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Facades and Secrets of Lyon, France 2014 National Collegiate Honors Council Faculty Institute July 14-20, 2014


Edited by: Susan Martelli and Monique Hamers-Regimbal Design and layout: Inge Beekmans Thanks to: Bernice Braid and Peter Machonis 2

“We have learned that all sites are interesting; that all are different, in some way, from all others.�



LYON NHCH FACULTY INSTITUTE City as Text™ Immersion Designs Faculty Institutes

can through their own

of Gaul, the economic

designed and offered by

practicum begin to think

and cultural center of silk

members of The National

about how to design

production and printing

Collegiate Honors

structured observations,

during the Renaissance, a

Council (NCHC) through

and think about how

center of labor unrest in

its Honors Semesters

to link these to student

the nineteenth century,

Committee focus on

research projects on

was an extremely

the deeply experiential

their own campus or in

important headquarters

heart of active learning

international settings.

of resistance to the

in honors. Since 1978 we

City as Text™ has been

Germans during World

have offered immersion

adapted to Place and

War II, and is a world-

workshops at sites

Region, as well.

class gastronomic center now. All of these aspects

around the world so that faculty eager to

We have learned that all

are reflected in the

develop strategies for

sites are interesting; that

superb Musée Gadagne,

independent thinking,

all are different, in some

but we participants

close observation, and

way, from all others; and

constructed an

analysis of primary

that one central objective

independent perspective

sources of information

of the strategy is to prod

on the complexity of

investigation into what

Lyon on our feet, and in

lies beneath the surface

our seminars.

of anywhere people


live. Lyon leapt to our

Our original notion

attention in this larger

was that the traboules

conceptual context: it

– relatively hidden

was the Roman capital

passageways through

which bolts of silk could be carried from the peaks around the old town to the rivers that transported them to a world market, yet still visible today in the built environment – would be the unifying motif of our exploration. What we discovered is that through exceptionally foresighted leadership, Lyon was the first city funded by the Malraux Law to invest large sums of money restoring its old town center, including the traboules. This project became an ambitious attempt to restore/develop what had historically been a crossroads of political empire and economic power to a semblance of its former greatness. Aided by the creativity and talents of its architects, its gourmet industry, its determination to preserve the built environment of its own past, even as it seeks to build itself once again into an economic engine

of France, Lyon has

to accommodate this

become a city fascinating

powerful strand as well.

for the interconnections of its labor-intensive

We began on Monday –

past, its rich location,

Bastille Day! – and we left

and its current success

on Sunday. Probably by

in attracting and holding

then we all felt that what

well-educated younger

had originally seemed


a very long Institute still felt too short, and

Lyon embraces its

could easily have been

political past, as well.

a week longer. Lyon

Recently opened as

was a revelation to us

public access venues,

all. And I suspect that

the Mémorial de la

we were a revelation

Prison de Montluc and

to us as well. That’s

the Centre d’Histoire de

the impact of City as

la Résistance et de la

Text™ – undertaking this

Déportation (CHRD) flesh

strategy has the effect

out interconnections

of revealing the world to

among citizens, the

us, and of revealing us

Resistance Movement,

to ourselves. Lyon was

and the deportation

a perfect setting for our

to Auschwitz of local


French populations. Once we learned that

Bernice Braid, Long Island

we could have access

University Brooklyn

to these institutions,

Peter Machonis and John

our own Institute

Bailly, Florida International

Agenda was modified

University 5


Faculty Participants Angela Mead

Appalachian State University, USA

Ann Raia

College of New Rochelle, USA

Hannah Frederiks

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences,

Kristin Hark

Longwood University, USA

Monique Hamers-Regimbal

Fontys University of Applied Sciences,

The Netherlands

The Netherlands Ron Weerheijm

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Rozzy Hooper-Hamersley

New Jersey City University, USA

Shad Wenzlaff

Edgewood College, USA

Susan Martelli

Massasoit Community College, USA

Trish Souliere


Student Participant Alex Souliere

Nebraska Wesleyan University, USA

Facilitators John Bailly

Florida International University

Bernice Braid

Long Island University

Peter Machonis

Florida International University 7


NCHC Faculty Institute Bibliography Facades and Secrets of Lyon, France Books Aubrac, Lucie. Translated by Konrad Bieber, 1993, Outwitting the Gestapo. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. [first published in French in 1984 by Seuil as Ils partiront dans l’ivresse] Braid, Bernice and Ada Long, Editors. 2010. Place as Text: Approaches to Active Learning. Second edition. NCHC Monograph Series. University of Nebraska-Lincoln: National Collegiate Honors Council. Daeninckx, Didier. Translated by Sarah Martin. 1994. A Very Profitable

Chapters Bloch, Marc. 1999. Strange Defeat: A

War. New York: Serpent’s Tail. [first

Statement of Evidence Written in 1943.

published in French in 1984 by

Chapter 1: Presentation of the Witness.

Gallimard as Le der des ders]

New York: Norton.

Machonis, Peter A., Editor. 2008.

Geertz, Clifford. 1983. Local Knowledge:

Shatter the Glassy Stare: Implementing

Further Essays in Interpretative

Experiential Learning in Higher

Anthropology. Introduction and Part 1.

Education. NCHC Monograph Series.

New York: Basic Books.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: National Collegiate Honors Council. 8

Jacobs, Jane. 1992. The Death and Life

of Great American Cities. Introduction.

Monograph Series. University of

New York: Vintage Books. [originally

Nebraska-Lincoln: National Collegiate

published in 1961 by Random House]

Honors Council.

Jacobs, Jane. 1992. The Death and Life

Wikipedia excerpts on Lyon: history,

of Great American Cities. Chapter 22.

geography and gastronomy.

New York: Vintage Books. [originally published in 1961 by Random House] Long, Ada, Editor. 2014. Writing in Your Feet: Reflective Practices in City as TextTM. Introduction. NCHC 9





14 – 20 July 2014

lobby for brief overview,

Tuesday, 15 July

distribution of maps and

Food, History, Secrets

groups assignments for


Using NCHC City as Text™

initial walkabout

strategies as pedagogical framework, and Lyon’s extensive system of covered passageways, or traboules, as an overreaching symbol, participants will discover the real Lyon – social issues of past and present, advantages and disadvantages of urban redevelopment, and the



assignment: Observation

of area immediately

exercise at the local

surrounding hotel in

market. Participants will

three groups:

explore their assigned food groups at the Quai

Rue Mecière, Rue Victor

Saint-Antoine market

Hugo, Rue Président

and agree on a place to


do observation exercise. Individuals will buy a

17.00 Share short

picnic lunch for later.

reports from each group. First writing assignment

Fruits and vegetables

(due Tuesday morning)

Meats Traiteur

18.30 Welcome


11.45 Groups meet


back at the hotel to take

Café 8 quai des

Funicular to Fourvière Hill

The private use of public


into three different areas

inner workings of a large progressive European city.

Monday, 14 July


9.00 Morning

La Chapelle


of Vieux Lyon to discover

14.00 Meet in hotel

Text strategies.

traboules using City as



Groups may

of World War II?

St. Paul church to Place

explore Croix-Rousse and

de Change

Presqu’île in any order,


but should make lunch



Visit Montluc

Place du Change to Palais

BRIEF so as to cover

de Justice

the terrain assigned. At

10.30 Meeting with

some point in the day,

Holocaust survivor,

Palais de Justice to Place

agree on a place to do an

Claude Bloch

St. Jean

observation exercise.


14.00 17.00

Meet in

Visit the

Croix Rousse

Centre d’Histoire de

lobby to discuss


la Résistance et de la

day’s observations.

East/Place Bellecour

Déportation (CHRD)

Participants should

top of of the hill area/

think about what they’ve

Place des Terreaux

seen in the context of



and discussion with

background readings.


Send Observations #1 to

of Théatre Célestins to



share reports from each

Evening writing


assignment (optional):

Send observations #2 to

WW II reflection on


conversations witnessed

Wednesday, 16 July

Meet in front

Social construction of the


spaces of Lyon

Send your WW II

Thursday, 17 July 9.00

Groups will

spend half of their time

Resistance Fighter, Guy

reflection to Peter

Lyon in the context of World War II

Friday, 18 July

exploring the CroixRousse hill area, and


Meet in lobby.

Urban redevelopment:

the other half in the

Brief discussion about

Presqu’île area closer to

WW II background before

the hotel. We will review

the visits. Participants


the assigned areas on

should have reviewed

to Parc de la Tête d’Or,

you maps, so that the

appropriate readings

porte des Enfants du

three groups explore

over breakfast. What was

Rhône entrance

different areas of both

Lyon’s position in the


parts of town.

larger French framework

observation exercise.

Lyon in the 21st century Leave hotel to go



This isolation exercise will

- Pont de la Guillotière

Send your Turning Point

involve observing alone

to Pont de Lattre de

Essay to Peter

in an area of the park of


your choice, but not next

- Pont de l’Université to

to anyone else from our

Pont de la Guillotière

Saturday, 19 July

group, and sketching

- Pont de l’Université to

Review of Turning Point

what you observe in this

Pont Pasteur

Essays; Workshop on

large 19th-century public park.

applications Each group should

Morning: Free

explore their assigned 11.30 Regroup to share

area, using City as Text


sketches and get new

strategies. Use this

of Hôtel des Célestins is

team assignments.

contact to strike up

reserved for our group.

Each team should go

conversations about the

Sharing/discussion of

to the Bocuse market

“new” Lyon.

Turning Point Essays

(Les Halles de Lyon),


Breakfast room

(Brown Bag lunch)

either walking or using

17.00 All participants

public transportation.

meet back at hotel to

You should explore this

share impressions of

upscale market, while

Lyon’s efforts to remake

14.15 Resume workshop;

buying your lunch from

itself in a new time, and

discussion of individual

the many traiteurs, and

compare these with their


find a quiet place to

initial impressions from

have lunch and discuss

Monday, as well as their

19.30 Final dinner Café

this market experience.

sense of the “old Lyon”

des Fédérations

Compare it to Tuesday’s

from earlier explorations.

Major Martin

experience at the Quai

Turning Point Essay

Saint-Antoine market.


Bon appetit!

Review readings about

Sunday, 20 July

pedagogy in preparation

End of Institute

14.00 Head to your

for Saturday’s workshop;

assigned area of the

review notes about how

river bank (Les berges

you might apply City

du Rhône) to experience

as Text strategies and

an afternoon walking or

techniques to you own

biking along the “new

campus, courses or other



14.00 Short break


11.00 Check out time




The Lyon Institute: TM

Learning by doing City as Text while thinking about how to do City as Text

Learning strategies Elements important to the learning strategies are based heavily on observational skills: using all senses, collect impressions from a given site that will yield patterns of interaction, interplay between the built environment and behaviour, and clues

Analysis: Which of the details you describe above support your interpretation of this interaction? Reflection: What drew you to describe this particular interaction? Was your response the same or different from that of other people watching? Why do you think you saw it the way you did?

about how a given “place” works for those in it. There are stages to every exploration: observation, interpretation, analysis and reflection.

Goal The ultimate goal of every observation is a conscious sense of what people mean by what they do in given surroundings, and over time, an increased awareness of just how

Observation All observations include the same

each of us sees, interacts with, and understands the significance of context

general instructions.

in deciphering that meaning.

Time, Place and People: Who is there,

in “mapping” – in every sense of that

where is it unfolding, and what day/

This Institute is a concentrated exercise word – that helps explorers make

time does it occur?

meaning as they walk through an

Event: What seems to be happening?

approach helps provide mechanisms

Interpretation: What do you think this is ‘about’? What makes you think so?

area. As a site-specific modality, this that permit participants to take in detailed impressions of who lives 17

where, and how – from living to working, from playing to visiting – in an urban environment. We are practicing what S.B. Heath calls “an ethnography of sorts”- not meant to train practitioners in any one discipline, but meant to provide all explorers with antennae to notice, think about, and retain impressions collected during field experiences. (excerpt from material provided for the Lyon Institute by Bernice Baird, Peter Machonis and John Bailly )

Day 1: Monday, July 14th Walkabout: The Private Use of Public Space The first assignment is exceptionally informal: to wander around the immediate area surrounding the hotel. This is a chance to “locate” yourself”, to begin to establish a sense of this specific place in the larger canvas of Lyon. You want to establish a mental construct including intersections, stores, places to stop and rest or relax. You will want to pick up how people use each of the sectors: who does what, who watches them do it, who talks to whom and how, and who


watches the watchers engage in their activities? What is the range of interaction possible in these subsections of the small neighbourhood around us here? Who exactly is out on the streets with you? What makes you think so? There are no rules in what you should do, other than that you should limit your exploration to your assigned area and that you must make an effort to interact with as many people as you possibly can.

Day 2: Tuesday, July 15th Observation: Food, History, Secrets (traboules)

Day 3: Wednesday, July 16th Observation: Social Construction of the Spaces of Lyon

Day 4: Thursday, July 17th Excursion: Lyon in the context of World War II

Day 5: Friday, July 18th Observations: Urban redevelopment: Lyon in the 21st century

Day 6: Saturday, July 19th Review of Turning Point Essays; Workshop on application


“I have been delighted to see cultural and racial diversity on a scale that I never could have imagined would exist outside of the great melting pot of America.�



First impressions

THE ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE LYON Graceful Relaxed Open Textured Layered International Capitalist Contemplative Alive Quaint ALEX Almost everything in Lyon is different to me. Everywhere I go the buildings I see are hundreds of years old and so packed together that they are like massive rocks in a stream, forcing the streets to bend around them. It seems that everywhere that it is physically possible for a car to go is a street and everywhere one’s feet can take them is a sidewalk. When the two overlap (as they often do) I expect there to be pandemonium and injuries, but every time is the same. Pedestrians


and drivers proceed calmly and with patience until the impasse is cleared as if it is the most logical thing in the world for a car to share the same space with 20 people on foot. I have been delighted to see cultural and racial diversity on a scale that I never could have imagined would exist outside of the great melting pot of America. Everywhere I go people of all ages, shapes, colors, and beliefs are interacting in one big vibrant community.


Big and Tiny, Bright and so French… I sat with my colleague at Place des Célestins and did some reading. The Place des Célestins is a square in front of the Célestins Theatre, surrounded by small bushes and trees. The use of materials is very interesting because it suggests that there are different areas in this square. The ground material in front of the Célestins Theatre is light yellow tiles. Behind this scene a next scene unfolds with two bodies


of water and a tiled bridge and beyond

with footballs. Why is this square such

that is the square. How the square

an attractive place for people? Is the

was used caught my attention because

design of this environment inviting?

people didn’t experience any of these


areas as boundaries. Two little boys

But where is the celebration of the 14th

were playing with a football. Their

of July, of le quatorze juillet? I could

dad was talking to other men but also

not recognize what is special about the

watching over the boys. The children

14th of July in Lyon. But when the sun

used the entire open space of Place

came down the city of Lyon changed.

des Célestins. They even saw the water

Suddenly people came from the east

as an extra challenge. In the afternoon

side and went to the riverbanks of the

the Place des Célestins attracted more

Saone to see the fireworks. The pace of

people who gathered and sat on the

the fireworks was slow and then sped

benches in the square and on the

up. Fireworks were launched from

theatre stairs. Other kids were playing

two separate places, the one reacting

“Why is this square such an attractive place for people? Is the design of this environment inviting?”

to the other culminating in hearts and

it -- the architecture with its classical

smiley faces.

references appeals to me. The decorative elements -- the balustrades,

I expected that the City of Lyon would

mansard roofs , pastel stone and

be a typical old French City. But my

plaster walls, sculptured additives that

first impression doesn’t match my

serve no function but delight the eye!


Harmony, balance. The pedestrian promenades. The human dimensions


of the city. The streets with photo-op vistas. The sand castle churches. The

I said "graceful" -- what did I mean?

squares with fountains, trees, benches

I used it in reply to Peter's request

quietly enjoyed by Lyonnais of all ages.

for a defining adjective -- from my

Graceful. Perhaps the sounds that I

subconscious or from a desire to fill

listen to closely to because I don't know

the void? Yes, "full of grace." Let's face

their meaning. 25


Celestial Musings

contrasting symbols of

Our room has a view

revolution, Place des

of the beautiful theater and the square in front, and we are a five minute walk from the Saone River. I spent today walking very slowly over a two mile area of pedestrian streets, public squares, and shops and restaurants. I saw break dancers, groups of adolescents, young families, and old people, strolling and enjoying the warm sunshine and a day off from work. It all seemed quite idyllic

royalty, Louis IV, and Jacobins. I thought of the connections to water. The fountains, the two rivers, and the life-giving importance of water to human life. A sculpture on the façade of the Palais of Commerce and Industry depicts a sort of Adam swimming with the current and seems to connect the life of the

“It made me think of the Japanese scientist who took magnetic images of water crystals, revealing their reactions to human judgment.”

city to the vitality of the rivers. It made me think of the Japanese scientist who took magnetic

RON Quaint

images of water crystals, revealing their reactions

First time in Lyon. As an

to human judgment. The

architect, my prejudice

crystals were beautiful

is certainly the spatial

and symmetrical when

way of looking at Mercier

labeled with love and

Street: space, voids,

praise, and they became

buildings as borders

distorted when the

of this space, facades

scientist sent impulses

as outside borders of

of anger or hatred. So,

city spaces (and inner

cultural display.

as the life of Lyon is

spaces). But having read

nourished by its rivers, I

Jane Jacobs, recognizing

I saw water features in

hope I will learn from this

her way of looking at the

city, ways to bring back

city and her ‘concern’

blessings to my own.

about how my kind of

to me. The tourists were international— women wearing head scarves, young people speaking Chinese, a quai-side bazaar offering unfamiliar music, and a holiday crowd blended together to offer a multi-

three major squares and people gathered to enjoy the fountains gushing water. The fountains 26

themselves offered

people (architects, urban planners) have in fact

a short-sighted view of

This part of the street is

My head spinning with

the city as phenomena,

much more anonymous,

all of that and more, we

I urge myself to borrow

much further away from

started out towards our

some other pair of eyes.

oneself and with that

assigned location. My

But a prejudice is like a

much less a ‘street’ that

first, snap impression

maelstrom; it’s hard to

fits in this part of town.

was both honest and

get away from it.

ridiculously judgmental – It would be interesting

a wide street packed end

When talking about

to know if people using

to end with restaurants

what atmospheres

one or both of the streets

that just smacked of

the street gives us, the

feel the difference.

tourist chic. Why would

word ‘quaint’ comes up.

Maybe they see it as two

you cram this many

I don’t know what the

different streets, maybe

eating establishments

word means, the others

we have been fooled by

together if not to cater to

explain that it means that

the name of the street

the spendthrifty tourist?

the atmosphere feels

which is, for us, the

Not fair, I thought. Not

authentic, real, organic

same. Would they like

fair at all. There was no

, natural. I think ‘quaint’

to live in each other’s

way to tell who among

describes well the south


the diners belonged in

end of Mercier Street, but

Lyon and who was a

the north end feels more


desolate, more void,


empty, in Jane Jacobs

It’s Alive....but Does It Fit?

words: destroyed. And

The second impression that filtered in was that

although the facades

It seems an impossible

it was a place teeming

of both ends of the

task to form a ‘clean’ first

with life. Almost every

streets are the same -

impression. I am fairly

outdoor table was

classic housing of the

sure you cannot look

occupied and every

18th century - the new

at a place without the

building we passed

apartment building is

distorted, layered lenses

well cared for and well

quite destructive in this

comprised of years of

maintained. There

northern street. Maybe

experience. What do I

was so much color, so

that is the reason for

‘know’ the French do here

much energy, and so

the empty terraces, the

and how much of what

much input. I tried to

abandoned street, the

I see today will be the

remember what I was

hobos on the porch, the

result of my looking for

to observe. Clothes,

people walking through.

what I expect?

people, interactions,


“Looking up I saw how quite beautiful and elegant the row of buildings on rue Victor Hugo actually is.“



conversations, space. I noted a casual

such a character speak boldly of the

feel, a sense of ease and comfort even

character of our assigned streets.

in the middle of all that activity. There was a vibrant sense of life in

Though, I’d rather have deciphered

this small microcosm of Lyon, from

first the demeanor of the French

the crowded street side restaurants to

couple, the Asian tourist, the text-

the quieter, more residential section. I

focused college student who passed

recognized the life breathing through

by my bewildered and mildly anxious

the space and then I realized that

gaze. Eaves-dropping is a game at

beneath the confused muddle of

which I excel. Indeed, I’d prefer to

my thoughts and emotions and the

have wandered with my lust for the

seemingly disjointed observations

architecture and thirst to know

about the area that I feel like I fit

more than merely my partners’ names.

here. I get a sense of belonging

I’d like to have kept my wallet in a

and of comfort, language barriers

locked hotel room. And instead, to


have placed a premium on my sensory revelations immersed in a seven-

SHAD Propensity

storied city plagued by millennia of human conquest and splendor would have put that anxiety at ease. (Or would it have made me less

One’s experience in a city is no


doubt characterized by the events experienced as one enters that city;

This city, as ancient as any I’ve ever

no less than by the demeanor of that

visited, speaks from sunken rivers

soul’s biased expectations. These

flowing through a symbolic relief

acknowledgments fail to present the

sculpture positioned centrally amidst a

maelstrom of one’s buzzing about

prominent marble landmark that pays

newly minted acquaintances as that

homage to commerce. How different

experience percolates. I thus

than Rome can be this place one refers

offer Lyon as a center of “capitalism”

to as Lyon? Its architecture no doubt

bearing witness to my partners’

hastens to reference both Bernini

excitement shopping for both goods

and Palladio; yet its present denies a

and conversations accumulated while

passive reverence for such masters of

acquiring ice cream. Indeed, I willingly

form and space. I know there’s more

partook in such capitalist delights

than meets my senses.

knowing full well that interactions of


“This city, as ancient as any I’ve ever visited, speaks from sunken rivers flowing through a symbolic relief sculpture positioned centrally amidst a prominent marble landmark that pays homage to commerce.�



to a new day, one with

of la deuxieme guerre

Texture of Lyon

more regular business,

mondiale; the resistance

more of the “normal”

at work, courage beyond

First impressions are

Lyonnais daily grind to

imagination. As we amble

reflect upon. Even as I

in this seemingly tranquil

write that, I wonder what

quartier I begin to see

does “normal daily grind”

folks walking along and

even mean? My first

they do not appear to

impression began with

mind that nothing is

texture…Lyon seems, in

open. They link arms,

my nascent estimation,

they hold hands, they

a friendly, relaxed, and

appear content. No,

slow-paced, profitable

something more, they

city; and I feel as though I

seem contemplative

have not even scratched

to me; they seem

the surface; however,

comfortable in their own

that will soon be


often true and then untrue—I think the same holds for Lyon—I look forward to seeing the differences in perception at the end of our time here. ‘Textured’ is the adjective that I give Lyon at this moment because I first noticed the layers of the city—the modern and efficient rail system and station, classic French architecture, cobblestone

remedied! The other thing that

streets that bespeak history alongside chainstore commerce... it’s fascinating, really, to ask ‘why’. I don’t yet. The beauty of the area— the trees and people near them, apartment facades with flowers spilling out of the window boxes, fountains being enjoyed by the children and later this evening, the immense crowd thoroughly enjoying the Bastille Day celebration— it all seemed a bit surreal. I look forward 32


strikes me is this. In the company of my three

Contemplation d’une

new companions it

culture: les premières

becomes abundantly


clear that we are viewing this Lyonnais world

It is le quartorze

through remarkably

juillet…many streets

different lenses. As we

surrounding our

endeavor to perceive the

destination are quiet.

idiosyncratic nature of

Businesses are shut,

those around us, their

streets are solemn,

streets, their shops,

shops are silent. I walk

their buildings, their

with my companions

characteristics and

through the Place des

mannerisms…I expect

Jacobins and I think first

to observe an organic

of revolutionary travail

outgrowth of this culture

and then of the horrors

as it stimulates different

sensations in each of us.

around me, the young girl who is smoking, the

I notice the surprising

amorous couple, the

paucity of cell phones

loquacious teenagers,

and, in their place,

the intent businessman,

delightful engagement at

to wonder if people live

many café tables, some

behind those drawn

cheery people at lunch,

windows high above

chatting serenely, and

the closed businesses,

elsewhere, in contrast,

to imagine what shoes

a couple in the midst of

might signify, or the

grumpy silence. Two men

cadence of speech, or

‘walk’ a couch down the

measured gait.

“Looking up I saw how quite beautiful and elegant the row of buildings on rue Victor Hugo actually is.“

street, a roller blader with untied shoes carries

Hugo actually is. Three

a second pair in his arms.


I notice the silence of

Les Flâneurs lyonnais

passageways, the glances

or four stories high, high windows, iron balconies – some with pots of

of folks on their ways

A relaxed pace, no one

flowers and plants. A

to busy restaurants, the

seems in any kind of

private space that truly

clattering of dishes and

hurry. No one seems

enhanced the public

the yummy smells of

to have any specific


food at one end of the

destination. People

street, empty seats at

wandering, conversing

We arrived at the end

others further on.

and heading nowhere

of rue Victor Hugo

in particular. “Flâner” is

which turns into a park

I will try to get the ‘feel

what came to mind to

(parc Carnot we were

of this city’, a place, a

describe the main activity

later told), bordered by

neighborhood, to discern

of the people I came

a number of terraces

how this place manifests,

across on my way to and

where people were

projects, or hides the

through la rue Victor

sitting, conversing and

past. I decide I must ask


having a drink. Lots of

“why of what”. I must

green, mature trees and

question if it is possible

Looking up I saw how

a memorial dedicated

to attain the privilege

quite beautiful and

to the battle of Verdun.

of peering through the

elegant the row of

Children and one adult

perceived lenses of those

buildings on rue Victor

splashing each other



with water from some kind of pump.

I’ve read about the Roman ruins still

Each bench along the grass was

preserved from nearly 2,000 years ago.

occupied by one or more individuals,

Lyon seems to be a city that embraces

sitting, conversing. Children were

the past while also continuing to move

playing soccer. And to the right, a

forward. I saw ample evidence of

group of bearded women including a

new technologies, including a flock of

bearded Marianne. They were part

tourists on Segway scooters. I saw the

of an activist group called ‘La Barbe’

now ubiquitous cell phones, but I also

and handed over their manifesto. Too

saw a number of people just sitting

many government representatives are

together in a public space to chat.

male. Any level of government could

Parents played with their children

expect a visit from representatives of

while grandparents sat on benches

‘La Barbe’ when 80% of their ‘assemblé’

to observe. Almost everyone we

consisted of men. She was passionate

approached was smiling and willing to

about the cause, had trouble keeping

have a short chat with us.

her beard straight and her hairy armpits reminded me of how feminism

The cobblestone streets with beautiful

is viewed by some (many?) of my

buildings topped with red tile roofs


and cheerful containers of flowers are lovely and have a vibrant feel.

We walked back through rue Victor

Despite their age, most have been

Hugo toward Place Bellecour. A group

beautifully maintained and the intricate

riding segways raced across the square

woodwork, corbels and ironwork make

and stopped at one end to take a group

me feel like I’ve stepped back in time.

photograph. Others were much less

I’m delighted to see how the city of

active. Sitting, conversing, observing,

Lyon has not destroyed their historical

drinking a beverage, in short ‘flâner’ on

heritage to put up cookie cutter homes

Monday afternoon July 14th in Lyon.

and businesses, but rather has kept true to its ancient roots.


I look forward to learning more about

First Impressions: A Historic Heritage

this beautiful, vibrant city and its friendly people!

During the walkabout today, I was impressed at the historic connects still amply displayed. There were old churches lining the cobblestones, and



“Lyon seems to be a city that embraces the past while also continuing to move forward.“


Tuesday Observation # 2

Layers of Lyon: Food, History, Secrets “The first time I heard Einstein’s advice about the way to view the world, it seemed rather foolish to me.” Kristen A Layer of Lyon

carts with compartments

I sit on stone steps

shopping lists and dinner

warmed by the morning sun and fasten my eyes on the Quai Saint-Antoine market—a riotous splash of color and scent, quiet and energy. The sellers are confident, comfortable with the customers perusing their wares. They know their product and it delivers— you can sense their pride and they share it—“Bonjour! Voulezvous goûter?” Many don’t resist, they try and they buy, happy with the purchase they came to make. The buyers are prepared, toting woven baskets with worn 38

leather handles, pull for fruit, for vegetables, party menus. What else could one gentleman need with nine zucchini? The market is but one layer of the real Lyon, one piece of daily Lyonnaise life—that piece, when coupled with traboules, show a thicker, richer side of how the streets have been or were once used. Was the Quai Saint-Antoine market still held daily, as the traboules were used for silk-workers, for possible Resistance fighters and their careful navigation of Lyon?

Shad Almost at Ease Three women, entirely unfamiliar and new to me, emerge from a traboule - one that does not appear on our map. I’m distracted, and curious to learn what they saw. I hesitate, but engage one by saying “Bonjour, qu’est-ce que vous avez trouvé dans la traboule?” I’m not even sure that I said something, but the one in the middle (and incidentally, the best dressed among them) replied in English with something akin to: “There’s not much in that traboule, there are better ones down the


street”. I was somewhat

cleverly quaint in its

and the perfect weather

stunned to learn that

obfuscated light and

encouraged strolling and

someone might be able

serene silence. Upon

observing. I watched and

to understand my French

entering this latter space,

listened as a middle-aged

mutilations, and even

at once we began to have

woman chatted with a

more surprised to hear

fun and gel as a cohort.

man buying peaches.

her reply in English. The

My understanding of this

They obviously knew

three strange women

unique city has begun its

each other from previous

with clear New Jersey


encounters and were

accents continue walking

discussing the man’s

south as I notice my

vacation plans. The farm

cohorts have entered a



One Must Regard the

he was spending his

Universe As a Friendly

August vacation and he


described his plan to visit

In this brief and rare moment, I became

Greece. In her turn, she

content with the day’s

The first time I heard

explained the rigors of

adventures. We started

Einstein’s advice about

farming in the summer

our afternoon with

the way to view the

and the necessity to

trepidation, nervous

world, it seemed rather

work even harder in

about the expectation

foolish to me. In light of

August. Interesting to

of “finding” folkloric

wars, famine, injustice,

me was that she was

Lyonnaise treasure

and other cruelties

displaying high good

chests; “Are you sure that

only too apparent,

humor as she replied,

counts as a traboule?”

how can one ignore

“but in my dreams I’ll be

Indeed, by the middle

all too obvious misery

going to the Caribbean

of the afternoon, we

and insist on a positive

this winter”. The lively

successfully map “the


nature of this exchange

best and the worst


woman asked where

actually revealed her

of Lyon’s traboules.”

I shopped at an open-air

contentment with her

Whereas one seemed

produce market on the


rather anticlimactic in

Quai des Célestins at 9:00

its simplicity and lack of

on a Tuesday morning.

All during the rest of

clandestine relationship

The fruit and vegetable

the day, I continued to

to the rest of the city-

tables displayed the lush

meet friendly and happy

scape, another seemed

offerings of surrounding

people. I spoke to three

perfectly hidden, yet

farms and orchards,

teenagers, asking about

school and job prospects in Lyon. They seemed pleased to talk, and when the three passed us later as we were sitting at a café, they waved and smiled as if we were old friends. I

In unfamiliar places, especially big cities, we think it realistic to react with suspicion and fear, causing reactions that breed hostility and aggression.

asked a man and woman sitting on some steps if they could direct us to the traboules. They opened the magazine they had just bought, turned to the page, and gave me the magazine after pointing us in the right direction. Clearly, by acting in this generous and compassionate way, these inhabitants of Lyon necessarily reveal their own spirit of contentment. In unfamiliar places, especially big cities, we think it realistic to react with suspicion and fear, causing reactions that breed hostility and aggression. It seems that no one in Lyon has been taught this. Did Einstein ever live here?

ANN Observation Exercise #1

her whether they spoke English. He said no and she said “un peu”. I asked if I could watch her order

The morning assignment

and she looked puzzled

on Day 2 was a challenge

but agreed. After she had

in several ways.

ordered about 6 items, mostly different kinds

My challenge had to do

of sausage, she paid the

with my embarrassing

bill and I asked her if she

inability to speak or

would mind helping me

understand French. As I

order. She kindly said she

watched, I noticed that a

would and when I asked

patron had approached

about the chicken pâté

the meat stall which my

she told me that the duck

group members had

pâté was best and then

discovered was family-

told me how to order a

owned for 3 generations.

enough for one person.

I decided to try to make my lack of language skills

As you may have

work for me. The woman

guessed, this was the

was about my age. I

high point of my day

noticed that she and the

because I had turned an

owner were exchanging

inadequacy into an asset

greetings most amicably.

and had successfully

I went close and when

negotiated a transaction

they looked my way I

-- primarily because of a

asked first him and then

gracious Lyon woman. 41

I’m learning to say “merci” instead of “thank you” but it doesn’t come easy.


There it is again -- “graceful.” I checked

an amphitheater), the ugly church,

the dictionary meanings for the

the traboules -- reminders of Nazi

Latin word Gratia to see why it kept

brutality, the street of 14th century

recurring to me. I was delighted to

homes of dispossessed Jews which

see how well it supports my adjective

ironically became pathways of escape

for this city -- charm, grace; favor,

for Resistance fighters, the surly waiter

influence, regard, friendship; kindness,

in the touristy area who was annoyed

service; gratitude, thanks. I’m learning

that we didn’t want lunch, only drinks,

to say “merci” instead of “thank you”

even though we paid 15 euros for the

but it doesn’t come easy.


The afternoon offered another view of

On balance I stand by “graceful”

Lyon in many ways -- the breathtaking

despite the insight we had today by

views from Fourvière, the truly vieux

physically entering the spaces where

Lyon -- the reality of ancient Roman

the war for freedom was fought with

presence in the form of 2 theaters (not

such loss of life and humanity.


woman behind the table seemed to

Above and Viande

make no effort to attract passers-by.

When we arrived at the morning

was working for them, however, as

market, however, I resolved to make the best of it and to tackle the experience head on. I went to every meat vendor I could find (all three of them) and asked what their specialty was. I received varying degrees of reaction and responses, but my favorite answer came from l’ardechois. The l’ardechois was a stand in the center of the market with bright red and white stripes. Unless they were practicing telepathy, the man and the

This bold and cutting edge strategy theirs was the most popular of the stands that sold meat. As with the others, I asked was their specialty was. Apparently the pate is the best, but which variety is up for debate. As I observed the people selling meat at the market and in the city I came to the understanding that they took great pride in what they did. For the woman at l’ardechois the stand was a part of her history and will eventually become 43

We found the thread of community is woven into brilliant patterns throughout all of the places we went today in the manner of a rich silk tapestry.



her legacy. They didn’t try

riverside boulevard. It’s

out a bag of nuts with a

to be aggressive and sell

not overly warm yet,

twist of his wrist, smiles

to customers walking by

not in the shade but

as he chats with his

because they believed in

the gentle breeze is still

patron, a young woman

the quality of their meat.

quite welcome. The vivid

in a long, flowing skirt

The butcher had been

reds, greens, blues, and

and wrap-around shirt,

working in his shop for

yellows of the plumpest

with a large plastic bag

37 years and although

variety of all manner of

looped over one arm.

I never saw him handle

vegetables and fruits

He accepts her payment,

the meat, I did see him

are arrayed on tables,

returns her change, and

clean a window with

shaded by block after

they continue talking for

great care and patience.

block of plastic awnings.

a few more moments.

half of the care that he

It’s a quiet affair, either

The scene repeats

uses to clean a window

by necessity – the sounds

with haricot verts or

(as I’m sure he does) then

of construction make

aubergines, beautiful

his sections are of the

conversation challenging

framboises and fluffy

highest quality.

– or by long standing

heads of lettuce. These

practice. There are

complicated steps to an

These encounters were

clearly a set of unwritten

intricate dance form the

some of my favorite of

rules for navigating that

foundational blocks that

the day. I really enjoy

these families know

create a community of

going and speaking to



inspired to see them be

At one table, a woman

We found the thread

so passionate about what

carefully lays out an

of community is woven

they do.

exact number of fuzzy

into brilliant patterns

peaches on a silver

throughout all of the

tray, her strong, sun

places we went today

If he makes his cuts with

people and I was truly



bronzed fingers deft and

in the manner of a rich

Community: Silken Threads

sure, her face creased

silk tapestry. At the

of Commonality

in concentration. She

top of the hill children

trades one for another,

played the silly bonding

The sun filters down

adds one more, cocks

games of children

though lacy layers of

her head and moves on

everywhere, running,

leaves to dapple the

to the next tray. Up the

laughing, shouting.

pavement along the

block, a man measures

Inside Fourvière, we

saw groups of people

be had! Now what?!!

coming together to

seller was attentive, his patience matching that

engage in the rituals of

Like an apprentice

of his customer. These

faith, lighting candles,

trailing the source of

items set aside, Pascal

kneeling, praying, finding

inspiration, I decided to

exuded tranquility as he

the sacred together. The

trail the buyers. For a

waited again as more

rituals of community

while I did this with one

time passed while other

here are as complex

of my companions and

transactions took place.

as those in the market

it was not long before

but here they form a

we became equally

community of faith.

intrigued by a gentle and


The hunt for the elusive

unobtrusive man. Pascal

Community and Beauty

traboule created a

was probably in his late

conspiracy among the

seventies. He was alone.

One theme that stands

visitors to which the

He carried a well-worn

out was the elegant and

locals were only too

and large wicker basket

understated beauty

happy to contribute.

with a faded red stripe

of the market. The

running through it. His

location was lovely, with

posture was slightly

a nice breeze flowing


stooped. Why were his

from the river. The

Le Privilège d’observation:

choices taking so long?

displays were even

Pascal et les courgettes

Why should I be anxious

more gorgeous, with a

to find out what would

beautiful assortment

The morning began

fill his basket? Finally,

of colors, shapes and

slowly in a quiet market

I watched Pascal place

textures on display. I

place replete with

one, two, three…nine

kept being drawn to take

exquisite vegetables and

courgettes in the metal

pictures on my second

fruits and the famous

shopping pan. Patiently

walkthrough out of sheer

Lyonnais saucisson.

he watched as other

appreciation for how

I was to observe, in

customers completed

beautifully displayed and

the company of my

their transactions, those

organized this scene was.

companions, the

on his right and on his

Merchants continually

interactions over le

left. Then five French

refilled containers and

traiteur, the prepared

peaches were carefully

reorganized containers

foods that lighten one’s

selected and placed

to display their products

culinary load, except for

next to the courgettes.

in the best possible way.

this: there was none to

Next, melons. The

The produce I observed


weren’t perfect- they

test its ripeness without

the afternoon. Is there

had blemishes and

a complaint being issued,

a connection? Let’s start

were sometimes slightly

then I did the same.

with our discussion

misshapen. But it felt overwhelmingly real.

on the church. I think Overall, my impression

it is an utterly ugly

of my observations is

church because it

I observed many

that the market isn’t

has no connection or

customers asking

so dissimilar from a

memory to any church

questions and vendors

farmers’ market back

anywhere. Is it less holy

answering them, even

home in North Carolina.

then? No, to be honest.

though I couldn’t

In both, the goal is to

I don’t care if anyone

understand the actual

buy and sell, but a lot

feels ‘holiness’ about a

words. I was relying

of socializing also takes

church. I see a church

on body language and

place there, too. I’ve

as a specific building,

context and the few scant

run into many friends

but still a building in a

words of French that

and acquaintances at

history of comparable,

were sufficiently close to

the farmers market,

likewise buildings. And

English or Spanish words

as seemed to be the

because this church

that I could muddle

case here in Lyon,

doesn’t try in any way

through it to make

too. The items were

to make a connection

meaning of the situation.

certainly displayed more

with the symbol ‘church’,

A customer would ask a

attractively than what

and (even worse) is also

question, and the vendor

I’m used to, but it was

not a creative way of

would come over and

the atmosphere that was

interpreting the symbol

have a chat, sometimes


‘church’ in any way,

for a minute or longer.

I think this church is

In most cases, the

ugly. It lacks, so to say,

customers would either


then collect items in a


large tin pan, or would


honesty, it lacks being itself, being (I don’t want to use the empty word

allow the vendor to select

A strange day. The

authentic here) honest

for them. I wasn’t sure

facilitators sent us to

toward the idea it stands

what the rules were, so

two completely different


I tried to imitate others

places: the Quai Saint

in getting personal with

Antoine market in the

What connection is

the produce. If someone

morning and the walk

there between this kind

else picked up a peach to

along the traboules in

of dishonesty and the

The church does not look like a church and thus creates a kind of tension between the outside and its use.

in something else than

we should try to see

what is expected.

our surroundings with

Imagine an ordinary

‘constructing’ rather than

street with shops, doors,


and walls. Some doors don’t seem to have a connection with the


façade you are looking

Tales of Traiteurs and

at. Those are the ‘lost’


doors which may give entrance to a traboule.

The traiteurs were

In these cases, there is

nowhere to be seen. The

a bell-panel next to the

situation required us to

traboules? Traboules

door. At the bottom of

improvise and to find

are hidden connections

the panel a single knob

another theme for our

between streets, crossing

without a name or any

observation assignment.

through building blocks

identification, is simply

What would it be? The

and connecting inner

‘door’ (porte, of course).

market wasn’t really

blocks to the street.

Pressing the button may

busy. The merchants

The original traboules

open this door, or may

had stalled out their

allowed one to choose

not. A well-kept secret

produce and didn’t let

one or another street

indeed: you never know

the lack of customers get

to exit into. Honest?

if the door will open.

to their ‘bonne humeur’.

No, not honest. But a

The produce was fresh

traboule hides a kind of

So here is the connection.

and the vendors looked

meaning, a specific kind

The vendor at the market

proud of what they were

of dealing with the word

is honest because he is

selling. They didn’t have

‘entrance’ or ‘connecting’.

selling his own wares

to shout it out; their

It is disordering in

and acts accordingly. The

produce spoke for itself.

comparison with the

church does not look

From the olive men to

‘normal’ order of door

like a church and thus

the flower lady who

and entrance. In that

creates a kind of tension

never stopped singing

way, comparable to the

between the outside and

(and told me to put

observation about the

its use. The traboules

away my pen and paper

church, it doesn’t connect

are hiding something.

because school was

to what is expected. It

They look ordinary

out for the summer, or

is hidden. It is wrapped

but are special. Maybe

hadn’t I noticed?)



The process of hunting for traboules is fun. The method is a bit awkward, but not if you are a child from the Netherlands. A saw a man with a straw bag and

where were these traboules? The

a list in his hand. We had decided

streets were busier, shops and puppets

to concentrate on the negotiations

and a street musician but no traboules

that take place between vendor and

in sight. Because you really had to look

customer but I found this older

for them, actually finding the first one

gentleman, grey hair, brown jacket

felt like a triumph. We did it! Intriguing

intriguing. He didn’t look as if he knew

passageways, beautiful light, pink walls,

where to go to buy the items on his list.

winding staircases. I was curious as to

He walked from one end of the market

how big the apartments were, were

to the other. He was new at this, looked

they expensive? Was it as difficult to

a bit uncomfortable and couldn’t

rent a traboule as to find the traboules?

seem to decide which of the stalls to

But just like the market place, the pride

choose from. Though many fruit and

of the traboules’ inhabitants could be

vegetables vendors were idle, he finally

felt in each courtyard we discovered.

decided for the busiest stall in the

We didn’t come across any of them

market area. He wanted the company.

but could see and feel their presence welcoming us to their Lyon.

Quite a contrast between the market and Fourvière, from quaint stalls to a pompous basilique, from a local activity


to a tourist attraction,and from a

Getting to know the real Lyon, Treasure

singing flower lady to groups of visiting


school children. Traboules hunting is interesting. At one The descent from Fourvière

time they provided a safe and efficient

went through steep and winding

passage for silk workers. The process

cobblestoned streets. They were

of hunting for traboules is fun. The

empty except for a city worker weeding

method is a bit awkward, but not if you

a small area next to a staircase. I

are a child from the Netherlands. It is

wondered if he had ever seen the

a bit like “Belletje Lellen”, something I

traboules? At one point I grew a bit

did when I was young. Belletje Lellen

impatient, the heat was taking its toll…

is a practical joke you play as you ring 51

someone’s doorbell

unlock this door? Is this a

To control a city like Lyon

and then quickly hide.

traboule? It felt like I was

the traboules can be a

Traboule hunting gave

Alice who is discovering

problem. Traboules can

me a bit of that same

the wonderland of

be used in different ways

feeling I had as a child.

Lyon. Each traboule

such as dealing in illegal

But when discovering

is different. They all

goods or a gathering

a traboule, you have to

have a different kind of

place for people who are

push the door really hard

beauty. The staircases

preparing a revolt or a

in order to enter the

were well preserved.

robbery. I want to know

passageway. When we

But in some traboules

how they have been used

opened the first doors

we found garbage and

in the past. I want to hear

and we walked through

that’s a pity. For me

the stories attached to

the passages I thought

the name traboule is


“are we really allowed to

interesting because it

be here? Is it this not a

has a similarity with the

private area?”

pronunciation of the English word ‘trouble’. I


It was a game. Which

think the traboules are

door opens and what

beautiful but I also think

is behind it? Can we

they are controversial.

Each traboule is different. They all have a different kind of beauty. The staircases were well preserved.


“Traboule hunting gave me a bit of that same feeling I had as a child.� 54


Wednesday Observation #3

Social Construction of Spaces “Neighborhoods became homes and people became families and areas became Lyon.” Kristin

The young children

work. Confident of their

play in the only green

place and aim, they

I hope you don’t mind

space I’ve come across—

grab the can of paint,

the overlook is dirty,

make their mark, stand

neglected, overall

back, assess (imitation

holding a feeling of

is the highest form of


flattery), and move back

I can’t help but think

in for another swipe of

that the local Lyonnais

the spray. The smell of

sense this same feeling.

acetone wafts through

If I only stay with what is

the air, but laughter

happening the answer

outweighs the scent and I

is nothing, but in this

move on.

that I put down in words… neighborhoods became homes and people became families and areas became Lyon. The Croix Rousse was a fascinating blend of familiar and strange— the stunning overlooks, the quiet streets, elementary schools, graffiti art, hundreds of steps, barracks, bastions… the layers of Lyon became that much more textured. How do the people function in the variance of place? How do they appear in the space of Lyon, the gardens, shops, grocers, and apartment buildings? 56

answer is something— something powerful and observable. I sense a


way of life in Lyon that is measured in people, not

Particularly salient at

places. The grass is cool

this point in my “CAT”

and the breeze blows

journey is Alan W.

through the makeshift

Grose’s appropriation

courtyard—jardin of

of Plato’s cave allegory

primary children spray

in “Platonic Thoughts

painting cellophane—

of the Frustrations of

mini graffiti artists at

Experiential Learning and



sign, or tag, their art. Its

by way of enticing color

lack of dependence on

or formal attributes –

Grose offers: “It is only

an academy, or gallery

the graffiti artist. Like

in the individual mind

for that matter, elevates

any worthwhile art

that the world makes

graffiti beyond the

form, it bends the mind

sense…that the world

pretext of dependence

beyond its once static

will fail to make sense.”

upon theories of beauty

awareness of that which

Art, in the postmodern

and meaning. It becomes

it considered.

world, offers us far more

publicly private. At once,

than simply uglified,

graffiti relies upon the

beautified, beatified,

viewer to conjure its


and aestheticized

possibilities with an open

Real Life

opportunities to consider

mind. It can remain in

it; and instead in its

shadowed mystery, or

Arriving at the top of the

multiplicity we can ask

it can better be served

hill at Croix Rousse, a

almost any question

by bright illuminated

peaceful square where

of this privately public

light and an openness to

mothers pushed baby

art form. Graffiti is

multivalent readings.

carriages, old women

proudly and prominently


strolled dragging their

displayed throughout

Like any brilliant art form,

small shopping carts,

Lyon. Timeless as a

it strives to find itself,

young people were

form of art, its earliest

on its surface, “easy on

hurrying to work,

practitioners left behind

the eyes.” Like any truly

I noticed the calm

a vernacular language

brilliant art form, it exists

demeanor of all. This

of daily life supplanted

beyond its surface ever

was a place where life

within the grandeur of

changing beyond the

seemed to unfold at a

masterpiece sculpture

limits and indulgence of

very human pace.

and architecture.

its creator (henceforth referred to as: artist).

This part of the city

Graffiti serves us well

Like any progenitor of

owes a great part of its

in deciphering the

an enduring art form,

history to the silk trade,

meaning of a public

the artist challenges

the inventors of the silk

space encoded by the

the viewer to decipher

looms, and of course

private interactions

its temporal meaning.

the workers who lived

enacted by select and

Because of a tendency

with the looms in their

exclusive practitioners.

to address something

homes, sacrificing most

Indeed, these artists

more universal – if only

of the space to the loom

“Like any brilliant art form, it strives to find itself, on its surface, easy on the eyes.�

that drew my own

quality to life here that

immigrant grandparents.

has been extinguished at home. Is it the common

I set about exploring

identification with

the housing conditions

French values? Perhaps

and interviewing the

I need to look more

passers-by to hear their

closely at my city to see

opinions of daily life as

if I can discover these

lived in Lyon. I asked

aspects that I might have

the city worker hosing


down the alleyways. while eating and sleeping

He came from Tunisia

in the smaller space left

eight years ago and is


over. My city of Brockton,

raising his family here.

Is this Lyon?

Massachusetts grew as a

He is pleased with the

result of the more than

community life, calling it

Our group was assigned

eighty shoe factories that

safe and pleasant. I know

to explore an area of

drew immigrants to three

that if I posed the same

Croix Rouge which I

story tenements built

question in Brockton, I

was excited to see -- it

to house its workers.

would receive complaints

contained the remains of

After World War II, when

about working conditions

a Roman amphitheater

the armies no longer

and unfair wages, just

that pre-dated the

needed the shoes that

to start. In contrast,

Theater on Fourviere!

Brockton workers made,

two women preparing

It was built three

the industry, and the

to open their fledgling

years after Lugdunum

city that supported it

restaurant were excited

was founded, wiping

began its decline. In

about their future and

away my claim that

contrast, Lyon seems

seemed so happy to

the Romans early on

to have repurposed its

talk to us about their

brought sophisticated

buildings and renewed

prospects. They describe

entertainment to the

its economy. I hope

their neighbors as

Gauls. As always, popular

that I may witness the

convivial. I know that

loyalty to the emperor

revitalization of my

I am trying to simplify

was obtained through

city that incorporates

and understand the

bread & circuses! While I

the recent immigrants

conditions in two very

enjoyed photographing

and offers them the

different economies, but

the structure -- built with

opportunities to thrive

there is almost a spiritual

the same stone as the


“To get at the true nature of a place you have to catch a glimpse of her before she’s put on her makeup or on a day when he’s lounging around in his grubby clothes, relaxing away from his work persona.“

theaters, it wasn’t the high point of the

cafe in the Place Sathonay (we never

morning for me.

asked the meaning of the name!). Initially pretty empty, by the time we


Descending the steep paved incline

finished our drinks there were some

from The Place de la Croix Rouge

people seated nearby. I went to speak

with its apartments and gardens on

to two young women who had enough

each side, our group sought out a

English to make conversation possible.

cafe where we could sit with a drink

I found out that both were natives

and look around the area and find

of Lyon and were graphic designers

someone to help us better understand

-- one in her last year of school and

what we had been taking note of -- the

one working free lance. They lived in

graffiti at the top of the hill, the lack of

the neighborhood and liked it very

people in the area, the memorials we

much, saying it was very safe and

had seen. Attracted by the deep shade

full of families. Their response to the

created by the trees, we stopped at a

lack of people on the streets was that

husbands and wives both worked.

she’s put on her makeup or on a day

We continued our walk, ending at

when he’s lounging around in his

the Place des Terreaux, convinced

grubby clothes, relaxing away from his

that we had seen a viable, healthy

work persona.

neighborhood. My first impression of the area is of


a neighborhood in decline. I wander

down one of the few green corridors

Circles of Connection…or Random

I’ve seen in Lyon, aware that the 70’s

Ramblings from the Top

tenement style building on the right feels like lower income housing, even

My working title for today’s observation

without the tangle of wire fencing, iron

was “It’s Got Layers, Like an Onion”. To

bars, and wooden slats that surround

get at the true nature of a place you

the base. Normally I think of fences to

have to catch a glimpse of her before

keep people out but sometimes they 61

“Coffee and tea yielded wonderful opportunities to speak with others in the square.” exist to keep people in.

The pair enters the

I don’t know which it is

playground. The child


toddles off to join the other children while his

The sound of children’s

mother settles down to

laughter pulls me over

watch. She does not,

to sit on a wall in the

however, go huddle

shade of a tree. A small

with the other women.

playground is also

She sits down in the sun

nestled into the side

and pulls out an orange

of the hill immediately

balloon and begins to

adjacent to the school

inflate it. She finishes just

and I realize it is a

in time – the boy sees

pre-school. A group of

her treasure and squeals

children is completely

with delight, trotting over

absorbed in playing

to take the balloon away

with one another while

and bat it into the air.

their mothers huddle

He chases it around the

together in the only

fenced enclosure until

shade available. I can

it flies over the wall. He

sympathize as sweat slips

can’t quite believe his

down my back. A mother

precious toy is gone and

and child pair walk slowly

turns to his mother with

towards the playground,

a sound of dismay that I

their pace dictated by

can hear even from my

the child’s stride and I


am suddenly struck by how genuinely caring the parents I have seen here act with their children.


ALEX La Croix-Rousse There was a statue in the place de la Croix-Rousse. It wasn’t very tall, it didn’t have a platform, and like most statues it was passed by many without even a second glance. Depicting a young couple deep in each other’s embrace, the statue had no plaque to mark it but transfixed me with its beauty nonetheless. It wasn’t vulgar. This was no testament to sexuality or a portrayal of beastly desires. It was an expression of love and of a deep connection between two human beings. All of this captured my attention, but perhaps the most interesting aspect of the statue was the unusual material it was made of. Rather than the wood or marble or bronze, this statue was made of flesh and blood. The statue stood there at the side of the square completely uninfluenced

by the river of people

assassination of Roger

I thanked him profusely

that flowed around it.

Flavot, a brave rĂŠsistant,

for his kindness and we

Then, before my very

whose tomb we now

talked at some length.

eyes, it pulled itself apart.

stood before. After

He particularly wanted

Reluctantly the two went

reading the solemn

to know if I had been

their separate ways,

plaque we asked several

to Normandy. I told

stopping every few yards

passers-by what they

him a touching story

to look back with longing

knew of this man and

of our then twelve and

at one another until one

if they could help us to

nine-year old children

of them disappeared

translate the French. As

and their poignant

around a corner. For a

I have found in every

experiences of this

few more moments the

neighborhood, square,

horror. It was a profound

other stared at that spot

and street, those whom

conversation we had

with wistful eyes, as if

I approach (always

and I was struck by his

to somehow summon

speaking in French at

gentleness and the time

its other half to return.

first) responded to my

that he took to converse

But then the statue was

queries with kindness

with a total stranger. I

gone, and there was no

and grace. These folks

particularly appreciated

marker, no plaque, and

did not have much

his encouragement

no memorial to show

information beyond

that I continue to visit

that it had ever even

some key translations,

France and to learn the

been there. I found

which were exceedingly

language. I cannot recall

myself in the statue’s

helpful, but it was my

the name of the square

position by the end of

abiding sense that they

but I am determined

the day, looking back and

were intrigued and

to learn more of Jean

hoping to see something

pleased by our interest.

Pierre Hippolyte Blandan,

that was already gone.

ROZZY Confluence des contrastes

whose statue sits in the Coffee and tea yielded

center reminding those

wonderful opportunities

who read the words at

to speak with others in

his feet, of his heroism

the square -- an architect

and honor.

from Avignon whose The most illuminating

shared interests in World

part of our day took

War II and whose respect

place at the bottom of

for what American

the terraces where we

soldiers did on D-Day

learned of the tragic

was particularly moving.


Confluence des contrastes





in Croix-Rousse, we found a lovely

A Ghost Town

little square ringed in bustling cafés

Today, our assignment was to observe

deserved beverage after our climb

two separate areas of Lyon. The first was Croix-Rousse on the steep sides of the hill towering over Lyon. The second was the Confluence region, where the Rhône and Saône Rivers begin to merge. Visually, other than the actual geography of the terrain of one being hilly while the other was flat, the two areas looked rather similar to

and small shops. We enjoyed a welldown, and observed those around us. There were only a few people, but they were chatting, kissing hello and just reading the newspaper. This felt like a common occurrence in this small square, like this was a real community with tight knit connections. The other district we visited, the


Confluence, did not have that same

The Croix-Rousse was a steep

we saw very few people given the

neighborhood, and I question whether the original Lyonnaise people in the 1st district were part mountain goat. The Confluence area was mostly very flat as it lay at the nexus of two rivers. Both neighborhoods were very quiet areas. The buildings didn’t seem as historic or as well maintained as in other parts of the city that we saw previously, and there was ample non-artistic (to my untrained eye) graffiti. We saw very few people climbing the stairs, terraces

sense of community, probably because distance we traveled in the Confluence region and the amount of time we spent there. Many of the squares we saw during this visit were not being used to create community, but rather by apartments, individuals who were not interacting with any others. Even the Place Bellecour was filled with people today, with a market filling the northern end of the square. On Monday, Bastille Day, it was empty. So are today’s observations really valid?

and steep sidewalks that lacked steps or handrails in Croix-Rousse, and very few people period in the Confluence. It seemed like both areas were empty, like a town after a fast-acting plague

RON Freedom in Space

has wiped out the population.

As we continue to wander the city,

At the bottom of the hill, just below

about the history of this remarkable

the remains of a Roman amplitheatre

I’m making observations and learning city, but I’m left with more questions



than answers about who

observation is that

we make clear to others

the Lyonnais truly are

personal freedom is

where our boundaries

and how they live.

limited by the boundaries

are? And can we make

Sitting on the terrace

people force you to

them in a way that gives

of a cafe, two men and

respect. If your actions

other people as much

a woman arrive. They

disturb the actions of

space and freedom as

giggle. As one of the men

others, something is

possible for all?

touches the woman’s

wrong. If there are no

back, she almost tears

boundaries, nobody

his head off. The other

has anything to respect.


man seems drugged.

So the owner and the

Reality check

They talk loudly. They

square itself, make

speak and act in a way a

clear what is acceptable

When I walk through a

painter would describe as

behavior, without a sign,

city, I keep its true nature

surreal. They dominate

rules, or any written

at arm’s length. I am

the small space by the

description, what the

comfortable choosing

slightly intimidating

space is for. Unwritten

the tourist route which is

volume of their voices

rules must be followed.

safe, pristine and offers

and by their movements.

And seemingly it does

an easy access to the

Each one alone is no

not matter if it concerns

unknown. Where I have

problem, but all together

a square or a few

to go and what I have to

they pose a threat. The

people; they both need

see is clearly illustrated

owner of the bar comes

to observe basic rules

in a neat, manageable

out and softly, but in

to maintain a certain

package. The work has

clear body language,

amount of trust. So the

been done for me. I

warns the three, “behave

observation revealed

experience attractions

or I’ll kick you out”.

something we tend to

not the city.

After a few pretty quiet

forget: freedom is fine,

minutes, they order wine

but limits exist. What

The Croix Rousse has

and disappear.

do we give up, or not

nothing to do with my

want to give up? Who

natural tourist habitat.

I want to explore the

points out where the

It is Lyon, but far from

influence of social

boundaries are, and how

a standard tourist

behavior in open space

do we maintain these

attraction. I am moving

as an important issue

boundaries? Are we

in a space where one

in feeling free. What

capable of finding our

section of the population

I learned from the

own boundaries? Can

lives, a group that I had

not yet come across

I wanted to explore and

them where on the map I

in my explorations

attempt to experience

was. It took them a while

of this city. They are

what it means to live

to figure out where it was

not the shopkeepers


on the map. Is the map

of the old city or the Lyonnais enjoying a

so unreadable or is it the

drink on a terrace. They


have little in common

Inaccessible Lyon

with the flâneurs that I

difficult structure of the city? Walking away from

had witnessed during

I hope you don’t mind

the Boulevard Croix-

my first days in this

that I put down in words,

Rousse we walked into

city. The surrounding

how nice it is to explore

another neighborhood.

concrete edifices

areas of Lyon with people

It was quiet, not a lot of

connote foreignness that

from another country.

people in the streets.

subsequently connotes

If I explore an area on

There are many schools

ominousness. Initially

my own or with friends

concentrated around

I did not have a sense

we look at things in the

St Bernard’s, which was

of belonging. Had I

same way, because we

closed. Seemingly typical

not been with a group

have the same interests.

of the area, another

I would have left this

But if I am exploring an

church, the Church of

place. It had nothing to

area with total strangers,

the Good Shepherd, was

do with me.

I can talk about what I

also closed to the public.

see without censoring my

The Church of the Good


Shepherd is accused

In another moment, I entered the most

of bad design by the

magnificent traboule and

During our exploration

Lyonnais, who criticize

my perspective changed.

on Croix Rousse we saw

it as “an uninspired

The space was at the

a handful of tourists.

imitation of the medieval

same time overwhelming

I spoke to a young girl

Poitou style” and

and welcoming. Steel

in a group of 15 French

“interesting for its sheer

and concrete had

tourists led by a guide.


been translated into

When I asked her what

a communal space, a

the tour was about, she

place that facilitated the

said “the guide is telling

creation of a community.

us about some culture

It was no longer an area I

thing”. Talking to four

wanted to leave but one

French people, I asked



“When I walk through a city, I keep its true nature at arm’s length.”


Optional WWII Reflection Writing

Lyon in the Context of World War II At the Montluc Prison and the Centre d’Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation. ROZZY

and erudite guide took

two men today, Claude

Une générosité d’esprit

us slowly through the

Bloch, a Montluc/

solemnity of Montluc

Auschwitz survivor at the

It almost seems intrusive

and answered our

Montluc Prison and Guy

probing questions with

Sanglerat, a résistant

skill and grace. It was

at the Centre. M. Bloch

clear that this was more

talked about the gift of

than a job to Pierre.

life his mother had given

Recounting the stories

to him two times: birth

of the prisoners, as he

and the advice to wear

knew them, from Jean

pants and not shorts,

Moulin to the ‘butcher of

pushing him toward

Lyon’, Klaus Barbie, was a

the line of men and

sacred job. Pierre sought

away from mothers and

to communicate the

children in the line of

accurate nuances of the

selection at Auschwitz

museum’s intention to

to join the men in long

present this harsh history

pants. I wondered how

in its most accurate and

this dear and brave man

glaring light.

could stand there and

to render an observation on the things that we saw and heard today at the Montluc Prison and the Centre d’Histoire de la Résistance et de la Déportation. The horror of torture and the courage of resistance cannot be quantified or expressed, most especially because of the impossible task of wrestling with such a magnitude of unspeakable sorrow and unimaginable bravery. Pierre, our dignified 72

tell us these personal We had the extraordinary

details of his searing life,

privilege of listening to

translated so tenderly

“The horror of torture and the courage of resistance cannot be quantified or expressed.�


and respectfully by the ineffably kind

John Bailly reached out and laid a

John Bailly.

gentle had on his back as M. Sanglerat wrestled with his emotion. It was

We were given the privilege of asking

another moment of grace and an act

him questions at the end. M. Bloch

of kindness and love I shall not soon

talked about the morale and spirit


that, above all things, kept him alive. He was so young, he said, fifteen;

“What we do matters” the Holocaust

the possibility of death did not occur

museum reminds us. What Messieurs

to him. I asked him if it was morale

Bloch and Sanglerat did for us today

and spirit that allowed him to tell

will allow us to engage our students,

his story. “Responsibility”, he said. It

each other, and all those in our midst,

was the clearest moment of the past

however we might do that. We can

and the present unfolding all at once

continue to keep company with them

through the unique prism of history.

as they bear witness and transmit their

It filled this tiny room on the grounds

courage, kindness, and grace in the

of Montluc Prison and every person

face of terrifying brutality to a world

as rivited. M. Bloch stood nobly and

that is yet troubled by torturous and

resolute throughout, his arms folded

heinous acts. These extraordinary

across his chest and the number

gentle men risked once more the

8-3572, an unmistakable imprint of the

terrors of their past, transcending the

concentration camp that claimed more

meaning of community in their selfless

than ten months of his life on his left

acts of love.

arm. Guy Sanglerat, a résistant from Annecy


became a fearless liaison and force


in the resistance of Lyon, risking

I sit in the too warm room, drowsy,

his life over and over again in the

awestruck, and awkward. I have no

transmission of life-saving evidence. M.

idea what to say, how to connect here.

Sanglerat was eager to communicate

Sweat runs down my face, my neck,

his experiences, to inform, to engage

my back as it has all morning long,

all of us in facing the horrifying past

but I am aware that any suffering I am

of occupation, war, and Holocaust.

experiencing is the least to have ever

M. Sanglerat teared up and struggled

transpired within these squat, ugly

to speak when recounting the safe

walls. My mind drifts, sifting through

return of his father, a prisoner of war.

memories of my grandfather, a strong,

“I am aware that any suffering I am experiencing is the least to have ever transpired within these squat, ugly walls.”

quiet Illinois farmer who served in

was used by townspeople for target

the army in Europe in World War II.

practice. There was another story

I remember his rarer than tantalum

about a young German soldier who

stories about the war, horrible gifts he

surrendered late in the war, terror and

didn’t share until sometime after I’d

a desperate desire for survival driving

graduated from college.

him to lay down his gun. I don’t know what ending I’d expected the tale to

There was a story about the German

have but the casually brutal description

paratrooper whose chute was caught

of the villagers taking the man away

on a church steeple. He’d been

and feeding his remains to the hogs

snagged in such a way that he couldn’t

left me reeling for a reaction.

get to a knife and couldn’t work his way free. He’d been trapped on the steeple

These were the parts of the war that

all night. In the morning, his body

continued to haunt him. He told them 75



once and once only

grandsons – and it’s a

themselves in the Red

before he returned to the

sweet victory indeed.

Scare is rooted in the

present, never to take us


timeframe in which I was

there again. My dashing,

I am familiar with the

pragmatic, wonderful

events of World War


grandfather who always

II, was once fascinated

Still, the idea of Lyon

smelled of cigarettes and

with the time period and

surrendering with only

menthol; who loved my

read everything I could

a tiny whimper from the

mother and his wife so

find on the subject but

Senegalese solders is

deeply he’d have done

somehow Lyon never

troubling. The injustice of

anything for them; who

appeared. I’d read about

that whole scene makes

always wanted to travel

the famed Maginot Line,

me writhe internally with

to Australia where a boy

about the way Germany

impotent anger. It’s a

who’d once shared a

had steamrolled across

battle long over but the

foxhole with him was, by

France meeting little

emotional impact still

chance, destroyed by a

resistance. I’d heard

remains. I wanted to find

bomb right next to him.

the jokes about how the

the cemetery and pay

My grandfather, my hero,

French had a different

my respects to those

whose pain was so deep

flag in every closet for the

brave men but have

and well buried we only

invasion and I know that

found it is located a few

ever glimpsed it from the

the truth is a complex

kilometers from Lyon.


thing, locked in the

I did a little research,

past and lacking a true

having assumed that the

This man before me

contextual framework. It

French were no better

is a hero as well. He

makes me think vaguely

than the Germans in

stands among those

of my mother telling

this. I found that the

who entered that hellish

me how they used to

bodies of the Senegalese

space and came back

have nuclear war drills

were scattered across

from the crucible to tell

in school where they

the countryside by

us of it. Every hard won

would duck and cover.

the Germans who

line, wrinkle, and gray

My cynical reaction of

instructed the French

hair tell a story of a life

how they wouldn’t live to

to leave them and not

well lived. He achieved

see the mushroom cloud

erect any markers. In

the only victory that

if it came to it coupled

1942, however, they

ever mattered – three

with the inability to

went around the edict

sons with three sons

comprehend how they

by creating a cemetery

and a couple of great

could have ever found

to honor all soldiers

from Senegal, Gabon,

back and just let events

he would like to publish

Dahomey, Ivory Coast

happen. But Montluc is

his book in English and

and Sudan. The

full of images of people

that he would ask his

defenders of Lyon were

who didn’t do that and

granddaughter to help

then reburied there. It

the Centre d’Histoire

him e-publish. Had

was created to resemble

de la Resistance et de

Lyon thrown their lot

an African burial ground

l’Importation is full of

in with the Senegalese

with soil from the various

clips of resilience and

and fought the Germans

countries mixed into the

courage and hope.

rather than allowing

French earth. It seems a

them through, it would

fitting tribute to is

The element that runs

have been unavailable

something in any case.

through all the stories

as an organizational

we heard yesterday is

headquarters for the

Yet maybe I just need

the fact that had events

resistance. Had my

to try to understand

transpired even a little

grandfather been with

how terrifying and

differently, we might

his Australian friend in

disorienting it must have

have been looking at an

the adjacent foxhole on

been for France to have

image of Monsieur Bloch

that one critical day, I

their entire defense

on the walls at Monluc

would never have been

bypassed and how that

rather than hearing him

born. It’s the little things

might have sent the

tell of his three sons,

that make me wonder if

leadership stumbling

nine grandsons, and two

there is a plan after all.

back to regroup. Or

great grandsons. Had

to see how inevitable

the guards done more

it seemed that Hitler

than a cursory search

would take over and

and found the illicit

how little influence the

newspapers he carried in

French people had on the

his pants we might have

decisions made on high.

been reading Monsieur

I certainly understand

Sanglerat’s story from

how precariously

a plaque on the wall at

balanced life was at

the Centre d’Histoire

that time, how a single

de la Resistance et de

wrong word or look

l’Importation rather than

could end your existence

being in the presence

and I see how easy it

of such vibrant energy,

would have been to sit

listening to him say that

“The injustice of that whole scene makes me writhe internally with impotent anger.” 79

“I wanted to find the cemetery and pay my respects to those brave men but have found it is located a few kilometers from Lyon.�



Turning Point Essays

Introduction After the initial walkabout sketch, and a series of observations of people, places, activities, interactions, we turned to a closer examination of our individual ways of seeing and interacting, of selecting and comparing. We re-read all we had written and we wrote a focused commentary on ourselves as explorers of this particular place, Lyon.

By the final evening in this Institute you

think about these topics as you shape

will have developed your own sense of

your essay:

place – ways to ‘recognize’ Lyon, even if you are thousands of miles away.

What do you understand – or see -

Think about what stands out in your

differently about facades and secrets

visual, auditory, gustatory, imagination

in a city that presents itself as Lyon

as you think through the many places

does, than when you arrived in

and people you’ve encountered this

town? To what event(s), interaction(s)

week. You have some feeling for

or reading(s) do you attribute this

how locals, as opposed to French

understanding or shift in perspective?

people who are not local, interact with


outsiders. Think back on what incidents or observations lead you to think about Lyon in these particular ways. You’ve been gawking, eavesdropping, seeking help, eating and reading. As you write up your Turning Point Essay, reflect on the full range of sights and sounds, places and people that have crowded into your week in town. The format (categories to consider, wherever you’ve put your response to them) is familiar to you. But this time 82

You’ve been gawking, eavesdropping, seeking help, eating and reading.


Turning Point Essays

Recognizing Lyon “Neighborhoods became homes and people became families and areas became Lyon.” Kristen

a secret corridor into the

barbershop. Taking

Recognizing Lyon

heart of Lyon; how the

one suitcase to another

scent and light of Saint

train station. Going

The familiarity of Lyon

Jean stay with you or how

when told to go. These

the coldness of Montluc

(seemingly) small acts?

doesn’t leave once the

They required enormous

sun is on your face.

courage. Mssrs. Sanglerat

rests in more than just a few simple things. And her characteristics, hidden at first, are now quite recognizable. The history of Lyon is welldocumented online. I had only to enter the word ‘Lyon’ in a search engine to read about population, socio-economic standards, her Roman and Gaul ancestry, the silk trade, gastronomy, education… the list goes on and on. But this research cannot tell me how the cinnamon sauce of the Lyonnaise quenelle melts in your mouth or how the traboules open 84

and Bloch embodied This is real Lyon—

the foundational layer

behind the façade,

of integrity when they

behind the new and

fought for what they

the old—a city with

knew to be right and

strength of character

stayed strong in the face

and movement. Layered

of what they knew to be

with thick tradition yet

wrong. They still do. By

philosophically reflective,

sharing their story, their

Lyon asks us to consider

petite narrative, they

how and why, rather

invest in Lyon and in

than only when or where.

the people of Lyon in a

These layers remind

priceless way.

me of personality and character, the not-so-little

So, a shift in perspective?

parts that make up the

Absolutely. One I am

larger whole. Distributing

not likely to forget. The

Le Coq Enchaîné in one

integrity of self is my



“My quest for an experience of the senses reveals much about who I am, as much as it informs the way in which I perceive the city.”

turning point. Study

time in Lyon - if not

and research and even

literally then by way

City-as-Text are useless

of my recollections of

if there isn’t a change in

“sensory” experiences.

the ability to shift, reflect

My second reflection

on, and understand your

paper acknowledges

own hermeneutic. Lyon,

my strong, sometimes

in my humble and fairly

controverted view on art:

nascent opinion, has

“I am reluctant to limit art

integrity. Lyon is new

to a particularly narrow

and yet old, but each

set of parameters.”

place and space owns its

By art, I mean all art:

history, whether short

architecture, painting,

or long, thin or thick.

sculpture, music,

The merging of the two,

theater, and so on.

whether in modern glass

Good art versus bad art,

additions onto 18th

pleasant sounds versus

century churches or in

unpleasant images,

the modernization of

and so on, populate

Perrache, the station for

conversations with my

hastens to reference

the last deportation of

aesthete colleagues.

both Bernini and Palladio,

Lyon in World War II—I

My bias to shut out

yet its present denies

see a strength in this city.

these conversations

a passive reverence

Strength that embraces

as irrelevant or boring

for such masters of

its past, however tragic

has limited me in my

form and space. I know

and noble and moves

explorations as much

there’s more than meets

forward with grace and

as does defining art by

my senses.” I’ve been


those “narrow sets” of

trained to be critical,

rules or criteria.

even cynical, in my assessment of how art


My first impression

or history is written,

With Myself in Lyon:

of Lyon was not a

oftentimes through a

Permission to Participate

complimentary one. I

lens of the heroic, the

wrote: “How different

romanticization of a

Music served as a

than Rome can be

place or object, and

prominent theme for

this place Lyon? Its

classified neatly or

the duration of my

architecture no doubt

succinctly according to

the precepts of science or objective rationality. My quest for an experience of the senses reveals much about who I am, as much as it informs the way in which I perceive the city. My preference for the Croix Rousse brought me back to its streets last night, mostly on foot and entirely without an entourage. Was my experience, thus, more authentic? Any attempt at a conclusion will yield a less-than- interesting discourse. The dead end I continue to face takes me away from the unique flavor of Lyon, forcing me to reference Rome or London or Munich or Dublin, Chicago, New York, and even Madison, WI where I live. Rather, I ask myself, was my experience conclusive in bringing me closer to Lyon – both old and new? Yes – but only when I stopped assuming permission was necessary to enter beyond some limit.


all of human life. Perhaps

Awaken and Give Thanks

there are no neutral

Only connect the prose

that each tiny thought

and the passion and human love will be seen at its height; live in fragments no longer. -E. M. Forster E. M. Forster’s counsel to connect words and emotion in order to reach the fullness of the human potential for love reinforces the message of the narratives of the two survivors of World War II, Claude Bloch and Guy Sanglerat. In spite of the torture they endured, they use their stories with the hope that they may save others their pain. They do not ask for justice or revenge; they do not rant in anger. They tell the truth of their experience in order to teach love and compassion. To “live in fragments no longer” urges that we weigh our choices to make very certain that each minute decision reinforces and nurtures

thoughts or choices and impulse holds infinite ramifications for creation or destruction. As an observer of Lyon and not one who has participated in its history, I wonder about the seemingly random twists of fate that consign some to torture in the intentional plan of a monster to eradicate a whole nation. I marvel at the courage of those who dared to fight for justice for others. It seems that in every age compassion must be relearned. The victims of the Holocaust and the members of the Resistance in Lyon were joined by many others whose lives were lost or wounded as they fought for justice. I was also made aware of the interconnectedness of all human life when all of us who watched the testimony of the victims of Klaus Barbie reacted with such emotion. Our



empathy is a visceral reaction that is

capable of heroic action, of good faith,

a part of race memory. We know that

endurance in the face of degradation

we participate in the shared life. We

and violence, the question arose of

rejoice and suffer as others rejoice

how and why so many in this city

and suffer. My impressions and my

resisted Nazi occupation and terrorism.

experiences of Lyon will be forever a

Was it patriotism? Hatred of the

reminder of the debt we owe to the

Germans? Love of city? Mountain-

past and a charge to venerate those

bred courage? Or, like Antigone, was

of every age upon whose experience

saying NO to unregulated power

we are allowed to thrive and even

more important than life? Jean

flourish. Each individual owes a debt

Moulin stands out as a brave soldier

to the community. The lesson is that

of the Resistance who in recognition

the one life is inextricably connected

of his human limitations, brought

to all life. Our duty is to recognize

about his own death. The trial and

our connections, to give thanks, to

imprisonment for life of Klaus Barbie

remember, to serve in our turn, and to

is a testament to French heroic refusal

“live in fragments no longer”.

to descend to his depravity and engage in just retribution! How horrible and traumatic a moment in time and yet

ANN not unique in Lyon’s history except for Turning Points: Lyon 2014

its unforgivable sadistic cruelty and pervasive evil.

My Turning Point came about on Thursday with our visits to the Montluc

Yet Lyon rises from this terrible

prison, the Museum of Deportation

suffering, apparently healed. Its

and Resistance, the two testimonies we

graceful buildings, like its people,

heard from survivors of a brutalizing

have survived, the damage repaired

time who did not let themselves be

or endured. Descendants and

brutalized, and the unplanned viewing

immigrants have filled and renewed

of the video of the trial of Klaus Barbie.

them, people whose diverse ethnic

That day turned “graceful Lyon” into

presence disproves the false Aryan

a dark and frightening place, the site

myth of superiority. The city grows

of hunter and hunted, a place where

gracefully into the 21st century, with

the capacity for human darkness

hope in the future and adjusting to

confronted the capacity for human

new economies, tourism among them,

resistance to terror and pain. Beyond

while mindful of old traditions. What

the question of whether I would be

has being here taught me these last


few days? We all die, but

pieces of the city, like

died here have long

how we lived survives in

different parts of a

sinced passed. But by

monuments and human

whole. I recognized

interpreting the city as

memory and is not lost

that what I saw in these

a whole through these

with individual lives.

neighborhoods reflected

places, by reading deeper

on the people who lived

into the city as one would

there, but I didn’t make a

with text, we can find

connection to the greater

the meaning that never

city at large. These areas


ALEX Drawing Connections

were all different, just like


My perspective and

our drawings. But also

understanding of

just like our drawings,


things in Lyon has

these places are a

The Great Melting Pot of

changed a great deal

reflection of the city as a


over the course of the

whole. These shouldn’t

week. I have a new

be treated as separate

I’d done the background

understanding of what

districts to be compared,

reading. I knew that we

art is, I know much more

they should be viewed

come into experiences

about why buildings

as lenses through

with our own filters,

are the way the are and

which to see Lyon, as

that city planning has

what they should be,

interpretations of what it

been stagnant for a

and I have undergone

means to be Lyonnaise.

long time, that Lyon is

a transformation in my

Clifford Geertz said that

known as a food mecca,

perspective that Perrier

one of the schools of

and that it played a key

is mineral water and

sociological thought

role in World War II.

not Sprite. All of these

compares human action

Somehow these pieces

are meaningful and

to writing. Even when

of information were

interesting revelations,

the act is long gone, the

going to help me draw a

but none are as

meaning persists. If we

different kind of map as

important as this idea

look at the city and the

I delved deeper into the

of reflection because of

areas that we visited

city and I was open to

how it connects to how

in the same way, then

figuring out how.

we can see Lyon.

what we see now is the

great novel of Lyon. The

I quickly discovered that

All week I saw the

people who built this city,

Lyon is a complicated

different areas that

who lived and worked

space, one that

we visited as separate

here, who fought and

consists of layers. Each

“I quickly discovered that Lyon is a complicated space, one that consists of layers.”

skateboard or scooter

and hot coffee from

wheels on pavement,

a Starbucks on every

random strains of music

corner. I was really

floating on the air. A

interested in identifying

confused jumble of

how I could possible

scents contributes a new

feel comfortable in

layer to the experience,

a locale so relatively

drifting on the breeze,

exotic. Were the people

the acrid scent of smoke,

that good at building

the aroma of spices from

community? Now I am

cooked food, the sour

having trouble coming

stench of sewage, the

back to community in

exploration we took was

overpowering smell of

Lyon, partly because

like a different jewel set

perfume and cologne

my view on that has

into a glittering necklace,

and body odor, while

not changed since the

each unique, each

a mad splash of colors

beginning of the week.

sparkling with an inner

of all sorts painted the

I think these people

fire, beautiful in isolation

landscape, dark reds,

are good at community

but somehow more when

brilliant yellows, deep

building and doing so

combined together.

browns and so many

intentionally. Lately I’ve

Within every experience,


been contemplating how the space might reflect

we found all of the beautiful messiness

It’s funny to think that

the nature of the people

that goes with being

I started the week

and their interest in

human. The sounds of

thinking almost entirely

making connections and

the city create a kind of

about community,

building community.

symphony, conversations

neighborhoods, and

rising and falling in

how I felt to be in them.

the fluid rhythms

I focused entirely on


of beautiful French,

my own reactions and

De l’autre côté de la folie:

silverware clinking on

perceptions, comparing

de l’espoir et la puissance

plates, construction

what I found here to

de la grâce

equipment pounding

what I knew objectively

and grinding, the growl

was better at home like

As I looked back over

of engines, the impatient

parks, the educational

what I had written the

squawk of horns, the

system, cold sodas

words that seemed to

occasional rasp of

whenever I want them

re-emerge (the words



that were recursive) were kindness and

tomatoes, peaches, zucchini; playing

grace and gentleness. What I did not

with their children in the park, taking

think about finding in Lyon I found a

time to engage in a spontaneous game

hundred-fold. I found people who were

of soccer; on bikes, on skateboards,

exceptionally welcoming and sweet.

in paddle boats and kayaks, eager to

Shopkeepers and waiters, pleased

point out just why the traboules are

by our French and often giggly when

significant, why this particular wine

using their English. Complete strangers

will be pleasing with the canard; where

in parks and markets charmed by

to find the perfect perch from which

our questions, happy to engage in

to listen to a concert in the Roman

conversation. People who openly

ruins and for which we have no tickets;

delight in their city, who take pride in

to make sure that the food they are

their city, who want us to know above

serving is cooked well and to our liking,

all that they love their city. People

that here is a place where you can eat

who seem to caress their city in their

your picnic lunch, to be sure to see the

daily actions; picking just the right

inside of this church and to walk in that

“Lyon seems to suit its people and the people suit Lyon.”

garden, perhaps you will like this book,

eyes to Lyon. I don’t fully understand

this scarf, these mushrooms…all of it

the culture, and I never will. But I have

seemed to be a constant present and

an idea of what the people of Lyon and

merci was on my lips over and over

their city are like now. I found hidden

again. Even when it was not ancient

beauty in traboules, enjoyed lovely

or quaint or genteel or serene, it was

parks filled with laughing toddlers and

candid and forthcoming and honest.

older couples holding hands as they

Lyon seems to suit its people and the

chatted and everyone in between, and

people suit Lyon.

found a history of strength in the face of adversity.


Listening to the two special speakers

Unexpected Surprises

who had survived World War II was a pivotal moment for me. Something

Our activities through these too short

about actually being in the prison

few days have definitely opened my

where a scared 15-year-old boy was 93

imprisoned simply for

learn best by doing.

having a different faith

(should have done that

brought home the truths

more) and hear and

about World War II to me


that I’d never felt in such

Learning about Lyon

a visceral way before. I

feel their connection to the city. For myself, I need to get rid of the

read a birthday card sent

Lyon is a city like any

preconceived image of

to a young American

other. And at the same

a city as a combination

soldier from his family

time, it is a completely

of lay-out, orderly

that never reached him

different city. The thing

combined stones and

because he’d died before

is, what do we want to

spaces in between.

his birthday, and began

see when we walk, travel,

Of course I know that

to cry. This young man

are in this city? Do we

these stones and spaces

had died 70 years ago,

have the possibility to

‘house’ people and give

and probably all of this

use eyes that really SEE

way to their (and our)

family that remembers

instead of taking all we

lives. But in many cases

him well is gone too.

experience for granted?

we tend to forget this

Yet that card and the

In this sense, seeing is an

sequence of what in fact

short sentence that he

experience of more than

is the natural order: first

had never read the card

just the eyes. And this

people, then the city.

touched a part of me

last week gave me the

We build city for people

as I thought of the lives

possibility to see with a

to live in, in most cases,

ended and altered in the

lot of different senses.

people build cities to live



to hear personal stories

in. And people connect Connecting with people

not just in practical ways,

Several of our readings

is first of all connecting

but primarily through

referenced Kolb’s work

with their movements,

emotional ways: other

on experiential learning

so using public transport

people, family, deceased

and the four stages one

over and underground is

people, memories

must go through before

a good start. Taking time

(accurate or constructed),

starting over anew. I

is another important

neighbors. Second, I

had read Kolb while in

thing, so walking, sitting

think we connect to cities

graduate school, but our

and observing is a

through places in which

readings in preparation

way of connecting to

we share these memories

for City as Text had me

what happens in your

with others, known or

reflecting back on my

surroundings. Talking

unknown to us. In our

own learning style. I too

to people is important

minds we connect places,



I do so after having been here for only

was about that moment that his breath

a few days: Fourviere, Roman theaters,

launched a bubble into the air and he

traboules, Gestapo headquarters, Place

could follow it for those few seconds

Sathonay, Montluc, Confluence, Rhone

before it vanished. ‘It’s not the drawing

& Saone. I spun a web of memories

that counts, it’s the seeing’. (John Bailly)

already after such a short time.

It would be an insult to the beauty

These memories are connected with

of Lyon to say that I have discovered

people and events: discussion about

all of its secrets this week. What has

a church, Ann’s little tour which made

taken so much time, care and effort

dead stones come alive, the secret

to create cannot be explained after

and hidden connections in an almost

only 6 days. What I do know is that

underground city, a ‘guilty’ building

the experience of City as Text forces

and the story of Guy Sanglerat and

me to look at a city in a different way,

the film of Klaus Barbie, village square

a new way. The distance between

in a large city, impressive eye witness

me and my surroundings diminishes

story of Claude Bloch, a double visit

because I attempt – consciously

from two angles – north and south,

but also intuitively - to locate and

embankments and morning runs with

observe the particular layers of the city

Hannah. This is what makes this city

environment in order to establish what

come alive: to share memories with

it is, what it means, and what makes it

others. This is what makes a city turn

a unique place to live.

from ‘just stones and lay-out’ into a city of people. And I think that is what I re-

Jane Jacobs urges that to advance

learned in this week.

understanding one must “seek for ‘unaverage’ clues involving very small


quantities, which reveal the way larger and more ‘average’ quantities are

Having New Eyes operating.” If I understand this point

correctly, in order to understand a

In Parc de la Tête d’Or a little boy – no

city you have to look at what makes

older than 3 I imagine – was having the

it special, what gives it its particular

time of his life blowing soap bubbles.

character and what makes it what it is

He watched them burst, shrieked of

in comparison (if necessary) to other

excitement and started the process

cities. In other words: what makes

over again and again. The soap bubbles

Lyon, Lyon.

burst before they had the chance to get very far but that didn’t deter him. It

At one level, the ‘unaverage’ of Lyon


is to be found in its

a unique experience.

created based on how

positioning between

As a visitor entering

people can use them

the Rhône and the

the traboules you do

and have been designed

Saône. This results in

get the impression that

in such a way that it

a presqu’île which is in

it is a privilege to be

always can be used in

itself geographically

allowed to enter these

different ways. I have

‘unaverage’. It forces one

private courtyards

seen a number of what

to think about how this

and are grateful for

I consider labours of

limited strip of land can

the experience. At yet

love, the quai, the parks,

best be organised for and

another level, Lyon

the rocking chairs in the

used by its inhabitants.

celebrates its gastronomy

open space. People are

The possibilities of

and emphasizes that

comfortable in this city

expansion are not

in this respect it is the

because the context

endless because the

capital of France.

is not rigid but quite

borders are so resolute,

fluid, like the rivers that

so decisive. But the

Based on the incredibly

surround it. It is no

water, that on the one

long walks, the

wonder that time and

hand limits expansion,

eavesdropping, the

time again people have

provides for those living

conversations with

described Lyon as a good

within those borders

the Lyonnais, the

place to live. They have

all the positive things

silent moments of

made it that way.

whether it be views or

observation I think I

recreation associated

have gathered enough

with the presence of

evidence to suggest what



characterizes Lyon.

What I missed for many

But Lyon has an

Lyon really is a good

‘unaverage’ clue which

place to live because

My image of the city

they have created

the city respects its

of Lyon is obstruction.

themselves, namely the

inhabitants. It’s a good

When we are going on a

traboules. I think the

place to live because

holiday to the South of

Lyonnais is very aware of

people seem to have

France we take the route

this because they allow

had an influence on how

de Soleil. During the

visitors to enter what

the city looks like, how

holiday season this is the

is in essence a private

it has been organized.

busiest route in France. A

place and by doing so,

Everywhere you look

lot of people from North

provide their ‘guests’ with

spaces have been

European countries take



this route. The most

discover Lyon you have

with my companions,

busiest or obstructive

to open the front door.

I even opened a door

part of the route is Lyon.

Open the front door is a

for myself, to be more

So if you are driving your

new expression for me.

patient before giving an

car, you will hope that

It comes from the funny

image to a place.

there isn’t a traffic jam,

expression of “Shut the

and that you can ride

front door!” My neighbor

Lyon is a city that I

as quickly as possible

and lovely companion

will miss. Lyon has

through Lyon. It feels like

for the last days, Kristen,

neighbourhoods where

holding your breath, and

uses this expression

I got lost, but in a nice

when you pass Lyon you

when she is surprised

way; neighbourhoods

can breathe again.

about something. A lot

where I had a stair

of doors are closed when

master workout and

So my first impression

I arrived at Lyon. And

where I was rewarded

of Hotel Célestins was

every time I opened a

each time I achieved

that I felt disappointed

door I was surprised by

a new summit with a

But after talking to the

the secret it revealed. I

spectacular view; another

owner, observing Place

mean this literally and

workout, an emotional

des Célestins and walking


one, where I still see the

around this particular

Resistance; Vieux Lyon

area I started to like

But when I opened

where I had multiple

and eventually love this

the doors of some

workouts playing hide

place. The owner, his

houses of Lyon, I found

and seek using the

son and his staff are so

beautiful traboules.

Traboules,and stretching

nice and helpful. It is

When I opened the door

my waistline with all the

the first hotel for me in

I observed people using

great Lyonnaise Cuisine

France where they speak

the squares in Lyon,

before deciding on my

English. Laurent, the

people playing with their

jogging route. Mid Lyon

owner of the Hotel, gives

children in the streets,

is where I shopped and

you the feeling that you

people talking to each

learned different uses

are at home. I think he

other and taking their

of public space. I can go

is a great ambassador

time to enjoy lunchtime,

on on like this. I advise

of Lyon, because he

free time and lovely

that you too, instead of

can tell you everything

evenings. And even

hurrying through, go to

about Lyon and he also

when I opened doors by

Lyon and open the door!

encourages you to go to

talking to people in Lyon

see more of Lyon. So, to

and talking about Lyon


“People are comfortable in this city because the context is not rigid but quite fluid, like the rivers that surround it.� 100



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