Issue 5 -October 31, 2012

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E m b r y - R i d d l e A e r o n a u t i c a l Un i v e r s i t y Oct. 31, 2012 Issue 5 Volume 29

Prescott, Arizona Since 1984 First Copy Free

ERAU Alumni Brings V-22 Osprey to Campus

SARA MILES News Editor

When Captain Robbie Volack, United States Marine Corps, learned his V-22 Osprey Squadron would be training at the Gladden Military Operations Area south-west of Prescott, he knew he had to make a stop at his alma mater, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. “I just asked my CO (commanding officer) if we could stop by,” said Volack. “I told him I was an Embry-Riddle grad and these are people who appreciate aviation.” On Saturday, Oct. 27, Volack and his fellow V-22 pilots and crew flew two of their aircraft to the ERAU flightline and invited all interested students and members of the community to come see the planes and meet the crews. Volack graduated from ERAU in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautical Science. He Photos By Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper was a member of the Marine Platoon Leader’s Top: V-22 Osprey Squadron visit with Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl during their flight to training. Course (PLC) Program, allowing him to commission directly into the Marine Corps after gradBottom: Lance Corporal Anthony Charouhas and ERAU grad Captain Robbie Volack.

Give Thanks This Veterans Day LYNDA ROBERTS

Student Life Correspondent

On Nov. 19, 1863, 149 years ago President Abraham Lincoln gave his legendary Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In a mere three minutes this extraordinary man uttered only 272 words and began the delicate process of leading a worn torn nation down the road to healing from a horrific civil war that claimed over 600,000 lives and changed the United States forever. So many lives were affected and of course specifically soldiers on both sides of the four year long war with physical and emotional injuries that Lincoln declared

a program be instituted to assist the injured and facilitate their recovery. Lincoln in part confirmed his pledge to the military, “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan” by creating and expanding veterans hospitals and programs to help our troops injured during military service. The Veterans Affairs is a now giant institution who has aided millions of men and women from the Civil War through World Wars I and II to the foreign conflicts now devastating our world. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veteran Affairs says, “Creating the vision for transforming the VA into a 21st century organization requires a comprehensive review. In the review, we must understand that

people are central to everything we do, that results count and we will be measured by what we accomplish, not by what we promise, and that the best days of the VA are ahead of us. We will fulfill President Lincoln’s charge for redesigning and re-engineering ourselves for the future.” Prescott is fortunate to be the home of a wonderful veteran’s medical facility. The buildings are beautiful frontier architecture bearing witness to the wild and woolly cavalry days of our early western life here in Arizona. But in the present day the Prescott veteran’s facility is a thoroughly modern institution devoted to the rehabilitation of our ill and wounded military. Along with medical providers caring for the physical ailments

there is a terrific recreational therapy program at the Prescott VA Health Care System devoted to the therapeutic recreational socialization of our men and women. The American Therapeutic Recreational Association states that, “Therapeutic recreation uses treatment, education and recreation services to help people with illnesses, disabilities and other conditions to develop and use their leisure in ways that enhance their health, functional abilities, independence and quality of life.” Certified Recreational Therapists Sara Lesko and Cory Sanders work with the residents in the Prescott VA Community Living Center to improve and enrich veterans every day lives see VETERANS page A4

uation. At the time, V-22’s had just come into service, and Volack was one of the first pilots to be trained in high-tech, tiltrotor aircraft. He earned the call sign “Twigs,” after an incident in Afghanistan where, during a night flight to drop off a team of Navy Seals deep in enemy territory, Volack managed to land his V-22 on a tree, showering the aircraft in sticks and leaves, much to the Seals’ amusement. Today, Volack is stationed at Marine Air Station Miramar, near San Diego, California. While Volack and the V-22 crews chatted with students and families about their aircraft, Senators Jeff Flake, Jon Kyl, and John McCain attended a Republican Rally at the nearby Prescott Airport. When the rally ended, all three Congressmen stopped by the ERAU flightline for a quick photo opportunity with the V-22 crews. Excitement was high amongst ERAU students as three United States Senators, including a former candidate for the presidency, joined the Marines by the V-22 Ospreys. Although the senators only stayed briefly, it was a memorable afternoon for all in attendance.

Zombie Apocalypse Ends in Human Victory Page B3

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Oct. 31, 2012

National Security and Intelligence Breast Cancer Symposium Addresses Cyber Threats Awareness Day Tyrus KirbY Correspondent

Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent

Students and faculty made their way into the Davis Learning Center this past Thursday and Friday to listen to experts from the CIA and the FBI, as well as Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University professors talk about major concerns in the growing field of cyber security. This year’s theme is “Cyber Threats in the 21st Century”. It is especially pertinent as the school has decided to add a number of new degree fields to answer the greater demand for cyber experts as the number of cyber-attacks on individuals and institutions continues to skyrocket. The symposium started off with two FBI agents from the Phoenix area. Agent Lisa Van Slyke discussed how the government identifies and responds to cyber threats. She also talked about how analysts look for trends to help in their analysis. The next presenter, Agent Paul Schaaf, gave a presentation on the activist group “Anonymous” and the steps that the government was taking to track down and prosecute certain members. He discussed the difficulties in combating a loosely-related cyber group, whose members have often not met in the real world. After the first two presentations, Dr. Milton Cone, chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, took the stage to introduce the campus to two new degrees that the campus will offer next year. The first

Austin Troya / Horizons Newspaper Keynote speaker Mary Rose McCaffrey addresses the crowd during the symposium.

degree, Cyber Intelligence and Security, will prepare students to work with experts in companies and government agencies to secure critical information. The second degree, Software Engineering, will train students on how to develop software that is harder to exploit. The Software Engineering program will also have a Cyber Security track, so students will have some options if they decide to pursue either degree. After a short break for lunch, students and faculty made their way back to the DLC to hear the symposium’s keynote address from CIA Director of Security, Mary Rose McCaffrey. As cameras from C-SPAN captured footage of the address, Director McCaffrey talked about a variety of

topics, ranging from the early days of cyber threats to the present day, where Congress is discussing new legislation that will affect computer laws in the United States. One of the main points she stressed was the importance of communication throughout the intelligence community. This has historically been one of the biggest problems in the intelligence community, and it will become even more important as technology allows for faster and easier ways of sharing information. Another point was the growing need for cyber security experts, as the field is now populated by people who grew up without relying heavily on computers. The next presentation of the day was from ERAU adjutant professor, Richard Finston. He

discussed a cost-effective way for private companies to provide security for their clients. Finally, Mr. Frank J Grimmleman talked about an organization called Infragard. Infragard works closely with the FBI to protect critical infrastructure and key resources throughout the U.S. and is 50,000 members strong. Friday’s agenda was much shorter, with only two presentations. The first was a presentation by Dr. Philip Jones on Chinese cyber threats, followed by a discussion on future innovations in cyber security by Dr. Paul Hriljac. Afterwards, students had a chance to meet with all of the speakers who presented throughout the symposium.

The Embr y-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott Campus Health and Wellness Center and ERAU’s Alpha Sigma Tau chapter decided to host a Breast Cancer Awareness day on campus Friday, Oct. 19, in order to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Debbie Ritterbush, the school’s licensed counselor, was the main coordinator of this event with the sorority, and was excited to be able to host an event like this on campus. “This is my second year at Embry-Riddle as a counselor,” said Ritterbush, and last year she wasn’t able to coordinate programs like this because she had been unable to acquire the support she needed. This year however, the ERAU fraternities and sororities and pledging their support to help her and the Wellness Center plan several health awareness events throughout the year. “The support from the fraternities and sororities is really going to help us improve our education for wellness on campus,” said Ritterbush. The school hosted this

event as part of a nationwide awareness drive to raise awareness about breast cancer to help bring about money to find a cure. “Students on our campus are very busy, very stressed out”, noted Ritterbush,”and when I counsel students everyone is under a lot of stress and doesn’t have a lot of free time, let alone time for outside activities like health and wellness education.” A lot of college students, particularly at schools such as ERAU where the academic pressure is high, have a tendency to let their health fall by the wayside while they are in school. Events like these exist to remind people that their health matters, and that even though things like breast cancer may seem like it could never happen, it is not uncommon. Current statistics suggest that 1 in 8 American women have or will develop breast cancer in the future, and like almost all cancers, catching it in the early stages is essential to survival. There are also other health days upcoming, like the “Great American Smokeout” in November supported by Pi Kappa Phi, and AIDS day in December.

CASE Advisory Council Discusses Aviation Safety SARA MILES News Editor

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Center for Aerospace Safety/Security Education (CASE) is a program that provides students with a wide variety of courses in accident investigation, aviation safety management, and many other topics relevant for those pursuing careers in the aerospace community. It also brings together a council of highly experienced professionals to advise the university and students alike, and keep the program in step with real world conditions. On Tuesday, Oct. 16, the CASE Council gave interestedstudents the opportunity to meet and get professional opinions on a wide variety of topics in the ever-changing realm of aviation safety and management during the 2012 CASE/Student Interaction Session. The council is made up of a number of professionals with vast experiences in all topics concerning aviation safety. Many members are ERAU alumni, and have worked at a number of major airlines as

both pilots and/or in their safety departments. Several of the council members have years of experience in accident investigation, and others have developed aircraft parts and systems designed to protect pilots and passengers and make flying a safer experience for all those involved. Chances to access so much professional expertise are rare, and many interested students took the opportunity to meet the council. The CASE council kept the meeting fairly relaxed, opting to answer student questions rather than speak about a set agenda. The first question addressed an issue most college students worry about— what are the qualifications and certifications I need, to get a job in this field? When it comes to aviation safety, the answer is: interviews. According to Josh Midgal, an ERAU grad currently working in air safety for Delta Airlines, interviews should be treated as “an extended interview,” with the goal of impressing employers enough to possibly be asked to stay on. Other recommendations included writing and speaking skills, and the ability to get your point across clearly.

Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper Members of the CASE Advisory Council answer questions during the CASE/Student Interaction Session.

Other topics discussed at the session included the rise of autopilot and the loss of basic flight skills amongst many pilots, which airlines and aviation safety organizations alike recognize as a major concern. The council also talked about composite materials in aircraft design and how little the safe-

ty community knows about them. While composite materials make many crash sights more dangerous, requiring respirators and other gear to protect the accident investigators, they also allow aircraft to better protect their passengers by being easier to design and shape than traditional metals.

Unfortunately, crashes involving composite materials may require more lab analysis than other accidents, making investigations more expensive and time consuming. The implications of unmanned aerial vehicles were also discussed, and the difficulties of having unmanned aircraft share the air

space with traditional aircraft. As the 2012 CASE/Student Interaction Session drew to a close, students were invited to join the council and faculty members at the Robertson Aviation Center for a reception, and a further chance to interact with professionals in the aviation safety industry.


Oct. 31, 2012


Electricity, Magnetism, and Relativity Lecture BRAD CLANCY Senior Correspondent

Austin Troya / Horizons Newspaper Professor Dennis Kodimer at the IEEE open lecture.

As children, the magnetic force is one of the first forces people are taught to recognize, right after the gravitational force. They observe how their mother’s magnets stick to the refrigerator and how their metal toys are attracted to magnets in toy cranes. It is therefore understandably shocking to people when the learn that, in fact, there is no such thing as the magnetic force; this was part of the topic of an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University lecture on Oct. 25, by professor Dennis Kodimer. It was offered as an open lecture sponsored by the ERAU Student Chapter of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Kodimer began his lecture with some basic electromagnetic

theory, which has some surprising results. “We learn things, we develop models in our classes,” Kodimer points out, “and these models agree with reality, but you always have to be ready for the fact that the model is just your impression of reality.” Things can change within the model as you learn more, and thus the perception of the universe changes, and this is how science evolves and grows, changing from the Newtonian view of physics to the relativistic view of Einstein and then to the modern view. The magnetic field came about because of these evolutions in science; it is a fictitious field that doesn’t actually exist, but it makes computations simpler and therefore was invented by physicists. In truth, the so-called “magnetic force” is part of the electric force due to charge in the particles of matter. “One of the biggest mysteries of

the universe is electric charge. We don’t know what it is, but we know it is here”, said Kodimer, “and we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t. The reason why most of the universe is electrically neutral all the time is because this force is so huge that a separated charge has very little chance of surviving.” The force due to the electric field is stronger than any other force by several orders of magnitude, and affects us every minute of our lives. One very surprising reason Kodimer gave was the interaction between objects, his example being his hand and the whiteboard. “Am I touching this board?”, he queried, and answered “You think I am, but what I’m touching is the electromagnetic repulsion between the atoms of my fingers and the board. You never get matter to meet matter.” Electric charge does not experience relativistic effects, which is significant because it seems to be the

only quantity that does not. Time and matter both respond to relativistic effects however, as time slows down when one nears the speed of light, and matter shrinks before the object travelling at that speed, expanding behind. These changes are caused because the speed of light never changes, no matter how fast one may travel. This is the foundation of the extreme force of electricity, which was the thrust of Kodimer’s lecture. “When moving electricity, you’re moving matter” he stated, which is surprising for many people when they forget that in order for electricity to exist, electrons which are made of matter must move, and an extreme force is needed to force them from their positions. Kodimer ended his lecture with this quote, from J.B.S. Haldane “My own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.”

Chat with SGA and Administration University Honors Dr. Harry Mitch McKenzie Correspondent

On Oct. 23, the Student Government Association and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Administration hosted an open sit down meeting with students in the Lower Hangar. There is always free pizza available at all of these meetings to grab students’ attention about what is happening within the university. There were a couple interesting issues discussed including housing, safety, and security operations, and the typical announcements of upgrades around campus. When housing arrangements were brought up it grabbed the attention of every student in the meeting since this past fall’s situation was substandard. Many students had questions about how priority selection of housing will work this coming year. Chancellor Dr. Frank Ayers took the microphone to answer that question in detail. He stated that the university needs a better housing policy, one that is clear and concise. He mentioned that before the next hous-

ing selection comes up there will be a meeting with the students to acquire their input. Dr. Ayers wants administration and the students to come together on this and design the policy so that everyone is satisfied. On safety and security, the question was asked to the students, “What are your questions or concerns with campus safety and security?” Many senior students began asking if it would be possible for senior design students to have access cards to get into AC-1 since it locks at 10 p.m. every evening. Administration stated that they would see what they can do. Safe Rides was also brought up, the concern being that Safe Rides is not publicized around campus enough. Not many incoming freshman know about it and how it can help them out of a bad situation. SGA said that they would work on putting up fliers around campus to spread the word about Safe Rides. Lastly, SGA and the administration let the students know about the campus upgrades. The bus stop is being moved from outside the Air Force

ROTC building to outside of Hall 2. Lighting will be going up on the road near the chapel area so that students can feel more comfortable walking at night in that area. Additional street lights will be installed from the entrance of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University to the start of the first car dealership in town. This is to ensure safety of those students who walk to campus from closely located apartments. This project is predicted to be done by the first week of December. New hand dryers are going to be installed in the bathrooms of the Student Union and finally there are going to be new bike racks installed near the Air Force ROTC building, the DLC, the pool, and the lower field. All of these upgrades are made possible by the suggestion board in the SGA office. Students are to be reminded that their input is not overlooked. If it is a good idea, SGA and administration will try their best to get it accomplished. Finally, try to attend any and all meetings with SGA and the administration to find out how they are trying to help.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Students and faculty gather to discuss campus issues during the open meeting.

Robertson with Dedication

Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper Robertson examines a wall in his honor in the new conference room. BRAD CLANCY Senior Correspondent

The Robertson Aviation Safety Center (RASC) has existed on the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott campus for 18 years since the ground was broken by Dr. Harry Robertson on Dec. 17, 1994, celebrating the anniversary of the Wright brother’s flight. On Oct. 16, a conference room in RASC was dedicated to celebrating Robertson’s career and contributions to the field of aviation. It is meant to help students understand who Robertson is and see his role in the history of American aviation. As a child Robertson was involved in the Boy Scouts and had a love of aviation, which led him to become an engineer and serve as a pilot in the United States Air Force. He taught at Arizona State University for many years, and while he was there he observed that many times when aircraft crashed, the passengers would survive the impact and then die in fires due to ruptured fuel cells which would catch fire, both in fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

He decided to get involved in the field of crash investigation, and started his firm Robertson Aviation in Tempe, Ariz., which is now known as Robertson Fuel Systems. At his company they developed a line of fuel bladders that is incredibly resistant to damage and can withstand impacts, fires, tears, and bullets. “He has saved thousands of lives,” said Dr. Jacqueline Luedtke, who is the chair of ERAU Prescott’s Safety Science program, and mention how “the Yellow Ribbon veterans returning and going to school here know his name.” The achievement of which Robertson has said he is most proud is his honorary membership in the United States Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, known as the Night Stalkers, who are tasked with providing helicopter aviation support for military operations, and was given this honor due to his crucial role in making military rotor wing aircraft safer because of his fuel bladders. He has also been inducted into the Army Aviation Hall of Fame, the Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame, the National Hall of Fame, and in November will be inducted into the Interna-

tional Aviation Hall of Fame. As a philanthropist, Robertson has contributed to several schools, ERAU and ASU included, and he was crucial in the ability of ERAU Prescott to be able to create its safety science program and its crash fields. Because of funding from him, RASC and the archive building across from it were built, along with the Simulation center at the ERAU flightline. He owns a ranch where he raises Angus cattle for breeding, and according to Luedtke, “You will never ever meet a more humble man than Harry. He loves to do what he can for this school and the students.” Robertson was excited by this dedication because he wanted to serve as an inspiration to students for success, and encouraged students to “know what you don’t know… then get after it.” Robertson’s son David and daughter-in-law are involved with automobile racing, and became the first married couple on the podium for racing in the Le Mans 2011 race. The cars used by their team, and many others use the fuel bladder technology developed at Robertson Aviation.



Oct. 31, 2012

Professor Cindy Greenman Earns PhD brandOn lEadbETTEr Correspondent

Ethics, where do they come from? In this technology-induced time, fraud is everywhere. Every major that is taught at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University branches into a limitless array of businesses and organizations that worry about fraud. Whether it is Boeing, the CIA, or even an airline corporation, fraud can be anywhere and that’s why finding people with ethics is so important. Assistant Professor Cindy Greenman decided that this is where she would focus her dissertation to obtain her PhD in Ac-

counting. Working in the College of Arts and Sciences she spent four years writing a 160 page document titled, “Marital Status, Religiosity, and Experience as a Predictor of Ethical Awareness Among Accounting Professions.” The title is very long, but has very important meaning to the ethics of the future. Many have studied this thought process of predicting ethics within people, but the results are always inconclusive. Professor Greenman focused on three criteria for her research: marital status, religiosity, and experience. These three criteria are some of the most speculative prospects of ethics enforcement within humanity. The first

is marital status. Marital status is something that has been linked to ethics since the beginning. Each person in this part of the research takes an ethical questionnaire to gauge the individual ethics of each person. Then, they were asked demographic questions to compare with the ethics test. The next step was religiosity. Anyone with a religious background is believed to have ethics. This test aimed at the idea that religion, believing in a spiritual belief that is bigger than the individual can inspire ethics within that person. The test procedure was the same as the marital status. Then the final criterion of experience was brought into the

equation.The idea that age plays a part in the development of ethics. Each of the criteria has the ability to inspire ethics within a person. When the questions were completed and compared to the individual responses, the numbers were tallied. They were all over the place. Professor Greenman was very shocked at the results as these were three of the most important factors that may influence ethics. There were results at each of the extremes and many in-between. The results were surprising, but not unexpected as Professor Greenman explained, “Many have tried to pinpoint what makes us ethical, but none have succeeded.” She was explained that since

so many have tried to figure this out that it continually opens the door for more research. The continuing research of Professor Greenman and others will look for other factors that can influence ethics. Professor Greenman successfully defended her dissertation in the presence of 15 Executive Committee members and 40 video/phone conference calls. 10 minutes after her valiant defense, her dissertation was approved by the committee for no revisions and even put up for the NCU’s Dissertation of the Year by two of the members of the committee. This research is vital in finding ways to identify people who can be trusted. Maybe from

Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper

this dissertation, researchers may find a fool proof way to find those who are honest and just.

Le Mans Finalist Visits ERAU allisOn CisnErOs Copy Editor

All summaries are compiled from official Campus Safety reports. Names and specific details have been omitted to protect student privacy. note from Jim sheridan, director of safety: “The 2011 annual Clery Statistics have been completed and are noaw available to be reviewed on the Safety & Security Department web page <> Select the link to Crime-Fire-Housing Statistics.pdf. These statistics are reported annually for the previous calendar year.”

sept. 17, Vehicle Collision A Sodexo employee parked a work van in lot E with the engine running to collect trash from nearby bins. The employee turned around as they were walking away and saw the van moving toward them. They were able to jump out of the way, but the van continued on and hit a car, causing damage to the trunk of the car. The van received damage along the driver’s side. There were no injuries.


Continued from A1 through active therapy and meaningful therapeutic activities to maintain or improve functional independence and life quality. Lesko and Sanders assessment, planning, and activ-

sept. 17, Medical Call Safety received a call that EMTs and an ambulance were en-route to the campus. They were called by a student whose roommate woke up in extreme pain. The student had been diagnosed with gallstones two days prior. Upon arrival, the EMTs began immediate treatment and transferred the student to Yavapai Regional Medical Center by way of ambulance when LifeLine arrived on scene. ity implementation reaches the objective of the VA to assist the veterans in accomplishing a target goal of self-sufficiency. Not only are these vets learning skills to help in their own activities of daily living they are socializing with their peers and sharing space and kindness with others. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at

Oct. 12 - Trespassing Safety received a radio call regarding a homeless man sleeping in the library. Custodial staff had told the man he needed to leave, at which point he walked into campus. Safety began looking through campus and eventually found the man sleeping in the bus shelter near Haas (Bldg. 73). Safety told the man he would need to leave and offered to have Prescott Police Department drive him to a homeless shelter. He declined, but did accept an offer to be driven to a grocery store.

the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the Germany signing of the Armistice on what is now officially called Veterans Day. While there will be major ceremonies across the USA celebrating Veterans Day 2012 please take a moment to thank a vet for our precious freedom. Veterans of all ages are the heroes of their own stories.

Andrea Robertson became the first woman to climb a Le Mans podium since 1931. They drove 285 laps in 24 hours non-stop at Circuit de la Sarthe except for taking time in the pit for tuneups. Robertson and her husband, David Robertson, became the first married couple to be on the podium. They carved themselves into history when what they were looking for was something fun to do together. “It was overwhelming to say the least.” says Andrea Robertson. Crowds cheered and chanted their names as Robertson Racing proudly accepted their awards. “I can still see the sea of faces,” she remembered. It had been difficult getting her car to through the crowds that had jumped the fence and started pounding on the racecar, smiling. The “little privateers” raced against factories with money to burn, but still drove their Ford GT to the top three. They placed third at Le Mans, “considered the greatest sporting event in the world,” on June 14, 2011. “It was utterly amazing.” Andrea Robertson stated at her talk to the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott campus. She spoke Wednesday, Oct. 17

to a crowd of students, staff, and faculty. Posters, newspaper and blog postings, and photographs were spread out at a table for perusal before her presentation at 5 p.m. Her proud smile and confident stance had not changed since the Le Mans race about a year and a half ago. Her passion for racing is clear and Andrea Robertson is willing to act as a mentor. “I would be happy to mentor... it’s a tough environment.” She said. “You gotta be strong. It’s tough out on the track, very goal-oriented. You have to live it, breathe it. Can’t be a weekend warrior.” She was asked about how it felt to be a woman driving a maledominated sport. She answered “Once you’re in the car, no one knows you’re male or female unless you have a great fanbase.” Once people see a driver is serious, Andrea Robertson explained, he or she earn respect by their clean appearance and professionalism in the pit and by their conduct. Sportsmanship is taken seriously in the races. Other crews would come by to say hello and see their pit. She said they were always friendly and professional. Her thrill-seeking attitude isn’t confined to the racetrack. Andrea Robertson obtained her private pilot’s license and owns a Cessna 172. She used to work at Midway Airlines as a certified airline dispatcher, but the pull of the track

was too much. The Robertsons quit their jobs and dedicated all their time and money to racing. “I would love to run Le Mans one more time,” said David Robertson. The only obstacle in their way is finances. Running Le Mans against the big companies was compared to entering into a bleeding contest with a blood bank. David Robertson became a part of ERAU in the 1990’s when he was working at Midway Airlines with his wife. He gave them advice and in turn, David Robertson is now an ERAU trustee. He has been trying to push people, especially girls and women, into pursuing their passions. “It’ll be a better culture when it’s their choice instead of being influenced by a culture’s baggage.” David Robertson has seen girls and women decide not to do something in a male-dominated field, because they weren’t supported. “We’re better off now than before,” he said. However, there is still progress to be made in creating a feeling of support for girls and women to enter and stay in fields where men vastly outnumber the women. Le Mans and their current work was one of the best choices of their lives. Making history and winning third place at Le Mans was highlighted by a touch of romance. The race coincided with their wedding anniversary.


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Oct. 31, 2012

ERAU Prescott


Calendar of Events

October 31 - November 13

Wed 31

Thu 1

Fri 2

7 a.m. - 2 p.m. All-Campus Health & Wellness Fair @ HSU

6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Ann Meyers Drysdale, “Title 9” Speaker and Book Signing @ HSU

* 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Open House at ASIS Massage Education @ ASIS Massage Education

10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Copy Center Annual Open House @ Bld 49 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Eagle Leader Series: Teamwork and Collaboration @ DLC

6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament Captains Meeting @ Activity Center

7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Freshman Halloween Party @ HSU

Wed 7

Thu 8

9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Veterans Job Fair @ Lower Hangar 12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. USMC 237th Birthday Celebration @ Amphitheater

Sat 3

* 7:00 p.m. - 10 p.m. Ballroom Dance Party @ Adult Center

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ERAUs 1st Hunger Games @ Activity Center * 6 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Ruffles N Rawhide Dance Club @ The Villages at Lynx Creek Clubhouse

8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Comedian Johnny Cardinale @ DLC

Fri 9

* 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Prescott Opera @ The Elks Opera House

* 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Living History Workshop @ Sharlot Hall Museum

Sat 10

Sun 4 * 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Kick Off The Holidays Faire @ The Prescott Resort & Conference Center 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Silver Wings Associate Information Meeting @ AC1 -107 * 7 p.m. Kristina Olsen in Concert @ Prescott Center for the Arts

Mon 5

Tue 6

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Secular Student Alliance Meeting @ HSU 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Fall Graduation Meeting @ HSU 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament @ Activity Center

Sun 11

Mon 12

* 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Ballroom Dance Party @ Adult Center

7 a.m - 9 a.m. Come Fly With Us @ R/C Field

4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Silver Wings Associate Meeting @ AC1 - 107

* 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. LVQG’s Holiday Boutique @ Mountain Valley Church of God

* 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Arizona History Adventure @ Sharlot Hall Museum

* 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. The Four Freshmen @ Yavapai College Performance Hall

* 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 p.m. Prescott Art Docents Art Talk @ Prescott Center for the Arts

* 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Open House: ZEN DOG Portraits by Jill Gilbert @ The Division Street Frame Shop

* 7 p.m. The Best of Broadway @ The Elks Opera House

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Secular Student Alliance Meeting @ HSU

5 p.m. - 7 p.m. ExpressJet Airlines Pilot Bridge Program Presentation @ AC1104

5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. RHA Meeting @ Hall 5 Lounge

Veteran’s Day - No School

Tue 13 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Astro-Physics Colloquium Series @ AC1-104 5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. RHA Meeting @ Hall 5 Lounge

* Event from

What Can I Recycle With the Recycling Program?

Aluminum – Empty

aluminum cans; clean pie plates, clean frozen dinner pans, clean foil and food containers.

Metal – Clean steel food

cans, metal lids, EMPTY aerosol cans, wire clothes hangers.

Newspaper, Paper, Junk Mail –

Place in brown paper bag, or bundle and tie. Self-sealing and window envelopes are okay.

Magazines - Glue-bound

and stapled magazines are okay. NO paperback or hardbound books.

Chipboard - Packaging or

facial tissue boxes, dry food boxes; such as cereal, cake mixes (remove liners), shoe and gift boxes and beer or soda carriers..

Cardboard -

Flattened, corrugated and clean. The cardboard must be cut to a size no larger than 20”x30”,, and must fit inside the container.

Plastics – All Number 1 thru

Number 7 plastics (the number is on the bottom or side of the container). Remove & throw away all lids. No plastic grocery bags. No STYROFOAM.

Just a Few Do’s & Don’ts …

•  All recyclable materials must be clean, dry and empty •  Remove and discard all unrecyclable caps and lids. *  DO NOT PLACE GLASS IN THE RECYCLE BIN! *  At the present time, GLASS cannot be recycled.




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The Glob al In tel l igen ce Monitorin g Cen ter

Eagle Eye Intel - Horizons Edition -

An analytical intelligence wire prepared by the students of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona siTuaTiOn rEPOrTs GUAY: Calls for Presidential 1 PARA Trial On 16 October, Paraguayan senators announced their support for social media and press calls for the removal and trial of President Fedrico Franco over irregularities in his personal finance. Over the past four years, Franco’s personal fortune has reportedly increased sevenfold. Public prosecutors have stated that if sufficient evidence emerges, they will file charges.



NIGERIA: Growing Unrest Threatens Foreign Investment

Summary: Foreign investment will likely be delayed by increased violence and high death tolls throughout much of Nigeria. Development: On 16 October, the latest Mo Ibrahim Index of African Government was released, placing Nigeria 43rd out of 52 countries. The publication of the Index follows a recent series of attacks and unrest throughout the country. On 15 October, fifteen explosions shook the town


BRAZIL: Commences Sixth Stage of Operation Agata

Summary: The deployment of 7,500 troops to counter drug trafficking could cause an increase in gang violence and complicate Brazilia’s efforts to pacify its border regions. Development: On 9 October, Brazil deployed


NORTH KOREA: States Missiles Can Hit US Mainland

Summary: Pyongyang’s statement that its inter-continental ballistic missiles are capable of hitting the US mainland is likely an indication that it will maintain a confrontational stance toward Washington and Seoul for the immediate future. Development: On 9 October, Pyongyang claimed to the Associated Press of Seoul that the


JAPAN: Observes Chinese Warships


RUSSIA: Al-Qa’ida’s “Forest Jihad”


RUSSIA: Oil Company Develops African Pipeline

On 16 October, Defense Ministry officials spotted seven Chinese warships in the Japanese Contiguous Zone near Okinawa. Three frigates, a missile destroyer, a refueler, and two submarine rescue vehicles were identified. As these warships were in international waters, there was no violation of international law. However, this is the first observed presence of Chinese warships in the Okinawa region this year. The ships did not approach the disputed Senkaku Islands and could have been maneuvering to avoid a typhoon.

The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service, Alexander Bortnikov, claims last summer’s wave of forest fires across Europe was set by Al-Qa’ida arsonists. According to Bortnikov, the fires were part of Al-Qa’ida’s “forest jihad,” a low cost strategy of “a thousand cuts,” designed to bleed the enemy to death. Bortnikov and others cite the group’s internet blogs as the source for their claims. In 2009, AlQa’ida blogs reportedly recommended setting forest fires in the United States as an effective tactic.

Rosneft is planning construction of a USD 700 million oil-products pipeline from Mozambique’s port of Beira to Harare, Zimbabwe. The new pipeline would compete with road shipments by carrying up to 300 liters of oil products per month. Rosneft expects to finalize all permits and agreements for this project by the end of this year. Earlier this month, Russia’s Industry and Trade Minister visited Mozambique and Zimbabwe looking for further investment opportunities such as port and railway development.

of Maiduguri, in northern Nigeria, leading to a police-enforced lock-down of all city streets. An army spokesman indicated Boko Haram was responsible for the attacks. On 14 October 2012, at least 12 people were killed coming out of a mosque in Kaduna state, and a community leader known for speaking against Boko Haram attacks was shot and killed in his home. Although no people or groups were charged with the attacks, both occurred in a region of high Boko Haram activity. On 6 October, police mandated a curfew in Port Harcourt due to a riot in response to a 5 October lynching of four students. Additionally, on 5 October, a Boko Haram

bombing killed an army lieutenant in Maiduguri, which prompted a military backlash that killed at least 30 civilians and destroyed more than 50 residential and commercial structures. Finally, on 2 October, at least 26 students were massacred in Mubi. No group has claimed responsibility for the deaths. Analysis: Increased civil unrest due to political, religious, and criminal tensions in recent months has significantly decreased the potential for foreign investment in Nigeria. Although the country’s economy is the second largest in Africa and possesses many sectors for foreign investment, especially in its natural resources, investors

will very likely be deterred by the recent violence. While none of these recent attacks directly affects trade, they make companies reluctant to expand operations in the region. This reluctance will likely increase due to the publication of the Mo Ibrahim Index, which placed Nigeria towards the bottom of all African countries in terms of the safety of its own people and the safety of foreign employees. With such high risks, companies are unlikely to send their own employees to Nigeria or even hire foreign nationals in the region, likely preferring to delay further investment until the nation stabilizes. [Kellyn Wagner]

7,500 soldiers along its border with Bolivia and Peru. The troops will counter drug trafficking while providing health care for civilians. This will be the sixth stage in Operation Agata’s effort to counter cross-border drug trafficking and criminal activities. Operation Agata Six will last for two weeks and have support from fighter-bombers, combat helicopters, patrol boats, and armored cars.

Analysis: Considering 60 percent of cocaine seized in Brazil originates in Peru and Bolivia, Brazil’s military will likely confiscate large amounts of narcotics during Agata Six. This will likely result in a violent reaction from the cartels that rely heavily on drug-smuggling revenue. Large confiscations of drugs have already impacted the drug market and caused increased gang violence. Par-

adoxically, further drug busts could create more difficulties for Brazil’s efforts to pacify restive regions of the country. In addition, Brazil’s air capabilities will likely be strained over the next two weeks. Given the new US-Brazil military alliance, US air assistance will likely be crucial to the operation’s success. [Kameron Saranto-Mercado]

North Korean military has missiles capable of hitting the US mainland. This statement came two days after Washington agreed to support Seoul’s development of a missile to target all of North Korea. Pyongyang mentioned that the deal was “a product of another conspiracy of the master and the stooge” to “ignite a war.” Seoul has made no official statement. However, both Seoul and Washington have made it clear that they have no intention of attacking North Korea. There is currently

no evidence to support North Korea’s claim that its inter-continental ballistic missiles are capable of successfully hitting designated targets, much less reaching the Continental US. Analysis: Pyongyang is displaying a willingness to directly confront the US if given a reason. Although Seoul and Washington have not indicated an intent to attack North Korea, North Korean officials are still very likely convinced an attack is being planned. Should Pyongyang reach the con-

clusion that they are threatened by an impending attack from Seoul or Washington, Pyongyang may be willing to launch missiles preemptively. In addition, recent North Korean missile tests and threats against South Korea and the US likely increases the potential for preemptive North Korean military action. Kim Jong Un’s public support of such a tactic also increases the likelihood that a confrontational stance toward the US will persist. [Stefano Guidetti]

Graphic by Horizons Newspaper

This is a Global Intelligence Briefing prepared by the students of the Global Security and Intelligence Studies program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. The views expressed in this briefing are those of the students, not the university. For questions and comments, contact Dr. Phillip E. Jones, 928.777.6992 or the Eagle Eye Editing Board: Scott Small, [] Christopher Tomas, [] Kevin Moss, [] Kyle Parent, []


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

section B


Women in theWoods Deani Wlodek, the leader of the women’s leadership retreat, showed the other campers a baby tarantula she had caught in a can. Photos were taken with cell phones and the tarantula was promptly released in an area with little human traffic. Women from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, a local Prescott high school, and Phoenix, Ariz. traveled to Sky-Y Camp to enhance leadership skills and self-discovery Oct. 19 and 20. Approximately 20 women participated in the ERAU Women of Strength Leadership Retreat in Prescott, Ariz. They were notified of the opportunity by Dr. Melanie Wilson, Director of the Women’s

and Diversity Center at ERAU. Participants had to pay a fully refundable $10 to reserve a spot, in addition to their registration. Sky-Y Camp provided a space to focus solely on the campers’ identity, obstacles, and resources to achieve their goals. Wlodek used a combination of physical activity, communal sharing, and art to create a safe space for the women to discuss their fears and hopes. Her exercises worked and brought the women together. A community formed from strangers and acquaintances to create a lifelong memory of strength and sentiment. One of the most memorable exercises was the creation of the leadership board. Every camper used her artistic skills to put a symbol of leadership on a piece of canvas. The canvas was cov-

ered in a wide range of artistic mediums and meanings. It is currently on display in the Women’s and Diversity Center. “I was glad folks got both interpersonal and physical challenge activities. Both are very valuable for our leaders.” concluded Wilson. The director hopes to hold similar events in the future. The women’s leadership retreat was very important to determining what was holding the participants back from achieving their goals. It reinforced the idea to use a community to help an individual and to ask for what you need. The concepts enhanced and reinforced strength and relationships within the women. It was helpful to the campers and will surely play a part in their positive influence on others.

the “haunted house.” The main events at Fear Farm’s thirteenth year included an “unhaunted” corn maze and five attractions: Annihilation, Twisted Toy Factory, Sector 13, Condemned, and Chainsaw Mayhem. Inside the corn maze under the light of a full moon, one’s senses are heightened beyond what they would normally be. Even though the maze was said to be “unhaunted,” there were still some people seeking a thrill out of scaring others. Within a corn field similar to the area of two regulation football fields and many containing many different paths, one can hardly resist the temptation, even if the intent is not to scare others. On the other hand, the main attractions did print some fear on those who ventured inside. Maze based ghouls, goblins and zombies lay in wait for people to walk by and then jumped out when one least expected it. Near the end of the first attraction, a group of thirty was sealed inside a storage crate with two of the monsters. The air smelt of gasoline fumes and a girl’s first thought

was “We’re gonna be fumigated.” In actuality, after the doors were shut, a chainsaw was revved up; screams rang out from many of the females. After the exit was opened, the chainsaw was put up against the side of the wall and allowed to reverberate through the container; a mad dash was made to get out. The next two attractions gave an air of creepy. Twisted Toy Factory had an atmosphere mixed with a haunted house and clowns. Passing through a section of the maze, a box was on the side of the path and a ghoul was asking if people wanted to see what was inside it. He even approached a person carrying a notebook saying, “Come on, thinker!” Sector 13 had an alienbased theme to it. Visitors were warned of a virus that infected the research facility after an alien spacecraft crash-landed on Earth. Groups of twenty-five to thirty were given only one flashlight as they ventured inside. Condemned and Chainsaw Mayhem were the final attractions. Condemned was based

around mutations after exposure to toxic waste and heavy doses of radiation. A combination such as this was enough to leave many people deranged. Characters also approached the same person with the notebook and asked, “Are you making a menu?” Thinking quickly, he responded, “Yes, and he’s the main course!” and he pointed to another patron in front of him. Chainsaw Mayhem was based around…well, chainsaws and mutilation. One segment involved a cannibalistic butcher looking for his next meal and had his sights set on a musclebound visitor, saying “He would make a nice steak.” On the main avenue, visitors had the opportunity to get pictures taken with their favorite monster, be it a witch, armless zombie, or clown. Outside the attractions, the group of students with hearts slightly pounding gathered to make their way around the rest of the farm. As the song from “The Nightmare Before Christmas” goes, “Life’s no fun without a good scare.”

ALLISon CISneroS Copy Editor

ERAU Women of Strength Leadership Retreat for Horizons Newspaper The participants of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University women’s retreat pose for a picture.

Derek Gaines Eases Midterm Tension roBB CoWAn Correspondent

A week into the second half of the fall semester and the entire campus was feeling the full impact of midterms. On the bright side, hope was in sight. Oct. 19 marked the appearance of comedian Derek Gaines from New Jersey. The Davis Learning Center was the place to be for the night as Gaines entertained the crowd of 125 students with jokes and stories about his life and a wide variety of other topics. A “hobbyist and sneaker enthusiast”, Gaines is quoted as “28 and moved back in with my mom.” This also presented another situation for Gaines; “I’m a black guy with no kids at 28; I’m a modern marvel,” he proclaimed to the crowd. Regarding his life back home in New Jersey, Gaines went on to talk about his love life and how sketchy it can be when his mother is home. Case and point: “Never bring girls home with you to an air mattress; that thing’s gonna pop if you get into it too hard.” He also went on to describe that the girl “needed a pillow to keep from screaming too loud.” Clearly, Gaines never got too much privacy from his mom. Additionally, he explained to the crowd how broke he was. Despite moving back in with his mom, Gaines claimed he was “Inception broke.” Those that have seen the aforementioned movie can understand; for those that cannot, it means that Gaines dreams of having

the money to throw around as he pleases. However, when he wakes up, he wants to go back to sleep. Many students at EmbryRiddle can understand and empathize with Gaines in this matter. As the show continued, the jokes started becoming more diverse. Gaines mentioned he was into “breaking stereotypes.” By that, “I want to point out that not all black guys are gangsta; I count myself as one of them!” Furthermore, Gaines explained that there were a lot of things he did not know about the world. For example, for the longest time “I thought ‘metrosexual’ was a term for gay people that used public transportation.” This caused members of the audience to laugh hysterically and a couple others to “facepalm”. Furthermore, he talked about the “psychological games that women play on men, especially at the clubs.” According to him, there are girls that he meets who surround themselves with other women who are less attractive and it is like they are shielding themselves. “This is also a way to leave a guy at the club,” Gaines continued. This is a common occurrence for many people in general. The evening was a great stress reliever for the “battle scarred” students after their first round of midterms for the fall semester. The jokes at the beginning of the show were a lot more racy than some people expected, but flexibility is the name of the game in the entertainment business and Derek Gaines handled the situation very well, despite that fact that he “felt like he was at an auction.”

Fear Farm Instills Heebie-Jeebies in Students roBB CoWAn Correspondent

The flyers posted around the campus for the Fear Farm in Phoenix gave students a precursor to the thrills to be had on Friday night of Oct. 26. The event attracted twenty-five students from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and the first stop on the journey was Sonic Drive-In for dinner after a close vote. Upon arrival, the group discovered that nothing is as it seems on the surface. From the main road leading to the parking lot, the attraction looked similar to the Arizona State Fair with a pumpkin patch and small train ride for the kids and even a little dance floor and drink station named Club Undead. Other side attractions included Bungee trampolines, a rock wall for all ages to enjoy, and a live metal band on the second story of one of the main attractions; patrons gathered to listen to the group by sitting on the hay bales that made up the line for those seeking to enter

Q: What’s new with Area 51? A: Area 51, The Women’s and Diversity Center, is sponsoring the Women of Accomplishment Fall Speaker Series. By the time you read this, we will have hosted Sarah Weddington, the youngest person to win a Supreme Court case. As well as on Oct. 17, at 4:30 p.m. we presented Andrea Robertson (of the Robertson Aviation Safety Center, kinda…), a

Ask Area 51

noted race-car driver and the first woman to have a top-three finish at Le Mans since 1931. Rounding out the Series will be Ann Meyers Drysdale, first woman to earn an athletic scholarship at UCLA, speaking on the 40th Anniversary of Title 9 on Thursday, Nov. 1. Q: What’s Title 9? A: The Education Acts of

1972 guaranteed equal opportunity for women and men in all educational institutions. It was first and mainly used to ensure women had an equal shot at athletics, and in a practical way increased the number of women competitors from thousands to millions, as well as paving the way for women’s professional sports. Today, the White House is using Title 9 to

ensure that women’s reports of sexual assault are handled fairly and don’t compromise women’s opportunities to benefit from higher education. Q: The election is coming up too; should I vote? A: Absolutely! If you are registered in another state, contact them to see about vote by mail.

see DIVERSITY page B3



Oct. 31, 2012


Ingredients: 2 cups of cherry tomatoes 1 ¼ cups ricotta cheese A few sprigs of thyme (or dried thyme) Oregano to taste 1 tablespoon olive oil Sea salt and ground pepper

ICE EAGLES By Bryan Rhodes

Prescott Pumpkin Patch Carnival dAVId KranTZ Sports Editor

It was a bright, sunny day perfect for a walk through the square; that is if you were wearing your scariest costume. All of Prescott gathered together Saturday, Oct. 27 for some good ol’ Halloween fun. For only five dollars you could play all of the games that you wanted including six bounce houses, for those yougins. Families of super heroes, ghosts, and princesses walked through the many booths featuring games and prizes of all kinds. A few of these booths were even run by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students. The fencing club was located under the gazebo, where ninjas and knights could take a swing at each other with supervision and protection. Steel clashing together could be heard through the square as the club gave demonstrations of swordplay. The sounds of carnival games filled the square as kids tried to win as many prizes as they could. Many of the booths were run by local businesses offering up raffle tickets in addition to Halloween themed games such as skeleton ring toss, and beanbag tosses. The booth that was by far

the most popular was a photo booth where kids could meet and take pictures with their favorite movie characters. Kids waited in line for their chance to meet their favorite Disney princess or action hero including Darth Vader and Jack Sparrow. For those with a sweeter tooth there was the coffin walk where anything from candy to cakes could be won by landing on the correct pumpkin at the end of the spooky music. Stands from nearby restaurants, including Billy’s Pizza, were there providing a variety of food. The biggest attraction at the carnival was the costume contests. Kids of all ages entered for a chance to win prizes in one of the

different categories. Costumes were judged based on age group, scariest/spookiest, cutest/funniest, homemade, and matching families. The costumes worn at the event included a Pacman family, mercenaries, Thing One and Thing Two, Edward scissor hands, and everything in between. At the end of the festivities, the last stop was the pumpkin patch where you could pick out your own pumpkin. The pumpkins ranged in size from small to large costing somewhere between $2 and $5. A pumpkin carving station was also available. By the end of the afternoon, everyone had had a good time enjoying the chance to get together as a community for some scary fun.

David Krantz / Horizons Newspaper Families enjoy the Fall Carnival and Pumpkin Patch festivities at the downtown square.


gle” which will take place in the spring semester again this year. This is where everyone is invited out to skate with the Ice Eagles club. The date on this event is to be announced. The team roster is currently full but if you are interested in playing with the team, you will need to have all of your own equipment which includes skates, hockey stick, helmet, ect. All the games and events the club is holding will be on the ERAU website calendar. If you are interested in learning more or playing for the team, contact the club president Brett Young at [].


grams and milliliters to American measurements for you! You’re welcome. I used golden and regular red Roma tomatoes instead of cherry tomatoes, and they turned out fine. I would recommend you get the crust very thin, or it overpowers the taste of the cheese and tomatoes. Also, if you don’t have a tart pan, just use a pie dish and only go about halfway up the sides with the dough. I liked this recipe, but its a little labor intensive and has a flavor that not everyone will find appealing.


ing a rolling pin, until you have a large round which will fit a 10 inch tart tin with a removable base and is about 5mm in thickness. Transfer the pastry to the tart tin and cut off any loose edges. Prick the base surface with a fork and then spread with ricotta cheese. Place the tomatoes on top and bake in the oven for about 35-40 minutes until the tomatoes have reduced in size by half, slightly charred and the pastry has turned a nutty brown. This recipe is from a British food blog, so I converted all the


Place the flour and butter in a bowl and using a butter knife, cut the butter into the flour until you have a rough pebble mixture. Whisk together the egg with the balsamic vinegar and sea salt. Add this to the butter and flour and using two forks gently toss until the dough begins to come together. Add a little cold water to bring the dough to a rough ball. Turn the pastry out on to parchment paper or cling film, parcel up and place in the fridge to rest for 30 minutes. While the pastry is resting preheat the oven to 375˚F. Slice the tomatoes in half and place in a bowl. Toss with a little olive oil, thyme, oregano and season with sea salt and ground black pepper. When the pastry has rested, roll out on a clean well-floured work surface us-

uneventful in wins, but a fun season to watch. After taking last place in the league last year they are looking to improve upon that record with only losing two members from last season and restocking with five new members. To help improve this year, Coach Bill O’Hara and Coach Bill Thompson will be pushing the team to the next level. This semester, the club is looking at attending two tournaments in the spring semester, both are located in Phoenix. The tournaments are ‘Sauce’ Cup and Phoenix Cup. The club is looking to run an event called “Skate with an Ice Ea-


For the Pastry: 2 cups flour 12 tablespoons cold butter, chopped into pieces 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Cold water

The Ice Eagles Hockey team is just getting their season started with the first official game Oct. 22. The team will be having a slight change of schedule this year. Instead of weekly games on Mondays, the games will take place on either Monday or Thursday nights. All the games will be taking place at Tim’s Toyota Center in Prescott Valley, Ariz. and are free admission. At the games, the club is holding a raffle to give away one free month membership at Captain Cross-Fit, a gym in downtown Prescott. The team is looking to improve after last season which was fairly


By Robb Cowan

When one hears the name “Argo” most people would think back to classic mythology, especially regarding Jason and the Argonauts; others would think of the new shuttle-craft used in the movie “Star Trek: Nemesis.” Granted, both of those were called “Argo,” but this time there is a twist involved. Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston and John Goodman star in this movie based on a declassified mission to Iran about the exfiltration of six Americans on the run from the Iranian government. Hiding out at the Canadian embassy in Tehran, the Americans awaited rescue. CIA operative Tony Mendez is charged with the daunting task of rescuing six American “fugitives” in Iran after the U.S. embassy is overrun by Iranian protesters in 1979. Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., several ideas were brought to the table: from an armed escort to riding bicycles to the Turkish border. As absurd as it was, the most outrageous idea was proposed by Mendez after a phone call with his son: a science-fiction movie. Typically, a lot of movie desert scenes are filmed in the Middle East for their authenticity, and Mendez believed this could be the Americans’ “ticket” out of the country. An elaborate production was initiated, from the creation of storyboards to the movie poster and script. Seeking to disguise the fugitives as Canadian film makers, Mendez set to work on his plan.

Lies, deceit, and keeping a straight face is the name of the game in this declassified story about the makings of a science fiction movie that was never meant to exist in the first place. Who is better at keeping their “poker face” in face of extreme danger when lives are at stake? Purely the work of American intelligence at its best, “Argo” demonstrates how strong the American spirit can be in the face of its enemies.


Oct. 31, 2012


Humans vs. Zombies Brandon Leadbetter Correspondent

On Oct. 15, the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott campus received a campus wide alert of a zombie outbreak. The day before, three students began to exhibit strange behavior wearing bandannas on their heads. This was the start of the traditional Humans vs. Zombies here at ERAU. To answer the call of this threat, over 140 students rose up to stop the zombie horde. However, this year an old rule was reinstated, the use of Nerf guns was allowed. Students from every major headed to WalMart, Kmart, and even Fry’s to get the latest Nerf guns available. This event was run by Brice Floyd and advised by Dr. Julio Benavides as they tried to make this the biggest of any Humans vs. Zombies at Embry-Riddle. Armed with Nerf guns and melee sock weapons, the campus became a warzone throughout Oct. 14 to the 25. The sight of large groups of humans with Nerf guns holding off hordes of zombies was very common throughout the week. Some made holsters while others carried massive yellow and orange automatics that made zombies run the other way. This year the ERAU Humans vs. Zombies Club decided to add some new twists into

the mix. For instance, all buildings except for the mail room were safe, but all the buildings in Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Chino Valley were fair game. The idea was to make it where you have to be on guard at all times, even if you get funny looks for carrying a Nerf gun on your hip. Many rules changed in game, but it was a great experience that many won’t forget. The organizers also added a scoring system into the game that gave you a reason to hunt your opponent. Every human or zombie kill achieved, you were awarded five points. The top zombie and human would each get a special prize. To make things more interesting, the coordinators set up two scenario games over the weekend to earn even more points. Droves of humans and zombies attended to play and avoid being hunted for a few hours. The scenarios consisted of capture the flag and other situations where teamwork was mandatory. However, many zombies complained that the use of Nerf guns was unfair. Yes, Nerf guns give the humans an advantage in range, but what many don’t know is, within the first 24 hours of the game beginning, the zombies went from three to 20. The numbers continued to grow every day. The humans continued to fight the zombies with hunt-

ing parties. However, many were turned, increasing the horde’s ranks. With the use of Nerf guns, many zombies chose the easy way out and quit the game. At times the number of zombies was exaggerated as there were not that many playing. On Oct. 25, the last day of the event, one group of human survivors, The Duke’s Legion, formed a last stand between AC-1 and the King Engineering building. Spreading the word to both sides, humans and zombies arrived for one final confrontation. Though many on both sides had quit the game already, many wanted one final test of valor. Ten humans answered the call to stand against the nine zombies outside. In a straight line, the humans went out and met the horde which broke ranks signaling the final defeat of the zombies. In the end, the zombies did turn almost 110 people, but over 30 humans survived the entire event. Though there was nowhere near the number of participants compared to past events, this was by far the best yet. Congratulations to Levi Lacy, the top human and Alex Grant the Alpha Zombie who achieved the most kills. The campus is littered with Nerf ammo and socks, but as things return to normal many will look forward to the next Humans vs. Zombies with anticipation of what will come next.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper

Ava cut through friend and foe alike as she fought for herself. Central Park was in ruins. The buildings that lined the edges were engulfed in flame as man and beast fought on all sides. John could only watch as Ava, covered in flame cut through three angels that tried to stop her. The man in rags and the Devil himself were locked in a standoff. Neither moved, but only stared at each other across the park as the battle raged. “John,” John heard in his head. He knew who it was as he fought a werewolf and cleared his mind to hear, “Listen to me. I will keep Lucifer in check. You must deal with Ava!” “How am I supposed to do that?” John said driving the silver knife into the beast’s heart. “John, you’re forgetting who I am,” the voice said, “I have watched you care for her as your own daughter. You are the only one who can save her. I was never going to order her death. You can do this!” John nodded and fought his way to Tim. The young cop was standing with a couple police officers holding their ground. He saw John and said, “This is insane.”

Diversity Continued from B1 Here’s what the WA Secretary of State’s page says about voting: “It's your right. Young people, women and underrepresented groups all fought hard for the right to vote. Even today there are countries where people are still fighting for the right to vote. Vote in honor of those who can't. Michael says, "Because my Great Uncles, my Grandfather and my brother have all fought and served in the military to keep democracy here and around the world. Their sacrifice should be respected by all of us exercising our right to vote.” Shenae says, "Back in the day a lot of minorities could not vote, so you should vote because you have the opportunity to.” We are 51 percent of the population, and with this majority voice we CAN influence the di-

The Fallen “It is,” John said, “Follow me. We are going after Ava.” Tim looked up and saw Ava soar above the battlefield, swoop down, and lay waste to anything that stood in her way. She was fighting trolls the size of buildings and heavenly angels that feared no creature with ease. “I’m not going to live through this, am I?” Tim asked. “I don’t think many of us will,” John said as he led them. When they got close enough, they watched Ava cut a demon in half. John ignored it and looked at his daughter engulfed in flame. “Ava!” Her head came up and her eyes had flames smoldering where her green eyes should be. She threw her wings back and came barreling straight for them. John threw Tim out of the way and brought his sword up in time to meet the fiery blade coming down on him. Unlike every other weapon Ava met on the field of battle, this one did not melt or break. “How do you stand your ground?” she roared at him. She started to push him backwards with strength that John could never match.

“It was my wife’s,” John said. That stopped Ava in her tracks and the man in rags looked over as he felt the evil in Ava’s heart disappeared. That second was all Lucifer needed. A wave of energy slammed into the old man and Lucifer was free to join the battle. Knowing that Ava was his key to victory, he charged towards John annihilating everything in his path. Holding Ava in check, John could see the embers disappear as her eyes returned. The flames lowered across her body revealing her armor as she stepped back from him. She was shocked at what he said. “You have never spoken of your wife,” Ava said. “She was just like you,” John said, “She was a fallen and gave up all her powers to be a mortal with me. Heaven was okay with this, but Hell was not going to let it happen. She was turned into a human and during childbirth, we were attacked. Outnumbered, I lost everything I cared for. After that night, I took up her blade and hunted anything that threatened mankind. “You were my redemption and I will not let you fall! Give me your hand and we can end this!” John pleaded as he was sent flying.

Lucifer stood in front of Ava as her anger returned, but this was new. Instead of the orange and red flame of before, a blue and white flame ignited around her as her green eyes became brighter. She jumped at Lucifer, swinging with all her might. The wounds were something he couldn’t heal from, but he knew what would tip the balance of power. Landing a lucky blow across her face, he jumped to where John laid. Picking him up by the back of the neck, he held him between them, “You or him!” The flame around Ava disappeared. She fell to her knees as John’s eyes slowly opened. The man in rags stepped up to Ava’s side when Lucifer said, “Try anything and John will join those who he has imprisoned in your service.” “No, I won’t,” John said as he pulled the blade from his belt. He rammed it into his chest making the ultimate sacrifice. Seeing John fade, the man in rags unleashed a wave of energy that engulfed Central Park. Every being that came with Lucifer was sucked into a vortex that sent them flying into the void to

rection of critical policies important to us -- like childcare, choice, personal safety and economic security, and a healthy environment (Medina County, IN) If nothing else, we can counterpoint such views as those of Jesse Lee Peterson, 2012 (http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2012/05/08/jesse-lee-peterson-fox-news-womens-rightsvoting_n_1501070.html): “I think that one of the greatest mistakes that America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote. We should’ve never turned it over to women.”

“#ToMyUnbornChild If you're gay, I'll kill you.” (Presented by @Homophobes, a Twitter account that exposes homophobia.) Describing Sandra Fluke, who suggested to Congress that health insurance plans cover birth control: “"Nasty, diseaseridden plodding uterus, an utter skank crack-ho filthy whore, a prostitute slutbag juice-receptacle” (quoted in “5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women”, Enough said!

Q: He didn’t really say that, did he? A: Yes, he did; which brings us to another topic, and thanks to A.I. for the inspiration for this…while our current students are among the most open and accepting generation ever, the big surprise may be that there are still “Jesse Lee Petersons” in the world. The Women’s and Diversity Center exists for the following reasons:

Q: Any good news? A: Yes! The majority of people are not racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise not nice. Education goes a long way toward encouraging people to respect others and engage in civility. Embry-Riddle will achieve the goal of 25% women students, and with everyone’s help, will be welcoming to every group and person who enters the campus.

A student fiction story, Finale by Brandon Leadbetter

Hell as Ava ran to John’s side. The man in rags sealed the void and snapped his fingers. Central Park instantly went back to the way it was. Cars drove down the streets and people walked the streets. Everyone outside of those who fought in the battle had no recollection of the latest events, but he had one thing to take care of. Ava cried on John’s chest as he tried to calm her. The man walked over and looked down at him and said, “That was stupid.” With a smile, John said, “Stupid? You knew I was going to do that long before Ava was even born.” “True, it was the only way to get her to side with us,” the man said. “What?” she asked. “Ava,” John said and she looked down, “You are a fallen. You had to choose between good and evil, I was not going to let you lose who you are.” “Can you save him?” Ava said looking up at the man in rags. “Yes, but you must become the Angel of Redemption,” he said, “You will forgo your mortal life and stand guard against this threat.” “Whatever you want is yours!”

Ava cried, “Save him.” “It is done,” the man said as the knife vanished and the wound healed. John sat up and felt his chest. Ava hugged him, but the man said, “We must go. The part of your fallen life is at an end, but your redemption has only begun.” “What about you?” she asked John. “I will be fine,” he said smiling, “With you watching over me, nothing can touch me.” She smiled as the man snapped his fingers and they were gone to the golden gates above. He stopped and thought about what the last few hours had happened when Tim ran over. “What the hell just happened?” “We won,” John said standing up, “Time to move on with life and know we are forever being watched from above.” “What do we do now?” “I don’t know about you, but I have a guardian angel now. I’m going back to work protecting mankind from those that hunt it,” John said and walked down an alley way back to the shadows that he once called home. THE END


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eagles Dominate Senior Night CARSEN COOPER Correspondent

It is that time of the year again when the soccer season comes to an end for the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Eagles. As usual, it is a time of mixed feelings for the seniors who are both leaving ERAU behind but going on with a new future ahead of them. One final home game of the season, played on Oct. 20, was against Marymount University and was the Eagles’ Senior Night. To highlight one of the senior players, Andrew Davidson plans to go back to Texas after graduating with his Global Security and Intelligence Studies (GSIS) degree. He would love to work for the state or federal government. He thanked his parents for all the support they have given him throughout the years and also thanked ERAU for all the opportunities the school has provided. After the seniors were presented and thanked, their parents congratulated them, the game began. With the sunset creating a picturesque backdrop, the ERAU Eagles kicked off against the Marymount Mariners. see EAGLES page C3

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Lady Eagles Celebrate Victorious Senior Night CARSEN COOPER Correspondent

The blankets and hot drinks were out in full force among the audience as the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Lady Eagles celebrated their last home game and the parting of this year’s senior class. Five ladies will leave the team this year, Ciarra Pederson, Kayla Billings, Whitney Desmarais, Marissa Golesh, and Kelsey Anderson. As a toast to the seniors, the Lady Eagles promised to fight hard against the Marymount Mariners. To highlight one of the senior players, Whitney Desmarais came from Tucson, Arizona. Her nickname on the team was the “dribbling machine” and she always had a smile on her face and kept her teammates laughing. Desmarais will be “greatly missed” by her teammates and coach alike. After the seniors and their parents finished being congratulated, the Lady Eagles took to the field against the Mariners. The Lady Eagles would have to fight hard if they wanted to gain a win like the men’s game which had just finished. With an ERAU kickoff, the game began. The first ten minutes of the match were a stand still. The ball zigzagged back and forth across the field wildly but no goal materialized. Suddenly, out of almost nowhere, the Mariners slid past a gap in the Lady Eagle defense and got the

Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper Seniors Kelsey Anderson, Marissa Golesh, Whitney Desmarais, Kayla Billings and Ciarra Pederson play their last home game of the season and were congratulated by their families.

ball into the net scoring the first point of the game. Frustrated, the Lady Eagles put more focus into their goal to lead the game. While their added efforts were noticed, no more goals by either team materialized. Halftime began with a Mariner lead, 1-0. The Student Government Association (SGA) graciously hosted a tailgating party during both the men’s and women’s games. They had a table on the sidewalk and served cupcakes; hot dogs; and, most impor-

tantly, hot chocolate! The large group of spectators present were very grateful for the warm treat. The Lady Eagles and Mariners soon returned to the field. Marymount kicked off and the action began once more. All of the Lady Eagles’ efforts were put into tying up the game. Anderson dribbled the ball down the field, got past Mariner defense, made a shot, but narrowly missed the goal post. Finally a Lady Eagle goal materialized. Desmarais was able to get downfield and she shot the ball

screaming over the Mariner goal keeper, tying up the game and making the crowd go wild. Tensions only continued to rise now as both teams wanted to secure the lead to prevent the possibility of an overtime. One yellow card a piece was dished out to both teams as fouls and penalties began to stack up. A total of 13 fouls were called against each team. Finally, a breakthrough occurred. After seeing that both the Mariner goal keeper and defenders were occupied, sophomore

Sidney Jones slammed the ball into the back of the net, breaking the tie with just 10 minutes left on the clock. This was the last point of the match. The Lady Eagles won their final home game, 2-1. The Lady Eagles stepped up their game this season. They enjoyed many wins and truly brought it up a notch from last year. If the pattern continues, which Head Coach Todd Poitras will ensure, the Lady Eagles will come screaming back even better in 2013. Go Eagles!

Ice Eagles Take the Ice in Preseason Game MELEA RHODES Correspondent

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Paul Salveson stays just out of reach of the Ram’s defence who kept up the pressure.

On the night of Oct. 15, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Ice Eagles hockey team was preparing for their first game of the season. At Tim’s Toyota Center over forty people took their seats. Clad in their new jerseys of black with blue and gold stripes, the Ice Eagles were warmed up and ready to play against the red jerseys of the Rams. Already rowdy fans were cheering the Ice Eagles. The three periods of fifteen minutes each was about to begin as the Ice Eagles faced the Rams. As the puck was dropped, the Rams took possession. Only

30 seconds into the game, the Rams scored quickly, and soon after, they got another goal. This did not deter the Ice Eagles; they played an outstanding defense, rallying back and forth with the Rams for a good five minutes. Though the Ice Eagles had a few close shots it just wasn’t enough as the Rams took charge and scored their third point. As the scoreboard counted down the minutes, the first period was flying by. With only two minutes left, number 4, Devon Dundore, makes an impressive shot, skimming past the Rams goalie. The first score for the Ice Eagles was made, evident in the crowd’s massive cries and cheers. The Ice Eagles were starting to show their strength

against the Rams. The Rams were sensing this shift in power and tried to score within the last few minutes, but the Ice Eagles held on with a great defense, keeping the puck away from the goal. With the horn buzzing, the first period ended, 3-1 Rams. When the puck was dropped for the second period, the Ice Eagles were on top of the game. It was clear they were now into the mindset of the game. This was going to be an intense and riveting period. After only a few minutes of rallying, number 68, Travis Stockard, made a triumphant goal, leaving the Ice Eagles only one point behind the Rams. But the Rams see HOCKEY page C3



Volleyball Rematch Displays Improvement BRANDON LEADBETTER Correspondent

Oct. 26 looked to be a rematch that the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Volleyball team was looking forward to. After losing three straight games to the California State San Marcus Cougars the previous weekend, this was the time to make a statement. Coming to the Prescott campus the Ladies looked to make up for the sweep that caught them off guard. Practicing all week, the time had come to show what they were made of. The match started with a bang as the two teams were off. The Ladies continued to play aggressive and rough as they battled the Cougars. The lead of either team was never more than two points. There were some great saves from the Eagles that made it look like there would be a comeback to score the final couple points, but the game went to the Cougars 2325. Losing the first game after such a great performance was hard, but that is why it’s the best of five. After game one, the night looked to be a very exciting matchup between the Eagles and Cougars. However, the game did not go anywhere as planned. The Cougars, taking the momentum from the first game continued their offensive against the Eagles. The Eagles at first were able to hold the Cougars to a couple points at first, but that did not last. The lead for the Cougars started at four, then five, then six, and continued to rise until it hit 13.The Eagles were able to score one more point before the game was ended at 11-25 Cougars. Game two was a massacre as the Eagles could not keep any momentum. When game three started, many believed that this would

be a very short game and night. The Eagles did not start much better than the second game, but just when the Cougars started to take another commanding lead, the Eagles came to life. Scoring seven points in a row against the Cougars, the Eagles looked to make a comeback and force a game four. With a deficit of ten points to make up, they stepped up to the line and went toe to toe with the Cougars. The Eagles were able to bring down the lead to only seven before the match eventually went to the Cougars 18-25. The Eagles were swept 0-3 by the Cougars for the second time within a week, but even though they lost, coach Jill Blasczyk did not look too much into the loss. “The team was much better than

last weekend. This is a nationally ranked team with great talent and we did really well,” she said, “The problem is believing that we can finish an entire game. However, this is some of the best volleyball that Embry-Riddle has seen in years. This is a great team and they are starting to win a lot more than ever before.” Blasczyk is absolutely right as this is Embry-Riddle’s first year in the CALPAC conference. Playing new teams and new strategies is always tough, but this team is young and has great potential. The Eagles will be finishing their season at the CALPAC conference tournament on Nov. 8. The volleyball team has had a great season and we wish them luck as they try to finish strong against the members of the CALPAC conference.

OCT. 31, 2012

Player Profile: GRACE BRENNAN


Sophomore Grace Brennan came to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as a freshman last season, but joined the volleyball team as a redshirt. A redshirt is someone that is on the team, but cannot play. She had to practice and workout with the team, but was forced to sit on the sidelines. However, that is in the past as she is now an active part of the women’s vol-

Mike Gallante / Horizons Newspaper Marcela Lachowski winds up for a spike on the Cougars.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Zack Bissonette slips the puck past the Ram’s goalie for a point.

RYAN O’HARA Correspondent

Special to Horizons

During Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s annual OctoberWest celebration on Oct. 6, Chris Larsen, co-owner of Larsen Motorsports and sponsor of the Prescott-based Embry-Riddle jet dragster project, told the students involved that the car is completed to the point that it needs to head to final assembly. Jet dragster project students loaded the car into the EmbryRiddle race trailer, which then departed for a three-day drive to Larsen Motorsports in Daytona, Fla. for paint and final assembly. “The next time you see your car in Prescott, it will be finished and running,” said Larsen. “What these students have accomplished is amazing.

By the end of that weekend, she was on the team. Due to having too many players, she became a redshirt. “College is more competitive and more about the sport than the school or record,” Brennan said, “The team is doing really well. We have done very well even when we are having bad days. Our team meshes well and there is no cattiness.” Her favorite part of the sport is when she scores a point and the success that ensues. However, she hates when the team or opposing team acts catt y. In any case, Brennan is a great asset to the team. This may be her first time playing college volleyball, but she already has a year of experience to help the team succeed.

Ice Eagles Fall to Rams


leyball team. Coming from Medford, Ore., Brennan is an aerospace engineer who loves the nature side of Prescott. In middle school, Brennan played both volleyball and basketball. The two sports were her life until she became a sophomore in high school. She had to choose only one. Obviously, she chose to continue her career in volleyball. Her family has always been by her side. It was her father and sister who convinced her to talk with former head coach Katy Meyer. Brennan had chosen Embry-Riddle long before the thought of playing volleyball was an option. She attended “Accepted Student Preview Day” for a tryout as well as a tour of the campus.

They created an entire Motorsports Shop on a shoestring budget, and built an incredible vehicle that will effectively compete in the real world of motorsports against the best in the business. The quality is second to none and they have earned the right to be proud,” added Larsen. Also on hand was Marisha Falk, driver for the Embry-Riddle race team. Falk bragged to spectators at the open house about the innovative new design open house where her current jet dragster and the new student creation were on display at the Prescott Airport. “The new car represents the state of the art in jet racing”, said Larsen. “It is anything but conventional and there are a number safety innovations we have wanted to incorporate for some time now that I am anx-

ious to experiment with. Upon completion, Larsen’s plan is to debut the car for its first time ever at the Prescott Campus where it was created. Following its debut the car will become part of a national racing tour across America.

About Larsen Motorsports: Larsen Motorsports is a multi-team national professional racing organization specializing in turbine-powered high-performance vehicles based at the developing Embry-Riddle Research and Technology Park in Daytona Beach, Fla. You can follow the day to day activities at the track and shop as well as the team’s travels across the country on a student-produced reality series called “Elaine Larsen, Playing With Fire” each month.

The air was cold and the ice was crisp as the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Ice Eagles took it to the ice on Monday, Oct. 22. The score may have not reflected a close game, but the Ice Eagles had a very solid game despite coming up on the losing side of a 5-2 game against the Rams. The Ice Eagles were coming off a sub-par preseason heading into play, but the players were confident that they could turn the momentum to their side. Goalie John Brightbill put together an excellent game. After allowing nearly ten goals during the preseason, Brightbill stepped up at a good time for the Ice Eagles on their home rink. The offensive side struggled to make quality passes for a while during the first period and it put Brightbill in an unpleasant situation. If anything was bothering him dur-

ing the preseason, it certainly did not show on Monday night. After the first period, the Ice Eagles switched goalies, but would later change back to Brightbill for the third and final period. Going back to the offensive side of the game, the Ice Eagles had no problem bringing the puck up the rink and getting into the attacking zone, but creating opportunities was one place where the Ice Eagles tended to struggle. One player could take the puck alone, but would have no support behind him in case there was a rebound off the goaltender. The Ice Eagles can’t afford to let goals pass by because those goals still do count on the scoreboard and it may have got them a couple more before regulation expired. On defense, the Ice Eagles were solid, but work can still be improved. When a player is protecting the defensive zone, the player must use situational awareness. When an oppo-

nent is in the slot, it is a player’s duty to make sure the opponent is covered well enough the player can intercept a pass, but that is not the only thing for which a player must watch. The goalie is also trying to see where the puck is in the zone. If a player screens a goalie, then the team has a chance to score a goal. This is what makes defense a very tough position to play in hockey. Players have to be constantly alert of their surroundings at all times. Luc Coulier was the top star of the evening for the Ice Eagles. He scored the only two goals of the evening and suffered a wrist injury early in the third period, but continued to play. The Ice Eagles had a decent amount of people show up for the game on Monday evening, but they are always looking for more people to come watch the team. The next game will be Monday night against the Frogmen at 9 p.m. at Tim’s Toyota Center in Prescott Valley, Ariz.


OCT. 31, 2012

Player Profile: KELLY FENG


Hailing from Troy, Mich., Kelly Feng has joined EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University Prescott’s Women’s Golf Team with a bang. Coming from a completely different environment, Feng and fellow freshman Ellen Springs have topped the charts of the national leader boards across the country. With this new talent in Coach Kim Haddow’s arsenal of talented players, the team is currently ranked 32nd in the nation for women’s golf. On Feng’s 10th birthday, her father presented her with her first set of clubs. The game

Hockey Continued from C1 weren’t going to stand for it and made two back to back scores. All the men on both teams were really starting to play, evident in a few penalties from both teams. But that didn’t stop the Rams, with five minutes left in the period, number 20, Ice Eagles goalie, John Brightbill, took two pounding shots in a row, saving both points against them. Just two minutes later at three minutes left, Brightbill blocks another rough shot at him. The Rams kept coming and eventually made another goal against the Ice Eagles. But this only left the Ice Eagles eager for a goal. This didn’t stop Dundore, number four, getting a shot in with only a minute left in the second period. And with the crowds going crazy, the period ended, 6-3 Rams. The final period began; the fans cheering on the Ice Eagles are on their toes. Three points behind the Rams, the Ice Ea-

Eagles Continued from C1 The Eagles maintained an undefeated home record all season and they hoped to win this one last home game. The first 15 minutes were filled with tension. Neither team could gain any ground against the other and the ball floated around midfield. The first point of the match was an Eagle goal by Isaac Sanchez. Very shortly after, sophomore Fabio Pena

quickly became her passion as she played throughout middle and high school. During high school, she was on the varsity team all four years and captain of the team in her sophomore year. She enjoys the thrill of the sport as she plays to succeed and have fun. Her parents continued to support her throughout her career growing up, she however, preferred they didn’t watch, “It’s just nerves,” she said, “Being away is rough, but the parents here in Arizona are great. They support us at every tournament and mine call me before and after every tournament.” During a tournament in Las Vegas, Feng met Haddow last year. Haddow was very impressed with Feng’s accomplishments and hoped that she would choose ERAU. Between the dream of playing golf in college and the academics of ERAU, Feng quickgles take on another challenging period. With a few minutes into the game number 7, Brett Young, scores for Embry-Riddle. Now with only a two point lead, the Rams go all out and only 30 seconds later, Brightbill makes another block. But soon after, the Rams score again. For seven minutes the Ice Eagles play brilliantly on defense, the Rams unwilling to let the Ice Eagles get close to scoring. Shot after shot,


Women’s Volleyball Take Down the Wildcats BRAD CLANCY Senior Correspondent

ly made her choice. She chose the Global Security and Intelligent Studies Chinese track for her major as she continues to play on the green. Her favorite thing about playing in college is the traveling. “I’m seeing different climates, teams, and players that I would have not gotten to see any other way,” she said, “However, I hate missing classes. It is a nightmare to make up work and notes. This is not like high school where things get pushed back.” With no specific role model to look up to, she looks up to the characteristics in people and herself. With her work ethic and experience she plans to help the team wherever she can. As the golf team wraps up their 2012 season, she explains her feelings, “We definitely have the chance to do great. We have not done our best, but we have great chances to improve for next season.” Brightbill blocks all shots made at his goal. An outstanding double block was made with five minutes left and two blocks with under a minute left. The Ice Eagles kept working hard at defense until the buzzing horn went off, signaling the end of the game. Although it wasn’t a victory for the Embry-Riddle Ice Eagles, the game was well played, with several excellent shots and blocks. The final score was 8-4 Rams.

In the first of two games for the Lady Eagles volleyball team on Saturday, Oct. 27, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s volleyball team faced the Lady Wildcats from Jonson & Wales University in Denver, Colo. The game lasted for four sets, and the Eagles beat the Wildcats with three consecutive set victories. “It was a battle back and forth,” said Eagles coach Jill Blasczyk, “and we eventually just got the momentum on our side and finished the match.” It was clear that ERAU was having a little difficulty in the beginning, suffering eight team errors in the first set, compared to the Wildcat’s three. What really hurt the ERAU team was that the Eagles’ attempts at scoring were often unsuccessful, even though both teams seemed equally matched in terms of blocking and playing skill. The first set ended with a score of Wildcats 25, Eagles 20. After the first set passed however, the Lady Eagles started playing better, increasing their dominance during every set. During the second set they cut their errors down

po scored 17 and Lee scored 20. The second set was won by ERAU with a score of 25 to the Wildcats’ 21; the third set went to ERAU with a score of 25 to 19, and fourth with a score of 25 to 17. The Eagles’ hitting percentage for the game was 2.48, nearly twice the amount of the Wildcats’ 0.134. In the end, it was a very competitive game, but the quality of the Eagles’ teamwork after the first set secured their victory.

Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper Mogan Vieira sets the ball to Grace Brennan.

Sports Column

Cardinals Struggle Against Vikings RYAN O’HARA Correspondent

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Christopher Georgell moves the puck up the ice.

If anyone didn’t tune into the Cardinals game on Oct. 21, you could probably predict who won the game based off the total amount of yardage one team had over the other. However, that was not the case. The Arizona Cardinals fell to the Minnesota Vikings 21-14 as their losing skid has now hit three games. The Vikings improved to 5-2 despite only 58 passing yards in the game from QB Christian Ponder. That’s right! 58 passing yards with two interceptions? How in the world could the Cardinals let the Vikings win? Defense. The #2 defense in the NFL is very good at rushing the quarterback, but the Cardinals are not good at stopping the run. Adrian Peterson, who is now seven games into the season after reconstructive knee surgery, appeared to be in prime form on Sunday after he ran for 153 yards and scored a touchdown. Ponder threw a second quarter

snuck in a goal of his own. Pena jumped, miraculously knocking the ball into the net using his body and sending the crowd into a frenzy. In the lead 2-0, the Eagles had some breathing room. Junior Jacob Brech was able to spread the gap even further with another goal. Brech slid past Mariner defense, nailing the ball to the back of the net. The halftime horn sounded with Eagles leading, 3-0. During halftime more spectators arrived. Bundling up as the temperatures were dropping, more than 50 people were in attendance making the game one of

last point on his home field. After the Marymount goal keeper had tripped, Palmer slammed the ball into the back of the net in the final minutes of the game. The final score was 6-0, meaning the ERAU Eagles maintained a perfect home record. The men’s soccer team had an outstanding season. The Eagles’ overall record is an impressive 111-3. With just two season games left to play in California on Oct. 26 and 28, the season will shortly come to a close. But rest assured, the ERAU Eagles will come back even stronger in 2013!

the best attended of the season. Soon after the players returned and the game recommenced, Junior Keldon Hatch was able to get past Marymount’s goal keeper, gaining another point for the Eagles. Senior Gage Palmer secured a fifth point for ERAU from a penalty kick. Meanwhile, the Marymount Mariners had still failed to make a point. Eagle defense played hard, keeping the ball on the Mariner side of the field for a majority of the game. The Mariners never did secure a goal. Palmer was able to score one

to four, as compared to the opposing team’s six. The Lady Eagles also had more attempts to score. ”Our middle, number 10, Jessica DeOcampo, started to come through for us a little bit more” commented Blasczyk about the change, “and that made a big difference because it opened up opportunities for other hitters. Mahlet Lee had a great weekend all around.” Of the 55 kills, or attacks, which the Eagles chalked up during this game, DeOcam-

TD pass to Percy Harvin, but that was his only completion of the second half. Arizona had a chance to stomp on the Vikings and they simply did not capitalize. At one point, the Vikings punted five consecutive times and their last four possessions were all three-and out. The Cardinals were able to punch in one TD on a rush from LaRod Stephens-Howling. Kicker Jay Feely had a shot at a 47-yard field goal, but kicked it wide right into the crowd. Feely has a near flawless record when it comes to kicking field goals from 50 yards or more, but recently has struggled on short field goals. He missed a 38-yard attempt last weekend in Phoenix that could have potentially won the game. The Cardinals’s offensive line struggled again. Quarterback John Skelton threw for 262 yards, but was sacked seven times. The Cardinals have allowed the most sacks in the entire league this season with a whopping 35. Many of the throws that Skelton missed were not even

close to his receivers, but it’s hard to judge based on the amount of time he had in the pocket. He was running ragged all game long. Minnesota’s defense limited Larry Fitzgerald to just 29 yards receiving on four receptions. That made it even more difficult for Skelton to survive, which led to an interception touchdown. That cost them the game, but ultimately the Minnesota run game was too strong for Arizona. The Cardinals play division rival San Francisco next Sunday in an interesting matchup. The 49ers have one of the best running backs in the game in Frank Gore and that should prove to be a challenge for Arizona. It’ll be interesting to see how they adjust in practice. The 49ers on the other hand this year have had some brilliant games and some not so brilliant games. In fact, the 49ers were beat by the Vikings for their first loss of the season in Week 3 by a score of 24-13. It’s a battle for first place in the NFC West.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The Real Thing is Always Better

NICOLE BENDER Assistant Editor

Every year, new books are written. This has been the norm for a very long time. Our greatgrandparents could be sure there’s a new book or twenty coming out every year. Something new to read. Now there’s even more. There are hundreds of books coming out every month, and thousands, if not millions, every year. Sure there are the big books that everyone wants to read, Twilight, The Inheritance Series, The Dresden Files, and many other series that people read. They aren’t always a physical thing, either. Many are E-books that you can download to your Kindle, or other online reading apparatus (including the lovely internet), and just read

PATRICIA WATKINS Special to Horizons

You’d have to be living under a rock not to know that Election Day is nearly upon us – just two more Tuesdays. On Nov. 6, registered American voters exercise their hard-won, democratic right to vote – not only for the next President of the United States, but also for various Congress men and women, Senators and Representatives. Citizens will also be asked to vote on a wide range of ballot measures affecting our states and localities – from abortion and reproductive rights, to wildlife and animal rights, civil liberties and civil rights, home and property, transportation, education and a large number of measures dealing with, no surprise in these tough economic and political times, spending, budgets and taxes, Federal, state and

Section D


that way. It’s ‘simpler’ and ‘easier’ to use. My question is, is it really? A physical book is easy to pick up and flip the page. It hardly uses any energy, and you have the physical feel of the pages, the cover, and even the smell of a book. Each one is distinctive. You can tell how much someone loves a book by how well worn the spine is, or how many earmarks the pages have. You can get two kinds. Hardcover implies that you love the story a great deal (or have money), and love the books. Often it is covered by a jacket with an image of the paperback cover on it, keeping the hardcover clean. Paperback usually means you don’t have as much love for the story, but it can also tie in with money. Paperback is where you see the most wear on the pages, and spines. Often, it’s a story someone got a long time ago

when they had little money, and just can’t let the book go. Opening an old book is like talking to an old friend. You open it up and see the words that brought you such joy last time around, and you’re reminded of those late nights, or stolen moments where you read that passage, and laughed at a joke. Every book has its own charm. The physical act of opening a book is a

way to step into a different world. Closing the book is like a way of stepping back out. You don’t get the same kind of satisfaction from an electronic device. Many people think that the E-Book is less expensive, but you can probably find your book cheaper at a used book store. I advise trying to find the physical book, instead of the E-Book. It’s more rewarding, in all aspects, than an E-book.

“local relations,” and government reform. What a country! How can a person possibly stay on top of all the issues? Aside from the barrage of T.V. and radio political ads, tweets and political bloggers (some very negative and personally disparaging of the opposing party’s candidates), there are tons of great sources available for learning about the candidates and the issues including: Project Vote Smart - [http://]. This website contains links to the ballot measures in all 50 states. Each link contains not only the title of the measure, but the full summary and full text. Commission on Presidential Debates – [http://www.debates. org/]. If you missed seeing debate references to “binders full of women” and today’s Navy having “fewer horses and bayonets”, not to worry. In today’s wired

world, it’s understandable if you were studying for midterms instead, watching the NFL or World Series baseball, the latest AMC episodes of The Walking Dead or Hell on Wheels, posting on Facebook or finishing that game of Angry Birds. On this website, you can watch entire debate videos AND read the full transcripts of the debate. Huff Post –Whether it’s breaking news or opinions, you can’t do better than The Huffington Post []. With headlines like GOP-God Drama, Donald Trump Offered Hair-Raising Five TRILLION Dollars to Reveal All!, and Battleground States See Brawl for Those Last Bloody Yards, Huff Post is the place where political junkies of all stripes get their political game on. FactCheck - [http://www. factcheck .org/2009/06/ obama-naval-academy-

swords/]. Crave the real facts? Then this website is the one for you. The FactCheck people have been regulars on CNN and the morning talk shows this political season. Faster than a speeding bullet, FactCheck can be counted on to quickly sort out “debate violations,” “downright falsehoods,” false claims, smears, and “homestretch factstretchers and inflations.” Today, politicians don’t encourage voters to “vote early, vote often” (NYC’s Tammany Hall’s political machine of the 1860’s where “repeaters” “were given five dollars and free liquor to go and vote for recently deceased voters”). But it is a pretty smart idea to stay as informed as possible about the political process – not only about the people running for control of our nation, state, cities and towns, but also the issues being proposed for our towns and communities. Hopefully, these sources can help.

Diamond DA-42NG Proves to be a Winner at Embry-Riddle JOHN TRACY Special to Horizons

Last year Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University integrated four Diamond DA-42NG aircraft into our training fleet. As one of the initial operators of this aircraft in North America, ERAU Prescott has turned out to be the proving ground for the NG. After surpassing the thousand hour flight mark in our demanding operations, the aircraft has proven to be an excellent training aircraft. Our flight students have grown to appreciate the fast and powerful NG while our Flight Maintenance Department has become a leading authority on these technically advanced aircraft. Equipped with state of the art Jet A-1 fueled AE300 engines, the NG has proven to be powerful and efficient. The innovative AE300 turbo-diesel power plants produce a combined 336 hp and have proven to be as reliable to maintain as they are fun to fly. There are significant differences between a gasoline engine and a turbo-diesel Jet A1 engine. In a gasoline engine, air enters the intake system of the engine, where it is mixed with fuel either through fuel injection or carburetion. The fuel/ air mixture then enters the cylinder, where it is compressed. The mixture combusts when the spark is introduced by the ignition system. The power produced by the engine is controlled by a throttle valve which regulates the amount of fuel/air mixture that is allowed to enter the combustion chamber. The fuel/air ratio remains nearly constant at all times. The AE300 turbo diesel engines do not use high voltage spark ignition (spark plugs). An engine running on Jet A-1 compresses the air inside the cylinder to high pressures and temperatures (compression ratios from 15:1 to 21:1 are common); the Jet A-1 is generally injected into the cylinder near the end of the

compression stroke. The high temperatures inside the cylinder cause the jet fuel to react with the oxygen in the mix (burn or oxidize), heating and expanding the burning mixture in order to convert the thermal/pressure into mechanical energy; i.e. to move the piston. Glow plugs are used to assist starting the engine to preheat cylinders to reach a maximum operating temperature. Since Jet A-1 engines do not require spark ignition, they can sustain operation as long as fuel is supplied. Fuel is supplied via a fuel pump. Operationally, the biggest difference between the AE300 turbo-diesel to conventional aircraft engines is the use of an EECU (Electronic Engine Control Unit) system. The EECU system allows the pilot to control all engine parameters through a single power lever. The pilot simply selects the power level and the EECU regulates all parameters, including propeller pitch. The unit takes inputs from sensors, including the load selected by the pilot, adjusts variables such as air temperature, engine temperature and barometric pressure, to control fuel injection (quality and timing), propeller pitch, and boost. The AE-300 Jet A-1 engines combined with composite airframe, advanced Garmin G1000 glass cockpit and exceptional maintenance reliability have proven the DA-42NG to be a true asset to our ERAU Prescott training fleet. With the DA-42NG, our students gain training experience that is essential when transitioning to further aviation careers. As David Yonan, a third year Aeronautical Science student tells me, “ The range, speed and performance at altitude make the DA-42NG an exceptional training aircraft that has great visibility and autopilot capabilities that make it a blast to fly!” The DA42NG has indeed proven to be a winner at ERAU Prescott and a major contribution to our goal of “Excellence in Aviation.”

Blackboard‛s Taking a Snooze, Will Wake up Refreshed BARBARA CHEARNEY Special to Horizons

Blackboard will be unavailable from Thursday, Nov. 1from 9:00 p.m. MST through Saturday, Nov. 3 at 1:00 p.m. MST. Why? Because Blackboard has released a new Service Pack, and is taking the site offline in order to update it. “When people log onto Blackboard after the upgrade, I think they will be pleasantly surprised,” said Denise Bollenback, systems

analyst with Information Technology’s Learning Technology Services. “The changes aren’t necessarily radical, but there are definitely some things being updated that are geared toward making the online experience easier for all Blackboard users,” she said. The biggest changes people will see in the new release relate to the improved interface, which has been updated to enhance usability. Editing icons are replaced by rollover editing, which gives the site a cleaner, less-cluttered look. Links are no longer underlined, so it will be im-

portant to take a few seconds to hover over elements in the navigation to reveal their functions. In addition to a more modern looking and functioning site, some of the additional enhancements will include: •Increased flexibility with course management •Further incorporation of Wikis, mash-ups, blogs and journals •Improved course reporting and grading •Simplified, task-based navigation Faculty and staff members, please join us for a Sneak Peek

session where you will have oneon-one access with our Learning Technology Services team. During these sessions, the team will show you how to use some of the new tools and provide tips that will make managing your classes and grading easier. There’s no need to RSVP, just show up! When: Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. MST or Thursday, Nov. 1 from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. MST Where: Hazy Library, Room 123 Specific topics for discussion will include, how to:

•Navigate the new layout •Customize your course by choosing a theme •Use time savers like automatic re-grading, graded rubrics and negative marking •Map your Blackboard Drive so you can manage your files outside

of the Blackboard environment •Align your course activities to learning outcomes •…and a lot more! Want more information about the upgrade? Go to: [] for video tutorials and quick start guides.


OCT. 31, 2012

Counseling Corner:

Be SMART: Sexual Misconduct Resource Team

Writing and Wellness CAROL KIBBEE Special to Horizons

When you were a teenager, did you ever keep a diary stashed under your mattress or hidden in the dark recesses of your closet? Personal diaries can become confidantes, confessionals, places to safely express fears, insecurities or struggles -- without criticism or consequences. It can feel good to get those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. The world seems clearer. Even though you may have dumped that diary once you attained adulthood, you might want to revisit the practice in light of some of the research that has come out on the physical and emotional health benefits of expressive writing. What is expressive writing? It’s simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. And if you struggle with stress, depression or anxiety, keeping a journal can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. Journals can help prioritize problems, fears, and worries. It can help you track symptoms day to day so that you can identify triggers and learn better ways to control them. It provides a great place for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors. James Pennebaker, Ph.D., is a professor and chairman of the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. He is one of the leading experts in using writing as a way of healing and has conducted a myriad of research projects looking at the physical and emotional health benefits of writing as a way of expressing emotion. He designed a simple protocol for testing benefits of expressive writing. His typical writing instructions asked college students to “write about your very deepest thoughts and feelings about the most traumatic experience of your entire life” or “an extremely important emotional issue that has affected you and your life.” Research subjects were encouraged to tie their topic to relationships with others, including parents, lovers, friends, or relatives. They were encouraged to connect the topic to past/present/future in terms

of “who you have been, who you would like to be or who you are now.” They were encouraged to “Really let go and explore your deepest emotions and thoughts.” Students would write for 15 to 20 minutes per session with 3 to 5 total sessions on consecutive days. The results were nothing short of amazing, considering that we are talking about a total of approximately 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Pennebaker found that the immediate results of this experiment were a short term increase in distress, negative mood and physical symptoms and a decrease in positive mood compared to controls. The control groups also wrote, but they wrote about neutral topics such as their plans for the day, their rooms, or their shoes. Most interesting were the longer term benefits of the expressive writing group. Compared to the control group, these experiments yielded statistically significant outcomes which included: •Fewer stress related visits to the doctor •Improved immune system functioning •Improved lung functioning •Improved liver function •Fewer days in the hospital •Improved mood/affect •Reported feeling of greater psychological well being •Reduced depressive symptoms before examinations •Fewer post-traumatic intrusion and avoidance symptoms •Reduced absenteeism from work •Improved working memory •Improved sporting performance •Higher student grade point average Pretty amazing, isn’t it, when you consider that the total writing time was between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours total? Keep in mind that journaling is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle for better managing stress, anxiety, and mental health conditions. To get the most benefits, be sure you also: •Relax and meditate each day. •Eat a nutritious, balanced diet. •Exercise regularly—get in some activity every day. •Treat yourself to plenty of sleep each night. •Avoid alcohol and drugs. You can use your journal to help you follow these guidelines each day.

D2 E m b r y - R i d d l e A e r o n a u t i c a l Un i v e r s i t y

Staff Information Editor in Chief

Julia Howlind


Managing Editor/Operations

Sara Miles

News Editor


David Krantz

Sports Editor Diversions Editor

“Our mission is to create a learning, working, and living environment that reflects and promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect.”

Final Approach Editor Graphics Editor Graphic Designer

Do you Know the Facts About Date Rape? •One in four college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape. •84% of women who are raped knew their assailant. •57% of rapes occurred on a date. •Women, ages 16-24, have four times higher risk of being raped than any other population group. •One in 12 male students surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape. •16% of male students who have committed rape took part in episodes with more than one attacker, gang rape. •75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in a rape had been drunk or using drugs. •33% of males surveyed said that they would commit rape if they could escape detection. •25% of men surveyed believed that rape was acceptable if the woman asks the man out, the man pays for the date or the woman goes back to the man’s room after the date** **Muehienhard, C.L., Friedman, D.E., & Thomas, C.M. (1985). Is Date Rape Justifiable? Psychology of Women Quarterly, 9, 297-310.

Assistant Editor

Prevent Sexual Misconduct: Observe your environment Use the buddy system Use well lit areas Utilize Embry-Riddle Safewalk (928) 777-3739 Use the Blue Light safety phones on Campus


Stop the flu! Stop by the Wellness Center Even healthy people can get the flu. Protect yourself and others; get vaccinated. Influenza spreads easily from person to person.

Get your flu shot.

An infected person can spread influenza when they cough, sneeze, or just talk near others. They can also spread it by touching or sneezing on an object that someone else touches later. An infected person does not have to feel sick to be contagious, they can spread influenza to others when they feel well, before their symptoms have begun.

The Pony Express

Copy Editor

Brenton Woodruff


Bryan Rhodes


Austin Troya


Mark Tverskoy


Nicole Bender


Julien Sero


Allison Cisneros


Parag Kikla


Garrett Krosse

Copy Editor Copy Editor


Micaela Stewart


Student Life Correspondent Photographer Photographer Senior Correspondent Senior Correspondent Correspondent Correspondent Correspondent Correspondent Faculty Advisor

Lynda Roberts


Dayton Burchfield


Kevin McKeown


Brad Clancy


Mitch Rasmussen


Robb Cowan


Tyrus Kirby


Brandon Leadbetter


Mitch McKenzie


Allison Read


Dr. Alan J. Malnar []

Attributions Barbara Chearney, Carsen Cooper, Carol Kibbee, Kyle Klouda, Chris Larsen, Ryan O’Hara, Melea Rhodes, Debbie Ritterbush, John Tracy, Patricia Watkins

Distribution Off-Campus

Mondays - Fridays 8 AM – 3 PM


Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor

Zachary Beard



Mitch Rasmussen


Austin Troya


Legal Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this paper are solely the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Horizons Newspaper or the opinions of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

David Krantz Advertising/Submission Information All submissions/insertions must be received by their respective deadline. Copy must be spell-checked and single-spaced. Send submissions via e-mail to [] or [], or drop them off at our office in Building 16 , the Student Union, Room 128. Advertising information may be obtained by calling 928.777.3891 or emailing [].

Mystery Plane ???

Congratulations to Dustin Mosher for being the first to guess the Howard 500 from Issue 4!

Can you guess this plane? Send your guesses to [] before November 7.

[Julia Howlind]

If you are the first person to guess the plane correctly, your name will be placed in the next issue.

Subscriptions Subscriptions are available for $20 per semester or $35 per academic year. International rates vary. Visit our web site at [] or contact us at 928.777.3891 for more information. Deadlines Next Submission Deadline: Thurs., Nov. 8, 2012 Next Advertisement Deadline: Fri., Nov. 9, 2012 Next Publication Date: Wed., Nov. 14, 2012

Horizons Newspaper

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