREE FREE. Who are those strangers in my dreams? Why do I fly, drawn and fall off the cliff. Why my dreams come through? Dreams are the language of the soul and most powerful tool to heighten our soul awareness. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410580994

Developing Spiritual Intelligence

Nov 16 2009 - FREE. Living in a global community requires heightening our emotional awareness as a necessity to a harmonious and meaningful coexistence. Spiritual intelligence is the soul’s intelligence and The Intelligence that makes us whole. this presentation will take you through the soul’s journey of self preservation to that of love and compassion. Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410580994

Transmission Meditation

What is Transmission Meditation? The world is undergoing massive change, what role can you play in helping to uplift the consciousness of the planet. Find out at our free “Open Day”. Join us at these wonderfully uplifting and informative meditation evenings held the 1st Sunday of every month at Clarence Pk Community Centre. Talk begins at 6.30 and meditation at 7.30. Phone Tony on 0428 592 209 or visit for more info.

The Munay Ki Initiations

The Munay Ki Initiations are the nine Rites of the Laika shamans of Peru. They empower us to embrace life to the fullest, to their own and to the Earth’s great benefit. The Rites launch us upon a Master Path of great beauty and power to utterly transform our lives. 0894345059 • 0403699479

Emotional HEALING

Oct 26 2009 - FREE. Are your health issues concerns you? Do you know that the Health is the Knowledge and Wisdom of Life? The body is the temple of self transformation. In this powerful and complimentary presentation, you will gain insights into the tools necessary to promote healing at all levels of your life Held @ 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410580994

08 8242v1783 0419v038v434. Be quick - limited numbers.

Women end RRetr etr ea omen’’ s Week eekend etrea eatt

4 -6th September. A unique Women’s Weekend Retreat. Imagine spending a wonderful weekend with other likeminded women. You will experience 4 wonderful meditations (one in a Crystal Cave), all meals are lovingly prepared

You ar e wwar ar ml vited to an mlyy in invited ECK Wor ship Ser vice orship

Held on the first Sunday of each month, the ECK Worship Service offers a time to dedicate yourself to the Holy Spirit, through a simple Spiritual Exercise known as the HU Song followed by several minutes of quiet contemplation prior to discussing a spiritual topic of interest. The ECK Worship service is for anyone who loves Truth. Upcoming Worship Services in Adelaide are: JULY 5 2009 (11 AM) Strengthening Your Weak Points AUGUST 2 2009 (11 AM) Opening Your Heart to God SEPTEMBER 6 2009 (11 AM) Remembering Past Lives October 4 2009 (11 am) The Healing Power of Sound and Light All events are held at the Payneham Community Centre, 374 Payneham Rd., Payneham.

10 Year Anni tha Special Annivv er sar y - Sa Sagg ar ma matha

Join in the Celebration...


Authentic Nepali Cuisine Dine in or Take Away


Yoga for You

Gentle and Restorative, At Glynde & Burnside, Monday, Tuesday , Thursday. Neither age or physical condition need be a barrier to practicing yoga. Slowly improve flexibility, movement and relaxation. Classes are not competitive, not even with yourself! Linda Veale - 8337 6763 or 0411 206556. Member: AAMT., ABA., YTAA.

62-64 Payneham Rd, Stepney 5069 Ph: 8363 6291 • Fax: 8363 6201 • Email: gar





8396 6752 10 Year Anniversary Sagarmatha Special Join in the Celebration! You are invited to experience Sagarmatha’s tantalising Nepali delicacies over the August-October 09 period, at 20% discount in celebration of being of service for 10 years as the first Adelaide Nepali Restaurant. Deepak Bista understands the gift that delights the senses through careful food preparation and the pure ingredients that set this restaurant apart. For an enriching culinary experience like no other, come along and mention this review to Deepak or one of his staff and not only enjoy a fantastic meal, but also receive a gift discount of celebration. Sagarmatha Nepali Restaurant 62 Payneham Rd, Stepney. Phone 8363 6291

HERKIMER DIAMONDS Herkimer Diamonds are unique, double terminated clear quar tz, beautifully faceted by nature, with prismatic inclusions. Herkimer energy is that of harmony and awareness, mind expansion, renewal and balance. We travelled to the US and met the mine owners from Herkimer County, New York. Crystal Wholesaler and “Inspirational Retreats” email: phone: 0428 135 025

The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. Albert Einstein,

BIO-RESONANCE THERAPIST This is a true story. Five years ago I had chronic fatigue!!! No one could help me, until I found Bio-Resonance Therapy [Bicom]. I learnt the causes and had treatment on the Bicom machine, where my radiation, viruses and toxic load were cleared. My body was treated as a whole and I started to feel better. I improved more and more after each treatment. I became so interested in this treatment that once I was well I decided to become a practitioner myself and go on to treat others. This painless, non invasive treatment helped me and gave me my life back and it could do the same for you. For more details phone Julie on 0416 101 325 or 8370 3271.

AUSTRALIAN BREATHWORK ASSOCIATION Take an issue, any Issue… that continues to raise itself in various ways in your life. In a quiet undisturbed space, in a meditative pose, close your eyes and picture this issue disturbing you yet again, noticing where in your body the feeling is, and naming it. Now just breathe into it, cleanly experience it, express it with sound and just let it all go. Susan Marshall, Breathwork Practitioner 0418 802 688

Reiki: Connecting with Universal Life Energy

The word Reiki means universal life energy and the practice is a safe, nur turing and non-invasive method of supporting the body’s natural ability to heal by balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Both a spiritual practice and a healing art, Reiki was founded in 1922 by a Japanese man Mikao Usui who, following 21 days of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama, had an experience of empowerment which led to the development of Reiki practice. This system was brought to the West in 1938 by Hawayo Takata, but did not reach Australia until the early 1980s. Many thousands of people have learnt Reiki as a personal practice and a pathway to supporting their own personal growth and healing, perhaps also using Reiki as a support within the home for family and friends. Within a healthcare setting, a Reiki treatment is usually conducted with the recipient lying fully clothed on a massage table, although seated treatments can also be given. The practitioner places their hands in a series of positions on, and sometimes above, the body, with a full treatment taking 60-90 minutes. The cost of a Reiki treatment generally ranges from $50-$90. Each individual’s experience of a Reiki treatment may be slightly different and during a treatment sensations such as warmth or coolness, mild tingling or muscle twitching may be experienced. Many recipients report feelings of deep relaxation, wellbeing, peace, reduced anxiety and improved mood. Reiki is simple and easy to learn and is one of the few healing practices where practitioners can do self treatments. Because Reiki does no harm it can be safely used by people of all ages, whether seeking ongoing health and wellbeing or relief from

acute or chronic physical or emotional pain. Reiki is gaining credibility as an integral support of pain management for people dealing with chronic and life challenging illness. Reiki Australia Executive Director, Lynette Kirkman, says “The practice of Reiki is growing in acceptance in health and community settings such as hospitals, hospices, corrective care, palliative care and cancer care units”. Facilities such as Queensland’s Hopewell Hospice and Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre; Solaris Care Cancer Support Centre and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Western Australia, and Victoria’s Windana Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Centre all offer Reiki, and staff, clients and their family members have been outspoken about the benefits received from this healing modality. Eileen Chapman, who founded the Reiki Clinic as part of the Windana Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal and Assessment Program at St Kilda, said Reiki treatment had a calming, settling effect on those who were agitated. “Recipients of Reiki also generally express feelings of peace, wellbeing and spiritual upliftment, with a greater ability to sleep after a treatment.” Cath Maddox, former Coordinator of Counselling, Education and Complementary Therapies, now Bereavement Coordinator at Hopewell Hospice on the Gold Coast said Reiki was an invaluable part of holistic hospice care. “It works beautifully in conjunction with palliative medicine and counselling to provide a sense of peace in end-of-life care,” she said. “At Hopewell, many of our residents have received Reiki throughout their time here, from the day they arrive until their death. It has helped to manage pain, treat anxiety and promote peace.”

Grace Gawler, Dr John Travis, MD, MHP and Pip Cornall, internationally acclaimed presenters supported by a number of local contributors. A balance of presentations and workshops will make this a stimulating and enjoyable occasion. •

1300 66 47 80



A-Z RESOURCE GUIDE CLASSIFIED ANGELS Leslie-Anne Menzies – Angel Intuitive. All Angel Healing appointments include ABC of Angels book 0408 083 185 AROMATHERAPY Lotus Organic Therapies. Learn about essential oils and Aromatherapy, workshops held regularly. Rebecca Brook, qualified Aromatherapist, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Remedial Massage therapist and member of the ATMS and ANTA. 122 Partridge St., Glenelg South. Phone (08) 7001 1658 ASCENSION Guidance and assistance for the jour ne neyy. Counselling and inner process work to aid in awakening to your Self-mastery. Ph Jennifer 8339 5745. Email : ASTROLOGY R ead All About Your self ourself self.. 25 Page Astrology Report from $19.99! Baby, Child, Personal, Compatibility or Ph 0401 418 999 ATTUNEMENT Heal the world! Restore yourself with Life giving Attunements - experience the gentle power of this non-touch energy work; feel more relaxed, focused, centred. Classes available - Riverdell Spiritual Centre, Gawler. Contact Jonathan on 0408 034 584 for an appointment or more information BOOKSHOPS The Anthroposophic Book Centre is the retail outlet for books, crafts, educational aids, toys, cards, ornaments and Weleda skin care and health products inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. 96 Halifax Street, Adelaide. Ph: 8223 1841 or email Opening hours – Tuesday to Friday 12noon to 4.00pm, Saturday 10.00am to 1.00pm. Please contact the bookshop for information about upcoming workshops and lecture series. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ask and you shall receive, a real business with real profits. Not MLM. Call Lisa 0422 567 172 Personal Development Home Biz with potential to make your annual income a monthly income. Not MLM. Ongoing training and suppor t. Rich dont get rich between 95, they do it between 5-9! Work hard for 45 years or smart for 2-4 yrs part time! Are you a self motivated individual with a strong mindset or a burning desire to create your own future? Proven business opportunity rated by Forbes as the most viable way for an average person to be financially free. Call or text 0410 584 488 Star t yyour our oown wn home bbusiness usiness in Personal Development. $200K+ first year earning potential working part time using principles from ‘The Secret’. CLAIRVOYANTS Transformational-Claivoyant, Spiritualist. Let go of fear, Find true purpose, Every day filled with fun,lightness,and MAGIC. Contact Lynn*Starbird* 8262 8946 M: 0403 942 839 Clair v o y ant, psy psycc hic hic,, medium, genuine, confidential DEE cr/cards 1800 619 855 $2.45/min./0438349832: 1900999115 $4.35/min.mobex, 1902290683 $27.50 five minute auto cutoff, activecall COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES Bowen, Massage, Myofascial Release, Reflexology, Detox Foot Spa. Magill. Call 1300 884 782

Need Practitioner Insurance? Join IICT for Australia’s Lowest Price for Membership and Discounted Practitioner Insurance Package covering all your modalities under the one banner. We provide Professional Affiliation to over 550+ natural therapy modalities. Benefits include: Advertising opportunities; Referrals; Practitioner Directory and more. To find out how you can benefit visit: For Free Info Pack email: or call now for a free quote: 1300 653 981. COUNSELLING A new centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling in Pt Adelaide. Navigation through Life. For an appointment ph 0438 509 207 COURSES Dancing the Chakras – 1 August to 19 September. Transformational 8 week journey through the Chakras using Movement Meditations, Sound, Colour and Dance. Kundalini Dance – The Journey of Awakening. Dance into deeper connection and bliss 26 September. Bookings - Susan Howlett 0403 318 683 ENERGY HEALING Spiritual and energy healing. Relieve pain; accelerate healing; reduce inflamation; release negativity. Bring back balance to the body. Healing for body, mind and spirit. Member of Int. Institute for Complimentary Therapists. Phone Jy 0409 131 038. Kapunda. FOOD Hemp bod oducts oils and flour. bodyy pr products From Organically grown hemp.Australian owned Buy direct on (07) 4097 6191 or retail/ wholesale GIFTS Fantastic range of Balinese style homewares and garden decor direct from the importer. Uplift yourself and your surrounds, visit GODDESS Transform yourself through the power of the Divine Feminine. Informative workshops: Egyptian Goddesses, 17 October. Dark Goddesses, 21 November. Ph: Frances 0401 788 790 or visit HEALING Angel Love Healing Healing. Spiritual Healing with Joanne ... Love, Healing Light and Guidance from Spirit. Phone 0432 851 759 Reiki Spiritual Healings. Channelled Tarot Readings. Beauty, Massage and more. Call Jenni 0414611262. HEALTH Hemp bod oducts oils and flour. bodyy pr products From Organically grown hemp.Australian owned Buy direct on (07) 4097 6191 or retail/ wholesale HEALTH & HEALING A visit to Vital Harmony will help you to feel peace and harmony with yourself. Vital Harmony has relocated to Aldgate in a beautiful and serene garden setting. Susanne is available for individual Theta healing consultations as well as remedial massage therapies. Regular weekend seminars (and midweek by request) are available (Theta healing DNA 1 &11; Advanced DNA 2; Vianna’s Manifesting & Abundance and Vianna’s Rainbow children’s seminars). The Rainbow children’s classes are for adults and children. DNA 1&11 and Advanced are to practitioner level. See dates under “Seminars”. Also available is past life work and house clearings, remedial massage therapies including reflexology. Susanne is also an authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant. For more info see ad on Moon Calendar page or phone Vital Harmony on 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119. Constipation, Bowel health problems, digestion, ellimination info. Phone 1300

132 268 We have over 30 different Therapies pies, Workshops and Classes, set in very relaxing surroundings. Our practitioners come with years of experience and are very passionate about their work. 39 Anderson Walk, Smithfield Ph: 8254 6778. Gifts, CD’s, Crystals, Books and lots more. We care about YOU ! Massa ica te Cour ses tifica icate Courses ses.. Start Massagge Cer tif a new career with our 5 & 10 day Intensives. Please Call 1800 987 987 for Free info kit 22 Year s Experience Experience.. Remedial; Aromatherapy; Polarity; Acupuncture, Cupping; Lymphatic Drainage; Pregnancy Massage; Tuina; Myofascial; Reflexology; Ear Candling; idetoxing; Guidance Reading & Meditation. 1295 North East Rd., Tea Tree Gully. Phone Chris on 0438 858 768 or Lance on 0407 796 195. HOME BUSINESS Awesome Home Based Personal Development biz biz. Six figure income potential within 6-12 months. Ultimate Training. Not MLM. No selling. Be – Do - Have Wealth & Success cess. Proven Home Business. Your hours, Full training & Ethical Earn A 6 Figure Income From Home while on your own journey of self development. Apply principles from The Secret. Register @ or phone 07 3103 2757 HOME SERVICES Saver Painting. Home and commercial. Environment Friendly. Free prompt quotes. Pensioner discount. “We care.” Ph mobile 0415 514 122. IRIDOLOGY Want to understand Iridology? Announcing “The Integrated Iridology Fundamentals Flashbook”. 64 full colour pages. Photos and explanations. $44. (02) 4358 1234 JEWELLERY Beadz N Jewelz for all your beadingsupplies,tools,crystals,gemstones,custom made jewellery & tiaras,dichroic & lampwork glass,& much much more. 4 Roder Court St Agnes 5097, ph 8395 3195 or visit LIFE COACHING Passion for Life Coaching provides individual coaching sessions/packages and self-mastery workshops to accelerate your visions and goals. or 044 888 1268 Do you feel Lost, Unhappy and Restricted with your life? Life Coaching with Krys will guide you to fulfil your utmost desires. Call 8391 0333. MARRIAGE CELEBRANTS Blessed Be Ceremonies - Michelle Whichello. Civil Marriage Celebrant. From conception to the grave and all occasions in between. I offer Ceremonies designed for you and all of your life’s Rites of Passage. Reasonable fees, including all legal papers and cer tificates. OR 0410 866 191 MASSAGE Remedial Massage, Reiki, Intuitive Counselling, Personal Growth. Health Fund Rebate. Mile End, Network Chiropractic Clinic & Renmark. Phone Liane on 04128 542 325 MEDITATION Swayambhu Meditation – The Pathway to True Self. For lasting peace and real happiness call 0413478979 or visit METAPHYSICAL Unveiled Pure Essence is a metaphysical retail and healing centre specializing in Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Massage,

Myofascial, Reflexology and more. 0409 691 731 NEW AGE Ne w Ag New Agee Top Ten. The top selling new age books, order from home, delivered to your door. Visit us NUMEROLOGY Numer olo Numerolo ologgy. Gives direction, access to basic gifts, acceptance, depiction of life’s trials with clarity. A great catalyst. Phone Maureen (08) 8327 0738 ORGANICS Organic Food Store & Cafe. At Wild Thyme, we believe wholeheartedly in safe, seasonal and sustainable organic food. When you shop or dine at Wild Thyme, you have made a choice to support local farmers, manufacturers who support fair trade and people who believe real food is essential to our wellbeing. Open 7 days. 101-103 Melbourne St Nor th Adelaide. 83618888 Cer tif ied Or acial – in home Orgg anic FFacial tified pampering facial treatment featuring Miessence skincare and cosmetics. Ph Vanessa 08 85243992 and mention MiSpa Facial. Be Beautiful, Healthy & Safe. Safe Shop at Organic Beauty World for Green healthy bodies inside and out! Free shipping – friendly ser vice. Phone 1300 662 543 PAST LIVES P ast Lif etime RResolution esolution Cer tif iLifetime tificate Course. Also sessions, Adelaide. Holistic healing and growth. Experienced trainer/author Annie O’Grady. Tel. 8537 0447 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Mary Shaw - Personal Mastery and Higher vibrational training. 08 97544231 or 0405003233. Stop Struggling. P rivate S ubconscious-mind Healing (P.S.H.) has helped many people resolve problems such as ... addictions, anxiety, low self-esteem and many other stress-related problems. To achieve permanent inner healing, gently. Phone P.S.H. Therapists Michael Oster 0411 174 110 ... or Leaona Hamood 0419 037 830 or for an appointment. Many people only require from 1-4 sessions. PRODUCTS

SA RReiki eiki Healing and Teac hing eaching Centre Centre. (Est 1990) non-profit assoc. & Metaphysical & Crystal Shop. Great range of crystals, Feng Shui products, Cards, books, music, gifts. Healing every Wednesday & Friday – Donation only. Reiki classes and various workshops held regularly at 55 Fosters Road, Greenacres. For more info – Phone: (08) 8266 3276. Belle Fleur Lavender - Australia’s premium natural lavender skincare range of products, includung gift packs. Wholesale and retail available. PSYCHICS Psychic Astrologer – Leonie Marks. The key to the life you want is knowing who you are & why you’re here. Clear, accurate answers 8398 0004 Accur ot/Phone Accuraa te Psy Psycc hic Tar arot/Phone readings. Spiritual Guidings, any issue. Theta Healing, Remove Fears/Blockages. Heal from the past. Carolyn 0438 790 641 Clair Clairvvoyant/Psy ant/Psycc hic hic, Medium, Tarot, Angel Cards etc. Genuine Medium. 20 years experience Australia and Internationally. Strong clear readings, personal or business. In person (Melbourne), phone, email. Ian Rogers 0412 432 398

PSYCHOTHERAPY Hope in the Valle alleyy provides a service that is based on Therapeutic Models and tailored for your individual needs in a loving, challenging, safe and powerful environment. We specialise in many areas, so see the website for more details or call us on 0402 444 812. PUBLISHING Make it happen now! Publish your manuscript with Joshua Books. Contact us on (07) 5493 1700 READINGS Reading Da Dayy. 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. $20 per 30 minutes. Professional readers. For bookings phone SA Reiki Healing & Teaching Centre (non-profit)55 Fosters Rd, Greenacres. Phone (08) 8266 3276 Private Readings with Donna Donna. Acclaimed and Experienced Clairvoyant/Intuitive; Lifepath Readings; Tarot, Aura, Channelling, Numerology & Psychometry. dPh: 0409 099 948 Nor ther thernn Sy Sydne neyy. By A ppointment. REBIRTHING R e bir thing is a saf safee , simple breathing technique that can c hang our lif hangee yyour lifee . Rebir thing/ Breathwork uses the breath to activate, release and heal stored cellular memory. Ideal to use when you want your life to change. The Australian Academy of Rebirthing/ Breathwork verifies the integrity and professionalism of the following members. Trevor Applebee - Mawson Lakes 0418 836 261 Bronwyn Barter - Mawson Lakes (08) 8260 2086 Elise Carr - Allenby Gardens 0417809198 Jillian Trowbridge - Geranium 0408 813 401 Veronica Reinders - Mt. Pleasant 0438 880 894 Gabbie Enright - Seacombe Gdns 0414 410 963 Re bir thing a transformational journey. In historic Gawler, with Sue Marshall, Breathwork Practitioner. Enquiries welcome, 85 221 848. More information, REIKI ARC Inc. Australian Reiki Connection. Australia’s Leading REIKI Association Est. 1997 - Run by Members for Members with fellowship and support. Access to Insurance. FREE Membership of [AARP] Association Australian Reiki Professionals National Referral Directory. Discounts on Massage Tables, Music CD’s Salt lamps. Informative website & Forum ARC INK Quarterly Magazine. SA State Rep. Christine Sinclair Ph. 0411 604 753 National ph 1300 130 975 Attention Reiki Masters. Reiki Masters against Cancer. Special Training Course.

SA RReiki eiki Healing and Teac hing eaching Centre (est 1990) non-profit assoc. Reiki I & II classes and various workshops held regularly. Open to public for Reiki treatment Wed-Fri $10 Conc. 55 Fosters Rd, Greenacres. Phone (08) 8266 3276. REIKI AUSTRALIA: Are you looking for opportunities in personal and community enrichment, member journal, insurance, national website directory, events, professional support for Reiki practitioners and masters? You’ve found it. Join us now. 1300 664 780 ROOMS FOR RENT Wishes ffor or You ou, a centre for spiritual healing in Stirling, has rooms available for healing practitioners. Call Raelene

today on 8339 4055. SEMINARS Susanne from Vital Harmony holds regular Thetahealing seminars in her beautiful peaceful home and garden in Aldgate. ( approx 2km from Stirling exit of freeway). Theta healing weekend Seminars in May. DNA 1&2 Fri evening, Sat and Sun May 8th to 10th 2009. DNA2 Advanced. Fri evening, Sat and Sun May 15th to 17th Fri 5-10pm, Sat and Sun 9am to 5pm Manifesting and Abundance Sat and Sun 23rd and 24th May. For information and enrolment forms phone 8370 8557 or 0418 845 119 SPIRITUAL TRAVEL www .spiritw ander er .com - Mystiwww.spiritw .spiritwander cal Journeys Worldwide. Journeys to sacred sites worldwide to renew the mind, body and spirit. Visit our website Free call 1800 818 070 SPIRITUALITY Know Thyself as Soul Foundation. Sant Mat is a practical spiritual path based on meditation, ethical living, service to others and love for all creation. Its goal is to enable the soul to return to and merge with its source; the purpose of human life described by mystics of all traditions. Discipline and dedication are essential, as is the help of a competent living Master. Entry is via a preparation program. There is no charge at any stage. For further info call 1800 462 193 or visit Free Presentations on: Discovering your Spirituality - Sept 14. Dream Interpretation - Sept 15. Emotional Healing - Oct 26. Developing Spiritual Intelligence Nov 16. Held at 342 Brighton Road , North Brighton. Call 0410 580 994. Searching for Truth? The teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg will provide you with many helpful insights. Call 0298881066 or write to Swedenborg Centre, 1 Avon Road, North Ryde, 2113 for free book/info pack. WANTING TO FIND Seeking experienced assistance in communication with my Spirit Guides. Also interested in Pendulum use for Higher Guidance. Phone Junee on 8351 9065. WICCA Six week training course, course commencing 10 September. Parafield Gardens. Empower yourself through positive Earth Magic. Ph: Frances 0401 788 790 or visit WORKSHOPS 80% of people acheive results in less than 5 minites. Thought Field Therapy is the cutting edge of energy therapies. Free yourself from emotional distress, fear anxiety and more...Drug Free - As seen on Oprah. See article and ad in this issue. Phone (03) 9687 5333 Channeling, Spiritual Healing Healing, Tarot and Psychic Development. To be the inspiration of our own destiny from Our Higher Self, Angelic Wisdom and Spirit, we build the bridges to know, see, hear and feel their power in love and light. Serenity Training 8337 7081 YOGA At Burnside. Gentle, easy and supportive classes to help you gradually improve fitness and remove stress. Phone Linda Veale on (08) 8337 6763.

Classifieds Special $ 99 for the year



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exclusive distributor for Australia & New Zealand. I have seen so many great results in people who like myself have struggled with weight & hair loss – not to mention cholesterol, hemorrhoids, cellulite etc . All together I have lost 35kg, my hair is no longer falling out as it did – I have new hair coming and it is getting thicker….my arms and legs no longer have the cellulite they used too its amazing and I know everyone is different but my skin has improved and adapted to my smaller frame…


BY ALAN COHEN A coaching client told me about a friend of hers who was freaking out because “the economy is never going to recover.”I suggested to her that her friend was suffering not from economic distress, but simple near sightedness. Of course the economy is going to recover. Thinking that the economy will never return would be like standing on an ocean shore watching a wave break on the beach and anxiously exclaiming, “There will never be another wave!”There is always another wave, and the tide always comes back in. Everything in the manifest universe functions in cycles. It’s all about frequency and vibration, crests and troughs. Economics is no exception. The economy goes up and it goes down. The stock market goes up and it goes down. Real estate goes up and it goes down. For every up there is a down and for every down there is an up. To believe that when it is up it will stay up and when it is down it will stay down is quite the short view. People who recognize the wave nature of life are not disturbed when things change. Smart people do not resist or complain about change; they capitalize on it. In the 1970’s during the “gas shortage,” people were selling their big gas-guzzling cars and buying little economical ones. At that time I read a newspaper article about a fellow who was buying Cadillacs for ridiculously low prices because he expected that the time would come again when gas would be plentiful and there would be a demand for Cadillacs. Sure enough, the oil companies “found” more gas, the price of fuel plummeted, and the price of Cadillacs soared. The man was an entrepreneurial visionary. (Translated to today’s market, we might say that a visionary would recognize there are other sources of energy besides oil, and place his or her chips on the tide of commerce

flowing in that direction.) In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, lots of people were afraid to fly and travel, and the tourist industry suffered badly. Many tour agents threw up their hands and found other careers. In the spring of 2002 I read an article in a Hawaii newspaper about several tour agencies that were thriving. In the midst of the doldrums following September 11, they were planning trips for the following spring. They realized that at some point people would feel more confident and want to travel again, and these tour agents would be waiting for them and have trips for them. That’s exactly what happened. While the tide of tourism was out, they were preparing for its return. They were the only agencies thriving at that time. One of my favourite models of vision in action is portrayed in the film, Tucker, the Man and His Dream, based on the true story of Preston Tucker. In 1947 Tucker developed an automobile many years ahead of its time, with a range of features that have since become standard equipment. Because his invention posed a threat to the auto manufacturers in power, Tucker was squashed and falsely accused of crimes. In the midst of his trial, Tucker doodled. When he was acquitted, Tucker showed his wife the sketches - schematic plans for a new kind of refrigerator with the potential to revolutionize the industry. Tucker wasted none of his precious time. Why bother with a trial when you can be creating things that will change the world? I am also inspired by creative entertainers who see beyond appearances. Mel Tor me, for example, wrote The Christmas Song (“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. . .”) in the month of June, when there was no Christmas, snow, fire, or chestnuts. Oscar Hammerstein, partner in the legendary musical team of Rogers

and Hammerstein, composed his magnum opus, The Sound of Music, while he was dying. While his body was withering, his spirit was soaring. He was not distracted by the appearance of limitation. While one tide was going out, another was coming in. An economic downturn, or recession, is an intrinsic piece of a greater progression. Abraham Hicks notes that, “This economy is planting seeds of desire, intention, and invention that will make the economy stronger than it ever was.”Likewise, Native Americans would purposely burn down cer tain forests because the area needed cleansing, and the forest that grew back would be healthier. There is a wisdom in apparent destruction, which paves the way for ultimate construction. I once saw a sign posted at a road construction zone, “The inconvenience is temporary. The improvement is permanent.” We are going through a period of temporary inconvenience. We can moan, complain, criticize, and blame, or we can take a breath and flow through it. Just keep watching the ocean, and you will find that the next wave is not far behind the last one. Alan Cohen, M.A. M.A., is the author of 22 p o p u l a r inspirational books and CD’s, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore , the awardwinning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog? He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 23 foreign languages. His work has been featured on and in 101 Top Experts . Alan’s monthly column From the Heart is featured in magazines internationally, along with his interviews.

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The Weight Loss & Wellbeing Secret Sweeping Australia In 2004-05, 54% of adults were classified as overweight or obese. The proportion of men in these categories was significantly higher than that for women (62% of men compared to 45% of women). This difference is most evident in the overweight category, where 43% of men were overweight compared to 28% of women. The median age of men who were overweight or obese (45 years) is lower than that of women (48 years). The reality is that western lifestyles and pressures do not promote physical health. We rush around for our jobs, family and just the pace of life. There is little opportunity to invest time in ourselves -the majority of people overweight would like to feel better and live healthier-we live in a society where foods and health treatments are packaged and artificially ‘enhanced’ for convenience. We know these facts but most wellbeing products in the market today are disruptive to our lives and some are aggressive to our bodies. The Latin Seed TM is a totally natural product that has helped thousands of people around the world obtain dramatic health benefits. Discovered by the natives of South America many hundreds of years ago, The Latin SeedTM was found to have very positive and unique health benefits. The natives found swallowing it made them healthier, stronger and fitter. Women have found that taking the seed after childbirth helped them to regain their figure and energy. In parts of South America it is considered to be the ‘fountain of Youth’! WHAT IS THE LATIN SEEDTM? Originally from Brazil this remarkable nut is also known as Candleberry, Indian walnut, Kemiri, Varnish tree or Kukui nut tree.. Several parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it occurs naturally. The Latin Seed is high in linoleic acid which has been linked to shrinking of fat cells and the promotion of lean muscle mass in scientific studies. The artificial form is common in a number of fitness supplements and beauty products. People have testified to its effectiveness in weight loss,

reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, hemorrhoids and even promoting hair re-growth. Unlike a number of other products on the market, the Latin Seed enables you to maintain the benefits for the long term. The seed works on the fat and toxins within your body rather than targeting what you are putting in your mouth. Imagine the amazing results you could achieve in conjunction with a healthy diet!! Probably the most positive aspect of the Latin Seed is the way that it fits into your existing lifestyle. There are no supplements to take or complex eating programs. The seed is taken in a cup of boiling water before going to bed of an evening. Within a couple of days, the seed will start to help transform your body, and give you amazing long lasting results. There are no drastic side effects and because it is totally natural, it does not interfere with medications or supplements. “Hi, this is my story- I have been fighting my weight since my teens. After my first child I weighed 109kgs, (gained 25kg during my pregnancy) I lost only a couple of kilos between having my 2 boys. Over the years I have tried SureSlim, Weight watches, Jenny Craig, Lite and Easy, Duramine, Xenicol, Chinese Weight loss tea (nearly killed me), Reductil and Liver cleansing…Most of these programs got results however with babies, work and the usual day to day, I found it hard to stick to the guidelines and put the weight back on plus some, not to mention the lack of sleep, headaches and addictive concerns with some products. I hate to think of how much money I’ve spent on trying to lose weight. Aside from my weight I had another more sinister and embarrassing problem - I was losing my hair dramatically (I was scared to shower or brush my hair because it would just come out in bundles) I managed to obtain a packet of these miraculous “Natural” seeds a couple of years ago with dramatic effect. Knowing the benefits, overseas popularity and that they are not only natural but really effective, I made it my mission to bring them into Australia. I am truly proud to have been endorsed as Latin Seed’sTM


I am passionate about this product- it’s helped so many people and I know it can help you too….I am not a doctor – however with this product being 100% Natural it has allowed people for whom other treatments were unsuitable a genuine alternative. If you would like to know more please contact me. “ Life is too precious not to care… My love & Support Nikki, 35 “After discovering these wonderful GEMS, I would not revert to anything else to assist me in maintaining my weight. I have tried a number of different programs and this is by far the BEST !!! For me the best thing is that it does not affect your social lifestyle!!! You can continue enjoying those naughty things from time to time and not feel guilty about it!!!! I am not one to weigh myself so the way I test my results is by the way my clothes fit!!! I am also a GYM freak and in conjunction with my exercising and my little gems, I have noticed my body toning in areas which I have not been able to previously achieve !! I Thank my Aunty Carmen and cousin Erika for introducing me to this wonderful product, I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone at all !!!!” Claudia, Sydney “I have been taking the seeds for 2 months now and have lost about 8 kilos so far. It was always a surprise to step onto the scale each week to see that something had happened, whilst I hadn’t made any significant changes to my diet! I would literally stare at the scale in disbelief each week checking to see if the scale was working properly... People keep on telling me how fantastic I look and it really does feel great. Thank you so much for this product, and to the people reading these testimonials, this is not a gimmick, it is an excellent product, better and more effective than any other product or diet that is on the market at this moment in time.” Claire-Sydney, 25 yrs For more information, contact The Latin SeedTM on 1300 882 506 or visit





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