Cougar magazine

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Future Wet Past, Got water because we don’t

Water! We need it for Surviving this World Interviewer: Ellen Gallegos Background: Cafeteria worker at Rancho Buena Vista High School Subtitle: Cafeteria workers understand how much water we waste and think that it is ridiculous. Have you thought about how we prolong the usage of water day to day and which of us knows it is wrong to? Interview: Brian Gallegos: “What is your name?” Ellen Gallegos: “ My name is Ellen Gallegos.” Brian Gallegos: “The reason why I am interviewing you is because you work for The Vista Unified School District and you work at Rancho Buena Vista High School in the cafeteria, correct?” Ellen Gallegos: “Yes.” Brian Gallegos: “What do you think about the current drought that we are in?” Ellen Gallegos: “It’s not good at all, it’s getting scary on how our water supply is getting. I hope it rains real soon but, it doesn’t look like it will. I hope down the road it does come back.” Brian Gallegos: “What do you think an alternative way would be, if we could find one?” Ellen Gallegos: “ I’ve herd of ideas on the news about desalination and then also recycling the waters. I’m not sure about any others but, I can’t remember them off the top of my head.” Brian Gallegos: “How do you use water in your daily life and career?” Ellen Gallegos: “Well in the mornings we use it to do dishes, I use it to take showers, when we use the bathroom, and we use it to brush our teeth , but you just gotta cut back a little and its hard to do. When you’re in the kitchen at Rancho at work the sink is full of water and we just recycle it and it goes down the drain, but it still seems like a lot of times that we use a lot of water. If you have dishes to wash and things to do like wash fruit, lettuce, and your vegetables, you just do what you can and you try the best you can to cut back.” Brian Gallegos: “What do you think about the drainage into our oceans with trash and waste that sometimes falls into it?” Ellen Gallegos: “ It’s not good, it’s causing more pollution and more problems for us. I’m not sure whats gonna happen and it doesn’t sound like a good thing to throw your trash into the ocean. It can’t be safe.” Brian Gallegos: “How much water do you believe that we waste on a daily basis in our lives?” Ellen Gallegos: “Too much. Way too much, but you don’t think about it till you get to these situations about drought and they are talking about rationing and just cutting down using water period, it’s kinda scary.” Brian Gallegos: “Why do you believe that the amount of water that we are wasting is ridiculous and unnecessary and that we are wasting away?” Ellen Gallegos: “ Well I mean I see people landscaping and watering their plants and it waters the sidewalks and their driveways. To me that is wasteful, I’m sure that you have to turn them in but, I’m not gonna do it and I know that they are probably going to find the people that use too much water and that’s what it’s coming down to. They are supposed to be watering some places 3 days a week That they can only water their landscaping and I’m sure that they are going to be cutting back on the car washes and everything like it and we will be hurting.” Brian Gallegos: “What do you believe we should’ve done before to cut this drought that we are currently in?” Ellen Gallegos: “I don’t know if there was anything you really could have done. Well look at all the water main lines that get broken or people running into fire hydrants with their cars, that’s the king of things that need to be monitored is those water main lines too. Everytime I turn on my TV there is 2 to 3 times a week sometimes and then theres none and then all of a sudden theres more that have happened. It takes them a while to fix them because they don’t know how to and they don’t know how to stop them” Brian Gallegos: “ So my final question is: what do you think in the future will become of our water supply?” Ellen Gallegos: “ Well I hope that we don’t have to go too drastic of cutting back the rationing of water, but if we don’t get our rain back then look at the farmers are going through our high cost of vegetables, fruit, meats, and our high costs of vegetables at the grocery stores it’s going up little by little. So it’s going to be interesting to see how it’s going to be taken care of and how were have to ration or cut back on what we do.” Brian Gallegos: “ I agree with what you are saying I will be interesting to see what will happen in the future. Well thank you for allowing me to interview you, it was very helpful thank you for your time.” Ellen Gallegos: ”You’re welcome.”

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