Revista Oriente Ocidente n.27 (ENG) - INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE MACAU 2011

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ISSN 1680-7855





澳門 32’ 51”



Number 27 August 2011 第 27 期號 2011 年 8月


a ac

Macanese Communities: Several Portraits 澳門土生葡人社群: 象徵標誌

Rua de Berlim, 204, Edifício Magnificent Court, 2º (NAPE). Macau . 澳門新口岸.柏林街 .星海豪庭二樓 Tel電話 (853) 2875 1727 / 2875 1767 Fax圖文傳真 (853) 2875 1797 e-mail電子郵件

ORIENTEOCIDENTE IIM’s Newsletter International Institute of Macau Number 27 August 2011 Editor Rufino Ramos Associate Editor José Mário Teixeira Amélia Cheng Mei Ieng Production IIM Graphic Design Victor Hugo Design Printing Tipografia Welfare Print Run 1200 copies price MOP 30.00/ 3.00

東方/西方 澳門國際研究所.報刊 第二十七期 二零一一年八月 編輯盧文輝 副編輯戴若善,程美瑩 出版澳門國際研究所 設計 victor hugo design 印刷華輝印刷公司 發行量1200份 價格澳門幣30元/歐羅3元

This issue East/West was sponsored by Jorge Álvares Foundation 本刊“東方/西方”由歐維治基金會負責贊助出版




14 IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」



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研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」



11 IIM JOINS UCCLA 研究所獲成葡語都市聯盟成員


2010土生葡人社群聚會 12 ENCONTRO 2010 2010土生葡人社群聚會







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32 PATA IN BEIJING 亞太旅遊協會北京舉行 32 EXPO IN XANGAI 上海世博會 33 RECOGNITION FROM SHIP 葡萄牙獨立歷史研究學會讚揚研究所 33 PATUÁ 土生土語 35 AULP IN BRAGANZA 葡語大學聯會年會布拉干薩舉行 35 JUNE 10 葡國日、賈梅士日暨葡僑日 37 INTANGIBLE CULTURAL ASSETS 非物質文化遺產

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The soul of Macau is simply more than just the size of its territory: it may be expressed by the size of its communities, resident and in the Diaspora, of those born in Macau and of those who settled down herein. Surely, it includes everyone who love Macau. But to tie the pieces of this communal soul together, it will be necessary to forge solid bonds, or else it would loosen up and falter. While promoting Macau as an academic, social, cultural and economic platform of harmonious understanding between China and the rest of the world, the International Institute of Macau has made the Special Administrative Region known abroad in all its dimension and amplitude and played host to copious activities that would allow an elated insight into the cultural identity of this crossover between the East and the West. IIM’s exhibitions are roaming the five continents, showing the arts in the streets of Macau and the successful results of the application of the principle “One Country, Two Systems”, in the first decade of the SAR. IIM’s seminars have featured distinguished speakers and informed audiences who shared their views about the prospects and opportunities of Macau. IIM’s soirées evoked people and events that left their footprints in the territory’s past. IIM’s publications register for posterity those memories, images and sayings whilst spread our words everywhere. Those are the bonds that IIM sows out in the four winds hoping they will reach afar. Because wherever there is a Macanese, there is always a piece of Macau’s soul. 澳門的靈魂是遠遠超越了其所佔的地域:它存在於我們本地或海外居民、出生 於澳門或來到澳門落地生根的人心中。愛澳門,則魂存在。為了聯繫這寶貴的 靈魂,是需要團結一致、聚合力量,否則它會鬆懈和動搖。 在推進澳門作為中國和世界各地的學術、科學、社會和經濟相互了解的交流 平台外,澳門國際研究所還向世界提高澳門特別行政區的知名度、顯示其吸 引及所具有的潛力,此外,還透過舉辦不同的活動,讓大家見識到東西方文 化交流的認同。 研究所的展覽走遍五大洲,展示澳門大街小巷的藝術,於特區貫徹實施「一國 兩制」方針的第一個十年,取得好成果。 IIM的研討會聚集一班著名的演講者,與聽眾分享他們對澳門前景和機遇的看 法及觀點。 IIM的「土生葡人之夜」憶記澳門歷史足跡的人和事。 IIM的出版物為後裔回憶、珍藏相片和觀點看法留下記號,同時傳播到世界每 一角落裡。 IIM希望於四方發放的聯繫力量能傳到更遠的地方,因為只要有土生葡人所在, 這就是澳門靈魂的一塊。


Ad Memoriam 懷念

Ad Memoriam 懷念





R.I.P. ROBERTO COSTA 願他安息 羅伯托˙哥斯達 Roberto Antonio (Robbie) Da Costa, passed away on June 9, 2011. He is survived by his sister Lolita, sister-in-law Iria, Aunty Marie Figueiredo Britto, nephew Keith, 6 grand-nephews and one grand-niece, his beloved Yolanda’s grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Robbie worked very hard for many years as the President of União Macaense Americana, Inc. as well as many other leadership positions in UMA. Please keep Robbie and his family in your prayers. 羅伯托˙安東尼奧˙達˙哥斯達(羅比)逝世 於二零一一年六月九日,遺下姐姐蘿莉塔、 小姨依利亞、阿姨瑪利亞˙菲格雷多˙布里 托、侄子基斯、六名侄孫和一名姪孫女,約 蘭達的孫兒、侄孫和姪孫女。與其他聯會的 領導一樣,身為美國澳門土生聯會主席的羅 比,一直努力工作。在此,讓我們為羅比及 其家人祈禱。

Leonel “Neco” Barros was a reference in the Macanese Community for 87 years. Great promoter of the Chinese culture and of Macau’s history, he showed that he knew, as not many others, how to be a relevant part in the special meeting between the Portuguese and Chinese cultures. The tribute paid by both the Portuguese speaking and the Chinese speaking newspapers of Macau was the evidence of that fact. Author of “Macau – Coisas da Terra e do Céu” (Macau – Things from Heaven and Earth), as well as other publications about the traditions and habits of the city scenery of his life, he received a commendation from the Directorate of Education and Youth Services, still in the Portuguese Administration time. His contribution detaches from others by his attention and promotion of the several aspects of Macau’s life, especially the realities of religions, legends and traditions, that he described in a writing style full of passion and surprises, as stated in his book’s preface, by Jorge Rangel

官迪婭(Lídia Lourdes da Cunha)出生於一九 五五年,伯多祿商業學校畢業後進入公職。 早年任職於總督府,曾為前總督高斯達和馬 俊賢秘書。文禮治上任後獲任命為總督直屬 秘書,後又任反貪污暨反行政違法性高級專 員公署專員斐明達的秘書。

Neco Barros himself became, through his life and work, one of Macau’s “Things from Heaven and Earth”. 本澳中華文化學人Leonel Zilhão Ayres da Silva Barros於本年一月卅一日去逝,享年八十七 歲。「巴路士先生」是本地一傳統土生葡人 家庭的例子,本地中葡報章更表揚巴路士對 這座上帝之名的城市 — 澳門介紹中葡文化 等的傑出貢獻。澳葡政府管治時期,巴路士 曾出版過多部關於文化傳統的作品。

回歸後離開政府到澳門國際研究所工作, 於這十年期間,曾任本所秘書處主任、行 政主任和理事會助理,一直陪伴著研究所 的成長。

前教育暨青年司黎祖智(現本所主席)於九 九年出版其著作 “Macau – Coisas da Terra e do Céu”《澳門乾坤物誌》葡文版時,在 中文序言上稱讚巴路士「的貢獻在於其對澳 門生活各樣事物的關注和推廣,特別是有關 這個中國地區本身的宗教、傳說以及傳統方 面的狀況,他以熱情洋溢及令人驚喜的筆調 細緻地描繪出來」。

她的病逝使我們深感婉惜,官迪婭「能幹且 為盡心盡力」,「澳門國際研究所失去了一 位傑出的同僚,也失去了一位友人」。 願她主懷安息。

透過巴路士的一生及其作品,現已成為澳 門的「乾坤物誌」。

Lídia Lourdes da Cunha studied in Pedro Nolasco da Silva Commercial School and started as a public servant in the Government’s Palace, during the Portuguese Administration. Her career was short, but important. She was a secretary for the Governor Carlos Melancia and for the Commissary against Corruption Mendonça de Freitas. In the last ten years of her life, she was responsible for so many things that we never realized until she left us, in the International Institute of Macau.

Fair tributes come often in unfair shapes and occasions. Lídia Cunha left us before the time that we believe to be normal, and the space occupied by her absence is as strong as the discreet presence to which she had made us used to. Lídia Lourdes da Cunha watched the birth of the International Institute of Macau and was a Secretary for the Board of Directors until she passed away. No tribute can be enough as a late acknowledgement of the utmost important role that she performed during the existence of IIM and in our own. May she rest in peace.



Ad Memoriam 懷念

IIM JOINS UCCLA 國際研究所獲成葡語都市聯盟成員

IIM JOINS UCCLA 國際研究所獲成葡語都市聯盟成員 IIM JOINS UCCLA 國際研究所獲成葡語都市聯盟成員

The International institute of Macau was invited to be a member of the Union of the Portuguese Language Capital Cities (UCCLA) and the proposal was aproveved in the 28th General Assembly that was held in Luanda, on May 11.

ESCOM, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, LUSA, Cabo Verde Telecom, Aeroportos de Moçambique, Tropical Sciences Research Institute and the Association of the Portuguese Language Speaking Universities.

UCCLA is a non-profit intermunicipal association of international nature, created on the 28th of June 1985, with its office in Lisbon comprising of 21 cities of Africa, Latin-America, Asia and Europe, such as Luanda, Maputo, Bissau, Praia, S. Vicente, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Macau, Dili, Lisboa, Coimbra, Guimarães and several cultural and academic companies and institutions from the large Portuguese Language Speaking community, such as Sonangol, TAP,

UCCLA’s scope of action is, among others, in the field of economic, scientific and entrepreneurial development and cooperation, in the lusophone culture and in professional training. During the Luanda’s General Assembly there were also admitted as UCCLA members the cities of Almada, Benguela, Odivelas, Oeiras and Sintra, as well as TAAG (Angola Airlines), Visabeira and TV-Ponta Negra (Natal).

第廿八屆葡語都市聯盟 (UCCLA) 全體會 員大會於五月十一日安哥拉首都羅安達結 束,澳門國際研究所更獲通過正式成為聯 盟成員之一。 葡語都市聯盟創建於一九八五年六月廿八 日,是一個國際性的市政機構協會,屬非 牟利組織,總部設於葡國里斯本,共有廿一 個來自非洲、拉丁美洲、亞洲和歐洲等地的 會員機構,包括巴西利亞、里約熱內盧、安 哥拉首都羅安達、莫桑比克首都馬普托、佛 得角首都普臘亞及聖維森特島、薩爾瓦多、 帝力、科英布拉及澳門等地的市政機構。此 外,葡語都市聯盟還有十多間公司企業和學 術、文化機構等會員,包括葡國儲蓄信貸銀 行(大西洋銀行母行)、安哥拉石油公司、 葡國必利勝銀行、葡新社、葡萄牙航空、佛 得角電訊、莫桑比克機場管理公司和葡語大 學協會等。 葡語都市聯盟一直積極推動及參與經濟、 科學和商業發展,推廣葡語文化以及舉辦 專業培訓等。 今次在羅安達舉行的大會同時宣佈數個葡語 國家城市,以及安哥拉航空、葡萄牙建築公 司Visabeira及巴西潘塔內格拉電視台正式成 為聯盟成員,大會希望進一步加強各會員間 的了解和合作,促進國際交流合作。



ENCONTRO 2010 2010土生葡人社群聚會

ENCONTRO 2010 2010土生葡人社群聚會

ENCONTRO 2010 2010 土生葡人社群聚會 ENCONTRO 2010 THE SESSION AT THE D. PEDRO V THEATER 2010 土生葡人社群聚會 崗頂劇院 The D. Pedro V Theater set the stage for the ceremony organized by the IIM, in the first day of the Encontro of the Macanese Communities 2010. Hundreds of Macanese, from Macau and from diaspora, had a date with the old Macau, and with their genti, in a successful gathering, paying tribute to the Theater that so often was the rendez vous for these people. During the session, IIM presented the 2009 and 2010 Identity Awards, respectively to Jose Antonio Freitas, of Macau’s Holy House of Mercy, and Raquel Remedios, President of UMA. In attendance, were Gen. Vasco Rocha Vieira, former Governor, Amb. Manuel de Carvalho, Consul General of Portugal, Maria Edite da Silva, Chairman of the General Assembly of the IIM, and its President, Jorge Rangel. Mrs. Cecilia Yvanovich Burroughs, and family members, also came all the way from Virginia, USA, to bring back her portrait painted by George Smirnoff, in 1945, and made the donation of this watercolor to the Macau Museum of Arts, where this precious and only piece of portrait is proudly reunited now with Smirnoff’s landscapes and other paintings.

The session was the chosen occasion for IIM to launch several new publications, amongst which were “Falar de Nós – Vol. V & VI”, by Jorge Rangel; “Meio Século em Macau”, of J.J. Monteiro; “Things I Remember”, of Frederick “Jim” Silva; “Cinema in Macau”, English and Portuguese versions, by Henrique de Senna Fernandes; “The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong – Vol. 2”, by António Pacheco Jorge da Silva; and “Danilo no Teatro da Vida”, by Pedro Barreiros. A Macanese Chá Gordo was served in the adjacent dining hall of the Theater and set the pace of the program of the 2010 Encontro. 今年「2010澳門土生葡人社群聚會」的開 幕儀式由澳門國際研究所舉辦,正式為今 年的聚會活動揭開了序幕,過百名的澳門 和海外土生葡人相聚於昔日的澳門,天涯闊 別的新老朋友,遠房親戚相約在一起,於澳 門崗頂劇院的這個大舞台上共同渡過了一段 美好的時光。 同時,研究所也藉此機會宣佈二零零九年和 二零一零年「澳門身份認同獎」的得主分別 為澳門仁慈堂和美國澳門土生聯會 (União Macaense Americana – UMA),並由研究所主 席黎祖智親手頒發,表彰他們對澳門土生葡 人的特徵和文化方面所作出的貢獻。 隨後從美國弗吉尼亞州一家遠道而來的 Cecilia Yvanovich 女仕將珍藏多年的喬治. 史密羅夫 (1903年 - 1947年) 寶貴肖像畫原 作品贈送給澳門藝術博物館,與其他喬治. 史密羅夫的藝術作品一同收藏。


開幕儀式中,並進行了二零一零年研究所的 新書發佈會,同場作者和研究所主席分別介 紹了書中內容,引起觀眾的興趣,本次發佈 會共帶來了七本關於回顧記憶,身份認同和 澳門文化定位: 研究所主席黎祖智的《論澳論己 - 澳門,土 生葡人的事、人、機構、移民、歷史與將 來》第五及六集;前美國加州西洋會所會安 東尼.若熱.達席爾瓦的《香港葡僑社群歷 史圖集》第二集;施雲德的《吾土舊憶》; 已故葡裔作家J.J.蒙地路《濠江五十載》第一 及二集;飛歷奇博士遺作《電影與澳門 - 二 十世紀初至三十年代的澳門影業和影迷》; 同時也為了紀念達尼羅.巴雷羅斯博士的百 年誕辰,其兒子佩德羅.巴雷羅斯也藉此機 會發佈了《達尼羅的人生劇場》一書。 儀式結束後,在崗頂劇院旁,更為大家安排 了豐富美味的土生葡人菜式,讓大家品嚐家 鄉小食,午餐之後繼續進行「2010澳門土生 葡人社群聚會」的行程活動。


IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」

IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」

IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」

During the last semester, IIM’s energy on this area was directed towards Brazil, with a series of activities to show Macau and to discuss opportunities on the key role of the SAR, in bringing the above mentioned countries closer together.

The academic highlight of this series of events was the co-organization of the second part of the seminar “Macau and the China-PortugalBrazil Exchange”, together with the Institute for the Studies of China and Asia-Pacific (IBECAP), following the first part that took place in Macau.

This seminar focused on the relations between Brazil and China, and the role of Macau as a gateway of understanding between that Asian and the South-American giant. China became Brazil’s largest commercial partner in 2009 and, in 2010, the biggest foreign investor in Brazil, channeling in a volume of twelve billion dollars in direct investments. According to the presentation of IIM’s vice-president, José Amaral, “Macau has a truly important role in the dialogue between China and the Portuguese Language Speaking world”. On the other hand, according to IBECAP’s president, Severino Cabral, it is ‘crucial’ that Brazil increases its participation in the Guangdong region, “one of the most prosperous regions, where that PortugueseBrazilian window exists”

IIM shows Macau in Brazil 研究所於巴西「澳門 ── 動感舞台」 Believing that Macau has an especially significant role in the relations between China and the Portuguese Language Speaking countries, the International Institute of Macau has been developing and strengthening bonds with institutions that can broaden the understanding and knowledge about the territory in those countries.



IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」

IIM SHOWS MACAU IN BRASIL 研究所於巴西「澳門 — 動感舞台」

澳門在中國與葡語系國家間一直擔當著重要 的平台,而澳門國際研究所亦不斷加強和推 廣與當地各機構相互之間的了解和認識。 在上一季度,研究所於巴西進行一系列 「澳門 ── 動感舞台」巡迴攝影展,藉此 機會向巴西公眾推廣澳門,進一步建立更 緊密的聯繫。 續於澳門與巴西中國及亞太地區研究所共同 合作舉辦的第一輪學術活動後,隨即在巴西 進行第二輪以《澳門和中葡巴交易所》為主 題的研討會。本次研討會進一步加強中國和 巴西的密切關係,促進兩國人民之間的相互 了解。於二零零九及二零一零年,中國是巴 西最大的貿易夥伴,中國對巴西直接投資 額達120億美元,成為巴西第一大投資國; 本所副主席魏祖澤於研究所簡介會上表示 「澳門發揮著中國與葡語國家的中介橋樑角 色」。另一方面,巴西中國亞太研究所所長 塞維利諾(Severino Cabral)教授亦指出 目前中國廣東省自巴西進口量明顯增長, Also on the same subject, in the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura of Rio de Janeiro, IIM launched the publication “Macau e as Relações Económicas entre a China e os Países de Língua Portuguesa”, a book that collects, in a single volume, different perspectives related to the economic relations between China and each of the Portuguese Language Speaking Countries. The same document has already been published in English (magazine format) and in Chinese, in softcover format. On the social and institutional field, IIM continued to present the exhibition “Macau is a Showcase” across Brazil. Comprised of 51 photographs supplied by the Macau’s Photographic Association, it is a portrait of the cultural manifestations of East and West traditions with all their colours, exuberance and exoticism in the streets of Macau. After being shown in the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura of Rio de Janeiro, the exhibition EASTWEST 16

travelled to the Gabinete Português de Leitura of Recife. In the opening ceremony, amongst the visitors, there were the Portuguese ViceConsul, members of the Board of Directors of the host institution and many personalities from Recife’s cultural and academic life. During the ceremony, the President of its Board of Directors, Vicente Miranda, honoured the International Institute of Macau with the Bronze Medal of the Commemoration of the Six Hundredth Birthday of the said Gabinete. In response, IIM’s Vice-President, José Amaral, made a brief presentation about IIM and offered the Gabinete a collection of our publications. A cooperation protocol was signed between the IIM and same institution, in order to expand the relation between both, towards a common goal of creating communication channels between China and Brazil. Before leaving Recife, the exhibition made another successful appearance at Fafire University, a well known and prestigious academic institution of

「中國其一最繁榮城市中,亦有為巴葡敞 開了大門」。 同一活動中,澳門國際研究所於巴西里約熱 內盧國家圖書館內進行了《澳門與中國及葡 語國家的經貿關係》(葡文版)新書發佈 會,重點介紹目前中國與每一葡語國家間的 經貿合作發展情況,該書亦已編制成中文及 英文版出售。 於社會文化方面,由澳門國際研究所主辦、 澳門攝影學會協辦的全球巡迴攝影展「澳門 ── 動感舞台」繼續進行,展出攝影學會會 員作品五十一幀,向世界各地展示中西文化 傳統色彩的澳門街頭藝術。 於巴西里約熱內盧國家圖書館舉行的攝影展 結束後,隨即遷移到累西腓國家圖書館進 行,於開幕禮上,圖書館董事會主席Vicente Miranda高度讚揚研究所並贈送其圖書館六 百週年紀念銅牌,是次開幕禮有葡萄牙副領 事、當地機構多位董事會成員、學生及對文

化感興趣等人士參與出席;本所副主席魏祖 澤向圖書館贈送一套研究所的出版物,並向 大家做了研究所的簡單介紹;隨後,雙方簽 署合作協議,進一步密切雙方關係,共同建 立中巴良好溝通渠道。離開巴西累西腓前, 「澳門 ── 動感舞台」亦於伯南布哥州擁有 一萬六千多名學生的着名Fafire大學舉行。 全球巡迴攝影展旅程繼續展開,下一站轉移 到巴西利亞的國家圖書館內進行,自二零零 八年,免費開放給公眾入場參觀,於二零零 九年,參觀人數達到十七萬人次,而二零一 零年,更吸引超過二十萬人次入場。 二零一零年,「澳門 ── 動感舞台」亦已走 遍聖保羅和里約熱內盧等多個城市。 俗語說:「一畫勝千言」,這巡迴展亦是研 究所履行使命中重要的貢獻,向世界各地展 現澳門中西文化相融的特色。

the State of Pernambuco that has a population of about sixteen thousand students. Continuing the journeying, the exhibition went on to Brasilia where it delighted the Brazilian audience in the National Library which, although a young organisation, has been planned in the 60s and built under a program for the administrative capital as part of the cultural complex. It was open to the public, since 2008, and received about 170,000 visitors, in 2009, growing up to over 200,000, last year. The exhibition “Macau is a Showcase”, besides visiting the above mentioned cities, has already been to São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, since 2010. Because “an image is stronger than a thousand words”, this itinerant exhibition is an important contribution to IIM’s mission, to show Macau to the world, as a cultural centre with eastern and western dimensions. EASTWEST 17





In April, the International Institute of Macau organized another exhibition of old postcards, belonging to João Loureiro’s Collection, hosted by the Clube Militar. The exhibition is composed of a hundred and seventy photographic postcards, from the end of the nineteenth century until the sixties, depicting Indian State (Goa, Damão and Diu), Macau and Timor and including, still, a brief introduction to give an historical context, related to the ancient “Portuguese Empire” and “Padroado do Oriente”.

Since then and until the last year of the Twentieth Century, when Macau’s administration was transferred to China, about five centuries have passed by, and throughout this period, the Portuguese language and cultural influence reached faraway lands from the Indian and the Pacific, in a global scale. It is precisely this Portuguese cultural heritage in the Orient that the exhibition wishes to highlight,

as well as several aspects of the geographic, architectonic, social and human landscape of those territories that experienced its impact – documented in a particular and expressive way in the postcards –, contributing by this way to widen the knowledge about that culture and to motivate its preservation.” (João Loureiro, Member of IIM’s Board of Directors)

於四月,由研究所全力支持和主辦的羅羨 仁博士珍貴明信片展覽在澳門陸軍俱樂部 完滿結束。 展覽會上展示了上世紀六十年代印度國家(果 阿、達曼和第烏)、澳門和東帝汶等地的老 明信片,共一百七十多張,并附有當時古代 帝國及東方傳教士的歷史簡介。

阿豐索•德•阿爾布科爾科、葡萄牙詩人賈 梅士和羅馬天主教傳教士聖弗朗西斯•澤 維爾等,與水手、士兵、商人和傳教士們 一同組成的航海隊伍,經過充滿神話的莫 桑比克山谷。 在過去近五個世紀,葡萄牙語和它的文化影 響也跟隨飄浮來到印度及太平洋等地,直至 二十世紀,也一起見證了澳門回歸中國。

正是因為這種於東方的葡語系文化遺產,所 以在明信片中各方面的地理景觀、城市規 劃、建築物、社會及當地人的生活上,都可 看到有它的影響,同時,希望透過這次展覽 活動,為參觀者提供歷史知識,並鼓勵他們 對這種文化財產的保護。」 (國際研究所現任理事羅羨仁)

「在十六世紀開始,已經有很多傑出人物, 如葡萄牙探險家瓦斯科•達伽馬、葡印總督

“The Orient that started to be discovered by Portuguese navigators, soldiers, traders and missionaries, had its matrix in the mythical Island of Mozambique, land where, among many other known ones, Vasco da Gama, Afonso de Albuquerque, Camões and S. Francisco Xavier transited.






The Macanese Soirée came back to talk about the past and to bring it to a present that still has a place for it. That is what happened on the fourth of April, when among stories and memories, two names were invoked. Two personalities who left a mark in Macau: Graciete Batalha, a ‘great teacher’ with a civic and political intervention, and J. J. Monteiro, the ‘simple man’ who gave poetry to this land. Américo Leong Monteiro and Jorge Cavalheiro presented, by that order, the books “Meio Século em Macau, (Half a Century in Macau), Vol. I and II, written by J. J. Monteiro, and “A Professora Graciete Batalha” (Professor Graciete Batalha), of António Aresta. This glancing back into Macau’s Liceu (Lyceum), by mean of a late tribute to two well known personalities of the history of that institution, each one in its own way, marked IIM’s plan to reinstate the frequency of the Macanese Soirée, as a common place to share memories and stories.

In the following week, another session gave the public an opportunity to get to know better the role of the Forum for the Economic and Commercial Cooperation between China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries, during which the following communications were presented:

研究所於四月四月向已故澳門土生葡語專家 白妲麗和已故詩人老蒙地路致敬,舉行兩新 出版物《白妲麗老師》作者António Aresta和 《濠江五十載》作者J. J. 蒙地路的簡介會, 並邀請到歷史學者賈祖裕和老蒙地路長子蒙 地路為本次活動的主講嘉賓。

“The role of Macau as a platform in the relations between China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries”, by Rita Santos, Assistant Secretary-General and Coordinator of the Permanent Secretariat, representing the Government of Macau, which illustrated the role of the said Forum, supported by data that showed the growing interest of China in the Portuguese Language Speaking Countries, as well as the growth of the bilateral trade relations; and

白妲麗和老蒙地路生前對澳門文化事業貢獻 良多,在本地葡人社群中頗具聲望,今次研 究所舉辦的土生葡人之夜,使大家回到澳門 利宵中學時代,多名白妲麗和老蒙地路的家 屬、生前友人、舊同僚和舊生等社會人士均 出席了活動,共同回顧這段珍貴的記憶。

姍桃絲承諾將繼續努力,發揮澳門的平台作 用,根據統計數字,中國對葡語國家市場投 資仍存有很大的興趣,並指出目前雙方貿易 交往不斷持續增長。具豐富外交和國際經驗 的羅茂德則分析了中葡論壇辦公室的性質, 說明葡韻嘉年華及語言文化傳播的重要,並 指出中國對葡語各國的開放合作關係,購買 葡萄牙的救助債券等。

隨後,澳門國際研究所《澳門聚焦》特刊 《澳門與中國及葡語國家的經貿關係》 (英文版)於四月十八日首發,中葡經貿合 作論壇常設秘書處輔助辦公室主任姍桃絲、 副秘書長羅茂德和國際研究所主席黎祖智共 同主持首發式和講座。

研究所及澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋於四月二十一 日合辦另一場土生葡人之夜—《醫‧詩‧ 畫的藝術》講座,演講嘉賓Pedro Barreiros 醫生,出生於澳門,是一名藝術家及作

“Macau’s Forum and the PortugueseSpeaking Countries”, by Amb. Manuel Amante da Rosa, Assistant Secretary-General of the Forum, where he stated the fact that the development levels of the involved countries being different, makes the Forum’s work harder, obliging different measures to different countries. He referred the Festa da Lusofonia and its importance in the spreading the language and culture, and China opening up to relationship with the Portuguese Language Speaking Countries, evidenced by the recent purchase of Portuguese bonds, of sovereign debt.

中葡經貿合作論壇常設秘書處輔助辦公室 主任姍桃絲、副秘書長羅茂德分別以「澳 門在中國與葡語國家中的平台角色」和 「澳門論壇與葡語國家之間的關係」以題 發表講話。

家,Wenceslau de Moraes(慕拉士)協會 創始成員及研究所成員之一。 透過土生葡人之夜,研究所希望能繼續 努力,為大家尋找更多珍貴的澳門生活 回憶。

On April 21, at the Albergue da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Macau (Macau Holy House of Mercy’s Old Aged Home), there took place another Macanese Soirée, with Pedro Barreiros, major-general physician, born in Macau, artist, writer, founding member of the Wenceslau de Moraes Association and IIM associate, on “Medical, Poetical and Pictorial Arts”. It was another step taken in reviving the Macanese Soirées, taken together by the IIM and Albergue SCM, in the continuing effort to recall Macau’s way of life. EASTWEST 20




Sun Yat Sen evoked in Lisbon 研究所辦孫中山研討會葡舉行


The life and work of Sun Yat Sen, founder of the Republic of China, were discussed in Lisbon, in a colloquium organized by the IIM on March 22, at the Palace of Independence, home of the Historical Society of Independence of Portugal.

This Colloquium was held in Macau, in April, with participants from the Portuguese Speaking Countries, to discuss about issues of the Language, Culture and Literature. About one hundred registrants filled the IIM Auditorium, when Jorge Rangel made a presentation about this institution and its achievements during its 11 years of existence. He took the opportunity to talk also about the Observatório de Língua Portuguesa – Portuguese Language Observatory – another non profit organization aiming to contribute to the acquaintance, implementation of the status and projection of the Portuguese Language worldwide.

Keynote speakers included Professors Antonio Vasconcelos Saldanha, of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon, and Ming K. Chan, Stanford University. The theme of the colloquium was “Sun Yat Sen - the Founding of the Republic in China

and Macau” and the communications are titled “Macau in the eyes of the two republics” and “The Luso-Macau connections in Sun Yat Sen’s modern Chinese revolution “. They raised a lively debate at the end of which there were suggested new clues for research on this topic, especially regarding the role of Macao in the building up and the political vindication of that great figure of modern China. With this initiative, the IIM associated itself with the centennial celebration of the founding of the Republic in China, in 1911.

為紀念辛亥革命一百週年,研究所駐里斯本 辦事處於五月廿二日在葡萄牙獨立歷史學會 會址舉行了研討會,並以《孫中山:共和創 建與澳門》為主題,邀請到里斯本技術大學 社會政治科學學院教授薩安東主講《兩個共 和眼中的澳門》及美國史丹福大學教授陳明 銶主講《孫中山近代中國革命中的葡澳關 係》,介紹了孫中山的一生和貢獻。本次活 動引起與會者廣泛的討論,澳門對孫中山的 影響更是當中的重要議題。


A Memorandum of Cooperation was then signed between the organizers of the Colloquium and IIM in regard to future activities. At the end of the function, a Macanese Chá Gordo – Rich Tea – was then served where the participants had the opportunity to enjoy the local food and the conviviality.

《葡語國家及地區文化國際論壇》於四月在 澳門舉行,有分別來自葡萄牙及葡語系國家 的人士參與,共同討論有關語言、文化和文 學等問題。 參觀研究所亦是《葡語國家及地區文化國 際論壇》活動之一,當日黎祖智主席亦於 會議室與大家分享了研究所於十一年間的 努力成果,逾百名參加者出席。除此之外, 主席還談及另一非牟利組織 — 葡語觀察組 織(Observatório de Língua Portuguesa),一 直為促進世界各地葡語系國家合作所作的 貢獻。 隨後,黎祖智代表研究所與《葡語國家及地 區文化國際論壇》主辦單位為日後的活動簽 署了合作備忘錄。 在活動的尾聲,研究所還為在場的參與者準備 了豐富的土生葡人茶點美食(Chá Gordo),讓大 家有機會享受本地特色美食和歡樂時光。


Award 獎項

Award 獎項

AWARD 獎項 IDENTITY AWARD 2011 TO TWO PROJECTS THAT PRESERVE THE MACANESE MEMORY ‘PROJECTO MEMÓRIA MACAENSE’ believes that “people without memory are people that do no exist, people without remembrances, are people without feeling. To lead a life without glancing at the past, is to kill the roots that would sustain the eternity of a people. It’s not what we want the Macanese to be, but to see their existence extended, people that we do not want to be on a phase of extinction. We reckon this task falls onto each Macanese and this portal is but one more contribution, in addition to the numerous initiatives of other Macanese, in Macau and elsewhere.”

The International Institute of Macau decided to grant the 2011 Identity Award, ex-aequo, to “Macanese Families” and to “Projecto Memoria Macaense”, both electronic homepages, set up and maintained respectively by the Emeritus Prof. Henrique d’Assumpção and Rogério da Luz. Many of the participants of the last Meeting of the Macanese Communities had the opportunity to look into the digital presentation of digital page “Macanese Families” (www. done by Prof. Henrique António d’Assumpção, “Quito” for friends. That site displays the family trees of the Macanese families, enriched with a variety of information, of cultural and historical nature. This electronic “backbone” will be subject to permanent updating of the Macanese families’ records, once the relevant information is made available to the administrator of the project. “There is more in this site than genealogy: there are articles on Macanese history, culture, cuisine, patuá and even music, and links to other websites.” The author of this project simply intends: • to engender a sense of pride in Macanese heritage, • to foster interest in family roots among the newer generations of Macanese, • to help preserve cultural and historical records, • to have the work continue indefinitely into the future. EASTWEST 24

Considering the wide scope of this initiative that purports to perpetuate the memory of the people and the historical and cultural legacies of Macau, it deemed to the IIM to be just and right to pay tribute to this project, created and maintainedd by Professor Henrique d’Assumpção. With regard to another awardee, “Projecto Memória Macaense” (PMM) – h t t p : / / w w w. m e m o r i a m a c a e n s e . o rg / projectomemoriamacaense -, it was set up in 2003 by Rogério dos Passos Dias da Luz who migrated to Brazil, still young. It was one of the first projects of this nature placed at the cyberspace, specially dedicated to Macau. As the title suggests, it was “a name given to an independent and personal initiative, aiming, as it implies, at the remembrance of Macau. To talk about and show images of Macau, with which the author is fully identified with, for his origins, education, family, school days and friends, as well as the homesickness that burns in his chest and that makes one yearn for those beautiful days that each Macanese can tell many stories about.

Since then, the site has been updated and enriched with photographs of people, places and events, of bygone as well as the latest happenings, being a true repository of the memory of many people who are from Macau and wanted to keep themselves connected by the heart. This year, the IIM decided to equally give due recognition to the “Projecto Memória Macaense”, for the work undertaken, through the years, which was done with dedication and unselfishly, becoming a tool to connect the Macanese people in a network, all over the world. In previous years, since 2003, the IIM had granted this Award to several institutions, namely to the Diocese of Macau, the Holy House of Mercy of Macau, the University of Macau, etc., for their relevant contribution to preserve its identity.

向兩保留土生葡人記錄項目頒發身份認同大獎 澳門國際研究所領導機關決定向宋歷奇 (Henrique António d’Assumpção) 榮休教授和 魯顥言(Rogério dos Passos Dias da Luz) 先生 頒發二零一一年度的「身份認同大獎」(舊 譯「特徵獎」),以表揚兩者對澳門土生葡 人身份認同及資料電子化的貢獻。 經過多年的資料搜集,宋教授創設了資料 齊全的「澳門土生葡人家族」(Macanese Families) 英文網站(www.macanesefamilies. com) ,上載土生葡人族譜之餘,又不斷豐 富其歷史和文化內涵。上屆全球土生葡人聚 會宋教授已向眾與會者展示了網站成果。每 逢取得最新資料,教授即會更新網站內容。 教授表示網站上的內容並不止於族譜,土生 葡人的歷史、文化、菜式、語言、音樂以 及其他網站的連結均能在網站上下載。據 教授所述,「澳門土生葡人家族」網站有 以下目標: • 使瀏覽者為土生葡人傳統感到驕傲; • 培養年青土生葡人對祖輩歷史的興趣; • 參與保存文化和歷史資料; •為延續日後的資料保存和搜集工作提供 條件。 「澳門土生葡人家族」網站意義重大,為表 彰宋歷奇榮休教授的貢獻,研究所決定向其 頒發「身份認同大獎」。 魯顥言先生二零零三年創設「澳門記憶計 劃」(Projecto Memória Macaenses) 葡文網 站,為首批澳門資料網站之一。魯先生指 「澳門記憶計劃」是一個獨立和個人的項 目,而網站名稱則能體現保存澳門記憶的宗 旨。魯先生的故鄉、教育背景、家族傳統、 同窗友人,還有令人心酸的鄉愁、令人懷念 的美好時光和每個土生葡人的故事,無不促 使先生透過圖片細訴那老澳門的舊事,而那 老澳門正是先生心靈深處的歸屬。 魯先生深信,一個群體沒有鄉愁也就沒有情 感,忘卻過去也就是把一個群體的根斬斷, 一個群體沒有回憶也就連群體也成不了,而 這正是土生葡人不願看到的。魯先生亦認為 每個土生葡人也有義務保存自己的傳統,先 生又謙稱該入口網站只是澳門和外地眾多土 生葡人項目的其中一種。

Macaenses) 又在另一個新建網站上不斷上載 短片,使世人可對澳門和土生葡人有更多的 認識。魯顥言先生的無私奉獻以及多年來 連繫旅居各地土生葡人的努力,已為土生 葡人身份認同的存續提供了更多條件,國 際研究所為表揚之決定向其頒發「身份認 同大獎」。 「身份認同大獎」是研究所自二零零三年開 始設立,並已頒發給澳門天主教區、澳門仁 慈堂、澳門大學等機構,表揚他們保留土生 葡人身份所作出的貢獻。

網站一直更新至今,已載有大量新舊人物、 地點和活動圖片,並已成為許多居澳和在外 土生葡人的回憶寶庫。最近魯先生開啟了個 人葡文網誌《澳門.土生.憶記》(Crónicas EASTWEST 25

Award 獎項

Award 獎項

YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD 2011 二零一一年青年研究者獎 With the purpose to motivate young researchers, students and academics to engage in research, especially on issues related to Macau, the IIM announced the Young Researcher Award 2011, to distinguish scientific papers. This year, the award is announced for the following areas: • Economics and Management and • History of Macau. An award of MOP25,000 shall be attributed to the winning paper in each of the areas, independently whether is done individually or by a group of researchers. Members of the Higher Education Institutions of Macau, as well as graduate researchers, not over 30 years of age on December 31, 2011, are eligible to participate in the competition. Details are available from IIM’s homepage at 澳門國際研究所自二零零二年設立「青年研 究者獎」,目的是為了鼓勵三十歲以下的青 年學生及教師致力研究與深入探求澳門特別 行政區的發展路向,獎勵和表揚其傑出的澳 門研究工作。而今年二零一一年青年研究者 獎將頒發給的研究範疇包括: • 經濟及管理學 • 澳門歷史 參選資格為於本年度(即十二月卅一日止) 年齡未滿三十歲的澳門高等院校學生、教 師、研究生以及其他學生或畢業生皆可參 選研究獎,參選者亦可以個人身份、研究組 或專案組名義參加,得獎者可獲證書一張及 現金澳門幣弍萬伍仟圓正,有意人士可請瀏 覽澳門國際研究所網站 及索取表格。



ST. John the Baptist’s Day 聖約翰節

ST. John the Baptist’s Day 聖約翰節

St. John the Baptist’s Day 聖約翰節

St. John the Baptist’s Day 聖約翰節

The IIM joined other Macanese institutions in the celebrations of the Day of the City’s Patron, St. John the Baptist. A fun fair was organized at the São Lázaro quarters, on June 25 and 26, and the event livened up that peaceful corner of the city. Streets were properly festooned, stalls with handicrafts, books and good traditional Portuguese and Macanese delicacies. Both days were blessed (for the first time, in the last four years… finally!) with the absence of rain. The public could also participate in traditional games and enjoy a series of exciting programs. The IIM hosted a “chiquia” (shuttlecock) competition with much success. As in previous years, it attracted many people to participate and revived the public’s memories of this traditional game. 研究所與其他本澳土生葡人機構合作舉辦 的一年一度聖約翰節,於六月二十五日至 二十六日在望德堂瘋堂斜巷舉行,活動氣 氛滲透著城市每一角落,現場除設有手工 藝品及書藉攤位外,市民還可參加傳統遊 戲、品嘗土生及葡萄牙特色美食和欣賞一 連串精彩節目。 此外,研究所亦成功舉行踢毽子比賽,並 吸引了很多市民參與,喚起大家對這傳統 遊戲的回憶。 The celebrations of St. John’s Day keep a place of great importance in the promotion of the Macanese culture and identity. IIM’s participation in the celebrations is a strong point in the quest to preserve Macanese traditions alive. EASTWEST 28

本所的參與是為了加強保護澳門土生傳統特 色出一分力,聖約翰節對推廣和保留土生文 化及身份特色佔有非常重要的一席位。





CPLP’S EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 葡萄牙語國家共同體執行秘書 IIM welcomed the official visit of the CPLP’s Executive Secretary, Domingos Simões Pereira, made last September. This visit was regarded as a step higher taken by both institutions, CPLP and IIM, towards the objectives defined in the CPLP charters, in materialization of projects for the promotion and publicity of the Portuguese Language and in the cooperation in all domains amongst member countries and observers, and onto the promotion and publicity of Macau as an element of special relevance to Portugal and to the Portuguese speaking countries, not only on cultural aspects but on geographical and historical terms as well, as one of the purposes also stated in IIM’s articles of association. It was recently conferred upon CPLP the LusoBrazilian Foundation Award in the category of “Politic and Social Responsibility” (2010), in recognition for its dominant role in uniting and developing the Lusophone Countries. According to that Foundation, “CPLP had a determinant contribution to the development and international projection in the Portuguese language world”. The IIM has the status of consultative observer in CPLP and is the only Macanese institution with that privilege in the Community. Due


to IIM’s interest in promoting Macau as a exchange platform between China and the Portuguese Language Speaking countries, this visit meant another precise success for IIM in its almost eleven years of continuing promotion and preservation of the Macanese culture and identity.

On the invitation of SAR’s Chief Executive, former Governor Gen. Garcia Leandro and Eng. Carlos Melancia were in Macau for a visit, and met Dr. Chui Sai On and the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Dr. Edmond Ho, as well as other local dignitaries.

去年九月,研究所迎接了葡萄牙語國家共同 體 (CPLP) 執行秘書Domingos Simões Pereira 的官方訪問。

The IIM organized a welcome dinner at the Military Club for them which was well attended by many other self hosted guests. They were individuals who attended the function to greet the visitors in person as well as to attend the book launching ceremony of Gen. Garcia Leandro’s “Macau nos Anos da Revolução Portuguesa – 1974-1979” (Macau during the years of the Portuguese Revolution - 1974-1979), and that of the Commemorative Issue of the 10th Anniversary of the SAR, published by Fundação Jorge Álvares, in Portuguese, presented by Eng. Melancia.

是次交流訪問有助於共同體對實現推廣葡萄 牙語、各成員國與觀察員間合作和在推廣澳 門作為葡萄牙與葡語系國家的主要平台,宣 傳其文化、歷史和地理等方面更進一步的合 作,這亦是研究所的成立宗旨之一。最近, 葡萄牙語國家共同體獲授頒二零一零年度 “政治及社會責任”範疇的葡巴基金獎,承 認共同體在發展和團結葡語系國家方面擔當 了重要的角色。根據授予獎項的基金會表示 「葡語國家共同體對葡語世界發展和國際項 目推行作出了決定性的貢獻」。 研究所獲得葡萄牙語國家共同體授予為咨詢 觀察員身份,是土生葡人社群內唯一享有此 特權的土生葡人機構。由於研究所旨在推廣 澳門作為中國與葡語系國家間交流平台,是 次交流訪問亦意味著肯定本所十一年來在推 廣和保護土生葡人文化工作上的成功。

On the following day, at the IIM’s Auditorium, Gen. Garcia Leandro made a lecture on the topic “20 Premonitory Signs of Historical Change”, analysing major world events and the signs that forewarned their happening. Later, Eng. Melancia presented another book “Rumos de Macau e das Relações Portugal-China (19741999)” – Trails of Macau and of the PortugalChina Relationship – which summarized the

PRESIDENT OF INSTITUTO CAMÕES 賈梅士學院主席 Members of the IIM in Macau’s head office welcomed also in September the visit of the President of Instituto Camões, Ana Paula Laborinho, from Lisbon. During this vist, it was discussed the possibility of establishing a cooperation agreement between the two institutions which could be another important stage in the promotion and publicity of the Portuguese Language in the East.

contents of academic papers presented in Lisbon, two years ago, during a seminar on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the SARM, in which IIM played a major role. 應澳門特別行政長官邀請,前澳督李安道將 軍及文禮治工程師來澳進行訪問,訪問期間 會見了現任行政長官崔世安、全國政協副主 席何厚鏵和其他主要領導官員。

研究所於陸軍俱樂部為兩位前澳督舉辦了歡 迎晚宴,並應邀了其他賓客出席。各賓客在 活動上親自會見了來澳訪問的兩位前澳督, 並參加了李安道將軍著作的《葡萄牙革命歲 月中的澳門──一九七四至一九七九年》發 行儀式,隨後,文禮治工程師亦對歐維士基 金會為慶祝澳門特別行政區政府成立十周年 的一書藉作介紹。 翌日,李安道將軍在研究所會議室進行了 《歷史巨變的廿種先兆》專題講座,分析世 界大事和各大事發生前的預兆。而文禮治工 程師則為《澳門與葡中關係的發展歷程── 一九七四至一九九九年》進行介紹,書中內 容包括兩年前於里斯本舉行的慶祝澳門特別 行政區成立十周年專題討論會上所發表的學 術論文總結,當時在討論會中,研究所亦擔 當了重要的角色。

研究所 (澳門總部) 成員於去年九月亦迎接 了從里斯本來的賈梅士學院主席Ana Paula Laborinho。訪問期間,雙方討論了有關 建立兩機構合作協議的可能性,雙方的合 作將成為在東方推廣葡萄牙語的另一重要 階段。 EASTWEST 30





Photo: MGTO 圖片:澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局

Recognition From SHIP 葡萄牙獨立歷史研究學會 讚揚研究所 During the ceremony of its 150th Anniversary, the Historical Society for the Independence of Portugal (SHIP) distinguished the International Institute of Macau with a Certificate of Recognition for the cooperation held between both institutions in multiple activities, with a special note on the actions that relate to the celebration of the Portuguese Memory in the East.

PATA In Beijing 亞太旅遊協會北京舉行

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) held its 60th Anniversary and Conference in Beijing, from April, 8 to 13. IIM was represented by Jorge Rangel, a Life Member of PATA, and Rufino Ramos. The Macao Government Tourist Office as sponsor of the Gold Award, hosted a lunch, for the presentation of prizes. João Costa Antunes, Director of MGTO, was elected incoming chairman of PATA.

亞太旅遊協會 (PATA)成立六十週年慶典暨年 會于四月八日至十三日在北京舉辦,研究所 代表有該協會的終身會員黎祖智及盧文輝, 澳門特區政府旅遊局贊助亞太旅遊協會舉行 金獎午宴及頒獎典禮,澳門旅遊局局長安棟 樑更當選為下一屆亞太旅遊協會主席。

Expo In Xangai 上海世博會

A delegation from IIM visited the World Expo in Shanghai, namely the Macau Pavilion and the replica of the Tak Seng Pawnshop, where they were welcomed by the coordinator of the Macau’s event, Christiana Ieong. The President of the IIM congratulated the design of the Pavilion and the replica, as well as some details of western nature that match perfectly with eastern elements, producing such a unique blend of decoration. He also congratulated the Macau representatives for the awards received such as the Red Dot Design and the silver prize and the award of merit in the 46th International Audiovisual Communication Competition of Chicago. The delegation also had the opportunity to visit the Portugal’s pavilion where they met some consular representatives.

研究所代表團前往上海參觀世博會,並到澳 門館和德成按參觀,期間得到上海世博澳門 籌備辦公室主任楊寶儀的熱情接待。研究所 主席黎祖智在參觀期間讚揚澳門館和德成按 的設計特色,全館內外中西文化巧妙結合, 反映澳門獨特的地區色彩。最後,他還特別 恭賀澳門館能獲得「紅點設計大獎2010傳播 設計獎」和「第46屆芝加哥國際傳播影視展 銀獎及優異獎」等多項國際性大獎。隨後, 研究所代表團於葡萄牙館參觀期間還遇到其 他的領事代表。


葡萄牙獨立歷史研究學會 (SHIP) 在莊嚴的一 百五十週年紀念活動上,向澳門國際研究所 頒發獎狀,以表讚揚本所於亞洲區推動本土 多元文化及葡萄牙紀念文化活動等各領域上 所作出的貢獻。

Patuá 土生土語

Patuá – The 22nd Macau Arts Festival took place late April this year throughout the month of May, and as usual there were many plays, dances and music sessions by foreign (Israeli, French, Spanish, etc.) and local troupes as well, for all tastes and ages. The quality of the shows, in general, has improved considerably and the attendance has been growing in numbers. As in previous years, the “Teatro Dóci Papiaçám di Macau” presented another playwright in patuá of Miguel Senna Fernandes (under his direction), “Qui Pandalhada!” (What a Panda-monium!), a comedy in the old style “récitas”. It is fully stuffed of humor, contemporary references and social critiques that delighted and thrilled the audiences, roaring with laughter, for two days. Several new and talented actors were featured with success.

土生土語 – 第二十二屆澳門藝術節於四月 尾至五月舉行,有來自海外(如以色列, 法國,西班牙等地)的話劇、音樂、舞蹈等 團體及本地藝團參與,適合一家大小欣賞。 澳門藝術節的表演亦越來越豐富精彩,吸引 參與文化藝術活動的市民逐年增長。而澳門 土生土語話劇團與往年一樣,由飛文基導演 帶領下演出了《熊到發燒》一傳統土生土語 喜劇,演繹手法以幽默、詼諧的方式批評社 會現狀,一連兩日引人發笑及反思。今年, 還加入了一些優秀的新演員,使演出取得了 圓滿成功。 EASTWEST 33



AULP In Braganza 葡語大學聯會年會 布拉干薩舉行

June 10 is Portugal’s National Day. But it is also dedicated to the Portuguese Communities and to the the literary genius, Luís de Camões. Macau has a special place for the Poet, who wrote here part of his great epic work “Os Lusíadas”. On this day, IIM and other Portuguese community and Macanese institutions in Macau, joined a series of commemoration activities, such as laying of flower wreaths at the Poet’s grotto in Camões Garden and the recital of his poems. Macau owes its charm to a series of factors and circumstances. The Portuguese settlement for nearly five hundred years in the territory is of great importance to the final result. Therefore, Portugal’s National Day is a day of tribute to its people that had a part in the construction of Macau and a tribute to Macau itself.

超過四百多名校長、主席及來自澳門和葡語 國家高等院校、學術研究機構等代表,於六 月七至九日,在葡萄牙北部城市布拉干薩參 與第二十一屆葡語大學聯會年會(AULP)。 今次主題為《新合作形式:葡語國家間融合 領域》,涵蓋的內容包括有:學術流動性、 融資模式及方案、多項目認證、知識傳承、 科技園區、創新項目與企業間的銜接、教師 培訓及線上學習等問題。 研究所主席黎祖智亦有參與今次活動,他 既是本所的代表,亦是葡語大學聯會成員 之一。

六月十日是葡國日、賈梅士日暨葡僑日, 亦是葡萄牙文學天才,詩人賈梅士 (Luís de Camões) 的紀念日,他曾於澳門停留期間 寫下了著名史詩《葡國魄》。研究所與其 他本地葡語社群及土生葡人機構均於白鴿 巢公園內的石洞前進行紀念活動,包括向 賈梅士雕像獻花及誦詩。澳門的獨有魅力是 中西文化歷經五百年磨合的產物,因此,葡 國日是為了紀念及讚揚葡萄牙在建設澳門所 作出的貢獻。

Poster by Victor hugo marreiros

June 10 葡國日、賈梅士日暨葡僑日

Over 400 rectors, presidents and other leaders of higher education and academic research institutions of the eight lusophone countries and Macau convened in Braganza, in northeastern Portugal, on June 6-9, for the 21st Meeting of the Association of the Portuguese Language Universities (AULP). The topic “New forms of Cooperation: Areas of Convergence in the Lusophone Countries” encompassed issues regarding academic mobility, financing modes and programmes, accreditation and multiple title, knowledge transfer, technological parks, articulation between innovation projects and entrepreneurship, teachers training and e-learning. Jorge Rangel represented IIM, member of the AULP, as its President.




Intangible Cultural Assets 非物質文化遺產 Patuá Theater and Macanese Cuisine are recent candidates to be on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Macau. “Dóci Pápiaçam di Macau” and Brotherhood of Macanese Gastronomy have both submitted the respective application and file to the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the SAR Government hoping those mentioned cultural expressions will be included later in the National List of Macau and eventually recognized by UNESCO. Presently, the Macau’s list featured already six assets, namely: “Yueju Opera (Cantonese Opera)”, “Chinese Herbal Tea” and Woodwork – Macau Religious Figure Carving”, which are already on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List, since 2010; and “Cantonese Naamyam (Narrative Songs)”, “Macau Taoist Ritual Music” and “Festival of the Drunken Dragon”, in 2011. While these three are still on the national public review list, the Cantonese Opera has been even declared Representative of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Humanity.


澳門土生葡人美食文化及澳門土生土語話劇 最近被列入為「澳門非物質文化遺產名錄」 候選名單,隨後,澳門土生土語話劇團及澳 門土生葡人美食聯誼會向澳門特區政府文化 局申報列入「國家級非物質文化遺產名錄」 ,並希望能爭取向聯合國教科文組織申報非 物質世界文化遺產。至今,澳門共有六個項 目被列入為「國家級非物質文化遺產名錄」 ,於二零一零年列入的有《粵劇》、《涼 茶》及《木雕──澳門神像雕刻》,於二 零一一年列入的有《地水南音》、《澳門 道教科儀音樂》以及《澳門魚行醉龍節》 ,而粵劇更被列入為「世界人類非物質文 化遺產名錄」。








The new Macau Cultural Centre opened in Fremont in the area of San Francisco. Housed in an three storeys high historic building, the new complex will be managed by a Board under the chairmanship of Mary Roliz, whose members came from the three major U.S. Macanese associations, namely the “União Macaense Americana“ (UMA), the Lusitano Club of California and the “Casa de Macau” (USA).

The president of the “Amigu di Macau Club”, Toronto, José Cordeiro, was distinguished with the Community Award of the Toronto Chinese Media Award, earlier this year. This award is a joint initiative by 33 newspapers published in Canada, with the support of several local Chinese entities.

多倫多澳門之友會主席高鎮城 (José Cordeiro) 獲頒「華媒獎」社區獎。該社區獎由加拿大 卅三所華文媒體聯合頒發,旨在表揚當地華 人對華人社群的貢獻,活動得到多個華人團 體支持,而頒獎禮亦已於本年初舉行。

On May 7, 2011, in the presence of the Hon. Consul of the P.R. of China for Culture in San Francisco, Sun Jianhua, the celebrations of its opening started with a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by a traditional “chá gordo” (rich tea), with the participation of over a hundred members of the said associations and guests. Among these, were Joe Chan, president of the Macao Club (Toronto), José Cordeiro, president of “Amigu di Macau” (Toronto), Mickey da Roza, vice president of Casa de Macau (Vancouver), Arthur Britto, President of Macau Arts, Culture & Heritage Institute, U.S.A., and Rufino Ramos, Secretary General of the International Institute of Macau. The ceremony also included a religious program, with the blessing of the building conducted by Fr. Daniel Nascimento, himself a Macanese, exercising its prelate in San Francisco. In addition to two commercial spaces on the ground floor which will be rented out for commercial purposes, the Cultural Center also has a large multi-function hall on the first floor and another smaller room for activities, on the top floor, plus a space that can be used for meetings as well as for reading, where large collections of books and magazines are on display, having been offered by Macau.

The opening of the complex, being a classified historical building, culminates a lengthy period of installation and refurbishment of the facilities which were subject to extensive works, after its acquisition was effected with funds available to the three institutions by the Macao Government, through one of its foundations.

CHANGES IN THE CASAS DE MACAU 美加州澳門文化中心揭幕 美國加州澳門文化中心已於五月七日舉行落 成啟用。中國駐舊金山總領館文化參贊孫建 華、澳門國際研究所秘書長盧文輝及各旅美 澳人代表主禮。多倫多澳門聯誼會會長陳光 裕、多倫多澳門之友會主席高鎮城、溫哥華 澳門之家副會長Micky da Roza和美國澳門藝 術文化傳統學會會長Arthur Britto等美加澳人 代表亦專程到場祝賀。儀式上更設有澳門傳 統茶點招待來賓,當日計有逾一百名當地各 界嘉賓出席。 澳門文化中心位於舊金山灣區東南部,原為 一座三層高的歷史建築。現由文化中心主席 羅靄芳透過與美國澳門人聯會、加州西洋會 所及美國澳門之家等三大土生葡人組成的行 政委員會共同管理。開幕儀上主辦單位亦邀 請了一名來自澳門、現職舊金山主教府的神 職人員為文化中心祝聖。 為節省保養維修費用,澳門文化中心地下作 商業用途,二樓和三樓則分別設有多功能大 廳及多功能小型活動室、會議室。此外,文 化中心圖書館獲澳門國際研究所的大批書 籍,冀為讀者提供更多澳門資訊和文獻。

The President of Casa de Macau de Lisboa, Gustavo de Senna Fernandes, has asked to be excused from his functions, due to his health conditions, and was replaced by the VicePresident, António Faria Fernandes. Marina Isabel Laborde Basto d’Andrade was then coopted to sit on the Board, instead. Marina d’Andrade attended primary and high school in Macau, and represented that Casa on the first Encontro of the Young Macanese, in 2009. In Toronto, a new Board has been installed for 2011-2013 for the Casa de Macau, comprising of Monica Alves (President), Marie-Cecile Remedios (1st VP), Bernardine Vieira (2nd VP), Barbara J. Baptista (Treasurer), and Marie Louise Rocha Chang (Hon. Secretary). The Casa de Macau de São Paulo has new social bodies, from April 1, for 2011/2014, being: Board of Directors Gilberto Quevedo da Silva (President), Roque Rui Badaraco (VP), Rolando da Luz (Secretary General), Frederico António (Financial Director), Francisco Inácio (Social Director). Advisory Council Carlos Santos, Carlos Luís and João Luís. Fiscal Council Aníbal Joaquim, Boaventura da Luz and Catarina da Silva Santos.

澳門之家人事變動 葡萄牙里斯本澳門之家主席Gustavo de Senna Fernandes因健康問題請辭,由副主席António Faria Fernandes代任,而Marina Isabel Laborde Basto d’Andrade則被吸納為董事會的新成 員,擔任副主席一職,Marina d’Andrade年幼 時於澳門就讀小學及中學,亦是二零零九年 第一屆青年土生葡人聚會的代表。 於多倫多澳門之家2011至2013年度理事會 選舉亦已結束,成員主要分別為:Monica Alves(主席)、Marie-Cecile Remedios(第 一副主席)、Bernardine Vieira(第二副主 席)、Barbara J. Baptista(會計)及Marie Louise Rocha Chang(榮譽秘書)。 從四月一日起,於聖保羅的澳門之家2011至 2014年度理事會新成員有:

Amongst 53 personalities awarded by their “contribution to the community”, José Cordeiro is the only one affiliated with Macau. Since the 90’s, the then member of the board of the Macau Club in Toronto, has fostered the relationship between the Chinese community of Macau resident in that country and the Portuguese administration of Macau. In 2002, to promote his birthplace in Canada, through Macau’s Chinese music shows, Cordeiro founded the “Amigu di Macau Club”. His long endeavor to promote Macau and its culture to the communities in Canada is thus recognized not only by the Portuguese but also by the Chinese community. In 2003, his Club signed a memorandum with IIM, establishing enhanced cultural bonds and cooperation. Two exhibitions held in 2009, in Toronto, “Macau SAR – A Success Story” and “Macau is a Showcase” were organized with his support at the Consulate General of Portugal in Toronto and at the University of Toronto, respectively.

本屆「華媒獎」社區獎共五十三名華僑獲 獎,其中高鎮城是唯一獲獎的澳門人。土 生葡人高鎮城具一半華人血統,通曉華葡英 三語。早於上世紀九十年代,時任多倫多澳 門聯誼會會董的高鎮城已積極推動旅加澳人 與澳門政府以及當地華人、葡人的溝通和交 流。二零零二年高鎮城創立多倫多澳門之友 會,大力支持澳人中樂演奏和推廣澳門的工 作,獲得好評。 早於二零零三年,多倫多澳門之友會成立一 週年之際,主席高鎮城即與澳門國際研究所 主席黎祖智簽訂合作協定,以進一步加強加 拿大和國際學術機構與本澳的合作。 於零九年,研究所為紀念澳門特區成立十週 年,與多倫多澳門之友會在葡國駐多倫多總 領館合辦澳門攝影巡迴展覽「澳門──動感 舞台」及全球澳門主題展覽「澳門特區十年 ──成功的故事」,對加澳兩地的交流合作 發揮了正面、積極的作用。

理事會成員: Gilberto Quevedo da Silva(主席)、 Roque Rui Badaraco(副主席)、 Rolando da Luz(秘書長)、 Frederico António(財務主任)及 Francisco Inácio(社會福利主任)。 諮詢委員會成員: Carlos Santos、Carlos Luís 及 João Luís。 財務委員會成員: Aníbal Joaquim、Boaventura da Luz 及Catarina da Silva Santos. 研究所在此希望前葡萄牙里斯本澳門之家主 席早日康復和痊癒,並祝賀所有新理事會成 員帶領澳門之家繼續邁向成功。

IIM wishes a quick and complete recovery to the past president of the Casa de Macau de Lisboa and to the new members of the bodies of the said Casas all the success in running their offices. EASTWEST 38






“ORAL LITERATURE COLLECTION” PRESENTED IN MACAU 在澳介紹口述文學叢書 The International Institute of the Portuguese Language (IILP), an institution that belongs to the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP), based in Cidade da Praia (Cape Verde), and with whom the International Institute of Macau (IIM) has a cooperation protocol, is developing an editorial project with the purpose of expanding the knowledge and recognition of the inside cultures, channelled by one of the several local languages and the Portuguese language in the Member States It is with this goal that IILP began the publication of “Colectâneas da Literatura Oral de/em Língua Portuguesa” , Collection of Oral Literature of/ in Portuguese Language, and whose first five volumes (“Contos de Angola” - Tales of Angola, “Contos do Brasil” - Tales of Brazil, “Contos de Portugal” - Tales of Portugal, “Livro dos Provérbios” - Book of Proverbs and “ Livro das Adivinhas” - Book of Riddles), organised and coordinated by Prof.ª Amélia Arlete Mingas, former IILP president, and were presented during the opening of the exhibition “The Orient of Portuguese Cultural Influence” in the Military Club, on April, 6. The edition of that Collection is sponsored by the Angola’s Presidency of the Republic in partnership with the International Institute of Macau and the Angolan Embassy in Portugal.

國際葡萄牙語學院為一屬於葡萄牙語國家共 同體的機構,位於彿得角首都普拉亞,研究 所與該學院已簽定合作協議。學院以推廣和 確認各成員國共同語言和方言間形成的內在 文化為目的,開發著作編輯項目。

協調工作。叢書的首五本出版物為 《安哥拉 小故事》、《巴西小故事》、《葡萄牙小故 事》、《諺語小書》及《謎語小書》,並已 於四月六日,在陸軍俱樂部舉行的《東方葡 文化影響》明信片展覽活動中作介紹。

以此目標,國際葡萄牙語學院開始出版葡語 口述文學叢書,並由前國際葡萄牙語學院主 席教授Amélia Arlete Mingas負責出版的組織和

叢書由安哥拉共和國總統府贊助、澳門國 際研究所及駐葡萄牙安哥拉大使館合作 出版。



The new series of the magazine Macau Focus of the International Institute of Macau was launched with the publication of “Macau and the Economic Relations Between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries”. It took place at the Conference Room, in April, during the session where both Assistant Secretary-General of the Macau Forum delivered their presentation. This issue of the magazine presents different perspectives about the Economic Relations between China and each of the Portuguese Speaking Countries, in a single volume.

澳門國際研究所《澳門聚焦》特刊《澳門與 中國及葡語國家的經貿關係》(英文版)已 於四月假研究所演講廳首發,於活動中,中 葡論壇辦公室主任姍桃絲和副秘書長羅茂德 分別發表講話,而本特刊內容主要介紹目前 中國與葡語各國經貿合作的情況及觀點。

It is planned to produce an yearly update of the document that can be used as a reference by entrepreneurs of the concerned countries. The same document has already been published in Portuguese and Chinese, in a softcover format.

目前研究所正準備下一期的《澳門聚焦》, 內容將會以整個珠江三角洲,澳門的文化遺 產及旅遊為主。

The next numbers of the magazine are being prepared, on the issues of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and Macau in the Integration of the Pearl River Delta. EASTWEST 40


《澳門聚焦》是研究所每年出版一次的英 文社會時事雜誌,主要為有興趣的企業家 提供更多參考資料,而《澳門與中國及葡 語國家的經貿關係》亦已編制成中文及葡 文版出售。

Lei Heong Iok, President of the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM), was awarded a Gold Medal of Merit conferred by the Cordinating Council of Polytechnic Institutes of Portugal (CCISP) through a unanimous decision taken by that Council, on May 10. This is the first medal being awarded since its creation last April. The presentation ceremony took place last June 6, during the Meeting of the Association of the Portuguese Language Universities, in Braganza. In the speeches, the president of CCISP and the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon both recognized the valuable contribution of the awardee to enhance the academic relationship between Portugal and the Macau SAR and to the promotion and confirmation of the value of the Portuguese language and culture through the IPM. The presentation speech about Lei Heong Iok was done by the President of IIM, as an invited guest.

IIM wants to congratulate Lei Heong Iok who is also vice president of IIM General Assembly, for the distinction received. 於五月十日,葡萄牙理工學院協調委員會一 致通過決定,向澳門理工學院院長李向玉教 授頒發金質功績勳章,這一勳章是從上年四 月開始設立。 授勛儀式於六月六日,在葡萄牙布拉干薩 舉行的葡語大學聯會年會期間進行,在致 詞中,葡萄牙理工學院協調委員會主席及里 斯本科學院副主席分別高度贊揚李向玉教授 透過澳門理工學院,一直積極保留及推廣葡 國語言文化,在葡萄牙與澳門特別行政區之 間,提高雙方學術關係所作出的貢獻。而研 究所主席在儀式上,作為特別嘉賓應邀發表 了關於李向玉教授的演講。 我們在此恭賀李向玉教授,亦是研究所全體 會員大會的副主席,獲得這榮譽勳章。

AMANTE DA ROSA 羅茂德領事 Amb. Manuel Amante da Rosa terminated his posting in Macau, where he served, for almost three years, as Assistant Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and the Portuguese Language Countries. He is due to return to Cape Verde to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, early July. We thank Amb. Amante da Rosa, as member of IIM, for his continued contribution to Macau, enhancing the relationship amongst Lusophone countries and with China, wish him success in his future endeavors and look forward for his input from afar. 羅茂德領事於澳門中葡論壇常設秘書處擔任 副秘書長已三年,七月初,他將會回到佛得 角外交部工作。 我們感謝研究所成員之一羅茂德領事長期為 澳門作出的貢獻,不斷致力促進中國與葡語 國家之間的關係,在此,研究所期待著他於 遠方的努力,並祝願他在今後的事業能取得 更大的成功。 EASTWEST 41



YOUNG MACANESE DELEGATION VISITS BEIJING 新一代土生葡人在北京 Filipe Ramos, an hotelier by profession, is one of the newest members of IIM. He was recently invited to visit Beijing as part of a delegation led by some more experienced members of the Macanese Community. Here is his brief account and impression of the trip: A delegation of mostly young Macanese was invited by the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau SAR to Beijing last June for a 4 day visit. The 24 strong members’ delegation was led by Leonel Alves, and consists of professionals from both the public and private sectors, including doctor, lawyer, scholar, public servants, hoteliers and entrepreneurs. Together they represent ‘the new generation of Macanese in Macau’. The purpose of the visit can be said as both cultural and political, with its objective being ‘to know China better through the understanding of its culture, history and economy’. During the four-day tour, they have visited a few important governmental bodies and institutions, namely

the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, the Department of Policy of HK and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council, China National Youth Federation and Beijing Language and Culture University. The delegation has also brought with them an important message to the leaders in China - the hope and need to further acknowledge the importance of the cultural identity of the Macanese community, through the preservation of Macanese Cuisine and Macanese Language (Patuá). In fact, the Macau SAR Government has already accepted its application of the aforementioned items as part of Macau’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List. As part of a cultural trip, the delegation also took some time to visit the National Museum of China in Beijing, the National Grand Theatre, the National Stadium of Beijing and the Great Wall of China.

Filipe Canavarro Ramos

盧梓釗,從事酒店管理行業,是研究所新成 員之一,最近被邀請參與澳門土生葡人中華 文化訪問團,由資深經驗的土生葡人代表帶 領下,赴北京參觀訪問,以下是他對本次活 動的簡單介紹和感想:

訪問中,代表團還向國家領導層表示,希望 透過保存澳門土生葡人美食文化和澳門土生 土語,進一步肯定其社群文化身份認同的重 要。目前,澳門特區政府已接受上述兩項目 申報為澳門非物質文化遺產名錄。

應中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公 室邀請,一團大部分由青年成員組成的澳門 土生葡人訪問團於七月到北京進行為期四天 的交流訪問。

作為文化之旅的一部分,代表團還參觀了 北京國家博物館、國家大劇院、鳥巢和遊 覽長城。


由團長歐安利帶領下,二十四位成員共同代 表著「澳門現時新一代土生葡人」,他們分 別來自澳門特區政府部門及私營機構,職業 包括有醫生、律師、學者、公務員、酒店管 理和企業家。


圖片:Filipe Senna Feinandes

Photo: Filipe Senna Fernandes

這次訪問可說是具有文化和政治交流目的, 但重點是可「透過中國文化歷史和經濟的認 知,加深了解中國」。為期四天的訪問,亦 分別參觀了中央統戰部、國務院港澳辦、全 國青聯、澳門特區駐京辦等有關部門及北京 語言大學。



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No1 COLLECTION “ENCONTROS” “International Encounters in Macau – New Technologies, the media and the law” No2 COLLECTION “MILÉNIO HOJE” Number 4 “Protection and Loss Prevention – New Trends in Safety and Security Management and Technologies”, by José Luís Tavares Andrade No3 Number 7 “Prospects of Greater China in the 21st Century as Seen from Macau”, by Gary Ngai No4 COLLECTION “CIDADE CRISTÔ Number 1 “The Macanese Identity”, by Renelde Justo Bernardo da Silva No5 COLLECTION “MOSAICO” Number 1 “We Macanese”, by Frederic A. (Jim) Silva No6 “The Portuguese Community in Hong Kong – a pictorial album”, by Jorge Silva 02






01 A

01 B



No7 “MOSAICO”(“馬賽克”)中文版系列 第十一冊,“澳門 公共行政之評議,作者黎祖智 No8 《澳門消息報》文集(五) “澳門傳說”(中文版),作者路易斯•高美士 No9 千禧今天叢書 第九冊,“二十一世紀 中國與巴西關係及面臨的挑戰” (中文版),作者凱思聞 No10“中國對巴西的影響 —巴西書目中記載十九世紀 開始的中巴關係”(中文版),作者路西雅•吉尼亞和 路西雅•賈斯帕 No11 “詩人和詩—葡語國家與中國當代詩人作品選”, 翻譯 姚風 和 劉玉馨



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