Innerself NSW/QLD Issue 16 / 2009

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Body, Mind & Spirit '

Your guide to local news & events FREE Issue 16 NSW-QLD

BARRY LONG Part 2 of the LAST interview

A letter from



The Feminine Face of


12 Reasons to buy Organic Foods, Awakening the Healer Within, Qigong Meditation, The Trauma of Depression, Raising Children, Feeling Sex in the Body and more . . . 1 InnerSelf Body, Mind, Spirit




ANYTHING THAT'S REAL DOES NOT DIE - The LAST - Interview with Barry Long Part 2











HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 10 DAYS by Samantha Richardson



































CELIBACY by Marie-Elise Allen








ORGANICALLY YOURS - 12 reasons to buy organic


WISHING ON A CANDLE by Robert Reeves




A NEW FLAME, A NEW EARTH by Sarah Liddle















How are you feeling? Small... contracted... in fear... unhappy? Or open... vast... free and joyous? Happiness is a good sign of where we’re sitting in any given moment. We all seek it yet so many never really find it or if we do it doesn’t last long. But maybe the happiness we seek is already here and has never really left us and just maybe we ourselves keep ourselves from knowing it deeply and intimately. In truth, if we dare to dig a little deeper... just below the surface of our happy/unhappy selves, there sits an eternal, vast, unchanging, unconditional happiness that is our own true nature... the real you... the real me. The other morning Peter, our local post office owner was telling me about a recent two week holiday he had in Thailand. “What did you do?” I asked. “A lot of relaxing... just sitting in the sun and laying on the beach... a lot of ‘nothing’ really.” “What were the people like?” “They were all so happy in their simple existence...” He continued to describe how much joy he discovered in the people he met everywhere, simply going about their day. One man in particular really made a deep impression on Peter. In a small village this elderly man worked all day long cracking open coconuts. On the left he’d throw the cracked husks and on the right the coconut flesh. Both piles were enormous. And all around him were countless piles of more coconuts to crack open... his endless days were laid out before him. To Peter, this was a mindnumbing nightmare of a job. To the villager, a simple daily task that obviously brought him much joy. So what is the secret to this man’s happiness?

Are we able to find it in a similar way within ourselves? On the way back from the post office I began to contemplate this question of true and lasting happiness and I inwardly heard: “The Seeker becomes the Seer in one simple shift.” Listening more intently, I waited for the “how” to come... “Simply pull back... pull out of that thought.” Which thought? Any thought we may be enmeshed with. By simply pulling out of our thinking we immediately allow for reality to present itself. Taking a deep breath I now allowed for the words to repeat themselves as a contemplation seed: “The Seeker becomes the Seer in one simple shift. Simply pull back... pull out of that thought... and you are free.” In this placeless place outside of thought we are always met by the Eternal Vastness that is our own true nature. Only here will we be the “Seer” of life as it really is, instead of the “Seeker” after something else. If you’re seeking happiness. Stop! Pull back... out of that thought... and here it is... it is this simple. With Love Leo & Enza

“Many of us think happiness is not possible in the present moment. Most of us believe that there are a few more conditions that need to be met before we can be happy. This is why we are sucked into the future and are not capable of being present in the here and now. This is why we step over many of the wonders of life." Thich Nhat Hanh, from Be Where You Are

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ISSUE 16 (NSW/QLD Edition)

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InnerSelf and its staff are dedicated to helping readers live richer, fuller, and more responsible lives. We work to do this by providing inspiration and resources for wellness, personal growth, and spirituality and by providing information to empower positive choices for the natural and social environment. InnerSelf is your quarterly resource guide for authentic living.


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The InnerSelf editorial team are working consciously to keep sexist language out of its pages, but sometimes this is not possible due to material having been extracted from old sources making it difficult and sometimes impossible to get permission to alter copy. We apologise if any such language does offend anyone.

INNERSELF is independently published quarterly by InnerSelf© 2009

This issue of InnerSelf is alsoInnerSelf online asBody, anMind, e-paper at Spirit


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Body, Mind, Spirit

We are moving into an age of awakening, a time of global interconnectedness when we will work together to heal our planet and ourselves. A time when compassion will be the motivating factor that informs all our decisions and transforms our actions. This perspective recognizes an empowering truth: Before every breakthrough, there needs to be a breakdown. The breakdown reveals what is needed for the breakthrough. At InnerSelf, we are exactly where we need to be: on the front lines of the breakthrough, lighting the path for people seeking a better way. We provide the guidebook. Next, take note that during these critical times, InnerSelf is accomplishing vital work: inspiring and empowering people and communities across the country to shift to personal responsibility, wholistic living, and a healthy planet. Everything we represent—authentic spirituality, alternative medicine and holistic practitioners, consciousnessraising, organic farms and food, socially responsible businesses and fair trade products—is in more demand every day. Readers—and advertisers—need and desire our newspaper. We are the guidebook. We are proud to be able to offer you this unique opportunity for personal growth, service to others, and economic security (and all out of an office in your home). How does it get any better than that? InnerSelf is making a difference for tens of thousands of people… all at a critical time in the history of our world. Hope you can join us Leo Drioli and Enza Vita


INTERVIEW BL: If you ask me are there any other Masters around me then that would have to excite some imaginary process which I would have to put myself into some other body and I can’t do that because I’m here in this body. So I am Master of now, here, now. Right. When I read what other Masters have said I see that their knowledge is wonderful and great and then I acknowledge that... I acknowledge that inside of me because if I only read... if someone gives me a book by a Master... mostly I don’t read them because you can see by reading their opening that there’s a lot of rubbish in it. But when you read a real Master or a Teacher, because a Teacher’s not a Master... a Teacher’s many many years away from being a Master... it’s taken many years to be a Master and we’ve all got to start off as Teachers.

Anything That’s REAL Does Not Die The last Interview with Barry Long

(PART 2)

By Leo Drioli

To truly appreciate the content of the following interview, please read part one in InnerSelf (Feb-Apr 09). If you don’t have a copy it’s available online at Now, to recap where we’ve been, in part one Barry Long begins by being very patient with a Leo armed with some appropriate yet intellectual questions and like a lion stalking his prey, waits for the perfect moment to pounce and crack “me” open to drop me back into stillness and silence... to be in the Presence of the Master Consciousness. The following part two of this interview takes place from a fascinating space. I’m still asking the interviewer’s questions but my mind has stopped, it’s only doing what a mind is meant to do – inquire. Behind the words there’s a reflected stillness and peace... I’m continuing with the questioning but I’m also deeply surrendered in a vast emptiness... this is the job of the Master – to present the truth of our own divine presence through the sacred mirror of the Master’s Presence.

These last few questions slowly make their way towards an awe and gratitude that is the doorway to the Truth that lies within us all. Leo Drioli: Are many getting it? Barry Long: Yes... We can’t really question where anybody is in the depths of them because the subconscious in us goes right down into the purity of God. And “I”, which is the troublemaker in the whole of existence... “I” in that body and in this body if it were not mastered. “I” am the troublemaker and yet “I” can go right down into the depths of the subconscious... And “I” can realise God at that level. Whereas at the top level “I” can be gloomy and be despondent and a pest to myself and everyone around me. So “I” am capable of this... so you can’t judge anyone except by their questions and by their love life usually. LD: Are there any other “Masters-to-be” around you?

LD: Did you work with any Masters or Teachers yourself? BL: Yes I had a Teacher. My first Teacher came about 3 years after the inner change started to happen in me, because in those days... we’re talking about the late 50’s, when there were no Teachers and no Masters around... Everybody’s a Teacher and a Master today... and there were none around then and this man happened to be in Sydney and helped me when this extraordinary change started to happen in me. He helped me by telling me “It’s right, it’s true... what’s happening in you is true.” And that’s what I wanted to know. You need someone who knows what he’s talking about and unfortunately not many people know what they’re talking about, right? So yes, I had him. And I didn’t stay with that... he helped me magnificently. And my Master came to me in London and he was an ordinary man... a young man who was in my teaching and the Truth over a period of time came through him and I know that he knew more than I did and I asked him to teach me and he did for 6 weeks and he gave me my transcendental realisation. LD: Is he still teaching? BL: I don’t know, he’s probably still in London... But I don’t know what he’s been doing lately, but I love him... I love him with a deep appreciation as I love God, because of the great wonder that he had bestowed upon him. LD: Can you go back in your memory to those days before you awakened to the Mastership within you? BL: Let me explain that. “I” in that body listening to those words and reading them



Body, Mind, Spirit

and “I” in this body am all that has ever been... right? “I” in that body reading these words was also present as experience as a child... right. And although the human memory is unreliable, the memory that I have which is above the memory in the subconscious is greater than the human memory. And sometimes I am my body listening to these words, sometimes I can make contact with that... but generally speaking, even from a memorable point of view “I” was there and so I have the knowledge of it to a large extent, whether I’ve covered it over with information from scientists, from teachers and everything... my knowledge of what “I” was has been obscured by learning and education. And so there’s a lot of imagination in it and all those things, because I was there... I was there, but I’m here now... I’m not the same as I used to be... and nor are you, but I was there, so I can speak, from any level that I’ve been... that is the key: Any level that I have been I can speak from. Now there are many many levels of God Realisation... I don’t know whether we can speak about that, OK, but there are many levels in the psyche of God Realisation. The first realisation of God is the realisation of being all life... in other words immortality. And then there’s the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one... until “I” realise Supreme Being. And so in all those realisations I AM... because it’s “I” who realises. So therefore, once I’ve realised a level, I can always go back to that level. But if I haven’t realised the next level up I can chatter around about it and make lots of noises as though I knew about it, but I haven’t got the power of being there. I can go down but I can’t go up. Does that make sense to you? LD: Yes it makes sense. BL: If you haven’t lived, you can’t have the knowledge of it... LD: Do you have any choice in becoming a Master? BL: No... no... I was a Teacher and this extraordinary knowledge inside me, and I don’t know when I became Master but I am Master. That’s Master Consciousness, understand? There’s no Master, there’s only Master Consciousness, then you’re Master. You don’t realise you’re a Master... that’s not the right way of saying it. You realise Master Consciousness, and that’s a deep depth of God Realisation. LD: I don’t have any more questions... BL: Would you like to conclude the interview?

SPIRITUALITY LD: I just feel really empty... BL: When someone’s really listening and near to me that happens, the questions disappear because questions are man-made and stillness and silence and the solution to all the questions is God-made. And so, that happens when you’re in my presence... when you’re really listening. But it doesn’t mean... a question might arise in you. I’m not inhibiting that in any way. LD: I’m in awe of the presence I’m feeling... I’m speechless. BL: There you go now. “I” am in awe... “I” in my body am speechless... why is that? Because I am receiving an external reflection of what is inside of me. Because what is in front of me is speaking about God and Life and Truth and Love and Death, it takes me down into the subconscious where the God that I am or that I love and that I worship is inside that body listening to these words. That just makes “I” speechless and in awe that such a thing can be. But if such a thing can be out here then also that it’s reflecting that such a magnificent thing can be inside... that makes “I” who knows so much, speechless inside that body. Now that’s a wondrous thing and that’s why it is to be with the Master Consciousness, it’s supposed to do that. But then the “Thinker”... “I” am also the Thinker, the one up the top in the background who has to think and has to do things... until they are removed from it but I think and do things and gradually it obscures the wonderful perception that I’ve had at the depth of me... because that’s all I’m here to reflect. I don’t make anything worshipful or anything out here... but to reflect that which is the most holy, which is inside of you. BL: Thank you Leo LD: Thank you Barry. BARRY LONG was one of the world’s great spiritual masters. He taught for over 35 years. He was uniquely of the west: down to earth and practical. His books, tapes and videos are comprehensive, encompassing all aspects of the spiritual life from meditation to raising children, from cosmic consciousness to making love. His works are published in 11 languages. He is widely recognised for his original teaching on love which is the first to distinguish love from sex, and has transformed the love lives of many around the world. Barry Long died on 6 December 2003, at the age of 77. It was his wish that his books and tapes should continue to be published and be made available by The Barry Long Foundation International. Barry Long Video Screening of "The Mysteries of Enlightenment" fromThurs 21 May Sun24 May 2009 at Hastings Point, Tweed Coast (near Cabarita Beach). Ph: (02) 6680 4988


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The Feminine Face of


While there is no ultimate difference between men and women, it has been my experience that women teachers have a natural understanding of what it means to be fully awake and fully human. A detached and kind of blissful state no longer has the appeal it once had back in the 1970s when I was a spiritual seeker looking for what was then considered to be the ultimate goal: enlightenment. I was younger and naively thought that if I could just have that experience of oneness, then all struggle and pain would melt away and be replaced by infinite love and wisdom. While it is true that realization of the formless or the Absolute is an important part of the journey, the real question is what comes next. Westerners in particular want a spirituality grounded in the practical. This practical approach is what I was looking for when I recently met the first person in my life that I could call enlightened, though I hesitate to use that term because of all the past baggage it carries. For that reason, I often say self realized or awakened. These terms are intercha ngeable they describe a genuine, profound shift in the way a person experiences life. The sense of a separate self dissolves. What I notice about someone who is awa kened, is that nothing gets in the way of the full expression of love and wisdom, attributes of our true nature at the core of each and

every one of us. When I initially saw Pamela Wilson, I had a hard time believing that she was the teacher. She wore jeans and a flannel shirt; her long blonde hair hung loose around her shoulders. She looked much younger than her 50 something years. What made the biggest impression on me is the way Pamela was the same whether cooking oatmeal or sitting in front of a group answering questions — there was no change in her warm, loving presence. After meeting Pamela, I began to wonder—are there other teachers like her, women who haven’t left ”real” life but who have awakened to their true nature. I was delighted to find that the answer is ”yes”. My search eventually led to writing a book based on interviews with over a dozen women spiritual teachers. Though their backgrounds are diverse, their lives look very much like everyone else’s. They have normal names (with a couple of exceptions). Some have kids, husbands, dogs, bills to pay. In each case, after their awakening, they went back to living life in all its humanness. Instead of resisting the mundane, these women embrace -even cel-


ebrate - the ordinariness of daily life. For years, spiritual wisdom has been predominantly expressed through male teachers. So it is not surprising that I once understood the spiritual path as a transcendent movement, up and out of life-reaching for a more detached and above it all view. But now with the emergence of more and more female teachers, the feminine perspective has a stronger voice-this is the second half of the spiritual journey, which is characterized by a down and in movement, a return home to the here and now of daily life, the world of form. For most of the women I spoke with, first there was a realization of the absolute, the changeless , the formless. Then there arose a natural desire to return to life relationships, work, the ups and downs of our human world. This return is often called embodiment. While there is no ultimate difference between men and women, it has been my experience that women teachers have a natural understanding of what it means to be fully awake and fully human. Which makes sense, just by the very fact that women inhabit a female body that is aligned with

Body, Mind, Spirit

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SPIRITUALITY the rhythms of the earth. And our roles as mothers, wives, daughters - require us to pay attention to relationship, feelings, and to the practical matters of everyday life. Though I use the word teacher for the sake of convenience, the women I interviewed do not refer to themselves as such. The word implies that they know something we don’t, and this hierarchy creates more separation. They emphasize our sameness - that there is no separation, no meaningful distinction between awakened or not, teacher or student. I was curious to find out what it was like to live from this awakened perspective-what is the difference between my typical day and theirs. When I asked Pamela, she shrugged. “It’s still clean the house, make the food - it’s exactly the same as life before - but worry has been reduced by 90 percent, sense of separation has been reduced by 98 percent. There’s a total knowing. I can’t even call it trust because it is so much stronger than that. ‘Life’ is totally taking care of everything. Who I am, who everyone is - is Life. ” She smiled and sighed. “We can relax and let Life do all the work.” Pamela doesn’t use the word enlightened. Instead, she refers to that shift as someone being completely at rest. Sharon Landrith is a mother and grandmother who lived most of her life in a small town in Kansas. After years on a spiritual quest, the search ended when she experienced her awakening with Adyashanti, a well known “embodiment teacher” from the San Francisco area. Sharon sees no separation between the spiritual and the mundane. “How does it work as you’re doing the dishes, being with a friend, as you’re cleaning your house? It’s the Mystery, the revealing, the libera tion, the love -all of that is totally present in the most ordinary events.” Including and especially in relationship. Sharon has been married for 20-some years. Shortly after her realization, she was struggling with a familiar issue in her relationship and decided to talk to Adyashanti about it. “I’ve not ever been heard, especially by the males in my life, and there’s a lot of resentment about that, a lot of defense.” Adya laughed and said, ”What’s new? Every woman I’ve talked to says the same thing. It’s true, isn’t it?” Sharon admitted that it was true. He told her, “Until you can give that to yourself, you will always look for it outside and it will never happen.” For days, Sharon was furious. ”It was the rage, I think, of all women through the centuries,” she acknowledged. “And I knew it. I knew to keep my mouth shut. I just stayed and stayed with it. It was so huge there wasn’t


any escaping it. Then it passed. One morning I woke up and it was gone. And I never ever asked my husband for that again. No more was I looking to him to do that for me. It’s like asking for love from everyone, and it cannot happen until there’s a pouring of the love into oneself.” Karen McPhee of Calgary was with her teacher and friend Eckhart Tolle (author of The Power of Now) when she realized her true nature. Karen claims that she is now as much in love with form as she is with the formless. “The first phase is that you withdraw to some degree from normal worldly stuff and go within. You die into stillness, you die into true nature, and you hang out there as long as required. Then the self wants to know its manifestation, to participate in the human experience as the self.” Karen is emphatic about celebrating our humanness. She warns that “a lot of the spiritual teachings, whether intentionally or not, somehow lead to the idea that we’re supposed to transcend the body, the personality. This so often leads to repression or denial. We get the message we have to work on ourselves, improve ourselves. Yet that never leads to freedom. That which is considered unpleasant or what we don’t want to go through, I now worship . . . anger, pain, loss, grief. I celebrate it.” This is an important aspect of a spirituality groun-ded in the feminine. Everything is welcome, whatever feeling is arisingsadness, anxiety, anger. When asked what you do with strong feelings, Muni Fluss of Nelson, B.C. said simply, “Just let them be.” Muni, asked by Adyashanti to teach, placed her hand on her heart and said, “here anger arises, sadness arises, there’s a touching of the heart. The human being is here, it doesn’t want to be excluded and neither do any of these emotions. We are meant to feel.” Sexuality is also welcome. Marlies Cocheret de la Moriniere (also asked to teach by Adyashanti) is not afraid to talk

about “women, sex, and love.” She told me that she doesn’t want to be a teacher “who talks about truth only in the sense of emptiness.” At a recent women’s retreat, she challenged the participants, “I’m here to shake everybody’s bootie.” As someone who has been sexually abused and has gone through her own healing process, Marlies says that it’s not enough to just be in the heart. “You wake up, the heart opens, and it’s really warm and loving, but it’s cut off. What happens down here?” she asked, gesturing below her waist. In response to Marlies ’ invitation, many women started sharing about their sexuality, commenting that they “didn’t know you could talk about sexuality here. We always just talk about awakeness.” The need for integration is crucial, says Marlies who believes that “this is a time when women need to take their seat. This is the root, the first and second chakra, our ground. We need to come into our power or else nothing is going to change here.” On a global level, Catherine Ingram sees the need for the feminine perspective to bring balance to the world. Catherine, who helped found the Insight Meditation Society in 1976, described how her early years of practice left her “feeling somewhat dry. I didn’t feel much joy or particularly connected in a kind of juicy sense to this reality … I always yearned for much more of a heart connection, a more full bodied way of being. I became disillusioned and fell into a deep depression.” Catherine ended her search when she met Papaji (H.W.L. Poonja, a disciple of Ramana, a key figure in nondual teachings). She described her week with him as ”a release of madness with the story of my life, my history, what was missing, what should be, what might have been. And in its place was a deep appreciation for being alive without asking for anything else.That produced a great sense of freedom.” As she looks back, Catherine

sees her earlier striving for emptiness from a new perspective. “I see a lot of those transcendent views as patriarchal…l et’s transcend into the outer limits, into space, into nothingness, into mind only. But no, that’s not working and hasn’t ever worked,” she laughed. “The only divinity we know is right here in this body and this earth.” Many of the women I interviewed agreed that this is the kind of spirituality we now need-a spirituality grounded in the here and now, fully engaged in the world. This is a view that is inclusive, where all is welcome and embraced-the dark and the light, the relative and the absolute, the human and the divine. And of course, masculine and feminine. While it is not about gender, there is no question that women teachers do have something unique to offer. When I am in the presence of a woman who is fully realized and awake-something in me wakes up. Especially a woman who is ordinary, who is ”just like me.” I see my Self in her eyes and there is this deep recognition of our essential sameness. I am moved to ask: if she can be fully awake and fully humanwhy not me? Why not now? And why not you? Rita Marie Robinson, M.A. is the author of Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Wisdom: The Feminine face of Awakening. She is a writer and a psychotherapist and lives an ordinary life in the mountains of Colorado. You may find out more about the book by visiting

That is happiness; to be dissolved into something completely great. Willa Cather

Mind & Hear t with BEHRAM

To The Horizon And Beyond I believe that, every creature has its rightful place, and in its rightful place, it displays magnificence. Are you clear about your true priorities? Or are you like a ship’s captain in charge of a voyage to nowhere? Any day you wish, you can choose to either change it all, or do nothing. You can either pretend that your life is super-sonic, or you can perform the necessary actions that lead you to living your wildest dreams. You can choose comfort over being zestful; entertainment over exploration; and trepidation over conviction. But, truthfully, are you really thrilled with your current lifestyle? Doesn’t your yearning for more fun and sparkle demand to be heard? And not only heard, but lived? So, be brave and smart enough to acknowledge just how precious your life is and be willing to do what it takes to live vibrantly. Throughout history, countless people have lived wastefully, by withholding their love, joy and compassion, instead of sharing it with others. But, you can choose differently, from those who have let their precious moments slip by. Acquire the clarity to know your future intentions, as this will greatly influence what you do in the moment. What do you fervently wish to accomplish with your time and talents? With a clear long-term vision, of what your life really stands for, you discern how best to live each day. Then, your choices become consistent with living a life of distinction. Much as you learn a new sport, you can train your natural aptitude for being joyous and creative in your journey through life. Although no happiness lasts forever, you

can gain the skill in viewing what is familiar in new ways, thereby extending your enjoyment indefinitely. The call to adventure is not about seeking fresh experiences, but to feel the freshness of each experience. Your delight has little to do with spatial location; it is more about how brilliantly you place your awareness in the richness of the moment. The value of human life and the glory of nature are best experienced this way. To make the most of your inborn resources to be truly happy, be receptive to the magnificence of life, because this increases your pleasure a thousand-fold. Just think how dissatisfying it is to be preoccupied in the presence of great beauty, in comparison to giving single-pointed attention to the same. Since concentrated perception is often accompanied by feelings of elation, learn to extend the enjoyment of your experiences by penetrating deeper into life’s mysteries. Most importantly, the quest for a rich and meaningful life is also about discovering novel ways of relating with others. Good company has been proven, time and again, to be of great benefit to our overall health and wellbeing. Deep, supportive friendships, healthy family relations, a keen interest in acquiring wisdom and making a positive impact in society, are indispensable requisites for happiness to thrive. This is because a loving, fun-filled and stimulating bonding with others is one of the few external factors that increase life satisfaction under almost all conditions. By comparison, monetary abundance, professional success and leisure activities are of less significance.

TO THE HORIZON AND BEYOND With Master Behram Ghista Talks, Workshops and Retreats Limited space. Early bookings are essential. February to March, 2010


Body, Mind, Spirit

AWAKENING Therefore, learn to view others, not as they are, but as they could be. From this vantage point, you help them to build a bridge from the present to a preferred future. In this way, you reveal to others the riches they have yet to discover within themselves. When you invest in people and lift them toward their potential, they not only love you for it, but you too, grow immensely in the process. So, in-

spire yourself to live courageously by following your call to adventure to the horizon and beyond, and let your joy enhance and make better the lives of everyone around you. We all have dreams which we would like to make real. Which dreams will you begin to make tangible today? Written by Behram Ghista, Chairman and Managing

Trustee, Nembutsu Centre Behram Ghista, born in Mumbai, India, in 1955, has been studying and practicing the Buddhist way of life since 1980. He has trained under various Masters in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Japan, in order to taste the “true flavor” of the teachings. In 1989, after long and fruitful years of study and practice, he was authorized to teach the Dharma by Lama



Zopa Rinpoche, who is the Spiritual Director of The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition ( FPMT ), which has over 135 centers in 31 countries around the world. Since then, he travels worldwide, conducting talks, workshops and retreats as an accomplished international meditation teacher. Although qualified as a Graphic Designer with a Masters Degree from the USA, Behram has dedicated his life to introducing others to the Buddhist way of living, because of his passion to share with others the richness it has created in his own life.

is the motto of T he T heosophical Society Society,, founded in 1875 The Sydney Branch, Blavatsky Lodge has, since its inception offered Members and Visitors a wide range of activities, such as Guest Lectures, Workshops, Yoga, Meditation and Tai-Chi. The Ad ar Adyyar Lending Libr Librar aryy , Level 3 of Theosophy House, has a unique collection of over 13,000 books, periodicals, CDs, DVDs, audio and video tapes, covering topics such as theosophy, religion, mysticism, yoga, health and healing. There is a large reference section. Browsing, reading, playing videos & dvds is free, low lending rates.Non-Members of the Society are welcome to join the Library. Ph: 02-9267 8607, Medita tion, our programme includes sessions most lunchtimes and early Meditation, evenings. Please see our website for more information. The Ad Adyyar Bookshop in 230 Clarence St, near Town Hall, is owned and managed by The Society. Established in 1922, it is one of Sydney’s oldest bookshops, carrying the largest range of authentic metaphysical literature, music & gifts.. The word Theosophy originates from the Greek “Theos” and “Sophia”, meaning “Divine Wisdom”, and can be seen as a worldview that gives meaning to life and as a way of service that leads to peace and understanding.

THE 3 OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY 1 - To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. 2 - To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. 3 - To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.

Blavatsky Lodge of The Theosophical Society Levels 2 & 3, Theosophy House, 484 Kent St, near crn. Bathurst St. Website bsite: Email Email:


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion The Dalai Lama

Body, Mind, Spirit


Evolving to a new order of spiritual emergence I went for a swim yesterday in the Never Never. It is always special to swim in this river. The water comes off the mountains of the Great Dividing Range and is cold and very fresh. More than this, it is water that invigorates and purifies in a wonderfully healing way. I shared this experience with a dragonfly, a black and yellowstriped goanna and, amongst the treetops above, the sleepy, gentle call of an owl. I find it hard to put words to such experiences, precisely because they are such pure experience. To experience in this way is to stop and simply be. It’s a way of being that is deeply connected with nature; a way of being that is very organic and unpolluted. There is no ego-identity involved, just an effortless state of being. Henry Beston, one of America’s classic nature writers, expresses so powerfully the importance of recognising our connection to nature. He says, “Nature is part of our humanity, and without some awareness and experience of that divine mystery, man ceases to be man.” I so appreciate the depth of his insight when he continues, “Man becomes, as it were, a kind of cosmic outlaw, having neither the completeness and integrity of the animal nor the birthright of a true humanity.” As a “kind of cosmic outlaw” we feel separate and superior to nature. We feel we have the right to use her, even abuse her in an exploitative manner that is overwhelming in its scale of harm and ignorance. Such ignorance is our fall from grace. In our egotistical ideas of superiority, we disregard Mother Nature as inferior and Earth as mere dirt. Thus, we are lost to the Garden of Eden. Much of humanity is lost from the garden. We have lost our sense of the sacred. The wisdom of many different indigenous people has a great deal to teach us in this area. It is vital to create sacred space but please understand, there is nowhere that is not sacred in this entire universe. To create sacred space is to bring our awareness to the sacred. When working with my clients I often encourage them to create sacred space physically, emotionally and mentally. Recently I was in Bali and it was such a

joy to encounter the daily ritual of offerings in their homes, shops, fields and temples. This process of honouring and respecting is a process of connecting with the divine, which for the most part is overlooked in our daily life. This disconnect is our fall from grace. Humanity has moved away from the wisdom of the heart to the logic of the mind. The last many thousands of years have been dominated by a masculine energy of action, which has lead to an imbalance of doing and overachieving. The feminine power of being with its heart intelligence has been lost. Now it is time for us to return to our heart and to live from it. Consciousness is evolving to a new order that is to do with the presence of love. This is a new spiritual emergence, without which, will be a spiritual emergency. The sacred pathway is to our heart. There is the aperture through which we access supreme intelligence, the intelligence of the universe. The intelligence of the universe is the intelligence of the heart. Our hearts are the portal to our universal self, our god self. Heart-centeredness is God-centeredness. One of my favourite quotes from my favourite quantum physicist is, “When heart intelligence arises, it takes out the dysfunction of the mind in an instant.” We can use our willpower and struggle to overcome the dysfunction of the mind or we can experience the presence of love and heal in a natural and inspired way. Heart intelligence is intuitive, creative, insightful and brings healing and even genius. When we experience the presence of love, the past and future disappears into the here and now. We realise that we are not our stories nor our perceptions or beliefs. We are no more important than a leaf or a bug and no less important than the sun or the moon. We are no different from anything else in existence. We are the same stuff – consciousness, light, love, pure energy. The shift is from a ‘me’ consciousness to a ‘we’ consciousness. In the presence of love, fear disappears and grace appears. This state of grace may take the form of abiding calm and serenity, healing of mind and body, insight, synchronicities and miracles. The issue now is not whether we are right or wrong, this point of view or that one. It is whether we are walking in truth and in love. We cannot be bound by the opinions and fears of others. When we get out of our fear, out of our ego-identity, out of our control and capability and into


GROWTH insight and harmony, that’s when we see the grace of real life-affirming change. Such grace appears, not with your head but with your heart. The crises we face in these times calls for the transformative power of love. The concept of love’s alchemy is a concept for this time. It heralds a new way of being long forgotten and only now remembered in our hearts. To learn to experience the presence of love is the core purpose of this time on our beautiful planet Earth. This is to learn to experience respect, trust, happiness and creativity; to experience the mystery; to connect one to another and to relate in the most vital way; to dance with joy and exuberance and to shine like a billion stars cascading into the heavens. This is to learn to appreciate every precious moment of life as divine. This is the sacred pathway of the heart. Sky is becoming known as an inspiring spiritual teacher. Her incisive insight combined with an engaging presence, add power and magnetism to her message. Author of the book Love’s Alchemy, Sky’s focus is on the transformative power of love. She is a psychologist and spiritual coach with her consultancy in Sydney where she offers courses and private sessions. She also runs retreats in the Promised Land, a beautiful valley near Bellingen in northern NSW. Teaching in Australia, Japan and the UK, Sky is an awakener. Her invitation is to awaken to your true nature and, thereby, fulfill your purpose. For sessions or details of events call 02 9362 9866 or visit

Consciousness & Spiritual Growth Our own personal level of consciousness determines and reflects how spiritually evolved we are. On the bigger scale, the consciousness of the human race does the same. If this is the case then it will be very beneficial for people to understand how this state of mind can be measured. Our thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, are where the understanding lies. Fortunately, we all have a very powerful and accurate inbuilt feedback system that tells us how spiritually evolved our thoughts are and therefore, how evolved we are. During the 1960’s and 1970’s a movement opened up in the western world; a movement associated with free loving and drugs. These people were labelled as the ‘Hippies’ and some of them went around with flowers in their hair and thus the slogan ‘Flower Power’ was born. Little did we know at the time that this rebellion against the norm was going to

change the way we looked at ourselves and life in general. It was a time when the old structure of conforming to the rules of acceptable social behaviour and traditions were challenged by the fledgling ‘New Age Movement.’ This period was going to change the consciousness of the western world forever. When one structure gives way to an incoming new structure, there is a period when neither structure has control, thus a period of chaos is involved. We are currently in that state of chaos. Choices will be made that will either propel society through to the new higher level of consciousness or return it to the older and more familiar level that some people cling to through fear based attitudes and decisions. Regardless of what choices society makes, we as individuals will also make our own choices that will create the same outcomes. Fortunately, those outcomes will not be affected by what society

decides because we are all individual beings who can create our own future. Quantum physicists understand this chaos phase very well. In this case, a lower level of consciousness is giving way to a higher level. Many people, particularly those who are in their eighties and nineties, still struggle to see anything positive with this change. This is because we are still in the transition period that causes the chaos. However, there are some of us that see where this is all heading. We see a very exciting new age unfolding – an age of equality and freedom never before seen on planet earth. This major shift in consciousness will create a new and higher level of love and harmony for those of us willing to go with the flow and change with the momentum that is currently building. There are also those who want to hang onto the old fear based survival paradigm which causes division and is the root of most of the wars. I am a great believer that there is light at the end of the tunnel; a time of great rewards for those prepared to do the hard yards in order to keep up with the change. What do we need to do? We need to work on our own personal level of consciousness so that it stays in tune with the rhythm of change that is affecting the whole planet. How do we do that? We first need to understand our own conscious and subconscious thought patterns which create our future. We then need to become aware of those patterns through self observation using a very raw level of self honesty to uncover the real truth about ourselves. This exercise of self observation is very confronting but it is the crux to the change that will give you your freedom. This is an inner

journey, not an outward one. Thoughts are energy and energy can be measured by its vibration. How aware we are of our thoughts on all levels directly affects our overall level of awareness. In turn, our level of awareness has a direct affect on our level of consciousness. Our level of spiritual growth is tied to our level of consciousness. Therefore we can see that there is a direct link between our thoughts and our level of spirituality via this chain. This connection cannot be separated! Thoughts – Awareness – Consciousness-Vibration – Spirituality A series of future articles will explore subjects such as how our thoughts both affect and reflect our level of consciousness and therefore our spiritual growth. This is a very practical approach which is influenced by, but not tied to, science and its understanding of the processes of thought energy and how it creates our future and level of spirituality. David Lane's spiritual journey started out with Christianity but now includes many other understandings drawn from a diverse range of information. He believes that we are all individuals who have come to tread our own unique spiritual path. His passion is about supporting people to discover and master their own path. He discovered that we all have an innate inbuilt feedback system which tells us how spiritually evolved we are. David has recently released his first book called ‘the handbook to heaven’ which is about how we spiritually evolve. It describes the steps that we need to take and how to monitor our journey. For more information go to David’s website; or phone David on - 08-94148416. Mob 0414-352211

Spiritual Calling? Directionless?

Consultations & Workshops with

Nicole Cody! Acclaimed Australian Psychic, Channel and Metaphysical Teacher

Nicole Cody has the answers! Make the most of your life! Nicole’s ability to connect with her guides and yours, her spiritual gifts and her channelled wisdoms will really help you get your life on track. Discover how to make the most of your own gifts and talents through a personal consultation or workshop. Life Direction Readings.............90mins During a Life Direction Reading Nicole works with you to clarify the essence of who you are, why you are here, and what you can accomplish in this lifetime. No matter where you live Nicole can work with you through a distance or face to face consultation. Life Purpose Readings................30mins An intense 30 minute session where Nicole reads and interprets your Soul Blueprint, explains your Life Lessons and gives you a strong overview of your Life Purpose.

For more information about upcoming events, workshops and consultations see our contact details below: 07 3256 0815 PO Box 636, New Farm Qld 4005



Body, Mind, Spirit

The trauma behind SoulConnection DEPRESSION with NICOLE CODY

Awakening The Healer Within There is a staggering amount of scientific research that links simple meditation and visualisation exercises with profound improvements in a range of medical conditions ranging from cancer to migraines. The changes have been studied in both children and adults. Many people feel disempowered when it comes to major stress or illness in their lives, or turn to pain killers and over-the-counter medications for minor ailments without ever realizing the power of self healing that lies within each one of us. The following meditation and healing technique is easy to learn and can be done daily. It is a wonderfully nurturing exercise even if you have no complaints whatsoever! CENTERING This is a simple but profoundly important technique. 1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least ten minutes. Sit or lie quietly and focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths. Gradually you will feel yourself calming and becoming more relaxed. You will have an awareness of your body and mind. This is called ‘centering’. 2. Centering is all about bringing our conscious awareness back to a place of calm. Feel your energy within your body. You may want to visualise it as a white or golden ball of Light within your abdomen. Notice any tensions and consciously let go of them, encouraging deeper and deeper relaxation. 3. Know that at any time, and at any place, you can bring your energy back to a place of centeredness just by taking a few conscious deep slow breaths and imagining that ball of Light within you. 4. When you are centered you call back all of your scattered energy, and it helps you to remain calm and to be in your Power. Being centered encourages good decisions and fosters intuition and integrity. HEALING OF SELF WITH LIGHT AND VISUALISATION If possible lie down, with your head supported by a small pillow, and your arms and legs slightly away from your body. Cover yourself with a light blanket if it makes you more comfortable, especially as you may go to sleep during this meditation. Even if you do fall asleep, know that you will still be receiving healing. Centre yourself using the method described above. Gradually allow yourself to relax and slow down your breathing. Once you are deeply relaxed, do the following: 1. Bring Light in through your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Use your intuition as to what colour Light to use. 2. Flood your body with Light.

On every inhale, draw Light into your body. On every exhale, see wispy grey energy leaving your body. 3. Build up the level of Light within your body until you can physically feel this energy. Let the energy build in intensity until your body can no longer contain it. 4. Flood your aura with Light from your Heart Chakra to make a protective bubble of light around your body. You might even see this in your mind as a great outpouring of energy from your heart. Allow this light to become golden, removing any grey from your aura and transmuting it into Light. Build the intensity of the Light until you are glowing with Universal Energy. 5. When you are ready, begin to explore your body by taking your awareness to each part of your body in turn. Send light (use any colour that you feel drawn to) to any area that does not feel whole or balanced. 6. Use your imagination to see what has caused this problem if that is important to you. Ask for guidance and understanding. (You may be shown extra activities or visualisations you can use for getting to the heart of the problems and creating energetic healing and release on all levels). Visualise the area glowing with Light, and slowly becoming golden as it returns to health. 7. If you feel drawn to this, ask your Guides and the Angels to send healing. Open yourself up to this energy. Or you may ask God directly. Just do what your intuition guides you to do. 8. When you have finished sending Light through your body lie quietly for a few minutes and enjoy the energy you have created. Know that you are moving towards balance and wellness. Spend a little time imagining yourself as happy, healed and whole. Reach for feelings that are good as you do this. 9. Holding a clear quartz crystal while you do this will enhance the power of this meditation and absorb the healing energy and intention of your meditation. Later you can use this same crystal by holding it or having it nearby, to continue the healing process. Nicole Cody is a channel, metaphysical teacher and Soul Guide. For more information contact 07 3256 0815, or

When trauma is mentioned, the average person thinks of a horrific incident such as a serious accident, war, sexual and/or physical abuse, death of a parent and so forth. Usually one’s mind is turned to, what I would call ‘Gross level trauma’ something obvious and that took place on the gross/ material plane. This is the reason why so many people experience not being able to connect their depression (or other psycho – physical ailments) to a cause that is plausible to their mind. If they did not experience what their mind considers an obvious trauma, then the cause of their depression, or what we know as mental illness, is somewhat a mystery to them. In the last few decades, due to techniques such as Cathartic style Breathwork, what I like to call the ultimate ‘defence displacement technique’, in that it displaces the barrier of defence between the conscious and unconscious levels of awareness, we have been able to uncover the many levels of what can best be described as ‘Subtle level trauma’. Types of trauma that we all have suffered from simply by participating in the human experience. It starts as early as conception. When we are a discarnate soul waiting to slip into the dividing cells that are the start of new human life, we are very aware of the real motives of why our parents are wanting to bring a child into this world. If it is a pure act of love – then great, we came from love, and through love, into the world and have a good start on our self worth. If mum though was having thoughts that if she had a child she will find fulfilment, or is conditioned by society and family values to have children when she may not necessarily want to deep down, then usually at a soul level a person takes on a belief that their existence is about making other people happy and will grow up as one of those classic ‘nice’ people who are always looking to do something for others as this is what they think deep down gives them value. They will live with a belief along the lines of ‘‘I am here to fulfil other peoples needs’’. If dad was having insecurities in the relationship and was having thoughts of having a child to maximize the chances of his beloved staying with him, then on a soul level a person will decide something like ’I am here to be used by people’ and will suffer putting the wants and needs of others before their own. These are just two examples of a possible myriad of scenarios. Just from these two classic archetypal woundings, can you get a sense of the foundation of feelings of low self worth and self perception that comes with depression? We next go to the in-utero experience. If the moment of conception can be so impactful what do you think can occur within the nine month period in the womb? A whole book could be written on the


possible subtle level trauma scenarios that can occur in this period, I will therefore only touch upon one that I have found to recur the most in my fifteen years of taking people through Rebirthing Breathwork sessions. The classic is mum and dad have a conversation or even just a ‘thought’ of preferring a girl or boy. That’s right, we are that sensitive/ psychic as infants that we know and hear what is going on outside of the womb, even in our parents’ minds and are constantly processing the information. I mean it is only human to have a private moment of preference or have this discussion with your partner. The misinterpretation of the child in the womb though, if they are the sex opposite of the preference, is along the lines of ‘I am not loved because I am a girl and dad wants a boy’’ or vice versa. In that moment a child decides they are not loved and to be loved they need to disown their female or male essence and try and take on the characteristics of the opposite sex. I bet you could think of a few people in your life who have the emotional/ energetic characteristics of the opposite sex that they are. Think how many women out there are trying to be masculine and how many men are out there being feminine. There is a massive inner conflict within the archetypal foundations of their psyches. Do you think they experience inner peace, be-

Body, Mind, Spirit

GROWTH lieving at a very deep unconscious level they are not loved for who they are in essence? Do you think they may experience feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and despair that comes with trying to change what cannot actually be changed? The same feelings that come with ‘depression’. We move along to the birth trauma. Like the in-utero traumas, a whole book or two could be written on this and they are. The birth trauma is the equivalent of the stress of ten heart attacks on the human nervous system and mind. Is it any wonder we do not remember our birth and anything that happened before? You see the defence system of humans has evolved so as we can relatively remain sane and happy at all costs. The birth process is so traumatic that we actually experience such a consciousness shutdown that it wipes out any recollection of the event. The equivalent of a massive plug is formed in the stream of our consciousness. A plug/ barrier/ wall so significant that we not only do not remember the birth itself, but everything that happened beforehand; the womb experience, conception, inbetween lives, past lives, heaven/ nirvana etc. In the past Rebirthing/ Breathwork practitioners focused on releasing this birth trauma as the ultimate goal of their healing modality. Not so we then discovered. Next we discovered the impact of the Placenta mishandling and cutting trauma, then the devastating effects of circumcision trauma in men (and women), then the two or so years of feeling helpless, power-

less, futile, hopeless, separated and feeling unloved years that is the infancy trauma, then co-dependant living within the family of origin trauma, school trauma, religious trauma and the list goes on. The levels of emotional pain we live with are mind boggling. Thanks to genuine Rebirthing style Breathwork, not Breathwork that merely relaxes and is an air purification, but more cathartic style Breathwork that displaces the defence mechanism, we are uncovering why we have collectively suffered from so many ailments. Depression and Anxiety to name a couple. Jaan Jerabek is in his 15 th year of facilitating Rebirthing Breathwork sessions and personal development programmes. People fly from all over Australia to participate in his residential programmes. He is passionate about making Breathwork a mainstream psychotherapeutic healing modality especially for depression and anxiety sufferers who often are suffering in isolation and needlessly. For more information on levels of trauma and examples of the above mentioned refer to the website. The chapter from Jaan Jerabek’s upcoming book ‘The Depression solution - Depression & Rebirthing Breathwork’ on Levels of trauma is included as a webpage. You can find out more about Jaan’s work at or call him directly on 02 9985 7278




THE GENTLE VOICE I have been teaching in Australia and around the world for many years, assisting people to uncover their naturally beautiful voices, and yes we all are born with beautiful in-tune voices, and it is possible for us all to return to this natural flowing sound within us Over these years the world has changed and so has what I present. What has energetically developed or crystallized for me, is that what really helps everyone in their self expression, their creativity, their singing, and in speaking their truth and being heard, is gentleness. The presence of true gentleness is very significant. I know, I practised and taught meditation for many years, but it never took me into gentleness and my inner heart and thence to truly know my self. There was always an intermediary, a guru or a deep conditioning of transcendent awareness, which meant I was always looking outside of myself for something. Even though all the words were saying ‘look within’ the energetic message was, you can't do it yourself. So it's here in my courses that I introduce an awareness of gentleness, that is, at first, within our breath. Breath carries our voice, and so the first place we express our-

selves is our out-breath, so we first learn how to allow our breath to be gentle. Now this sounds simple and it is but I would like you to try something. Close your eyes and allow your self to breathe gently through your nose, with no pushing or pulling of the breath... A cool breath comes in from the tip of the nose, at the top of the nostrils, and leaves, warmer, on the bottom of the nostrils. Allow it all to slow down so the rhythm becomes natural, and eventually allow yourself to rest at the bottom of your breath, and allow yourself to pause and rest there before the next in-breath... simple? What usually happens is that your mind will rebel at that point of pausing because it is no longer running the show. It is also at this point that we can start to make a choice about letting go of the need to control. As you may know, most voice work is based on getting the voice out, projecting out, and breaking through the resistance. Yes this will get ‘a’ voice out of your body, but it cannot bring with it any of your true essence, and is definitely not healing or nurturing. This is not about being compliant or softly spoken. You can come from gentleness and still have volume, clarity, and

strength in your voice and yourself. So once people have an understanding of gentle breath then they can start to feel what gentle toning is like. What this does is allow the body, in its own natural rhythm, to express in gentleness without imposing any idea of what is necessary for the voice to come out. It is at this point where we can start to hear the control in our lives manifesting in the forced controlled tone of our voices, and then have the opportunity to start to release. What we can now do is start to reconnect with our bodies, and our hearts. With this unfolding awareness we can build new relationships with our bodies, our voices, the rhythms that our bodies love to move to, and each other. This whole process of allowing the voice to emerge with no force and no expectation, allows us to reconnect to ourselves, recognising, knowing and being all that we are. So what is able to be brought up and revealed now are some of the very old patterns of separation and self-doubt, fear and contraction. These patterns are always reflected in our voice and in what we say, and how we express in our lives. When these old patterns are exposed and cleared, what is left is the start of true joy and a union with our true selves. This doesn’t have to be ‘big’ and ‘traumatic’, we learn to just observe and let go. What is great about working with our voice in this way is that we can have great insight into where we have been, have the opportunity to start to be honest, recognising and releasing, and then take a gentle breath or two and return to our hearts, singing together again.


Healing Power of Sound Training - Level 1 16th-22nd November 2009 On this residential training we return to expressing from the heart, remembering that we are all born with a beautiful voice and allowing the gentle release of the enegetic blocks and repressions that we have built up inside ourselves, so that we CAN return to our natural, expressive self. When we re-learn to sing from our inner heart it is naturally joy-full, healing for ourselves and those who listen, and when we speak from our inner heart, it carries great strength and clarity, even in its gentle expression. Our body is our instrument, and when we work in this way we learn to feel what is right or beneficial for the body. What is the energy that is flowing through us and how do we discern this? The choices we make for our body affects our energy, vitality and our voice. By living, working, and singing together we begin to learn to listen with the ‘ears of the heart’. In this way we are able to tell what is truthful and what is not, we can feel what happens when we don’t express our truth or when we make unconscious choices about what we say and what we do. With this awareness we can truly listen and hear what is actually being presented to us in life, allowing the choice to present ourselves in truth and harmony. Venue: LAKE AINSWORTH Sport and Rec. Centre. LENNOX HEAD (near Byron Bay) Cost Early Bird $1950. - deposit recieved by aug 17th . Full price $2150. REPEATS $1800 Price includes shared beachfront accommodation, wonderful gluten free dairy free food and course fee.

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It is important to note that at this stage in the workshops everyone that felt they were tone deaf and could not sing are producing tuneful notes ... much to their delight and surprise. Learning to observe and not absorb is significant in the process of learning how to be with our true selves, because for many, we do not know how to be truly aware of what is going on when we are listening. Are we able to listen without ‘involving’ ourselves, therefore being able to pick up all the signals that another is expressing, or do we allow ourselves to become absorbed and therefore pander unknowingly, giving our power away. As we develop our relationship with our voice and heart, we start to be able to listen with full awareness. When we start doing listening exercises at our course; people become aware that they have never been able to truly listen because of the constant chatter of their minds. This in itself is great to be aware of because then you can have a choice to change. You can start to listen to your self as well as others. Start to take time for yourself, not allowing your mind to drive you on into more actions and reactions but rather allowing your self to stop, feel, and contemplate ‘what would really be best for me at this stage.’ In serving yourself, you are more present, more conscious, and have more energy available within you to serve those around you. Creating harmonious tones with our voices is really quite magical. It creates a joyful feeling of oneness, and brings with it profound healing. There is a sense of union, where we let go of feelings of separation and comparison, and also grow to nurture and cherish our individual path of return to our inner heart. Chris James teaches internationally about the healing power of sound, song, voice and meditation.” Everyone is born with a beautiful voice”. Through discovering our natural voice, we learn to trust our creativity and intuition, speak our truth...and be heard. Founder of The International School of Sacred Sound and Patron of The UK College of Sound Healing, Chris is renowned for his ability to unite audiences of thousands in song, facilitate intimate groups and corporate conferences He has led singing at concerts, festivals and seminars for over 20 years. Teacher Training Programmes are conducted internationally. Phone +61266283308

RAISING CHILDREN Recognising and honouring their unique perspective Most of us at one time or another has felt emotional pain; the sorrow which Siddhartha Gautama referred to 2500 years ago. Did you know that our Psychetype determines not only what events we find painful but also what approach we can take to help dissolve the pain? Did you know that even the path or process we might follow toward enlightenment through practices such as prayer or meditation are also closely related to our Psyche-type? Each of us has a different ego construct and therefore each of us will enjoy varying success in any particular path or practice. Mental Health practitioners such as psychologists and counsellors recognise that stressful events in our life can leave emotional dents in our sense-of-self which may burden us for much of our lifetime. Even healthy, well adjusted people often harbour deep resentment over emotional injuries suffered during childhood, in many cases compounded or concreted by well meaning carers who simply did not understand our take on an event. A child who was frightened by the absence of a parent at a critical time in their life (“mummy went away and came back with that baby”) does not feel compensated or understood by glib comments from carers such as “don’t be a sook” or “now you’ll have a new brother to play with”. Whatever the age, most of us can remember a time when we felt alienated from the support we expected from other people in our life. Sadly, we cannot turn back time. We cannot erase the experience of fear or alienation. One of the greatest factors causing us to hold onto past pain is never really understanding and honouring the person we are now. We spend so much of our life wondering why other people can do things better than we can that we fail to recognise and delight in our own unique and readily accessible gifts. Andrew was born into a ‘sports mad’ working class family. He spent much of his childhood staring into space thinking. His father thought he was a wimp since the

idea of playing sport and ‘roughing it’ with the other boys always left Andrew cold; looking at clouds or simply watching a spider spin it’s web was far more interesting. His mother felt that Andrew was intellectually stunted; perhaps deaf or autistic so she took him to a range of specialists trying to cure her son’s malaise. He needed to be awoken from his day-dreaming and encouraged (forced) to play boy-games. No matter how hard Andrew’s parents tried, he was still a daydreaming wimp who, though clever beyond his years in some things, was still not like the rest of the family or his parents. Andrew was a dreamer, one of the 6% of the population with dominant introverted intuition. Andrew could see the universe unfold inside his head. In his very early years all the interaction he needed with the outside world was through passive observation gradually forming an internal map of his place in the universe. Despite a distinguished academic record and later success in business and research Andrew always felt inadequate and his parents still felt robbed that their son was a freak; intelligent and successful but ‘not like us’; he still does do ‘normal things’ like spend Sunday watching the football. At the age of 45 Andrew discovered during a team building seminar that his Psyche-type was the same as Albert Einstein, Barak Obama and Ayn Rand; all distinguished minds. After a period of study he was able to recognise his parents’ personalities as being almost diametrically opposed to his own. No-one needs to be wrong here. All of us imagine that others should behave the same way we view the world. This perception is particularly prominent in parenting; the ‘chip off the ole block’ approach.

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RELATIONSHIPS How can a child be so very different to his parents and siblings? The fact is: We are all different, each with a different take on life. Often these differences can provide a rich opportunity for spiritual and personal growth in parents as they come to terms with the intriguing difference their children share. The most important responsibility for all of us, especially parents, is to respect and work toward understanding that another person’s perception does not need to contradict our own, rather it is designed to expand our awareness of the majesty of diversity. In an ideal world we would all enjoy parents who delight in discovering their child’s divine gifts of perception and evaluation (judgment). Each of us can invest now in better understanding our self, our own personal value system so that we are better able to appreciate our children and assist others to realise their unique gifts. In the process of discovering self we realise just how others around us also see our world. The greater portion of the population who understand the science of the Personality or Psyche-type the greater impact we can have on the simple realisation that we are all different for a (divine) reason which in turn, can impact deeply on the respect enjoyed and efficiency experienced in all aspects of our life most especially, guiding our children to enjoy the rich opportunities life has to offer. For further information contact the authors: Lisa Hobden or Peter A. Mann on 0403 070 633 or at

Feeling Sex in the BODY We live in a world where sexual energy has been distorted, which creates manipulation, repression and a world of people who are unaware sexually and struggling spiritually. Very few people are comfortable and natural in being able to feel sex in their body. This means that mostly sex is happening in the mind, with some sensation in the genitals, limited feeling in the rest of the body and minimal connection between the two people making love. Most people are looking for a real experience of sex and feeling in the body and don’t know how to create it, due to the limited availability of real sexual education in this society. As a result many people struggle in their relationships as they fumble sexually, creating disillusionment that leaks from the bedroom into the rest of their life, many give up on sex and shut down even further due to feeling dissatisfied or they resort to fantasy and porn to create the sensation which is missing from their inner experience. The use of fantasy and porn is counterproductive as it takes a person further away from their body and means they are not fully with their lover, and over time they will require stronger images in order to feel anything. The disconnection from the body and life force energy begins at an early age, due to the condi-

tioning that is handed down through the generations. Young girls and boys are given warnings and messages about sex, relating, their own bodies and self expression such as “don’t touch yourself”, “be a good boy / girl” and so on. This leads to the child becoming uneasy about the sexual feelings they experience in their body and to therefore, retreat from feeling. The child begins to shut down their life force energy; the child will ‘play small’, leave the body and hide in the mind. He or she either looks to do the right thing for approval or rebels against the parents, in order to seek attention, all the while living from the voices of the parents and society which have by now become ingrained in the body and being. All of these behaviours and messages accumulate as the individual grows up, creating an adult who is shut down sexually, acts out sexually, has limited life force or enjoyment of life. Through Tantric practices you can learn how to be still and present in the body and see what needs to be cleared out from the past, so that instead of life being governed by the internalised parental and societal messages, you can be free to make your own choices in each moment, based on the natural flow of energy in your


body. When the sexual energy (or life force) in the body begins to flow naturally, you are more easily able to discern what is real, what is yours, what belongs in the past, what serves you and what you need to release. You learn to slow down and break the habitual patterns of the body, mind and ego so that spirit and energy can move you towards a deeper expression of your true self. Try this exercise – lie down with your partner side by side, gently looking at each other and breathing slowly and deeply, with no expectation of sexual or physical contact. You may notice that as your breathing synchronises you become aware of the other’s inner feelings and everything slows down as you merge into each other through the breath. Merging together with the breath in this way can create a deeper level of awareness that is free of the past patterns and conditioning around sexual experiences – taking you to the tantric space of being and receiving each other. Martina Hughes of Tantric Blossoming has been actively exploring sacred sexuality, tantra, breathwork, energetic healing and shiatsu for over 8 years. Martina’s vision and passion is to inspire men and women of all ages to feel their own natural energy, joy, vitality and bliss. She facilitates a space of greater awareness, openness and receptivity for people to experience the essence and freedom of their inner being. Martina offers mixed workshops, courses for women as well as Tantric consultations to women, men and couples to expand their knowledge and energy. For more information, visit or phone 02 9664 1110.

Body, Mind, Spirit

CELIBACY It is rather humorous when writing about celibacy to find that one of the meanings of the word is virginity, yet we generally deem those who abstain from sex as ‘celibate’ whether or not they are a nun, a monk, a virgin, divorced or single and unmarried. During conversation with another it is OK to admit having been ‘celibate for a number of years’ but no one generally talks of being an ‘abstainer’. There are those who willingly opt for self-restraint, others who choose self-denial, yet wherever this subject takes you, it comes down to choice. There are also those who through life experience have chosen for a time to abstain from sexual relations with anyone and often (for many women) that includes with self and are therefore celibate. Others, through their religious persuasion or through asceticism find themselves aspiring to some form of godliness by remaining celibate. I often speculate upon the pros and cons of such a choice when there has been so much come out in past years about the abuse of young children and teenagers by the very ones who are supposed to be celibate. I wonder if it is realistic to deny oneself sexual pleasure, after all it is a natural impulse to fondle and feel your own genitals, and the feeling is nice, so what is the benefit of self-denial? If one should take themselves ‘in hand’ then who’s to know? However, when sexual feelings can include another, from a place of willingness, then you experience the ultimate connection, a splendor that includes so many of our senses that it is simply awesome.

It would be fair to say that most of us at some time or another find ourselves going through a period of abstinence and possibly some self-reflection especially after a relationship has gone sour. It may also be fair to say some behaviours could include exactly the opposite, especially where someone has felt trapped in a marriage or relationship then sows their wild oats in gay, reckless abandon in order to savour what has for so long been suppressed. A conversation with a male in recent months, prompted him to comment that he had spent three years of his life choosing to remain celibate. He had been through a nasty divorce and had decided to travel around Australia. This was a time for reflection he said, working out what he wanted in his life, for himself, not for anyone else. He said that this time was where he focused on the world around him and allowed himself to savour his country like he never had before and that that in itself was his healing. He also commented that it is much easier for a man to choose to abstain from sexual relations. “We are blessed with an anatomy that makes it easier for us to fondle ourselves and those ‘love gloves’ swinging at the side of our bodies, provide immediate relief when there is a tightening in the loins,”. He stated that he got to know himself in a way that was very real, and that he came through those years of sexual abstinence with another, feeling as though he genuinely knew who he was in his own right, rather than through the ideas, behaviour and energy of those around him. For some women there is simply a loss of interest in the sexual


PROSPERITY in later years, or a surge of energy that is put into their occupation which is deemed more fulfilling and the rewards more easily recognized. Others in business focus their energy (sexual or otherwise) into being the best they can be in their line of work and so use their sexual energy in a way where it is channeled into their success. There have been a few women that I have connected with who are totally accepting of having chosen to remain celibate, who feel completely at peace with their decision. One woman who I met recently, spoke of how she has spent many years ‘working on herself’ trying to find out who she was. Even though she was a mother and held down a full time job, she longed to know who she essentially was. Then came the sudden recognition that even though she was working on aspects of herself and her behaviours she did not know who she was sexually. Consequently she stepped into a deliberate affair with ‘herself’. That decision she claims was the perfect result in coming to know herself from inside out. Celibacy is deemed by many as unnatural as there are physical and emotional benefits from sexual release which contribute to a sense of well-being. One cannot stop their body from releasing sexual tension in their dreams,

so in effect the body will take care of itself whether wanted or not. Others define celibacy as practicing purity in a sexual relationship whilst reaching for the highest spiritual attainment they can. I have heard male friends who practise eastern medicine talk of how they have to preserve the power of semen. They believe the monthly quota of cosmic energy provided to every man is required to be preserved for a period of 12 years in continuation. This is possible only by practicing celibacy voluntarily. Whether celibacy or abstinence from sexual relief is for you or not, it seems there is bound to be many more points of view that will ensue. Marie-Elise Allen is the face behind Sassy Vibes and the originator of w w w. m a r i e Sassy Vibes provides women and men with an online boutique for the purchase of safe, chemical-free pleasure products. In addition to this, Marie-Elise is a key-note speaker and offers workshops and various opportunities for all those wishing to delve deeper into selfenquiry of which sexuality is an integral part. Phone Marie-Elise on 1300797090 E: OR visit Copyright ©2009 Marie-Elise Allen



How to change your life in 10 days The joy of being human is we all have the gift of free will. We can choose to be happy, sad, angry or any of the emotions in between. If you were given the chance right now, right this very second on how to live the rest of your life what would you choose? Would you really choose to be angry and bitter? To be sad, lonely and caught up in a life of drama? The truth is the majority of us just want to be happy. So how can you be happy when all this “stuff” keeps happening to you? You choose to. There is always another way of looking at things and you have the choice. I have put together a few easy steps to do every day for 10 days that will change your life forever! I have done this myself and within 5 days, my life turned around and miracles began to occur.

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There is however one catch… You have to want to do it! STEP 1 Meditate each day You don’t need to spend an hour doing this, (if you can that is great, however not a reality for most of us) a simple three minute meditation first thing in the morning before you get into your day will do wonders for you. If you have never meditated before or not sure how to do it on your own, visit our website for a link to our meditation video we recently put on YouTube. STEP 2 Write yourself a list of affirmations, no more than 10 and repeat these to yourself at least 6 times a day every day. If you can, try to visualize these while you are doing them. Some examples of affirmations are below: I am fit, healthy & beautiful I love and am loved by my perfect partner My body heals itself perfectly My life is perfect right now (al-

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Body, Mind, Spirit

ways try to end with this one) When writing affirmations be sure to right them in the present, and keep them real. If you don’t have a dollar to your name saying I’m a multi-millionaire is not believable for you. Perhaps change it to something like “I accept money willingly into my life each day”. STEP 3 Each day you need to be TRULY grateful for the good things in your life. We all have good things in our lives, it’s just that sometimes we are so caught up with the “stuff” we spend all our time focusing on that and not appreciating what is right in front of our eyes. An attitude of gratitude will truly change your life & create miracles, each and every day, guaranteed. Even if there is only one thing in your life that you are appreciative of, be grateful for that one thing and more good things will come into your life. Don’t try to convince yourself that you are happy about things you aren’t. Instead release your need to control them, release them from your thought processes and let the universe take care of them for you.

STEP 4 Signs: Follow the signs and coincidences that occur in your life. These are guided steps to help you achieve what you want in your life. Every person has the right and ability to change their life right now. We can all experience, love, peace and bliss in the time is takes to have a thought. By changing your way of thinking, you are changing your life. You may find there are still times when you feel down or a little low. The best way to get through these feelings is by going through these processes again. In fact why not do them every day for the rest of your life! Imagine if you could live in peace, harmony, happiness and love, every single day of your life. How good would that be! Samantha is a mother, wife and business women. She is a director of Evolution Events and founder of Empowering Women. Samantha’s passion is to empower women in all areas of their lives by giving them the tools they need to create and maintain their own independence, confidence and lifestyle through the Empowering Women website. For more info


For Total Life Success You Have To Become A Self-Disciplined Achiever When many people think of self-discipline they think of doing without something, to suffer in some way by losing something. In fact, self-discipline really means having the strength of character and clarity of thought to say to yourself and the world that you really want something and that you are willing to sacrifice other things to get it. It is being willing to do the hard yards and not be distracted because it is worth it in the long run. Self-discipline is your ability to work systematically and consistently towards your goal until you have achieved it. To be self-disciplined, you need

to become obsessed with what you want and be willing to keep using all your energy, skill and knowledge to stay on course to achieve your desired result. Self-discipline is arguably the master skill of success. Without self-discipline there would be: • No Olympic Gold medallists • No successful business people • No great artists • No great concert pianists. Anyone who has accomplished anything of any worth has almost certainly displayed self-discipline to get there and made many sacrifices along the way.

So, why do so many people have so much trouble developing self-discipline? We live in a 'microwave-quickfix-I-want-it-now-I must-have-it-instantly-otherwise-I-will-be-miserable' society. We want things NOW! The truth is that to get many worthwhile things in life requires self-discipline and that often means delaying instant gratification. We are bombarded with get rich quick schemes and retail marketing tells us that we can 'have it now and pay nothing for three years' and other marketing ploys that ingrain in people the ethos of have it all now. Play now and pay later is the motto. Old-fashioned sustained effort simply isn't popular or appreciated. Many people are focused on short-term and go for what feels good in the moment. They often fail to consider the longterm effects if they do not delay instantly satisfying a want. In addition, they constantly mistake a 'want' for a 'need'. They want to be an 'overnight success' without realizing that people sprouted in the media as an overnight success have probably been labouring in the background for years - often many years until they became successful. You gotta be an optimist! The simple truth is that optimists are more likely to be successful than the average person and certainly far more than someone who is riddled with self doubt. For instance, a Harvard University study on optimism in the 1940's produced some very inter-

esting results. Amongst other things they found: • If you are a pessimist in your twentys it is an accurate predictor of ill health by the time you are fifty. • Optimistic mothers are far less likely to suffer post natal depression, and • Optimists tend to have better heart health • Optimists tend to live longer than pessimists. It really does pay to be optimistic. Optimism seems to improve both quality and quantity of life! It is strange that people focus on weight loss, cholesterol and eating well but forget the importance of a positive mental attitude! For a vitally healthy life and total success all these things make a difference! Here are four steps to boost your optimism when you are faced with problems 1. Get out of denial and accept there is a problem. Then ASK: 2. Who is responsible for the problem? Accept the realities of the situation and admit to whatever you are responsible for. 3. How long lasting is the problem? To be an optimist squeeze the length of the problem down to as brief as possible and start taking constructive action as soon as you realise there is a problem. 4. How big is the cause of the problem? Pessimists give vague causes and colourful explanations. Optimists stick to the specifics and do not exaggerate the issue. The enemy of optimism is selfdoubt. Self-doubt is a belief and it is based on fear. We tell ourselves that we are limited in some way or that we can't do a certain thing. The truth is if you ran at 100 kilometres per hour for the rest of your life, you wouldn't come close to expressing all that you are capable of doing. Try this exercise: • Write down what you earned in the past year. • For the sake of the exercise, let's say it is $60,000. • Now times that by 10! Is $600,000 a more attractive figure? • Perhaps that is too big a leap - just multiply it by 3. That's $180,000. Is that attractive? Could that be possible? Yes! How do I know because many people in your area are already doing it and many of those are just like you - not better educated, not with greater opportunities, not with wealthy families or whatever lucky breaks that you might think they had. They even had self-doubt - they simply processed their thoughts differently and took different action - even if they didn't feel like! Most people have massive potential that they are saving up for some good purpose in the future (yet to be determined). Don't be one of them! Be optimistic. Be courageous. Be action orientated. Do these things and you will achieve outstanding results. The above is a short extract from the 6-month multimedia self-study Total Life Success personal development program developed by Wayne McDonald and Success KnowHow Pty Ltd. Call 08 8339 6781 for details.


Body, Mind, Spirit

In Brief books, CDs DVDs

LIFE IS JOY The Master Session 2000 (2 DVD SET) Barry Long Barry Long (1926-2003) was presenting his powerful message of joyful living decades before Eckhart Tolle came out with his classic “The Power of Now”. In fact Tolle was at one stage a student of Barry Long who is finally being acknowledged as one of the foremost spiritual masters of our times. This two Disc DVD of talks given at The Master Session 2000 reveals the depth of passion, insight and humor that Barry Long had as he presented the simple yet so easily overlooked message. “Why don’t you take the shortcut and spring straight up the top of the ladder?” Barry challengingly asks. “Life is, life is beautiful, life is joy. Now. No thoughts, no interpretations.” Dist: The Barry Long Foundation Phone: (02) 6680 4988

passport, and Australian friends, highly respected Tibetan Humanitarian refugee, former Abbot and torture survivor Sok Shabdrung Dujom Dorjee Rinpoche was granted a visa to visit his 100 year old mother in Tibet. It was his first visit back in 23 years. This is an extraordinary account of what happened, and how miraculously he was allowed to return with his family a year later, to visit his monastery, at Sok in Kham. Pala’s story is a personal chronicle of the immense suffering and pain experienced in these last 50 years by all Tibetans. Recognised as a famous reincarnation at the age of five, Pala was trained to be the future Abbot of Sok Monastery. He was only a teenage monk when the Chinese invaded Tibet in 1959, causing the Dalai Lama to escape. He chose not to go, but to accept responsibility for his Kham people in what all knew would be extremely difficult times. Pub: Yartsa Gunbu Press Phone: 0424 053 050


THE HANDBOOK TO HEAVEN - OUR SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION By David Lane Where or what is Heaven? This book reveals, in very simple terms, how we can realise the heavenly state in this lifetime. The author explores the fundamentals of spiritual evolution from ego to the Higher Self through the self monitoring tool of Kinesiology. The Handbook to Heaven describes the journey that we all can make to get back to the bliss we once experienced when we were at One with the Creator - The Oneness. Dist: David Lane Ph:: 0414 352 211

OUR TIBET A Unique Australian Journey for Our Times. ‘Our Tibet’ is simply an extraordinary book, about an extra-ordinary journey. In 2006, with an Australian

By Aurelia Louise Jones The Telos books 1, 2 & 3 by Aurelia Louise Jones. Take the reader on a life empowering journey of the heart and soul. The easy to integrate framework is a guide to connect with your innerbeing by assisting others whilst also empowering yourself. The teachings of Telos connect with the wider galactic community, offering counsel from those willing to assist our authentic humanitarian community. This book offers insights about your inner life and how to integrate them. With an invitation to ascend. Phone: (02) 4919 1023 or (07) 3273 1188 Visit: Reviewed by Alison White.

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1 ME Relish the acknowledgement but beware of 1 arrogance. 2 MG Make sure that relations are cordial if not st 2 ‡ 1 Quarter Moon E The effort made may harmonious. generate good responses from others as well as an initial 3 feeling of success. Do not rest on laurels especially 4 MH Be upfront in all your dealings. 5 those which you know are not really deserved. 3 MF Refrain from being critical if you cannot offer 6 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur

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1 MH The intensity of emotions may catch you off-guard but be prepared to be honest about them.

2 3 MI Enthusiasm and inspiration will help spur things along.

4 5 7 4 6 MJ A practical and hands-on approach can 5 MG Make decisions with objectivity rather than 8 … Full Moon I There is a realisation that what achieve much. was a good idea a few weeks ago is either not able to trying to please others be realised or must undergo some change in order to 7 … Full Moon J The reality of the situation 6 be productive. A feeling of disappointment or shows that previous expectations may have been 7 resignation may colour options but separating the exaggerated. An important relationship or 8 MH The intensity of emotions may catch some illusion from the reality may create a positive association may go through a trying time as a

Be grateful for a healthier, happier and wealthier life.

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things along.

by surprise. 9 … Full Moon H The promised success of current projects should now be evident providing good relations are maintained with those who share the vision. The emotional intensity of this time could be very productive as long as trust is maintained. 10 MI Take a broad picture approach to matters at hand.

outcome. improve success rate.

consequence of an upset or a quarrel. Flexibility rather than a demand for certainty may be the best way to deal with present circumstances.

required. Be prepared to look at things differently.

unusual sources.

9 MJ Taking control will minimise losses and

8 10 11 MK Knowledge and information are what is 9 MK Value knowledge gained even if it is from

12 13 11 14 ML Be prepared to back intuition now. 12 MJ A practical and responsible attitude will 15 deliver results in time. 16 ƒ 3rd Quarter Moon L Moon enters A The 13

14 15 MK A lateral approach can bring surprising separation at best or conflict at worse. The end of attachments may be highlighted as there is a need results.

the matter is at hand and the best way is to allow it to

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21 Sun enters C Curiosity, Versatility and a love of changes. For some this may involve exercising effort

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for independence. Separation may come as a

result of hasty, unexpected or forced activities. 16 happen rather than trying to prevent it. rd 16 MB Take a practical view of challenges. 17 ƒ 3 Quarter Moon K Moon enters L The 17 expectations of what have been achieved are realised 18 MB Slowing the pace and taking stock is a 17 however the fruits of the labour may not be enjoyed practical alternative. 18 MC Be careful that rumours are not your immediately. There may be a waiting period which 19 only source of information. demands patience of all concerned. An increased 19 20 . sensitivity may colour decisions so be aware that 21 MC Sun enters D Keep your ear to the 20 MD Manipulating a situation to advantage objectivity may be compromised.

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Sydney - Saturday 16 May, 2009.

the direction needed.

12 13 14 MA Back your words with action. results of endeavours may influence the thinking of rd others however this may generate some manner of 15 ƒ3 Quarter Moon A The inconstancy of

ground as news travels fastSensitive, Nurturing and 18 Protective are the characteristics of Cancer. 19 22 20 MA A burst of energy fuels the need to have 23 New Moon D A time to initiate some new challenges.


10 11 ML A hunch or intuition can help indicate

important projects or embark on some significant

Communication are the hallmarks of Gemini. 22 MB Take a practical approach to plans and work things through methodically.

23 24 Moon enters C

New Moon C The New Moon heralds a new beginning coloured by great expectations. There is much to be considered and therefore all information must be gathered before decisions can be made. Restrain the impulse to tell everyone about as this may not be to advantage.

which may be strenuous. There may be strains and stresses especially to do with relationships of a close nature. It is important to remember not to retreat towards isolation in spite of intense emotions which may surface.

24 25 ME Take pride in achievements but ensure there is substance to them.

may not have the outcomes you want.

21 22

New Moon D Then Moon enters E Heightened emotions may amplify feelings of discontent or simply a desire to make changes. This may entail making some forced separation either from people or existing situations. For some the lack of energy to take this on may be daunting on its own.Later, as the Moon changes sign to Leo, the energy becomes much more action oriented. Take pride in what has been achieved but make sure there is substance to them. 23 Sun enters E Proud, Inspiring and Generous are the hallmarks of Leo.

24 MF 26 27 MF Doing the right thing by yourself and all 25 25 26 MG Maintaining equilibrium without concerned is important now. 26 MD Take the time to gauge yours and others’ 28 compromising integrity is called for. feelings before taking action. 29 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon G As things unfold be 27 27 prepared to defend your position, as there may be 28 MH Intense emotions surface so there may 28 ME Relish the acknowledgement but beware of those who do not agree. It may be an emotional time be a tendency to overreaction. arrogance so be aware that you can get carried away in response 29 29 to provocation. 30 30 MF Overly critical responses cause more 30 31 MI Maintain a ‘big picture’ view and do damage. 31 ‡ 1st Quarter Moon F There is much energy and this may be coloured by new or exciting acquaintances as well as being inspired or inspiring others to achieve new things. Do not burn the candle at both ends, as the resulting lack of energy will be counterproductive. Be practical as well as circumspect.

not lose sight of goals.

A GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC SIGNS A Aries - fire B Taurus – earth C Gemini – air D Cancer – water E Leo – fire F Virgo - earth

G Libra – air H Scorpio - water I Sagitarius - fire J Capricorn – earth K Aquarius – air L Pisces - water

These are generic interpretations for each of the zodiac signs. For a more personal interpretation, astrological consultations are available by appointment on

0421 326 001 or 8562 8358

LUNAR PHASES AND PERSONALITY TYPES Lunar phases occur as a result of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon. This cyclic relationship produces the lunar cycle and everyone is born at a particular point in this cycle. A birth can be labelled as a “first quarter” “full moon” or “balsamic” . The lunar phase a person is born in refers to the relationship between the person’s Sun (the sense of self) with their Moon (their emotional expression and security). Therefore, the lunar phase that a person is born in can reflect how that person deals with life - the nature of the energy and their attitude to life and how they deal with it. The lunation cycle is a visible symbol of our place in the larger cycle of life. Without a calendar, we cannot accurately pinpoint our day of birth, however, we can

easily discern our “Moon” birthday simply by looking at the phase of the Moon. Every month, each and every one of us resonates to that aspect of the Sun-Moon relationship that is imprinted in our psyches. This describes the basic capacity of the person to relate to life generally. In order to find the lunation phase you are born under, you can consult an almanac for the year and find out what the Moon phase nearest to when you were born. Dane Rudhyar, a famous astrologer developed the theory of phases and used it to develop the eight lunation types of personality which we will be discussed in a series of short articles over the coming issues. A NEW MOON occurs when the Moon is less than

45 degrees ahead of the Sun. For a period of three and a half days every month, there is a New Moon and all births during this period will have a New Moon in their chart. Mari Garcia is a professional consulting astrologer. She is co- principal of ASTRO MUNDI, which offers astrological education for the beginner and the professional. Mari is a Council Member of the Astrological Guild of Educators International and is a founding member of the Forum of Professional Astrologers. For information telephone 8562 8358 or 0421 326 001 or email:

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12 Reasons To Buy Organic Foods 1. Keep chemicals off your plate and avoid eating up to two kilograms of food additives every year. Rather than use pesticides, organic farmers use insects or alternative substances that are efficiently broken down and are harmless, both to the environment and the consumer. Many food additives have been linked with symptoms such as allergic reactions, rashes, headaches, asthma, growth retardation and hyperactivity in children. The other bonus is that these methods do not pollute the drinking water supplies, threaten wildlife, farmers, or consumers. 2. Eliminate use of growth hormones, antibiotics and ge-

netically engineered drugs and feeds in livestock. In Australia there are 12 antibiotics that can be used as growth promoters. 3. Significantly Higher Trace Elements There are significantly higher amounts of trace elements found in organically grown foods. These trace elements are important to optimal health. In Shane Heaton’s report it is found that on average organic is higher in vitamin C, mineral levels and phytonutrients – plant compounds that can be effective against cancer 4. They are Certified Certified organic produce guarantees that the products have been grown and handled according to strict proce-

dures. Any certified organic product sold in Australia must by law display a certification symbol or number. (See Australian Certification Authorities in the box on the right). When you see an organic/biodynamic symbol, you can be sure that the product complies with minimum government standards. These standards are set by AQIS and meet international standards. There are various certification bodies that certify products which are available in Australia. Each certification body has its own symbol. If in doubt always check for the symbol/number of recognised certification bodies. Where produce is sold loose, proof of certification must be available to consumers. If the retailer cannot prove certification of the produce being sold, then find out who their supplier is and ask them about their certification. 5. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Agriculture in Australia is the secondhighest contributor of greenhouse gases (18 per cent in 2007). The Australian Greenhouse Office says that fertiliser emissions accounted for two-thirds of all cropping emissions. Organic standards prohibit the use of nitrogen fertilisers.

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard

6. Organic Farmers Strive to Preserve Diversity The loss of a large variety of species is of serious environmental concern. Organic farmers have been collecting and preserving seeds, and growing unusual varieties of vegetables and fruits for decades. 7. Eat the best-tasting food. Many Australians who consume organic products every day do so because they believe that organic tastes best. The soils used to grow organic foods are well-balanced and yield strong, healthy plants which taste better. Organic oranges and organic vine riped tomatoes, for example, are sweet and juicy. 8. Save Energy Organic farming is still based on manual labour, such as hand weeding, green manure, and crop covers instead of synthetic fertilizers to support soil. Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry. A lot of this energy is used in producing these synthetic fertilizers that organic farmers do not use. 9. Avoid GMOs. Independent testing of the long-term health effects of GMO foods on humans has not been carried out. The many exemptions from GE labelling laws in Australia makes it impossible to know which grocery items use GMO-derived ingredients. Certified organic foods are a great way to avoid GMOs. 10. Increase the resilience of farms during drought. Organic farms have a greater resilience in times of drought. A 21-year trial showed that organic crops saw a margin of 38 per cent greater yield than comparable conventional crops. 11. Harmony in Nature A healthy ecosystem requires a balance and organic agriculture respects this balance. Wildlife is an essential part of a holistic farm. The balance includes forage crops in rotation, retaining fence rows, wetlands, and other natural areas. 12. More Sex, Better Sex! Organic foods reduce unwanted interference by many pesticides with our sex hormones . This in turn should reduce the prevalence of erectile dysfunction, the number of people suffering from loss of sexual drive and a host of estrogen-related health problems. According to the book, Living Healthy in a Toxic World organic farmers and others who eat foods grown without pesticides have “an unexpectedly high sperm density,” in spite of having sex more frequently. Men in this study who consumed organic food, in fact, had twice the sperm count of those who didn’t! References: Abell, A. 1994. ‘High sperm density amongst members of organic farmers’ association’, The Lancet , vol 343, p 1498. Arcadia Biosciences. May 2007, http:// ArcadiaChinaPRFINAL.pdf Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (AATSE). 2002. Pesticide use in Australia. Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics. March 2007. Australian Farm Survey Results. Environmental Health Perspectives, vol 111, pp 377–382. Guillette, E. et al. 1998. ‘An anthropological approach to the evaluation of preschool children exposed to pesticides,Worthington , V. 2001. ‘Nutritional Quality of Organic Versus Conventional Fruits, Vegetables and Grains’, ‘Organic Farming, Food Quality and Human Health: A review of the evidence’, Soil Association, UK. Heaton, S. 2004.



Body, Mind, Spirit

Australian Certification Authorities Australian Certified Organic (ACO)Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. Ph 07 3350 5716 Website:

The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA) is the nation’s leading organic certifier – focused on providing quality, cost efficient organic certification services. Ph 08 8370 8455 Website:

Organic Growers Of Australia (OGA)OGA audits and certifies more than 600 farmers and processors around Australia. Ph 02 6622 0100 Website:

The Organic Food Chain Pty Ltd (OFC), represents the cooperative vision of five substantial, commer-cially orientated organic farmers. Ph 07 4637 2600 Website: Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is the oldest certification

organisation in Australia is the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) which administers the Demeter standard. This organisation only certifies Biodynamic produce. Ph 03 5966 7333 Website:

Safe Food Queensland (SFQ) Safe Food Queensland is a State Government initiative, established to ensure the reliability and safety of the Queensland food chain. Ph 07 3253 9800 Website: Tasmanian Organic Association (T.O.P) Ph/ Fax 03 6266 0330 N AT I O N A L CERTIFIED REGULATORY M A R K (VOLUNTARY) Following the agreement of certifying organisations, AQIS (Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service) has recently developed an ‘Australian Government Certified’ regulatory mark. The mark does not replace the logos of certifying organisations but will help provide greater assurance for consumers wishing to purchase certified organic and biodynamic produce. While the mark is voluntary, its use is governed by formal conditions enforced by AQIS. Ph 02 6271 6638 Website:

HEALTH Organic Products Review ROSNAY ORGANIC WINES CELEBRATE 12 YEARS Rosnay Organic Wines has reached a landmark 12 years of organic and biodynamic farming at Canowindra. Back in 1997 when they started, they went organic and biodynamic from day one, much to the ridicule of their neighbours. Now, they are winning medals regularly, they are one of a total of four organic vineyards in the Cowra wine region, and they are leading the charge to make Cowra a leader in sustainable viticulture. Sam Statham, who planted the vines with his father Richard in 1997, said: “It's been a great dozen years, and we are fortunate to be able to subsist in a beautiful place and do what we believe in with our family business.” Have a look at a great little video at

HIGH MOUNTAIN TEA PURE ORGANIC GREEN TEA This special range of Organic Green Tea from China is authentically grown at high altitudes providing the most ideal natural conditions for organic tea growth. As tea plants grow slower at higher altitudes it creates a greater concentration of flavour. The best green tea is almost exclusively made from there high-grown plants. High Mountain

Tea has the internationally recognised IMO organic certification from Swizerland, achieving the strictest organic quality assurance possible for tea products.Ph: 0434 843 770 www/

ROBINVALE ORGANIC WINES Robinvale Organic Wines was established in 1976 and continues to produce quality Wines and NonAlcoholic beverages including: Table, Sparkling and Fortified, Organic, Bio-Dynamic and Preservative Free Wines also a range of Vegan/Vegetarian friendly wines to cater for the health and environmentally conscious person. Non-Alcoholic products comprising still and sparkling beverages are made from Bio-Dynamic grown grapes. As such, they do not contain chemicals. Producing consistently good wine and picking up prizes is every vigneron’s aim. To do both of these using organic and Bio-Dynamic methods throughout is an enormous achievement by Robinvale Organic Wines and proof that organic wine production has come of age. For more details phone (03)5026 3955 or visit:

Finding Balance with AYURVEDA Ayurveda has recently come into my life, and I can definitely tell you that it is a continual learning experience. It is such a wholesome approach to a better way of living through diet, exercise, yoga, meditation and living within our biological means, day by day. There are so many different aspects and areas that complete Ayurveda, which I hope to touch on and bring an understanding to you in the next 3 editions of Innerself. Hopefully you will be inspired (just like I have) to start changing your life by getting back to nature, eating the right foods for our body types, living in harmony and peace within our mind, body, spirit and soul. I travelled to India last year to find out more about Ayurveda and a range of Ayurvedic products that I wanted to bring to the Australian market. There I found harsh living conditions with smog, pollution, poverty and a completely overpopulated country. Yet, the majority of the people I encountered were always smiling, completely happy and very kind and generous. I started to ask myself ‘why are


these people so happy?’ To you or me, we would not be smiling or enjoying living in the conditions these people were in. The smell, the dirt and the swams of people that looked like ants when flying into Mumbai airport, was enough to make you want to stay on the plane and turn around and fly home! It took me a few days to get my bearings and brave the streets so that I could get a closer look at the country. The third day into the trip I had to fly to another part of India to meet with the manufacturing company to discuss more about the products I was interested in. This area of India was a lot older and was not as populated as Mumbai, however it still had quite a lot of poverty. I came to the conclusion that this was India ... every part of the country must have poverty and be dirty. This part was true, as the country was very old and you could see that not much money is put back into social structure in the community. So why does India have such good natural health care products? I asked myself this question over and over whilst I was

Body, Mind, Spirit

there. However the more time I spent there with health care professionals and the more I learn about Ayurveda every day, the more satisfied I am in saying that ‘this is the most complete natural healing system, and the oldest healing system in the world!’. Ayurveda dates back over 5000 years. Ayu ‘means life’ and ‘veda’ means knowledge. The Indian culture has one of the longest longevity rates in the world, with many of the older generation living well into their late 90’s. They are also extremely spiritual beings, with meditation and prayer like activities taking place constantly. Their traditional way of healing is Ayurveda, which educates the people on ways to improve their life and eliminate illness before it festers and creates a full blown disease or fatal problems. By simply getting to know our body types and recognising any problem or health issue at an early stage, (physical or psychological), and treating it naturally through appropriate diet and nutritional needs (herbs and minerals) balances the body back into harmonization. The mind is a very important part of Ayurvedic healing. It is well noted that when the mind is not right (through any reason) that it affects our body. We see a lot of this in the western world. Stress is the biggest cause of health problems. It can lead to sleep deprivation, ulcers, digestive problems, heart disease etc. If we look at how our ways of living have changed, even in just the last 50 years, we can see a surge in health problems, obesity and divorces, com-

pared to 50 years prior. Today in the larger cities of India poverty and disease are ever present as much of the population looked to the West, forgetting their traditional healing ways. Last century our modern western health care took over of their ancient Ayurvedic system in many of their hospitals, making healthcare financially out of reach for most of the population. However if you look at the rural areas where Ayurveda is still widely practiced and taught you will see just how healthy, content, relaxed and at peace these people are. The ancient traditional healing system of Ayurveda has taken a turn in the last 20 years however as many Ayurveda schooling institutes are opening up all over India, to try and educate the younger generation on a better way of living and treating disease naturally, as was done by their ancestors. Even in the populated busy cities of India, the majority of the people are smiling, happy, and relatively stress free. I ask myself, how can we all learn from this? Lauren Rignall has worked in the natural health care industry for over 10 years, both as an employee in senior position and a director. After much research Lauren has decided to start up her own business and hopes to bring tradition Ayurveda and herbal products to the Australian public. For more information visit


ChineseMedicine with DR QUENTIN CHEN

Cordyceps - Miracle Herb Could an herb once reserved for Chinese emperors really help you increase your energy, improve endurance, strengthen your immune system, enhance resistance to stress and more? In September 1993, the sporting world was surprised by the multiple world records set by Chinese female athletes led by trainer Mr. Ma Jun Ren during the Seventh “Chinese National Athletic Championship” in China. New world records were set in the 10000, 3000 and 1500 metre events. These outstanding results not only shocked the world, but it also triggered them to ask “How”? When the world started paying close attention to how these athletes were trained, and also what they consumed, they found that there were no special training schemes, or methods. But after their training, every athlete would consume a special “drink”, which contained Cordyceps Sinensis. And it was then that Cordyceps burst into the spotlight. It seems that Cordyceps can enhance the body’s metabolism, allowing the body to eliminate waste substances and rejuvenate at a much faster rate. Therefore it is extremely beneficial to training athletes as they can train harder and longer yet recover faster to achieve record breaking results. In fact, there were rumours that the Chinese government had been stocking up on Cordyceps in the years prior to the 2008 Olympic Games so the athletes could take the herb to achieve peak performance. Judging by the Chinese Olympic Team’s outstanding results, with record breaking 51 Gold medals, and a total of 100 medals in the 2008 games, I think there might be some truth in it. So what exactly is this herb called “Cordyceps”? In Chinese medicine, Cordyceps sinensis is well known for its effects on strengthening the lungs and kidneys and detoxifying the blood.

The very first usage of Cordyceps was thought to be around the Yin Dynasty around 1700BC. At that time, it was thought to be an herb that promotes longevity, and was seen as a symbol of good fortune. Cordyceps is so valuable that in Qin Dynasty (259-210 BC), it was said that 3.75g of pure gold would only get you one piece of Cordyceps herb! Wild Cordyceps are very rare and extremely difficult to harvest. Even though the Chinese have used and known about the herb for thousands of years, very little was known about Cordyceps by the West. It wasn’t until after the 1950’s when scientists successfully cultivate the herb that sufficient quantities were available for research and study. And were they in for a surprise… This mystic herb called Cordyceps sinensis actually contains a wide range of nutritional and health essential substances: 1. Protein: around 25% of cordyceps is made up of protein and amino acids. These amino acids are essential components for our cells, the immune system and our metabolic process. 2. Nucleic acid: These are part of our DNA and RNA structure. 3. Organic acids: These organic acids (some of which are essential fatty acids) that are vital in the maintenance of our normal body metabolism, and they also aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E, K). 4. Polysaccharides: Most of the amazing effects of Cordyceps are due to these polysccharides, such as regulating the immune system, anti-tumour effect etc. 5. Vitamins: Vitamin B1, B12, and vitamin C. These vitamins are vital in the maintenance of your health status. 6. Trace elements: potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and others. Our bodies require these trace elements to perform the normal function. Wow! Isn’t it amazing how a single herb can contain so many dif-

CORDYCEPS ferent substances that are vital to our bodily functions. No wonder Cordyceps has been touted the “Best Herb For Vitality” by numerous scientists and doctors in the East. Modern researches have discovered that Cordyceps can exert multiple health benefits such as: · Eliminate Tiredness & Lethargy · Reduce frequent urination at night · Enhance your immune system · Strengthen your lungs, heart and kidney functions · Helps you stay young and healthy by combating the aging process (oxidation of cells) · Effective anti-inflammatory for inflammations · Plus much much more… So if you are serious about enhancing your health, then you need to learn about Cordyceps sinensis and discover if it is the right herb for you. Dr. Quentin Chen is currently the only Australian to hold Australian University Bachelor degrees in both Western and Chinese Medicine. In fact, there are very few people in the world that have achieved this status. Dr. Chen’s knowledge of both Western and Chinese Medicine is invaluable in assisting patient’s health needs. For more information Tel: (02) 96870288

INNERSELF READER SPECIAL CORDYCEPS an e-book by Dr. Quentin Chen In this book, Dr Chen explain how Cordyceps is used in Chinese medicine, disclose the main ingredients of the herb and most importantly provide a detailed up to date summary of all modern researches on the herb so you can determine how Cordycpes can benefit you. The book is normally sold for $34.95 ($27.00 plus $7.95 shipping). But as a InnerSelf reader, you can access my downloadable copy for ONLY $14.95 (You SAVE $20) by visiting The special pricing won’t last forever so visit NOW

METABOLIC TYPING The Key to Staying Young… A properly managed Metabolic Type diet can go a long way in helping correct a person’s health complaints. The body is programmed for optimal health; it is written into every cell’s DNA. We are in effect programmed to run perfectly. It is only when we don’t get what we need that our function suffers. Poor function eventually leads to dis-ease. If we can give our body what it needs to heal itself, it has a much better success rate at resolving health concerns. But how do we know what’s right for us? As a Practioner I have found through experience that Metabolic Typing® is the only dietary approach that really works for any and all individuals. Why? Because it is tailored to the individual. Traditional, allopathic (onesize-fits-all) approaches can only claim about a 50% success rate in solving people’s problems and restoring their health. What can work for one client can have no effect, or even a worsening of the condition on the next. Lucretius, famous Roman philosophiser said it

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Body, Mind, Spirit

best “one man’s food is another man’s poison”. Metabolic Typing is a nutritional system that is based on the approach that every person is unique... from their fingerprints to facial features, to organ size and locations and most critically to their individual nutritional requirements. So what is Metabolic Typing and how can it help you in solving any health concerns that you may have. Concerns such as weight loss, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, moods and emotions, cravings, emotional disturbances, rashes, poor skin tone, fatigue and many other ailments that people succumb to these days. According to Healthexcel’s concepts (pioneers of Metabolic Typing), a rational basis for selecting the proper diet and nutritional supplementation exists only through knowledge of one’s Metabolic Type, since the behaviour of foods and nutrients in a given metabolism cannot otherwise be known. Even healthy foods can result in poor health depending on the Metabolic Type. Metabolic Typing doesn't seek to treat disease, but rather seeks to build health and balance the body from the inside out. This unleashes the body’s natural, inherent and powerful capabilities for restoration, rejuvenation and radiant good health. And remember that ‘perfect health’ is programmed into every one of the body’s 100 trillion cells. It really does present quite an opportunity for people to improve their health by using Metabolic Typing. Most of us have been slaves to food one way or another all our lives. Quite literally, what we eat controls every aspect of our existence — how we look and feel, our range of productivity and performance, the quality of our emotional experiences, whether we stay well or fall prey to disease, even the quality of our sleep and the nature of our dreams. When we don’t understand how specific foods affect us, eating can become a daily struggle. We struggle to feel satisfied, to fight the battle of the bulge, or just to feel even keeled from one hour to the next. The end result is deprivation of one’s natural urges and a lot of frustration. Once people recognize their metabolic individuality, everything changes. The balance shifts, the tables are turned — suddenly they are the one in control of food, and not the other way around. Eating right is no longer a complex challenge and food is no longer an adversary. The diet-roller-coaster they have been on for so many years can finally come to the end of the track. When people know how to choose foods that effectively sustain the body’s unique style of functioning, eating is what it should be — easy, enjoyable and satisfying. With Metabolic Typing there is no calorie restriction, no weighing or measuring and people can eat as often as they need. A customized diet can provide people with much more than symptom suppression, a quick fix for common ailments, a temporary energy boost, or a way to help shed a few pounds in the short term. Metabolic Typing is a process that enables people to optimize their health in a permanent way, by balancing their key internal control mechanisms that control every aspect of their metabolism. When people consistently consume the right foods in the right proportions, they provide the body with the raw materials it needs to regulate and repair and regenerate itself on an ongoing basis. That’s the essence of real health and real healing, and the reason why people are very successful when they use Metabolic Typing to prevent and reverse chronic illness. People are generally amazed at the kinds of results they can achieve with ‘customized nutrition’, especially if they apply a little time and perseverance. In good health, Brent Daisley.

QIGONG Brent Daisley owns and runs the Sydney Holistic Lifestyle Centre. He is a certified Metabolic Typing Advisor, a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a CHEK Exercise Practioner. Brent’s Clinic is based on the science and practice of ‘biochemical individuality’, or that everyone has uniquely different requirements when it comes to their nutrition, movement and sleep. Brent states that determining a client’s metabolic individuality is ‘paramount’ in improving their health. For more information on Brent and his nationwide services visit www.TheHolistic or call on 0416-032905.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live ~Jim Rohn

Flowing Chi


Qigong Meditation Return to Nothingness Most healing traditions have a style of lying down meditation and their basic principles are similar. When we enter into a realised state, or the state of nothingness, in deep meditation, the Qi flows smoothly through the body as if we are tuning ourselves in to harmonise with the universe. In this state significant healing can occur. If we consciously practice while we are lying in bed for about ten minutes before sleep, the Qi will continue to flow while we sleep. Also, when awaking in the morning, we can return to the nothingness for a few minutes before getting up, allowing the Qi to continue flowing. Qigong meditation is also known as Nei Gong, translat-

ing to internal work or skill. The three main Qigong principles continued to apply - regulating the posture (relaxing the body), regulating the breath and regulating the mind. First, it is necessary to relax and allow physical and emotional tension which has built up during the day to be released. PREPARATION AND PRACTICE

This meditation practice will help strengthen and increase your life force, or Qi energy. It’s best to be done at night, lying on your bed, leading into a deep sleep, or when you have a few hours to rest during the day. To begin, lie down in a comfortable position either on your back or

on your side. Keeping your back straight, allow your awareness to travel up your spine – one vertebra at a time. Try to release any tension in your body. Just relax. Allow your awareness to scan down your body, from your head down to your feet, like a wave dissolving any tension in your body. Take your time . . . just relax. Now, start to become aware of your breath. Gently breathe in and out through your nose. Let your breath become smooth and even. Let your mind relax. As you breathe in, the abdomen gently expands and as you let the breath out, the abdomen gently contracts. Observe the flow of Qi to the Dan Tian, the energy centre at your lower abdomen, just below your navel. Take your time, relax and feel. Now, with each out breath, con-

sciously allow your Qi to disperse from the Dan Tian, out through your whole body. In all directions, allow your Qi to disperse throughout your whole body. . . Through every cell, follow the Qi. . . Relax and feel. . . Now with each out breath, consciously allow your Qi to disperse further; now, beyond your body, out to the edge of the sheets or the mat you are lying on. In all directions, like a large bubble or a spiraling galaxy, expanding out from your Dan Tian, In all directions Follow the Qi. Relax and feel. Allow your Qi to disperse out further, Out to the mountains . . . towards the horizon, Up into the clouds, and high above the earth . . . in all directions. As you merge with the universe, Returning to Nothingness…

Nothingness…Nothingness… Simon Blow a near fatal accident at the age of nineteen lead Simon to investigate various methods of healing and rejuvenation a path he has been on for over twenty five years. He is a Sydney-based master teacher (Laoshi) who has been leading regular classes for beginning and continuing students since 1992. Simon has received training and certification from Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals and Taoist Monasteries in China and has been given authority to share these techniques. He has received World Health Organisation Certification in Medical Qigong clinical practice from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing. He has been initiated into Dragon Gate Taoism and given the name of Xin Si, meaning Genuine Wisdom. Simon is a Standing Council Member of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in Beijing. He has also created a series of instructional DVDs and guided meditation CDs. Phone (02) 9716 4696

Sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws. ~Charles Simmons


Body, Mind, Spirit


WEIGHT LOSS Australia. I am truly proud to have been endorsed as Latin Seed’sTM exclusive distributor for Australia & New Zealand. I have seen so many great results in people who like myself have struggled with weight & hair loss – not to mention cholesterol, hemorrhoids, cellulite etc . All together I have lost 35kg, my hair is no longer falling out as it did – I have new hair coming and it is getting thicker….my arms and legs no longer have the cellulite they used too its amazing and I know everyone is different but my skin has improved and adapted to my smaller frame…


The Weight Loss & Wellbeing Secret Sweeping Australia In 2004-05, 54% of adults were classified as overweight or obese. The proportion of men in these categories was significantly higher than that for women (62% of men compared to 45% of women). This difference is most evident in the overweight category, where 43% of men were overweight compared to 28% of women. The median age of men who were overweight or obese (45 years) is lower than that of women (48 years). The reality is that western lifestyles and pressures do not promote physical health. We rush around for our jobs, family and just the pace of life. There is little opportunity to invest time in ourselves -the majority of people overweight would like to feel better and live healthier-we live in a society where foods and health treatments are packaged and artificially ‘enhanced’ for convenience. We know these facts but most wellbeing products in the market today are disruptive to our lives and some are aggressive to our bodies. The Latin Seed TM is a totally natural product that has helped thousands of people around the world obtain dramatic health benefits. Discovered by the natives of South America many hundreds of years ago, The Latin SeedTM was found to have very positive and unique health benefits. The natives found swallowing it made them healthier, stronger and fitter. Women have found that taking the seed after childbirth helped them to regain their figure and energy. In parts of South America it is considered to be the ‘fountain of Youth’! WHAT IS THE LATIN SEEDTM? Originally from Brazil this remarkable nut is also known as Candleberry, Indian walnut, Kemiri, Varnish tree or Kukui nut tree.. Several parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it occurs naturally. The Latin Seed is high in linoleic acid which has been linked to shrinking of fat cells and the promotion of lean muscle mass in scientific studies. The artificial form is common in a number of fitness supplements and beauty products. People have testified to its


effectiveness in weight loss, reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, hemorrhoids and even promoting hair re-growth. Unlike a number of other products on the market, the Latin Seed enables you to maintain the benefits for the long term. The seed works on the fat and toxins within your body rather than targeting what you are putting in your mouth. Imagine the amazing results you could achieve in conjunction with a healthy diet!! Probably the most positive aspect of the Latin Seed is the way that it fits into your existing lifestyle. There are no supplements to take or complex eating programs. The seed is taken in a cup of boiling water before going to bed of an evening. Within a couple of days, the seed will start to help transform your body, and give you amazing long lasting results. There are no drastic side effects and because it is totally natural, it does not interfere with medications or supplements. “Hi, this is my story- I have been fighting my weight since my teens. After my first child I weighed 109kgs, (gained 25kg during my pregnancy) I lost only a couple of kilos between having my 2 boys. Over the years I have tried SureSlim, Weight watches, Jenny Craig, Lite and Easy, Duramine, Xenicol, Chinese Weight loss tea (nearly killed me), Reductil and Liver cleansing…Most of these programs got results however with babies, work and the usual day to day, I found it hard to stick to the guidelines and put the weight back on plus some, not to mention the lack of sleep, headaches and addictive concerns with some products. I hate to think of how much money I’ve spent on trying to lose weight. Aside from my weight I had another more sinister and embarrassing problem - I was losing my hair dramatically (I was scared to shower or brush my hair because it would just come out in bundles) I managed to obtain a packet of these miraculous “Natural” seeds a couple of years ago with dramatic effect. Knowing the benefits, overseas popularity and that they are not only natural but really effective, I made it my mission to bring them into


I am passionate about this product- it’s helped so many people and I know it can help you too….I am not a doctor – however with this product being 100% Natural it has allowed people for whom other treatments were unsuitable a genuine alternative. If you would like to know more please contact me. “ Life is too precious not to care… My love & Support Nikki, 35 “After discovering these wonderful GEMS, I would not revert to anything else to assist me in maintaining my weight. I have tried a number of different programs and this is by far the BEST !!! For me the best thing is that it does not affect your social lifestyle!!! You can continue enjoying those naughty things from time to time and not feel guilty about it!!!! I am not one to weigh myself so the way I test my results is by the way my clothes fit!!! I am also a GYM freak and in conjunction with my exercising and my little gems, I have noticed my body toning in areas which I have not been able to previously achieve !! I Thank my Aunty Carmen and cousin Erika for introducing me to this wonderful product, I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone at all !!!!” Claudia, Sydney “I have been taking the seeds for 2 months now and have lost about 8 kilos so far. It was always a surprise to step onto the scale each week to see that something had happened, whilst I hadn’t made any significant changes to my diet! I would literally stare at the scale in disbelief each week checking to see if the scale was working properly... People keep on telling me how fantastic I look and it really does feel great. Thank you so much for this product, and to the people reading these testimonials, this is not a gimmick, it is an excellent product, better and more effective than any other product or diet that is on the market at this moment in time.” Claire-Sydney, 25 yrs

Healthy Products Review

RED IRON Now it’s even easier to receive the benefits of iron naturally sourced from the remains of an ancient rainforest, Red Iron is a natural source of iron. Red Iron is ideal as it provides a source of iron which may assist in maintaining normal blood. Red Iron provides the following benefits 100% Natural, Highly Concentrated, No Sweeteners, No Artificial Flavour, No Artificial Colour, No Preservatives, No Additives, Yeast Free, Gluten Free, Vegan/ Vegetarian Friendly Iron assists in the formation of red blood cells and is a transporter of oxygen to every cell, Iron also assists the memory and the ability to concentrate and can help improve the state of healthy activity and mood. In addition, iron helps build resistance to infection, stress and disease. Iron deficiency is the most common single nutrient deficiency in the developed world. It is the most common cause of anaemia. Iron deficiency has also been shown to adversely affect intellectual activity and efficiency. Additionally,

KAKADU JUICE Kakadu Juice is a Sun Drenched Super Food – Australia’s best kept secret. Five of Australia’s most potent native plants are complimented by a selection of world class plant foods in Kakadu Juice. These fruits are wild harvested and cold pressed to maintain maximum nutrients, supplying

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VJC ORGANICS Health, Environment and Freedom: These three words have meaning and are part of a journey into making a difference in our world, creating awareness about the impact of synthetic chemicals on health and the environment. This journey is now also helping individuals and families achieve Freedom. A freedom that awareness provides, freedom to choose if we work or not, freedom to be able to purchase certified organic products and produce; and freedom of self and spirit. These are some of the many benefits of a home business in a growing market – certified organics…Curious to learn more? Contact Vanessa or Suzanne today via

Reader's Giveaway TIME FOR NEW DIRECTIONS IN BED As many as 80% Australians are experiencing sleeping problems. The right support is very important when sleeping. The unique features of MILLY – the only Australian orthopaedic millet hull pillow – can help. The silky smooth texture of millet hulls allow them to adapt to every curve of your body, without compacting or bouncing back, therefore giving you the perfect support. MILLY is recommended by chiropractors to sufferers of shoulder/neck tension, backaches and headaches. MILLY is filled with 100% Australian certified organic millet hulls, hypoallergenic and cased in 100% Japara cotton . Order online on or call 07 5494 9003.

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For more information, contact The Latin SeedTM on 1300 882 506 or visit


lack of iron can lead to general run down feeling, anaemia, headaches, acute infections, colds, flu, dizziness and shortness of breath during periods of exertion such as exercise. Iron deficiency high risk groups are: • Menstruating women (especially teenagers) • Pregnant women • Lactating women • Strict Vegetarians and Vegans • Elderly people (with increasing age, iron deficiency becomes more and more common in both man and women) • Hospital patients and outpatients exposed to excessive bleeding due to wounds and surgical procedures. Armed with Red Iron you can now safely and naturally win the war against the nasty effects of iron deficiency. For more info phone (08) 8532 2926.

Body, Mind, Spirit

Me, Myself and I The Main Foundation in Personal Development We have all heard of “Personal Development” but what exactly is it? We can start by defining it as a sense of self-a personal journey into the unknown which results in growth. Personal Development improves self knowledge, builds on identity and develops the potential we have “thought off” but never really knew we could achieve. It is within our human capacity to realise our dreams, our potentials, our sufferings and our strengths. Combined via experience and learned lessons, Personal Development makes up what we can realise - our hopes and fears - and pushes us to our limits. Personal Development makes us assess ourselves in the raw (sometimes good, sometimes bad) but the end result is always one to remember. Presently there is a big surge in what I call “The Enlightenment Era of Self”. In the past decade there has been a significant increase in people realising their own potential. No longer are we ones that “follow direction” and “conform to the norm”. No We are the new generation. We challenge our own self, question our own motives and search for our own future. We are a group that “watch and learn” from our own experiences and through others. And this can be supported by the amount of surge in blogs, in tweets, in social networking. We are all aware of what others are doing. No longer are we isolated- we are exposed to a new light which leads us to our own realisation of self. Technology plays a great role - ten years ago the internet was not the phenomenon it is today. Ten years ago communication was defined by talks on the telephone and one to one

conversation. Now we are connecting to others we don’t know and considering them as “friends”- strangers far and wide, whom we resonate with due to their own stories and their own life journey. The world is getting smaller but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It exposes us to what others are doing, what they are realising and what they are achieving. It makes us want to be “them” or “part of the chosen few” that have done something about it. But how did they achieve this? How did they get past their negative energy? How did they pick themselves up - walk away from what limits them and start afresh? It all starts with Me, Myself and I. Their personal realisation and defining “A-HA” moment. The visualization of something bigger and better for their own life and the results that they know they can achieve. And how did they come to this moment? Simple. Through their own acknowledgment. It starts with self assessment. Questions come into mind about Why? Who? What? When? Where? and from this, pros and cons are formulated - and a solution (whether irrational or unrealistic in their mind) comes to the surface. But here the next step lies - the beauty of what separates others and where elimination takes place. We see Darwin’s theory of evolution rise (in a spiritual sense of course!) and we acknowledge others who are serious about real change and disregard others who just talk about it. The ones that do evolve into their own “Enlightenment” are ones who will share their knowledge and success with others - not for proof that it

can occur - but rather so others can learn from their accomplishments. And accomplish they have! Not only in their personal life - with balance in mind, body and spirit - but also in their professional life. Where their lessons have overflown in decisions about balancing work and family. Where they have taken time to acknowledge that work should not be a 24/7 hassle. You see others enjoying life with friends, and travelling to far distant lands. You see their goals of becoming millionaires. Things that people once only dreamed of but were limited to fear. A higher realm of Self Enlightenment is coming to fruition. And we can also see these results with the increase of the Personal Development Industry. Take into consideration “The Secret”, “Laws of Attraction/Abundance”, “Personal Development Courses” and “Personal Development Seminars” and you get a mass increase in results that these simple strategies bring about in people using the simple realisation of Me, Myself and I. Its no wonder Personal Development has been regarded as one of the fastest growing Industries in the world to date. What now for you? Let’s get back to the core- Me, Myself and I and consider what YOU need to do. First meditate. Clear your mind of all the negative energies and toxins and open your world to the possibility of change and movement. Go through the steps of what was mentioned, assess your life, ask your questions and do your list of pros and cons- think of your solution and MAKE THAT STEP. Remember your ideal life boils down to CHOICE. This is only the beginning. Aileen Bautista.



Are you interested in changing your life? • • •

• •

WISHING ON A CANDLE It’s your birthday, everyone is gathered around you and they are singing the classic “Happy Birthday to You!” song. They bring out the cake, all covered in candles that seem to light up the entire room (brighter and brighter as we get older). When the singing has ceased someone instructs you to make a wish and blow out the candles. You pause for a moment, focus on your desire and then blow out the candles with all your might! It’s a wonderful feeling to have the ability to wish on a candle for absolutely anything, yet it feels like doing this once per year isn’t going to cut it for me. Through this article we will go through the different concepts involved in creating your dreams into a reality just by using a simple candle. You will never look at a birthday cake the same way! To start off I always ask people to focus on what it is they actually want. Some people say more money, others a new job, but really give this some thought. Is it that you actually want all of your bills paid? You want to feel more valued at work? Give yourself a good 1015 minutes to dwell on this. Write it down. It’s okay to make revisions as you continue to think but it is often a good idea to write down your first thought and allow it to build

from there. Remember that nothing is outside your reach and that you can have anything and everything that you desire. Let’s use an example of wishing for greater health and wellbeing. The next step is to choose a candle. There are a number of things to consider here, however, that being said I will always encourage you to go with your gut feelings and intuition, so you have my permission to bend the rules. The size of the candle is important for your wish, big candles for more long term goals like world peace, health, loving relationship etc. Small candles for quicker more short term goals such as a new car, more finances etc. The next thing we need to consider is the colour of the candle. Each colour has a different vibration and therefore a different energetic property. Here is a guide of the more common colours and their metaphysical properties: Red – fast acting, passion, love, safety, assisting with the truth Orange – determining your goals, creativity, weight management, energizing, improves motivation, sexual energy, emotional, assists with overcoming obstacles Yellow – improves intellect, self-esteem, self-confidence, will power, learning, prosperity

Green – healing, money, removes psychic attack, connect with nature, love, abundance Pink – love, soul mate, friendship Light Blue – communication, stress Dark Blue – enhances intuition, meditation, purification, wise thoughts Purple – communication with Spirit, enhances psychic abilities, protection, purification White – purification, prayer, health, love, communication with Spirit Black – banishing negativity, protection Choose the colours that you are drawn to, remember you can’t make any mistakes! For our example we could choose green or white for healing, we could choose orange to help us overcome our current health obstacles and give us a bit more motivation to improve our health, again go with your intuition and what you feel is most appropriate. In this case we will choose green. As with any manifestation work that involves tools we need to ensure the energy we are working with is clean and pure so that our wish will be manifested in the best possible way. This means that we need to cleanse our candle before using it. Just think about how many other people have touched that candle before you, the store owner, manufacturer and not to mention the countless customers that picked it up before you! Each of those people have their own personal energy field and when they came into contact with the candle they left a little bit of that imprint behind. To ensure that the candle's energy is directed toward your goal we need to make sure that it only contains your energy.

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Body, Mind, Spirit


ENERGY HEALING We do this by clearing the candle. The easiest method in this case is through breath, prayer and intention. Simply take hold of the candle and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and allow yourself to feel the energy of the candle. Pray either silently or aloud, “Spirit, please cleanse this candle of all negativity and past associations. Please bless this candle with your love and light to ensure that it aids me in my manifestation work. Thank you.” Continue to breathe deeply and now empower the candle for your wish, in our case: “I ask that this candle bring me greater health and wellbeing”. Take a moment to sit with the feeling of greater health and when you feel ready simply light the candle. However, unlike birthday candles, we want to let this one burn all the way so that our wish will come true! Robert Reeves is a naturopath specialising in mental, emotional & psychological health. Robert developed and embraced his intuitive abilities at a young age and since then he has continued to be involved in the natural health industry and now teaches workshops on various self help topics. Robert has featured in the Camden Advertiser and recently appeared as a guest speaker on an international radio program Souls Journey Radio. Phone: (02) 4648 4200 or 1300 668 772. E-mail: Web:


Core Dynamics Let me introduce you to one of the most important tools I have discovered. I call it Core Dynamics. In the simplest of terms, it is a way of removing a negative thought-belief-pattern, which is affecting your life, and replacing it with a positive life-affirming thought-pattern. This process has helped myself and others become unstuck and move into a more dynamic fulfilling life. We’ve all had those moments where the light bulb clicks on. One of those moments for me was when I was checking the core information spoken to me by my grandmother. As I began to understand the information, there was a reference to a technique that the ancients used in helping people move forward. It seemed amazingly simple. The process goes like this. You have a particular core belief-thought-pattern. Around that core, the subconscious mind builds and places all of our thought-

belief-patterns that enforce the core belief. The process sounds simple enough, remove the negative core and replace it with a positive beliefthought-pattern. From there the subconscious mind will remove or edit the thought-belief-patterns that do not support or align with the new core. I decided to see how it would work so I chose a core belief that has been tripping me up for a long time. I remove the negative belief, “ I never finish anything” and replace it with “I can complete things according to Divine Will and for my highest good and for the highest good of others”. You know what? It was amazing! Little by little I started to finish things off. And now? For the most part I don’t have a problem finishing my tasks. I have been using this simple but profound little technique for the last couple of years. I have seen many lives blossom, moving forward and becoming all that they


wanted to be. So let’s make it beneficial for you. Let’s allow it to help in your life. Do you have a fear that you cannot overcome? Do you have a belief that causes you to stumble? Do you have thoughts that you wish you would not dwell upon? All of these things can be helped by this profoundly simple technique. The key is the specific core belief-thought-pattern. Let’s run through the technique in an expanded fashion covering all of the parts. PART ONE; identify the thoughtbelief-pattern that you want to change. PART TWO; Ask the Creator of All to help you to define the core belief-thought-pattern related to that thought. PART THREE; With the Creator of All’s help, create a new positive core statement (thought-belief-pattern) that will replace the old core statement. PART FOUR; Allow the Creator of All replace the old negative core statement with the new positive core statement. Here is an example of the process. You have a fear of dogs. You do not know where that fear came from but you have had the fear for a very long time. This is part one, identifying the thought-belief-pattern. Next you allow the Creator of All to show you the core beliefthought-pattern. You come up with the statement, “All dogs hurt me!” This is defining of the negative core statement. Now we go to the creative part of it, making the new statement. In this scenario, you come up with the new statement, “Dogs

Body, Mind, Spirit

are created by the Creator of All, and the Creator of All will guide me in knowing what dogs I can approach and what dogs I can admire from afar.” Notice in this statement the fear base is gone and there is no negativity. Now you allow the positive statement to replace the old statement. The results? You do not have a terrifying fear of dogs. Now you have a health loving respect for all dogs. From this point on all the thought-belief-patterns that were connected to that old core statement will be redefined according to the new statement. The subconscious, your super computer, does this job very well. All things have to align and match. Some thought-belief-patterns will be edited. Some will be deleted. All of these process occurring on a subconscious level. You will see the manifestations in conscious thought as the process occurs. Here are a few final thoughts on the technique. This is the beginning of Core Dynamics. It is first and foremost, Creator of All centered. Part of what that means is change will take place according to your highest good and the highest good of those you interact with in your day-to-day life. The greatest thing you can give yourself is the ability to accept where you are and move forward being guided by the Creator of All. According to the ancient writings we create most of our belief-thought-pattern core statements between birth and the age of seven years old. This may mean that some of these core

statements want to be rewritten to help you move forward. There is a healing flow to this technique. You need to allow the process to progress at a pace that is for your highest good. When pushed too fast a person my feel overwhelmed, fatigued and edgy. Two of the greatest statements that you can remember are “easy does it” and “gentle, gentle.” You can begin the process today. From this foundational space you can then move to creating your own Winning Space. The saying goes “Rome was not built in a day” and it is true, neither was your core build in a day. The most precious element is time. In our society today we want to see instant everything. This is not a microwave technique. It is a technique that gives lasting results. One final thought, remember as the Navaho say, “You are built from many voices and when you truly understand, you can be built from the Creator’s voice intertwined with yours.” Eric Unwin, energy empathy, is co-founder of Whitewing Ministries. He has traveled extensively throughout the world, including Tibet, South America, Thailand, China, India, Tibet, South America, Thailand, China, India ,Canada, USA, and Tahiti. Eric teaches from the heart of the Creator of All. He works with the “Music” and the energy of us. He is currently teaching workshops in Sydney. He is offering to all who request it, a free ebook, “Creating a Winning Space” For more information, visit web

A New Flame, a New Earth Now is the time for you to stop shedding tears over the sadness of humanity. Now is the time to start being the centre, the soul, and the divine light or flame of light. We know deep within us that we will no longer accept the world as a slaughterhouse, a war zone, and a political charade. The planet is showing us what we must do; our bodies are showing us what we must do. Are we listening to the words of the Infinite? The planet is cleansing through Hurricanes, Avalanches, Fires, Floods, and other dangerous and life threatening methods. Our bodies are cleansing through unknown tears, toxins emerging as diseases and potentially hazardous plagues breaking out. Will we hear the call, the call for the awakening of a new flame to be lit? The old flame of the world has burnt out, we now have nothing to keep us alight, nothing but the new flame, the new light, the new hope that resides within each and every one of us. As I write this I cry, I am sad because of all of the terrible things that have happened and are happening. However, I am choosing to look at it that way. I can also see it for the way it is, I can choose to be truthful to see it for the cleansing that it is. The cleansing that is happening which is the greatest thing on our earth for generations to come. Maybe we will not see the end of the world in 2012; maybe we will not see the planet's plates shift. However, we will see something much larger, the start of a new beginning, a new light, a new

flame for humanity being lit collectively. The light of the flame shines brightly inside you, you are here to share that light. Individuality one light is not enough, no one should think that they are so special that they can light up the entire planet. But collectively we can, collectively we are special because our lights can rise up the new flame of our earth. Today, right now, what are you doing to contribute to the new flame of the new earth? Are you contributing to the new flame or are you still holding onto the consciousness of the 90’s, 80’s, 70’s, 60’s and B.C? As you go about your daily routine what level of presence, consciousness, energy, and positive beliefs are you enthusing into the activities that may seem so mundane to you? Every day you are either contributing to the ego earth, the old flame or the new flame, the new earth. You need not be Mother Teresa but you better be present, conscious, energized, and projecting positive and supportive beliefs to yourself, those around you and those in Umbrella Falls, Guyana. It is only collectively that we can create the new flame. Not relatively in our external world, but our internal world. Reality does not matter. Seriously, is does not physically matter. What is going to change the world is not great external acts but our internal changes, our repetition of small internal kind acts. Begin right now to be centered, conscious, energized, with positive and supportive beliefs about your-

self, your family, and the world. Don’t just read my words, I mean really integrate those states into the centre of your being. Do this because the evolvement of your soul is relying on it and the transformation of the world depends on it. This request is not to be ignored, by ignoring it you are allowing the flame to burn out. Do not wait another day. Begin now. For the new flame cannot be kept alight with the blowing of the winds it is currently facing. Right now, the world is offering us a new beginning. A new beginning for us, for our children, and our children’s children. So its okay to be sad, as I am. Its okay to be scared as I am. Its okay to be alone. As I am. Nevertheless, look beyond those short limiting truths to see the larger truth. The truth that we are sad because we are cleansing out generations of toxins, we are scared because we are both nervous and excited about the uncertain future, and we are alone because we are finding our flame individuality before we can group together collectively to light humanity’s flame. In this time be still, be gentle with yourself, and light your fire. As we light our fire individually, the world will come alight with all fires collectively. No one can go through this transitional period alone, we must all work together to bring about the initiation of the miraculous new earth. You are going to make it happen. For more info phone Sarah Liddle on: 02 8021 5898 OR 0449 105 520 .

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Body, Mind, Spirit



Kaleidoscope what's on SOUL HEALING Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy - Lorna Simmons is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, trained by The Dr Michael Newton Institute USA, in Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression. An LBL session helps to access your soul memories and the Akashic records, answering questions: “Who Am I?” “Why Am I Here Now? “What is my life purpose?” Speak personally with spirit guides, council of elders and deceased loved ones, who can help you realise the power and choices you have now, and clear any blocks that keep you stuck in negative programs. To book a session call Lorna Simmons 07-34022990 Brisbane, QLD

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STRESSFREE MANAGEMENT Stressfree Management (R) offers Reiki treatments to clients as a means to heal and reduce stress. Reiki is a gentle way to remove negative energy from your system and allow the body’s natural healing abilities to be enhanced by connecting to the positive energy available to us all. We offer clients either hour or half hour sessions to help promote healing, relaxation and feel refreshed. Sometimes you will be lying down but there are occasions we do Reiki in a seated position to enable us to produce specific results. During a session you could experience feelings of increased heat, cold, tingling or you may even tap into your psychic faculties. Over a period of time your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical body will change and you will become healthier in all areas. Couple this with the healthy eating plan we can make up for you, the availability of counselling, hypnotherapy to change unhealthy patterns and meditation techniques to destress you and you have a great recipe for a healthier, happier life. For enquiries phone Jenetta on (02) 9609 4881 or visit

YOUR PERSONAL GUIDE TO SUCCESS AND WELL BEING Masters in Personal development and transformation. Are you getting what you want out of life? Time for change perhaps? Maybe you’d like to be encouraged and guided? Get the results you deserve with this simple yet powerful personal development program. Unlock the secret and let go of what is holding you back. Discover how if you want more out of life- you have to BE MORE within yourself. Learn how to make your NET WORTH match your SELF WORTH. Register for more information today

Intipunku, the Sun Gate…a mystical name conjuring a vision of sunlight dispelling the dark of night and heralding a warm and beautiful day. And so it was before the Spaniards invaded South America. At this spot, high above Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes, Incas gained a first glimpse of their spiritual and ceremonial home as they neared the end of their long walk down the Sacred Valley. The Lost City of the Incas is a magnet to travellers, but fortunately the site is so huge that it’s easy to leave the crowds behind, find a quiet spot, relax and drift off into a world where, like the condor high above, you hover in a space beyond time, floating between dreams and reality. Travel is a wonderful, life-affirming experience that offers the gift of freedom. Gone are all the trappings of everyday life and in comes ex-

citement at taking the road less travelled, at meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. That’s your outer journey, but more important is the inner journey of personal transformation running parallel to the outer journey. It is this inner journey that stays with you long after your suitcase and passport are packed away. For the last two years I have enjoyed leading small groups of people on spiritual adventure tours of Peru and Bolivia. Exploring Machu Picchu is a highlight, but the itinerary contains other gems which elicit a different sort of ‘Wow’ response. Last year it was the steamy Amazon jungle near Puerto Maldonado. Imagine yourself on a river barge in the predawn light. The sound of the single oar steering the barge is hypnotic, as it moves rhythmically in and out of the water. The sun rises and dispels the mist lingering over the water. Exotic birds fly between trees and we are privileged to see giant river otters swimming in their natural habitat. A moment to cherish…a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

In 2007 we watched the spectacle of the Inti Raymi, the annual Festival of the Sun which is held in the huge stone fortress of Sacsayhuaman above Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire. Despite a steady stream of tourists to Cusco, the town has lost none of its old-world charm...everyone loves it here. From the Andes we travel to the shores of Lake Titicaca where we visit the reed islands of the Uros people who take us on the lake in their amazing reed boats. We journey further and spend a night with families on Amantani Island. The tour ends in the buzz of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia with its fascinating maze of streets, the eerie Moon Valley and the famed witches’ market. To experience the sights and sounds of South America is a joy. To experience them in the company of like-minded people on a spiritual adventure tour is magic. For information on Linda Marson’s Spiritual Adventure Tours in Peru, Australia and New Zealand, visit or tel. 0404 508323.

Spiritual Tour of South America

This is a 35 day tour, we will visit Rio de Janeiro, the Christ statue, and a cable car ride to sugar loaf mountain. Stay in an eco lodge in the Amazon, where you will swim with pink dolphins, visit Manaus, to view tribal dancing, explore the unique city of Brasilia with the temple of Good Will and the sacred spiral. We will stay for 3 days at John

of God's healing clinic, then on to Sao Paulo and to visit the exciting Iguaçu Falls. The Iguaçu falls with over 270 falls coming together in a huge array of tumbling water with rainbows. We view this from the Argentinean side and the Brazilian side before flying to Peru, with its ancient history, ruins, markets and friendly people. In Peru we will do a tour in Lima before going to Nazca and flying over the Nazca lines. We will be staying in Puno, take a full day trip on Lake Taquile, walk on the floating islands, move to Sacred Valley where you will enjoy the Pisac markets and Ollantaytambo, from here we will travel on the Vista Dome train through the mountains to stay for three days at Machu Picchu. Returning to Cusco for a tour of the ruins, then home through Lima and Santiago. Spiritual talks, past life clearing

and healing sessions will be available on tour. Tour one - Brazil, Iguaçu Falls and Peru, commences 4th September ‘09 and Tour two - Peru – 23rd September 2009. If you are interested in joining us for any of the above tours please contact Trish, Gordon or John on 07 5445 7990 or email Trish Stevens, MAC. .CORP. W.P. AROM. is a professional Stress consultant, lecturer and counselor, with Diplomas in Professional Stress Consultancy, Corporate Stress Management, Aromatherapy and Counseling in the Work Place. Trish is also a Bereavement counsellor, Civil Marriage Celebrant and holds certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training.

MARCI SHIMOFF Marci Shimoff will be presenting Happy For No Reason. Be grateful for a healthier, happier and wealthier life. In Australia for the 1st time, May 16-23, 2009. Marci is the co-author of six Chicken Soup for the Soul books & featured in The Secret & The Opus movies. She's a #1 New York Times Bestseller - selling over 13 million copies of her books. Don't miss this event! Sydney: 1 Day Live Event. Saturday 16 May, 2009. Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre - Darling Harbour. Melbourne: Monday 18 May, 2009. Melbourne Town Hall. Adelaide: Wednesday 20 May, 2009. Adelaide Convention & Exhibition Centre. Gold Coast: Saturday 23 May, 2009. The Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre (Broadbeach). Buy 2 tickets & receive 3 extras* or buy 1 ticket and receive 1 extra* (meaning that 5 people can see & hear Marci for as little as $77.10 each! - Terms & conditions apply). Plus $3,000 worth of Bonus Gifts! 25% discount on tickets using this Coupon Code: KIM. This event is proudly brought to you by ‘i am gr8ful’. Awesome Value, Available now. For booking and enquiries phone 1300 137 350 or visit


35 days spiritual tour to Brazil, Iguaçu Falls and Peru

Tour one - Brazil, Iguaçu Falls and Peru, commences 4th September ‘09 Tour two - Peru – 23rd September The highlights of this 35 days tour are: Rio de Janeiro, and visit the Christ statue, and a cable car ride to sugar loaf mountain, Stay in an eco lodge in the Amazon, where you will swim with pink dolphin View tribal dancing in Manaus, Explore the unique city of Brasilia with the temple of Good Will and the sacred spiral, 3 days at John of Gods healing clinic,an opportunity to watch a trance medium at work, Sao Paulo, the exciting Iguaçu Falls with over 270 falls, Peru, with its ancient history, ruins, markets, friendly people, Visit Lima before going to Nazca and flying over the Nazca lines, Lake Taquile where we walk on the floating islands, The sacred valley where you will enjoy the Pisac markets and Ollantaytambo, 3 days at Machu Picchu. Returning to Cusco for a tour of the ruins, then home through Lima and Santiago. Excellent accommodation, private buses and guides where possible Spiritual talks, past life clearing and healing sessions will be available on tour Opportunity to have great fun and meet new people. If you are interested in joining us for any of the above tours please contact Trish, Gordon or John on 07 5445 7990 or email

Body, Mind, Spirit

CRYSTAL BALL & MIRROR SCRYING JOHN DEE’S ANCIENT ART SIMPLIFIED By Elisabeth Jensen My fascination for crystal balls has seen me collect many of them – I am rarely without one in my possession and often sleep with a huge clear quartz crystal ball under my pillow at night. Despite the stereotype image of flaky clairvoyants with crystal balls they are very valuable divination tools!

The sixteenth century astrologer and alchemist John Dee was famous for his use of a Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror – his “Jet Shewstone” he called it. Also working with a clear quartz crystal ball on an ornate stand held by Archangel Michael he received much information for himself plus employed a number of different

mediums to receive messages and visions for him. Trained in science and astrology he taught navigation to naval officers and was employed by Queen Elizabeth the first to predict through astrology the death of her sister Queen Mary. At times imprisoned for sorcery and accused of being a wizard for his correct predictions his life was

dramatic and dangerous and I always felt sympathy for this learned man who was also one of the few men of his time to document most of his experiences and communications with Angels. John Dee also visited Glastonbury and realised its magical past as the Isle of Avalon. So on a recent visit to teach in Glastonbury myself, a

replica of his scrying mirror caught my eye in one of the many magical shops there. YOUR CRYSTAL MIRROR MUST BE GENUINE The first one I saw was only glass but soon I found a genuine black obsidian scrying stone – that is a black mirror like natural stone

polished so one can see first one's face then swirling energies that take me into a mild trance state. After clearing it with healing waters from Chalice Wells I placed it out in the garden under the moon and stars for the night. The next day I meditated with my Magic Mirror and immediately John Dee himself appeared. During a long time in a deep trance he told me many things about his life – plus a new and simpler way of scrying and receiving messages from Angels that I have found very accurate so far. Here is one exercise for understanding about the past of another person – and predicting their future. JOHN DEE’S UPDATED SCRYING METHOD “Hold in your left hand a black shewstone and in your right a small clear quartz crystal ball. You must have a picture or statue of Archangel Michael with you or picture him in your mind and ask for his protection. The Archangel Metatron should be invoked also plus the Angel of Creation. Then think of your subject. If they are in front of you see 13 white balls around them in a circle. Gaze peacefully into the clear crystal ball and eventually you will see in a vision or be told how many of them are actually Archangels and pure and very helpful to that person. Next gaze into your black stone and after a while you will be shown that some of the balls go black – they represent their daemons! Now ask Metatron how many Archangels came in with your client at birth and how many daemons came with them – you will see lots of bright white balls of light and some dark ones. Then ask how many Archangels and daemons are still with them now. Keep gazing into the mirror and the clear ball till you receive the answers in your mind or as visions in the stones. If the person had many daemons with them at birth it means they had much karma to clear and would have had a hard life because of this. If they had only one daemon they would have only one time of great trouble and distress in their life. If they had no daemons left, now they will have a good life and be kind to many people and in turn will be very joyful in the future. Lots of daemons still, lots of troubles still. They need to attend for karmic and soul and spiritual cleansing before they can have a good life. Yes, daemons are what you term demons or bad spirits. They are everywhere too but the Angels are stronger. In my time the church didn’t tell people about karma so they didn’t realise they were born with it or that you could banish your birth daemons. Before you finish ask the Archangels to put white cleansing light around you and you client. In time all the daemons will vanish if you do this often for Archangel White Light is the known antidote for protection of the soul and the spirit. My visit was a pleasure! ...JD “ ELISABETH JENSEN has many more helpful articles on her website


Body, Mind, Spirit


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Bellingen Rapt in Earth - Alternative Health Clinic. The practice of natural therapies for spiritual, physical and emotional healing. 3/25 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. Phone Karen & Jo (02) 6655 0333. Kombu Wholefoods - Thriving shop in Beautiful Bellingen. Also large online store. 105 Hyde St, Bellingen NSW 2454. (02) 6655 9299.

Blackheath Lotus Temple - 38 Govetts Leap Rd., Blackheath NSW 2785; (02) 4787 9003.

Blacktown Bowen Essence - Gentle, Dynamic form of Bodywork; 14 Springfield


Avenue, Blacktown, NSW 2148; 0418 470 166.

Campbelltown Blackcats & Broomsticks. Magical Supply Store. Shop 3b, 263 Queen St, Campbelltown NSW 2560. Ph: 0437 106 763

Dee Why Essential Wellbeing Therapeutic Retreats - Comprehensive natural therapy centre. 16a/818 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why NSW Ph (02) 9982 2666.

Dubbo Healthy Life - Shop 21, Centro, 177 MacQuarie St, Dubbo. Ph (02) 6884 7365

Hat Head Hat Head General Store - Gourmet food, Great Coffee. 24 Straight St, Hat Head NSW. Ph (02) 6567 7540

Miranda Aurora Crystals - Gifts for the Soul; Shop 3059, Westfield Miranda, NSW 2042; 02 9525 1150

Neutral Bay Goodies Gems - Indian New Age Products. Shop 7/260 Military Rd, Neutral Bay NSW. (02) 9904 9921.

Newtown Beyond Newtown - For all your new-age needs; 207, King Street, Newtown NSW 2042; 02 9557 7269

Randwick Ambrosia Health Centre Accupuncture and Natural Therapy; specializing in women’s and children’s health; 193, Cloverlly Road, Randwick NSW 2031; 02 9665 4341


est alternative & metaphysical bookshop; 230 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000; 02 9267 8509

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New Dimensions - 425 Logan Rd, Stones Corner QLD.

Gnostic Corner - Healing, organics, florist, spiritual café; Corner of Boulevard and Chambers Place, Woy woy, NSW 2256; 02 4342 0434

Young Young Community Centre - Main St, Young NSW. Beverley Walker, Community Exercise Programs inc Tai Chi, Chi Gong. Phone (02) 6382 1948

A Thousand Paths - Tarot reader, Kinesiologist, Reiki & New Age Giftware. Shop 6, 285-289 Windsor St., Richmond NSW; Phone (02) 4578 0400



Dragonfly Divinity - 140 Victoria St, Taree NSW. Ph (02) 6551 6811




Sai Import - Wholesaler of Gemstone Stirling Silver Jewellery. 2 Noble Ave, Strathfield NSW. Phone (02) 9642 1038 or 0402 887 773

Pure Indulgence - Health and indulgent getaways; 71 Fredericks Lane, Tintinbar NSW 2478; 02 6685 3021



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Planet Matterz - Cnr Wynnum Rd & Burri St, Morningside, QLD.

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Ey Eyee on the Sky

A Letter From Deepak

with Robert Crawford, Astrologist and Teacher

Re gular Planetar w Planetaryy RReevie view MAY - JULY 2009 Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune cojoin in Aquarius throughout May, June, and July, its influence reverberating throughout 2009. This configuration ultimately offers hope and opportunity; laying the foundations to transfigure a belief system (Neptune) and life philosophy (Jupiter) befitting to an emerging consciousness. This is the first time since 1945 that these three planets have aligned in a triple conjunction. This was a period prior to the discovery of Chiron, hence its acknowledged awareness and influence on the psyche dimmed in comparison, yet comparable by way of setting up a new societal agenda in which to grow. The next time Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune align is a distant 230 years from now. With this in mind, I think it 's worth looking at in some detail so as to grasp its intended influence. When planets co-join like this they offer an emerging quality, a ‘new ball game’ so to speak. This configuration entails initiating a belief system (Neptune) that requires wisdom and knowledge (Jupiter) to supersede intelligence (the functioning mind of Mercury) for our self-realised actions (Chiron) to pave the way; for the ‘Mind of Humanity’ (Aquarius) to elevate and shape a forming social consensus. The ‘Solar-Self’ and its journey of individualisation to

recede for the ‘Soul-Self’ to awaken as the ‘Light Bearer’ NEPTUNE Neptune is a funny kettle of fish (excuse the pun), as it purveys subconscious, dreamlike qualities and altered states of mind; neverthe-less it brings devotion, idealism and altruistic vision to the table. The prioritised function I wish to establish here is – Neptune is capable of ‘ego wipe-out’ as well as ‘refinement’, the two definitions more often than not working handin-hand. JUPITER Jupiter seeks expansion, feeling fulfilled and satisfied - operating as a reward mechanism from that which we seek and deem as justified. CHIRON Chiron is our life coach/personal trainer. Wherever we feel torn or fragmented we have the power within to heal our pain through selfrealised atonement. Here we see two polarities in which the three planets can function. One may seek alternate states of mind (Neptune) as their reward mechanism (Jupiter) to alleviate their condition (Chiron). Or to live in denial/projection behaviours, remaining transfixed to one's belief system and/or state of mind. We can see our failings and frail-

ties (Chiron) and seek to expand our philosophies (Jupiter) to resurrect and/or refine (Neptune) our ways of being - In turn, creating a refreshed ‘world view’ and congress to implicate the necessary changes that both the people and the planet seek as a sustainable future. I am not writing anything ‘way off’ or ‘way out there’ in this presentation. I am simply stating that which is already occurring. The Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune alignment isn’t of any special significance other than a planetary formation that marks a place in space and time event that can have a special significance if our/ your conscious awareness gravitates to the same place/space/time in your life. Let’s remember, ‘Planets don’t do anything – we do’. Should you have planets between 23 and 27 degrees Aquarius, this alignment will be impacting certain areas of your life indicative to your birth chart. People celebrating their 50th birthday have Chiron returning to its birthplace within these degrees and are certain candidates for questioning what life means and holds for them. America has this triple conjunction ‘falling’ on the Moon of their national birth chart*. The Moon in a nation's chart depicts the masses, the general feelings of the public. I would anticipate the mood of the nation as feeling displaced both physically and emotionally, with regard to finance and housing. Foreign policies and the nationalisation of banks are also astrologically indicative*. It would appear President

Obama has a job on his hands to communicate and reflect the mood of the nation - particularly so whilst a current Mercury retrograde hovers over his natal Moon - his ability to connect and protect the public (Moon) as well as his skills in negotiation (Mercury) are highlighted throughout May and June. Mercury retrogrades, from 1 degree Gemini back to 23 degrees Taurus (a fixed sign) throughout May. This is square to Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius (a fixed sign) making for a period requiring determined effort (fixed) but not to the extent of becoming rigid or inflexible. Retrograde is when planets appear to move backward in direction; marking a period of inversion and reflection, with regard to the function of the said planet/s and attitudinal expression of the sign. By mid-June Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune will all be retrograde remaining between 24 and 26 degrees Aquarius throughout 2009. IN CONCLUSION: Not only the next 3 months but throughout 2009 is hallmarked as a period to assimilate information; less getting somewhere and more coming home to ‘self’. I encourage spending time to look inside one self and seek an attitudinal shift (Chiron) that offers your life deeper meaning (Neptune) and rewarding experiences (Jupiter). As above so below *American Independence Chart – 4.07.1776 2:21pm Philadelphia PA *America’s Mercury in the 9th House makes ‘hard aspect’ to Natal Moon in 4


Academy of Astrology Facilita ting self-r ealised actions thr ough acilitating self-realised through positive, creative expression


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Body, Mind, Spirit

Commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It releases all the energy you possess and enables you to take quantum leaps in creativity. When you set a onepointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to dissipate the focused quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe. There is no limit to your ability to co-create with the universe, but to find that out, you must engage life with commitment. You must be willing to put yourself on the line because when you commit yourself to anything, you express every aspect of who you are. If you give everything you have to your chosen pursuit, your strengths and talents, as well as your weaknesses and shadows, will all be exposed. Commitment brings up everything. This unavoidable fact is the reason why many people fear or avoid commitment; they so dislike what they perceive as their negative characteristics that they hold back, acting in the belief that life will be safer. They may attain the illusion of security, but at the same time they severely limit their experience of what life can bring. Here are a few of the most common decisions that keep us from totally engaging in life: 1. I don’t want to look bad. This decision is about self-image, which is only a superficial impression of who you are. Be willing to forget how you look. Olympic runners usually cross the finish line drenched in sweat, their faces contorted with the effort. In their passion to win, they don’t care how they look. If you are focused on your own passionate commitment and your inner feelings of satisfaction, you won’t worry about your appearance either. 2. I don’t want to fail. Those who are afraid to fall down usually were ridiculed or humiliated in the past. They have a conditioned belief that failing means they are worthless. Their fear is so great that they walk away from new challenges rather than risking failure. If this is you, it’s important to be a good parent to your scared self, offering yourself lavish praise and encouragement. Set minor goals for yourself, such as jogging around the block or making an omelet. As you do this activity, feel what it’s like to succeed. If things go a bit wrong, tell yourself that it’s all right. Slowly develop your connection to the voice of encouragement. 3. I don’t want anyone to

see me fail. This decision stems from shame, which is the internalized fear of other people’s opinions. Their disapproval becomes your shame. You can counter this decision by realizing that what others think about you reflects their beliefs about what is good and bad – not yours. Also refrain from shaming others. Your ego self may think that it can protect its vulnerability by gossiping or tearing down others, but in reality this only perpetuates a culture of shame. 4. I don’t want any pain. This decision has to do with a fear of psychological rather than physical pain. Those who have suffered in the past without being able to find healing may have a great aversion to any new possibilities of pain. They avoid commitment in an attempt to remain invulnerable. It may help to remember that in the cosmic design, pain is neutral. In the physical world, pain motivates us negatively, while pleasure motivates us positively. True freedom is letting go of our attachment to both. The best way to begin this process is developing a state of witness consciousness through practices such as meditation and mindful awareness. 5. I don’t want to use up all my energy. In reality, the thing that drains energy most is the act of holding back. The more you try to conserve your energy, the more it dwindles. For example, people who are afraid to love may end up constricting love’s expression. They close their hearts and stop the flow of compassion from replenishing their lives. To expand your channels of energy, learn to give. Whenever you feel like you don’t have enough, give to someone in need, whether in the form of money, time, or attention. In addition, follow your passion. If you’ve ever committed yourself passionately to anything, you’ve no doubt noticed that the more energy you devote to it, the more you have. Spirit responds to your vision of it, and the higher your vision, the more you will evolve. As you surrender to commitment, the entire field of potentiality opens to you, and fulfillment becomes your daily reality. Love, Deepak




Body, Mind, Spirit

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